Reasons for the emergence of inequality among primitive people. Lesson summary: the emergence of inequality and nobility

History lesson in 5th grade

Goals: lead students to understand the causes of inequality between people; ensure the assimilation of the concepts of “inequality”, “neighborhood community”, “know”; continue to develop the skills to retell the contents of a textbook text, compare and describe tools, and identify at the elementary level the causes of historical events.

During the classes


I. Organizational moment

1. Preparation of oral answers on cards No. 5 and 6.

CARD No. 5

Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “How did agriculture and cattle breeding appear?”

To do this, remember:

— What property of plants did women pay attention to while collecting?

— What were the first crops that people began to grow?

— How did primitive people cultivate the land?

— What tools did they use to cultivate the land?

— How did you deal with the young animals that were killed?

— What animals did primitive people begin to breed?

Conclude what cattle breeding and agriculture gave to man?

Sample student answer

The women noticed that the fallen grains were sprouting. They began to sow them. The first crops that humans mastered were wild barley and wheat. The land was cultivated with a hoe (a wooden stick with a sharp knot). Coming from hunting, men sometimes brought the cubs of killed animals. They left them in their home. So a man got a dog. Later - sheep, goats, pigs, cows. The advent of cattle breeding and agriculture provided man with constant food products.

CARD No. 6

Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “What new activities did ancient people have?”

To do this, remember:

—What did people make dishes from?

-What was the fabric made from?

Conclude what significance the emergence of these new activities had for people.

Sample student answer

People learned to weave baskets from branches and began to coat them with clay. But when it rained, the clay got wet. Then they began to dry and burn the clay containers. For strength, sawdust and crushed shells were added to the clay dough. The fabric was made from flax and hemp fibers. They spun wool. The appearance of these occupations gave man clothes and utensils.

2. Work with the class.

a) Workbook (issue 1), task No. 15 (p. 15) or task No. 16 (p. 16).

b) Fill in the missing words:

— The first farmers dug up the ground using wood... (with a hoe).

- The ears were cut... (with a sickle).

— We ground the grains onto... (grain graters).

— Trees were cut down... (with a wooden axe).

— Agriculture and cattle breeding originated in Western... (Asia).

— We learned to make from clay... (dishes).

- Women have learned... (weave) And… (spin).

3. Detailed answers from students on cards No. 5 and 6.

III. Transition to studying a new topic

So, agriculture and cattle breeding provided additional food for humans. Obtaining them now depended to a greater extent on himself. Therefore, a person improves his skills in these activities. Individual masters appear among people who do something better than others. They are called artisans, and what do they do - craft. The emergence of artisans (professionals in their field) will cause changes in the tools of human labor, and this will lead to the emergence of inequality among people.

— What is inequality?

IV. Learning a new topic


1) Metal processing.

2) Invention of the plow.

3) The collapse of tribal communities.

4) The emergence of inequality and nobility.

On the desk: topic of the lesson, new words: hoe, plow, inequality, classes, state.

1. Teacher's story.

A long time ago, people noticed that some stones did not split when struck. When they fall into the fire, they soften and harden into a new shape.

-Have you guessed what kind of stones these are? (Nuggets of copper. They could be smelted and made into tools that were stronger than wood.)

This is what the ancient man did. He learned to make a mold from stone, fill it with molten copper and make metal tools. This happened about nine thousand years ago in Western Asia. Thus began the exploration of metals by man.

2. Work with textbook illustrations (p. 23 Vigasina).

— How was the copper ax cast?

— What was the significance of the development of copper for humans? (Tools and weapons made of copper were stronger than wood. This means they could cultivate the land better).

— Find out how the plow appeared.

—What was the significance of the appearance of the plow? (Crops became better, it became easier to cultivate the land. Now some people could work in the fields, while others could engage in crafts. Therefore, they could exchange their products.)

4. Solving a creative problem.

During archaeological excavations, archaeologists found two burials. In one of them, beads from precious stones, on his forehead are the remains of a golden crown. Copper axes and a dagger lay next to the body. Along the wall of the grave stood gold and silver vessels with images of a leopard, lion, horse, and antelope. In the other there is only a copper ax.

— What conclusions about people’s lives can be drawn based on these data? (The appearance of rich and poor.)

