Meet the rich. How to meet a wealthy man? Expensive restaurants and hotels

An article about where and how to meet a rich man.
About where meet a man A lot has already been written. But having a very large and successful experience in this, I consider it my duty to contribute to the topic of where to meet the guy of your dreams. So, you’ve already read a lot of books and articles about how to be irresistible, how a man will like you, what to talk about with him, how to behave on the first and subsequent dates, and how to maintain and develop your relationship. But the smallest thing is missing. HIS. The only one who will give you true love, happiness of family life and harmony. Or THEM. Those who will give you bright and unforgettable emotions, as well as a trip to Mauritius, an Hermes bag and Damiani earrings. In general, it doesn’t matter which man or men you are interested in dating this moment. The main thing is that you are interested in DATING. Below I will provide a list of the most promising places to meet successful and wealthy men.

1. Internet, Internet and once again Internet Today this is number ONE on my list. A lot has already been said and written about this, but still a huge number of girls still do not believe in the possibility of meeting decent men on the Internet. And now, ATTENTION! There are a HUGE number of smart, interesting, successful and, most importantly, free and single men on the Internet! I'm stating this from a place of wealth. personal experience, as well as the experiences of my close friends. With the help of the Internet, I met very interesting and worthy men. Among them were two multimillionaires. (Yes, yes, a multimillionaire, where do you think very busy and rich people meet, who move along the same route: work - home - work?!). And at least two of my friends are married to young men whom they met on the Internet. If it worked for them, why can’t it work for you?! In fact, when many people hear about online dating, they think exclusively about a dating site. Now I want to write a few words about other alternatives to online dating, namely: forums, community sites, social media, chats, diaries, blogs. There are a huge number of forums with similar interests: forums for cyclists, BMW enthusiasts, Feng Shui experts, as well as environmentalists. Decide what area of ​​life you are interested in and go ahead! Find a forum on your favorite topic on the entire Internet, and the forum should be made professionally, with the ability to place an avatar photo (do not put any funny pictures, etc., only your most beautiful photo should be on the avatar!). After this, you will have to become an active commentator and author of numerous posts on the forum. This way you will attract attention to yourself, and over time the one for whom you actually registered on this forum will appear. Also remember, when choosing a forum topic, think about who will have more women or men on a forum with such a topic. Try to choose a topic that is interesting to men.

2. Motorist clubs Dating using a car in different variations is becoming increasingly popular. But if you are not the owner of a steel horse, do not rush to get upset. This method is suitable for everyone! In almost any city there are many clubs for fans of one or another brand, “Mitsubishi club”, “Subaru club”, etc. (you can find more detailed information about clubs in your city in the search engine). As a rule, all these clubs host various events, as well as regular meetings in cafes and bars. To come to such a meeting, you do not have to show your driver’s license or car documents. But keep in mind that there will really be a lot of talk about cars at such meetings, so to be completely sure, you can invite with you a friend who is a car enthusiast or a friend, brother, neighbor, classmate, whose knowledge is enough to at least know which side the brake and gas are on. . And of course, you will feel a lot more confident if, before going to such a meeting, you still devote some time to studying the basic properties of the car, and also read about the features of the car brand whose fans you are going to the meeting with. It’s also a good move at a meeting to pretend to be a potential car buyer and ask in detail about the pros and cons of this brand from the nicest guy at the meeting.

3. Courses, classes, trainings The similarity of interests and the same hobbies can incredibly bring together and make even friends strangers. And psychologists have already said a lot about the benefits of having a common hobby for couples in love. So I propose to kill two birds with one stone, or maybe three. Firstly, courses are a great place to meet new people. Secondly, you meet like-minded people, which initially gives you a head start for development romantic relationships, and thirdly, you gain additional knowledge and expand your horizons, which makes you an even more interesting person. But here, as in the previous method, the main thing is to choose a topic that is interesting to men. As an example, I can give courses in public speaking, business English (German, etc.), management courses, MBA courses, courses for directors, producers, forex club, as well as all courses related to sports. Also pay special attention to short-term trainings and seminars on personal development, increasing efficiency, resource management and time management. As a rule, participants in such courses are ambitious and aspiring people who have already achieved certain successes in life. And of course, the rule here is “the more expensive the training (seminar), the more quality contingent will attend it.” I understand that you can’t always afford such expensive training, but you can find alternative ways: ask management at work for payment (or partial payment) for professional courses/trainings, agree on payment in installments for such training with the organizers, join an organization and club, the participants of which are provided with significant discounts on such trainings.. if you set a goal, you can find and relatively inexpensive trainings that successful people attend. Well, a prerequisite for successful dating at such courses or trainings is active participation, questions to teachers, participation in discussions, etc. You must be seen and heard! Prepare questions and interesting suggestions in advance. And finally, I’ll mention that if you work in an international company, then your company is probably already a member of such an international organization as the EBA (European Business Association), which very often holds various meetings, and free courses for employees of companies that are members of this organization. Don't forget to ask your HR or marketing department about this. It may turn out that your company is a member of other equally interesting organizations. Find out all about the social events held by such organizations.

