The concept of "territory". Geographical location: concept, types, properties

Geographical position

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Geographical Society of the USSR

    See what “Geographical location” is in other dictionaries: GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary geographical position - Characteristics of the location of an object on the earth’s surface relative to other geographical objects and countries of the world...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary Dictionary of Geography - the position of any point or other object on the earth’s surface in relation to other territories or objects; relative to the Earth's surface, the geographical position is determined using coordinates. Geographical location is distinguished by... ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary encyclopedic Dictionary - the position of a geographical object on the surface of the Earth within a given coordinate system and in relation to any externally located data that has a direct or indirect impact on this object. Upon specific study... ...

    Geographical encyclopedia Geographical position - the position of any point or area of ​​the earth’s surface in relation to territories or objects located outside this point or area. In mathematical geography, geographic location means the latitude and longitude of given points or areas, in... ...

    See what “Geographical location” is in other dictionaries: Great Soviet Encyclopedia - position of k.l. point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to another territory. or objects; relative to the surface of the Earth, the geometric area is determined using coordinates. G. p. are distinguished in relation to natural objects and to economics geogr... ...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary Geographical location of Russia

    - ... Wikipedia

    - (EGP) is the relationship of an object of a city, region, country to external objects that have one or another economic significance, no matter whether these objects are of a natural order or created in the process of history (according to N.N. Baransky). In other words... ... Wikipedia ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION - the position of a geographical object on the surface of the Earth within a given coordinate system and in relation to any externally located data that has a direct or indirect impact on this object. Upon specific study... ...

    - the position of a region or country relative to other objects of economic importance for it. E. g. p. category is historical, may change in connection with the construction of the railway. or a power plant, the beginning of the development of a useful deposit... ...- the position of a deposit, enterprise, city, region, country or other economic and geographical object in relation to other economic and geographical objects that have economic significance for it. The assessment of the EGP of an object depends on its position... Financial Dictionary


  • German. Germany. Geographical location, population, politics. Tutorial. Level B 2, Yakovleva T.A.. This manual includes such regional study topics as the geographical location of Germany, population, demographic problems, linguistic diversity, religions, etc. Also tutorial... Buy for 1697 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Geographical location and territorial structures. In memory of I. M. Maergoiz, . The collection is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Soviet economic geographer Isaac Moiseevich Maergoiz. The collection received its name - GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION AND TERRITORIAL STRUCTURES - from two...

) and determines its relationship with the external environment." Usually reflects the geospatial relationship of a certain object to the external environment, the elements of which have or may have a significant impact on it. In human geography, location is usually defined in two-dimensional space (displayed on a map). In physical geography, the third change is certainly taken into account - the absolute or relative height of the location of objects.

Concept Big Encyclopedic Dictionary is key to the entire system of geographical sciences. Geography itself originated as the science of methods for determining and recording the location of objects on the earth's surface relative to each other or in a certain coordinate system. Later it turned out that determining the location of an object not only helps to find it..., but also explains some of the properties of this object and even predicts its development. The most important element of geographical research is the establishment and analysis of connections between objects located in space, determined precisely by their location.

Thus the geographical location:

  • is an individualizing factor, since it determines many properties of a geographical object;
  • is historical in nature because it changes over time;
  • has a potential nature, since position alone is not a sufficient condition for the corresponding development of the object;
  • has close connections with the configuration of the territory and its borders.

The following types are distinguished: geographical location :

  • mathematical-geographical (geodesic, astronomical, “absolute”)
  • physical-geographical;
  • political-geographical;
  • geopolitical;
  • military-geographical;
  • ecological-geographical;
  • cultural-geographical;

and others.

By scale they distinguish:

  • macro position
  • mesoposition
  • micro-position

According to the coordinate system there are:

  • absolute (geodetic, astronomical);
  • relative;
    • mathematical (“3 miles north of Seattle”);
    • functional (economic-geographical, physical-geographical, etc.).

In an expanded interpretation, geographic location may also include the relationship of an area object as a whole (area, region, territory) to the data lying inside him (to the elements of the internal environment). Such a geographical location may be referred to, for example, as “ introspective"(from Latin introspectus, intro- inside + spice- look). For example, when assessing the role of internal border areas in the priority areas foreign policy, when assessing the geocriminogenic position of the territory, when analyzing the transport-geographical position, when studying the changing area in relation to stations of experience, the linguistic area in relation to the dialect center, etc. This approach also allows us to resolve a conflict with determining the mutual geographical position of intersecting objects.

