Shelves on the window: ideas for indoor flowers, dishes and small items. What to place on the sides of the window? Seven symmetrical ideas Bookcase by the window

Repair is real headache. You can still choose the color of the walls, the design of the ceiling and the lighting, but properly furnishing the space with furniture is a more difficult task, especially if the room is small. And for some reason, very often the owners bypass area around the window, simply decorating it with huge curtains. But there is an idea that is more stylish and practical.

Cabinets around a window are beautiful, functional and fashionable. You can easily turn a window into a very cozy corner or in work area. And the best part is that you won’t have to worry about how to wash and dry huge curtains. Editorial "So simple!" prepared 10 inspiring ideas for window decoration.

Wardrobe around the window

All corners of your home are very important in the interior. Even a window can be used not only for lighting and beautiful view. Share these with your friends on social networks!

This is a real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

Well, this is probably not a very relevant post. Let's define it this way. For those who don't read Yulin helma magazine (and thus loses a huge amount of positivity!) or for those who are aware of Yulia’s affairs, but want to learn a little more about the renovation.

So there was an extra window. Julia wanted to make bookshelves out of it. I think she thought everything was simpler. Cut out the shelves and insert into what you have. But in the end, she and I decided not to look for easy ways. The window had to cease to be a window, and the niche had to take on a slightly different shape. This is where it all started:

So that the slopes are not drop-down, but form a right angle with the wall area, I install a profile. I recess it into the niche to the thickness of the drywall. There wasn't enough for the top profile. Okay, let's install the block.

I sew up the slopes with pieces of drywall. There are very small pieces on top. No problem, we'll putty it.

I cover the window and profiles with plaster. Everything is made from scraps, see? Yulia was trying to buy a sheet and not fool her, but there was no drywall in the nearby stores. And well, we used everything that was a shame to throw away. :)

This is how it happened:

After the first layer of putty:

I install the perforation angle. On the left you can still see it, but on the right it has already been puttied.

Prepared. You can glue wallpaper. The plan was to cover everything with green.

There was only enough wallpaper for the side slopes.

But I found a water-based emulsion. They used it to paint the upper slope and what used to be a window. The shelves were cut from an old bookcase. And this is great, because they turned out with one beautiful (trimmed) edge. This is the book niche that emerged.

And Julia quickly filled it out.

Often a bedroom is not only a room for sleeping and relaxing, but also a universal room, a combined bedroom, living room or workplace.

That is why shelves in the bedroom are often used when creating the design of this room. This wall design option is suitable for both small rooms, and for spacious ones.

The interior of the shelves in the bedroom can be very diverse. Today we will talk about what types of shelves exist and how they are used in the bedroom.

Each variety is accompanied by a photo of shelves in the bedroom.

Window openings decorated with shelves

Shelves framing a window in the bedroom are not only functional, but also a very practical design solution.

If the bedroom has a work area, then having shelves in the brightest part of the room will help create a full-fledged and comfortable mini-office.

A relaxation area, located next to the window of a spacious bedroom, is an ideal solution for having a good time on a comfortable bench, on either side of which there are shelves with items necessary for a useful and comfortable pastime.

Suspended structures

One of traditional ways room decoration - shelves on the wall in the bedroom. They are universal: they are installed in any place convenient for the owners.

This can be a place above the table or near the bed, above the headboard or the wall opposite sleeping place– there are many options.

Depending on the design, wall shelves in the bedroom are different. For example, single models can be used separately or placed on top of each other.

The gap between them is calculated independently. It depends on the height of the objects and decorative elements in the bedroom located on them.

Note! Mirror in the bedroom - 120 photos of stylish and unusual solutions design

Using wall shelves In the bedroom you should check the quality and reliability of the fastenings.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of the material from which they are made. It is also worth making sure that the design does not interfere with the comfortable movement of the owners.

Shelves arranged in niches

Niches are an excellent area for arranging shelves in the bedroom. Their shape can be any: narrow or wide, round or rectangular, deep or not too deep. This is not only a familiar interior classic, but also a kind of “highlight” of the room.

Some prefer built-in designs with open sections in niches, while others prefer closed cabinets. Often niches serve as an area for installation corner shelves to the bedroom.

According to experts, the best place for niche equipment – ​​the distance between window openings, the wall opposite the bed or the area near it.

