I dreamed of scattered earth. Why do you dream about the earth: general principles of interpretation

Most often, the earth is dreamed of as a background for action. But if in your dream all actions were related to the soil, then you need to decide from the interpreters what the night vision prophesies.

General principles for interpreting dreams about earth

The surface of the earth is dreamed of, first of all, by a person who firmly maintains his position in society. If the position of strength has not yet been fully achieved, then soon people will appear in life who will be your support.

earth on something

  • Shoes in earthen mud - portends a road that will not bring the desired results; work tasks will be completed, good luck awaits you.
  • Dirty clothes - many work tasks await you; There will be a trip from home ahead.
  • Face in the ground - do not rush into action, otherwise expect condemnation in your actions.
  • Hands - the work will be hard and dirty; mistakes made will come to light; profit in money.

I dreamed about a plot

  • A plot of land for a garden means well-being and material prosperity, financial independence.
  • Under the garden - an unreliable business awaits you. Don't start it, otherwise it will bring risks.
  • The area is overgrown with weeds - a lonely life awaits ahead; failure in business.
  • Moss or greenery sprouts on the surface - financial wealth; wealthy husband; your health will not let you down.
  • Earthworms in fertile soil - financial stability, luxurious life.

"Earth" actions

  • Sail on a ship and see land in the distance - your plans can begin, good prospects lie ahead; Soon you will meet your other half.

There is land in a dream - a new position, new obligations are expected at work; rich life.

  • - hard work awaits you to earn money. The dream advises you to change your place of work.
  • Sitting on a large amount of land - deliberate actions on your part will lead to all your dreams coming true.
  • Lying on the ground - in reality everything is fine with you, all your dreams have come true.
  • Falling on soft ground means a journey ahead of which you have long dreamed.
  • The soil is completely bare - health problems that entail life difficulties.

What kind of surface did you dream about?

Why do you dream about black earth?

Interpreters almost unanimously answer: the dream predicts a happy life.

You can safely begin all the things you have planned. The result of the work will be making a profit. A dream about black earth tells you what the expenses incurred will lead to: everything will return with double profit.

Loose terrain

Seeing loose soil in a dream means all tasks will be completed, luck is on your side.


At this stage of life you will encounter many obstacles that will be accompanied by failures.

Clay soil - dream book

The dream predicts a change in living conditions for the better.

Tilled soil

  • To achieve the goal you will have to work hard, but the goal will be achieved.
  • If you dream of a layer being plowed before your eyes, expect good luck.
  • Walking on plowed land means you are surrounded by decent and loyal friends.

Not plowed

Expect big obstacles on your way that may become insurmountable.

Land that cannot be cultivated predicts losses.

The things you will be doing in the near future will not bring satisfaction.

I dreamed that the earth was burning

To see burning soil means to be warned about upcoming military operations, natural disasters that will bring a lot of misfortune and human casualties.

Dreaming of the earth burning around you is a strong emotional experience that is hard to get rid of. Dreams about unrealized thoughts that will lead to strange actions on your part.


The dream predicts a meeting with your other half. Moreover, this is a man of great wealth. And the relationship will be strong.

A plot with flowers and trees for married people portends a joint business that will bring good income.

Why do you dream of working on the ground?

All work (digging, plowing, sowing, watching seeds germinate) is dreamed of professional activities which brings satisfaction.

Cultivate the land with your own hands

The dream predicts the opening of an agricultural company that will bring great income and make you financially independent.


Soon after the end of the case there will be financial income and a carefree life.

Fall underground

  • Seeing yourself underground is the state of a person who is interested in philosophy. The dream foreshadows a rich life, both spiritually and materially.
  • Seeing how the soil has covered you is a warning about the possibility of making a mistake that will be fatal for you, a prediction of disaster.
  • Falling asleep on another person - the situation has developed in such a way that in order to resolve it you will need to sacrifice principles.

You were buried against your will - wealth will fall on you along with great envy.

The depth of the hole where you will be buried indicates the amount of wealth: the deeper the hole, the more money.

Why does the earth disappear from under your feet in a dream?

The dream foreshadows difficulties with official authorities. There is a serious struggle ahead to defend your opinion, and your ability to survive will depend on it.

