Planting cherries in spring. The best period for planting cherries

Without good skills, you cannot grow varietal seedlings on your own, so the vast majority of summer residents purchase them at markets in the fall or spring. It is much more profitable for nurseries to sell trees in the fall, after leaf fall, so the largest selection of varieties will be at this time of year. However, planting them on permanent place It's best in the spring. In order for the tree to feel comfortable all winter, its root system should be buried- to do this, dig a small trench, lay out the trees at an angle and sprinkle the roots with earth, so as to completely cover them.

For this, choose a place protected from the northern winds; it’s even better if good snowdrifts form in this place in winter. In spring, it’s time to find a permanent “place of residence” for your seedlings. This area should be protected from north winds and well lit. Best option than the south side of the house or slope, it’s hard to imagine. Cherries do not like lowlands, so when planting, avoid such places or build at least a small half-meter hill from the ground.

The tree feels best on loamy and sandy soils, which provide the necessary soil aeration and breathability.

Heavy clay soils are not suitable, but if you have no other choice, then try to add more rotted manure to a decent depth ahead of time. Cherry also does not tolerate excess moisture, although it loves it, so soils with close groundwater levels are also not suitable. It is best to plant several varieties at once to ensure cross-pollination. There is an opinion that cherries can cope with this function, but this is a mistake - cherries are not able to provide high quality pollination, which is evident from the large number of crumbled ovaries.

Planting cherries in the spring requires preparing the site in the fall. To do this, a hole is dug under each tree with a depth of at least half a meter and an even larger diameter. Its bottom should be loosened and several buckets of humus should be poured inside the hole. Over the winter it will rot, and substances that are too caustic for young roots will be absorbed into the soil, then gradually and without damage to be absorbed by the root system. In early spring, superphosphate and sodium sulfate are also added to the holes, 300 g and 100 g, respectively, and a kilogram of ash will not hurt.

There is practically no need to care for cherries planted in such a fertilized hole in the spring; the supply of nutrients is laid down for several years in advance. Before the buds swell and bloom, it’s time to plant seedlings. Having carefully dug out their roots, they should be kept in water for several hours and only then distributed among the holes. You can’t plant cherries too deep, because you still need to remember about the sedimentation of the soil. After the tree is planted, make a small trench around it and pour a bucket of water into it. When the liquid is absorbed, properly mulch the watering area.

When planting a two-year-old tree, its branches need to be shortened a little, although this should be done only before the buds swell. Did not have time? Then it’s better not to touch - trim in early spring next year. Pruning can also be done in winter, in December or January, the main thing is to do it before the sap begins to flow. There is a separate article on our website that you should definitely read!

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​Everything is on next year I come to help harvest.​

​The previous owner planted an apple, cherry and birch tree nearby on the property. When the birch tree grew, the cherry tree withered, and the apple tree deviated from it and is now growing to the side!​

​When planting around the house, you should take into account the requirements of individual fruit plants. On the southern, sunny side, the most heat-loving crops are planted first, for example, pear in the central regions, peach in the southern regions. This must also be taken into account when placing varieties. Varieties that are more demanding of heat, such as the Pepin saffron apple tree, must be placed in more protected, warmer places. On the north side, in the absence of protection, less demanding crops and varieties of fruit and berry plants are planted, such as the Chinese apple tree and mountain ash.​

​At least 5 meters. They are not antagonists.​ ​it's unlikely

​And I read that apple trees don’t do well next to cherry trees. I'm thinking of replanting the cherries in the spring. . Maybe we should not? They just took root and began to grow...​

The dacha is 20 years old and 4 trees have already had to be uprooted. Summer is crazy

​It’s possible, they are all bee-pollinated and no one grows these trees from seeds.​

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​Even during the flowering period, you can try spraying the cherries with honey solution in the morning (1 tablespoon per liter of water). This will attract bees and improve pollination. If frosts are expected during the flowering period, the day before try to spray the crown with a solution of an ovary formation stimulator or at least plain water - this will increase the stability of the flowers.​

​When planting cherries, choosing the right location is very important. Slopes facing south and other bright places on the site protected from north winds are preferred. Swampy places and lowlands with stagnant cold air are not suitable for planting cherries.​

​U D A C H I!!!​

You can plant cherries next to cherries. Will there be cross-pollination?

Keymaster of Fate

​When we bought a dacha in the garden there was a wild apple tree and lilac growing, the apple tree blooms every year simply luxuriously and the lilac not only blooms but grows poorly, but the lilac bush next to the mountain ash grows and blooms well


​Vigorous apple trees, pears, cherries and apricots should be planted at a distance of 5–6 meters from each other and from buildings, and for plums, cherries, peach and dwarf apple and pear trees, 3–4 meters will be enough.​

Roman Nenashev

​What is the best distance between fruit trees?​

Anatoly Yakovlev

But I can’t say what grows from the seeds

Sergei Kudryashov

​In my youth on my first summer cottage(6 acres) they managed to plant at least 36 trees, now I specifically strained my memory and counted (it turned out 6 by 6) - to be honest, I still don’t observe oppression - all the trees are on a medium rootstock, up to 4 meters high. The garden is mixed - cherries, apple trees, plums, quince, cherries (they are taller), two nuts, but they are outside the site, several hazelnut bushes, gooseberries, pears. All the trees are growing normally - I don’t observe any signs of disease (maybe simply because I use various drugs for prevention). There are almost always plenty of apples, and cherries are also nice. Here the cherries don’t bear fruit very well. The rest seem fine. About cherries - I also have trees growing at home - and just one cherry (yellow) grows between the apple trees - it bears fruit beautifully (although the birds eat it faster than us).​