5. Working with new concepts. On the board and in the notebook.

Inequality - the emergence of rich and poor people.

6. Teacher's story.

Why did inequality arise?

We found out that man learned to process metal and invented the plow. Now each family could independently cultivate the land. The tribal community breaks up into separate families. In relation to each other, relatives become neighbors. The tribal community is being replaced by the neighboring community. But how to divide the land between relatives? This issue is probably decided by the elder, who best plots leaves land for himself and his close relatives. This is how rich and poor appear, i.e. inequality.

Now fellow tribesmen are divided into stronger, more powerful and weaker, dependent ones. In other words, there arises hierarchy . Tribal society becomes much more complexly organized. It needs special management tools - military force, bureaucracy. Thus, the state is born.

The state is an organization of society in which there are boundaries, power, laws and tax collection.


To conduct a game lesson, the teacher should inform the students in advance about the game, its rules, assign roles and ask them to prepare for the game, after reading the paragraph. The class should be divided into two groups: “from the clan community” and “from the tribe.” Some must defend the advantages of the tribal community, others - the tribal system.

A game

The teacher draws a table on the blackboard.

Students, defending the advantages of the clan community and tribe, should propose points that could be included in the table. Students can use textbooks, notebooks and any aids available to them. Students' proposals to add this or that item to the table must be reasoned. In order for the table to represent systematized knowledge, it is assumed that the teacher should guide the students’ reasoning according to the following plan:

1) composition (students defending the tribal community should talk about close, blood ties within this group - “tribesmen” about the significant size of the tribe, which could solve serious problems);

2) social status (supporters of the tribal community will talk about family relationships within the genus; students who defended the benefits of the tribe will say that superior-subordinate relationships are more effective);

3) tools (in this case, the “tribesmen” have certain advantages: in the clan community, the tools are mainly wooden and stone, while in the tribe they are metal).

As student proposals are received, the teacher must fill out the table, and the students must transfer it to their notebooks. For each well-reasoned proposal, the student should receive a point. The student(s) with the most points receives a five.

V. Consolidation of the studied material

  1. A means of human transportation on water from ancient times to the present day. 2. A group of relatives who worked together and had common property. 3. One of the first occupations of a person. 4. The first metal that man mastered. 5. The first tool for cultivating the land. 6. Tools used by farmers 5-6 thousand years ago. 7. Pet. 8. Material for making dishes on a pottery wheel. 9. The first tool and weapon of ancient man. 10. Association of clans living in the same area.

Answers: 1. Boat. 2. Rod. 3. Hunting. 4. Copper. 5. Hoe. 6. Plow. 7. Dog. 8. Clay. 9. Chopped. 10. Tribe.

VI. Summing up the lesson

— What new did we learn in class today? (With the development of metals, the tools of labor change, the tribal community is replaced by the neighboring one, inequality appears, that is, the separation of rich and poor people.)

Homework: prepare for the test and generalization lesson; read § 5 of Vigasin or Mikhailovsky, repeat § 2 and 3; repeat new concepts from the entire section: history, historical source, human herd, tribal community, tools, inequality, religion, art.

1. Why did it become possible and profitable to run a household with one family?

Farming by one family became possible and profitable due to the invention of the plow, the appearance of copper and then iron tools, and the use of animals to loosen the earth. All this made people's lives easier and the need for joint work disappeared.

2. Why couldn’t there be rich and poor among the mammoth hunters?

Hunting for mammoths involved joint work, since one person could not kill a mammoth. The result of the hunt depended on the common efforts and was divided equally among everyone. At the same time, when farming, people relied primarily on themselves, and those who were more diligent became richer.

3. Why were noble people interested in military campaigns?

Noble people were interested in military campaigns, since in this way they increased their wealth, fertile lands and became even more respected.

4. How was inequality between people manifested?

Inequality between people was manifested in the fact that some were richer, others poorer, some had more land, objects of labor, were more respected and had more power, while others had less.

Questions and tasks for the section “Life of primitive people”

1. Who are called primitive people?

Primitive people are people who lived before the invention of writing, before the emergence of the first states and large cities.

