Rules of etiquette in modern society: why are they needed and what are the most important? What are the rules for?

(judging by the subsequent discussion, I wrote something not very reasonable, I got excited)

What are the Rules for?

In my opinion, to protect the weak from the strong.

The rules determine what is right.
They turn to the Rules when doubts arise about what is “right” and what is “wrong” in a given particular case. We looked at the Rules - we were convinced, we figured it out.
What if there were no rules?
Then the one who is stronger (in every sense of the word) will be right.

This means that it is the weak who are interested in having Rules, so that they are understandable, “transparent”, so that they are strictly followed. So that they protect him from arbitrariness.

I don't see this interest.
The weak do not want to defend themselves. They want not to be offended, oppressed, or exploited, but they do not want to do anything for this. They hope for chance. And then – when things don’t happen – they begin to be indignant. And then howl...
Howling is scary. By animal.

They agree to work for pennies, work honestly, and then whine that no one cared about their old age.

They agree to “black” salaries, and then are surprised at the lack of even minimal social protection and the size of the pension.

They privatize apartments for one of their relatives, and then find themselves humiliated own home, or even thrown out onto the street.

They take out loans without reading the terms of the Agreement, and then criticize the bastard bankers who “rip off the people like crazy.”

And so on, and so on, and so on...
They will object to me - but what if there was no other way?! If there was no other job, there was no other apartment, there was no other opportunity to quickly get money?
Yes. I understand. I myself live in the same conditions, and I am also often forced to rely on chance, on the position of the planets, on the good-heartedness of the strong - it doesn’t work out any other way.
After all, I'm far from strong...
God save us!

But I don’t understand at all why, in cases where there is no, well, absolutely no need, the weak still do not cling to the Rules and do not use the available protection possibilities.
Not used to it?
Are they afraid of jinxing it?
Are they afraid that then everyone will turn away from them?
Do they think that all the rules are written against them?

I don't know.
I see one thing - a widespread reluctance to know the Rules, a widespread reluctance to comply with them, a widespread howl of the “offended and oppressed,” but in fact, those who simply did not bother to familiarize themselves with the next “conditions of the game.”

Is Russian happiness still only in the Good Tsar?

An interesting thought arose during the discussion: the Rules were not written for slaves!
Reading Wikipedia:
“According to Varro, a slave is only a “talking instrument,” animate property, a beast of burden (in the language of Roman law - res, that is, thing).”
"The living conditions of a slave are determined only by the humanity or benefit of the slave owner."
“A slave is not a subject of law as an individual, as a person. Neither in relation to his master, nor in relation to third parties, a slave does not enjoy any legal protection as an independent person. The master can treat slaves at his own discretion. The murder of a slave by the master is a legal right the latter, and by someone else - is considered as an attempt on the property of the master, and not as a crime against the person."
“The position of slaves gradually, through a very long evolution, changed for the better. A reasonable view of their own economic benefit forced masters to take a thrifty attitude toward slaves and mitigate their fate; this was also caused by security considerations, especially when slaves outnumbered the free classes of the population The change in attitude towards slaves was first reflected in religious precepts and customs, and then in written laws (although it can be noted that the law first took domestic animals under protection, and only then slaves)."

Are the Rules written for you? So you are not slaves.

