Calculate the percentage. What is a percentage? Formula for calculating percentage


In mathematics, the concept of percentage change is used to describe the relationship between an old (initial) value and a new (final) value. Specifically, percent change expresses the difference between the start and end values ​​as a percentage of the old value. In general cases, when V 1 is the initial value and V 2 is the final value, then the percentage change can be found using the formula ((V 2-V 1)/V 1) × 100. Please note that this value is expressed as a percentage.


Calculating percentage change in general cases

Calculating percentage change in special cases
  • If the initial price of a product is $50, and you bought it for $30, then the percentage change in the price of the product is:
    • ($50 - $30)/$50 × 100 = 20/50 × 100 = 40%

      The price you purchased the product for was less than the original price of the product. A percentage change is a price reduction of 40%, meaning you have saved 40% of the original price.

  • Now let's say you want to sell the pants you bought. For example, let's say you bought pants for $30 and then sold them for $50. Then the price change is: $50 - $30 = $20. The starting price is $30, so the percentage change will be:
    • ($50 - $30)/$30 × 100 = 20/30 × 100 = 66.7%

      The cost of the trousers increased by 66.7% from their original price.

  • When the cost of pants decreased from $50 to $30, their price dropped by 40%. When the price of pants increased from $30 to $50, they increased in price by 66.7%. It's important to note that the profit percentage for selling pants for $50 is 40%.

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  • Important: The calculated formula results and some Excel worksheet functions may differ slightly on computers running Windows with x86 or x86-64 architecture and computers running Windows RT with ARM architecture. Learn more about these differences.

    Sometimes calculating percentages can be difficult because it is not always easy to remember what we were taught at school. Let Excel do the work for you—simple formulas can help you find, for example, the percentage of a total or the percentage difference between two numbers.

    And if you need to multiply by percentage, we can help you too.

    Calculate the percentage of the total

    Let's say that this quarter your company sold goods worth 125,000 rubles and you need to calculate what percentage of the total is 20,000 rubles.

    Calculating the difference of two numbers as a percentage

    In 2011, the company sold goods worth 485,000 rubles, and in 2012 - worth 598,634 rubles. What is the difference between these figures in percentage?

      First, click cell B3 to apply the Percentage format to the cell. On the tab home click the button Percent.

      If you are using Excel Online, select home > Number format > Percent.

      In cell B3, divide the sales volume for the second year (598,634.00 rubles) by the same figure for the first year (485,000.00 rubles) and subtract 1.

      Here is the formula in cell C3: =(B2/A2)-1. The percentage difference between the two years is 23%.

    Note the parentheses around the expression (B2/A2) . Excel first evaluates the expression in parentheses and then subtracts 1 from the result.

    Attention! Please wait until the page is completely loaded, otherwise the percentage calculator will not work.

    Examples of percentage calculation

    Example 1. Cost calculation percentage:

    What is 30% of 70$?

    30% divided by 100 and multiplied by $70:

    (30/100) x $70 or 0.3 x $70 = $21

    Example 2. Formula for percentage:

    21$ what's the percentage of 70$?

    $21 divided by $70 and multiplied by 100:

    ($21/70) x 100 = 30%

    Example 3. Calculating percentage change:

    Percentage change between $50 and $70?

    70 minus 50 divided 50 times 100:

    ($70-50) / 50 x 100 or 0.4 x 100 = 40%

    Example 4. 15 percent (%) 200:

    What is 15 percent (%) 200

    15% divided by 100 and multiplied by 200:

    (15/100) x 200 or 0.15 x 200 = 30

    How to calculate interest with an online interest calculator.

    Interest calculator– percentage is any ratio or number divided by 100. It is usually represented by the percent sign (%) or abbreviation (percentage). The literal meaning of percent per hundred, which obviously refers to a number divided by 100.

    The percentage calculations involved in finding percentages are not very difficult and any person without much knowledge of mathematics can perform the method to get the results. People often need to find interest at some point in life.

    For example, if you go shopping and you want to get a pair of shoes that is on sale and you only have to pay 75% of the original price and the original price is mentioned as $250. Now, a simple percentage calculation would be to divide 75 by 100 and then multiply it by $250. Now, you will end up receiving 25% of the price.

    IN Everyday life You would somehow get to find a usage calculator or percentage somewhere.

