The shell is square. Video lesson “Making a new crayfish model”

Who doesn't like crayfish with their beer? But, as they say: you can’t pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty. I’ll tell you frankly, catching crayfish is quite simple, especially if you have a crayfish trap or, in other words, a crayfish trap. It’s not difficult to make a clamshell with your own hands.

What types of crayfish are there?

These tools can be open and closed type– making all these crayfish shells with your own hands at home is quite simple.

Devices for catching crayfish can be made in the form:
plastic bottle traps;

You can find out how to make new models of crayfish traps yourself in this article, see below.

Examples of homemade shells

The simplest and quick option The homemade rachevna is a model made from a material popular among all craftsmen - a plastic bottle.

To make a trap, you need to prepare:
5 liter plastic bottle;
soft wire or thick fishing line;

Progress of work on making an effective clamshell from a plastic bottle:
1) first you need to take the bottle and cut off the top part with the neck;
2) Next, you should cut off the neck itself so that there is a hole through which the cancer can crawl;
3) turn the upper part over and insert it into the lower half with the end that tapers inwards - this way the crayfish will easily crawl inside, but will practically not be able to get out back;
4) connect two halves; You can tie them together with fishing line or wire, which is threaded into holes made with an awl;
5) Large holes must be made in the main part of the bottle to allow air to escape;
6) A weight is attached to the bottom so that the trap does not float up;
7) You need to tie a loop to the bottom from the inside to secure the bait;
8) A rope should be tied to the junction of the shell parts.

On the pond, we untie the wire that connects the two parts of the trap and strengthen the bait. Then we tie both halves together, and, holding the crayfish catcher by the rope, we throw it into the pond. The rachevnya is fixed on the shore with a cord, to a peg, bush or tree.

Do-it-yourself clamshell in the form of a top

This device is similar to the previous trap in that the crayfish fall into it - through a cone. To make such a shell, it is better to use a fine-mesh metal mesh.

Work progress:
1) First, you should cut a strip of mesh about 1 m wide. This piece can be 1.5–2.5 m long, but if the trap is longer, it will not be easy to cast and remove from the water;
2) the strip is rolled into a cylinder with its base approximately 30 cm in diameter;
3) the edges of the strip are connected to each other by binding wire or by welding;
4) Conical entrances are formed from this mesh - 2 pcs.;
5) with the narrow side they are attached to the base of the cylinder using wire;
6) the narrow ends of the cones are tied together inside the trap using three wire ties; Ropes are tied to one or two ends.

We put bait in the trap, throw it onto the crayfish or bring it into the water - depending on what size it is.

Popular, catchable crayfish

The most popular (also the simplest) model is the rachevni, which is a ring made of metal wire covered with mesh. Of course, the disadvantage of such a crayfish trap is that it needs to be checked every 30 minutes, because when the crayfish eat the bait they can easily crawl out of it.

I suggest you make a little more complicated crayfish trap with your own hands, which you can leave for twelve hours and from which it will be difficult for the crayfish to crawl out.

To make a clamshell with your own hands we will need:
- fine mesh;
- steel wire 5-6mm thick.
- plastic clamps;
- nylon thread.

Progress of work on making homemade products

First of all, we take steel wire and twist two rings, the first with a diameter of 400-500mm (lower), the second 150-200mm (upper).

Using clamps or nylon thread, we attach the mesh to the steel ring, with an interval of 5-7 cm from each other.

We cut three thinner pieces of the same length from the wire (for this I tried on electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm) and attach one edge to the ring big size, the second one is smaller so that the ring with a smaller diameter is in the middle of the larger ring at a distance of 120-180 mm.

To make our design more convenient to transport, we securely secure two spacers, and make the third removable.

The next step is to cover the sides with mesh, securing it to the smaller ring with clamps.

On a smaller ring, we fasten the clamps much more often 10-14 mm from each other. We cut off the excess mesh.
Well, that’s all, the device for catching crayfish is ready, now you can safely go to the pond.

I forgot to say, based on own experience, it is better to fix the bait to the bottom of the crayfish trap. For bait, it is better to take fresh fish, put dill, a piece of cake (wrapped in gauze) or rye bread rubbed with garlic next to it.

Video of a new model of a homemade, effective clamshell made at home

Lures for catching crayfish

Whatever the design, the same type of bait is always used. To attract crayfish into the trap, the following baits are used: cut fish, fresh fish, chicken or rabbit offal, domestic animal liver, bread with garlic or dill.