WHY ARE RULES NEEDED Rules... Not everyone likes them, right? Then why are they needed? Restrict us and impose bans, and, on occasion, profit from our fines? Or is there at least some positive and benefit for us in observing them? Let's figure it out. Rules of the Game Whether you play football, Mafia, charades, chess or any other game, you must always follow the rules. Do you enjoy doing this? In a game, probably yes, because the very interest for which you play is ensured by following the rules. Without rules, the game has no meaning! Of course, you can eavesdrop, deceive your opponent and break the rules when no one is looking, but in the end you will harm yourself. You will no longer get interest from the game and pleasure from an unfair victory. After all, the more difficult the task, the more pleasant it is to solve it. Of course, you could open the back of a book of puzzles and see the answer, but that wouldn’t be the same as solving it yourself, would it? Rules traffic I know, I know, opinions here will not be so clear-cut. It gets on the nerves of many drivers and is inconvenient. standing signs, because of which you have to waste your time and waste extra gasoline. It is also inconvenient for pedestrians to wait for a green traffic light when there are no cars on the road. But still. Would you rather there were no traffic laws? I think no. Because, whatever one may say, they exist for our safety. When you step onto a pedestrian crossing, you know that drivers must stop, and crossing here is not dangerous to your life. But crossing the road in the wrong place, on the contrary, is dangerous. You know this yourself and will teach this to your children. In addition, compliance with these rules is more important than the previous two cases. Because not only your mood and health, but also the lives (in the literal sense of the word) of the people around you depend on their observance. Even if you are a simple pedestrian, then other people, their lives, health, and well-being depend on your decision to maneuver between the flow of cars instead of reaching the crossing. And if you are a driver, then it’s not worth talking about how much trouble you can cause to others by ignoring traffic rules. Operating instructions No store will take back a watch that you, neglecting the rules of its operation, bought at warm bath. No one will undertake to repair the coffee grinder in which you decide to grind stones under warranty. Therefore, the creator of these devices notifies you in the operating instructions: his creation (even if it is a mass-produced creation) must be handled this way and in no other way. If you want to break these rules, you will receive a damaged item that is not suitable for further use. Yes, many people think that they know better and that manufacturers are playing it safe. However, if nothing happened in your particular case, this does not mean that the same will happen to other experimenters. Because those who are responsible for the functioning of our things know best under what conditions they can stop functioning. Is it possible to break these rules and not pay? Sometimes it is possible, but this does not mean at all that you will be lucky next time too. And if many stubbornly refuse to read the operating instructions, then what about the instructions for use, for example, medicines? You don’t want to experiment so much anymore, do you? Rules of Life Ten Commandments written in the Bible. What can you say about them? Outdated? Not popular? Nobody lives like this anymore? Will I be considered a fool? But the Ten Commandments are the rules of the game, the rules of the road, safety precautions, and operating instructions. All in one. God is our Creator. He knows better how and why we are made. He gave us these rules not to build a wall of prohibitions and restrictions, but to make our lives better. Our life and health, as well as the lives of the people around us, will depend on whether we follow these rules. This will determine whether our body and our psyche will “break” ahead of time. This will determine whether we will truly enjoy life. If the arguments work with other rules created by people, then why are the Ten Commandments, which were instituted by God our Creator, so persistently ignored? Why are there so many arguments against them when our whole life shows that the world only needs to return to these rules. Think of any horrific incident that left you in shock. Even without knowing what it is, one can say in advance that it happened due to the fact that people do not keep the commandments given by God. Ignoring God's rules, like ignoring any others, really makes life easier in the beginning. But does it make it better? More interesting? More intense? Happier? Safer for yourself and others? We must admit that no, right? When you suddenly decide to break the rules, think about whether you would like others to break the same rule. Yes, many will have something to answer: “I’ve been living like this for so many years, and nothing is being done to me.” But if we are built differently, if violating the Ten Commandments is unnatural for us, then sooner or later we will pay for it. And anyway, wouldn’t you want to live in a world where everyone follows these rules of life? So for you, are the rules restrictions and prohibitions or safety, interest, life in accordance with purpose? You decide! Victor Maryin

People can want whatever they want, but the implementation of their plans can harm other members of society. Sometimes the interests of some contradict the desires and aspirations of others. This causes conflicts and leads to misunderstandings. In order for people to know how to behave in such situations, it is necessary to have established rules of behavior.

In the past, when there were no laws or written rules, people would resolve their disputes by turning to the wisest person in their community. He, in turn, listened carefully to them and understood the problem. Then he advised those who argued what to do. The sages and elders were respected, and their instructions were not in doubt.

Rules of conduct help a person understand what he can do under certain circumstances, and what he is strictly prohibited from doing. There are also rules that prescribe certain behavior.

Without the proper functioning of rules of conduct, the existence of a peaceful society and cohabitation of people is impossible, because Without a certain limitation of freedom, one cannot be absolutely free. By establishing boundaries of behavior for each individual, social order can be achieved.

In addition, compliance with the rules of behavior indicates a certain level of culture inherent in a particular person. When you do not comply with established social norms, your interlocutors may develop a negative attitude towards you, and communication will be doomed to failure.

Rules of behavior to some extent allow for modeling outcomes various situations. For example, when planning a conversation, meeting, etc. you can count on the fact that your interlocutor will, in most cases, behave exactly as established social norms suggest.


  • why do we need ethics

Any human activity is based on forecasting. But the forecast is most often based on culture - the matrix of mental models of behavior in society. These models determine the same type of reactions of people belonging to the same cultural environment and ensure their constructive interaction in all manifestations of life - from emotions to technical developments.

The culture of a particular society can be considered a system of mental models that are common to the vast majority of members of that society. In other words, this is a set of established rules, relationships and concepts, characteristic of people same mentality.

Culture, in this sense, is needed in order to facilitate the understanding and interaction of members of a society or group, its representatives. A single common cultural allows you to understand another and predict his reaction to a particular action or word. This facilitates the interaction of people belonging to the same culture, which is their common characteristic feature.

Culture facilitates interaction also because not all cases fall under the formal action of laws, treaties and regulations. Very many cases are not described by them, but, nevertheless, obvious to people belonging to the same cultural layer or. The general thing is that these people will behave the same way in these cases that are obvious to them.

Culture makes it possible to establish unwritten communications in business, which lawyers call “business customs,” and in everyday life, which are prescribed by etiquette. Some of these rules are learned literally with mother’s milk and are taken for granted by representatives of one culture, and are not even stipulated by any special regulations.

But, meanwhile, for representatives of another culture these things are not obvious and cause surprise and even rejection. Therefore, when interacting with people belonging to different cultures, misunderstandings and difficulties arise.

Knowing the basics of the cultural environment in which you were born or live is the key that will help you communicate with those around you.

