Live broadcast of a victim of violence or a new Diana. Five evenings with Diana Shurygina

Original release title:

Live broadcast with Boris Korchevnikov

Player quality: High HD, HDRip (legal)
Talk show production: New company and the Studio for special and linear projects of the Rossiya 1 TV channel.
Show producers: Natalya Nikonova
Composer: Anton Gryzlov
Duration of each episode: approximately 60 minutes
Slogan of the show: "We are in live"
Leading: 2011 - 2013 (Vladimir Zelensky), 2013 to this day Boris Korchevnikov
Genre: talk show, program
Show premiere: April 4, 2011 on Russia 1 channel
Characters : stars and asterisks, rejected and lovers, criminals and heroes, ordinary people from all over the country.

Transfer information: This is a public talk show that has been broadcast by Russia 1 TV channel since 2011 and today has a huge number of viewers, since the program is interesting and raises many problems of different directions. Basically, the topics for general discussion in the Live TV studio are high-profile scandals, accusations, fake news and many other unpleasant events from Everyday life“stars” and “kings” of show business: piquant and revealing photographs published in the wider media, divorces, loud and scandalous accusations of illegal prostitution, beatings, humiliation, divorces, crimes, beatings and much, much more. In addition to show business, the programs periodically air and discuss high-profile stories about the cruelty and cynicism of teenagers, high-profile illegal actions, issues of deprivation of maternal rights and other events that cause resonance in society. In general, watch the program and draw your own conclusions about this or that situation, learn from other people’s mistakes, be human!
Live broadcast with Boris Korchevnikov. Raider takeover: jeweler against people's artist. Issue dated (03/17/2017)

Playing the victim: seductress or raped? (03/13/2017)

This amazing story has been exciting me for days now. social media: three young guys went to jail on long years for allegedly committing rape. The guys were given from 11.5 to 13.5 years in prison, best years their life path must go behind bars. And suddenly an unexpected statement from the victim of violence, 17-year-old Ulyana, she says that she slandered the young guys, they did not commit violence against her and are not guilty of the crime. The Live Broadcast editors conducted their own investigation into this outrageous matter. Today in the studio, Ulyana will meet face to face with the relatives of those guys whom she just recently called rapists and who went to jail. Who is this girl really - a rape victim or the new Diana Shurygina?..

Valeria's first husband: dirt on the star. (03/14/2017)

the famous singer Valeria started talking about her first husband Leonid Yaroshevsky, who published compromising information about the star. Leonid told about how Valeria committed betrayal, went to producer Shulgin for the night and stayed with her lover, packed her things in the morning and never again crossed the threshold of their common house. Leonid says he doesn’t know how he survived then. And many years later, in his apartment, where he was huddled, a bell rang. It was already huge star Valeria. She called and told him, I’m sorry for ruining your life. We will find out today whether he was able to forgive...

Majors: life and death according to the upper class. (03/15/2017)

in their luxury cars they ram pedestrians, drive along oncoming traffic lines, run away from the police, and laugh after all this at ordinary people and most often they evade responsibility, but there is also an inviolable rule of life for them: life is one and no one has ever returned from the other world. Today we’ll talk about the majors who died from their own stupidity and recklessness on the roads...

Father of Mara Baghdasaryan: sincere confession of the major's father. (03/16/2017)

For two evenings in a row in our studio we have been talking about the majors and their defiant behavior and actions. Children of rich parents are accustomed to living by the principle “there is no law for us” and “everything is permitted.” The parents of the majors could and wanted to give their offspring the best, but what came of it? None of the parents of the majors gave interviews or tried to condemn the miscarriages of their offspring live, but today Mary Baghdasaryan’s father is ready to answer to the people live...

The Olympic champion was kicked out into the street by her own mother and took everything. (03/17/2017)

A famous athlete, silver medalist, applied to the program Olympic Games in London Anastasia Grishina. through the fault of her own mother, she lost all her savings and a roof over her head. Now Nastya fears for her own life, the life of his child and asks to protect her from his mother, brothers and father. For what reason did the whole family suddenly suddenly dislike the girl who earned them millions of rubles? Nastya filed a lawsuit against her relatives, how will it all end?...