4. National holidays, buffets, exhibitions, embassy parties If you live in a sufficiently big city, then there are probably a large number of all kinds of public organizations, clubs, and communities in your city. And all of them from time to time hold meetings, events, and celebrations, which you can attend even if you are not a member of such an organization. So, start, for example, Chamber of Commerce (website: This organization holds at least once a month a variety of open-format meetings on pre-registration. You will find more detailed information on the website. The contingent at such meetings is very diverse, but as a rule, a large number of top management is always present international companies, which is already quite good. The main thing is to be active yourself! Stock up on business cards and go ahead. The advantage of this dating format is that you can calmly introduce yourself first and offer to exchange business cards, ostensibly with the aim of expanding the circle of business acquaintances... and then all the cards are in your hands, try to make the most favorable impression and maintain a conversation for at least a few minutes and remain in the memory of interlocutor (the longer your conversation, the higher the chances of being remembered!). From my own experience I will say that the success of dating at such events depends only on you!!! If you overcome your shyness and offer to exchange business cards with at least one person, then everything becomes much easier and at the end of the evening you have a stack of contacts in your hands of at least 20 successful men. And believe me, many will be interested in continuing not just a business acquaintance! After such meetings, I receive 2-3 offers to drink coffee, visit a national restaurant or another similar party. So go for it!!! Such events also include: buffets after exhibitions (if your company participates in any professional exhibition, ask the marketing department, you cannot go to the buffet that takes place after such an exhibition), conversation clubs, charity events, events held by embassies in honor of national holidays, etc. Set a goal and look for information about such events on the Internet.

5. Lobby bars of expensive hotels, business lunches in prestigious restaurants. In my opinion, not the best effective method, but the good thing is that using this method you can meet really very successful men. Every city has expensive hotels, and all have bars where anyone can have a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. Sometimes the guests of such hotels are very high-ranking officials, owners or managers of multimillion-dollar companies, ambassadors, diplomats, stars, athletes, etc. the list can be continued endlessly. So the habit of occasionally visiting such birrs for a cup of coffee can serve you well. Also, have you been to prestigious restaurants for lunch? If so, then I should have been amazed at the incredibly large number of male companies at the tables. A business lunch for many business men is an excellent opportunity to conduct additional negotiations in an informal setting or meet with friends for whom there is not enough time. Even girls with not very high earnings can afford set meals even in the most prestigious restaurants at least once a week. The disadvantage of this dating place is that, as a rule, men are in the middle of a “business day” and all their thoughts are absorbed in work, leaving no room for romantic acquaintances. However, the likelihood of meeting an interesting man in such places is still very high!

6. Give me a ride Prince Charming on a white horse This method is not suitable for everyone, but in terms of efficiency, for example, it occupies one of the highest positions for me. Are you going to meet your girlfriends on Friday evening or at a cafe with friends and have already picked up the phone to dial a taxi number? Forget! If you are not a resident of a very remote area where one car appears per hour, then feel free to go out onto the street and catch a car! The more central the area where you will catch a car, the higher the likelihood that you will actually be given a lift by a prince in a Lexus, and not by grandfather-?TsksTsst in a Zhiguli. The main thing here is to remember a few rules. First rule: safety comes first! Don’t get into a car with several guys, drunk or suspicious men, trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to refuse the trip if the driver seems suspicious to you! Second rule: if a taxi driver or a broken-down six stops, offer to give you a ride at a very low cost; as a rule, taxi drivers leave, and if they still agree, don’t be upset, you saved on a taxi anyway and you’ll definitely be lucky next time! Third - don’t expect the prince to stop right away, sometimes you need to wait 5-10 cars, sometimes more... it all depends on your perseverance. I will say one thing, there has never been a case where I caught a car in the center and at the 10-12 car a really interesting man did not agree to give me a ride, and sometimes the prince can already be sitting in the first car that stopped. The fourth rule is that the more prestigious the area, and even better the restaurant (cafe, cinema, club) near which you catch a car, the higher the likelihood that you will be lucky enough to meet a truly successful man. Good luck!