The interaction between man and state is an immense topic. It is quite obvious that without the state as a governing apparatus, chaos arises everywhere. It is absolutely necessary to fight crime, resolve emerging conflicts and disputes, and provide protection from external attacks. But it can also turn from an apparatus of protection into an apparatus of oppression and suppression; the entire history of human civilization confirms this. It is known that “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

It is absolutely necessary that every citizen of the state, along with responsibilities, have rights. Inalienable, belonging to him from the moment of birth. Simply because he is a man and a citizen of this state. Rights that no one (including senior officials) can take away from him.

Why is this necessary? First of all, so that a person does not feel like a tiny, insignificant “cog” in a huge and powerful state machine, on which nothing depends. A person who knows that he has inalienable rights takes for granted that he is a person. Not a “cog”, not a faceless crumb in the same faceless biomass, but a free person whose rights no one dares violate or limit.

Such people clearly know what and to what extent the state can demand from them, and where lawlessness and arbitrariness begin. Therefore, they can defend their violated rights themselves and help others defend theirs. They will not be indifferent to the mistakes and wrong actions of their superiors, even the top level, but will demand their correction. Thus, perhaps, saving them from corruption by power, and their country from big troubles.

Unfortunately, the entire course Russian history was aimed at suppressing the individual, dampening his sense of self-worth and initiative. The expressions that set the teeth on edge: “What do you need more than everyone else?” or “Keep your head down!” speak eloquently about this. The manifestation of “individualism” was considered an unworthy act, deserving condemnation of society. We must decisively get rid of this! If Russian citizens take an active position in life and are ready to resolutely defend their rights, without considering themselves “cogs,” our society will have a chance to change the situation for the better.

Video on the topic


  • why do we need people

A person does not always receive a good upbringing in the family or in kindergarten and school. But it’s never too late to learn, and you can instill useful habits in yourself mature age. If you treat others with respect, you will experience how pleasant and interesting communication with other people can be.


Behave in society at ease and freely, confidently and with self-esteem. To avoid getting lost in the spotlight in front of a large audience, develop your eloquence and ability to think logically. This way you can always formulate your thought, even without having a ready-made text in front of your eyes.

Almost all people have a “vein” of the soul of society within them; you just need to work on yourself. Do not hesitate to make new acquaintances, communicate with respected interesting people. Read the classics and acclaimed ones to replenish lexicon. This will always help you find topics for conversation with any interlocutor.

Don't talk badly about people, don't gossip or slander. Try to treat your interlocutor the way you would like him to treat you. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar company, do not break the rules accepted there and do not judge them.

Humor can help you out if you find yourself in difficult situation and you won't know how to answer the question. Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know something.

Know how to listen to your interlocutor, do not interrupt him. Express your opinion on this issue later. If you are interrupted, do not point out to the person his mistake, listen to what he has to say.


  • About the ability to behave in society
  • how to behave in society

Compliance with state laws is one of the guarantees of order in society. The presence of power that ensures the unquestioning implementation of all legislative norms is also an important aspect of the normal existence of the country.

The legislation of the country ensures the protection of the rights and. There are systems for managing and monitoring well-being and safety different countries what is defined historical events development of states.

For the most part, laws directly or indirectly affect a person’s life, providing the opportunity to work and live normally, while minimally restricting his freedom.

Narrow areas of specially targeted activities affecting certain segments of the population are managed regulations. This is rather an exception to the rule.

General principles of the impact of laws

All provisions of norms and laws established by the state are subject to general rules, compliance with which is very important.

1. Protection of minorities various levels, fair distribution of rights and responsibilities, regardless of rank, rank, or position in society.
2. The ability to make independent decisions and defend one’s point of view within the framework of general provisions.
3. Limitation of malicious acts, imposition of penalties in case of deviation from the norms.
4. The predominance of public interests while respecting personal needs.
5. Making significant adjustments to people's behavior.
6. The creation of norms and changes in rules are allowed only by a group of legislators independent of the circumstances; approval of documents is carried out by managers, chosen by the people countries.
7. The adopted acts make the generally accepted one winning national idea, the implementation of which improves the well-being of the entire society.

Possible problems in the absence of a legislative framework

If for some reason society does not comply with the overall rules, and there is no supervisory authority, then all relationships can turn into chaos. You need to know that in this case the state and the people receive:

1. Lack of security for citizens and the entire community.
2. The predominance of the rights of force, which does not obey reason.
3. Revelry and violence.
4. Creating the ground for strengthening nationalist ideas leading to genocide.
5. Growth of anti-democratic sentiments.
6. A bias towards compliance with unwritten laws, which differ in different segments of the population.
7. Anarchy and loss of integrity of citizens.
8. Uncontrolled change of power according to the principle: “he who is stronger is right.”

To prevent situations of lawlessness, the state has security forces designed to ensure order.
The task of state law enforcement agencies comes down to soft regulation of the compliance of actions with the framework of the law in Everyday life and taking tough action when serious, large-scale conflicts arise.

Video on the topic

Who is let down by bad manners and why you need to know and follow generally accepted rules of behavior

Children preschool age they do not always comply with generally accepted rules of behavior, and they are condescendingly forgiven for this. Because everyone has long known: if the child’s parents are well-mannered people, then there is no need to worry about the child, since over time he will learn the rules of behavior in society and will not upset adults.

