Political map of Asia Minor in Russian. Political map of foreign Asia

Political detailed map Asia with cities

Map of Asia [+3 maps] - Asia - Maps

Asia- this is the largest part of the world, which is located on the same continent of Eurasia with part of the world Europe and occupies an area of ​​​​about 43.4 million km² (30% of the total dry land of the globe). The distinction of this part of the world is due to the existence of historical and geographical barriers (which are always disputed) between these parts of the world. Asia has a large extent from north to south from Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula to Cape Piai on the Malacca Peninsula.

Population of Asia: 4.3 billion people
Population density: 96 people/km²

Area of ​​Asia: 44,579,000 km²

The eastern border of Asia (and Eurasia) is Cape Dezhnev with America, the western border is on the Asia Minor peninsula - the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, only in the west does Asia have land borders with Europe (the Urals and the Caucasus) and on the Isthmus of Suez with Africa. The main part of its territory goes directly to the seas and oceans.

Leaders by number of tourists:

1 PRC 57.58 million
2 Malaysia Malaysia 24.71 million
3 Hong Kong 22.32 million
4 Thailand 19.10 million
5 Macau 12.93 million
6 Singapore 10.39 million
7 South Korea 9.80 million
8 Indonesia 7.65 million
9 India 6.29 million
10 Japan 6.22 million

1 Saudi Arabia 17.34 million
2 Egypt 9.50 million
3 UAE 8.13 million

Asia- the only part of the world that is washed by the waters of all four oceans. In some places the seas cut deeply into the Asian dry land. However, the influence of the oceans on its nature is limited. This is explained by the enormous size of Asia, due to which large areas of this part of the world are very remote from the oceans. The most remote interior regions of Asia are several thousand kilometers from the oceans, while in Western Europe this distance is only 600 km.

Asia has the largest Earth average height- 950 m (for comparison: Europe - 340 m), the highest point of the entire Earth, the famous Chomolungma (8848m). 2. The deepest oceanic trench is located in Asia - the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean (11022 m). In Asia, the deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal. In Asia, the deepest depression. Dead Sea(-395 m)

The coasts of Asia are very cut up. In the north there are two large peninsulas - Taimyr and Chukotka, in the east huge seas separated by the peninsulas of Kamchatka and Korea, as well as chains of islands. In the south there are three large peninsulas - Arabian, Hindustan, Indochina. They are separated by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, which are wide open to the Indian Ocean, and, conversely, by the almost closed water bodies of the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Adjacent to Asia to the southeast is the huge Sunda Islands archipelago.

Asia accounts for more than 40% of the world's potential hydropower resources, of which China - 540 million kW, India - 75 million kW. 2. The degree of use of river energy is very different: in Japan - by 70%, in India - by 14%, in Myanmar - by 1%. 3. The population density in the Yangtze Valley, the largest of the Asian rivers, reaches 500-600 people. For 1 sq. km, in the Ganges delta - 400 people.

Most Asian countries have direct access to one of the oceans, with a long and fairly dissected coastline. Landlocked countries Central Asia, as well as Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia, Laos. Asia is a crossroads of important sea communications. Most seas, bays and straits are living sea routes.

Asia is rich in diverse natural resources, however, they are located very unevenly. From mineral resources highest value have reserves of fuel minerals. The largest oil and gas province is located in the Persian Gulf region and a number of adjacent territories, including the territories Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar. Great value have coal deposits, the largest deposits of which are concentrated in the territory of two Asian giants - China and India. The countries of South, Southeast and East Asia are richer in ore minerals.

Fresh water resources are great, but their distribution is also uneven. The problem for most regions is the provision of land resources. Southeast Asia, where huge tracts of tropical forests are located, is better provided with forest resources than other regions. Among the trees you can find such valuable species as iron, sandalwood, black, red, camphor.
Many countries have significant recreational resources.
Asia's population is constantly growing. This is due to high natural increase, which in most countries exceeds 15 people per 1000 inhabitants. Asia has colossal labor resources. In 26 countries, more than a third of people are employed in agriculture. Population density in Asia varies quite widely (from 2 people / km2 in Central and South-West Asia to 300 people / km2 in East and Southeast Asia, in Bangladesh - 900 people / km2).
Asia is the world leader in the number of millionaire cities, the largest of which are Tokyo, Osaka, Chongqing, Shanghai, Seoul, Tehran, Beijing, Istanbul, Jakarta, Mumbai (Bombay), Calcutta, Manila, Karachi, Chennai (Madras), Dhaka, Bangkok.
Asia is the birthplace of three world and many national religions. The main faiths are Islam (Southwest Asia, parts of South and Southeast Asia), Buddhism (South, Southeast and East Asia), Hinduism (India), Confucianism (China), Shintoism (Japan), Christianity (Philippines and some other countries), Judaism (Israel).

