Feng Shui rules for the entrance staircase. Feng Shui of the front door


The staircase in the house is extremely important because it connects the qi flows of the upper floor with the lower floor. You should carefully consider the number of steps on the stairs. Traditionally, the steps are counted either in threes or in fours. Counting the steps in threes is the so-called “gold-silver-death” cycle; counting in fours – the cycle of “success-prosperity-failure-decline”. The last rung on the ladder should be either "gold" or "silver", or "luck" or "prosperity". Thus, auspicious number steps – 1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 14, 17 and 22.

An experienced geomancer or Feng Shui master can use a Chinese compass to determine the favorable orientation of the stairs in the house.

Basic rules for placing stairs in the house:

1. The staircase should not be located opposite the front door.

2. The stairs should not be located in the center of the house.

3. The ladder should not be placed opposite the toilet door.

4. The stairs should not be opposite the bedroom door.

5. The ladder should not go towards the corner of the wall.

6. There should not be two staircases facing each other in the house.

1. The stairs should not be too steep or too narrow; undesirable large number twists and turns; Spiral stairs are not recommended.

2. Don't bet kitchen stove opposite the stairs and under the stairs.

3. The staircase should be well lit along its entire length.

4. To attract good qi and ensure good luck for the owner of the house, when constructing a staircase, do not forget to place the “five lucky objects” on each step (if the staircase is concrete) or on the first and last step (if the staircase is wooden).

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A staircase is a mandatory element in the interior of a private house with two or more floors. Accordingly, there are many options for its models and installation locations in the room. However, according to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, which combines elements of science and art, the material and spiritual well-being of the inhabitants of a house directly depends on its energy state. What does Feng Shui say about the stairs in our house?

Life-giving energy Qi

The home staircase is a guide for vital energy Qi, which is obliged to correctly distribute it across all levels of the room. The teachings of Ancient China identify Qi with water flowing smoothly through the space of your home. The staircase, which has smooth curves, transfers this energy easily and smoothly, like a river bed, filling your home with favorable positive energy. Naturally, the most optimal material for the construction of a staircase structure there will be natural wood, symbolizing the world tree.

In addition to the smooth ascent, the science of Feng Shui focuses on the method of lighting the steps. The top part should have dim lighting. This helps ensure that the flow of vital energy Qi does not stagnate and flows smoothly to the upper levels.

Features of shape and location.

The form should, as it were, “invite” you to rise. This effect is achieved by the size of the steps - the lower ones should be wider than the upper ones. Special attention should be paid to their quantity. The most favorable arrangement would be staircases with 5, 10, 13, 14, 17 or 22 steps.

Turned with steps towards the front door, it will facilitate the flow of Qi out of the house. If it is impossible to change the location of the structure, you need to install spherical objects at its base into which Qi will be collected. It could be decorative elements interior or fence - examples of such decorations in the photo.

If the stairs in your home are located near the toilet or bathtub, it is imperative to prevent energy from escaping. To do this, live plants are placed in the bathroom, which attract Qi energy.

If you live in a private house of 2, 3 or 4 floors, then, of course, you cannot do without the equipment of a beautiful and high-quality staircase. But are you sure that you know exactly everything about the correctness of their choice and production? It turns out that not only members of the entire family can move through them, but also the beneficial energy of Qi. Exactly what characteristics this energy will have will largely be determined by the staircase located in your private home.

Feng Shui rules for stairs

The most important Feng Shui rule for a home staircase is the following: this structure should not be located directly opposite the entrance (main) door. In this case, the Qi energy can be directed immediately upward, without leaving a single “gram” of Qi for circulation on the lower floors.

Feng Shui is also not welcome if the stairs:

It kind of “cuts” the space;
. Has certain gaps between steps.

In this case, Qi energy can easily get into the gaps and thus, from being beneficial, it will become unfavorable. But, according to Feng Shui followers, the most stringent taboo regarding the staircase is its vertical spiral design, which has a full rotation of 360 degrees. It’s even worse if such a spiral staircase is located in the very heart of the house - its center. Like a real corkscrew, she can drill a hole in the house and destroy the energy of the entire living space in the most cruel and aggressive way.

A few equally important rules

In some houses, you have probably observed the following picture - in the hall there are 2 staircases at once:

One of them leads upstairs;
. Well, the second one, on the contrary, is down.

If you look at such designs through the “eyes” of Feng Shui practitioners, it can be considered terrible and completely unacceptable. All this can have an extremely negative impact on the health of all household members, and subsequently even lead to accidents.

Which staircase is preferable for a residential building?

A good staircase for a living space is one that is well lit, has wide and closed steps, and a smooth rise. It is important to note this nuance: if your staircase has a turn, it is much better:

Go down it clockwise;
. To climb it, on the contrary, is counterclockwise.

Where do your stairs lead?

Feng Shui of stairs should not be underestimated, because it is extremely important for the well-being and health of all household members. In particular, not only the design of the staircase itself is important, but also where exactly it leads. According to the Yin-Yang principle, the upper floors of the house usually belong to the Yin type energy. Consequently, on the upper floors of any cottage or private house it is preferable to locate such premises as any recreation rooms and bedrooms.

