Conducting summer Christian camps. Children's Christian camp "City of the Special Christian Camp"

Christian summer camp is a summer camp organized by Christian organizations for the children of their parishioners, or to promote their ideas among the children of poor parents. The form of the organization is reminiscent of pioneer camps: camp participants are divided into teams led by leaders(counselors). They can be tent camps in a resort area (on the seashore), or they can be located at a rented recreation center. By religious affiliation, the camps can be either Protestant or Evangelical, or Orthodox. Sometimes local authorities may interfere with the organization and conduct of Christian events. summer camps(e.g. in Islamic Iran)

Participation in the camp may have a nominal fee (to purchase food). Sometimes there may be a ban on the admission of unaccompanied minors.


They involve living in tents, 3 to 5 meals a day (including barbecue), entertainment in the form of swimming, walking, evening watching movies (if conditions exist) and sports (football, volleyball). Their special feature is daily prayer meetings with collective singing of religious songs, as well as lectures and seminars on religious topics (based on Bible study).


Also, camp participants, upon agreement, bring with them the necessary equipment: tent, sleeping bag, air mattress, warm clothes, dishes (bowl, spoon, fork, mug), swimsuit and mosquito repellent.


Christian camps usually have rules that participants must agree to. Smoking, alcohol, “flirting” (a guy and a girl alone in a tent) and disobedience are strictly prohibited. At night and during rest periods, silence is required. Leaving the camp is allowed only with the knowledge of the leader. Young people are involved in kitchen duty and cleaning the area.

mission "Society for Evangelization of Children" (Evangelical Christian Baptists)

Winter shift – 2003

Duration of this shift – 28.12.2002 – 2.01.2003.

Place of organization: one of the recreation centers near Moscow

Planning the camp program:

    1. Bible teaching program.
    2. Active recreation programs (games)
    3. Manual labor (handicraft) program
    4. Musical activity program
    5. Program of special events (Opening - closing of the camp, organization of holidays)

Children's age: 7 – 12 years.

Composition of pupils was diverse: some children from believing families, some children of “converts” ( Protestant expression- denoting someone who has just believed) and non-believing children from orphanages.

Children from believing families, staying in such camps not for the first time, have the opportunity to bring with them to the next shift at least one pupil from a non-believing family who is unfamiliar with Christian truths.

Each camp change has its own theme. The topic of this winter session was:“Waiting for the only Savior who will give you a new life.”

The topic was revealed to the children gradually, in parts in a certain sequence, which helped the children to better understand what was being proposed. Name in advance (at the beginning of the shift) general theme was not presented to children. This became a summary of all the topics covered (at the end of the camp) and the topic of further discussions and impressions.

So the theme of the camp was divided into subtopics:

Arrival day
1 day: "Expectation"
Day 2: "The only one"
Day 3: "Present"
Day 4: "New for You"
Departure day

Each “subtopic” was not only presented in class, but was a common thread throughout the day, i.e. all games, crafts, organizational events and activities were dedicated to this topic. This helped the children better assimilate thematic material, think about something themselves, reflect on it and consolidate it in practice. Also, these themes coincide with special events and calendar holidays that fall during the stay in the camp.

The selection of Bible verses on a specific topic of the day was also important. The poems were presented with vivid clarity and were learned in stages, which aroused children’s interest in memorizing. At the end of each lesson, the teacher handed out cards with printed text Bible verses covered, which the children then glued into their journals. Thus, with its constant visibility, children had the opportunity to read the verse at any time convenient for them, which also helped them retain it in their memory in the future.

1. Bible Teaching Program included the following tasks:

  • the child's understanding of speech addressed to him
  • formation of ideas that the Lord is the only Savior
  • idea (deepening of ideas) about ways to maintain a “connection” with God, manifestations of care, love
  • Forming in children a conscious attitude towards what they read, an interest in the inner world of people
  • children's idea of ​​the life of the New Testament people (nature, work, clothing, customs)

Program implementation tools:

Visual method:
- Looking at pictures (and other visual aids)

Verbal method:
- Stories on the topic

Game method:
- Themed games

Practical method:
- Manual labor (in Bible skills classes)

2. Active recreation program included the following:

    teaching children to correctly express their thoughts using explanatory speech and evidence-based speech;

    learning to correctly find a way out of emerging situations through children’s discussion of some of the situations proposed in various forms organizers (director, teacher, counselor);

  • acting out biblical stories in creative theatrical and director's games
  • development of the ability to act strictly according to the rules of the games presented, and to manipulate one’s actions.

