I dreamed of big angel wings on the water. I have a dream about Wing

Bird wings seen in a dream foretell happy love and a quick marriage.

Wings spread in flight are a sign of prosperity and successful overcoming of all adversities.

A bird with a broken wing - to deep sadness caused by the unfair attitude towards you of the person for whom you have the kindest feelings.

Folded wings of a dead bird - in reality you will find yourself unable to see your benefit in a business that you will immediately and irrevocably reject.

Wings on a stuffed bird - your hopes for a pleasant holiday will not come true.

Insect wings seen in a dream foreshadow illness and many sorrows.

Wings bat– to an accident and injury.

If in a dream your hands turned into something like wings, it means that in reality you will worry about the fate of a loved one who has left for a long time in foreign lands. Flying on wings like a bird, soaring higher and higher above the earth - such a dream promises the fulfillment of hopes, success in business and love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Wings

Seeing wings in a dream means that you will be very worried and afraid for your loved one who will leave you for distant lands. The wings of birds portend wealth and a happy marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from

To dream that you have wings indicates that you will experience mortal fear for the safety of a person who has left you on a long journey.

Seeing the wings of birds (or chickens) means that you will ultimately overcome all troubles and adversities and rise to honor and wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Wings in a dream

If a person has wings in a dream and flies for a long time, this means that in life he is unsteady on his feet. For an important person, the dream promises that luck will desert him; for an ordinary person, the dream says that he is rushing towards his own misfortune, and his opponent will despise him.
If in a dream a person flies for a long time, lands, but cannot take off again, his position is precarious; if he takes off, then the dream means that he has solid foundations in life.
If a person hovers above the ground for a long time, this portends that wealth will leave the rich, and failure will leave him. ordinary person.
If a person flies for a short time in a dream, the dream is favorable for everyone.

Interpretation of dreams from the Assyrian dream book

Dream about Wings

Wings are a symbol of freedom and independence. Having wings and flying in a dream is a sign of liberation from the addiction that weighed you down, a sign of overcoming obstacles and rare luck in obtaining wealth and acquiring honors. However, if you have risen too high, then the dream predicts the collapse of your hopes. See interpretation: fly.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What do Wings mean in a dream?

Road, well-being; to have, to fly on them - freedom, recovery, profit, promotion, happiness, success.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Meaning of dreams Wings

Seeing wings in a dream means that you will be very worried and afraid for your loved one who will leave you for distant lands. The wings of birds portend wealth and a happy marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does Wings mean in a dream?

Bird wings seen in a dream foreshadow happy love and a quick marriage.

Wings spread in flight are a sign of prosperity and successful overcoming of all adversities.

A bird with a broken wing - to deep sadness caused by the unfair attitude towards you of the person for whom you have the kindest feelings.

Folded wings of a dead bird - in reality you will find yourself unable to see your benefit in a business that you will immediately and irrevocably reject.

Wings on a stuffed bird - your hopes for a pleasant holiday will not come true.

Insect wings seen in a dream foreshadow illness and many sorrows.

Bat wings - to an accident and injury.

If in a dream your hands turned into something like wings, it means that in reality you will worry about the fate of a loved one who has left for a long time in foreign lands. Flying on wings like a bird, soaring higher and higher above the earth - such a dream promises the fulfillment of hopes, success in business and love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Meaning of sleep Wings

To dream that you have wings means that you will feel mortal fear for the person who is separated from you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Wings

“to be under wing” (protection), “to receive wings”, “to take wings” (inspiration, luck), “to clip wings” to interfere, to limit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

What does Wings predict in a dream?

Increased vitality; luck through help from someone or “from above”. The dreamer experienced extraordinary creative success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does it mean to see Wings in a dream?

You will overcome all difficulties and achieve wealth and honors.

Imagine that huge, powerful wings lift you high above the ground.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Wings

If you dreamed that you grew wings, you wouldn’t have to worry about fear for your safety loved one who went on a long, long journey.

If you dreamed about the wings of birds, you will overcome all adversities and rise to honors and wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from

Wings in a dream represent freedom and inspiration. Dream books often associate the meaning of this image with a manifestation of love, spiritual revelation, good luck and good fortune.