The earth is moving

Warning: Your recent actions need to be reconsidered. Your position has become unstable and precarious both in business matters and in your family situation. Relationships with friends also deteriorated.

Soil in your own home

  • In my hands - a dream of death loved one or thoughts of death haunting you. We need to fight them.
  • In your mouth - a warning that the words you speak can cause great harm in real life.
  • If you recently plowed the soil at home, then expect big profits soon.
  • Soil in the house on the floor from the cemetery - a dream predicts illness.

Why do you dream about soil in the garden?

  • This dream marks the beginning of an interesting job that will give you mental satisfaction and a good income.
  • Bad dream about someone else's garden. It predicts monetary losses due to wrong financial investments.

A garden dug up by moles - in life, handle money with care. Beware of dubious offers with the prospect of quick profits. It may happen that the losses will be significantly greater.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's opinion

  • A loosened surface indicates career growth with an increase in salary.
  • If in a dream you work on the land on your own, and this activity brings you satisfaction, then achieving your goal is not far off, all rivals will be far behind.
  • Soil on clothes - circumstances related to the law will force you to leave the house. You need to pay attention to your own health.

Earth according to Vanga's dream book

  • Fertile - security of money; fruitful times.
  • Barren and rocky - dry weather and times of famine are expected.
  • Everything covered with cracks predicts an earthquake with casualties.
  • Make a discovery: a new land - a dream indicates that you have chosen the right road and your plans are correct.

The earth symbolizes strength and fertility. In dreams, such a symbol is large-scale and comprehensive; it has many interpretations. Therefore, it is quite difficult to answer unequivocally what the earth is meant for in dreams.

Dream books help to decipher dreams, but to do this, you need to connect all the nuances of the dream with events occurring in reality.

There are a huge number of dream plots in which you can see the earth. And every time you need to correctly interpret what the earth means in dreams.

Dreaming of earth - interpretation of sleep

Most dream books interpret the vision of the earth as a symbol of balance and stability. This means that your life will be put in order and you will gain confidence in your actions.

Why do you dream about black earth?

Loose black earth portends prosperity, which will help you reach a different level of life. But it’s just important to remember that you will be able to achieve all the good things in life solely through your own hard work.

Other options for plots related to earth can be interpreted as follows:

    You see a hole in a dream - the wider and deeper it is, the more effort you will have to spend to achieve your goal. But remember that you cannot allow work to absorb you entirely, because this life can be harmonious if you combine rest and work correctly. If you dreamed of a vegetable garden, your home will soon become a “full bowl” and neither you nor your loved ones will need anything. Moreover, a period is coming in reality when everything will be obtained easily and without effort.

What land did you dream about?

It is important, when you wake up, to remember what kind of land you saw in your dream:
    Plowed and loosened manually earth portends a successful life period. You are on the right way and soon you will be able to successfully implement all your ideas, and the fruits of hard work will make you very happy in the near future. Raw, uncultivated land portends financial instability and mental anxieties. Wet soil sticking to your feet means obstacles that will appear on the way to your goal. Rocky, cracked soil foreshadows the onset of a difficult life period. But you should not give up, and your ideas and a fresh look at problems will allow you to quickly overcome all obstacles. Fertile soil, with vegetables growing on it, symbolizes quick success and prosperity. A very successful period is coming for developing your own business. The soil, densely covered with grass, promises happy marriage For free people and harmonious relationships for married couples.

Land in your own home - dream book

If you see land in a dream own home, then it can be interpreted in different ways:
    Clay soil with stones portends loneliness; Soft fertile soil symbolizes happy harmonious relationships between family members.

Why do you dream of working on the ground?

If you work on land in a dream, then this symbolizes that you can become a very rich person through your own hard work. If you dream that you got dirty with earth during excavation work, then this portends unexpected profit or winnings. It may also be that some influential people in your environment will want to provide you with financial assistance.

Falls underground in a dream

When, according to the plot of a dream, you fell underground, you should not be afraid of this. Such a dream indicates that you need to thoroughly understand in the near future own life. You must spend time searching for important answers that will allow you to understand why certain events happen to you in real life. If you do this immediately, you will be in complete control of your destiny.