7. Supermarkets A lot has also been written about this method. But in my personal list places for dating, it also occupies a leading position and has actually proven its effectiveness, so I can’t help but give it its due place. Again, as with any method, there are little tricks. The first trick: successful men are successful because they devote a lot of time to work, so don’t expect to meet them in particularly large numbers during the day on a weekday. The optimal time is Thursday evening, Friday evening (best), Saturday and Sunday daytime. Trick two: choose where you shop. I understand that it is much more convenient to make purchases near your home, BUT, the likelihood of meeting a truly successful person in a mini-market on the outskirts of the city is hundreds of times lower than in the center of the city, in a prestigious supermarket (each city usually has several favorite supermarkets of the wealthy of people). There is also a very high probability of successful acquaintance in good delis, as well as premium supermarket chains (for example, Furshet Gourmet), wine boutiques and gourmet food stores. Trick three: the longer you spend in the supermarket, the more likely you are to meet someone. Walk, look, read, choose, take an interest, consult. I repeat, the longer the better! Trick four: the two most likely places to meet are in the meat department and in the checkout line. In meat departments, men, as a rule, are completely confused and in dire need of advice - don’t be shy, don’t wait for a question; if you see a man who has been trying to make a choice for ten minutes - don’t be shy, give advice first. It's easiest to get acquainted with people in line at the checkout. Here you can ask where the man found exactly that type of mayonnaise that you were looking for in the supermarket and didn’t find, what kind of interesting green fruit it is and whether it’s tasty, or you can just exchange a few insignificant words while passing the time in line. Therefore, before you get in line, wait until a truly interesting man comes up to the line. Don't try to get in line if there's a pensioner in front of you.

8. Public organizations, political parties One of the best places. But to succeed here you will have to be active and participate in numerous events and congresses, so try to choose an organization or party whose interests are at least somewhat close to you. The membership of such organizations and parties consists of 60-80% men. And not just men, but ambitious and purposeful men. So find an organization in your city, carefully read the regulations on its activities, call and tell them how you are inspired by the ideas of this organization and want to contribute to its activities. And then be fully prepared at the numerous congresses and conferences held by this organization. It’s not easy to meet people here, but it’s very easy! I’ll be honest, while still a student, I was a member of one youth party, and I had the opportunity to attend congresses where leading political figures of the country were present, and I had the opportunity to see them with my own eyes. My head was not yet occupied with issues of romantic dating, so I missed the glances of high-ranking officials that they cast on the beautiful and young student. If I had been a little quicker back then, my chances of meeting a politician would have been incredibly high. Tskk don't put it off and go ahead!

9. Sports club An old, long-established method, which, nevertheless, has not been canceled, and which can lead in any dating rating. As with many other ways to meet rich men, remember, if you want to be rich, think like a rich man. So try to put on the shirt of a successful man and imagine the ideal club and dating time. I understand that prestigious sports clubs are not a cheap pleasure, but you can always figure out how to find a middle ground. The main thing to remember is that rich people are usually busy people who devote a lot of time to work or social life. Therefore, do not expect to see successful men in a sports club during the day, or at 18:30 in the evening. Most likely, you will see them no earlier than 20:00 in the evening or at 8 in the morning. And don’t try to meet a man while he or you are doing strength exercises. It is best to do this at the exit, in the locker room, in the rest room, etc.

