Live broadcast of an imaginary illness or a miracle of healing. Stella Baranovskaya died after a long battle with cancer

In short creative biography actress Stella Baranovskaya had only one role, after which they learned about the artist and started talking about her. This is the role of a seriously ill woman who needed the help and sympathy of others. Some believed Stella, others called the game fake and unconvincing. There is no information about Stella Baranovskaya’s childhood.

The future actress was born in 1987, presumably in Moscow. Who her parents are is unknown. The girl developed a warm and family relationship not with her father and mother, but with her grandmother. None of Baranovskaya’s relatives are connected with the world of cinema, which did not stop Stella from entering the Moscow Art Theater School. But fate gave the girl too little time to make a career in cinema.


After receiving her diploma of higher acting education, Stella Baranovskaya, like most of her fellow theater graduates, starred in episodes of TV series and low-budget films. But the roles she was entrusted with were too small for the viewer to notice and remember the aspiring artist. Stella does not have a filmography list because she was not mentioned in the credits.

The only picture that is remembered when talking about Baranovskaya is the tragicomedy “Grandson of an Astronaut” and Tamara Vladimirtseva. The actress starred in the cameo role of a girl in a foreign car. But the name of Stella Baranovskaya cannot be found in the credits of the comedy.

Illness brought fame to the artist. Celebrities learned about Baranovskaya’s difficult fate: the girl’s misfortune touched the hearts of the singer and. The stars, through social networks, asked their fans to help Stella, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in America.

There was not enough money for expensive treatment. Ill-wishers also “helped”, accusing Stella Baranovskaya of faking an illness and wanting to profit from gullible fellow citizens. Haters even organized groups on social networks where they threw mud at the sick woman.

Skeptics shared rumors, saying that they saw Baranovskaya in different parts of the capital, happy and without signs of illness. Referring to photographs of the woman on Instagram taken in America and Mexico, they accused her of wasting multimillion-dollar donations on clothes and resorts. At the end of 2016, Stella Baranovskaya appeared in “ Live", where she shared details of the disease and treatment.

The actress had to decide to film and make revelations because of bullying and an avalanche of accusations. A certain Madina Tatraeva was especially zealous in this, calling Baranovskaya a charlatan. Madina’s posts on social networks hurt the dying Stella, forcing her to justify herself and refute the lies.

Personal life

If you believe Stella Baranovskaya’s star friends, who helped her with money and collected funds for treatment, the actress had an affair with a certain Maxim Kotin, the son of wealthy parents. Kotin’s mother is Irina Winter, interior designer and art director of the Mosfilm Gallery. Photos of the woman end up in gossip columns. In Vogue magazine she talked about her luxurious garden near her house. According to Katya Gordon, judging by her Facebook profile, Winter has famous and wealthy friends: gallery owner Aidan Salakhova, lawyer, artist.

Igor Kotin, Maxim’s father, formerly headed the media department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. The man’s name is on the list of founders of a capital company investing in energy. Katya Gordon wrote to Maxim and his parents about Stella Baranovskaya’s troubles, talked about her son and grandson, and showed pictures of the terminally ill woman and six-year-old Daniil. But there was no answer, correspondence with Ekaterina was blocked.

Joint photos of Stella Baranovskaya and Maxim Kotin have been preserved on the social network, but they cannot become proof of his paternity. We did not have time to complete genetic testing and other legal actions. When Stella Baranovskaya was in the hospital, Daniil was taken in by Katya Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. Stella's grandmother is very old and cannot take care of the boy.

Illness and death

Stella Baranovskaya celebrated New Year's Eve 2015 with her boyfriend in America. I felt unwell on January 1st. She came to the clinic with a fever and sore throat. Three days later, after a biopsy, the woman was given a terrible diagnosis: cancer. Doctors prescribed chemotherapy, but Stella was unable to complete the full course due to severe intolerance.