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⇒ "Fix price is now really gaining more and more popularity, every time we come to this wonderful store, there are always a lot of people there! Every two or three days we go and every time we buy something new, there are always a lot of toys for children, starting from walkers and various dolls with clothes and ending with all sorts of small stickers and coloring books! We also often buy art supplies there, such as felt-tip pens, plasticine, pencils, and so on. A lot of sweets and household items. In general, the whole family enjoys this store and we hope that it will not close like many others!"
Added - 06/04/2019
⇒ "Well, Petya doesn’t want to go anywhere :) You’re already showing him the door and hinting at cultures, but he doesn’t care. So, as luck would have it, he signs some decrees, distributes general ranks, appoints judges. In general, “you won’t breathe before you die” - this is not about Pyotr Alekseevich :) It will be hard for Zelensky to find mutual language with the current deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, if he fails to dissolve it. Most likely, you will have to cooperate with the opposition and connect Kolomoisky’s connections, otherwise there will not be the required number of votes to pass laws..."
Added - 06/04/2019
⇒ "Zhenya's work is again magnificent, really strong and truthful. I looked at this review with great pleasure and was very impressed. As always, the review turned out to be informative and quite funny. I’m wondering if directors, when they create films, don’t even notice their “blunders” and mistakes, well, that’s absolutely brutal. Evgeniy without special problems I found so many errors and shortcomings. Russian cinema is in a deplorable state. Evgeniy Thanks a lot, his works are magnificent. Thank you very much for the lack of advertising."
Added - 06/04/2019
⇒ "It is a well-known truth that bears cannot stand the smell of alcohol and become wild from it. And sober people should not stick their hands into a wild animal’s cage; the clumsy bear can tear them off. Naturally, after the drunk decided to fight the bear, the chatter and obscene words began. Probably at that moment the whole drunken company sobered up and tried to save the daredevil, but he certainly didn’t think it was enough, because bears have long claws, like blades, and strong teeth. Maybe the video will be an edification to other alcohol lovers and animal opponents: you shouldn’t mess with bears and other large animals when your “drunk” courage is off the charts."
Added - 06/04/2019
⇒ "I always treat all holidays with trepidation, and I try to congratulate my family and friends on their birthday so that they will remember it for the rest of their lives. When I saw this video, tears came to my eyes. And all because in my entire life, and I’ve definitely already lived half of it, I didn’t have a real friend. How nice it is to have someone like that close person, who can support and so touchingly congratulate you on your birthday. I wish everyone who has a true friend friendship with her for many years."
Added - 06/04/2019

Still from the program “Let Them Talk”

Five hour-long broadcasts on Channel One’s highest-rated program “Let Them Talk” over the course of just over a month. 13 million views of the program on the Internet. The heroine of their releases has two hundred million subscribers on Instagram. Her personal channel on YouTube. Quantity search queries in Yandex for the month:

Putin — ​34 422 830
Medvedev - ​954 411
Navalny — ​499 932
Shurygina - 5 450 481

“Who is Shurygina?” - those of you who, for some unknown reason, were not in the know will ask (it was impossible not to run into her, because she was broadcasting from literally every iron). Maybe she invented a cure for cancer? Have you flown into space? Received Nobel Prize on literature? Saved those dying during a fire or flood? Took in twenty orphans?

No, no and NO. About a year ago, 16-year-old Ulyanovsk resident Diana Shurygina went to a “registration party” (that’s what young people call a party in a room free from parents), drank vodka there (“at the bottom,” as she later assured), fell asleep, and woke up to find nearby with myself young man Sergei, who, taking advantage of her helpless state, according to Diana, raped her, and according to Sergei, entered into an affair with her intimate relationships by mutual agreement.

Having come to her senses, the girl called her parents, who immediately took her for a medical examination and reported the incident to the police. The guy was given 8 years (later the sentence was reduced to three).

The story shook the whole of Ulyanovsk. A campaign has begun on the Internet in defense of the 21-year-old rapist. Residents of the city went to pickets with posters: “Freedom for Sergei.” At the same time, there was a campaign of harassment against Diana, whom bloggers accused of debauchery, lies and hypocrisy.