    Students, teachers, accountants and many other professions need to represent numbers as percentages. Doing the procedure manually takes a lot of time, and doing it for about 100 or so quantities is really tough work and would probably take a whole day to complete.

    In the end, after spending so many precious hours of your life's interest, finding if an error was found that would ruin all the following calculations would also be very sad. It could be tedious and a lot of time wasted. Even a calculator cannot save your time.

    You will end up bored, frustrated and tired; besides, you won't force time to do anything else. Use the Online Interest Calculator!

    IN modern world When everything is computerized and information technology has reached its height where you can get almost anything in front of you with just a click or two, why not choose something more efficient, time-saving and error-free?

    You know what I'm getting at.

    Yes, why not use an online interest calculator. They are more efficient, less time consuming and guaranteed error free calculators. All you need is an Internet connection and the interest calculator is at your reach.

    It is indeed a great help for teachers who have to calculate percentages of the result of a large number of students, for accountants who have to deal with percentages all day long and some students who face difficulty in finding percentages.

    The process to use an online percentage calculator is simple then you would imagine.

    All you will have to do is to put in the value, the appropriate space, and press enter to get the results. These calculators provide you with the most convenient way calculate percentage, decreasing percentage, increasing percentage and other values.

    Interest calculator can save your time and allow you to get the most accurate results.

    How to calculate percentages in MS Excel (video)

    Type the numbers and interest calculator will show you the result of the percentage calculation automatically. Even you will see how to calculate interest(formula for that calculation)!

    A percentage (or ratio) of two numbers is the ratio of one number to the other multiplied by 100%.

    The percentage relationship between two numbers can be written as follows:

    Percentage Example

    For example, there are two numbers: 750 and 1100.

    The percentage ratio of 750 to 1100 is equal to

    The number 750 is 68.18% of 1100.

    The percentage ratio of 1100 to 750 is

    The number 1100 is 146.67% of 750.

    Example task 1

    The plant's standard for car production is 250 cars per month. The plant assembled 315 cars in a month. Question: By what percentage did the plant exceed the plan?

    The percentage ratio is 315 to 250 = 315:250*100 = 126%.

    The plan was completed by 126%. The plan was exceeded by 126% - 100% = 26%.

    Example task 2

    The company's profit for 2011 amounted to $126 million, in 2012 the profit amounted to $89 million. Question: By what percentage did profits fall in 2012?

    Percentage ratio 89 million to 126 million = 89:126*100 = 70.63%

    Profit fell by 100% - 70.63% = 29.37%

    Rule. To find the percentage of two numbers, you need to divide one number by the other and multiply the result by 100.

    For example, calculate what percentage the number 52 is from the number 400.

    According to the rule: 52: 400 * 100 - 13 (%).

    Typically, such relationships are found in tasks when quantities are given, and it is necessary to determine by what percentage the second quantity is greater or less than the first (in the task question: by how many percent did they exceed the task; by what percent did they complete the work; by what percent did the price decrease or increase, etc. .d.).

    Solving problems involving the percentage ratio of two numbers rarely involves only one action. Most often, solving such problems consists of 2-3 actions.

    1. The plant was supposed to produce 1,200 products in a month, but produced 2,300 products. By what percentage did the plant exceed the plan?

    1,200 products is the plant plan, or 100% of the plan.

    1) How many products did the plant produce above plan?

    2,300 – 1,200 = 1,100 (ed.)

    2) What percentage of the plan will be above-plan products?

    1,100 from 1,200 => 1,100: 1,200 * 100 = 91.7 (%).

    1) What percentage is the actual production of products compared to the planned one?

    2,300 from 1,200 => 2,300: 1,200 * 100 = 191.7 (%).

    2) By what percentage was the plan exceeded?

    2. Wheat yield on the farm for last year amounted to 42 c/ha and was included in the next year’s plan. IN next year the yield decreased to 39 c/ha. To what percentage was the next year's plan fulfilled?

    42 c/ha is the farm plan for this year, or 100% of the plan.

    1) How much has the yield decreased compared to

    2) By what percentage was the plan not completed?

    3 of 42 => 3: 42 * 100 = 7.1 (%).

    3) How much of this year’s plan has been fulfilled?

    1) What percentage is the yield of this goal compared to the plan?

    Relationships between two numbers

    All possible relationships between two numbers. Created at user request.