But when not with the best side schoolchildren show themselves, then those around them are rightly indignant. In fact, it is very unpleasant to look at children screaming and jostling in public transport, at unkemptly dressed boys and girls who do not know how to use cutlery, at schoolchildren who are disrespectful to older people.

Is it really so difficult to learn the basic rules of behavior in society: treat each other with respect, learn to speak polite words, not shout or push in public transport, eat carefully at the table and dress neatly?!

Parents always require their children to adhere to the rules of decent behavior. But this becomes especially important when guests come to you or when you are in in public places alone, without adults. There is no one to tell you what the right thing to do in this or that case, no one to pull you back if you behave ugly. It is in situations like these that your maturity and independence manifests itself.

But there is another important circumstance: you represent your family. Do you want people to think badly about your family, your parents? But usually it always happens that when we meet a rude, ill-mannered person, we always think or say out loud something like the following: “What kind of parents does this child have? Couldn’t they teach him how to behave decently in society?” And even more often, people are indignant out loud: “And what do they teach you at school?”

In order not to let down your parents and teachers who teach you good manners, try to be a well-mannered and polite person.

➤ Never disgrace those who raise you, who are responsible for your upbringing: your family and school!

If you are on the street or on public transport

Every day we leave the house on the street and use public transport. Of course, it is very important to follow traffic rules on the street and think about your safety first. But we must not forget that there are people next to us. An attentive, helpful and friendly attitude towards them is mandatory for a well-mannered person.

➤ Be attentive to the people around you and friendly in communicating with them.

Probably, any of you have often had to observe from the side various sad scenes from the daily life of passengers.

There’s a guy sitting in a subway car, lounging with his legs crossed, wearing headphones. His eyes are closed, he listens to music, and he does not care about others. He pretends not to notice the elderly woman standing, and does not pay attention to the fact that, making her way to the exit, the girl touched his leg, and a dusty shoe left a mark on her clothes.

Here are two pretty girls talking loudly. They laugh and eat ice cream right in the trolleybus, without thinking at all that their laughter might be unpleasant to someone, or that their delicious treat might stain the seats of the car or the clothes of one of the passengers.

But a schoolboy sneezed loudly in the crowd of passengers, forgetting to cover his mouth with a handkerchief or at least his palm.

Here is a girl entering the metro lobby, having forgotten to hold the heavy door closing behind her. front door and without paying any attention to the person walking behind her.

All these boys and girls are most likely not bad people at all. But they clearly lack good manners. But in this case, good manners is, first of all, compliance with certain rules of behavior on the street and in public transport.

Rules of behavior on the street and in public transport

Before you leave the house on the street, look at yourself in the mirror and make sure that everything is in order in your appearance.

Be the first to say hello when you meet people you know on the street. If someone didn’t respond to your greeting, don’t be offended - the person could be thinking about something of his own.

If you need to draw your companion's attention to something or someone, never point a finger - do it with a glance or a turn of the head.

If a passerby next to you slips or falls, help him get up.

If an older person comes towards you, step aside and let him go ahead.

Walk around a car, bus or trolleybus standing at a stop only from behind in order to see in time whether there is another car behind it. But go around the tram only from the front. But it's always better to wait until you have a clear view of the entire street.

When entering a bus, trolleybus or tram, let your companion, an elderly person or a woman with a small child pass through the door. But a boy or a man should be the first to get off a bus, trolleybus or tram to shake hands with his companion.

On public transport, always give up your seat to elderly people and women with small children.

Do not push through the crowd of passengers, helping yourself with your elbows - use your voice, not your hands.

Cover your mouth with a tissue or your palm when you cough or sneeze.

Don't eat or drink anything on public transport. You may accidentally stain the carriage seat or passengers' clothes. In addition, the sight of a person chewing, much less drinking from a bottle, is unattractive.

Cars, buses, trolleybuses - all types of urban transport - always pass on the right side. This is the main rule of traffic in our country, and it must be remembered. If you don't want to ever run into anyone on the city streets, hold on right side and disperse from passers-by only to the right.

Cross the street only when the traffic light is green! Never cross the road in front of moving vehicles!

Basic rules of behavior in public places for children

Each of us has repeatedly witnessed inappropriate behavior of a child on the street, in a store or at a transport stop. Young children most often throw tantrums regarding their desires, teenagers make noise, damage property, litter, or even smoke and use foul language. All these are costs of both home and school education.

The child must know how to behave in a store and other public places

These children simply do not know that there are rules of behavior in public places - and they must adhere to them.

Even if children know about them - and they always talk about this in kindergarten and school - they often do not understand simple things:

  • cultural skills are the basis of life in society;
  • It is easier for a well-mannered person to establish relationships with other people;
  • after all, their parents can be punished for violating the rules of behavior in public places, and for teenagers from the age of 14, personal responsibility begins.

It is necessary to start teaching the rules of behavior from the first years

Learning the Basics correct behavior in society it is necessary to start the first year of life - and this is one of the key tasks of parents, similar in importance to intellectual, spiritual and physical development. The skills of how to behave around strangers, in public places such as a store, theater, museum, transport and even a playground, should be taught to the child in the same way as brushing teeth or tying shoelaces.