10. Rich girlfriends A controversial and not feasible method for everyone, but definitely very effective. If it so happens that among your friends there is a middle class, again, do not rush to get upset. Start looking! Look on Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki for old school acquaintances (who were daughters of rich parents back in school), girls from the yard, courses, camps, trips, etc. Go through all the places where you have ever talked to rich girls/women. And reconnect with them. As a rule, no girl will refuse a spontaneous friendly offer for a cup of coffee from a former classmate or fellow student. And then you simply must charm your future girlfriend and make your meetings regular. Flatter, give compliments, increase your worth with the opportunity to get invitations to interesting places or acquaintances with the artistic elite of the city. It doesn’t matter how or what, but you must find at least something that will interest your rich friend and give her the impression that you are worth keeping in touch with. Well, then everything depends on you. The closer you can become to such an acquaintance, the better. The main thing is to get an invitation to a birthday, holiday or trip out of town. Believe me, there will definitely be successful people at such an event. And don't forget about other women! If it turns out that the event is more like a bachelorette party for rich women (and doesn’t even smell like men), don’t be upset, make an impression, try to please as many ladies as possible, and exchange with them telephone numbers under any pretext. Perhaps if you get to another woman’s birthday, next time you will be surprised at the number of available men present at the holiday!

28.05.2015 11:26:25

Every girl has her own image ideal man. When true love comes to the fair sex, they forget about their criteria and rush headlong into the arms of their loved one. But in our world there are many prudent women left who know exactly what they want. And in this material we will give them a hint on where to find a wealthy single man in Moscow.

First of all, I would like to say that there is nothing wrong with a woman’s search for a wealthy life partner. After all, this may not only be a craving for personal material values and benefits, but also care for their future children. As you know, in traditional families it is the man who is considered the main provider of material wealth, and the woman should become his reliable support and keeper of the hearth.

What are rich single representatives of the stronger sex like in the Russian capital? It is worth noting that their capital cannot always be guessed from appearance. Of course, to an official reception in honor of some important event they will dress with dignity, but in Everyday life judging by their appearance, they may not be distinguishable from the crowd of average men.

Where do rich bachelors go in Moscow? A woman who is hunting for a lonely oligarch should visit expensive restaurants, hippodromes, golf clubs and other similar establishments.

Of course, the lady will have a question: where can she get so much money to go to places where modern nouveau riche gather? We will answer. It is not necessary to spend thousands of rubles going to expensive restaurants. For starters, you can get by with a cup of coffee. If a wealthy gentleman pays attention to you, you can afford to order delicacies for yourself at his expense. Just check if it’s in his pocket Money. Although we advise you not to show off when you meet, and at least try to pay for yourself.

There are many examples of women in Moscow meeting their future rich husbands at work. These could be top managers, directors, heads of departments who spend most of their working time in the office.

Some women in Moscow specifically take jobs in car dealerships in order to be able to communicate more often with wealthy clients. Although this option has one drawback, some rich bachelors come to buy expensive cars in the company of long-legged models and you will have to make an effort to provide them with worthy competition.

If you are a beautiful, spectacular woman, it is very important to catch the eye of a rich man. As a rule, such individuals live in penthouses, cottages or apartments with big amount rooms located in prestigious areas of Moscow. Then you should rent an apartment closer to the object of the “hunt”, study the daily routine of your chosen one, flash before his eyes more often and create various situations to attract attention.

Wealthy men who own large houses always have a desire to purchase antiques and valuable paintings by fashionable painters in order to decorate their place of residence. In this case, such art connoisseurs should be kept on guard in fashion galleries and auctions. But, to start a conversation, it’s a good idea to study the essence of the subject a little and have an idea of ​​what we’re talking about. This almost always works.

Don’t lose hope, strive for your goal, there are plenty of princes in the Russian capital!

Many wealthy representatives of the fair sex like to choose men for themselves, whom they, as it were, take under their wing. Such phenomena have many names, but the essence does not change. And if you are tired of your deplorable existence and want luxury in exchange for certain services on your part, you should definitely try to find such a lady for yourself. Today, specialized services help you create dating rich women throughout the country, enjoy truly serious popularity, often even displacing traditional methods of finding sexual partners with tight wallets.

One of the main advantages of a specially designed site is that you definitely don’t have to go anywhere to meet a VIP person who is ready for such a relationship. And since most often such people are used to relaxing and having fun in quite expensive places and spending a lot of money on their leisure time, you would also have to fork out quite a lot. On the Internet, everything is a little different, you simply visit the resource you need and start looking through the profiles of those who want to find a lover with additional options. You will not need to humiliate yourself and hint about your special offer, because users of these thematic platforms are aware of the main purpose of dating.