The choice of one or another option is made during redevelopment or when drawing up a design project for the premises, because it is necessary to create special structures and make some calculations.

Shelving in bedroom design

This variation takes up quite a lot of space, sometimes almost an entire wall, so they are used only in spacious rooms.

The design of the shelving unit is simple: it is a shallow open cabinet. It occupies space from the very ceiling to the middle of the wall.

It is mounted either tightly to one of the walls, or using fasteners on its surface. Depending on the number of segments, it can be either continuous or modular.

A U-shaped rack, installed vertically and horizontally above the head of the bed, helps to form a so-called pseudo-niche around the bed.


This variety is distinguished by its lightness and mobility: if necessary, the shelves can be easily moved from one place to another or taken out of the room altogether.

Bookcases are like small-sized ones, but practical option suitable for small bedrooms. Despite their modest size, they have excellent capacity.

You can place this type of shelves in any area of ​​the room. It can be used as a bedside shelf for a bedroom or a wall structure.

Designers for practical design and dividing the room into zones, decorative models are used (a bookcase, the supports of which are leaned against the wall, and a bookcase-partition).

By using different types of furniture and shelves in the bedroom, you can make the room functional and more comfortable. In addition, you will be able to rationally use the entire area of ​​the room.

Photo of shelves in the bedroom interior

Residents small apartments We are constantly faced with the problem of lack of space to store various things. Designers have come up with many unusual options for arranging furniture so that you can save space and place more things. One of the ideas is a closet around the window.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other storage structure, a cabinet installed around a window has its pros and cons.


  1. Suitable for any room. It can be placed in the nursery, bedroom, living room, kitchen.
  2. There is no need to cover the window opening with curtains. The upper niche of the cabinet allows you to install lamps in it, which will beautifully highlight the window in the evening. If desired, secure curtains or install roller blinds.
  3. If the window sill is large, you can use a cabinet to separate it from the general space of the room and make it a table. The role of the countertop will be performed by the window sill.
  4. A closet located around a window can be adapted for any purpose: adding bookshelves, creating a small dressing room, installing drawers for small items or creating shelves for clothes.
  5. This design is suitable for various styles interior


  1. Pipes located above, below or on the sides of the window opening will have to be hidden. Because of this, heat will be in limited space and not so efficient at heating the room. The same applies to the heating radiator, which in most cases has to be covered with a decorative screen.
  2. Immobility of the structure. The cabinet around the window, like the one built into the concrete niches, is motionless. It needs to be disassembled to move it to another location.

IN one-room apartments and in small rooms, such furniture is considered one of the best in terms of saving space and preserving the appearance of the room.

Interior location

You can place a cabinet around a window in different rooms. In the kitchen, this design will fit on the built-in countertop. undermount sink, and the plumbing pipes will be hidden below. Shelves allow you to store kitchen utensils. You can frame the opening completely or hang several cabinets on the sides of the window opening.

In the bedrooms, side cabinets are installed, without shelves or niches above the window. Between the side cabinets it is convenient to place a small sofa for relaxation.

The living room can be unloaded from excess furniture along the walls. A cabinet around the window will look harmonious and save space.

In the children's room, the closet around the window will become a desk, a dressing room, storage for clothes and various items.

When decorating a children's room, it is necessary to make structures without sharp edges and protruding elements.

Types of cabinets around the window

There are three popular types of window cabinets. The choice will depend on the person’s preferences, the free space in the room, the size of the window opening and the room (living room, children’s room, bedroom).

With work area

In small rooms it is difficult to fit a table, wardrobe and bed so that there is still free space. Saving space, you can combine cabinets and a work area. To do this, side cabinets are installed, and a strip is fixed between them, acting as a working surface. It should be 15-20 cm from the window opening. Thus, it turns out comfortable workplace with the ability to store various items and things. You can attach a niche with lighting above the window so as not to install additional desk lamp.

With a sofa on the windowsill

A closet around the window with a large window sill will add not only storage space, but also ease of relaxation. Under the sofa you can install drawers in which there will be extra bed for storing clothes. A natural light source (window) allows you to read your favorite book while sitting on the built-in sofa. An additional seating area appears for guests and hosts.