Mityai Bukhankin

It's hot, the cherries are gone. One. 3 left. And 3 low-growing apple trees. Deadline​

Maria Mozgoedovna-Siranush


Kuzma Solomonov

​)) I read the answers. Complete darkness. Cherries are pollinated by sweet cherries. But no cherries. And pretty good. Productivity is high. Sweet cherries and sour cherries sprout from the seeds. Out of ten cherries, only one went wild. I have one chimera tree. I grew cherries and sweet cherries. It turned out to be a two-tiered plant. Sweet cherries have overtaken cherries in growth. Although cherries are older. The lifespan of these chimeras will be from 50-100 years. Winter hardiness will increase. What worms? I do not have them. Moscow.​

Alexey Kurilov

Cherries need to be fed. Young trees - 2 times per season (in May and June), adults, older than three years - 3-4 times. Feed cherries with slurry (1:6) with the addition of a tablespoon complex fertilizer on a bucket of water. During the last feeding after harvesting, you should not use nitrogen fertilizers. Ash is well suited for fertilizing. In the spring you need to add urea.

Maxim Slapoguzov

Cherries are planted in a planting hole measuring at least 70 x 70 x 60 cm. Trees are planted at a distance of 3-5 m. Otherwise, the spreading crown will eventually begin to shade other plants.

Is it possible to plant apple trees and other trees next to cherries? or is it better separately? By the way, a HALO is observed in Moscow, unfortunately there are no photos


​There is no significant difference. Plant at your discretion, the main thing is that at a distance no closer than 2m
​Is it possible to put a skinhead in a hell of a cell with Caucasians?​
​It is advisable to plant berry bushes between fruit trees and along the edges garden paths, retreating from the paths and the bush from the bush by 1–1.25 meters.​
​Here the size of the trees reaches its maximum size and gives bountiful harvests. As you move towards the central and northeastern regions, the distance between trees should decrease by 1.5–2 times. The dense arrangement allows fruity and...
​It's possible. They cross-pollinate, but you don’t plan to breed new cherry-cherry hybrids and you won’t sow seeds?! . But cross-pollination does not affect the quality of the fruit.
​You can plant any way and anywhere, the question is, is it right? I also have a cherry tree sitting not far from the apple tree, the cherry itself has grown so far it is not in the way. But still, it is correct to plant stone fruits (apricot, cherry, plum, etc.) not interspersed with pome fruits (apple, pear, quince) I don’t remember the reason, but there is something quite significant there.​


​Fruiting up to 15 years.​

The Scarlet Flower

​It may be, but the quality of the fruit will not deteriorate as a result, and cherries are not propagated by seeds.​


​No, they are different​

Tatyana B

​In addition, due to rapid growth Young trees need annual pruning. Remove all branches directed into the crown, as well as growth on the trunk and from the roots. The cuts must be very neat and must be made with a well-sharpened tool. After pruning, be sure to treat the cut areas with garden varnish. Inaccurate pruning can cause gum formation.​


​For the planting hole, you need to mix the topsoil with three buckets of rotted manure or compost and liter jar wood ash (mineral fertilizers can also be used). If the soil is clayey, add a bucket of river sand, if it is light sandy, pour two buckets of clay into the bottom of the hole, and then the fertile mixture. It wouldn’t hurt to add 2-3 buckets of crushed limestone to the hole. This will reduce the acidity of the soil and provide air access to the roots.​

Maikl Kljinber

Evgeniy Kondr

​I think it’s possible. It will be amazingly beautiful in the spring. I’m generally silent about the smell.​


​When laying out a garden on an area of ​​the estate free from buildings, fruit trees can be placed in straight rows according to a certain system. Rows should be spaced (in most areas) at a distance of 6–8 meters, and trees in a row (apple trees, pears, apricots and cherries) should be 6–8 meters apart from each other. In the rows between vigorous apple and pear trees, in order to make full use of the estate area, low-growing trees are usually planted: dwarf apple and pear trees, plums, cherries and peaches, as well as berry bushes The row spacing is used for vegetable crops.

Is it possible to plant cherries next to cherries? won't they cross pollinate?

I always look forward to spring

​gardener. RF​

Splinter -

​It is possible.​
​Why not? You just need to take into account: when planting a small one, it will be big. Accordingly, the distance between the trees needs to be chosen correctly.
​Cherry. 6 years

Polina Shubina

​So what if they cross-pollinate? Are you going to sow seeds for seedlings?


Cross-pollination is the key to a good harvest.

Lyudmila Klochkova

Gum flow is a disease of predominantly woody plants, characterized by the release of a viscous, sticky liquid on the trunks, branches, fruits, and sometimes leaves of trees; same as gommosis.​

Sergei Kudryashov

Having filled the hole 2/3, a seedling is installed in it, carefully adding fertile soil to the roots and compacting it. The support to which it is tied must be located with south side- this will allow the tree to avoid sunburn. After planting, the cherries are watered and the soil is sprinkled with peat, compost or mowed grass.