Today anyone can choose a rich person who can fulfill their dreams and fantasies. To do this you will need mobile device or desktop computer to access the corresponding website. You yourself determine the time frame for communication, so this option is suitable for absolutely everyone: for students, employed and unemployed. As soon as you have a free minute, be sure to try your luck and, perhaps, your life will soon change for the better.

In order to make acquaintances with generous and rich people as efficiently as possible, you need to present yourself correctly. Create your personal profile and make it so that people want to get to know you. Choose a photo that shows you from the most advantageous angle, share information about yourself, your appearance, interests and preferences, and be sure that dating will be truly active and exciting.

Are you still haunted by the story of Cinderella and the heroine of the film “Pretty Woman”, who in an instant turned from a poor girl into a rich and happy lady? Do you want to repeat their success, find a wealthy man who will generously shower you with luxurious gifts, invite you to an elite vacation in the most best places world, introduce you to interesting and successful people? Today you will learn how to do this.

It is a mistaken belief that in order to attract a guy, a girl only needs bright image, expensive clothes, a beautiful face. Successful young people who have independently won their place in the sun, and not “daddy’s boys,” look much deeper. They like women who :

  • Interested in business and career, attend thematic forums, trainings, courses, master classes.
  • Constantly improve themselves, watch scientific documentaries, follow politics, understand economics, read the news.
  • Are interested in art, because otherwise there won’t even be anything to talk about with your chosen one. This is very important point, because when receiving high-ranking officials and business people, it is customary to talk about “high things.”
  • They do everything sincerely. You can trust them with any task or problem without fear of betrayal.
  • Always optimistic. Why does a businessman need a pessimist, for whom everything is bad in life, who does not appreciate what she has, constantly cries, and sees only the bad? Such men need reliable support and support in order to increase their capital.
  • Familiar with the concept of “femininity”. It's not only a good hairstyle, high heels and a tight dress, but also correct behavior. A girl should not swear, raise her voice, especially to the opposite sex, smoke or drink.
  • They don't shy away from housework. A real hostess I just can't help but know how to cook delicious dinner, iron a shirt, tie a tie.
  • Confident. In the business world, you need to be able to stand up for yourself and show your teeth. A modest girl from the village who came to the capital wearing rose-colored glasses is unlikely to interest the oligarch. At the same time, in society, a girl, even if she can stop a galloping horse, should always be in the background, and her man will be in the background. Here are simple and proven methods. You will need some cosmetics, a trip to the spa and a few other things. Read more about this in another article on the site.

Avoid young millionaires (sons of oligarchs), they often make bad managers who can lose their fortune in 2-3 years.

And now more about appearance... The main rule in order to attract rich Pinocchio is grooming. Manicure, facial and body skin - everything should be flawless. We also advise you to find out. All details (length, color, hairstyle) can be found in our other article.

Makeup – minimal, but high quality; clothes are necessarily expensive. Special attention Wealthy young people are turning to perfume. In this article we have prepared a rating for you.

If you want to become a wife and not a kept woman, be seductive, but not vulgar!

Do you want to receive step by step instructions how to properly meet successful men? We definitely recommend watching the new one. free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." From the course you will learn how to attract his attention, encourage him to get to know him, interest him and captivate him.

To watch, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Where to find a rich suitor

Here are the TOP 9 places where you can meet a respectable groom:

  1. Business trainings, seminars, forums. Those who want to improve their project management skills, increase capital, and develop their business come here.
  2. Eco stores. Healthy eating, like the entire lifestyle, is a very expensive pleasure, so only wealthy people can afford it.
  3. Premium fitness clubs. It is unlikely that you will be able to meet an oligarch here; they really value their time, so they prefer to train at home, but you will be able to meet a well-to-do young man.
  4. Fashionable restaurants. Establishments must be truly elite, preferably with a dress code.
  5. Expensive resorts. If possible, go “hunting” in Monaco, the south of France (Cannes, Nice), the Maldives (Rania), Miami - this is where millionaires spend their money! From ski resorts Swiss Zermatt should be highlighted.
  6. Marriage agencies. If you don't mind moving abroad, use their services. Take a closer look at candidates from Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, England, Norway, and the USA. That's where he lives greatest number millionaires.
  7. Dating websites. Here are a few suitable resources -,, But keep in mind that on these sites you may be directly offered content or even one-time sex for money and gifts.
  8. Sport sections. Visit tennis courts, horse racing, racing events such as Formula 1, a golf club and a yacht club.
  9. Job. The easiest thing for those who work in a car dealership is to take a closer look at those who buy expensive cars - Bentley, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari. The female employees might get lucky too travel agencies, branded men's clothing and footwear stores. Girls working in oil and gas companies and banks also have many chances.