Asia - the largest part of the world that is situated on one continent with Europe and covers an area of ​​about 43.4 million km² (30% of the dry land of the globe). Asia has a greater slowness from north to south of Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula to Cape Piay that the Malay Peninsula .

Easternmost point - Cape Dezhneva, is the westernmost point in Asia Minor.

Only in the West Asia has land borders with Europe and the Suez isthmus with Africa. The greater part of its territory goes directly to the oceans.

Asia - the only part of the world, which is washed by the waters of the four oceans. Sea deep somewhere cut into the Asian dry land. However, the influence of the oceans on its nature is limited. This is due to the huge size of Asia, through which significant space to this part of the world is very distant from the ocean. Most remote inland areas of Asia are at a distance of several thousand kilometers from the ocean, while in Western Europe it is only 600 km away.

Asia is washed by the Arctic, Indian and Pacific oceans, as well as - in the west - by the inland seas of the Atlantic Ocean (Azov, Black, Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean). At the same time, there are vast areas of internal flow - the basins of the Caspian and Aral Seas, Lake Balkhash, etc. Lake Baikal in terms of the volume of fresh water it contains exceeds all lakes in the world; Baikal contains 20% of the world's fresh water reserves (excluding glaciers). The Dead Sea is the world's deepest tectonic basin (-405 meters below sea level). The coast of Asia as a whole is relatively weakly dissected; large peninsulas stand out - Asia Minor, Arabian, Hindustan, Korean, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Taimyr, etc. Near the coast of Asia there are large islands (Big Sunda, Novosibirsk, Sakhalin, Severnaya Zemlya, Taiwan, Philippine, Hainan, Sri Lanka, Japanese, etc.), occupying a total area of ​​more than 2 million km².

At the base of Asia lie four huge platforms - the Arabian, Indian, Chinese and Siberian. Up to ¾ of the world's territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus, the highest of which are concentrated in Central and Central Asia. In general, Asia is a contrasting region in terms of absolute altitudes. On the one hand, the highest peak of the world is located here - Mount Qomolungma (8848 m), on the other hand, deepest depressions- Lake Baikal with a depth of up to 1620 m and the Dead Sea, the level of which is 392 m below sea level. East Asia is an area of ​​active volcanism.

Asia is rich in a variety of mineral resources (especially fuel and energy raw materials).

Almost all types of climate are represented in Asia - from arctic in the far north to equatorial in the southeast. In East, South and Southeast Asia the climate is monsoonal (within Asia there is the wettest place on Earth - the place of Cherrapunji in the Himalayas), while in Western Siberia it is continental, in Eastern Siberia and on Saryarka it is sharply continental, and on the plains Central, Central and Western Asia - semi-desert and desert climate of temperate and subtropical zones. Southwest Asia is tropical desert, the hottest within Asia.

The far north of Asia is occupied by tundras. To the south is the taiga. Western Asia is home to fertile black earth steppes. Most of Central Asia, from the Red Sea to Mongolia, is desert. The largest of them is the Gobi Desert. The Himalayas separate Central Asia from the tropics of South and Southeast Asia.

Himalayas - the highest mountain system peace. The rivers, in whose basins the Himalayas are located, carry silt to the fields of the south, forming fertile soils

1. General characteristics, brief history of foreign Asia

Foreign Asia is the largest region in the world in terms of population (more than 4 billion people) and the second (after Africa) in area, and it has maintained this primacy, essentially, throughout the entire existence of human civilization. The area of ​​foreign Asia is 27 million square meters. km, it includes more than 40 sovereign states. Many of them are among the oldest in the world. Foreign Asia is one of the centers of the origin of humanity, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, and many cultural values And scientific achievements. The region mainly consists of developing countries.

2. Diversity of foreign Asian countries by area

The region includes countries of different sizes: two of them are considered giant countries (China, India), some are very large (Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia), the rest are mainly classified as fairly large countries. The boundaries between them follow well-defined natural boundaries.

Features of the EGP of Asian countries:

  1. Neighborhood position.
  2. Coastal location.
  3. The deep situation of some countries.

The first two features have a beneficial effect on their economy, while the third complicates external economic relations.