At what distance can you plant a plum, cherry, apple tree. Do these trees grow nearby?

Alexey Kazarin

​2. If cherries are planted next to an apricot, the apricot will not bear fruit.​

Tatiana Vedenina

The lilac is growing a lot. . You will have to constantly cut your hair. Otherwise your apples will fall into the lilac thicket, and it’s not very pleasant to climb there.​

​The types of trees and shrubs in the garden can not be mixed, but each crop separately. With this (pure, not mixed) placement, the following distances are established: for apple and pear trees in the southern regions - 8x6 meters (8 meters between rows and 6 meters in a row), in the central regions - 6x5–6 meters, in the north-eastern regions ( in the Urals, Siberia) - 6x4 meters; for cherries and plums in the southern regions - 6x3–4 meters, in the central and north-eastern regions - 4x3 meters. In the north-eastern regions, cherries are planted at a distance of 3x2 meters. Cherries and apricots are planted at the same distances as an apple tree, and a peach is planted at the same distance as a cherry.​

​My mother always taught me that cherries and apple trees love each other, we always plant them next door.​

​And I’m just interested in the possibility of pollination as such, because without pollination fruits are not formed at all. a good pollinator is important.​

Prisoner of conscience

Apple and cherry trees are not very good neighbors

Which trees can be planted with each other (for example, apple and cherry trees) and which cannot?

Anna Kalyuzhnaya

​You can, they’re growing on me! Also hazel...​

​Thank you, I understand!​

​It's possible. They bloom at different times, and cherries are weak pollinators for cherries, but cherries are the opposite. But the taste of the fruit does not change due to pollination.

​When the tree begins to bear fruit, cut the leader to a side branch at a height of 3-3.5 m. Pruning a leader to a side branch is the removal of a vertically growing shoot at the point of branching with a branch growing more gently (angle more than 45 degrees).​

​It is necessary to remember that cherries are self-sterile. For normal pollination, it is necessary to plant cherry trees nearby different varieties. The second option is to try to graft several different cuttings onto winter-hardy variety. Among the best pollinators are varieties

An apple tree can be planted next to cherries and apricots, but apricots should be kept away from cherries.

​Mock orange, lilac, roses, viburnum, barberry, horse chestnut, fir oppress apple and pear trees. Good neighbors The apple tree will have raspberries, cherries, cherries, apple trees, and plums. Cherries like to grow next to cherries, cherries, grapes, and apple trees. Plum does not like the proximity of pears, prefers black currants. Raspberries cannot tolerate red currants, cherries cannot tolerate black currants. The pear will grow well next to the pear, apple, and rowan trees.​

​When placing a garden around the house, it is necessary to take into account the decorative value of fruit trees. In front gardens, for example, along with ornamental shrubs, you can successfully plant apple, pear, cherry and plum trees. Green spaces are also of great fire protection value.​


​Placement of fruit trees and berry gardens​

Svetlana Klochkova

Cherries are not pollinated by cherries.

Is it possible to plant lilacs next to an apple tree?


​Even in the magazine “Homestead Farming” (a wonderful magazine) there was an article with the title - “Cherry among cherries, the harvest is higher.” Plant.​

Personal Account Removed

​You can plant them and they grow normally, only the cherries are stretched due to lack of light. It’s better to plant them separately; they will be lower and easier to pick.​


​Plant everything you have. But keep your distance. If the trees are

White chinchilla

​You just don’t need to, all the worms from the cherries will move to the cherries, but my cherries are clean, the worms don’t touch them.​

Vita Milkin

​What is duke and how to grow it​

I bought an apricot, an apple tree, a sweet cherry and a sour cherry, what should I plant next to it?

Vasily Antonyuk

​Revna, Bryanskaya Rozovaya, Iput, Raditsa, Tyutchevka.​
​There must be another cherry tree within a radius of 8 meters from your cherry tree, otherwise there will be few ovaries. We, too, first planted one tree, and then we were forced to plant a couple, since the neighbors around did not have a single cherry tree. This is in addition to the other answers.​
​There is a difference. Plant stone fruits nearby, but 2 meters is clearly too close. In stone fruits, mutual pollination occurs; apricots, peaches, cherries, and cherries are recommended to be planted nearby, BUT not in place of the same old tree, everything useful has already been exhausted. And the apple tree and pear tree also love the neighborhood.



​The garden can be placed around the house and outbuildings or separately on a part of the estate free from buildings. In addition, gardens can be placed in separate areas set aside specifically for this purpose.​

All fruit trees and shrubs can be planted nearby, with the exception of rowan, which attracts pests. She is planted somewhere on the outskirts. Plum and cherry trees are usually planted along the perimeter of the site, at a distance of at least 2 m from the borders, so as not to shade the neighbors. Between these trees (namely, to form them better trees, i.e. with one trunk, and not bushes) a distance of 2.5 -3 meters is desirable. Apple trees are planted according to the following scheme: in a row - 5 m from each other, between rows - 6 m. From the boundaries of the site - 3 m. If you want to have an intensive Apple orchard, then you can reduce the distance in the row between apple trees to 2.5-3 m. Then, as the trees age, you need to be prepared for systematic pruning both in height (no more than 2.5-3 m) and in width. Almost apple trees will grow in a row like a wall. The productivity of such an intensive garden increases several times.​

​I mean, won't the berry have a different taste?​

In this article you will learn how to plant cherries correctly to get a good harvest, how to care for the tree and how to deal with pests.