On January 31, Diana Shurygina became the heroine of the first episode of the talk show “Let Them Talk,” where the incredible happened: most of the participants blamed not the rapist for everything that happened, but the victim, who provoked the “good boy” with her inappropriate behavior and ruined his life. “Didn’t you understand that you weren’t invited to the cottage to play chess?” — ​host Andrei Malakhov was indignant. “I went and drank, that means I agree”; “Rape victims suffer all their lives, and you smile and post frivolous photos on the Internet”; “Yes, she is a whore, and her mother is a whore - she gave birth at the age of 15!” - the participants and guests of the program shouted, and the young “sinner”, finding herself in the center of attention, behaved really strangely: she flirted, shot her eyes in all directions, now trying to portray herself as an innocent lamb, now rushing at her accusers almost with her fists .

No one tried to figure out the essence of the matter. Everyone was interested in: how much she drank, why she went God knows where, no one knows who, and why she didn’t scratch or bite during the rape, as other victims of sexual crimes usually behave.

After that release, a little time passed, and the “Let Them Talk” program returned to the theme and heroine that aroused millions of viewers. It turned out that after the first issue, the campaign of harassment against Diana and her parents gained momentum: her father had her car tires slashed, her mother was hit in the face by someone on the street, Diana herself was literally not given access, so she stopped going to college, and her family incident, I went to stay with relatives.

During this time, the young man Sergei, in the minds of most viewers and participants, had just not acquired angel wings. The film crew recorded his interview in the colony where he was serving his sentence, and he, looking into the camera with clean and honest eyes, admitted that there was a relationship, but only by consent, and also warned Diana: “If you continue the same lifestyle, It’s not a fact that it won’t happen again.”

For two evenings in a row in the Let Them Talk studio they shouted, accused, and cried, after which Malakhov suggested meeting with Diana again after 10 years to see if she had learned any lessons from what happened and had managed to arrange her life as a human being.

However, less than a month had passed before “Let Them Talk” returned to the story of Shurygina, which not only received a new continuation, but also brought incredible ratings to the program itself. And how can we ignore such a “fat hen” that lays truly golden eggs (that is, attracting millions of new viewers).

During this time, the “rape victim” became the most popular Internet star. Poems and songs are dedicated to her, her portraits are printed on T-shirts, her phrases “at the bottom” and “I fell asleep” turned into Internet memes, a cunning young entrepreneur from Ulyanovsk organized excursions “To the places of glory of Diana Shurygina,” and another young entrepreneur gives makeup to those who wish. “a la Diana Shurygina.”

“Does this irritate you, offend you?” - Malakhov asked the young charmer. “No,” she was surprised by the question, slightly complaining that everywhere she appeared, crowds of people flocked to her, wanting to take pictures with her or just stand next to her.

And dramatic changes happened to her. Now she behaves confidently, does not squeeze out tears, but, on the contrary, is all glowing from the fame that has suddenly fallen on her, which she clearly likes, and she dreams of “capitalizing” on it by organizing some kind of school for girls who have been subjected to violence. Some of those present even predicted that she would have a media career in the near future - and she’s fresh, young, charming, and her popularity is off the charts. How is she, in the end, worse than Sveta from Ivanov, whose ignorance (“We began to dress better”) first brought her fame on the Internet, and then the role of a presenter on the NTV channel. True, the music did not play for long, where is that stupid Sveta now, but she had her moment of glory.

In the midst of a studio conversation, Olga Sviblova grabbed her head: “What are we doing? We are all participating in collective madness!” One of the sensible participants picked up Sviblova’s thought: “What example are we setting for young people with this bad PR? After all, Diana still has life to live, and it is possible that in a month or two the wave of interest in her will subside, and she will be left alone and useless to anyone.”

“Why are you doing this for the fifth broadcast in a row?” - they asked Malakhov, and he, without being embarrassed at all, answered honestly and frankly: “Today everyone makes money from whatever they can. This is a rating."

And, of course, no one was concerned that the case of rape of a minor was discussed for five evenings in a row on the air of the country’s most popular channel - while in court such cases are usually heard behind closed doors. And no one remembered the words of the prayer: “And do not lead us into temptation.” And what was happening in the studio of Channel One is exactly what it’s called: the introduction into temptation of a young, dim-witted girl who, thanks to the broadcast, gained fame similar to Bender’s: “fell under a horse.” And unlike her, who is unreasonable, adult and cynical television people understand this very well, but continue to strike while the iron is hot. They do not face responsibility for temptation. Tea, not for the first time. And the heroine herself is to blame for everything. She probably knew that she wasn’t invited to play chess.

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