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    Geographical location of South America

    Geography 8 Geographical location of Russia, Russia on the time zone map

    Economic-geographical, transport-geographical and geopolitical position of Russia


Historical sketch

The concept of “geographical location” has been known since late XVIII century, when the paradigm of geographical determinism dominated. Ideas about the conditioning of the life of people and society by the geographical environment were put forward by ancient thinkers such as Democritus, Herodotus, Strabo, etc. The sources of geographical information during this period were descriptions of individual countries and peoples, characteristics of inhabited and distant lands. For the purposes of navigation and trade, special descriptions of the seas, ports, shopping centers, which contained information about the peculiarities of the geographical location of the country through which the trade route passed. Historical geographer V.K. Yatsunsky believed that the first economic-geographical work in history should be considered the work of the Italian scientist Ludovico Guicciardini “Description of the Netherlands”, which was published in 1567, where the first part of the book provides an analysis of the geographical location of the country and assessment of the role of the sea. In 1650, in the same Netherlands, the work of Varenius (Varenius) “General Geography” was published, which is considered the first theoretical work on geography. S.P. Krasheninnikov in “Description of the Land of Kamchatka” (1756) gave detailed description its geographical location. The search for patterns in the spatial distribution of settlements and the creation of models of urban geography began in the first half of the 20th century. One of the first scientists who approached the creation of models of urban geography was


See how the position of the continent compares with other continents, the equator, the northern and south poles, in which hemisphere the continent is located, for example, North America in the northern hemisphere, and Africa crosses the equator. Describe this in as much detail as possible.

Carefully study the coordinate grid and find the coordinates of the continent: the northernmost (upper), southern (lower), western (right) and eastern (left) points. To find the coordinates of a point, find the latitude and longitude.

Count the latitude from the equator; if you go up from the equator, then the latitude value will be positive, if you go down, it will be negative. It is impossible to determine the exact value on paper; estimate approximately using the drawn parallels (horizontal lines). That is, if your point (for example, Cape Agulhas - the southernmost point of Africa) lies between the parallels of 30° and 45°, divide this distance by eye and determine about 34° - 35°. For a more accurate determination, use an electronic map or geographic atlases.

Count longitude from the prime meridian (this is a line passing through London). If your point lies to the east of this line, put a “+” sign in front of the value, if to the west, put a “-”. In the same way as latitude, determine longitude, only not by horizontal, but by vertical lines (meridians). Exact value can only be determined by using an electronic map or using a sextant.

Write down the coordinates of all the extreme points of the continent in the form (latitude from -90° to +90°, from -180° to +180°). For example, the coordinates of Cape Agulhas will be (34.49° south latitude and 20.00° east longitude). Modern notation of a coordinate system involves notation in degrees and decimals, but previously the measurement in degrees and minutes was popular; you can use either one or the other recording system.

At the globes and geographical maps has its own coordinate system. Thanks to this, any object on our planet can be applied to them and found. Geographic coordinates are longitude and latitude, these angular quantities are measured in degrees. With their help, you can determine the position of an object on the surface of our planet relative to the prime meridian and equator.



Determine whether a river flows in a part of the continent. In the northern regions, precipitation quickly accumulates into ice, so there are no rivers with rapid currents there. In the south, on the contrary, rain moisture quickly evaporates, so there are no rivers there either. The deepest rivers with fast and turbulent currents are observed in the middle part of the country.

Find out where the river flows. All rivers flow into seas or oceans. The junction of the river and the sea is called the mouth.

Determine in which direction the river flows. There will be no problems with this, since the direction of river flow is from source to mouth.

Also, for a complete geographical study, determine how the river flows (i.e., what kind of flow it has: fast, slow, turbulent flow), depending on the topography.

Determine the type of river. All rivers are divided into mountain and lowland. In the mountains the current is fast and stormy; among the plains it is slow, and the valleys are wide and terraced.

Explain the economic and historical meaning rivers. Indeed, throughout the development of mankind, rivers have played a significant role in the development of the area. Since ancient times, they have been used as trade routes, for fish farming and fishing, timber rafting, water supply and field irrigation. Since ancient times, people have settled on the banks of rivers. Now the river is the main source of hydroelectric power and the most important transport route.