    The task was formulated as follows

    “The relationship between two numbers A and B:

    1. What percentage is A of B and vice versa;
    2. What percentage is the difference between A and B relative to A and relative to B;
    3. Some other relationships between A and B"

    Actually, I came up with several ratios that this simple calculator calculates. Where the values ​​are in fractions of one (as a result of dividing something by something), we multiply by 100 and get percentages.

    Percentage (ratio) - what is it?

    A percentage is the ratio of one number to another, expressed as a percentage. If you want to find out what percentage of number A is number B, then you need to divide number B by number A and multiply by 100 percent. The formula looks like this B:A x 100%. And for clarity, examples: what percentage of 50 is the number 250. 250:50 X 100% = 500%.

    And vice versa: what percentage of 250 is 50? 50:250 x 100% = 20%

    This Comparative characteristics two or more numbers (values) that shows

    1) What part is one number of another number or of a whole.

    2) By what percentage will one number be greater (less) than other numbers.

    There are 2 types of percentages:

    1) Percentage ratio of two numbers.

    2) The percentage of several elements of one whole.

    Below we will consider the calculation method.

    Percentage of two numbers

    This is the ratio of one number to another as a percentage.

    Let two numbers be given: N and M.

    The percentage ratio between them can be calculated using the following formula:

    N/M * 100% (ratio of the first number to the second).

    M/N * 100% (ratio of the second number to the first).

    The ratio of the number N to the number M in % = (500 / 600) * 100% = 83.3%.

    The ratio of the number M to the number N in % = (600 / 500) * 100% = 120%.

    Percentage ratio of elements of one whole

    This type of relationship shows the structure of the constituent elements of any whole value; it is more clearly displayed in the form of a pie chart.

    For example, percentage expenses of the organization for a certain period.

    Here, the integer (N) is the total expenses. Let's say they will be equal to 12 million rubles.

    Parts of the whole (N1, N2, N3.) are separate types of expenses. Let's say material costs are equal to 7 million rubles, labor costs are equal to 1 million rubles, and cash costs are equal to 4 million rubles.

    The percentage for each element is determined by the formula:

    It shows what part of the whole (amount of expenses) each compound element(expense item).

    Material costs = (7 / 12) * 100% = 58.33%.

    Labor costs = (1 / 12) * 100% = 8.33%.

    Cash expenses = (4 / 12) * 100% = 33.33%.

    In chart form, the percentage of expenses can be represented as follows:

    The percentage ratio is the result obtained, expressed as a percentage, when tasks of the following nature are solved.

    Let's look at modern example: The question has arisen about the demolition of a five-story building and the residents of the building must express their opinion.

    In total, 100 apartment owners live in the building. According to the voting results, 50 residents voted “FOR DEMOLITION”, 30 residents voted “AGAINST”9, and 20 did not deign to vote at all. The question is - will the house be demolished based on the results of the vote? The results of the vote are always published as a percentage.

    Formula for calculating interest: C=B/Ax100, where A is an integer, B is a countable part,

    Finding the percentage of two numbers

    Rule. To find the percentage of two numbers, you need to divide one number by the other and multiply the result by 100.

    For example, calculate what percentage the number 52 is from the number 400.

    According to the rule: 52: 400 * 100 - 13 (%).

    Typically, such relationships are found in tasks when quantities are given, and it is necessary to determine by what percentage the second quantity is greater or less than the first (in the task question: by how many percent did they exceed the task; by what percent did they complete the work; by what percent did the price decrease or increase, etc. .d.).

    Solving problems involving the percentage ratio of two numbers rarely involves only one action. Most often, solving such problems consists of 2-3 actions.

    1. The plant was supposed to produce 1,200 products in a month, but produced 2,300 products. By what percentage did the plant exceed the plan?

    1,200 products is the plant plan, or 100% of the plan.

    1) How many products did the plant produce above plan?

    2,300 – 1,200 = 1,100 (ed.)

    2) What percentage of the plan will be above-plan products?

    1,100 from 1,200 => 1,100: 1,200 * 100 = 91.7 (%).

    1) What percentage is the actual production of products compared to the planned one?

    2,300 from 1,200 => 2,300: 1,200 * 100 = 191.7 (%).

    2) By what percentage was the plan exceeded?

    2. The wheat yield on the farm for the previous year was 42 c/ha and was included in the next year’s plan. The following year, the yield dropped to 39 c/ha. To what percentage was the next year's plan fulfilled?

    42 c/ha is the farm plan for this year, or 100% of the plan.