3. Diversity of foreign Asian countries by population

Largest countries in Asia by population (2012)
(according to CIA)

4. Diversity of foreign Asian countries by geographic location

Asian countries by geographic location:

  1. Coastal (India, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, etc.).
  2. Island (Bahrain, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, etc.).
  3. Archipelagos (Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Maldives).
  4. Inland (Laos, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.).
  5. Peninsular (Republic of Korea, Qatar, Oman, etc.).

5. Diversity of foreign Asian countries by level of development

The political structure of the countries is very diverse.
Monarchies of foreign Asia (according to wikipedia.org):

Saudi Arabia
  • All other countries are republics.
  • Developed countries of Asia: Japan, Israel, Republic of Korea, Singapore.
  • All other countries in the region are developing.
  • Least developed countries Asia: Afghanistan, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos, etc.
  • The largest GDP volumes are in China, Japan, and India; on a per capita basis, Qatar, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait have the largest GDP volumes.

6. Forms of government and structure of foreign Asian countries

By the nature of the administrative-territorial structure, most Asian countries have a unitary structure. The following countries have a federal administrative-territorial structure: India, Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Nepal, Iraq.

7. Regions of foreign Asia

Regions of Asia:

  1. Southwestern.
  2. South.
  3. South-Eastern.
  4. Eastern.
  5. Central.

Natural resources of foreign Asia

1. Introduction

The provision of foreign Asia with resources is determined, first of all, by the diversity of the relief, location, nature and climate.

The region is extremely homogeneous in terms of tectonic structure and relief: within its boundaries there is the greatest amplitude of heights on earth (more than 9000 m), both ancient Precambrian platforms and areas of young Cenozoic folding, grandiose mountainous countries and vast plains are located here. As a result, the mineral resources of foreign Asia are very diverse.

2. Mineral resources of foreign Asia

The main basins of coal, iron and manganese ores, and non-metallic minerals are concentrated within the Chinese and Hindustan platforms. The Alpine-Himalayan and Pacific fold belts are dominated by ores, including the copper belt along the Pacific coast. But the main wealth of the region, which also determines its role in the international geographical division of labor, is oil and gas. Oil and gas reserves have been explored in most countries of South-West Asia (Mesopotamian trough earth's crust). The main deposits are located in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and the UAE. In addition, large oil and gas fields have been explored in the countries of the Malay Archipelago. Indonesia and Malaysia especially stand out in terms of reserves. The countries of Central Asia are also rich in oil and gas (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan).

The largest reserves of salts are in the Dead Sea. The Iranian Plateau has large reserves of sulfur and non-ferrous metals. In general, Asia is one of the main regions of the world in terms of mineral reserves.

Countries with the largest reserves and diversity of minerals:

  1. China.
  2. India.
  3. Indonesia.
  4. Iran.
  5. Kazakhstan.
  6. Türkiye.
  7. Saudi Arabia.

3. Land and agroclimatic resources of foreign Asia

The agroclimatic resources of Asia are heterogeneous. Vast tracts of mountainous countries, deserts and semi-deserts are not suitable for economic activity, with the exception of livestock farming; the supply of arable land is small and continues to decline (as the population grows and soil erosion increases). But on the plains of the east and south, quite favorable conditions for agriculture are created. Asia contains 70% of the world's irrigated land.

4. Water resources (moisture resources), agroclimatic resources

The countries of East and Southeast Asia, as well as some regions of South Asia, have the largest reserves of water resources. At the same time, water resources are sorely lacking in the Gulf countries.

Soil resources by general indicators China, India, and Indonesia are the most wealthy.
The largest reserves of forest resources: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, India.

Population of Overseas Asia

The population of Asia exceeds 4 billion people. Many countries in the region are at the stage of a “demographic explosion”.

2. Fertility and mortality (population reproduction)

All countries in the region, with the exception of Japan and some countries in transition, belong to the traditional type of population reproduction. Moreover, many of them are in a state of population explosion. Some countries are fighting this phenomenon by pursuing demographic policies (India, China), but most countries do not pursue such policies, rapid growth population and its rejuvenation continue. At the current rate of population growth, countries in foreign Asia are experiencing food, social and other difficulties. Among Asian subregions, East Asia is the furthest away from the peak of its population explosion. Currently, the highest rates of population growth are characteristic of the countries of South-West Asia. For example, in Yemen there is an average of almost 5 children per woman.

3. National composition

The ethnic composition of the Asian population is also extremely complex: more than 1 thousand peoples live here - from small ethnic groups numbering several hundred people to the largest peoples in the world.