2. Where and when, according to scientists, did the most ancient people live?

The earliest people lived in hot countries where there are no frosts and cold winters. For example, in East Africa, where archaeologists are finding bones of people who lived more than two million years ago.

3. Compare the ancient people and the “reasonable people”. What is the difference between them? What are the similarities?

The most ancient people differed from the “reasonable people” appearance. The earliest man very much resembled a monkey: he had a rough face with a wide, flattened nose, a heavy lower jaw without a chin, and a forehead extending back. There was a ridge above the eyebrows, under which the eyes were hidden, as if under a canopy. The gait of the most ancient people, unlike the “sapiens”, was not yet completely straight, jumping; long arms hung below the knees. The most ancient people, unlike “homo sapiens,” did not yet know how to speak. The similarities between the most ancient people and “homo sapiens” can be defined in the following: both the first and the second lived in groups - communities, and both also began to make primitive tools.

4. How did the mastery of fire change the life of primitive people?

Mastery of fire radically changed the life of primitive people: fire helped to keep warm and not freeze at night or in winter, dispersed darkness, scared away wild animals, helped with hunting, in addition, food cooked on fire was much tastier and more nutritious than raw food.

5. What inventions and discoveries of primitive people do you know?

Primitive people invented the first tools: axes, spears, then a bow and arrow for hunting, a harpoon for fishing were invented, they discovered fire and all its positive properties.

Later, tools for farming were invented: sickles, stone axes, iron plows, etc. The first pottery, spinning and weaving were also invented, which led to the appearance of clothing made from linen and woolen fabric.

6. Who and where did the most ancient artists on Earth depict?

The most ancient artists depicted those animals that were hunted or worshiped. The ancient people depicted them on the walls of caves.

7. What do you know about the religious beliefs of primitive people?

First religious beliefs primitive people were associated with the belief that certain actions could influence the outcome of the hunt, and so witchcraft rituals arose. In addition, primitive people believed that animals and people could miraculously transform into each other, which is how the belief in werewolves appeared.

A little later, primitive people began to believe in a supernatural being - the soul. People began to believe that the souls of their ancestors moved to the distant “land of the dead” and there they needed all the items that the dead used during life: tools, shoes, clothes, food, etc.

8. Scientists believe that the transformation of agriculture and cattle breeding into the main occupations radically changed people's lives. Why do scientists think this?

Scientists believe that the transformation of agriculture and cattle breeding into the main occupations radically changed the lives of people, because after the transition to farming and cattle breeding, significant changes took place. The clan community began to disintegrate, so one family could feed itself. Inequality appeared between people: some were richer, others poorer. The nobility began to wage wars for wealth and land, the first slaves appeared.. The first crafts appeared and the division of labor began: someone was a farmer, someone was a cattle breeder, someone was a craftsman (potter, weaver, etc.). The first cities began to appear, the power of the nobility grew, they became kings - rulers of states.

9. What do the words and expressions mean: axe, spear, harpoon, hoe, plow, sickle, clan community, elder, tribe, tribal leader, noble, witchcraft ritual, sacrifice, idol, werewolf, soul, “land of the dead”

A chopper was a labor tool that was a processed stone.

A spear, a labor tool intended for hunting, was a stick with a pointed stone tip attached.

A hoe is a primitive tool designed for digging up soil.

A plow is a labor tool intended for cultivating land; a plow is capable of loosening harder soil than a hoe.

A sickle is a labor tool designed for cutting ears of corn, made of wood or bone.

A clan community is a human collective, the main thing in which was family ties, and housing, food, and firewood were common.

An elder is the most experienced and wise old people who knew the habits of animals and the properties of plants, ancient legends and rules of behavior.

A tribe is a group of people united by some characteristic (for example, belief in a single ancestor, etc.).

The leader of the tribe is the head of the tribe, who was elected to lead military campaigns and protect his relatives from enemies.

Nobles are members of the tribe (leaders, elders) who gained fame, they were respected, even if they were not particularly valorous and intelligent, they were allocated the best plots of land, most of the spoils of war.

A witchcraft ritual is an action aimed at calling for help during hunting, etc.

Sacrifice is gifts (food, things, etc.) that people presented to their gods and spirits in order to thank and appease them.

An idol is an image of gods and spirits that people carved from stone, sculpted from clay, or carved from wood.