With a bed by the window

In small rooms you can combine a bed with wardrobes. Thus, the sleeping space will expand, however, in order to sleep peacefully, the window opening, frame and glass must have increased sound insulation. The position of the bed can be so that the head is towards the window sill or parallel to the window opening. Having made a bed for two children in this configuration, do not forget to equip its window with a lock.

Internal filling

In cabinets located around the window, it is convenient to place a built-in structure with drawers and a shelving system. Rods for hanging clothes hangers and sliding structures will take up a lot of free space, but will hold less.

Advice! It's important to choose optimal size shelves so that the furniture does not take away part of the room, but can accommodate the required number of things.

In a separate article on our website you can read about how to make a bookcase with your own hands.

Facades and decor options

If we talk about facades installed on cabinets around windows, they can be divided into three groups:

  1. No doors (open shelves).
  2. Doors.
  3. One part of the cabinet is closed by the facade, the other remains open.

For the manufacture of facades, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, and OSB are most often used. In addition to sawdust chipboards, solid wood doors are installed on expensive models.

Types of opening mechanisms

After choosing the design, location and facade, you need to select the mechanisms for opening the doors and drawers:

  1. Folding. Allows doors to be opened down or up. Suitable for installation on lower or upper shelves.
  2. Swing. Classic mechanisms consisting of hinges that are attached to the doors.
  3. Drawers. They save space if you place them in the lower niche of the cabinet. They are placed in one row horizontally or vertically. To decorate the area more beautifully, you should eliminate the gaps between the drawers.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of opening mechanisms, you need to draw the future design in advance and distribute the shelves with drawers.

At self-assembly cabinet, various problems may arise. To not stop at difficult moments, you need to take into account some nuances:

  1. It is important to calculate the depth of the shelves in advance. For example, books will fit in a niche 30 cm deep, but clothes will need more than 60 cm.
  2. To harmoniously combine the closet with the walls, you need to make it reach the ceiling.
  3. Initially, you need to calculate the height of the shelves so that things and objects fit on them.
  4. Hinged doors should open 90 degrees or more. However, you need to position the opening mechanisms so that they do not hit the walls.

A cabinet around a window is suitable for any room. When assembled correctly, it fits perfectly into the design. To avoid mistakes during installation and design, it is better to draw up a design plan in advance.

The uniformity of furniture of the Soviet period gave rise to a pathological attachment in people to the standard arrangement of furniture. It took several decades for the impulse to experiment and fresh ideas. Unfortunately, what triggered the creative surge was the terrible layout of modern apartments.

Wardrobe around the window - interior design features

An illiterate approach to dividing the area of ​​an apartment gave rise to a type of narrow but long rooms. Align the cabinet lengthwise long wall The small width does not allow. Access is disrupted. Furniture creates problems with moving around the room. And a window opening is often made on a small wall. Someone's creative thinking caused versions of cabinets around the window to proliferate.

They are a built-in structure of closed sections or open shelving. The layout is made taking into account that the window opening will be in the center of the entire ensemble. Here is a list of the main features of this cabinet:

  • Individuality. The need to build in a wardrobe leads to the development of individual projects taking into account personal requirements. But in the end you will get a model that no one else has;
  • Using drop-down territory. The window frame, along with the corners, is usually left to the side when arranging furniture. This option will allow you to turn an empty area into a functional area;
  • High level of functionality;
  • Extremely unusual appearance;
  • Natural lighting. sunlight will create unusual effect highlighting;
  • The ability to add additional functioning objects to the ensemble. This could be a desktop or a niche for installing a TV.

What sections does the closet around the window consist of?

Depending on the circumstances, cabinet sections can be arranged in the following options:

  • Bottom row. The solution is not new at all. Widely used during the Soviet period to equip wall “refrigerators”. The cabinets are mounted in a row under the window sill. This not only increases the usable area, but also significantly reduces heat loss. Today, such a solution can be used for children's or bedrooms. Suitable for storing toys, blankets and other things that need to be taken out often;
  • Side columns. Looks good with the window properly centered. You can symmetrically arrange identical sections or mount a wardrobe on one side and a bookcase on the other. There are many options. In this case, the space under the window can be used especially effectively. The most common solutions are installation desk, a pair of armchairs or a narrow sofa;
  • Top row. Rarely used as a separate window decoration. Most often, the top rows of mezzanines and cabinets are added with full framing from floor to ceiling. This approach can serve well in living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and hallways. Put away anything you rarely use. As they say, out of sight. Unload usable area and provide quality storage for your items at the same time.