3. Manual labor program included the following:

  • children's understanding of manual labor(art) also reflects inner world people;
  • improving technical skills and abilities;
  • the ability to apply acquired knowledge in Bible lessons;
  • using a variety of materials: cardboard, colored paper, fabric, thread, tape, natural materials etc.;
  • development of children's imagination.

4. Music activity program included:

  • familiarity with Christian songs of various genres and styles;
  • children understanding that songs can also express biblical truths;
  • the ability to reflect, think about the meaning of a song;
  • the ability to explain the content, as well as perform it in the appropriate state of mind and mood.

5. Camp special events program pursued the following tasks:

  • uniting the children's team;
  • the ability to express one’s emotions without embarrassment;
  • ability to communicate in a team, correctly express your thoughts and ideas;
  • practical use of acquired knowledge;
  • development of imagination, fantasy;
  • feel the differences in the dramatization of biblical stories and stories from “life”, the ability to correctly present what is presented;
  • the ability to treat some everyday events with humor

Daily routine

08.15 – counselors rise
08.45 – counselors’ meeting
09.15 – children get up
09.30 – prayer in the detachment
09.40 – morning lineup
10.00 – breakfast
11.00 – Bible lesson / crafts
12.00 – crafts/Bible lesson
13.00 – walk
14.00 – lunch
15.00 – 17.00 – quiet time
17.10 – afternoon tea
17.30 – squad’s personal time (preparing for a meeting, camp event, playing games, reading books)
19.30 – dinner
20.30 – evening lineup
21.30 – evening communication and prayer in groups
22.00 – lights out for children

After the children fell asleep, the counselors gathered for an evening planning meeting to sum up the results of the day (time not set)

On December 31, in connection with the New Year, the following amendments were made to change the daily routine:

16.00 – 18.00 – quiet time
18.40 – afternoon tea
19.00 – squad’s personal time
21.00 – dinner
22.30 – New Year’s performances presented by teams and counselors
23.50 – prayer for the coming year
00.30 – walk with fireworks
01.30 – children’s curfew
02.00 – New Year’s Eve meeting between camp counselors and camp administration

Camp events held:

1. Surprise!

Having settled into the rooms, the children each found sweets on their beds, which helped the children settle in more easily and made them happy.

2. "Camp Opening"

Each team had to present:

    - name of your squad
    - motto
    - squad song
    - a skit

3. Competition for the best decorated room

Having presented their units theatrically, they were also tasked with presenting their unit's room, furnishing it and decorating it according to its name with a combination of New Year's decorations.

4. Competition for the best mailbox

The announced competition was an incentive for children to write letters to each other. The counselor’s task is to give each child a blank box, explain the execution scheme and direct the activity. The student’s task is to correctly, carefully glue and decorate his box, using all his imagination.

5. Letters to each other

Target: teach children to love, empathize, and show attention; develop a sense of responsibility.

Children's task It also consisted of writing letters in as unusual a form as possible.

6. Questions to God

Target: Teach children to think and think about God; accustom to communication with Him.

Throughout the shift, the children wrote letters to God, in which they inquired about the problems that worried them, and asked Him trembling questions. These unique, but dear to children, letters were dropped into a specially prepared, pleasing to the eye, mailbox called “questions to God.” The box was opened, secretly from the children, by the administration and counselors at the last planning meeting. There was a discussion about the contents of these letters. The letters made it possible to better understand the child’s inner world, see for themselves the mistakes made, shortcomings in the organization of the camp, and helped in determining the goals of further assistance to these children (for example, social needs). Summarizing the letters, we returned to the fact that children are looking for love and attention. “If a child is not loved, he learns to hate” And “Children who are not loved become adults who do not know how to love”. It is important not to miss this moment, to be supportive, to love them even when they don’t deserve it most, and to help them feel God’s love.

