Extension to speed up the browser. Optimizing Chrome and Firefox

Very often, browser users are faced with the fact that due to the speed of loading sites, their loading time drops significantly and this becomes noticeable.

So if this problem did not disappear after a reboot and a short period of time, we describe the main reasons why this is possible:

  • Low speed of the Internet provider (make sure using a special service that the provider provides the declared and paid speed);
  • The cache memory from Google Chrome is full and is no longer active;
  • Google Chrome works with difficulty due to the high CPU and RAM load;
  • There are a large number of extensions installed on your browser.

Ways to Speed ​​Up Chrome

Nowadays, there are many ways to optimize and speed up the browser using programs and various extensions in the browser itself. But in this article we will only look at ways to speed up the browser using proven utilities, and we will tell you how to do the following correctly:

  • Update the version and clear the cache;
  • Install a standard theme and clean the browser from unnecessary extensions;
  • Disable advertising on websites and Chrome plugins;
  • Turn off the cache and change the number of protocols.

And much more that will significantly improve the performance of Google Chrome and the speed of loading sites.

Update the version of Google Chrome and clear the cache

To do this, we do everything point by point:

Also you can get Additional information about the browser in the menu – “About the Google Chrome browser”.

To avoid cache buildup, you can set the cache to clear automatically using an application such as Click&Clean. To install it, go to the web store. Select the Settings menu, as well as what information you need to delete and click the “Run cleaning when closing Google Chrome” checkbox.

Standard theme and removal of extensions that are not used

To load web pages in your browser faster, use standard themes and a minimum of extensions in working form. If you have a different theme and many extensions, then perform the following steps:

A huge number of extensions significantly affects the speed of loading pages in Google Chrome. Extensions you don't need should be removed. You should remember that each extension takes up a certain space on your computer. Conclusion: the more extensions you have enabled, the slower your browser runs.

Disable advertising on websites and plugins in Google Chrome

To disable advertising on websites, you need to install the Adblock extension. After which your pages will load much faster.

Plugins provide rich functionality for Chrome. They can slow down your browser and fill up your memory. To disable plugins, go to settings. In the settings of any plugin, click “Disable”.

Try to use hotkeys and fewer tabs

The loading of Chrome is significantly influenced by exactly how many tabs you have open. If there are a lot of them, say, about fifteen, then we can confidently say that Google Chrome takes up most of the RAM. Advice - the optimal number of tabs is no more than seven.

To speed up Google Chrome, you must know a set of valid shortcuts that, when pressed, perform a specific action (they are also called hot keys). For example:

Remove system apps in Google Chrome and allow tabs to close automatically

In the Chrome browser, you can compile applications using known languages programming. But most of these features are unnecessary for the average user and need to be removed. To do this, you need to enter Chrome://apps in the address bar. Alternatively, you can go to the “Services” section.

When you enable the above function, the tabs will have the onUnload.js active mode. It will speed up the time it takes to close a browser tab. You can enable this feature by entering in the address bar: chrome://flags/#enable-fast-unload, press "On" in item “Allow quick closing of tabs/windows”, and then the “Restart” button.

Enable HTTP Cache and change the number of image streams

Works in the browser old way caching, but we can enable a newer method.

To enable Simple Cache:

This feature will reduce the processing time of images on the site, which will affect loading speed. And if you need to turn it back on, in Google Chrome we write: //flags/#num-raster-threads. From the menu that appears, select 4 and restart the browser.

When the Google Chrome browser was first introduced to the public, it was a lightweight and fast program that amazed everyone with its speed and low system requirements. Several years have passed since then, and Chrome has quietly grown to version 14. Gradually it acquired more and more new functions, support for all the latest web technologies and turned into a real monster, the installation files of which weigh more than 80 MB. Of course, you have to pay for such versatility, and Chrome is no longer as fast as it was in its youth. However, “extra fat” can be easily removed and your browser speeded up using a few simple methods.

1. Follow the start page

Chrome can launch very quickly, that's for sure. However, restoring the last session or opening a heavy page when starting the browser can significantly slow down the start. Many applications, when installed, strive to install their own in your browser. home page, so make sure that in your Chrome settings, the Starter group settings is selected Open main page, which should be set to the quick access page.