Stella’s mother, Larisa Kryuchonkova, lived in the ward with her daughter when she was undergoing chemotherapy, and saw Stella’s torment. The producers of the “Live Broadcast” project contacted a clinic in the USA, where they are treated using the detoxification method. The hospital nurse confirmed that Stella Baranovskaya was treated by them. Baranovskaya refused chemotherapy and resorted to alternative medicine. In Mexico, Stella was promised an injection that would kill cancer cells.

For unknown reasons, the meeting with the doctor fell through. Then there were metaphysical techniques. Weyland Rodd, the ex-husband of the singer, treated Stella Baranovskaya with a diet: juices, vegetables and fruits. The woman resorted to treatment with chlorophyll and spirulina. For a while the patient felt better and it seemed to her that she was cured.

In the summer of 2017, the disease returned. The actress was dying a painful death from leukemia; doctors called her condition hopeless. Stella's kidneys and liver failed. According to the grandmother, her granddaughter’s heart stopped in the early morning of September 4. Baranovskaya’s friends took charge of organizing the funeral. It is unknown who little Danya will stay with. Stella did not have time to file a lawsuit against the boy’s father.

The young actress Stella Baranovskaya, a girl who, shortly before her death, was accused of fraud, recently died from a serious illness. All those who called her a swindler will now no longer be able to tell her that. Stella resisted the bullying as best she could and tried in every possible way to prove that she was not deceiving people. Watch the episode of the program Let Them Say - “You didn’t believe me, but I died”: actress Stella Baranovskaya, declared a charlatan, died of cancer 09.11.2017

Many, looking at the beautiful photographs of the actress on Instagram, simply could not believe that Stella Baranovskaya was really seriously ill. Numerous comments on the Internet and the opinions of some talk show experts were as follows: Stella is not sick, and she is collecting money for her “beautiful life.” What will they say today when the young actress is gone? Baranovskaya’s close friends and family gathered at the talk show Let Them Talk. The program will also discuss the issue of how to treat severe cancer.

Let them say: “You didn’t believe me, but I died”: the actress declared a charlatan died of cancer

Anfisa Chekhova and Ekaterina Gordon, star friends of Stella Baranovskaya, will talk about her today in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program.

Ekaterina Gordon, lawyer:

“I helped Stella establish the paternity of her child, and during last year her life, we were going to file a libel suit, since she was hounded and accused of fraud. Unfortunately, we did not have time to go to court...

— Not long ago, a certain Madina wrote another post on the Internet denouncing Stella. This girl positions herself as a lawyer and I think she should be disbarred.

Anfisa Chekhova, TV presenter:

— Yes, there was a fundraiser and I witnessed it. Stella then spent a very long time rehabilitating herself in an expensive clinic. There people are restored after chemotherapy. And then she flew to Mexico to visit a shaman, and she tried not to tell anyone about this. I was with her all this time.

— As for the villa where she vacationed: firstly, this villa belongs to her mother, and secondly, it is very small and located far from the sea. There is nothing there, no luxury. The car that I had deceased friend, was given to her by a fan. Close friends gave her money to live on.

“Many people ask why she always looked in excellent condition.” Yes, all because she did not want to look in bad condition. She was a real woman and always tried to look beautiful. The money that was collected for her treatment went towards chemotherapy. Stella was in America and chemotherapy was carried out in the USA, but it costs a lot of money there.

You didn't believe me, and I died. Stella Baranovskaya

Among the invited guests on the “Let Them Talk” program is Channel One TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, who will talk about the deceased Stella Baranovskaya:

“I interviewed her and saw her in quite serious condition. I am one of those who never thought that she was allegedly “playing sick.”

— Every person has the right to choose a treatment method, but everyone knows what this can lead to. I urge all those who have a similar disease to be sure to find a good doctor who will give competent advice.

Actor Alexander Kuznetsov, who has been battling cancer for several years, enters the program hall. At one time he refused chemotherapy and today he will share his experience:

- In fact, what you believe in helps. At one time I was rushing around to different clinics when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but friends told me that there is a famous healer in Brazil, “John of God,” who has been practicing his method of treating serious illnesses for more than 70 years.