7. Game "Collector"

Target: development of creative intelligence, organization, speed of action; acquaintance and uniting of groups.

Methodology: The organizer of the game distributes sheets with tasks to the counselors. The team's task is to answer questions as quickly as possible.

An approximate set of questions:

    - Find, read, learn, tell and show Ps. 78:13
    - With the whole squad, portray an elephant
    - Collect the word “Bible” from scrap materials
    - Walk the entire squad “in single file” along the corridor
    - Find out when the chef’s birthday is
    - Count how many boys are in the camp
    - Make a list of the Dolphins squad
    - Come up with a poem dedicated to your counselor
    - Find out who has a birthday during your stay in the camp
    - Say 10 kind words cooks
    - Count door handles on the floor
    - Find out which last book read by counselor Katya
    - Which of the counselors served in the army and where?
    - Draw a portrait of your squad
    - What color are the camp director’s eyes?
    - Who is the shortest in your squad? Give him a gift
    - Make a list of the names of the "Stars" squad
    - etc.

After all squads have submitted their answers (“in action”, written and creative) to the organizer of the game, the entire camp sums up the results and awards nominations to each squad, without offending anyone. For example: “The fastest team”, “The most creative”, “Imaginers-dreamers”, etc. At the end there is an award ceremony.

8. Sports games on the street

In the detachment’s personal time, when the weather does not allow going outside with the children, classes are organized in gym, so that children can “throw out” their energy and maintain their shape.

10. Competition for the best Christmas tree decoration

Target: teach children to imagine, collect from various materials one whole, develop technique and speed of action.

11. Congratulations to the birthday people

Target: teach children to love and pay attention to each other.

Tasks: Each squad must prepare a gift for the birthday boy, thanks to their imagination and fantasy. If desired, the gift can be personalized.

12. New Year's Eve- festive performances by teams
- musical game “Lavada”

Children stand around the Christmas tree (you can do without it, the game is not only intended for New Year celebrations) and imitate the words of the song:

  • Holding hands and walking in a circle)

    1. My head is good, but my neighbor’s is better - 2 times ( )

  • We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. Our cheerful dance is Lavada. ( Putting their hands on the heads of their neighbors, they walk in a circle)

    2. My shoulders are good, but my neighbor’s are better - 2 times ( imitate the corresponding words with movements)

  • We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. Our cheerful dance is Lavada. ( Putting their hands on the shoulders of their neighbors, they walk in a circle)

    3. My tummy is so good, but my neighbor’s is better - 2 times ( imitate the corresponding words with movements)

  • We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. Our cheerful dance is Lavada. ( Putting their hands on their neighbors' stomachs, they walk in a circle)

    4. My back is good, but my neighbor’s is better - 2 times ( imitate the corresponding words with movements)

  • We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. Our cheerful dance is Lavada. ( Putting their hands behind the backs of their neighbors, they walk in a circle)

    5. My knees are good, but my neighbor’s are better - 2 times ( imitate the corresponding words with movements)

  • We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. Our cheerful dance is Lavada. ( Putting their hands on the knees of their neighbors, they walk in a circle)

    6. My heels are good, but my neighbor’s are better - 2 times ( imitate the corresponding words with movements)

  • We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. Our cheerful dance is Lavada. ( Holding on to the heels of their neighbors, they walk in a circle)

    You can add other body parts in the same way...

    The counselors staged the scene “The Nativity of Christ”

    Prayer in your own words for the coming year
    - performance of songs
    - night walk with festive salutes and fireworks
    - present

    13. Entertainment games on the occasion of the New Year holiday

    14. Closing the camp- squad performances
    - official part and gifts
    - games “Guess What”, “Rope with Gifts”

    Game "Guess What"

    In the hands of the game organizer is a medium-sized bag containing prizes.

    The children's task is to identify one of the objects by touch. If the answer matches the one found, then the child receives this prize.