The most in a convenient way Installing a trap from a boat involves tying a fishing line or rope with one end to the trap and the other to a piece of foam plastic. This way the location of the crayfish will be visible, and it can be quickly removed from the water.

Have a good catch.

Devices not only for catching fish, but also for catching crayfish, which are a real delicacy, are very popular. This article will describe in detail what a crayfish device is, what types it comes in, how to use it correctly, and much more.


What is a crayfish

They are called shellfish special type traps that are very easy to use and yet very effective. Typically, such traps are made of metal hoops covered with a checkered mesh. The cells of these nets have small holes, which are intended for catching.

You can use crayfish traps both for catching crayfish and for catching small fish. This trap is in great demand among many fishermen, since it always guarantees a high catch, unlike other devices.

All shells are divided into:

  • round;

  • long.

Round shells

These traps are the simplest and most convenient to use. Typically, they are made from two thin metal rods in the shape of a circle and then covered fine mesh. At the top, these devices are tied with a rope to make it more convenient to pull them out of the water.

In addition to round shapes, such crayfish shells can have a square or cylindrical shape. Both of these options are no less effective.

Advantages of round traps:

  • prey can climb into the trap faster because they are not hindered by sharp corners;

  • Fishing with such traps is much faster than with other types of crayfish traps.

Disadvantages of round traps: The prey can get out of the crayfish trap just as easily as it can get into it, so the fish need to check the trap every fifteen minutes.

Long crayfish

Long traps for catching crayfish are more complex designs than round ones. Their device consists of five or six hoops, which are connected to each other using a mesh. On both sides of the trap, between the hoops, special doors are made through which crayfish can get inside the device. The main trick is that they will no longer be able to get out of the crayfish trap, since the length of the mesh and the turns of the trap make it difficult for the prey to navigate.

The advantages of such shells:

  • they are very spacious and will allow you to catch a lot of crayfish and fish;

  • such traps can be safely left without checking for several days, without fear that the prey will run away;

  • have greater efficiency.

Disadvantages: they can be difficult to use due to their more complex structure.

Choosing a shell

When purchasing a shell, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • The materials from which the shell is made. There are two main types of materials from which these devices are made: polyethylene fishing line and nylon mesh. If you are going to catch adult crayfish, then a crayfish catcher made of polyethylene fishing line is suitable for this, but if you want to catch young animals that still have a soft shell, then it is better to take a crayfish catcher made of nylon mesh, which will not harm the crayfish’s shell.

  • The second thing you should definitely pay attention to is the country in which the crayfish was caught. For example, those crayfish shells that were made in China are of much worse quality than crayfish shells made in Russia.

  • The shape of the crayfish is selected depending on the number of crayfish you want to catch. A round-shaped trap with a total diameter of about forty centimeters can accommodate up to ten crustaceans per catch. A long trap, the diameter of which will be more than fifty centimeters, can accommodate more than eighty crustaceans in one catch.

  • You also need to decide how much time you can devote to this activity and, depending on this, choose a trap. Long crayfish are designed for long catches, and round ones are for quick hunting.

  • You also need to completely inspect the trap for any defects (abrasions, fragility, rust, etc.) and before purchasing, make sure that it holds tightly and will not break during the first catch.

How to make a clamshell with your own hands

The first method is a closed round shell

To make it you will need:

  • mesh with small cells;

  • wire;

  • nylon thread;

  • plastic clamps.

This trap should be made in this way:

  1. Bend the wire into two rings. The first ring (lower) should be fifty centimeters in diameter, and the second (upper) twenty centimeters.

  2. Secure the mesh to the rings using clamps every five centimeters.

  3. Make three spacers from wire and secure them to the rings.

  4. Cover the sides of the trap with mesh and secure them with clamps on the topmost ring.

  5. Cut two small entrances on the sides.

After this, the trap is ready for use.

The second method is a cone-shaped trap

Will need:

  • wire;

  • nylon thread;

  • net.

  1. Two circles of wire that should be different sizes fasten with mesh.

  2. Stitch the inner circle area with thread.

  3. In a smaller circle, make a passage through which the cancer will make its way.

The third method is an anchor trap

Lures for catching crayfish

Types and features of baits for catching crayfish:

  • The most commonly used bait for such purposes is fish. It is easy to prepare, and it can be caught in the same pond where the crayfish will be caught. Fish for bait should be fresh, but no longer alive. It should give off a strong smell that can attract crayfish. To do this, you can make several cuts along the body of the fish and peel off a few scales. One fish will be enough to catch crayfish.