    1) How much has the yield decreased compared to

    2) By what percentage was the plan not completed?

    3 of 42 => 3: 42 * 100 = 7.1 (%).

    3) How much of this year’s plan has been fulfilled?

    1) What percentage is the yield of this goal compared to the plan?

    The quotient of two numbers is called attitude these numbers.
    So, using letters, the ratio of the numbers a and b is written, and a is the previous term, b is the next term. (Reminder: The slash means the division sign.)

    Rule. To find the percentage of two numbers, you need to divide one number by the other and multiply the result by 100.
    For example, calculate what percentage the number 52 is from the number 400.
    According to the rule: 52: 400 × 100 - 13 (%).
    Typically, such relationships are found in tasks when quantities are given, and it is necessary to determine by what percentage the second quantity is greater or less than the first (in the task question: by how many percent did they exceed the task; by what percent did they complete the work; by what percent did the price decrease or increase, etc. .d.).
    Solving problems involving the percentage ratio of two numbers rarely involves only one action. Most often, solving such problems consists of 2-3 actions.

    Task 1.
    The plant was supposed to produce 1,200 products in a month, but produced 2,300 products. By what percentage did the plant exceed the plan?
    1st option
    1,200 products is the plant plan, or 100% of the plan.
    1) How many products did the plant produce above plan?

    2,300 - 1,200 = 1,100 (ed.)
    2) What percentage of the plan will be above-plan products?
    1,100 of 1,200 => 1,100: 1,200 × 100 = 91.7 (%).

    2nd option
    1) What percentage is the actual production of products compared to the planned one?
    2,300 from 1,200 => 2,300: 1,200 ×100 = 191.7 (%).
    2) By what percentage was the plan exceeded?
    191,7 - 100 = 91,7 (%)
    Answer: 91.7%.

    Task 2.
    We need to plow a 500-hectare field. On the first day, 150 hectares were plowed. What percentage of the plowed area is the total area?
    To answer the question of the problem, you need to find the ratio (quotient) of the plowed part of the plot to the entire area of ​​the plot and express its ratio as a percentage:
    150/500 = 3/10 = 0,3 = 30 %
    Thus, we found the percentage ratio, that is, what percentage one number (150) is from another number (500).

    Task 3.
    A worker produced 45 parts during a shift instead of 36 according to plan. What percentage of actual output is the planned output?
    To answer the question of the problem, you need to find the ratio (quotient) of the number 45 to 36 and express it as a percentage:
    45: 36 = 1,25 = 125 %.

    Task 4.
    Soybean seeds contain 20% oil. How much oil is contained in 700 kg of soybeans?
    The problem requires finding the specified portion (20%) of a known quantity (700 kg). Such problems can be solved by reduction to unity. The basic value is 700 kg. We can take it as a conventional unit. And the conventional unit is 100%. Since the proportional dependence is direct. Briefly, the conditions of the problem can be written as follows:

    Let's make a proportion and find the unknown term of the proportion:

    Answer: 140kg.

    Finding a number by its percentage.
    Task 1.
    Raw cotton produces 24% fiber. How much raw cotton does it take to get 480 kg of fiber?
    480 kg of fiber constitutes 24% of a certain mass of raw cotton, which we take as X kg. We will assume that X kg is 100%. Now, briefly, the problem condition can be written as follows:

    Answer: 2000kg = 2t.
    This problem can be solved in another way.
    If in the conditions of this problem, instead of 24%, we write the number 0.24 equal to it, then we get a problem of finding a number from its known part (fraction). And such problems are solved by division. This leads to another solution:
    1) 24% = 0.24; 2) 480: 0.24 = 2000 (kg) = 2 (t).
    To find a number given its percentages, you need to express the percentages as a fraction and solve the problem of finding a number given its fraction.

    Questions for notes

    There are 5 yellow rose bushes in the garden. This represents 25% of all roses in the garden. How many rose bushes are there in the garden?

    Give the ratio to the ratio of natural numbers:

    To get to the recreation center, the tourist traveled 80 km, which is 40% of the entire journey. How much distance is left to travel to get to the base?

    Program Microsoft Excel allows you to quickly work with percentages: find them, sum them up, add them to a number, calculate percentage growth, percentage of a number, of an amount, etc. Such skills can be useful in a wide variety of areas of life.