Damaged wing - beware of meanness

Seeing a bird with a wounded wing in a dream and trying to catch it in order to help indicates the selflessness and excessive gullibility of the sleeping person. In the near future, you should not trust people too much, since those around you will use your good impulses for their own benefit.

Freud's dream book interprets why one dreams of tearing off the wings of a butterfly or other insect as the subconscious desire of a sleeping person to have sex with a minor. If in a dream a girl had to tear off a bird’s wing, it means that in reality the dreamer will consciously deprive herself and her young man hopes for a happy future.

To see in a dream how a bird's wing was cut off or a bird without porches foreshadows a loss of strength and a lack of mental comfort. In a dream, a dove touched you with its feathers - expect incredible luck and luck. A damaged flying attribute of an airplane promises a trip that may end in failure.

Wings have grown - do not be afraid of endeavors

The Wanderer's Dream Book identifies growing wings with extraordinary creative success and an increase in vitality. For a woman to have white wings of extraordinary beauty in a dream, the interpreter foretells good luck in the field of love. Flying on black porches promises disappointment in love, rejection of oneself and one’s own “I”.

Seeing a person putting on black angelic porches means the appearance of a rival in love or a competitor in business. Wearing white ones means support and mutual understanding among friends, blue ones mean creative inspiration.

Feeling in a dream how your hands become wings indicates in the dream book right choice a dreamer who will allow him to rise and achieve success.

Flying angels are a sign of peace of mind

I dreamed of an angel with large white wings, which means, according to Numerological dream book, in the life of a sleeping person there are unknown forces that contribute to progress and advancement of affairs.

Vanga's dream book interprets the meaning of dreams of a dark angel flying over the heads of loved ones as a harbinger of the character's imminent death. Seeing a black angel symbolizes the dreamer's doubts about the correctness of his actions. Don't regret anything, listen to your inner voice.

Seeing yourself as an angel speaks of the opportunity to help your relatives and loved ones with their problems. To independently fly in the sky - to the ability of a sleeping person to become a leader, organize and lead people.

Seeing angels in a dream - a boy or a girl - foreshadows a dream book of quick love or marriage.

Animals with wings - you will succeed

Seeing the porch of a bat predicts the Dream Book from A to Z, an accident, the risk of injury and disfigurement. Pelican wings are identified in the dream book with fleeting pleasure, the consequence of which will be bitter disappointment.

A winged lion or its cub is a harbinger of fleeting glory and incomplete joy. Seeing an ant with wings predicts that your efforts will not be in vain. You will definitely be appreciated and encouraged. A dog with wings means support from a friend.

What dreams of a cat, cat or kitten with wings mean is prophesied by interpreters as not good sign. There is a high probability that your enemies have slightly modified important information, using your strengths for the benefit of your own enterprise.

Winged mythical creatures are a symbol of wealth

To dream of a winged dragon symbolizes power and wealth. Such an image may portend an influential patron, the acquisition of spiritual knowledge and career advancement.

What a unicorn with wings means in a dream indicates the dreamer’s incredible luck, beauty and health. A fairy in a dream is a sign of mystical patronage that contributes to your progress.

Pegasus, also known as the winged horse, is the patron saint of creativity and inspiration. If you dreamed that a horse touched you with its wing, it means, according to the Esoteric Dream Book, get ready for insight, a desire to create.

Drawings in a dream - beware of deception

A dream about a drawing on the wall indicates that the circumstances that happened in real life are closely related to the desires of the dreamer. Perhaps in order to achieve what you want, you need to understand yourself.

The dream of a tattoo in the form of a butterfly speaks of the mystical protection of a sleeping person from all evil and misfortune. If you dreamed of a tattoo in the form of a bat, it signifies unkind thoughts, a desire to harm someone around you.

Wings according to Miller’s dream book - broadcast about honors

If you dreamed that they grew up behind your back, it predicts anxiety and mortal fear for a loved one who has gone on a long journey. See in a dream chicken wings, means that the dreamer will cope with all adversities and problems with dignity, achieving honors and wealth.

Becoming the owner of angelic porches promises Miller impressions that will confuse and disturb the dreamer’s soul. Perhaps this will concern news of the well-being of friends or the receipt of an inheritance from an unknown relative.