The formula for success is quite simple - good education + ambition + influential environment and a decent job or business. Learn and develop! As an addition, here is a list of places where you can. Here are the options from cafes to resorts.

Journalists from TV channel 24 looked into what a girl who wants to charm a rich man should be prepared to do, here is the video:

How to tell if a man is rich

You need to pay attention to the following:

  • Appearance. A man with a huge fortune is always well-groomed, from his toenails to the hair on his head. He always smells pleasant, and does not smell like tobacco or alcohol a mile away.
  • Cloth. Serious young people dress the same way - you can see them wearing an expensive custom-made trouser suit. Wardrobe items are mostly plain, no stripes, flowers, or squares. Jeans and other informal attire are allowed, but only in everyday life.
  • Behavior. A serious rich man will never squander money, especially in front of the first person he meets (if we are talking about a future wife and not a kept woman). But, having gotten to know his companion better, he can give her luxury gifts (jewelry, certificates to spa salons, etc.)
  • Interests. For a well-off MCH, everything is scheduled down to the minute. At the same time, he always finds time to play golf, tennis, travel on a yacht and other elite entertainment.
  • Rest. Anyone who has money certainly travels to other countries at least 3-4 times a year. He boasts an impressive list of cities and countries visited, whether for business or personal visits.
  • Environment and property. If your “victim” has a personal security guard or even two, his own driver, an expensive car, famous and wealthy friends - you have come to the right place!

These are the main criteria for finding a rich groom.

How to get attention and communicate

First of all, you need to behave naturally, there should be no affectation. If you are interested not only in his money, but also in his position in society and prospects for yourself, then forget about them altogether!

If he invites you on a date to an elite restaurant, suggest going to some inexpensive but cozy coffee shop. He invites you to Paris for the weekend - ask your grandmother to join you in the village. And so it is in everything. Believe me, sooner or later it will pay off, and you will still go to your Paris, only, perhaps, as a wife.

Remember that for the rich, everything revolves around the wallet, so your task is to distract your candidate from this! Show that you can enjoy life without a solid bank account. Invite your man to ride bicycles, roller skates, go for a walk in the park, or have a picnic in the forest.

A very important point is the absence of questions about the income of your “prince”. You also need to pay in restaurants and shops yourself, or at least offer this at first. Don't ask to buy it for you mink coat and especially an apartment in a new building.

If you I only need his money, have the courage to immediately admit this to yourself and the man. There is no need to play hard to get, no one likes that. Think about what you can offer in return, other than your body. Perhaps you have some developments, plans, commercial offers, requiring large investments. Offer to help him increase his capital, even if you can’t do it, your “prince” will obviously be interested.

Be sure to pay attention to gestures when speaking. To help you understand body language correctly, we have covered everything. You will find out why the interlocutor touches his lips, twirls something in his hands, etc.

How to correspond on the Internet

Let us hasten to disappoint you, finding a millionaire dating online is the same as finding a needle in a haystack. But there are enough wealthy people there. If you initiate communication, then start with something positive, for example, “The image suits you business man" If your interlocutor is like that, he will correct you and say that this is not an image at all, but its essence.

Once you are sure that you are in the right place, start a conversation about the fact that now it is very difficult to find an adequate person who is interested not only in the thickness of the wallet. Next, build on his answers. Ask how he likes to rest and relax, why he is still alone, etc.