    In everyday life, we increasingly come across interest: discounts, loans, deposits, etc. Therefore, it is important to be able to calculate them correctly. Let's take a closer look at the techniques offered by the built-in spreadsheet processor tools.

    How to calculate percentage of a number in Excel

    The mathematical formula for calculating interest is as follows: (required part / integer) * 100.

    To find the percentage of a number, use this version of the formula: (number * percentage) / 100. Or move the percentage decimal place 2 places to the left and perform only the multiplication. For example, 10% of 100 is 0.1 * 100 = 10.

    Which formula to use in Excel depends on the desired result.

    Task No. 1: Find what 20% of 400 is.

    1. We make active the cell in which we want to see the result.
    2. In the formula bar or directly into the cell, enter =A2*B2.

    Since we immediately applied the percentage format, we did not have to use mathematical expression in 2 steps.

    How to assign a percentage format to a cell? Choose any method convenient for you:

    • immediately enter a number with a “%” sign (the cell will automatically set the desired format);
    • right-click on the cell, select “Format Cells” - “Percentage”;
    • select the cell and press the hotkey combination CTRL+SHIFT+5.

    Without using the percentage format, the usual formula is entered into the cell: =A2/100*B2.

    This option for finding the percentage of a number is also used by users.

    Task No. 2: 100 products have been ordered. Delivered – 20. Find what percentage of the order is completed.

    1. Set the percentage format for the desired cell.
    2. Enter the formula: =B2/A2. Press ENTER.

    In this task, we again made do with one action. The quotient did not have to be multiplied by 100, because The cell is assigned a percentage format.

    There is no need to enter percentages in a separate cell. We can have a number in one cell. And in the second - the formula for finding the percentage of a number (=A2*20%).


    How to add percentages to a number in Excel?

    In mathematics, we first find the percentage of a number and then do the addition. Microsoft Excel does the same thing. We need to enter the formula correctly.

    Task: Add 20 percent to the number 100.

    1. We enter the values ​​in cells with the appropriate formats: number - with numeric (or general), percentage - with percentage.
    2. Enter the formula: =A2+A2*B2.

    To solve the same problem, another formula can be used: =A2*(1+B2).

    Difference between numbers as percentages in Excel

    The user needs to find the difference between the numerical values ​​in percentage. For example, calculate how much the supplier’s price increased/decreased, enterprise profit, cost utilities etc.

    That is, there is a numerical value that has changed over time due to circumstances. To find the percentage difference, you need to use the formula:

    (“new” number – “old” number) / “old” number * 100%.

    Task: Find the difference in percentage between the “old” and “new” supplier prices.

    1. Let's make the third column “Dynamics in percentage”. Let's assign a percentage format to the cells.
    2. Place the cursor in the first cell of the column and enter the formula: =(B2-A2)/B2.
    3. Press Enter. And let's drag the formula down.

    The percentage difference is positive and negative meaning. Establishing a percentage format allowed us to simplify the original calculation formula.

    The percentage difference between two numbers in the default cell format (General) is calculated using the following formula: =(B1-A1)/(B1/100).

    How to multiply by percentages in Excel

    Problem: 10 kg of salt water contains 15% salt. How many kilograms of salt are in water?

    The solution comes down to one action: 10 * 15% = 10 * (15/100) = 1.5 (kg).

    How to solve this problem in Excel:

    1. Enter the number 10 in cell B2.
    2. Place the cursor in cell C2 and enter the formula: =B2 * 15%.
    3. Press Enter.

    We didn't have to convert percentages to numbers because... Excel recognizes the "%" sign perfectly well.

    If numerical values ​​are in one column and percentages are in another, then in the formula it is enough to make references to the cells. For example, =B9*A9.

    Calculation of interest on a loan in Excel

    Task: We took out 200,000 rubles on credit for a year. Interest rate – 19%. We will repay in equal payments over the entire term. Question: what is the size of the monthly payment under these loan conditions?

    Important conditions for choosing a function: constant interest rate and monthly payment amounts. A suitable function option is “PLT()”. It is located in the section “Formula” - “Financial” - “PLT”

    1. Bid - interest rate on the loan, divided by the number of interest periods (19%/12, or B2/12).
    2. Nper – the number of loan payment periods (12).
    3. PS – loan amount (RUB 200,000, or B1).
    4. We will leave the argument fields “BS” and “Type” without attention.

    The result is with a “-” sign, because the borrower will repay the money.

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