    Game "Rope with gifts"

    A rope with hanging gifts and souvenirs is stretched across the entire width of the hall. The child is blindfolded, spun around, given scissors and given the opportunity to cut something from the rope within a certain time.

    Features in organizing the camp There was also an unusual way of teaching children to have order in the room. A kind of “rite” took place under the name “Potapych”. Why? Yes, because the daily tour of the squad rooms, during which the degree of cleanliness was determined, was carried out by Mikhail Potapych himself (an ordinary soft toy - a bear, under the guidance of the camp director). Based on the results of the inspection, Potapych stayed overnight in the cleanest room.

    All actions were carried out on behalf of the bear Potapych.

  • Children's summer Christian camp program "Golden Tent"

    Titled: What's around the bend? (African theme)

    Number of children: 63 / Number of staff: ~20

    Children's age: 9-13 years

    The program was worked on by: coordinators Alena Menzhinskaya, Natasha Arkhipova, Leonid Danilyuk and the rest of the wonderful team!

    The main idea: the entire program is built on a journey along the Nile River and the discovery of new truths for the children. Every day there is a new twist and an important truth for that day. The most memorable activity was a canoe trip to a small island that we called “Madagascar”.

    Based on the fact that we had children who were not churchgoers (~60 to 40), (this was from an orphanage and from dysfunctional families), we built our program for each day on conveying the most important truths: Day 1 - Why Christ came ( parallel that in Africa children also celebrate Christmas), 2 day - Christ accepts us as we are, friendship with Jesus, 3 day - Second chance, 4 day - God wants us to be grateful, 5 day - Father's Love. In other words, this year we did not take one story from the Bible, but took the most important (simple truths) and tried to reveal them in a theme about Africa.

    Several introductory photos (we recommend looking at the rest of the photos and videos on the camp website)
    Our camp questionnaire (with a tear-off coupon)
    General information and concept of the camp.
    Camp schedule and names in African style
    Bible lessons (5 days). Ideas for evening services. Scenes
    African style (for clarity)

    Added: 03/06/2016 at 14:55

  • Ten Bible discussions about the life of King David for youth 16-20 years old.
    Perspective - looking at the future from the point of view today. This collection of biblical discussions is designed to reveal an amazing life perspective to modern young men and women. Participants in the discussions will get acquainted with the biography of King David, who is called in the Bible “a man after God’s own heart.” In 10 years he went from a simple shepherd to the greatest of kings. The secret of David's success was his relationship with God.

    Added: 03/06/2016 at 14:32

  • Useful articles, tips and free programs download camps.

    Added: 06/08/2015 at 17:35

  • Added: 06/08/2015 at 17:26

  • Camp program "My World I Give to You!"

    Camp program. The archive contains a lot of ideas, games and everything necessary for running the program.

    Added: 02/19/2015 at 5:33

  • Civilizations

    What role did the great civilizations of the past play in God's plan for the Salvation of all mankind? The program “God is the Creator of History” will tell children and their parents, mentors and Sunday school teachers how God cares for the Salvation of all mankind, using the ups and downs of the great civilizations of the past.

    The program consists of ten lessons that introduce the history of the birth and decline of a number of civilizations that existed in different regions the globe and played an important role in the history of all mankind. And also, you will learn about one special civilization that had its birth, a long century-long path of formation, the greatness of its flourishing... A civilization that will exist forever!

    The Christian Scientific and Apologetic Center proposes to use the educational and educational program “God is the Creator of History” for children’s camps, playgrounds, Sunday schools, as well as any other training events, which are designed for children from 8 to 15 years old.

    Added: 09/16/2014 at 15:51

  • Educational and cognitive program for children "I am a Man"

    Wonderfully created I am

    This program gives the answer to the most main question of every person: “Who am I?” The “I am a Man” program will prove to children and their parents, mentors and Sunday school teachers that Man is created in the image and likeness of his Creator and is not a product of random events. We are created and we have a purpose! This program will tell you about our purpose and help us follow our great mission on earth.