  • The bait can also be live. For example, you can catch a snail or a small shell from a pond, which you then place in a trap.

  • A dead frog is also considered good bait.

  • Cabbage that has already spoiled often shows good results.

  • Melon.

  • Rotten meat.

  • White bread with garlic can be used as bait for crayfish, since garlic has a distinct smell that will attract crayfish from afar, and the bread will serve as a filler for this bait.

In addition to choosing the bait for catching crayfish, you also need to properly prepare it and attach it to the trap:

How to fish with a crayfish

The process of catching crayfish is as follows:

  1. Place the trap in the water. It is better to do this from a boat, since the banks of reservoirs are often heavily overgrown with algae and reeds, which significantly complicates the entire fishing process.

  2. To make it easy to find the place where the trap was lowered in the future, you need to tie a piece of foam plastic or other floating material to the rope of the crayfish trap. If such material is not at hand, then you can simply tie the crayfish trap to an ordinary snag or stick, which you then attach somewhere on the shore in a place visible to you.

  3. If you have several traps, they need to be placed at a distance of about fifteen meters from each other, otherwise the catch may be poor.

  4. The round clamshell should be placed in vertical position on the very plane of the bottom, and not on a cliff or on snags, since it will be difficult for the crayfish to climb over such obstacles.

  5. A round trap needs to be checked frequently, but a long one can be checked two or three times a day. It is important to know that it is better to pull the crayfish against the current.

  6. When the crayfish trap is full, the catch must be poured into a separate mesh that closes tightly. So that the crayfish cannot escape. It is advisable that the net with crayfish be placed in a bucket of water.

  7. After catching, the traps need to be pulled out of the water, inspected for dirt, washed and dried.

Blitz tips

  1. For fishermen who are just starting to try catching crayfish, it is better to purchase round or square shape, since it will not only be significantly cheaper than a more professional long trap, but will also provide guaranteed ease of use. In addition, a small round crayfish does not need frequent checks, which cannot be said for a long trap.

  2. The selection and installation of bait must be taken very seriously, since not only the quality of the catch, but also its quantity depends on it. There should be enough bait in the trap so that the crayfish does not leave it for as long as possible.

  3. Any bait must emit a strong aroma, otherwise the crayfish will not pay attention to it.

  4. Long crayfish traps are best used together with weights, which lower the crayfish trap to the bottom and help the crayfish climb into the trap more easily.

  5. The bait must be tied to the bottom of the trap so that it cannot float up and attract the attention of prey.

  6. Before buying very expensive and complex crayfish traps, it is recommended to study their operation in detail using the Internet. In order for complex traps to be as effective as possible, they should be installed on a flat bottom surface and weights should be used.

You can read about where to catch crayfish

Crayfish are not a fish, and there are not many ways to catch them. You can catch a crayfish with a fishing rod only by accident, walking in shallow water, turning over stones and driftwood in the cold - crayfish love clean, running, cold water, a rocky bottom, separately submerged snags and other natural obstacles. For this purpose, a crayfish trap was invented.

These chitinous representatives of the benthic fauna are practically active all year round. You can lure them even in winter if you correctly guess their habitat in a given body of water. But best time- this is from mid-June, when crayfish finish molting and spawning, until December. Then they crawl into their holes and practically never leave them until spring.

The installation location of the crayfish also needs to be chosen based on the bottom topography, current and other nuances. Cancers don't like open spaces, rarely crawl out onto the sand. But a quiet backwater, thickets of reeds or a bottom strewn with stones and snags - this is their element. There is somewhere to hide here, and the current does not carry away potential prey. After all, crayfish mainly feed on dead fish and frogs, but they will not refuse mollusks, snails and drowned birds. They find food thanks to a well-developed sense of smell. They can crawl towards the bait that interests them from a fairly large space.

Crayfish design

A closed folding clamshell has several useful properties:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • ease of use;
  • catchability;
  • ease of transportation.

Rakolovki are divided into two types:

  • open;
  • closed.

When fishing with open traps, the crayfish must be taken out of the water and checked at least once an hour, because it is just as easy for crayfish to get out of it as it is to get in. But it is very difficult for crayfish to get out of a closed crayfish trap, which is why they are placed mainly in the evening, and checked only in the morning.