Many gardeners dream of growing cherries on their plot. But this tree is quite whimsical, and often the experiment of growing cherries ends in failure. If you want to enjoy the taste of cherries, you must definitely follow the requirements for planting, caring for, and watering this tree. We will tell you about the subtleties and rules with which you can grow cherries and reap a good harvest.

Many people are interested in: is it possible to grow cherries from seeds? Often this idea comes suddenly when you bought or were treated to delicious, fleshy cherries.

Important: Cherries can be grown from seeds. But you shouldn’t wait for a good harvest. Such a tree will begin to bear fruit at 5 or even 8 years. The berries will be small and sour. In other words, it will grow up wild.

You can grow cherries from seeds as an experiment. Many people like the process of such growth and the final result of their experience, for the sake of sporting interest. You will be surprised, but there are benefits to growing wild game.

The wild bird is ideal for grafting good varieties cherries. Demanding cherries are susceptible to diseases and depend on temperature changes, but wild cherries are unpretentious, grow well and can become a real assistant in the formation of an orchard.

How to properly germinate cherries from pits: a step-by-step guide

To grow cherries from seeds you will have to proceed in several stages:

  • Choice of material.
  • Preparing material for planting.
  • Planting sprouts in pots.
  • Planting sprouts in the soil.

Let's look at what these stages include.

Material selection

The cherries you bought at the market are not suitable for growing from seed. The fact is that unripe berries are picked for sale; the embryo in the seed is not fully formed. Choose only ripe cherries from the tree, you can take fallen fruits. Check that there are no chips on the bones. If you have collected fruits from different varieties of cherries, sort the seeds into different containers.

Important: There should be a lot of seeds. Much of the process is in progress planting material will drop out.

Selected ripe cherries

Preparing material for planting

  • Dry all collected seeds. Then wrap them in paper and cover with film on top. In this form, the seeds should be stored until the end of November in a cool place.
  • At the end of November, place the seeds in water for no longer than 3 days.
  • After 3 days, place the seeds in damp sand, cover the container with film and place in a cool place with a temperature no higher than 2°.
  • Water and ventilate the planting material every day.
  • We just have to wait for the sprouts to appear.

Sprouted cherry pit

Planting sprouts in pots

Important: Large containers are not suitable for planting sprouts in pots. This can cause rotting. You can use many small pots or one long container.

  1. It is advisable to buy soil in a store. It contains all the necessary additives for the growth of the tree.
  2. If you take soil from the garden, you need to thermally treat it. For example, in a microwave or in a water bath.
  3. A layer of drainage (crushed stone, fragments of clay products, expanded clay) should be placed at the bottom of the container.
  4. Add coal to the soil to loosen the soil.
  5. Plant the seeds in moist soil to a depth of 2 cm.
  6. Cover the container with film and place it in a well-lit, draft-free place.
  7. Ventilate the sprouts every day, make sure the soil is moist, but do not overwater it.

Planting sprouts in open soil occurs in the spring, when the snow has completely melted, before buds appear on the trees.

How cherries grow from seeds

When is it better and how to properly plant a cherry seedling in open ground - in spring or autumn: tips and recommendations

Important: The cherry planting season depends on climatic conditions. Those who live in the south can plant cherries in the fall. The northern regions with their cold climate will not allow autumn seedlings to take root in the winter; here it is appropriate to plant seedlings in the spring.

Sweet cherries differ from their closest relative, cherries, in being less winter hardy. This is a heat-loving plant. The harsh climate does not always allow young seedlings to survive the winter.

In the south of Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova, there is a chance that plants planted in the fall will take root and successfully overwinter.

What characteristics should seedlings have:

  1. When buying seedlings, look at their roots. The roots should not look weak or damaged. The root system needs a powerful one.
  2. The cut color is milky beige. A good seedling has a pronounced main conductor, this will affect the formation of the crown in the future.
  3. The root collar should not be damaged.
  4. If the seedling has leaves, remove them before planting.
  • To plant seedlings, prepare a hole 0.6-1 m wide and 0.6-0.8 m deep.
  • Divide the soil into two parts: the upper one separately, the lower one separately.
  • Take the following fertilizers: 2 buckets of humus, 0.5 kg of ash, 200 g of superphosphate, 60 g of potassium sulfur. Mix these fertilizers with a layer of topsoil and pour into the hole.
  • Drive a stake into the ground to tie the young tree.
  • Place the seedling so that the root collar rises 5-7 cm above the ground. Spread the roots.
  • Sprinkle with a layer of bottom soil to keep the seedling in place. Then pour in 1 bucket of water.
  • Fill the soil until the hole is completely filled and the seedling is strengthened.
  • Tie the seedling to a stake.
  • Lightly compact the soil.
  • Make a circle of about 5 cm around the seedling, and spread the soil with a roller. Then the water will be absorbed evenly.

Important: Loamy or sandy loam soil is suitable for planting cherries. Clay, acidic peat, sandy soil is not suitable for cherries.

If the tree is planted correctly and it takes root, active growth can be observed from next spring.