List of rules for children's behavior outside the home

There are official rules of behavior for children - a list of them can be found in children's and educational institutions. Requirements for the behavior of teenagers, of course, are much more complex than for kids, but the main ones, common to everyone, are given in the list:

Rules of conduct developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

  • On the street and in public places, talk without shouting, do not make noise, and do not disturb other people.
  • Show politeness to older people, patronize little ones. Be attentive to people with disabilities.
  • Maintain cleanliness in public places - do not litter, do not spit, take care of green spaces.
  • Protect public and other people's property.
  • Do not commit unworthy acts and protect your friends from them. This means: do not offend or insult others, do not take other people’s things, do not abuse animals, etc.
  • Unaccompanied by an adult, children under 16 years of age cannot be on the street after 21:00 in the evening (during the holidays, children over 12 years of age can walk until 22:00).
  • Teenagers are allowed to attend entertainment events no later than 21:30.
  • These teenagers are maliciously violating the rules of conduct

    These basic requirements include a number of prohibitions for schoolchildren and teenagers:

  • Take part in any actions that disrupt order in public places.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking, swearing, playing cards in public places.
  • Engage in trading and resale.
  • You cannot climb into basements, onto roofs, or onto railway cars.
  • Ride on the running boards of public transport.
  • Swim independently without adult supervision.
  • Hooliganism, throwing stones at passing vehicles, placing various objects on the rails.
  • Children under 16 years of age are prohibited from riding a scooter on the road.

    For teenagers, there is also a ban on riding a bicycle on the roads until the age of 14, and on a moped or scooter until the age of 16.

    What parents should teach their child

    There is also a number of informal requirements that parents should familiarize their child with literally on their first trip to any public place.

    For example, when visiting a zoo, you need to explain to your child that you cannot climb into the animal cages, throw anything into them, tease them or make noise, so as not to scare or disturb other people.

    Before visiting the theater, you need to explain to children how they are supposed to behave.

    Also, the child must be taught how to behave in the theater and cinema and explained why the rules of behavior in these public places are different. Children must understand why a well-mannered person should not talk loudly in these establishments, rustle candy wrappers, or stand up during a performance or movie. Children are interested in why you can’t eat or drink during a performance in the theater, but in the cinema you can buy popcorn and take a drink. In museums and exhibitions you cannot touch exhibits; you must listen to the guide and not disturb other visitors.

    Children should give way to older people

    Rules of conduct on public transport include several aspects. Firstly, this is basic politeness. The child must be taught that it is customary to let women and elderly people go ahead when entering, to give them a seat, and that passengers should not be pushed aside with your elbows. Secondly, a well-mannered person must pay for travel. The third requirement is not to litter the interior or pollute it with inscriptions. In transport, there is no need to laugh loudly, talk, play music, or distract the driver from the road in any way.

    Teach your baby to use a nosepiece and napkins

    Other requirements for behavior in society include the following:

  • It is customary to cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing.
  • Use a handkerchief when you have a runny nose.
  • Do not go out casually dressed and unkempt.
  • Eat carefully and quietly in catering establishments, use napkins.
  • You cannot publicly speak rudely or poorly about other people or current events.
  • Politeness training

    This is one of important stages development of a culture of behavior and learning should begin from the baby’s first words. The best way to do this is not by teaching that if you want to ask for something, you need to say the word “please,” but by showing it daily by example.

    When parents ask a child and at the same time say words of politeness, the child will perceive this as the norm and there will be no need to specially teach him.

    The basic words that well-mannered children should know are the following:

  • Thank you;
  • Thank you;
  • Please;
  • I beg;
  • Sorry;
  • hello and goodbye;
  • Good night;
  • Good morning;
  • allow;
  • please;
  • be healthy;
  • Bon appetit;
  • Nice to meet you;
  • can I help you;
  • I'm really sorry;
  • help yourself and others.
  • Other rules of conduct

    Teaching politeness to kids can be turned into interesting game. I forgot to say “please” - pay the fine. Not with money, of course, but with some action (10 squats, put away toys, help with something) or restriction (turn off cartoons). This also applies to adult family members. The fines for them are more serious - buy ice cream, do something at the request of a child. Make a list of polite words and post it in a visible place. Over time, the habit of using them will become automatic.

    The laws of politeness include telephone and gift etiquette: the child must introduce himself first when calling someone, and thank him for the gift received.

    You can't shout on the street or in public places

    Also, the rules of behavior in society require compliance with the following norms:

  • knock before opening doors;
  • do not whisper in front of other people, do not speak in a language they do not understand;
  • do not interrupt when someone is speaking;
  • Don't turn your back when someone turns to you.
  • Table manners

    This is one of the most difficult sections of social rules to learn. Many adults do not know how to behave at the table. And their children imitate them in everything, since they do not see another example every day. From childhood, teach your child the basic rules and prohibitions.