Werewolves are creatures that can transform into other creatures - people, stones, animals and any other objects.

The soul is a supernatural being that lived in every person, according to the belief of primitive people.

“The Land of the Dead” is a place where, according to ancient beliefs, the souls of ancestors moved.


1. Which ancient counting of years - the Egyptians or the Romans - was more convenient? What is more convenient?

In ancient times, it was more convenient for the Romans to count years, since they kept it from the founding of the city of Rome, and the Egyptians from the beginning of the reign of the new king. Therefore, when the king died, the Egyptians began counting years from the beginning, but for the Romans it was continuous.

2. How many years and full centuries does our era last?

Our era lasts 2015 years or a full 20 centuries.

3. Which year was earlier: 40 BC or 40 AD? What year was the previous one?

Previously it was 40 BC, before it was 41 BC.

5. What year was next after 40 BC? What year was the previous one?

Beyond the 40th year BC. followed by the 39th year BC, the previous year was 41 BC.

6. How many years ago did the Spartacus uprising begin?

The revolt of Spartacus occurred in 74 BC. It's 2015 now. This means that the uprising of Spartacus occurred 2089 years ago (2015+74).

8. Which of the two cities - Moscow or Rome - was founded earlier? How much earlier?

Rome was founded earlier - in 753 BC. Moscow was founded in 1147 AD. This means that Rome arose 1900 years earlier than Moscow.

General history. 5th grade. Teacher of history and social studies Shmal Natalya Vasilievna MBOU Secondary School No. 44, Surgut

Lesson topic:

The purpose of the lesson: Encourage students to understand the causes of

inequalities in primitive society.

Lesson objectives: 1. Ensure the assimilation of the concepts of “craft”, “artisan”, “neighboring community”, “inequality”, “nobility”, “classes”, “state”.

2. Continue developing skills:

    give a complete answer to the question;

    compare and analyze various historical processes;

    identify at the elementary level the causes of historical events.

Basic concept of the topic: plow, craft, artisan, neighboring community, inequality, nobility, classes, state.

Training equipment: ICT

Textbook used: Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S. Story Ancient world. Textbook for 5th grade educational institutions. M.: Education, 2009.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    Update background knowledge students on the topic: “The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding.”

    1. Conversation on questions:

    How was a group of primitive people governed? (The ancient people, in order to survive in difficult conditions, united intribal communities . Managed clan communitieselders . They made sure that all their relatives fulfilled general work in the fields and divided the collected grain equally. Several clan communities living in one area constitutedtribe . The tribe was ruledcouncil of elders

    Name the main activities of primitive people. (Gathering and hunting)

    How did agriculture and cattle breeding originate?(While collecting wild barley and wheat, the women noticed that the fallen grains soon sprout. Then a new spikelet grows from this grain. Then primitive people began to specially plant grains of wild plants, loosening the ground with a wooden hoe. So more than 10 thousand years ago, from gathering came agriculture Around the same time as agriculture, cattle breeding appeared.

Men often brought home baby animals killed while hunting. These cubs were fed, tamed and left in their home. The first domestic animal was the dog, then pigs, sheep, goats and cows).

        What changes occurred in people's lives as a result of the advent of agriculture and cattle breeding? (The advent of agriculture and cattle breeding allowed man to have constant food products: meat, milk, as well as warm animal skins, wool. With the emergence of these occupations, primitive people moved from an appropriating economy to a producing one.)

    Fill in the missing words:

Agriculture and cattle breeding originated in Western...(Asia)

more...(10 thousand) years ago

The first farmers plowed the land with wooden...(hoe)

The ears were cut...(sickle)

Grind the grains onto...(grain graters)

Trees were cut down...(with a wooden ax)

They learned to make from clay...(dishes)

Women have learned...(weave and spin)

III . Transition to studying a new topic.

    Solving a creative problem

During archaeological excavations, two burials were found.

In one of them, beads made of precious stones were preserved on the chest of the deceased, and the remains of a golden crown were preserved on his forehead. Copper axes and a dagger lay next to the body. At the wall of the grave stood gold and silver vessels with images of a leopard, a lion, a horse, and an antelope.

In another burial, only a copper ax was found.