Scheme for proper planting of cherry seedlings

Scheme: how to plant cherries

In which direction should I plant cherries by grafting?

Which direction the vaccine faces does not matter. What matters is where you plant the cherry seedling.

Important: Cherries will take root in well-lit areas. Choose a sunny place for cherries, in the southern or southwestern part of the garden. The place where cherries will grow should not only be sunny, but also protected from the wind.

Video: How to plant cherries?

At what distance should cherries be planted from each other?

Cherries need cross-pollination. Therefore, it is recommended to plant 2-3 trees at once so that they pollinate each other.

Important: The distance between trees is great importance. As long as the seedlings are small, this is not critical. But in the future, the trees will grow, and the crowns of neighboring trees may interfere with each other. They shade each other and do not give the branches space. This affects the harvest.

Therefore, even at the moment of planting the garden, you should take care of the correct distance. It depends on the dimensions of an adult tree and is calculated using the formula: A1 + A2 (m). Where A1 and A2 are maximum height tree.

If it is not possible to calculate the height of the trees or there is no space in the garden, the average distance between the trees should not be less than 3-5 m.

Caring for cherries in the first year of planting and beyond - watering, fertilizing, spraying: timing

Caring for cherries in the first year is extremely important. From proper care will depend on whether the cherry takes root or not.


It is necessary to help the tree survive the winter, since cherries tolerate climate change painfully.

To do this, in winter the trunk is insulated with burlap. But if the winter is warm, there is no need to do this so that the tree does not grow. If the winter is warm, it is enough to cover the trunk with snow, protecting it from the wind.

In winter, rodents become more active, wanting to feast on the bark of young trees. To combat uninvited guests, pesticides are scattered around the trees.


A young tree needs regular watering. Cherry loves water, but does not tolerate stagnation of water. A young tree needs about 3 buckets of water. During drought, young cherries need to be watered once a week. If there is no drought, once a month will be enough. Watering is carried out through a hole, which is gradually expanded as the tree grows.

Top dressing

  • If you add fertilizer to the hole during planting, then no additional fertilizers other than nitrogen are required for the next 3 years.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate vigorous tree growth. They need to be applied in early spring or in the second year after planting. Nitrogen cannot be applied in the fall.
  • If you did not apply any fertilizers when planting the seedlings, you can add organic and mineral fertilizers: humus, ash, chicken droppings, potassium, superphosphate. Fertilizers are applied with watering. To water a young tree mineral fertilizers you should take 3 tbsp. superphosphate, 2 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate in a bucket of water.
  • Don't overdo it with fertilizers. The result may be the opposite of expectations.


Spraying is carried out in the spring to destroy pests that have overwintered in the soil and bark. To do this, the trunks are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

The next spraying is in the summer - to combat insects. For this, copper or iron sulfate and urea are used.

The last spraying is in the fall. Spraying is carried out with iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture to prevent putrefactive diseases.

Young cherry tree

Cherry diseases and pests: description with photographs and control measures

Dangerous cherry pests:

  1. cherry fly. Activates in May. First it feeds on the juice of the leaves, and then begins to lay eggs on the cherry fruits. Over time, the larva makes its way into the pulp and eats it. The fruit becomes soft and falls off the tree. There are white worms inside the fruit. To combat this pest, dig up the soil around the trunk in the fall, and spray it with insecticides before flowering in the spring.
  2. Aphid. Damages tree leaves and shoots. You can suspect the presence of aphids by curled leaves and twisted shoots. You need to fight aphids in 2 stages: in the spring before the buds swell and after the buds open. For the first time, the trees are treated with nitrophen, and then with metaphos and karbofos.
  3. Cherry slimy sawfly . An insect that feeds on tree leaves. After fattening, the greenish-yellow larvae go under the bark and may not emerge from there for 2-3 years in case of drought. You can fight this insect with the help of chlorophos, karbofos, cyanox, etc.
  4. Cherry pipe maker. A dark green beetle up to 1 cm in size. It feeds on the bark, leaves, fruits and even seeds of cherries. The female lays her larvae in the pulp. Control methods: spraying with actellik, gardon, karbofos after flowering of the tree.
  5. Brown fruit mite. It affects cherries, leaving larval skins on the bark. A sign of fruit mite infestation is a silvery tint of the tree. You need to fight the tick in several approaches with different types of acaricides: colloidal sulfur, metaphos, zolon. This type of tick quickly becomes accustomed to the drug.

Cherry pests: cherry fly

Cherry pests: cherry aphids

Cherry pests: cherry weevil

The most dangerous diseases cherries:

  1. Coccomycosis. Small brown dots form on the leaves, which subsequently grow. The disease destroys fruits and trees. Prevention of coccomycosis - treating trees with copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture.
  2. Cherry rot(brown, brown, fruity). Formed as a result of damage to the skin of the fruit. Insects and pests often destroy the integrity of the skin, causing rot to form on the cherries. You can prevent rot by preventing insects from infesting the tree.
  3. False tinder. Causes wood to rot from the inside. As a result, the tree becomes weak and sick. Control methods: disinfection of tree wounds with garden varnish and treatment copper sulfate, whitewashing the trunk with lime, increasing the frost resistance of trees.
  4. Moniliosis. Fungal disease tree that could destroy an entire garden. Externally, the trees look dry - shoots, leaves, buds dry out and turn brown. If you notice this disease on your tree, prune the diseased branches, then burn the diseased branches. And disinfect the cuts. Copper-based preparations are also used.
  5. Clusterosporosis. The main symptom is that the leaves become holey. Methods of combating this disease, as with coccomycosis.