    The program consists of seven lessons that tell about the divine origin of man, the amazing structure and coordinated work of the entire human body. The program also talks about a person’s problems due to the lack of moral and ethical standards and not having a proper attitude towards yourself. The problems associated with sin, which lead to self-destruction of a person as an individual and a living organism as a whole, are presented in an accessible form. And also, the principles of health and a fulfilling life are revealed.

    The Christian Scientific and Apologetic Center offers the use of the educational and cognitive program “I am a Man” for children’s camps, playgrounds, Sunday schools, as well as any other educational activities that are designed for children from 8 to 15 years old.

    Included educational materials includes a teacher's manual and a student's manual.

    The materials are provided in digital format (PDF), which will allow you to independently print the required number of manuals for the teacher and student.

    Added: 09/16/2014 at 15:48

  • Educational and educational program for children "Around the World in Ten Days"

    Planet Earth

    How did the oceans and continents originate? What was our planet like at the beginning of its creation and what awaits it in the future? The educational and educational program “Around the World in Ten Days” will help children and their parents, mentors and Sunday school teachers see the connection between the past and the future in the history of our planet and make an unforgettable journey across its six continents.

    In just ten lessons you will get acquainted with the diversity of flora and fauna, climatic conditions, relief and minerals, countries and peoples of all six continents of our planet. And also, the secret of the new heaven and new earth will be revealed to you.

    The Christian Scientific and Apologetic Center offers the use of the educational and educational program “Around the World in Ten Days,” consisting of ten lessons for children’s camps, playgrounds, Sunday schools, as well as any other educational activities that are designed for children from 8 to 15 years old.

    The set of educational materials includes a teacher's manual and a student's manual.

    The materials are provided in digital format (PDF), which will allow you to independently print the required number of manuals for the teacher and student.

    Added: 09/16/2014 at 15:41

  • Educational and cognitive program for children "Six days"

    Creation Story

    How was our world created? The program “Six Days” reveals the secret of the first days of the life of our world. The wisdom and foresight of the Creator in every day of the creation of the world around us is revealed to the children and their parents, mentors and Sunday school teachers.

    The program will tell you about the Universe and its “inhabitants” in a fascinating way. You will get acquainted with the diversity of flora and fauna, with the existing variety of fish and birds, as well as with the amazing history of the first people - Adam and Eve. You will learn about sin and its consequences, which are now experienced by all animals, plants, humans and our entire planet. And about how the Creator resolved the problem of sin in the world He created.

    The program consists of eight lessons dedicated to the first days biblical history, as well as the Fall and Redemption.

    The Christian Scientific and Apologetic Center suggests using the educational and educational program “Six Days” for children’s camps, playgrounds, Sunday schools, as well as any other educational activities that are designed for children from 8 to 15 years old.

    The set of educational materials includes a teacher's manual and a student's manual.

    The materials are provided in digital format (PDF), which will allow you to independently print the required number of manuals for the teacher and student.

    Added: 09/16/2014 at 11:53

  • Program update.

    Added: 05/30/2014 at 15:24

  • Added: 04/26/2014 at 11:51

  • 3-Day Children's Camp "Club of the Wise"

    Here is a three-day program children's camp at the church, prepared by children's ministers of the Transfiguration Church in Kirov. This camp can be done over Christmas or spring break. Children come in the morning and go home in the evening. Since we have been holding such church camps for many years, everything in the plan is abbreviated. If you have any questions, please contact us.

    Very good program designed for 3 days. The program is based on the Book of Proverbs, 3 topics are discussed: obedience to parents, laziness and mastery of the language :)

    Added: 04/21/2014 at 10:27

  • "He who is a saint is a superhero!"

    Program for the camp “He who is a saint is a superhero!”, 2002

    The program is aimed at destroying the stereotype that Christians are “backward,” “stupid” people. Today, when it is “not fashionable” to be a Christian, the church is called upon to instill in the minds of teenagers and young people the understanding that believing in God and serving Him is “COOL”!

    The program is designed for teenagers 12-16 years old. Contains 5 lessons and materials for evening communication in groups.