Mistakes of millionaire hunters

Here's what you should never do:

  • Pretend that you are not at all interested in his money. On the contrary, say that you are pleased to see a successful person next to you and that you want to match him.
  • Constantly talk about shopping, fashion, sorting out relationships between stars. It doesn't give intelligence to a girl.
  • Pump up lips, buttocks, and breasts with silicone, if your goal is serious relationship, not flirting and content.
  • Give up your life, devoting all your time only to a man. You must have your own interests and your own business. This way you can still protect yourself if your chosen one decides to leave you.
  • Too fast sex - if on the 2-3rd date you end up in bed with him, the likelihood of building a serious relationship is almost zero. Get ready to become another doll that is used, broken and then thrown away as unnecessary.
  • Most girls think, now I’ll lure him into the net, sit down and dangle his legs. This is a failed plan; you won't get far with it. Be independent!

Avoid these mistakes, learn how to behave with men so that they fall in love! Our article, which contains information, will help you with this. You will learn how to treat your gentleman, what you should change in yourself, what you should say, etc.

Inspirational Movies to Watch

If you don’t want to become furniture for a rich man that people will simply wipe their feet on, watch a few real-life films:

  • "Gorgeous"- the story of a prostitute who became a public figure.
  • "I'm over it"– the film tells the story of the life of an ordinary waitress who has an affair with a wealthy young man.
  • "How to Marry a Millionaire"– the events take place in New York, and again about unequal love.
  • "Reason and Sensibility"- a film about the children of a once-widowed rich woman who fell in love with people outside their circle.
  • "Passion"- Indian melodrama about how the sons of influential people went crazy over poor girls.

If you want to avoid mistakes, watch the program “Concerns Everyone.” The stories of real hunters for millions are told here, there is a lot of educational information. Girls, don’t forget about intelligence if you don’t want to look as stupid as the heroines of this video:

How to attract a wealthy suitor into your life

Form an image of your “prince” in your head – hair color, height, build. Imagine how and where you meet him, what you say, what he looks like. Think about what he should do - show business, financial sector, politics, etc. Start every day with thoughts about him. When meeting a potential candidate, act naturally, repeat to yourself: I am the best, I am a charming person, everyone likes me. Be sure to smile! Before going on a search, if you believe in otherworldly forces, you can perform the following ritual:

Exactly at midnight, retire to your room, turn off the lights, turn on 13 church candles. Mentally picture to yourself how you see your chosen one. Then read the spell 3 times: “I invite suitors, generous and rich. Night, help me, bring me my betrothed. I don’t have the strength to live in poverty, from now on I don’t want to know the needs, I’m waiting for the man of my dreams. Fire, do everything I ask, for luck today I do it!” Then repeat out loud 3 times, Amen, put out the candles and throw the cinders outside the house.

Before you go looking for a rich man, think about whether it's worth it. Well, you find it, you conquer it, and suddenly he goes bankrupt? Maybe you will be much happier, achieving goals together with a partner of your social status...

Detailed instructions and clear directions from our relationship expert.

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Surprisingly, one can still hear the public today trying to condemn women who want to marry a successful man. However, if the girl herself is smart, beautiful, with an excellent education and a good career, then who else could she want as her husband?

Is it really a modest worker who wanders home with a bottle of beer to pass the next level? computer game? Obviously not. Any successful girl needs a man to at least match her - smart, successful and interesting. But here another question arises. Where can I meet him?

Writer, relationship consultant, TV presenter, founder of the Good Wife family training center. Author of unique training programs aimed at helping women solve family problems and young girls who intend to start a family.

First of all, you need to think carefully and act from the opposite. Think: what kind of man do you want to meet? So that he is serious and family-oriented? Then please do not go to restaurants and questionable bars to meet people. Do you want him to be stable on his feet? Then forget about dating at poker tournaments. Do you want him to share similar values ​​with you? Then forget about holiday romances with yogi travelers. Focus your attention on the segment of men that you need, and avoid those places where you can meet a good man with serious intentions is impossible.

So, the top 5 places where you can definitely find yourself an enviable groom. Passwords, appearances, tricks.

1. Helicopter schools

Dear girls, owning a helicopter, maintaining it and being able to fly it is an expensive pleasure. And if a man is passionate about this process, then at least he has the means for it. And obviously not the last. Therefore, subscribe and monitor all possible events that such flight schools organize. Oddly enough, but given the general high cost, even they arrange something like a day open doors, trial classes, very affordable in price, or reporting performances, where, having arranged in advance, you can arrange an invitation for yourself.