To correctly understand why such a dream is happening, remember all the slightest nuances. A good omen is digging up the earth with a shovel in a dream. This emphasizes the fact that you urgently need to start bringing your ideas to life. But if you dream that you are digging a hole, then this portends danger in real life. It is very possible that you will harm yourself by committing rash acts. Therefore, for some time after such a dream, you need to carefully consider all your actions.

Sow grain into the ground

If you saw a dream plot in which you sow grain into the ground, then unprecedented success will come to you in the near future. You will occupy a significant position in society and will be respected by people.

Planting plants in black soil

Planting any plants in the ground in a dream is always auspicious sign. Such night dreams symbolize the fulfillment of desires in real life. And if you dream of planting flowers, then this foreshadows joyful events in reality. But if you plant flower plants in night dreams on infertile soil, then sad events should be expected in real life.

Excavation work - the meaning of sleep

Any work with the earth in a dream, as a rule, focuses on spiritual quests or the search for one’s own calling. According to the interpretations of many dream books, this is interpreted as a desire to find vital support, which will become the starting point for further development. Having seen the earth in a dream, you should definitely listen to your inner voice, which will help you correctly decipher your night dreams.

The earth can be a dream of troubles in business, of a dead person. If you see yourself digging in the ground in a dream, then in reality you will probably face health problems or hard physical work. Lying on damp ground also means trouble, a worsening situation, and loss of health.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

The warm fertile land that you saw in a dream brings good luck and if you do something soon, it will make you richer and will bring good results over time. No matter how much effort you put in, the income will return double. Seeing the earth completely exhausted in a dream means failure. What you planned in real life will turn out to be a failure. You should not start a business after having such a dream. It is quite unpleasant to realize that if, after falling asleep, you see a person digging the ground, then this is for a funeral. Perhaps you should try to avoid troubles that may also fall on your head during this period.

However, the freshly dug soil in blooming garden guarantees in reality only prosperity, and the owners of the land - a good harvest and profit. There will be no shortage of fruits in your garden. To understand why you dream of black earth, you should study the area where you saw it. If she came into your field of vision while you were sleeping in the middle of the road, then this bad dream. You will have to hide from strangers to avoid trouble. According to another interpretation, such a dream suggests that you are a realist and never have your head in the clouds, which is sometimes not enough for happiness.

Jewish dream book

Depending on the season of the year, lying on the ground suggests different interpretations. Lying on good soil in dreams in the spring means hopes for luck, in the summer – for positive thinking, in the fall this dream warns of deception, and in the winter it prepares for illness.

Magic dream book

Why you dream of land covered with greenery can be found in this dream book. As a rule, for young people this dream promises a happy, rich marriage and strong relationships. Married people can interpret this in their own way. The earth covered with greenery means for the spouses joint activities. If it is also very fertile, then a comfortable life is guaranteed. But digging the ground in a dream can symbolize simple hard work in reality. The main thing is not to lie on the wet ground. This can be humiliating in reality.

Dream book of healer Akulina

In the dream book, plowed soil promises future prospects, loose soil - the opportunity to live in abundance, dried soil - it is worth preparing for losses. You just have to imagine well-cultivated soil into which you plan to throw grain and germinate it.

English dream book

Soil in a dream speaks of strength and wealth of experience, worries and receiving financial condition. Even if you dug up this land, then according to this dream book, black soil means new opportunities, a search for prospects.

Home dream book

An energetic person who has many plans and has life experience to implement them can dream of something like this.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Soil always dreams of prosperity, because grain can be sprouted in it. She breathes warmth when a person works with her.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If the planet Earth appeared to you, then this speaks of a system of parental relationships, of the established position of everyone in the family. If today, in your dream, the ground is soft to the touch, then in reality you probably have a lack of tactile contact with your parents, with your mother in particular. You need the support of a loved one. Falling into an earthen trap means poor understanding of the harmfulness of your habits, inability to control yourself.

According to Felomena's dream book

This image is considered a natural habitat for humans. Most often it represents family and relationships between relatives. If a girl digs the ground, then she will soon get married.