Cherry diseases: clusterosporosis

Cherry diseases: moniliosis

Cherry diseases: fruit rot

How to treat cherries against aphids, worms, moniliosis, in spring, summer, before and after flowering: means, timing

A young tree is a tasty morsel for different types diseases, insects, birds. Spraying helps to cope with this problem, but it is important to know when and with what product to spray the cherries, since pests appear at different times.

The most common spray preparations:

  • Urea
  • Bordeaux liquid
  • Copper or iron sulfate

To spray trees you will need a special compressor or piston pump, as well as personal protection: rubber gloves, mask, goggles, overalls.

Below is a table from which you will learn about the timing and means for spraying.

Table “Spraying cherries”

Video: How to spray cherries?

How to feed cherries after planting, in spring, before and after flowering, in summer: fertilizers, folk remedies

You can feed cherries with helpers folk remedies. The following tools are used for this:

  • Chicken droppings. It is applied in the spring in diluted form. First, fill 1.5 kg of litter with 3-4 liters of water. This mixture should ferment for two days. Then add water up to 10 liters, mix thoroughly and water the tree.
  • Shredded eggshell replaces calcium, which is so necessary for the growth of cherries. When digging the soil, shells are added in the proportion of 2 tbsp per 1 m².

Important: There is no need to apply fertilizer too often. When applying fertilizers during planting, there is no need for fertilizing in the next 2-3 years. In subsequent years, it is enough to fertilize 1-2 times a year - in autumn and spring.

To combat cherry aphids, you can use the following folk recipe:

  • Make a strong decoction of garlic, onions or dandelions. Leave it to steep for 2 hours.
  • Add a finely grated piece of soap to a 10 liter bucket of broth.
  • Spray when aphids appear on the tree.

How to prune cherries correctly and whether it is possible to prune cherries in autumn, spring, summer: scheme for pruning cherries in 1st and 2nd year, formation of a tree, bush, video for beginners

Important: Cherry branches need to be pruned starting from the first year of the seedling’s life. There are three types of pruning: summer, autumn and spring.

In spring, branches are pruned in two stages:

  • In March, they get rid of areas damaged in winter.
  • In April, the crown begins to form.

In the fall, after the leaves fall, pruning must be done before the onset of cold weather so that the tree has time to recover:

  • First, they get rid of small, weak branches for the purpose of thinning.
  • Then the shoots are shortened by a third.

In summer, some gardeners do not touch the branches, others prefer to trim them:

  • The first stage, immediately after flowering, is pruning the branches using the pinching method for horizontal growth.
  • The second stage of summer pruning occurs after harvest. This time you need to trim the branches that have grown 10 cm after the first pruning.

Crown formation is completed at 5-6 years of age.

Cherry pruning scheme for 1, 2, 3 years

Video: How to shape cherries?

When and in what year do cherries bear fruit after planting?

The first harvest of cherries can be harvested 3-5 years after planting. Fruiting is determined by the cherry variety.

Why the cherry tree doesn’t bloom or bear fruit: reasons, what to do?

Cherries bloom when the average daily air temperature is 10-12º. During the day the temperature should be above 15º. These are the spring months of March-April.

Let's look at the reasons why the cherry tree did not bloom:

  1. No pollination. To do this, you need to plant not one tree on the site, but several. Cherries are not suitable for pollinating cherries.
  2. Not correct pruning . The crown should be formed in the form of tiers or a bowl at an angle of branches of 50 *. Pruning must be done on time.
  3. Excess or lack of moisture. During heavy rains and when water stagnates, the soil around the cherries should be mulched with a special film. It should be watered not too often, once a month in the summer and once in September before the onset of cold weather.
  4. Incorrect landing. The root collar should not be planted deep in the ground or, conversely, positioned high. The optimal height is 5 cm above the ground.
  5. Pests and diseases. The tree may not bloom because it is affected by the disease.
  6. Frosty winter. Cherries simply may not survive the winter if the frost resistance of the variety is low and the winter is cold.
  7. The time has not come. Some varieties may not bear fruit for up to 5 years.
  8. Wrong place. The cherry tree may not bloom because the planting site was chosen incorrectly.
  9. Feeding. If you do not apply any fertilizer, the cherry tree may stop blooming.

Cherry blossoms

When do cherries ripen?

Cherries are one of the berries that can be enjoyed earlier than other berries and fruits. The ripening of the first berries depends on the climate of the trees and the variety.

In the south, cherries begin to ripen in mid-May. By July, cherries usually finish bearing fruit.

Cherry varieties:

  • Early: Rubinovaya early, Valery Chkalov, Melitopolskaya, Iput, Italian, Franz Joseph. These varieties ripen in mid-May - early June.
  • Medium: French large-fruited, Gini, Amber, Drogana yellow, Generalskaya, Dneprovka. Ripening time is June-early July.
  • Late: Melitopol dense, Leningrad yellow, Leningrad black, Izyumnaya large-fruited. Ripening time is July.