    Lesson 1. Dress yourself in gold clothes
    Lesson 2. Financier of the last time
    Lesson 3: Prepare to Win
    Lesson 4. The ability to create is a gift from our Creator
    Lesson 5. New World Order

    Added: 04/14/2014 at 18:09

  • "The Crash of Crooked Mirrors"

    Program for the camp "The Crash of Crooked Mirrors", 2004

    The program is aimed at releasing the creative potential of teenagers and destroying the crowd syndrome, when a teenager loses his own identity and imitates his idols, the “cool” guys and girls around him.

    The program is designed for teenagers 12-16 years old. Contains 8 lessons.

    Lesson 1. You are an original, don’t die a copy
    Lesson 2: Stand out from the crowd by being yourself
    Lesson 3. Where to invest your talent
    Lesson 4. Who loves life (about the meaning of words in our lives)
    Lesson 5. Chastity
    Lesson 6. Remember the Creator all the days of your youth
    Lesson 7. Dear Child
    Lesson 8. Success and failure
    (Found here -->

    Added: 04/14/2014 at 18:01

  • "The Life of Remarkable People"

    Program for the camp "Life of Remarkable People"

    The program is aimed at developing practical Christianity in the lives of adolescents.

    The program contains 8 lessons. The program was used in the “Smile” camp in two races: teenagers (13-18 years old) and children (7-13). In the children's race, lessons can be supplemented with visuals, games, and some blocks can be shortened. Lessons 4 and 5 can only be given in the teen race. Since our children's race was a little shorter, there were 7 lessons, not 8.

    Lesson 1. Important Person
    Lesson 2: The Benefits of Faith
    Lesson 3. Habits and dependencies
    Lesson 4 (only for teenagers!) And we will only talk about love
    Lesson 5 (for teenagers only!) The price of sin (about the consequences of fornication, abortion)
    Lesson 5 (for children) Who wants to have friends (lesson from the program for the camp "A Man After God's Own Heart", 2005)
    Lesson 6. Financier of the last time (lesson from the program for the camp “He who is a saint is a superhero!”, 2002)
    Lesson 7. Dreaming is not harmful
    Lesson 8: The Great Commission
    (Found here -->

    Added: 04/14/2014 at 17:57

  • Book "Hunting for Adults"

    Book "Hunting for Adults"
    Collection of programs for children Christian camps

    Added: 04/14/2014 at 17:02

  • Camp program "God's Creation"

    Seven Christian Nature Studies Classes at Teen Camp.

    The more you study God's creation, the more you are amazed at the power, greatness and perfection of its Creator. The Apostle Paul says: meditate on the visible fruits creative activity God - and you will come closer to the knowledge of Him, who is unseen (Romans 1:20). How to use this great opportunity in your camp? How to teach students this way of knowing God? How to instill in them attentive and loving relationship to the surrounding...

    Added: 04/01/2014 at 12:40

  • Camp program "Friends for Life"

    Ten Bible lessons for teenagers 11-15 years old.

    Friendship is extremely important for teenagers. Usually, friends are a greater authority for them than parents, teachers or the pastor himself. Many teenagers will do anything—even things that go against common sense, the church, and God—to gain or keep a friend.
    Summer camp is a place where everyone can find new...

    Added: 04/01/2014 at 12:34

  • Ten Bible Activities for Youth Camps.
    This series of lessons is designed for non-believing students aged 13-19 years old and is designed to lead them, in a short period of camp, from recognizing the fact that God really exists to realizing their need for a personal relationship with Him and accepting the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.

    Truths Holy Scripture are presented in this manual in the form of exciting discoveries that students will have to make with the help of their mentor.

    Added: 04/01/2014 at 12:22

  • Camp program "Real Hero"

    Program "Real Hero"

    Teen program (14-16 years old). Length of stay – 8 days. The ratio of believing and non-believing teenagers is approximately 60% to 40%.