At the beginning of September 2017, the Internet was full of rumors that the young actress Baranovskaya had died. But who is Stella Baranovskaya? What made her famous, and what disease took her life?

Stella Baranovskaya was young and beautiful girl, an aspiring actress. She was born in Moscow on July 26, 1987. There is no information about her childhood, it is only known that from a young age she dreamed of becoming a famous actress, so after school she went to study at the Moscow Art Theater.

Where was Stella Baranovskaya filmed?

The girl had little contact with her parents; she mainly maintained close relationships only with her grandmother. After receiving her diploma, Stella, like all graduates of the acting department, began going to castings and auditions, but she was unable to get a more or less noticeable role, although she did manage to play bit parts in some films.

It is quite difficult to list which films Stella Baranovskaya has starred in; they cannot be included in the actress’s filmography, since her name did not appear in the credits. The roles were too small and unnoticeable, so her name and face remained unfamiliar to the viewer. Back then, few people knew who Stella Baranovskaya was. The most significant film in her career was “Grandson of an Astronaut.” This is a film by Andrei Panin, in which Stella starred in a small episode as a girl in a car. But it was not filming that brought her fame, but illness.

Onset of the disease

On the morning of January 1, 2015, Stella felt unwell and was forced to go to the hospital, where she was immediately sent for examination and material was taken for a biopsy. Later, the results became known that turned out to be worse than any assumptions - acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


When the girl’s misfortune became known to a wide circle, she had “star” friends: Katya Gordon, Lera Kudryavtseva, singer Zara and Anfisa Chekhova. They did not stand aside, began to help the girl, announced a fundraiser, leaving messages on the Internet that Stella Baranovskaya was dying. The money collected was barely enough for such an expensive treatment. Doctors prescribed a course of chemotherapy. At first, Stella strictly followed the instructions, but later she developed a severe intolerance to the chemicals and it was decided to stop the course, since the girl had to experience terrible torment, and there was no positive result.

Stella decided to resort to alternative medicine, she went to a clinic in the states, where they promised to treat her with a detoxification method. success this method did not bring it, after which she left for Mexico, where she was going to meet a doctor who promised to cure her with just one injection that kills cancer cells. However, the meeting broke down literally at the last moment; there is no information about the reasons. Next, the actress resorted to metaphysical techniques, treatment with chlorophyll and spirulina. Ex-husband Irina Ponarovskaya, Weyland Rodd, tried to cure Stella using his technique (fruits, vegetables and juices).

Scandal in society

The collection of funds for treatment caused not only a wave of sympathy among the people, but also a wave of mistrust. The girl posted photographs taken in America and Mexico on the Internet. Many have concluded that Stella is not receiving treatment, but is spending the money of her sympathizers on vacation. Even groups were created in in social networks, where the girl was thrown with mud. Madina Tatraeva especially spoke out on this matter. According to her, she knows firsthand what cancer is. Madina expressed her doubts about the actress’s illness in a rather rude manner. Rumors arose that Stella was seen first in one part of Moscow, then in another, but she did not look like she was dying.

Participation in the “Live Broadcast” program

In December 2016, Stella Baranovskaya took part in the filming of the “Live Broadcast” program with Boris Korchevnikov, where the girl had to justify her spending and respond to attacks from Madina Tatraeva. Then she was sure that the disease had subsided. She stated that she was able to overcome cancer and talked about the techniques she used. However, unfortunately, it was only a remission.

Then, during the program, we managed to get through to a clinic in the states where Stella was being treated. A representative of the clinic confirmed that the actress underwent detoxification treatment with them.