What conclusions can be drawn about people's lives based on these data?(There was inequality in society)

U.: You made the right conclusion. Now tell me, what will we talk about in our lesson today?

( About inequality)

U.: Correct. Today we are talking about inequality.

What do you think you should learn today? What questions to answer?

    What is inequality?

    How and why did it appear?

    What happened in society as a result of inequality?

U.: That's right. These are the questions you should get answers to today in class. Now try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

Students are told the topic of the lesson. They record it in a notebook.

The emergence of inequality and nobility

IV . Studying a new topic.


    Metal processing and improvement of tools.

    The emergence of inequality and nobility.

    Metal processing and improvement of tools .

Teacher's story: Agriculture and cattle breeding gave man new food products and clothing. Now much depended on the person himself: what type of activity he would engage in, whether he would actively work. Gradually, people began to appear in primitive society who performed some kind of quality work. certain work: they made pots, or were engaged in weaving, etc.

Working with textbook illustrations (p.24)

    Think about how a potter should work so that the dishes he makes are High Quality? (Work hard, constantly improve your skills.)

    Will he have time left for other activities, for example, farming, cattle breeding?(No, since this activity will certainly take a lot of time and effort from a person, so he will not be able to engage in other activities.)

    What will he eat if he has no time to hunt or farm?(He could exchange his goods for food and necessary things, clothing.)

    What do you call a person who makes vessels, tools, fabrics or other products?(Craftsman.)

    What is this type of human occupation called?(Craft)

Write in a notebook.

Craftsman - a person who is professionally engaged in the manufacture of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.

Craft – production of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.

Teacher's story

One day, while kneading clay to make a pot, the potter noticed a very hard piece of clay. This piece did not soften at all. Having placed it closer to the fire, the potter after a while was surprised to find that the piece had disappeared, and in its place there remained a small puddle. Having cooled down, it retained the same shape. This is how the first metal was discovered - copper.

This happened in Western Asia about 9 thousand years ago. They learned to make tools from copper.

4. Working with illustrations from the textbook “Casting an Ax” (p. 25)

    How was the copper ax cast?

    What was the significance of the exploration of copper for humans? (Tools and weapons made of copper were stronger than wood. This means that they could work longer and cultivate the land better. )

5. Working with the textbook text. § 5 clause 2

Objective: find out how the plow appeared.

    How did the plow come about?

    What was the significance of the appearance of the plow?(The invention of the plow made it easier for primitive man to work on the earth. It became easier to cultivate the land, and yields increased. Now some people worked in the fields, while others were engaged in crafts. )

U.: Masters have learned to work with precious metals- silver, gold. Jewelry made from them was profitably exchanged. The higher the skill of the artisan, the more products or necessary items he could receive for his labor. Farmers also tried to acquire new tools in order to cultivate more land and do it with better quality, at lower costs.

Thus, some people began to live better. They gotsurplus.

U.: What did this lead to?(Some people became rich, others remained poor)

Conclusion: inequality appears in society .

    The emergence of inequality and nobility.

Write in a notebook.

Inequality division in society into rich and poor.

Later these groups of people began to be calledclasses.

Classes – large groups of people who stand out in society based on property, that is, on the basis ofWhat they have.

As a result of the emergence of inequality, the form of cohabitation of people also changes.

    The transition from a tribal community to a neighboring one.

Teacher's story.

Primitive people moved from the tribal community to the neighboring one. The tribes began to quarrel over the possession of more fertile lands. Each tribe sought to increase its territory at the expense of other tribes. The leading role in the tribe is now played not by the elder, but by the leader. He gathers an army, develops a strategy, and divides the spoils. He takes the most valuable things for himself, and distributes the rest at his own discretion.

Write in a notebook.

Leader - head of the tribe, leader of the tribe's military operations.

Write in a notebook.

Know - rich and influential people of the state.

U.: The appearance of inequality is the first sign of the emergence of a state.

IV . Reinforcing the material learned

    Consolidation of what has been learned in the lesson according to the scheme “The Origin of the State”.

The diagram is recorded in a notebook.

Explanation for the diagram.

Man learned to process metal. Thanks to this, he mastered a new occupation - a craft. There was an improvement and invention of new tools. Some people have excess. Inequality arises in society. This process indicates the emergence of the state.