    Training can be carried out in a playful way

  • wash your hands before eating;
  • know how to use cutlery;
  • use napkins (rather than wiping your mouth with your hands, and your hands on the tablecloth or pants);
  • take an adequate portion;
  • give thanks for the meal.
  • slurp, eat with your mouth open;
  • speak with your mouth full;
  • indulge at the table;
  • pick your mouth;
  • criticize dishes;
  • spit at the table.
  • Personal example

    Educational conversations and explanations alone will not be enough to teach children and adolescents the rules of behavior among people. Seeing the father spitting at his feet on the street, or the mother swearing loudly and ugly in the store, the child himself will behave in the same way, copying the behavior of adults.

    Personal example - The best way training

    Therefore, you need to start raising a child with yourself.

    Children, especially teenagers, are greatly influenced by their peers, the company in which they spend free time. If you think that the child has found himself in the wrong company, scolding is indispensable. The most effective way to turn teenagers away from unwanted friends is to show them sideways how ugly and unpresentable they look in society, explain why they find condemnation from other people, and what impact this will have on their entire subsequent lives.

    From childhood, a child must be explained what is good and what is bad. To do this, play with him role-playing games, work through various scenes, showing with examples how unpleasant it is to be next to an ill-mannered person. Also, explain this by watching cartoons and films. And remember - it is always easier to teach than to relearn.

  • Why are rules of conduct needed?
  • Why are laws needed?
  • Why is labor discipline needed?
  • People can want whatever they want, but the implementation of their plans can harm other members of society. Sometimes the interests of some contradict the desires and aspirations of others. This causes conflicts and leads to misunderstandings. In order for people to know how to behave in such situations, it is necessary to have established rules of behavior.

    In the past, when there were no laws or written rules, people would resolve their disputes by turning to the wisest person in their community. He, in turn, listened carefully to them and understood the problem. Then he advised those who argued what to do. The sages and elders were respected, and their instructions were not in doubt.

    Rules of conduct help a person understand what he can do under certain circumstances, and what he is strictly prohibited from doing. There are also rules that prescribe certain behavior.

    Without the proper functioning of rules of conduct, the existence of a peaceful society and cohabitation of people is impossible, because Without a certain limitation of freedom, one cannot be absolutely free. By establishing boundaries of behavior for each individual, social order can be achieved.

    In addition, compliance with the rules of behavior indicates a certain level of culture inherent in a particular person. When you do not comply with established social norms, your interlocutors may develop a negative attitude towards you, and communication will be doomed to failure.

    Rules of behavior to some extent make it possible to simulate the outcomes of various situations. For example, when planning a conversation, meeting, etc. you can count on the fact that your interlocutor will, in most cases, behave exactly as established social norms suggest.

    • why do we need ethics

    The culture of a particular society can be considered a system of mental models of behavior that are common to the vast majority of members of this society. In other words, this is a set of established rules, relationships and concepts characteristic of people of the same mentality.

    Culture, in this sense, is needed in order to facilitate the understanding and interaction of members of a society or group of people, its representatives. A single common cultural environment allows one person to understand another and predict his reaction to a particular action or word. This facilitates the interaction of people belonging to the same culture, which is their common characteristic feature.

    Culture facilitates interaction also because not all cases fall under the formal influence of laws, treaties and regulating rules of behavior. Very many cases are not described by them, but remain, nevertheless, obvious to people belonging to the same cultural class or society. A common culture means that these people will behave in the same way in these cases that are obvious to them.

    Culture makes it possible to establish unwritten rules of communication in business, which lawyers call “business customs,” and in everyday life, which are prescribed by etiquette. Some of these rules are learned literally with mother’s milk and are taken for granted by representatives of one culture, and are not even stipulated by any special regulations.

    But, meanwhile, for representatives of another culture these things are not obvious and cause surprise and even rejection. Therefore, when people from different cultures interact, misunderstandings and difficulties arise.

    Knowing the basics of the cultural environment in which you were born or live is the key that will help you communicate with those around you.

    It is absolutely necessary that every citizen of the state, along with responsibilities, have rights. Inalienable, belonging to him from the moment of birth. Simply because he is a man and a citizen of this state. Rights that no one (including senior officials) can take away from him.

    Why is this necessary? First of all, so that a person does not feel like a tiny, insignificant “cog” in a huge and powerful state machine, on which nothing depends. A person who knows that he has inalienable rights takes for granted that he is a person. Not a “cog”, not a faceless crumb in the same faceless biomass, but a free person whose rights no one dares violate or limit.

    Such people clearly know what and to what extent the state can demand from them, and where lawlessness and arbitrariness begin. Therefore, they can defend their violated rights themselves and help others defend theirs. They will not be indifferent to the mistakes and wrong actions of their superiors, even at the highest level, but will demand their correction. Thus, perhaps, saving them from corruption by power, and their country from big troubles.

    Unfortunately, the entire course of Russian history was aimed at suppressing the individual, muffling his self-esteem and initiative. The expressions that set the teeth on edge: “What do you need more than everyone else?” or “Keep your head down!” speak eloquently about this. The manifestation of “individualism” was considered an unworthy act, deserving condemnation of society. We must decisively get rid of this! If Russian citizens take an active position in life and are ready to resolutely defend their rights, without considering themselves “cogs,” our society will have a chance to change the situation for the better.