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What is tundra?

The natural area is located in the northern hemisphere and covers the northern part of Russia and Canada. Nature here is very sparse, and the climate is considered harsh. Summer is practically absent - it lasts only a few weeks, and the temperature, as a rule, stays at 10-15 degrees Celsius. Precipitation occurs frequently, but the total amount is small.

The tundra extends along the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean. Due to constant low temperatures, winter lasts here for about nine months (temperatures can drop to -50°C), and the rest of the time the temperature does not rise above +15°C. Low temperatures also mean that the ground is frozen all the time and does not have time to thaw.

There are no forests here and tall trees. In this area there are only swamps, small streams, mosses, lichens, low plants and shrubs that can survive in such a harsh climate. Their flexible stems and short height allow them to adapt to cold winds.
However, the tundra is still a nice place. This can be especially noticeable in the summer when it sparkles different colors thanks to many delicious berries, which spread in a beautiful carpet.

In addition to berries and mushrooms, in the summer you can find herds of reindeer in the tundra. At this time of year they feed on whatever they find: lichens, leaves, etc. And in winter, deer feed on plants that they take out from under the snow, and can even break it with their hoofs. These animals are very sensitive, have great charm, and also know how to swim - reindeer can freely swim across a river or lake.

Flora and fauna

The flora in the tundra is very poor. The soil in this zone can hardly be called fertile, since most of the time it is frozen. Few plant species can survive in such difficult conditions, where there is little heat and sun rays. Mosses, lichens, snow buttercups, saxifrage grow here, and some berries appear in the summer. All plants here are of dwarf growth. The “forest”, as a rule, grows only to the knee, and the local “trees” are no taller than an ordinary mushroom. The geographical location is completely unsuitable for forests, since the temperature here remains low for many years in a row.

As for animals, the tundra is most suitable for those that prefer the sea. Due to the large amount of water in these places, many waterfowl live here - ducks, geese, loons. Animal world the tundra is rich in hares, foxes, wolves, brown and

Northernmost point of Africa

The most extreme point of the African continent has the following: 37° 20′ 28″ north latitude and 9° 44′ 48″ east longitude. Thus, we can state that this point is located on the territory of one of the small states in North Africa - Tunisia.

A closer look at the characteristics of this point shows that it is a cape projecting quite far into the Mediterranean Sea. The Arabic name of this world-famous point is pronounced “Ras al-Abyad”, but quite often you can find a shortened version of this phrase - “El Abyad”.

From a substantive point of view, both of these options are legitimate. The fact is that “ras” translated from Arabic in Russian it means “cape”, so the use of the Russian analogue in this situation is quite acceptable. In turn, the word “abyad” can be translated from the original language as “white”, and “el” is just an untranslatable article in this situation. Thus, the name of the extreme northern point of Africa translated into Russian means “white cape”.

However, according to geographers, it is unlikely that this name was assigned to it due to its northern position. Most likely, this name reflects the special color of the sand on this Mediterranean coast.

Other names

At the same time, the cape, which represents the northernmost point of the African continent, has other names. So, at a time when Tunisia was a French colony, in European countries ah, the name was quite common, representing a translation of the Arabic original into French: it was called “Cap Blanc”, which French also meant "white cape". However, the original source of this name was the Arabic name of this geographical point.

Another name common in those days was the name “Ras Engela”, which, by analogy with the modern name, was often shortened to the version “Engel”: in fact, such a name can be translated into modern Russian as “Cape Engel”. Researchers suggest that this African cape could have received its name in honor of the once quite famous German traveler Franz Engel, who made several significant geographical discoveries at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, although his activities were largely related to South America than with Africa.

>>Geographical location as a mirror of Russia

Russia on the world map

At the end of 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) collapsed. 15 former Soviet republics that were part of the USSR became new independent states. Subsequently, most of them (Fig. 1) formed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). the main objective its creation - the restoration of economic, cultural and historical ties in new conditions, the implementation of a common defense policy. Russia is the largest state in the CIS (about 80% of the territory, more than half of the population, 70% of production).