What bait should I use?

However, there is no point in throwing an empty trap to the bottom, regardless of its design. If you don’t put a fragrant bait that is interesting to crayfish, they can crawl right on it and won’t even look inside. The principle of fishing is based on making the crayfish crawl into the trap. The bait most often used is:

  • small fish or pieces of fish;
  • dead frogs;
  • open shellfish;
  • cake;
  • a crust of bread grated with garlic;
  • porridge with the addition of an attractant.


In the spring, after leaving their wintering holes, crayfish will happily feast on fish, preferring bream, crucian carp or goby. They won’t refuse the purchased one either. Only, before placing the bait in the crayfish trap, it is recommended to dry it a little and make several cuts, so it will smell even stronger.


Due to the abundance of food in the summer months, crayfish stop moving long distances and prefer to stay in one place. But, if cancer smells some delicacy, it is ready to go even on a very long journey to diversify its diet. Animal or bird giblets work best as such a delicacy at this time for crayfish. This concept refers not only to the entrails, but also other parts of the carcass (skin, ears, pork cheeks, etc.) and even small pieces of meat. Again, before using, you should leave them in the sun for a couple of hours to achieve a natural, attractive aroma. But you shouldn’t wait until the bait is completely rotten.


With the approach of cold weather, crayfish strive to eat for future use and are ready to grab any food that comes their way. During this active period, they can be lured by almost any strong scent, but garlic works best. A small piece of rye bread is rubbed heavily with a head of garlic. It’s even better if you put them together through a meat grinder. This type of bait is placed in a crayfish trap wrapped in gauze. If this is not done, the bread will swell and simply wash out of the trap.

Other types of bait also work flawlessly. And meat, and poultry, and fish, and even cereals, sprinkled with an odorous attractant.


From mid-December until about mid-March, catching crayfish is difficult, but quite possible. The main thing is to know the bottom topography and their wintering places well. Crayfish get out of their burrows because they do not hibernate, but they need to eat something. However cold water carries odors very poorly. This is why you need to know exactly where to place the trap. The bait for crayfish in winter is mainly meat and offal, but fresh fish, cut into small strips, is also suitable.

The big inconvenience is that you need to cut a large hole in the ice so that the trap can pass through it freely. And since they place it mainly from evening to morning, care must be taken that it does not freeze. To do this, you can put spruce branches or straw on top.

Homemade crayfish

Making a crayfish trap with your own hands at home is absolutely not difficult. To do this you need to choose the right material. Some craftsmen can make this trap even from a plastic bottle directly on the shore using a sharp knife and several pieces of rope, but the size of such a crayfish cannot provide big catch. So it’s worth spending a few hours and making a high-quality trap that will last for more than one season.

To make a regular open shell you will need:

  • soft steel wire;
  • fine nylon or metal mesh;
  • nylon thread;
  • rope.

Two rings are bent from the wire. One with a diameter of 50-70 cm, the second - 20 cm. The rings are connected to each other by three symmetrically located spacers made of the same wire. As a result, it turns out that the upper ring is rigidly fixed, the trap will not fold, turning into a flat pancake, where the crayfish cannot get into. A wide ring is installed in the center of the mesh and tied to it using nylon threads. Then, carefully straightening the mesh, tie it to the upper ring. A rope is attached to it, which will be used to lower the shell to the bottom and lift it.

A closed-type shell is somewhat more difficult to make, but the set of materials remains the same. This time you will have to prepare not one, but three wide rings. And the little one will remain alone. But if there are two entrances located at two ends, then two such rings are needed. In the second case, you will also need twice as many spacers. The design feature that ensures efficiency is that the small inlet ring is located inside the large one. A kind of neck is formed, along which the crayfish crawl inside the shell, but can no longer get out.

Attaching the bait

If you simply put pieces of meat, bread with garlic wrapped in gauze, or offal inside, they may simply fall out when installing the crayfish catcher. There are many ways to secure bait in a trap. You can simply tie it with the same nylon thread or elastic band directly to the center of the mesh. But some fishermen, already during the construction of the trap, make a special pocket from a nylon mesh, where the prepared odorous bait is placed before installation. The pocket should be located in the middle of the side that will lie on the bottom.

Tactics and techniques of fishing with crayfish

Should choose right place where crayfish are found, and place the crayfish trap in the late afternoon, because arthropods prefer to go out to feed in the dark. Cloudy weather sometimes confuses them: when not bright sun, can also bring good results. But the main catch is still at night.