Early varieties are suitable for eating immediately; they are generally not preserved. These varieties are soft and tender. Medium and late varieties are excellent for harvesting for the winter.

Cherry variety - Valery Chkalov

Cherry variety - Priusadnaya

Cherry variety - Iput

What to do if the cherries are frozen?

Both an old tree and a young one can freeze. Most often, young trees suffer after the first winter. If the first frosts hit in the first half of winter, the tree will probably survive this phenomenon normally. Much worse is the first severe frost that appears in the middle of winter. By this time, the tree loses its frost resistance.

Important: You can determine if a tree is freezing by darkened shoots, buds, bark, and roots.

When the snow melts, you can check if the roots are frozen. To do this, carefully dig out a small area and make a cut on the wood. If the color darkens, it means the roots are frozen. In the same way, you can check for freezing of shoots.

If the buds are frozen and darkened, there will be no harvest. They will crumble. This often happens in the spring, when frosts suddenly begin.

A frozen tree cannot always be saved. There are times when a tree is so damaged that all that remains is to uproot it and plant a new one. In most cases, the tree can be treated.

How to revive a frozen tree:

  1. Trim off diseased, damaged parts.
  2. Frost holes need to be cleaned before the spring sap flow begins, treated with copper sulfate and garden pitch.
  3. Tree trunk circles must be mulched with humus.
  4. A frozen tree needs special care. This includes frequent watering, weeding and loosening the soil.
  5. If frozen cherries have bloomed, 1⁄4 of the flowers are left, the remaining ovaries are removed. This is done so that the cherry tree regains its strength and does not waste it on the fruiting process.

Why cherries dry out: reasons

Cherries dry out for the following reasons:

  1. Diseases
  2. Improper care
  3. Close occurrence of groundwater.
  4. Pests

There are two diseases that most often cause leaves and branches to wither:

  • Moniliosis
  • Verticillium

Examine the tree carefully. With moniliosis, the branches dry out, as if struck by fire. With verticillium can be seen on the tree brown spots, from which gum oozes. When a disease is detected, it is necessary to begin the fight:

  1. Remove diseased areas, clean off the gum.
  2. Treat the cuts with garden varnish.
  3. Treat the tree with a special antifungal agent that fights the disease.
  4. Burn the cut branches to prevent spores from getting back onto your trees.
  5. Continue to care for the tree throughout the year, following the rules described above.
  6. In the fall, dig up the soil in the tree trunk circle and apply fertilizer.

Now you know how to plant cherries and care for them to get a rich harvest.

Video: What varieties of cherries are suitable for central Russia?

Heat-loving plant. And if you want to plant it on your site, choose a place well lit by the sun and protected from northern winds. The cherry tree should not be shaded by any other trees. In addition, cherries do not like sandy soils, as well as places where groundwater lie high.

When and how to plant cherries in the spring? The optimal time for planting cherries is before the buds swell in early spring. However, if the air temperature is below 0°C, then you cannot plant cherry seedlings, even if you purchased a winter-hardy variety. Cherries planted in May, when the buds have already blossomed, will be very painful and will not take root well. It is also not recommended to plant cherries in the fall due to the danger of early frosts.

Cherry is a cross-pollinated plant, that is, it will not set fruit due to pollination by its own pollen. There is a misconception that cherries can pollinate cherries. However, in order to receive good harvests, it is best to plant 2-3 cherry trees of different varieties on a plot at a distance of 4 meters from each other.

Planting and caring for cherries

Cherry seedlings are most often purchased in the fall. At this time, their choice is very rich. Both annual and two-year-old seedlings are suitable for planting. When purchasing, be sure to evaluate the root system of the seedlings: it must be sufficiently developed. The height of one-year-old seedlings should be about 80 cm, and two-year-old ones - about one meter. For the winter, the seedlings need to be buried.

The place for planting cherry seedlings must be prepared in the fall. The soil on the site should be loose and fertile. When digging up an area for cherries, we add fertilizers: manure, rotted compost and any complex mineral fertilizers. If necessary, deoxidize the soil with lime. The hole for planting a cherry seedling in the spring should be no deeper than 60 cm and up to 80 cm in diameter. First, you need to drive a planting stake into the hole, and then fill it up nutritional mixture, consisting of humus, topsoil, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. The hole is filled to one third, then a mound is made in the center and sprinkled with soil without fertilizers.

If the roots of the seedling are dry, soak them in water for 6-7 hours. When planting, the seedling should be placed on a mound and the roots should be sprinkled halfway, constantly shaking the seedling so that the earth fills all the voids. Now you need to pour in a bucket of water and cover the seedling completely with soil. In this case, the root collar of the seedling should not be buried, but protrude 4-5 cm above the ground surface. When the earth settles, the root collar will be located exactly at soil level. Using your feet, compact the soil around the planted tree, make a hole with a roller, where you pour another bucket of water. We mulch the soil around the tree with humus or peat, and tie the seedling to a stake with twine.

Further care for planted cherries consists of fertilizing, which should be carried out on the young tree 2-3 times a season. The best fertilizer is slurry diluted in a ratio of 1:6. To this solution add 1 tbsp. spoon of complex fertilizer per 1 bucket of water. Young trees need to be pruned to form a crown. In spring and autumn, tree trunks are whitewashed, and by winter they are covered with spruce branches, protecting them from rodents.