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The Russian Federation is the largest country on the globe by area. The territory of Russia covers an area of ​​about 17.1 million square kilometers. Russia is located on the Eurasian continent. It occupies both the eastern and western parts of the continent. Mostly the territory of our country is located in the northern and northeastern regions of the mainland. About 30% of the territory Russian Federation is located in Europe, and about 70% is in Asia. In the north, the extreme continental point of the country is Cape Chelyuskin, located on the Taimyr Peninsula. The extreme point of the island is Cape Fligeli, located on Rudolf Island in the Franz Josef Archipelago. The southern border of the continent is the point located on the ridge of the main Caucasian ridge(41°12` north latitude) This area is the border of Dagestan and Azerbaijan. Geographical location of Russia, size of territory, state borders. Features of the geographical position of Russia Physico-geographical position of Russia Economic-geographical position of Russia The size of the territory of Russia Transport-geographical position of Russia in the world In the west, the boundary point is the limb on the Sand Spit, located in the waters of the Baltic Sea, not far from Kaliningrad. In the east, the extreme point related to the mainland is Cape Dezhnev. This cape is located in Chukotka. The most extreme point related to the islands is located on Rotmanov Island. This island is located in the Bering Sea, near the American border. The territory of Russia has a large extent from west to east. As a result, it is observed a big difference in time. Russia has 10 time zones. The division into time zones occurs differently depending on the size of the locality. The boundaries of time zones of seas and areas with low population density are determined by meridians. In areas with high population density, these boundaries are determined by the administrative subjects of the federation.

The borders of the Russian Federation extend over 60 thousand km, of which 40 thousand belong to maritime borders. The water boundary is located at a distance of 22.7 km from land. IN sea ​​waters, stretching 370 km from the coast, is the maritime economic zone of Russia. The presence of courts of all states is allowed here, but the right to produce different natural resources Only our country has it. The Russian Federation belongs to a number of world maritime powers. The maritime borders of our country lie along the water basins of three oceans. In the north, the maritime borders of the Russian Federation are located along the seas belonging to the Arctic Ocean. In total, there are five seas in the north: Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukotka. The movement of ships across the expanses of these seas is difficult due to drifting ice, which is present in the Arctic seas all year round. The territory located from the northern coast of our country to the North Pole is our sector of the Arctic. Within this space, all islands (with the exception of a few islands of the Spitsbergen archipelago) belong to the Russian Federation. In the eastern part of Russia, the borders are located along the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the seas of the Pacific basin. Japan and the USA are two states located very close to the maritime Far Eastern border of Russia. Russia is separated from the territories of Japan by the La Perouse Strait. It is located in the Sea of ​​Japan between Sakhalin Island and Hokkaido Island. In the west, the maritime border is located in the waters of the Baltic Sea. Through these expanses of water Russia is connected with a number of European countries: Sweden, Poland, Germany and the Baltic states. The fact that maritime transport in the Baltic Sea is well developed contributes to the establishment of strong economic relations. The southwestern maritime border of Russia is located in the waters of the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas. These water boundaries separate Russia from Ukraine, Georgia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania. Thanks to the Black Sea, Russia has access to the Mediterranean Sea. Along with extended maritime boundaries Russia has a fairly large land border. The land border separates Russia from 14 countries and extends for 1605 km. 990 km of the border falls on the Baltic countries, and 615 km on Azerbaijan and Georgia. Russia has land borders with China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Finland, Norway and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. There are outposts and customs offices along the border line. After the collapse of the USSR, the length of the border with Poland decreased. Currently, only the Kaliningrad region is connected with this Western European country. There have also been changes in the border with China; it has halved. The borders with Norway and Finland are specified in an international agreement. Special customs officers ensure that these borders are not violated. Crossing the border here is carried out upon presentation of special documents. The borders with the CIS countries (Union of Independent States) are more or less arbitrary. Currently, there are no special treaties that would clearly define these boundaries. Russian border troops monitor the security of the borders of many countries former USSR. Currently, a number of countries are expressing various claims to change Russian borders. Japan, Estonia, Latvia and Finland lay claim to the lands of our country. Japan wants to annex several Kuril Islands(Kunashir, Shikotan, Haboshan, and Iturup). Estonia lays claim to the Pechora district, Latvia lays claim to the Pytalovsky district. Finland is interested in the lands of Karelia. The above countries voice their claims both at the official and unofficial levels.

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