The technique comes down to correct positioning traps to the selected location. This can be done both from the shore and from a boat.

If near the shore there is a sharp drop into the depths or other obstacles that prevent you from entering the water, take a long but strong stick with something like a slingshot at the end. This slingshot clings to a rope tied to the trap, and gradually the crayfish is taken to the selected promising place. Then, by tightening the rope, the trap is slowly lowered to the bottom. It is better to tie the other end of the rope to something on the shore. Crayfish, even in large numbers, are unlikely to steal the crayfish trap, but such a precaution will never be superfluous. This type of casting requires some skill, so it is better to have a partner.

Installation is even easier from a boat. Having arrived at the chosen catching place, the trap is carefully lowered to the bottom, and a float made of a piece of foam plastic or an ordinary plastic bottle is tied to the end of the rope.

The open shell is checked approximately once an hour. This should be done carefully, being careful not to stir up the water. It is left closed for several hours, often until the next morning.

There is no need to put a large amount of bait. Especially if the design includes a nylon pocket. The goal is to attract the crayfish, not feed them. One small fish, a piece of meat or offal, a piece of rye bread with garlic is quite enough. Severely rotten fish or meat should also not be placed. It is believed that crayfish love it, but in fact this opinion is erroneous. If arthropods have a choice between rotten meat and fresh food, they will choose the latter.

Ban on catching crayfish

In some regions of our country there is a seasonal ban on catching freshwater crayfish. Its deadlines are set by regional authorities responsible for ecology, fishing and hunting. In some places this is almost the entire year, so only the autumn months are reserved for fishing. Somewhere just a couple of spring months. This ban is introduced in connection with the deposition of eggs by arthropods, during which they molt. Spawning and molting begin in early May and continue until mid-June. It was during this period that crayfish fishing was prohibited almost everywhere.

Crayfish meat is very tasty, but it is more of a gourmet snack for a certain type of drink than food in the full sense of the word. But catching crayfish is an activity that brings pleasure not only from the catch, but also from communication with nature, time spent in good company, and a good mood.

Those who like to drink beer with delicious boiled crayfish will hardly refuse to learn how to make a crayfish catcher with their own hands at home.

Moreover, the cost of this classic beer snack has never been small.

In addition, among experienced fishermen, the use of crayfish is considered the most effective option fishing, since otherwise, in order to pull a biting arthropod out of a hole, you will have to catch it by diving deep under water.

Typically, crayfish hunting takes place from June to November, and if you follow the tips below on how to make a crayfish trap with your own hands, you will still have time to enjoy your favorite dish this season.

Below in the article we will discuss different kinds crayfish traps

The method used to make a crayfish trap from a plastic bottle can be used both at home and in an emergency situation.

Just imagine yourself on vacation near a river filled with crayfish. People catch full buckets, but you don’t have a crayfish catcher and you have nothing to catch with.

This is where knowledge of how to make a crayfish trap from available materials comes in handy.

To work you will need:

  • Plastic bottles (2 pcs. 5 l each; 1 pc. 1.0 l each).
  • 3 mm fishing line and awl;
  • Stationery knife.

We make blanks for crayfish from plastic bottles:

  • We make a cylinder from a 1.0 liter bottle; to do this, we cut off its neck and bottom. It will be easier to cut plastic if you heat the knife blade over the fire;
  • Next we work with 5 liter containers. For the first one, we cut off the bottom and neck according to the same principle; for the second, we cut off the neck, but do not touch the bottom. In this case, the neck of the first bottle must be cut so that the resulting diameter corresponds to the diameter of a cylinder made from a liter bottle. In order not to be mistaken with the dimensions, before cutting, you can make marks on the neck of a 5-liter container using a ready-made cylinder.

Putting the pieces together:

  • Using an awl, we make holes in the liter cylinder at intervals of 1.5 cm along the top circumference. During the work, you can place a wooden strip under the plastic;
  • Carry out the same steps with the other cut edges of the containers;
  • Using a piece of fishing line, we alternately thread it through the holes between the liter and 5 liter bottles. As a result, you should end up with a firmly sewn cylinder taking the place of the neck of the 5-liter container;
  • To the resulting structure, to the cut edges of a large bottle, we sew a second five-liter bottle with fishing line;
  • We ruffle the edges of the liter cylinder and bend them inward, as a result of which the arthropod can get into the trap, and the fluffy strips of plastic will not let it back out;
  • Next, using a knife, we make 1x1 cm holes throughout the entire structure, due to which the shell will fill with water and sink more easily;
  • We pass a long rope through the holes so that it enters on one side of the structure, but not through the liter cylinder, and comes out on the other side. We tie the short edge of the rope to the long one.