Slide 16 (crossword), slide 17 (check)

    Crossword solution.


    The first metal mastered by man.(Copper).

    Large groups people who stand out in society on the basis of property.(Classes).

    A person's occupation.(Craft).

    Rich, powerful people. (Know).

    An organization of society in which there are boundaries, authority, laws, and tax collection.(State).

Keyword (vertical): the appearance of rich and poor people in society.(Inequality)

V . Lesson summary.

    What new did you learn in class today?(With the development of metals, the tools of labor change, the tribal community is replaced by the neighboring one, inequality appears, that is, the appearance of rich and poor people. Inequality is a sign of the birth of the state).


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Lesson topic: The emergence of inequality and nobility.

The purpose of the lesson: Encourage students to understand the causes of

inequalities in primitive society.

Lesson objectives: 1. Ensure the assimilation of the concepts of “craft”, “artisan”, “neighboring community”, “inequality”, “nobility”, “classes”, “state”.

2. Continue developing skills:

Give a complete answer to the question;

Compare and analyze various historical processes;

Identify at the elementary level the causes of historical events.

Basic concepts of the topic: plow, craft, artisan, neighboring community, inequality, nobility, classes, state.

Training equipment: ICT

Textbook used:, Sventsitskaya of the Ancient World. Textbook for 5th grade of general education institutions. M.: Education, 2009.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II.Updating students’ basic knowledge on the topic: “The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding.”

1. Conversation on the following issues:

· How were the collectives of primitive people managed? (The ancient people, in order to survive in difficult conditions, united in tribal communities. Managed clan communities elders. They made sure that all relatives did common work in the fields and equally divided the collected grain. Several clan communities living in one area constituted tribe. The tribe was ruled council of elders

· Name the main activities of primitive people . (Gathering and hunting)

· How did agriculture and cattle breeding originate? (While collecting wild barley and wheat, the women noticed that the fallen grains soon sprout. Then a new spikelet grows from this grain. Then primitive people began to specially plant grains of wild plants, loosening the ground with a wooden hoe. So more than 10 thousand years ago, from gathering came agriculture Around the same time as agriculture, cattle breeding appeared.

Men often brought home baby animals killed while hunting. These cubs were fed, tamed and left in their home. The first domestic animal was the dog, then pigs, sheep, goats and cows).

· What changes occurred in people's lives as a result of the advent of agriculture and cattle breeding? ( The advent of agriculture and cattle breeding allowed man to have constant food products: meat, milk, as well as warm animal skins and wool. With the emergence of these occupations, primitive people moved from an appropriating economy to a producing one.)

2. Fill in the missing words:

Agriculture and cattle breeding originated in Western... (Asia)

more... (10 thousand) years ago

The first farmers plowed the land with wooden... (hoe)

The ears were cut... (sickle)

Grind the grains onto... (grain graters)

Trees were cut down... (with a wooden ax)

They learned to make from clay... (dishes)

Women have learned... (weave and spin)

III. Transition to studying a new topic.

3. Solving a creative problem

In one of them, beads made of precious stones were preserved on the chest of the deceased, and the remains of a golden crown were preserved on his forehead. Copper axes and a dagger lay next to the body. At the wall of the grave stood gold and silver vessels with images of a leopard, a lion, a horse, and an antelope.

In another burial, only a copper ax was found.

What conclusions can be drawn about people's lives based on these data? (There was inequality in society)

U.: You made the right conclusion. Now tell me, what will we talk about in our lesson today?

(About inequality)

U.: Correct. Today we are talking about inequality.

What do you think you should learn today? What questions to answer?

· What is inequality?

· How and why did it appear?

· What happened in society as a result of inequality?

U.: That's right. These are the questions you should get answers to today in class. Now try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

Students are told the topic of the lesson. They record it in a notebook.

The emergence of inequality and nobility

IV. Studying a new topic.


1) Processing of metals and improvement of tools.

2) The emergence of inequality and nobility.

3) The transition from a tribal community to a neighboring one.

1. Metal processing and improvement of tools.

Teacher's story: Agriculture and cattle breeding gave man new food products and clothing. Now much depended on the person himself: what type of activity he would engage in, whether he would actively work. Gradually, in primitive society, people began to appear who performed some specific work efficiently: they made pots, or were engaged in weaving, etc.