  • why do we need people
  • About the ability to behave in society
  • how to behave in society
  • The legislation of the country ensures the protection of the rights and obligations of citizens. There are differences in the management and control systems for the well-being and security of different countries, which is determined by the historical events of the development of states.

    For the most part, laws directly or indirectly affect a person’s life, providing the opportunity to work and live normally, while minimally restricting his freedom. Narrow areas of specially targeted activities affecting certain segments of the population are governed by regulations. This is rather an exception to the rule.

    General principles of the impact of laws

    All provisions of norms and laws established by the state are subject to general rules, compliance with which is very important.

    1. Protection of minorities at various levels, fair distribution of rights and responsibilities regardless of rank, rank, or position in society.
    2. The ability to make independent decisions and defend one’s point of view within the framework of general provisions.
    3. Limitation of malicious acts, imposition of penalties in case of deviation from the norms.
    4. The predominance of public interests while respecting personal needs.
    5. Making significant adjustments to people's behavior.
    6. The creation of norms and changes in rules are allowed only by a group of legislators independent of the circumstances; the approval of documents is carried out by leaders elected by the people of the country.
    7. The adopted acts make the generally accepted national idea a winner, the implementation of which improves the well-being of the entire society.

    Possible problems in the absence of a legislative framework

    If for some reason society does not comply with the overall rules, and there is no supervisory authority, then all relationships can turn into chaos. You need to know that in this case the state and the people receive:

    1. Lack of security for citizens and the entire community.
    2. The predominance of the rights of force, which does not obey reason.
    3. Rampant crime and violence.
    4. Creating the ground for strengthening nationalist ideas leading to genocide.
    5. Growth of anti-democratic sentiments.
    6. A bias towards compliance with unwritten laws, which differ in different segments of the population.
    7. Anarchy and loss of integrity of citizens.
    8. Uncontrolled change of power according to the principle: “he who is stronger is right.”

    To prevent situations of lawlessness, the state has security forces designed to ensure order. The task of state security forces comes down to softly regulating the compliance of actions with the framework of the law in everyday life and taking tough measures when serious large-scale conflicts arise.

    Why do people need rules?

    Psychological lesson for younger teenagers

    A psychologist at school is a special person: sometimes they trust him more than close people, he knows how to listen, understand and advise something. He can tell you a lot of interesting and important things: what the child’s soul asks for. During the lessons, relationships are business-like and regulated, but in these lessons you can get closer and try to understand each other. Confidential conversations or spontaneous games can get everyone on the same wavelength, which will be enhanced by the unexpected unity that appears. Discovering the vastness within oneself is very scary at first, but later becomes terribly interesting.

    Purpose of the lesson: to form in students the need to comply with norms of behavior.

    Give an idea of ​​the need to regulate human relationships;

    Develop the ability to relate your own feelings with the feelings of those around you.

    Equipment: blackboard, chalk, student workbooks for recording.


    Leading. Guys! Today we have an unusual activity. We will spend the present with you Scientific research! Who can say what the word "research" means? (Students' answers are heard.)

    In general, you defined everything correctly. Yes, this is learning something new, still unknown to others. But scientific research is different in that from the very beginning the scientist poses a question to which he seeks an answer through research. Before writing down any very serious and important statement, scientists conduct many experiments. They make sure to check whether their conclusions are correct.

    So today we will try to ask ourselves a question and find an answer to it through experimentation.

    First, we will open the notebooks in which we will write down the date and on a new line - “Experiment.” And here is the question to which we will look for an answer (we will write it on a new line):

    Why does a person need different rules in life?

    Can you answer this question now, without experimenting? (Children vying with each other to express a variety of versions.)

    What did we get? Each of you thinks differently, there is no agreement between you. And the most interesting thing is that everyone says correctly. So? It is precisely in order to find one answer for everyone, while studying the problem (and you and I have a problem: there is no consensus), scientists conduct experiments. This means that an experiment should always have a goal: For what you have to do this and that.

    So let’s write in our notebooks on a new line: “The goal is to find the reason that makes people live according to the rules.”

    (At this time, the teacher draws a blank for the game “tic-tac-toe” on the board. Children will happily recognize this drawing.)

    Draw a field for playing tic-tac-toe in your notebooks, and let's begin our experiment! I promise you that I can defeat everyone! (Some of the guys do not agree with this statement.) We'll see. So I start first.

    Walking around the class, the leader draws a cross in any cell in each notebook. Then he invites the children to make a return move with “toe” and continues the game. Having reached the third move, teacher, breaking the rules of the game, he crosses out the crosses the way he wants, declaring to each student: “I won!” This causes a stormy protest. But you need to get to the very last player, continuing to break the rules. The most “noisy” ones can be calmed down by whispering in their ears that they need to wait until the end of the experiment.

    Oh! How you scream! Why?

    The children shout vyingly:

    – You broke the rule!

    - Why are you doing this?