That's it, the shell is ready.

As you know, crayfish feed on carrion, so immediately before catching them, bait in the form of a piece of rotten meat is placed inside the crayfish trap.

Nylon mesh shell - inkwell

You can make the following type of shell yourself using:

  • nylon fine mesh;
  • nylon thread;
  • wire cutters;
  • wire, with a thickness of 5 mm.

This design for a crayfish catcher is made in several stages, after which you can safely go catching crayfish.

By the way, the bait is prepared for them in advance, but more on that later.

Step-by-step instructions for making a shell:

  • Make two wire rings. The first, main one, should have a diameter of 35-60 cm; the second - for the upper part of the shell structure, with a diameter of 15-20 cm;
  • Cover the main ring with a fine-mesh nylon mesh by winding it to a metal thread. In this case, the thread must pass through the ring with an interval of at least 2 cm;
  • In the next step, prepare three pieces of wire that will be used as spacers. They will serve as a support for the main and small rings and at the same time maintain the shape of the structure. Without spacers, after lowering into the water, the crayfish catch you made will simply fold up.
    The wire should have a length of 15-20 cm. One end of it is alternately fixed to the main ring with the help of wire cutters, and the other to the small, upper one;
  • Cover the resulting structure, including the upper rim, with the edges of the mesh, walk around the rim and mesh holes with nylon thread. Attach a handle to the finished rack.

As a result, you will get a shell with an open top. It is lowered to the bottom using a long rope.

Shell made of rolled metal mesh

This type of clamshell can be made with your own hands using a metal mesh. This product is much more durable and every professional fisherman has it.

For work you will need the following types of materials and tools:

  • metal mesh, roll 1 m wide;
  • wire for fastening;
  • metal scissors;
  • nylon threads, ruler;
  • protective gloves.

We create a clamshell based on a metal mesh:

  • We take a piece of mesh 80 cm long. As a result, the material that we will have to work with will have parameters of 80x100 cm;
  • We roll the mesh into a cylinder shape so that most of it becomes tall. The edges of the mesh are fixed together with wire;
  • Determine the size of the cylinder. Its diameter, as a rule, should correspond to 25 cm;
  • Now we cut out a semicircle from the same material (radius 25 cm). Using a ruler, set aside a segment of 5 cm from the radius point, form a circle with a radius of 5 cm, cut it out with scissors. The result should be a cone with the top cut off. We fasten its edges together using wire;
  • We install the cone with the pointed part inside the cylinder. The edges of the cone and the edges of the cylinder are also fastened with wire. On the other side of the shell, the same cone with a truncated top is installed;
  • Then we will make a hole through which you can put bait in the crayfish trap and, accordingly, get the prey. In the center of the metal cylinder we mark a rectangle of 15 by 20 cm, and cut the wire on three sides with wire cutters. It turns out to be a kind of door. After the bait is placed in the crayfish trap, the door is secured in the notched places with wire;
  • Finally, we tie a long rope along the edges of the shell. Now you can go catch crayfish.

What should be the bait for crayfish?

Before you go catching crayfish, you need to find out more about what smell the bait should have, since it is this that serves as the key to a big catch.

Oddly enough, in addition to rotten meat, crayfish willingly go for Rye bread with garlic.

Unpeeled garlic is first crushed and pressed into the crumb, and to prevent the bait from becoming soggy longer, it is placed in a nylon stocking.

You can also grind the bread with garlic in a meat grinder, and distribute the resulting mixture in portions into gauze bags.

Crayfish have an unusually strong sense of smell, and they also love the smell of garlic too much, so you can add more of it.

Some crayfishers deny the information that bait in the form of rotten meat or fish is the most effective. On the contrary, it is good to catch crayfish using fresh food, pre-cut into pieces.

If you plan to fish for prey, it is recommended to use roach or bream as bait.

For some reason, crayfish is reluctant to eat the meat of predatory fish - pike and perch. The fish is cut along the ridge in advance, and the meat is turned inside out to enhance the smell.

According to crayfish experts, crayfish found in separate bodies of water have their own diet. Therefore, their preference for different baits is determined by the trial method.