    Added: 04/01/2014 at 12:12

  • Age of children: 7 – 12 years.
    The composition of the pupils was diverse: some children from believing families, some children of “new converts” (a Protestant expression meaning someone who has just become a believer) and non-believing children from orphanages.
    Children from believing families, staying in such camps not for the first time, have the opportunity to bring with them to the next shift at least one pupil from a non-believing family who is unfamiliar with Christian truths.
    Each camp change has its own theme. The theme of this winter session was: “Waiting for the Only Savior who will give you a new life.”

  • In a picturesque place off the banks of the Dnieper near the village of Lozivok from July 4 to July 11, 2010. Children's Christian camp "City of the Special" took place.

    The camp brought together about 80 children from 6 to 14 years old from different parts of the Kirovograd, Poltava and Cherkasy regions of Ukraine. All of them were formed into 9 squads.

    The name of the children's Christian camp – “City of the Special” – was not chosen by chance. Life in the camp allows you to comprehend the amazing love of God for every person, helps to increase self-esteem, emphasize individuality, gain experience of a rich, interesting, enriching life with other “special” ones, test your character, inspires amazing events, adventures, new acquaintances and discoveries. All residents of the “City of Special Ones” (pupils and employees) are wonderful, gifted, talented and, most importantly, people open to God.

    Every day, except the day of departure, had its own special golden verse and its own special name. And each of them became a special revelation of the Lord, His special blessing for every day, and the entire program was focused on it:

    Day of Arrival “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
    Day of Reception" (Ephesians 1:4).
    Day of Value (Psalm 5:13).
    Day of Prayer (Jeremiah 17:7).
    Day of Selection (Romans 14:12).
    Day (Psalm 33:5).
    Day of Glory “...for I will glorify those who glorify Me” (1 Samuel 2:30).

    So, at the end of Adoption Day, a thunderstorm occurred at night and the tents of some children and staff were flooded. Each tried to help the other, to take in the “victims”. The following days confirmed the children, their parents and camp staff in the faithfulness of the One who Promised “For you bless the righteous, O Lord, with favor, as you crown him with a shield” (Psalm 5:13). The elements raged around day after day, but the “City of Special Ones” was protected, and
    There was no more rain until the children left.

    Every morning and every evening everyone gathered in the open-air church, and service was performed in deep and sincere worship of the Lord.

    The children showed themselves in a truly interesting and creative way in a variety of all kinds of general camp and squad activities, competitions, competitions, and stage productions. I especially remember the game “Price of Values”, mind game“From glory to glory”, daily work on the Chronicle of the detachment, “Prayer Dove”, “Path of Courage” and others.

    Traditionally, each evening ended with a small performance, various humorous skits related to the day's topic and Bible lesson.

    There were 5 clubs in the “City of Special Ones”:
    The “Wonderfully Designed” club is a discussion club in which children tried to explore the amazing structure of man, and together find answers (without tediousness and platitudes) to such questions as:
    why drink a lot of water?
    Why did God create Adam and Eve so different?
    what to do to be healthy?
    How does the Lord “tk?t in the womb”?
    what makes us Special?
    ...and many others

    The “Blessed Hands” club is a creative club in which students learned to make crafts with deep spiritual meaning. The production of the Prayer Journal was especially memorable.
    Club “Swim for the Lord” is an entertainment and health club where children learned to swim not only in the waters of the Dnieper, but also in the “waters” of God’s amazing love!

    The “Glorifying God in Bodies and Souls” Club is an entertainment and health club where people ran, jumped, navigated the terrain, and learned to “glorify God in your bodies and in your souls, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6.1920).

    Club "Music of the Heart" - a creative worship club; If music can touch you and move you, then how much more so the words that speak about God and are combined with music!

    There was another club in which the pastor worked daily with students who had decided to enter into a Covenant with the Lord. It was baptism in the rays of the setting sun that became the apogee of the entire camp shift.

    A special blessing from the “City of Special Ones” was an outreach campaign in the neighboring village of Lozivok. 48 pupils (7 of them had never attended church before) delighted the residents with the newspapers “Eternal Treasure” and “Skarbnichka”.

    Touching and joyful, sad and heartfelt parting, singing around the fire... “City of the Special 2010” is an unforgettable time and place for all of us.

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