Working with textbook illustrations(p.24)

Think about how a potter should work so that the dishes he makes are of high quality? (Work hard, constantly improve your skills.)

Will he have time left for other activities, for example, farming, cattle breeding? (No, since this activity will certainly take a lot of time and effort from a person, so he will not be able to engage in other activities.)

What will he eat if he has no time to hunt or farm? (He could exchange his goods for food and necessary things, clothing.)

What do you call a person who makes vessels, tools, fabrics or other products? (Craftsman.)

What is this type of human occupation called? (Craft)

Write in a notebook.

Craftsman- a person who is professionally engaged in the manufacture of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.

Craft– production of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.

Teacher's story

One day, while kneading clay to make a pot, the potter noticed a very hard piece of clay. This piece did not soften at all. Having placed it closer to the fire, the potter after a while was surprised to find that the piece had disappeared, and in its place there remained a small puddle. Having cooled down, it retained the same shape. This is how the first metal was discovered - copper.

Slide mouse click)

This happened in Western Asia about 9 thousand years ago. They learned to make tools from copper.

4. Working with illustrations from the textbook “Casting an Ax” (p. 25)

How was the copper ax cast?

What was the significance of the exploration of copper for humans? ( Tools and weapons made of copper were stronger than wood. This means they could work longer and cultivate the land better.)

5. Working with the textbook text. § 5 clause 2

Objective: find out how the plow appeared.

How did the plow come about?

What was the significance of the appearance of the plow? (The invention of the plow made it easier for primitive man to work on the earth. It became easier to cultivate the land, and yields increased. Now some people worked in the fields, while others were engaged in crafts.)

Slide mouse click)

U.: Masters learned to work with precious metals - silver, gold. Jewelry made from them was profitably exchanged. The higher the skill of the artisan, the more products or necessary items he could get for his work. Farmers also tried to acquire new tools in order to cultivate more land and do it with better quality, at lower costs.

Thus, some people began to live better. They got surplus.

U.: What did this lead to? (Some people became rich, others remained poor)

Conclusion: inequality appears in society.

2. The emergence of inequality and nobility.

Write in a notebook.

Inequality division in society into rich and poor.

Later these groups of people began to be called classes.

Classes– large groups of people who stand out in society based on property, that is, on the basis of What they have.

As a result of the emergence of inequality, the form of cohabitation of people also changes.

3. The transition from a tribal community to a neighboring one.

Teacher's story.

Primitive people moved from the tribal community to the neighboring one. The tribes began to quarrel over the possession of more fertile lands. Each tribe sought to increase its territory at the expense of other tribes. The dominant role in the tribe is now played not by the elder, but by the leader. He gathers an army, develops a strategy, and divides the spoils. He takes the most valuable things for himself, and distributes the rest at his own discretion.

Write in a notebook.

Leader - head of the tribe, leader of the tribe's military operations.

Write in a notebook.

Know- rich and influential people of the state.

U.: The appearance of inequality is the first sign of the emergence of a state.

IV. Reinforcing the material learned

1. Consolidation of what has been learned in the lesson according to the scheme “The Origin of the State”.

The diagram is recorded in a notebook.

Explanation for the diagram.

Man learned to process metal. Thanks to this, he mastered a new occupation - a craft. There was an improvement and invention of new tools. Some people have excess. Inequality arises in society. This process indicates the emergence of the state.

Slide 16 (crossword), slide 17 (check)

2. Solving the crossword puzzle.


1. The first metal mastered by man. (Copper).

2. Large groups of people who stand out in society based on property. (Classes).

3. The person’s occupation. (Craft).

4. Rich, powerful people . (Know).

5. The organization of society in which there are boundaries, authority, laws and tax collection. (State).

Keyword (vertical): the appearance of rich and poor people in society. (Inequality)

V. Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in class today? (With the development of metals, the tools of labor change, the tribal community is replaced by the neighboring one, inequality appears, that is, the appearance of rich and poor people. Inequality is a sign of the birth of the state).

2. Complete task No. 17 on p. 16 in writing in your workbook.

3. Repeat §2 and §3.

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