Types of cabinets around the window - options for organizing space

Wardrobe with work area

One of the organic solutions to play up the window sill area in small rooms is to arrange a workplace. These are the most common options for children's rooms and living rooms. This may not only be the installation of a full-fledged computer desk. Most often, one plank is mounted across the width of the entire wall. At a distance from the window, it becomes the top bar for the side sections of the bottom row. It not only looks beautiful. There is an advantage of natural light. This has a beneficial effect on the psyche and vision. This is often how a place for teenagers is set up. 2 recessed lamps mounted on the sides will come in very handy.

The main guide when choosing the width and height of the tabletop will be:

  • General dimensions of the room. The passage between the table and other furniture should not be less than 30 cm. It is better to sacrifice the depth of the table. Also take into account the fact that you need to install a seat;
  • The table should reach the person's waist in a sitting position. This is the most best option. The average is 60 – 65 cm;
  • A sitting person requires a minimum of 50 cm of tabletop length. This is if you sit with your elbows pressed to your sides. To move your hands more freely, it is better to increase the indicator to 70 - 75 cm. Then you will be able to work without interference with your hands.

Wardrobe with sofa on the windowsill

Often a sofa is installed instead of a window sill. This solution has a lot of advantages:

  • The recreation area does not take up space in the room itself. Anyway, the space below the window is usually unoccupied;
  • Bottom drawers for storing things. Very frequent companions of such a sofa. They not only save space, but also increase the overall capacity of the cabinet;
  • Natural light source. You can calmly read your favorite book or the latest issue of the newspaper. There is no risk of damaging your eyesight;
  • Relax with a view of nature. This is certainly not about cities. There is a well-known panorama - cars and hurrying people. But in country houses and in dachas, this approach will allow you to simply relax and admire the greenery and picturesque views. For these purposes, the sofa is made without a back;
  • Looks beautiful in the interior. In this case, the recreation area becomes central key point. Pay more attention to stylistic direction. All other furniture should be in harmony with the center.

Don't make the seat too narrow. It should be at least as deep as the seat of a standard chair. Although, it is better to exceed these indicators. Sitting on a sofa involves some deviation of the human body from its axis. So just measure the seat of your favorite chair. You can add 5 - 6 cm on top. The width is limited only by the window opening.

Design with a bed by the window

In overly compact bedrooms, you can mount a bed under the window. This, of course, will allow the bed to fit organically into the decor, but it is not the best option for windows facing the road. If the walls and openings do not have increased sound insulation, then o peaceful sleep it will be possible to forget. In this case, the head of the bed can be positioned according to two principles:

  • Head to the window. This option is used when installing a double bed. A single bed should not be positioned this way. It will take up a lot of space in the back of the room and will look lost;
  • Head to the side. The extended window sill becomes the basis of the sleeping area. Several drawers are mounted below. A good option, designed for one person. Children will definitely like this solution.

If you need to place the bed next to a window opening, take care of high-quality thermal insulation and the absence of drafts. Otherwise, you will freeze and get sick more often.

How is a built-in closet built around a window?

When designing a built-in wardrobe around a window, all General requirements for this type of furniture. Niche preparation will be required. First, carefully measure the wall. Measurements are taken in all directions at 3 points (bottom, center, top). If significant discrepancies in the readings are detected, the central part can be divided into 2 zones and measured in two places. Levels 80 and 160 cm from the floor. After carrying out all the manipulations to level the surfaces and organize the niche, measure everything again. Moreover, the niche will have to be measured on the outside and inside. The window opening will undoubtedly complicate the task. There is a need to plan the bottom row, sides and top separately. All this requires separate measurements. Deviations should not exceed 15 - 20 mm. In this case, in the end you should get a single design. For these purposes, you can hire a specialist.

Since such furniture does not have its own body, these functions will fall on the walls of the prepared niche. If there are distortions no higher than 3 cm, you can use false strips. Such slats with a width of up to 12 cm will also allow you to hide some finishing flaws.

Underwater fireplace - what nuances are hidden in the interior with a built-in cabinet near the window?