The largest nations of foreign Asia in terms of population (more than 100 million people):

  1. Chinese.
  2. Hindustani.
  3. Bengalis.
  4. Japanese.

The peoples of foreign Asia belong to approximately 15 language families. Such linguistic diversity is not found in any other major region on the planet.
The largest language families of foreign Asia by population:

  1. Sino-Tibetan.
  2. Indo-European.
  3. Austronesian.
  4. Dravidian.
  5. Austroasiatic.

The most ethnolinguistically complex countries are: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. India and Indonesia are considered the most multinational countries in the world. In East and South-West Asia, with the exception of Iran and Afghanistan, a more homogeneous national composition is characteristic. The complex composition of the population in many parts of the region leads to acute ethnic conflicts.

4. Religious composition

  • Foreign Asia is the birthplace of all major religions; all three world religions originated here: Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam.
  • Christianity: Philippines, Georgia, Armenia, a significant proportion of Christians in Kazakhstan, Japan, Lebanon.
  • Buddhism: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bhutan, Mongolia.
  • Islam: Southwest Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh.
  • Among other national religions, it is necessary to note Confucianism (China), Taoism, Shintoism. In many countries, interethnic contradictions are based precisely on religious grounds.

Presentation for the lesson:

!? Exercise.

  1. Russian border.
  2. Subregions of Foreign Asia.
  3. Republics and monarchies.
Asia map

Detailed map of Asia in Russian. Explore a map of Asia from a satellite. Zoom in and see streets, houses and landmarks on a map of Asia.

Asia- the largest part of the world on the planet. It extends from the Mediterranean coast of the Middle East to the far shores of the Pacific Ocean, including China, Korea, Japan, and India. The humid, hot regions of southern Asia are separated from the cooler regions by a giant mountain range - the Himalayas.

Together with Europe, Asia shapes the continent Eurasia. The dividing border between Asia and Europe passes through the Ural Mountains. Asia is washed by the waters of three oceans: the Pacific, Arctic and Indian. Also, many regions of Asia have access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. 54 states are located in this part of the world.

Highest mountain peak on Earth - Chomolungma (Everest). Its height above sea level is 8848 meters. This peak is part of the Himalaya system - a mountain range separating Nepal and China.

Asia is a very long part of the world, so the climate in Asian countries is different and differs depending on the landscape and relief. In Asia there are states with both subarctic and equatorial climate zones. In southern Asia, powerful winds blow from the sea - monsoons. Air masses saturated with moisture bring with them heavy rains.

Located in Central Asia Gobi Desert, which is called cold. Its lifeless, windswept expanses are covered with stone debris and sand. The tropical rainforests of Sumatra are home to orangutans - the only large monkeys living in Asia. This species is now endangered.

Asia– This is also the most densely populated part of the world, because more than 60% of the planet’s inhabitants live there. The largest population is in three Asian countries - India, Japan and China. However, there are also regions that are completely deserted.

Asia- This is the cradle of civilization of the entire planet, since the largest number of ethnic groups and peoples live in Asia. Each Asian country is unique in its own way, having its own traditions. Most of them live along the banks of rivers and oceans and engage in fishing and agriculture. Today, many peasants are moving from rural areas to cities that are growing rapidly.

About 2/3 of the world's rice is grown in just two countries - China and India. The rice fields where the young shoots are planted are covered with water.

The Ganges River in India is the busiest place of trade with numerous "floating markets". Hindus consider this river sacred and make mass pilgrimages to its banks.

The streets of Chinese cities are filled with cyclists. Bicycles are the most popular mode of transport in China. Almost all the world's tea is grown in Asia. Tea plantations are processed by hand, only young leaves are picked and dried. Asia is the birthplace of religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. There is a giant Buddha statue in Thailand.

Map of Asia from satellite. Explore satellite map of Asia online in real time. Detailed map of Asia created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Asia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Asia. Map of Asia from satellite easily switches to regular card(scheme).

Asia- the largest part of the world. Together with Europe it forms. The Ural Mountains serve as a border, dividing the European and Asian parts of the continent. Asia is washed by three oceans at once - the Indian, Arctic and Pacific. In addition, this part of the world has access to numerous seas of the Atlantic basin.

Today there are 54 countries in Asia. Most of the world's population lives in this part of the world - 60%, and the most populous countries are Japan, China and India. However, there are also desert areas, especially in northeast Asia. Asia is very multinational in its composition, which also distinguishes it from other parts of the world. That is why Asia is often called the cradle of world civilization. Thanks to the originality and diversity of cultures, each of the Asian countries is unique and interesting in its own way. Each has its own customs and traditions.

Being an extended part of the world, Asia is characterized by a changeable and contrasting climate. The territory of Asia is crossed by climatic zones, ranging from equatorial to subarctic.

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