English dream book

To have your own in a dream land plot is considered a good sign, which portends you wealth and independence from others. Selling soil in a dream means you may have to change your place of residence, but paying land taxes means losses.

Assyrian dream book

A person who sees someone sitting on the ground can rely on respect and honor. If he eats soil, it promises trouble at work and hunger.

Muslim dream book

If in your dreams there is a person who draws a plan on the ground for the construction of some building, then you will be able to resolve worldly and religious matters. A person who is about to obtain property by fraud can see the soil during a dream and start eating it. Muslim dream book It’s bad to see a person who tramples the ground. This is to death.

Newest dream book

A person who sees soil in a dream and begins to cultivate it, dig it up and move it from one place to another may become too forgetful.

Russian dream book

If you had a chance to cut down the earth in a dream, then in reality you will be able to fulfill your dream, build real castles in the air. Plowing the land, according to the Russian dream book, means prosperity.

Why do you dream of falling underground? The dream book indicates: you need to sort out important issues in your life, listen to your intuition, and get examined by a doctor. A vision in a dream warns of the machinations of colleagues, the failure of a business, but sometimes promises benefits.

Listen to your intuition, you may lose stability

Did you dream about how it disappeared from under your feet until you fell through there? The dream suggests: when planning something, you need to listen more to your own intuition.

Seeing the ground slipping from under your feet in a dream and you flying down means: your financial stability may disappear just as suddenly.

Work on yourself, get examined by a doctor

Why do you dream of falling underground? The dream book explains: the sleeper himself is to blame for his failures. Incorrect actions and careless words provoke retaliatory actions from others. You should learn to speak out more loyally so as not to offend anyone - then the attitude of your acquaintances will change, and then, you see, someone will give valuable advice in time.

Did you have such a vision? You need to pay attention to your health, get examined - the plot warns of the danger of the disease respiratory tract or skin.

Colleagues' intrigues, problems with authorities

Did you see how they fell down in a dream and were covered with earth from above? The dream book warns: you should beware of intrigues and machinations of colleagues behind your back. They are quite capable of meanness, which will come as a surprise to the sleeper.

A dream about falling underground indicates possible problems With government services or authorities.

The dream plot also warns against falling in the moral aspect - the danger of committing a negative or completely irreparable act.

Miller's Dream Book: find answers to important questions

Why do you dream of falling underground? The time has come to deal with the complexities of your own life, to give answers to questions that are significant to you. This will allow the dreamer to understand why certain events happen to him and begin to control his own destiny.

How did you fail?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account how you fell underground:

  • yourself - you can get seriously ill;
  • with someone - the joint business will fail;
  • in a car in a dream - you will lose control of the situation;
  • along with the house - be careful, you can lose yourself and things that are important to you.

Analyze mistakes, ask for forgiveness

Did you see how you ended up there in a dream? There is some work ahead, but before you take it on, analyze past mistakes so as not to repeat them.

Why do you dream that you are falling through it? The dream book explains: you feel strong guilt before someone, shame for an unseemly act. Ask for forgiveness from the one to whom you are guilty.

Earth is a symbol solid foundation, and the soil – fertility. When interpreting the dream book earth, it is important to take into account how contact with the earth (soil) occurs and what its structure is.

Why do you dream about black earth?

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of dreams, you must remember the nuances of the dream. For example, according to the interpretation of the dream book, black soil is a sign of disappointment, but light soil, on the contrary, promises quick joy.

Rocky and dry soil is always worse than flat and wet soil.
Walking barefoot on dry rocky ground means experiencing it in reality. difficult moments, when there is a lack of prospects, some hopes and plans collapse. But walking on soft ground covered with moss, greenery or flowers means good luck, success and prosperity.
Lying on the bare ground means minor troubles.

Dirt and wet ground in a dream

Dreaming of damp earth and mud foreshadows financial instability and a decrease in income. Especially bad sign appears if in a dream wet ground sticks to your feet and makes it difficult to walk. This dream can mean serious obstacles on the way that will be very difficult to overcome. There is another answer to the question of why damp earth is dreamed of; such a dream foreshadows an unpleasant event that can affect physical health or peace of mind. After such an event, you will have to work for a long time to regain balance.