It won't be without some problems. The most common situation is to find heating sections directly under the window. The best solution– just leave this area open. Installation of cabinets becomes irrational. It will be almost impossible to use them for their intended purpose. They will also begin to trap the heat generated by the heater. As a result, the room will become noticeably colder. While this is acceptable for a living room, it is absolutely not suitable for a nursery or bedroom.

If sections of radiators are located under the window, then the facade strips can be made carved. Perforation will allow the generated heat to spread freely. In this case, the doors will play more of a decorative role.

There is one more pitfall. Even through doors will help trap some of the heat under the window. This can lead to increased fogging of the windows. You understand that a large amount of condensation will irreversibly destroy the furniture. To avoid this, use special compounds that prevent windows from fogging up. Most often, glass with them needs to be washed. The procedure will have to be repeated several times a year. There are also home tricks. For example, a composition of alcohol with glycerin or a weak saline solution.

Another solution is to install ventilation. If the window design provides micro-ventilation, then use it without hesitation. This is a mode when one of the sections opens slightly with a minimum gap (the gap does not exceed 0.4 cm). This is practically unnoticeable to humans, but the condensation will disappear. If this is not possible, then arrange artificial ventilation of any type in the room.

Internal filling

The design features of the cabinet around the window in the room force a special approach to planning the internal contents. Barbells and bulky elements such as cabinet lifts would be inappropriate here. Their installation will significantly reduce the efficiency of using the internal space. But they will come in handy drawers and shelving systems. Don’t forget, it’s best to place all the boxes in the bottom row. This will simplify access to things and save you from the risk of dropping it on your head. It is better not to make the branches large. But you shouldn’t partake it too much - the cabinet will look like a plank with honeycombs.

Follow the rule of the golden mean. Narrow pencil cases will fit organically into the design of the system, book shelves, small cabinets with doors. All of the listed types provide for division by shelves with the absence of dimensional sections.

Facades - types of structures and decor options

The types of facades used can be divided into:

  • Open. Doors are missing;
  • Closed;
  • Mixed. Part of the end of the cabinet is covered with doors, and part remains open. In this option it is better to maintain symmetry. Otherwise, there may be a feeling of chaos and disorder.

The main material can be any type of wood boards:

  • Chipboard (chipboard). The binders used during molding are phenols, formaldehydes or a mixture of them. Pressed under high pressure. The use of synthetic resins makes the material less susceptible to moisture. Density depends on chip size. Often used due to the affordable price tag. The material is afraid of disassembly. Even repeated tightening of the screws at one point will cause the material to crumble. When heated, harmful volatile substances begin to be released to a small extent;
  • Oriented strand boards (OSB). Large chips are located at different angles. This approach increases strength. The most reliable are slabs of category 4. They hardly absorb water and can last up to 50 years. The furniture can be disassembled without the risk of crumbling the planks. The disadvantage with the release of toxins when heated remains;
  • Fibrous (fibreboard). Enough durable material. Not very resistant to moisture. It is also distinguished by its low sheet thickness, which makes its use limited. It can be enhanced by lamination, which significantly increases its characteristics;
  • Fine (MDF). In fact, this is a type of fiberboard with average hardness. Pressed using urea resins. This reduces the level of toxin release by an order of magnitude. The safest type of slabs. The use of wood with a fine fraction significantly reduces the looseness and porosity of the material.

And of course it’s worth mentioning natural wood. Not everyone can afford such a pleasure. But the high price tag is compensated by durability, quality appearance and long service life.

Types of opening mechanisms

The last step is to decide on the system for opening the facade sashes. You should choose from the following options:

  • Swing. The door is attached on one side with hinges to the frame. Opens by swinging towards itself. Please note that when open, the doors require quite a lot of space;
  • Folding. The hinges are transferred to the bottom of the sash leaf. Movable holders with springs are added to the sides. Opens downwards. A good option for organizing a small or medium-sized façade;
  • Drawers. The shallow depth of the niche forces the lower part of the end side of the cabinet to be allocated specifically for them. This approach will increase capacity. Place them in rows several high. Drawers without a gap between the end strips look best.
  • As practice shows, a competent approach to planning will help you benefit from the space of even the smallest room. Place the cabinet against a wall with a window. You can turn wasted space into highly efficient space.

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    If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at e-mail: ls@site
    P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

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