Wings are traditionally associated with freedom, and not only physical, but also spiritual. Quite often there are predictions related to flights of fancy, inspiration, independence, as well as extraordinary luck. However, these are not all the options for why such a symbol is dreamed of.

Fly with one wing

For example, you see in a dream a bird with a broken wing. Wanting to help the unfortunate woman, do you want to catch her? The situation is ambiguous, because you are certainly a nice, kind, but somewhat naive person. This trait of your character is the main danger. The dream book warns: you cannot trust others so blindly. Not all of them are as selfless and benevolent as you. Moreover, there will be those who will not hesitate to take advantage of your honesty and openness in the near future.

Freud, as usual, has very unusual interpretations. So he suspects that the one who in a dream tore off the wings of insects, for example, a butterfly, secretly dreams of forbidden sex with a minor. When a young lady sleeps and sees that she has broken off a bird’s wing, then in reality she will destroy her and her groom’s happy future with her actions and fame.

Bad dreams include dreams about birds with clipped wings or without them at all. Such images foreshadow the sleeper's loss of strength, discomfort and despondency. Anyone who in a dream felt the touch of a dove’s wing on their body or face will be incredibly lucky. But the wing of an airplane after an accident in night vision warns of the likelihood of an accident or other misfortune on the planned trip. Be careful!

Color and appearance

The feeling that your wings are growing, according to the Wanderers’ dream book, is inherent in creative people who experience an extraordinary surge of strength and energy in reality. Love victories, that’s why a woman dreams of snow-white wings. Blacks, on the contrary, predict disappointment, resentment, humiliation, and even rejection of their own appearance and social status.

A strange vision of someone trying on the black wings of an angel prophesies the appearance of a powerful competitor in business or an experienced rival in love. When a stranger in a dream puts on white angelic “armor” made of feathers, then you can wake up and count on the help and mutual understanding of your comrades. Why do you dream about blue ones? To create brilliant masterpieces in any type of arts and crafts.

It’s wonderful when, in a night’s sleep, a person feels his hands turning into wings - he made the right choice, and now the path to success is open to him.

Heavenly patrons

You are definitely protected by unknown forces, which is why, according to the Numerological Dream Book, you dream of an angel with large wings. These unknown intercessors somehow warn against mistakes and promote progress.

To notice in a dream an angel with dark wings circling above the head of an acquaintance or relative - according to Vanga, to the probable death of this character. She also wrote in her dream book that the black-winged angels accompanying the dreamer are actually his doubts. The seer gives him advice - listen to his inner voice.

You can help your relatives and close friends, this is why you dreamed that you were an angel. And if at the same time you boldly rose up and flew over the ground, then you clearly have leadership talent. You will be able to correctly and intelligently organize the work of any team.

Tiny angels - girls and boys dozing at night - this is a sign of a quick acquaintance with the future betrothed (betrothed) and wedding. Birds and animals

The dream book from A to Z warns of the risk of injury, mutilation, to the one who saw winged mice - bats. An even stranger interpretation is given to those who dreamed of pelican wings. It turns out that this is a sign that the sleeper will not resist temptation and will experience forbidden pleasures, with corresponding bitter consequences.

If you dreamed of a lion with wings or his offspring, then keep in mind that glory will soon fall on you. But, alas, it will be fleeting, and it will not bring much joy or happiness. It is much better to look at an ant with wings in a dream. This picture promises a generous reward for your efforts and diligence. And if a dog turns out to be “winged” in a dream, then a comrade will support you in a difficult moment.

You can see all sorts of strange creatures in your dreams. For example, what kind of fantasy is this: a cat or a kitten with wings? But it turns out that such a vision visits people quite often, because it is interpreted in detail by many dream books. Its essence is that this is a warning to the sleeper. His ill-wishers managed to manipulate the facts, so much so that he works by the sweat of his brow, but not for his own good, but for the joy of crooks and deceivers.

Mythological animals

Anyone who saw a winged dragon in a dream can gain power and become a very wealthy person in reality. All this will be possible thanks to an influential person who patronizes the dreamer. But he himself will have to make efforts - improving in his professional field constantly gaining new experience and knowledge.

A winged unicorn predicts excellent health, visual attractiveness and luck. But here is a fairy with wings, a sign of the guardianship of higher powers that help the sleeper achieve outstanding success. A muse will visit you, in a creative impulse you will create an amazing masterpiece, this is why you dream of a winged horse, or Pegasus. If he touched with his wing, then Esoteric dream book promises real insight.