To do this, the crayfish traps, in which baits of different types are placed, are placed at intervals of 15-20 m from each other. After this, it becomes clear what food is best to catch arthropods with.

Using the same sampling method, it was found out what food attracts crayfish at different times of the year.

In spring, fish caught by hand or purchased frozen are used as bait. These can be gobies, roaches, crucian carp.

As mentioned above, the fish carcasses are cut.

Summer bait can be animal meat. During hot periods, crayfish willingly feast on the stomach and part of the head. Such bait can be purchased at the market and cut into pieces.

In the fall, when the cold weather sets in, bread with garlic is placed in the clamshell.

How to install and when to check crayfish traps

You can set crayfish traps either from the shore or from a boat. The second option is most often used if the approach to the reservoir is heavily overgrown with reeds and, of course, there is a boat available.

In order not to lose orientation regarding the installed crayfish trap, a non-sinking object is tied to the trap rope in that place on the surface of the water.

Foam plastic or its like can be used as a float for the crayfish.

When placing a crayfish trap from the shore, they stock up on stag - a long horned stick. The crayfish rope clings to the crayfish, the stick is placed from the shore, after which the signal rope is lowered, and the crayfish trap lies on the bottom of the reservoir.

This is done to prevent the prey from eating all the bait. In addition, arthropods can be attracted by a lit fire; it is good to place traps along the line of its reflection in the water.

In addition, at night, crayfish come to the shore of the reservoir, so they can be easily collected with a flashlight.

Hello dear fishing blog visitor. Since in the previous article we talked about where to catch crayfish. Let me tell you in this article how to catch crayfish. The most common way is to catch crayfish with a crayfish trap and how to make it, read below.

How to make a round shell

In order to make a crayfish trap we will need a little time and sleight of hand. The most common and easiest to make crayfish catcher is the round type crayfish catcher. To make it we need a minimum of effort and materials. And so, in order to make a crayfish trap, you need to have two identical rings of wire about 50-60 cm. The thickness of the wire is no more than 5-7 mm. But if it is a little thicker, then this is not critical. Next, we connect the upper and lower rings with a mesh. We also make the bottom of the clamshell from the same mesh. We tie a nylon cord to the top ring on three sides. Our crayfish trap is completely ready. If everyone is available necessary materials You can make such a shell at hand in about 40 minutes.

The principle of operation of such a homemade shell is as follows. The bait in the crayfish trap attracts crayfish and they crawl into it. When we pull the cord that is tied to the top ring, the ring rises with the mesh and does not allow the crayfish to escape from the trap. This design has one drawback. These shells have to be checked more often. Otherwise, the crayfish, having had enough of the bait, will simply run away.

How to make a conical clamshell.

In order to make a conical crayfish catcher, you will need the following. Two rings of wire, one 50 cm, the second 20-25 cm. Just like the previous one, we connect the upper and lower ring with a mesh and also close the bottom. Only now you need to install stiffening ribs between the upper and lower rings. 2-3 is enough. We will make the stiffening ribs from the same wire as the rings. We make “U” shaped blanks, something like “I________I”. We fix one end to the upper ring and the other to the lower one. We also tie a cord to the top one. This design allows you not to constantly check the crayfish; just place them around the perimeter of the reservoir in the evening and collect the catch in the morning.

How to make a shell from construction mesh.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a clamshell with your own hands from construction mesh. This is a fairly universal crayfish fish as it can be used both as a top for catching live bait and as a crayfish fish at the same time. It is enough just to place bait inside for both crayfish and live bait.

The second part is how to make a clamshell from construction mesh

How crayfish crawl into a conical crayfish trap made with your own hands.

How to make a clamshell from a plastic bottle.

In order to create this miracle you will not need plastic bottle(fortunately there is plenty of this stuff) preferably a 5 liter one. We cut off the neck of the bottle so that it can be inserted with the back side into the bottle. And we fix it using either wire or plastic clamps. In the bottle itself you need to make as many holes as possible so that fresh water. The principle of operation is simple: throw a bait ball through the neck and lower it into the pond. The cancer also gets into our crayfish trap through the neck, but can no longer get out. In order to remove the crayfish from our homemade crayfish trap, you will have to make a small incision on the side. This is the minus of this shell.

How to make a clamshell from a bottle Option 2

That's all for now, I hope that the information presented in this article was useful to you. All the best to you and see you again. Bye.

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