Chi energy “flows” through the house, like real water, perhaps invisible. If the staircase has smooth curves, energy will flow just as smoothly and fill every room of the house with its favorable currents.

Even bad Feng Shui of stairs can be corrected correctly. For example, provide it good lighting, hang beautiful, kind paintings along the stairs that will only give positive emotions and please the eye. This way you will be able to smooth out the situation at least a little and turn the energy of a harsh type into a softer and more peaceful one.

Staircase shapes and common mistakes

Of course, the shape of the stairs can be very different. The shape largely depends on the wishes of the customer. But when choosing a specific staircase model, it’s a good idea to be guided by the principles of Feng Shui. As previously noted, the spiral shape of the staircase is unacceptable. Constantly walking up a spiral staircase activates the energy of a corkscrew. This is what is literally “screwed” into us. This negativity may soon result in various diseases digestive system and in general, problems in all areas of life.

. Ladder
It is also necessary to think about the number of steps on the stairs. Typically the steps are counted in groups of either three or four. Three at a time is a cycle *gold - silver - death*; counting by four - cycle *luck - prosperity - failure - decline*. The last rung on the ladder must be *gold* or *silver*, or *luck* or *prosperity*. Thus, the favorable number of steps is 1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 14, 17 and 22.

. Ladder
The location of the front door at the foot of the stairs is considered unfavorable for the health of family members. An easy way to avoid negative impact- raise the threshold a couple of centimeters so that you have to step over it when entering the house. This also makes it difficult for the free movement of qi.
(entrance door)

. Fish
Most suitable sizes: length 38 cm, height 38 cm and width 26 cm. Size 26 cm falls into part 4 of part 5 of the segment called *Power* and means: prosperity, power and honors for the whole family. The size of 38 cm falls into part 1 of the 8 segment called *Condition* and means: a large influx of money. But as for the configuration of the aquarium, this is a somewhat individual question. General advice: Use the correct shapes - square, rectangle, circle, octagon.

. Fish
Location: To the left of the front door (if you are facing the door from the inside), the aquarium will bring positive energy into your life.

. Fish
Location: in the East, fish *promise* an influx of energy in the areas of health and family. By the way, everything related to water is appropriate in this sector: aquariums and fountains, water landscapes, blue and black colors in decoration.

. Fish
Location: best place for an aquarium - in the South-East (ideally if it is a living room or hall). Square or rectangular aquarium in the Southeast promises you prosperity and success in material affairs. A small round aquarium placed in this sector will *work* in the same way.

. Fish
Location: for the North best choice- aquarium-ball. Thanks to him, you will be successful in your career.

. Fish
Location: The only taboo: do not place the aquarium in the South, or in the bedroom or kitchen.

. Fish
Number of fish: Three fish – best option, this number symbolizes Yang energy. The best combination is two veil tails (classic goldfish) and one black one (for symbolically averting misfortunes), this combination activates Qi energy.

. Fish
Number of fish: The number *9* symbolizes harmony between heaven and earth, so you can have eight gold (red, silver-red) and one black fish. This combination will provide you with prosperity, happiness and comfort, as well as protection of your home and family from loss and betrayal.

The staircase in the house is extremely important because it connects the qi flows of the upper floor with the lower floor. You should carefully consider the number of steps on the stairs. Traditionally, the steps are counted either in threes or in fours. Counting the steps in threes is the so-called “gold-silver-death” cycle; counting by four - the cycle of “success-prosperity-failure-decline”.

The last rung on the ladder should be either "gold" or "silver", or "luck" or "prosperity". Thus, a favorable number...

Eastern Feng Shui masters pay great attention to where the staircase is located. After all, the staircase is one of the oldest inventions of mankind, without which not a single major project in the world can do. modern construction. In addition, stairs are also different. The hierarchy of a family or company is often associated with the ladder. Such concepts as the Service Ladder, the Stairway to Heaven, have long existed. The staircase takes on unusual and even somewhat mystical meanings. The staircase is no longer just...

They distribute chi throughout the floors of the house, and the nature of their designs has a significant impact on your Feng Shui. Here are the types of stairs that bring bad luck:

1. Spiral staircases that resemble a corkscrew. If they are located in the center of the house, they are characterized as a corkscrew screwed into the heart of the house: and if they are also covered with a red carpet, then they seem to have the blood of a wounded heart on them.

These color characteristics speak for themselves. Beware spiral staircases- I saw how big...

Take a long thread of the color that suits your need. Then take nine seeds, nuts, pieces of bark, dried flowers, twigs (etc.) of those trees or herbs that also magically correspond to your need.

Now tie a tight knot around this plant, imagining your need. Repeat this procedure eight more times until the thread has nine knots, each containing a piece of bark or a flower.

Go outside and, picking up the thread...

Richard Webster was born in 1946 in New Zealand, where he still lives. He makes annual lecture tours around the world, conducting seminars and giving lectures on parapsychological topics. He wrote many books, mostly on research inner world person, and runs monthly sections in various magazines. Richard is married and has three children. The family is sympathetic to Richard's work, but his eldest son nevertheless decided to become an accountant.


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