Personal life and son

The actress is survived by her six-year-old son Danya. Presumably his father is Maxim Kotin, but he did not recognize the boy. His name does not appear on the birth certificate. Max Kotin's parents are wealthy people, whose friends include eminent lawyers. It is known that Stella tried to introduce her son to his paternal grandparents, but was put out on the street by security along with the boy. At that time there was no talk of any illness, so the girl gave up trying to improve relations with the child’s father and his relatives and dealt with it herself.

The girl's parents were not too interested in her life. It is known that when Stella was undergoing chemotherapy treatment, her mother lived with her in the ward. This is where the support ended. Stella said that her mother did not help her with treatment. She also said that she doubted that the grandmother would take care of her grandson, so when her condition worsened, she asked her friends to convince the child’s father to take Danya.

She wrote a letter to Kotin and his parents, where she said that Stella Baranovskaya was dying, described in detail the course of the girl’s illness, her photographs and photographs of the boy, but she never received an answer. Moreover, the correspondence was blocked on social networks, leaving not the slightest chance to reach the relatives of Stella’s son. The girl's mother did not express any desire to take her grandson.

Baranovskaya was going to file a lawsuit to establish paternity, but she never had time to do so - her condition worsened sharply, and she had to go to an oncology clinic.

Last days and death

The first message about Baranovskaya’s death appeared on Katya Gordon’s Instagram in 2017. With eyes full of tears, she said that Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya contacted her in the morning. It became known that the girl’s heart stopped.

IN last days Stella was in terrible pain, her kidneys and liver were failing, and doctors refused to give her a second course of chemotherapy because the girl’s condition would not allow her to endure additional stress. The actress’s body was exhausted; a few days before her death, she stopped getting up and could no longer walk. All this time, while Stella was in the hospital, her son stayed with her friends, Anfisa Chekhova, Zara, Katya Gordon and Lera Kudryavtseva.


The organization of Stella Baranovskaya’s funeral was carried out by her eminent friends; they also covered all associated expenses. There is no information about whether the girl’s parents took part in this process. On September 8, the funeral of Stella Baranovskaya took place.

Public outcry after news of death

After the girl’s death, reproaches began to pour in towards her ill-wishers that they were in vain attacking the unfortunate girl, creating discussions and spewing accusations, driving the actress, not believing that Stella Baranovskaya Madina Tatraeva did not give any comments on this for two weeks after the girl’s death about this, after which she posted a post on Instagram, where she wrote that she had never called Stella a charlatan. She claimed that she only expressed distrust in the methods that the girl resorted to. According to her, ideas to recover infrared sauna in an American clinic or to be treated with chlorophyll were doomed from the very beginning, and Stella should have adhered to the doctors’ advice and continued to undergo chemotherapy courses.

What will happen to the boy?

The further fate of Stella's son remains uncertain. For the first time after the funeral, the baby lived with the singer Zara. She told how they went shopping together, Danya chose a butterfly for his mother, he wanted to do something nice. The singer never decided to tell him the terrible news about her mother.

Later, Stella’s grandmother took the baby, but the woman is already quite old and will no longer be able to take care of him. Neither Stella's parents nor Dani's father expressed a desire to take the child.

On September 4, tragic news was reported - the aspiring and promising actress Stella Baranovskaya died of blood cancer. The young woman, the mother of 6-year-old Dani, was only 30 years old.

A few months before her death, Stella abandoned traditional treatment for leukemia and traveled to the United States in an attempt to cure her cancer. But all efforts were useless. The next episode of “Live Broadcast” with Andrei Malakhov is dedicated to the topic of cancer treatment.

A close friend of the actress, titled athlete Alexander Lipovoy, came to the studio for a talk show. The man shared with the guests and viewers the details of the last weeks of Baranovskaya’s life. He tried to explain why someone close to him refused chemotherapy and why he resorted to alternative medicine.

Oncologists were invited to the program, aired on September 7, famous writer Daria Dontsova, who will also express their opinion on whether it was still possible to save the young woman and the mother of a six-year-old boy. Stella’s son now lives in the house of her friend, singer Zara, who has not yet decided to say that his mother is no longer alive.

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