Frescoes, tattoos

Winged creatures painted on the wall in night dreams are a sign that much of what happens in the dreamer’s life is connected with his thoughts. In order for what he wants to come true, he needs to quite clearly formulate the goal, stop throwing around, get rid of uncertainty and uncertainty.

A tattoo depicting a butterfly in a dream is a sign that higher powers are protecting the sleeper from evil and adversity. Noticed a bat tattoo? Then it looks like you are plotting against someone in reality.

Ups and downs

A dream that you have grown wings, oddly enough, indicates that you are very worried about the fate of a loved one who sent you to long journey. But ordinary chicken wings, in dream books, are confirmation that the dreamer, having gone through all the trials, will reach heights in his career, business, and create a wonderful family.

Miller also writes that having acquired angel wings in a dream, a person will awaken and receive unexpected news. On the one hand, they will stir his soul, on the other hand, no matter how old, they will delight him. For example, this could be news of the death of a relative who left a decent inheritance.

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Idiomatic dream book

Wing - what symbolizes what you saw

If you remember the well-known stable phrases in which wings appear, then interpreting your dream will not be at all difficult. Wings have grown behind your back - the dream you had last night often predicts that you will soon be overcome by an amazing happy feeling, euphoria. What will cause it depends on other circumstances. You will fall in love and will seem to float above the ground from this feeling. Or you will be able to achieve the fulfillment of your old dream. Or we will talk about an unexpected attack of inspiration, some kind of extraordinary luck. To be under wing - it is possible that we're talking about about some person who will provide you with his protection, will take you under his protection. But the wing that you dreamed about also has a negative meaning. Sometimes he says that under the influence of some person or a combination of circumstances, you will be forced to abandon your intentions - someone or something will “clip your wings.”

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Wing?

If a woman sees a dream in which wings suddenly grow behind her back, this is a negative sign. The dream predicts that she will be gripped by mortal fear for a certain person who is separated from her. But if you dreamed of the wing of a bird, the bird’s wings symbolize that, despite all the circumstances, you will be able to overcome all your troubles and misfortunes. Let it be gradual, but your situation will significantly improve, step by step you will move towards respectability and significantly improve your financial situation.

Maly Velesov dream book

Wing in a dream

If you dreamed of wings at night, this is a multi-valued symbol, but in all cases positive. Often seeing wings is a prediction of the fast road ahead of you. Or achieving material well-being, peace of mind in life. You dream that it was you who grew wings, and you even flew on them - a very good sign, symbolizing achieving success in business, making a profit, and professional advancement. For some, it means finding long-awaited freedom or happiness in their personal life. If a sick person dreams of growing wings behind his back and flying, then this predicts a quick recovery.

Dreaming of a Wing (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

If someone dreamed at night that he had grown wings and could fly on them, this is a good sign, symbolizing success in business, making a profit, and professional advancement. For a prisoner - wings in a dream - this is the acquisition of long-awaited freedom; for a lover - the reciprocity of the chosen one or the chosen one and happiness in his personal life. If a sick person sees wings behind his back in a dream, then this predicts a speedy recovery for him.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does Wing mean in a dream?

If you had a dream at night in which you saw wings, be absolutely sure that the dream promises you only the best events and incidents. Wings in a dream are a symbol of well-being in reality, and if they suddenly grew on you, then of complete happiness in your understanding. You will be able to achieve everything that you have been striving for so long. When wings grow in a dream of a dreamer in love, this is a sign of mutual interest on the part of his chosen one and finding happiness in his personal life. For a patient, sleep is the key to a quick and complete recovery.

The meaning of the dream about Wings (Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong)

If you were sleeping at night and had a dream in which wings suddenly grew on your body and you were flying on them, expect that in reality you will fly with happiness. Rejoice, for when you dream that you have grown wings on which you fly like a bird above the ground, it predicts that your deepest desires will soon come true. You will be able to achieve things you never dared to dream of. If you are in love and want to get married, you can propose. If you were hoping to get a promotion, the wings symbolize your complete success. Anyone who has been sick for a long time will finally be able to recover from his illness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Wings from your dream

Wings in a dream are in most cases an extremely positive sign, symbolizing increased vitality, euphoria, good luck, or receiving help from a high-ranking person. If you had a dream that wings grew behind your back, it predicts extraordinary creative inspiration and success. However, you should beware if in a dream you saw how you flew high on your wings, and then they disappeared from you and you fell from a height. The dream is negative in nature and predicts either strong disappointment in something or someone, or that you will be defeated because you miscalculated the opportunities available to you.