Clothes stained with earth - dreams in which the earth is perceived as dirt promise negative emotions in reality, as well as dirty gossip and undeserved accusations, quarrels, squabbles, squabbles, and sometimes illness.

Gardening and earthworks

Digging the earth with a shovel according to the dream book and, in general, any kind of earthwork in a dream is a sign of dissatisfaction, usually with one’s financial situation.
If the earth is freshly dug and not dry, plowed not by the dreamer, but by someone else, then this is a symbol of new beginnings or a sign of what has come favorable time To implement your plans, the main thing is not to be lazy and get down to business more boldly.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a vegetable garden is fertile land covered with fruit-bearing plants - this is a favorable sign. He promises financial stability and confidence in own strength. If you dreamed that the soil was loose and ready for planting, it means that in the future a person will have hard work that will bring good results.

Different interpretations are given for dreams related to earthworks. For example, according to the interpretation of the dream book, digging the ground with a shovel in a dream is a sign of receiving a lucrative job offer or receiving unexpected financial bonuses. But when answering the question of why you dream of digging the ground, you need to take into account who exactly is doing the work and how. If you had to swing a shovel alone in a dream, it means that you will have to overcome many obstacles to achieve your goal.

A more favorable interpretation is a dream in which a tractor is plowing the ground or a whole team of workers is engaged in digging. Such a dream foreshadows receiving good profits as a reward for your efforts.

A lonely person should be interested in why plowed land is dreamed of. This dream may foretell a quick meeting with your future spouse or simply meeting a pleasant person who can become a close and reliable friend.

Almost all dreams related to landing are favorable various plants. For example, according to the interpretation of the dream book, planting potatoes in the ground is a sign that desires will soon come true. It is very good if the potatoes in a dream are large and smooth, this means that your most cherished desires can come true.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, planting flowers in the ground is a dream that foreshadows sincere and selfless love, as well as successful creative activity.

Dreams associated with direct contact with the earth are interpreted in an interesting and varied way. For example, as indicated in the dream book, walking on the ground, trying to feel its hardness, is a sign that a person is unsure of his abilities. If you had a dream on the eve of starting a new business or project, then it signals that not everything will go smoothly.

Working with the earth, as a rule, symbolizes spiritual quests or the search for a calling. Here are the interpretations the dream book gives: collecting soil in a dream or carrying soil in buckets - in reality, looking for support for your beliefs.

According to the dream book, watering the ground in a dream is a harbinger of a long wait for the results of your labor. But patience will be rewarded handsomely, if, of course, the work was completed with full dedication.

Another interpretation of the dream book is that watering the ground promises a relevant solution, thanks to which you can improve your financial situation. The dream also favors new beginnings.

The dream book gives a double interpretation to flowers in the ground. If this is a flowering meadow or a beautiful well-groomed flowerbed, then such a dream foreshadows joyful events. It’s worse if you dream of flowers growing on dry, infertile soil. Such a dream foreshadows sadness, sadness, and tears. The worst dream is white flowers against a background of black earth, as this is an omen of imminent mourning in the family.

Pits and heaps

Why do you dream of earth with holes? This is a warning dream. In reality, you should be more careful so as not to get into trouble, draw the wrong conclusion or make an erroneous decision.

According to other interpretations of the dream book, a hole in the ground is a dream indicating that serious mistakes have been made in life, which you will have to regret repeatedly.

There are many guests in the house, that’s why you dream of a pile of earth. This dream is quite contradictory. On the one hand, guests are always a joy in the house, on the other hand, visiting relatives can cause discord in family life. Therefore, hospitality should be shown in moderation.

What's happening to you on earth

If the ground disappears from under your feet, then in reality a similar situation is coming when a person feels confused and scared. Problems with walking always indicate a lack of stability or self-confidence.

Being covered with earth in a dream means someone is ignoring the sleeper, or he will not receive the desired attention, expected encouragement or reward. The dream is especially unfavorable for those who rely on new position or strives for a close relationship with someone, and if the owner of the dream has enemies, then in reality he can make a mistake that his enemies can use against him.
Covering someone with earth means all of the above, only in relation to the person being covered.