    What I did? That's right, I violated rule! Now let's calm down and, like real scientists, try to find the answer: what happened? What caused such a cry and such indignation? First, let's try to look into ourselves, “with our pupils inside,” as the British say.

    (The children gradually calm down.)

    Try to answer the question: “How did you feel when I declared myself the winner against the rules? What feelings did you have?

    (The teacher asks each person, writing the answer on the board.)

    So, indignation, feeling that you have been deceived, resentment, thoughtfulness, dissatisfaction, shock, irritation, anger, anger.

    Let's write down these words that tell about your condition in notebooks.

    Tell me, are these feelings light, pleasant or dark, ugly?

    (It almost sounds like a chorus that these are dark, ugly feelings.)

    That's how it is! You unanimously decided that these were dark, ugly feelings! Unanimously, guys! Everyone felt the same, everyone said the same. And what did you want to do when suddenly you felt the pain of resentment?

    That's right, you started screaming! Why? Because I didn’t want to immediately stop my violations, and you couldn’t stop me! So?

    (This time, surprisingly, the children no longer scream, they try to speak more calmly. You can see how they slowly analyze themselves, their feelings in the context of words and actions.)

    What conclusion can we draw? Right. When someone breaks the rules, the other person feels bad: he feels that he is good mood and hope destroyed, broken. All agree? Then we will write down the conclusion in notebooks: “By breaking the rules, a person destroys the bright feelings of another person.”

    Guys! Can we now answer our question: “ For what does a person need rules in life?”

    (Children's answers are heard.)

    Does this mean that living by the rules can help people be kinder?

    Will other people treat us well if we break the rules?

    So For what do people need rules?

    Now you should try to answer the question yourself. complex issue which you have asked me many times. " Why Does it happen that teachers sometimes or often raise their voices at you during class? What does it mean raised tone of the teacher's voice?

    (Almost unanimously, the guys agree that this is the result of not just “bad” student behavior, but a violation of the rules of behavior in the lesson. It is proposed to name the rules of behavior in the lesson known to students.)

    Guys! Did you enjoy doing the experiment? By experimental method you on one's own were able to determine how you should behave not only in class, but also in everyday life. If you and I want to live in peace, if you and I want to have many friends, if you and I don’t want to destroy our good mood, we must remember our conclusion: “By breaking the rules, we destroy the bright feelings towards us from the other person. We are losing friends. We begin to be offended, cry, suffer. And all just because we ourselves do not follow the rules established in society.”

    Violation of the rules leads the whole world of human relations to the state that you yourself called. And you yourself said that these are dark, ugly feelings, they destroy people’s relationships.

    As I say goodbye to you today, I would like to wish you to always remember that your good mood depends only on whether you know how to follow the rules.

    P The lesson presented to your attention was taught in fifth grade. According to the same methodological development The lesson was also held in sixth grades. The result was stunning. For the first time, the children (this was reflected on their faces during the discussion) thought that the teacher is also a person and he has the right to feelings. The point is that during the discussion it is necessary to pay some attention teacher's feelings in relation to those who violate the rules of behavior in the classroom.

    Children, younger teenagers, and sometimes even quite “adult” older teenagers quite often endow teachers with unpleasant epithets, label them, form an attitude towards them, which is later transferred to the subject that the teacher teaches. But after this lesson, the students suddenly discovered the reason for the teachers’ irritation.

    In saying this, it is worth noting that the source of the violation is sometimes not one student, but several people, and more than once during the lesson. Invite students to think about whether it is possible to add up those “dark” feelings that they themselves named and place them in the heart of one person - the teacher. Children readily agree that this is exactly what happens. After this, ask the question “for filling”: “Is it possible to pay for good with evil? The teachers who teach you give you new knowledge. Is it possible to kindle suffering and pain in a person’s soul by thinking only about one’s momentary desires and whims?”

    After this frank conversation, the children are ready to discuss the rules that must be followed in class so as not to offend the teacher, so as not to turn him against themselves. The slowness of children's reactions to these questions indicates that they have begun to think.

    Indeed, it is not easy for teachers, especially young ones, to maintain discipline. Under the onslaught of children's energy, some abandon the mission of an educator and concentrate their efforts on teaching functions, artificially driving themselves into the framework of guidelines and recommendations. Namely, this will serve as a further source emotional burnout: No feedback, no creativity, no strength to work. Some teachers develop a defense that destroys many of the positive initiatives reflected in the programs. And no matter how much teachers are taught to react correctly to violations, taking into account the reasons for this very violation, they are still inherently reactive, because the students themselves teach them to be reactive.

    Modern requirements for keeping diaries prohibit writing comments about a student’s behavior in them; teachers are only allowed to invite parents for consultation. Overworked parents postpone the visit for an indefinite period of time, and at this very time the child develops the habit of bad behavior. And is it legal to shift the upbringing of a child from the shoulders of professionals only to the shoulders of mothers, grandmothers and fathers? Their methods are sometimes terrifying. And some teachers consider it unacceptable to be distracted by discipline, since there is already not enough time to “run” the program. So it turns out that a psychologist can help a teacher, and his help will be effective. You just need to be included in the system of real and large-scale problems of a modern school.

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