Ancient French dream book

Wing - interpretation of a dream

What does the dream in which you saw a wing or wings mean? When a person dreams of wings, most often, they predict that the dreamer will soon have a beneficial holiday in the circle of loving and beloved friends, pleasant and inspiring communication with them. To see that you are flying high on wings that suddenly grew on your body - expect that your most cherished desire will come true in reality. You will be able to get what you have been dreaming about for a long time.

The meaning of the dream about Flight (the message of the Tarot cards)

Wings in a dream are an incredibly favorable symbol, especially for those people who are engaged in some kind of creativity. If you dream about a wing or wings at night, expect an extraordinary surge of inspiration in the near future, which will allow you to create a real masterpiece and receive wide popularity in society, and is – and world fame. Flying on wings in a dream means the speedy and complete fulfillment of your most cherished hopes and desires.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Wing in a dream?

If at night you see a dream in which wings suddenly grow behind your back, this dream is definitely negative. In most cases, it predicts that you will struggle with mortal fear for a person who has left you on a long journey. But if you dreamed of the wing of some bird, even a chicken, then such a wing symbolizes the fact that, despite all the circumstances, you will be able to overcome all your troubles and misfortunes. Let it be gradual, but your situation will significantly improve, step by step you will move towards respectability and significantly improve your financial situation. You may even gain wealth.

The meaning of the dream about Winging (Assyrian dream book)

Wings - If a person has wings in a dream and flies for a long time, this means that in life he is unsteady on his feet. For an important person, the dream predicts that luck will desert him; for the other person, the dream says that he is rushing towards his own misfortune, and his rival will despise him. If in a dream a person flies for a long time, lands, but cannot take off again, his position is precarious; if he takes off, then the dream means that he has solid foundations in life. If a person floats above the ground for a long time, this portends that wealth will leave the rich, and failure will leave the ordinary person. If a person flies for a short time in a dream, the dream is favorable for everyone.

New family dream book Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why the Wing was dreamed about in a dream?

I dreamed of Wings - to overcome all obstacles. Flying on wings is a spiritual uplift; success in business.

The meaning of the dream about the ability to fly (Jewish dream book)

What do Wings mean in a dream - To great luck.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Wing in a dream

Dreamed of Wings - You will overcome all difficulties and achieve wealth and honors. Imagine that huge, powerful wings lift you high above the ground.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Wing

What do Wings mean in a dream - You saw the wings of birds in a dream - you will overcome all your troubles; you will rise high in life; in old age you will look back with satisfaction on what you have accomplished life path: You didn’t live your life in vain. It’s as if wings have grown behind your back - you will have the opportunity to commit trip around the world; but will you take advantage of this opportunity?..

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dream about a Wing?

If you dreamed about Wings, you will be able to overcome all difficulties on the path to success and get everything you want. Imagine a huge, powerful bird that takes off and soars high above the ground. You watch her and suddenly feel that wings have also appeared behind your back. You straighten them out and see that their scope is enormous. Swing - and you easily soar into the skies and fearlessly soar in them for as long as you want.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Wings in a dream

What do Wings mean in a dream? 1. Since wings evoke thoughts of flight, seeing, for example, bird wings speaks of our need for freedom. A broken wing warns us that previous trauma warns us against “getting off the ground.” 2. Wings can protect, and it is for this purpose that they often appear in dreams. Angel wings signify the energy that will dispel our difficulties, just as the wings of a bird of prey would do. 3. The protective, all-pervading power of God.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with a Swimsuit, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of sweeping with a wing - to the divorce of your daughter or son. Dreaming of a broken wing (of a bird) - To powerlessness.

In the summer, why did you dream of a broken wing of a bird - your fun days are over.

In the fall, why dream of a broken wing of a bird and try to catch it to help - your gullibility knows no bounds.

In winter, why do you dream of having wings - prosperity.

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