It’s bad if in a dream there is no reliable support under your feet. This is the forecast the dream book gives: the ground collapses under your feet when you walk - such a dream signifies illness or big troubles with official organizations

According to the dream book, walking barefoot on the ground in a dream is a contradictory symbol. If a person experiences pleasure walking barefoot on pleasant, warm and soft earth, then this is a very good dream, it promises good luck in any business or endeavor. Dreams are interpreted differently in which it is uncomfortable to walk without shoes, or the lack of shoes causes a person to feel awkward or ashamed. Such a dream reminds you that mistakes from the past can cause a lot of trouble in the present.

If other people walk without shoes, the interpretation of dreams may be different. According to the dream book, dreams of a baby running barefoot on the ground unexpected joy. But barefoot beggars and homeless people are a very bad dream, foreshadowing need and big troubles.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, falling to the ground is a sign of a desperate situation, especially bad if the ground was damp and the fallen person was smeared in mud. Such a dream foreshadows finding yourself in a shameful situation, shame, humiliation. Another interpretation given by the dream book: falling to the ground in a dream means quarreling with friends or relatives in life.

But sitting on the ground in a dream is a favorable sign, promising honor and respect from others. Especially if the ground is covered with soft grass or flowers.

According to the dream book, lying on the ground in a dream can be both a good and a bad sign. It’s good if in a dream a person lies on a flowering meadow or warm sand, this is a sign of mental balance and well-being. Now, if in a dream you had to lie on scorched, dry, cracked ground, then in life you can expect unpleasant and unexpected moves from your competitors.

Finding yourself underground in a dream is a bad sign. According to the interpretations of the dream book, falling underground in a dream means in reality suffering a serious, life-threatening illness. Another interpretation of this dream is to suffer a complete fiasco professionally. If a person is covered with earth in a dream, the dream book interprets this vision in two ways. Perhaps this dream says that a person suffers from the fact that he is not noticed at work or ignored in the company. But this same dream may signal that a person may make a mistake in the near future, which ill-wishers will not fail to take advantage of.

If in a dream you had to throw earth at people, then this dream signals that the person is in vain thinking badly about one of his friends. A dream in which you happened to dig a hole in the ground suggests that a person’s financial situation will be stable only if he is not afraid of work.

Different interpretations are given if you happened to bury something in a dream. If these are seeds, then the dream is very favorable; it promises good dividends from the work. According to the dream book, burying treasures in the ground (that is, hiding treasure) is a warning dream. Don’t blindly trust your secrets to strangers.

Other dreams about earth

The dream book interprets the land in the house, which was seen in a dream, differently. If it is clay and stones, then the dream foreshadows spiritual loneliness and misunderstanding with loved ones. But soft earth scattered on the floor, on the contrary, promises stability and happiness in marriage.

If the earth in the house is not scattered, but is in a container ( flower pots, flowerpots), then such a dream is quite favorable, regardless of the condition of the soil. According to the dream book, a pot of soil in a dream foretells family wealth in the near future.

A dream in which a person gets his hands dirty in the ground is not a good omen; in this case, the dream book recommends taking a closer look at the people in your inner circle, perhaps one of them is spreading gossip or otherwise trying to do harm.

Oddly enough, earth in the mouth in a dream is very good sign, indicating that a person will soon have a big profit.

A dream in which the earth is burning with fire can serve as a terrible omen. This could be a harbinger of war, sabotage, technical disaster or accident.

A good omen is carried by dreams in which financial transactions with land are made. Thus, according to the interpretation of the dream book, a plot of land sold to buyers in a dream foreshadows the receipt of a solid profit or simply a lucrative job offer. Did you have to buy land in your dream? Such a dream promises quick positive changes in different areas of life.

Seeing land in the distance while sailing is a sign of opening prospects and opportunities.

A bad sign is foreshadowed by a dream in which land from a cemetery appears. If you had to dig up the soil on the graves, it means that in life you can expect dishonorable actions on the part of others. Earth brought into the house from graves in a dream is a warning that ill-wishers are plotting behind their backs, so you need to be on your guard.

Why do you dream about planet Earth floating in space? This is a very good dream, which indicates spiritual growth and human rebirth. It is especially favorable to see the planet from above, this means that the soul has moved to a new, more high level in its development.

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