Important! Be sure to learn at least the basic basic knowledge that will help you carry on the conversation. Go to the site and learn the models of helicopters on which training takes place, training periods and anything else on the topic that will help you at least start a conversation. There is nothing worse than appearing to be an accidental dummy for the purpose of dating.

Cunning. If you didn’t succeed in infiltrating the orderly ranks of the celestials, act more cunningly. Find a restaurant that is located on their premises and come there for lunch.

2. Golf courses

This place has both its advantages and disadvantages. Among the disadvantages: first of all, you need to be determined that nothing will happen at once. This is due to the specifics of this sport. People who come there are scattered around the field, and everyone goes their own route from hole to hole. At the same time, pushing a player or, conversely, delaying his progress is considered indecent. Therefore, you can meet several interesting people in one place at the same time, either at the driving range, or, again, in a restaurant after the game.

Important! If you are not a member of the club, meeting your judge there will be very problematic. Girls who have nothing to do with golf and come for the sake of dating are instantly identified and laughed at slightly. Therefore, the only way is to become a member of the club, get carried away by the game, become one of the other members, and then, gradually getting to know and getting to know other people, there is a chance to get to know each other.

Cunning. Golf courses, especially in Russia, are a unique phenomenon. Due to the fact that weather conditions reduce playing time to five months a year, it is necessary to maintain the field and adjacent complexes all year round, the administration has to get out and organize various trial days and other inviting events in order to attract new members. If you get into the habit of tracking such activities, you can attend the most interesting meetings even without being a member of the club.

3. Extreme driving schools

This is a cool place! There are many tracks in Moscow where you can go, hone your driving and cornering skills, and at the same time make life-changing acquaintances. Getting there is much easier than getting into helicopter schools, and the effect can be very interesting. By the way, you don’t have to torture your car. Many schools offer training on their machines.

Important! Again, the most important thing is not to look like a black sheep who came to hunt for men. Remember, such girls are always and everywhere identified instantly. Therefore, your main task is to merge with the fans of high speeds and sincerely admire the number of engine revolutions.

4. Economic forums

If you are smart, beautiful, with a good career, then by any means try to get to the Sochi Economic Forum, which takes place in October, respectively, in Sochi, to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, which takes place in June, respectively, in St. Petersburg, and to the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, which takes place in February, guess where. The number of interesting and successful men there exceeds all acceptable standards. If you don’t get confused, you will go home with several wonderful acquaintances that you can develop upon your return. The main thing is not to run into married people, there are a lot of them there too.

Cunning. It’s extremely difficult to get to the St. Petersburg forum, the Sochi forum is a bit expensive, and the Krasnoyarsk forum is a little cold. Joke. Be that as it may, if it is difficult to get to the forum itself, then keep in mind that in all these cities on the dates of these forums, all these men do not disappear anywhere in the evenings. Therefore, for example, during these three days in Sochi the city is crowded with successful managers and executives. And they all need to eat somewhere and meet with partners, discuss daily needs. Therefore, even if you don’t make it to the forum itself, it is on these days that you can meet very successfully in these cities.

5. Exhibitions of auction houses

Now this has become somewhat more difficult, since all auctions are moving online. However, there are still live exhibitions, when art objects worth the GDP of a small state are exhibited for review by connoisseurs of beauty. It is necessary to monitor such events, immerse yourself, gain the minimum knowledge necessary to start a conversation - and go ahead!

Cunning. Even if you don’t have a very deep understanding of art, you can talk about how these objects of art fascinate you and how you would like to see more of this or that work. A girl admiring such beautiful things arouses interest and even delight.

What else is worth saying to someone who has decided to actively take charge of her personal life? I would like to warn you about two points. First. Don't forget to work on yourself. If a girl is uninteresting, then even if she is placed on an island inhabited by millionaires, she will not be able to captivate any of them. Because it is important not only to meet him, but also to interest him. And the second point. Success and money are matters that can change quickly and do not guarantee happiness. You probably know many examples when a man is rich, but his moral qualities are so primitive that no one needs such a groom. And there are also many stories when yesterday’s millionaire, having fallen, can no longer get up and return to his former self. Therefore, it is better to place your bet on the moral qualities, values, upbringing, education and good family of your chosen one.

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