How to treat cherries in spring?

In early spring, returning cold weather with frosts is not uncommon. To protect young cherry seedlings, you need to water the tree generously in the evening and spray the crown with water. If you find aphids on your young cherry tree, start fighting it immediately. To do this, you can spray the tree with a decoction of wood ash, dandelion, garlic or onion. Spraying the tree with potassium sulfate will also be detrimental to aphids. But if a cherry tree is affected by hole spot, it is necessary to cut it out and spray the tree with a solution of the drug chorus or speed.

By following the rules for planting and caring for cherries in the spring, and protecting them from pests, you will soon get an excellent harvest of these delicious berries.

An important point in planting any tree is the choice of location. For cherries, it is better to choose a sunny area where there are no strong wind. It would be optimal to plant it on the south side of the building or on a gentle southern slope. It is not worth planting a tree in lowlands or beams. If there is no other option, artificial hills can be created in low-lying areas where warm air will circulate.

Purchase the seedlings yourself at specialized markets, or contact special gardens.

When is it better to plant cherries, and accordingly, plan to purchase seedlings? Right choice planting time guarantees a healthy tree and rich harvests. Early spring is ideal, when the soil has not yet evaporated the moisture of the upper layers. Those who prefer autumn planting should know that there is a high probability of young, unhardened pagons freezing.

Considering that cherries belong to the cross-pollinated genus, it is necessary to plant two trees at once. So that the tree gives bountiful harvests, you can plant a cherry tree as a neighbor. Keep your distance - the distance between them must be at least three meters.

Preparing the soil for planting

Before engaging in direct landing in open ground, it is important to find out what type of soil is on your site. Preparation of the future planting site begins in the fall. The soil is pre-fertilized with lime (for acidic soils), and rotted manure is added. The latter can be scattered in advance, before digging up the soil.

If there is a possibility of a dry summer, you can add rotten leaves to the prepared hole - this is excellent drainage that can retain moisture. Nitrogenous fertilizers should not be used for fruit trees. This can leave burns on the root system and affect overall growth. It is better to sprinkle the seedling with peat mixtures or humus; you can also use old foliage.

If the soil is clayey, the preparation procedure will be slightly different. In this case, you need to pour a couple of buckets of sand at the bottom of the hole. For sandy soil everything is done the other way around - 2 buckets of clay are poured under the roots. The top ball is filled with soil mixture. It is sold in stores and is marked with a PH level.

To prevent the young seedling from being damaged by the wind, use a post for support. Hammer it into the center of the recess, attaching it to the wood.

The seedling will be more likely to take root and strengthen properly if you carefully spread the roots along the perimeter of the recess when you plant the cherries. They should lie at a depth of 30-80 meters from the surface, no more. Leave the root collar on the surface; do not dig it in or dig it deep. If you do plantation plowing first, planting will be much more convenient.

If the cherry seedlings are not completely fresh, first immerse them in water for at least six hours. This procedure will allow them to gain the necessary amount of moisture and strength for rooting after planting.

In questions about correct landing For cherries, distance remains an important factor. Considering the growth rate of the fruit tree and the branching of the crown, leave at least 4 meters between them.

When to replant cherries?

How to replant cherries if they are two, three years old or older? In fact, the tree is so unpretentious that any summer resident can do it. The main rule is to do everything according to technology.

There are two types of transplanting adult cherries:

  • When root system open;
  • the roots are hidden in the soil.

In the latter case, cherries are planted with a lump of soil. The depth of digging depends on age:

  • For 5-6 year old trees - 0.5 meters, since the root will be approximately 1-2 meters deep.
  • If the tree is older or you do not know its exact age, a depth of 0.8 meters will be sufficient.

Digging with a lump is better - the cherry rhizome remains in its usual environment, the roots themselves are not disturbed, and are firmly connected to each other with a piece of soil.

If the trunk is damaged, it is better to refuse to replant an adult cherry tree.

When to prune cherries and how to care for them?

We figured out how to plant cherries correctly. Now let's decide on the time and features of pruning. The first pruning is needed immediately after planting. Only a couple of large branches should be left, the rest should be removed. This way the seedling will not waste energy on developing the upper part, devoting most of its energy to the development of the rhizome.

The next year, thinning of young shoots is carried out - the growth of new branches is cut by half. This allows the tree to quickly grow additional branches. They will produce the main harvest. The branches located below the main ones should be pruned no earlier than after 2-3 years - they strengthen the cherry trunk well. Their pruning is carried out in the fifth year of the tree’s life.

Caring for a fruit tree such as cherries is not a troublesome procedure. The tree is not too demanding, not picky, and can grow on poor soils. Regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, timely watering, and proper pruning to form a crown are the main points in care.

To feed a well-rooted tree, a bucket of humus in the fall and nitrogen fertilizers in the spring are enough. Loosen before applying fertilizer trunk circle, pour plenty of water (preferably not cold). There should be at least three waterings throughout the entire season.

It is important to remove weeds around the cherry tree in a timely manner - it is not one of those who will put up with their proximity. It is also an unnecessary breeding ground for pests. Additionally, as a preventive measure, whiten the bottom of the trunk with lime in early spring. To eliminate caterpillars, the crown is processed twice by special means. This is the period before flowering and at the moment of the first ovary.

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