2. Use a minimum of extensions.

Thousands and thousands of extensions for Chrome can significantly expand its functionality, make it more convenient and beautiful. However, do not forget that each extension runs in a separate process, which consumes certain, and sometimes quite significant, memory and processor resources. That's why review your list of extensions and leave only those that are really necessary. By the way, here you need to remember the ability of many extensions to work in the background, even after closing the browser. If you have a weak computer, you can disable this feature.

3. Use the default theme.

You can, of course, color your browser like christmas tree, if the soul requires a holiday. However, for everyday work it is better to use the default theme. All extraneous graphics, and even more so animations, slow down the launch and consume system resources.

4. Enable experimental features.

Developers are constantly working to improve the browser, but not all new features have passed final testing. You can enable some of these features to speed up the program. To do this, type in the address bar about:flags and the Experimental Features page will open in front of you. You should pay attention to the following points:

  • Overriding the software rendering list- allows you to use graphics acceleration even on older video cards;
  • Process all pages using GPU- Enables GPU acceleration on all pages, not just those containing relevant layers;
  • GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D— acceleration of 2D graphics using a graphics processor;
  • Preprocess from the Omnibox— background loading of pages when entering an address or search query.

5. Optimize your settings

Google Chrome has a powerful system of settings, some of which can slightly speed up its performance. Open Options and go to the tab Advanced. Here you can enable the option Predict network activities to speed up page loading, and also disable Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google. If you are an experienced user and are not afraid of phishing scams, then it is better to turn off the option Enable protection against phishing and malware, which will somewhat speed up page loading due to the absence of the need to check the security of each address.

6. Disable plugins.

Modern web services can use the most different technologies, such as Java, Flash, Silverlight. Support for these standards is implemented in the browser in the form of plug-ins. It is far from a fact that you will use all of them constantly, but they do use system resources. So open Options, then tab Advanced, click on the button Content Settings and find the link Disable individual modules. Experiment with its contents, leaving only what you really need.

7. Use launch with parameters.

You can launch the Chrome browser with special settings, turning specific features on or off. To do this, you need to open the properties of the shortcut on the Desktop to launch the program and add the desired command. You will find a complete list of all parameters on this page, and we would like to draw your attention to the following options:

  • -disable-dev-tools — disables developer tools;
  • -disable-java — disabling Java, which is rarely used on websites these days;
  • -disable-logging — disabling logging;
  • -disable-metrics-system— prohibit the collection of browser usage statistics.

8. Periodically clear the cache.

The browser stores graphics from pages you download in a cache on your hard drive so that they load faster when you visit the page again. However, over time, this cache grows so large that it begins to slow down the program. Therefore, it would be a good idea to clear the cache contents every few days. This can be done in the program settings by clicking on the button Delete browsing data.

9. Use keyboard shortcuts.

Yes, take the time and finally learn the hotkeys for working in Google Chrome. This really makes working in the program much faster, especially since many of us spend many hours online. Full list hotkeys can be found.

10. Try preview builds

The Chrome browser is developing at a tremendous pace, so the developers have introduced several update channels: Stable (stable), Beta (beta), Developer (for developers) and Canary (experimental). You may find new features in browser previews that will help you speed up your browser even more.

You can download these browser builds.


This article does not contain step by step instructions and a literal guide to action. The methods contained in this article require thoughtful individual application and experimental testing on each system - some will cause an improvement in browser performance, others will not show the expected results. So try, experiment and share your impressions in the comments.

Google Chrome is designed in such a way that it creates a separate system process for each tab, as well as for plugins and extensions. This prevents complete browser crashes. If one tab freezes and stops working, the other tabs will not be affected and Chrome will continue to work.

In its turn, OS have to put in extra effort to complete these tasks individually, and if you open the task manager, you'll see how Chrome is eating up your precious RAM. At the same time, the computer will inevitably begin to work slower due to the number of tasks created by the browser. This has a negative impact on the performance of the Chrome browser slowing down its operation, as well as the speed of loading and rendering of pages.

Speeding up Google Chrome

Thus, here are some tips that users can implement on their own to balance the browser and operating system experience.

1. Fewer tabs!

Keep the number of tabs to a minimum and close the extra ones. This is one of the most important and common problems with RAM freezes and waste.

2. Put inactive tabs to sleep

Extensions like Great SUSPENDER automatically sleeps inactive tabs to save on RAM. Keep in mind that the hibernated tab will not display content if you go offline.

3. Fewer sessions

An alternative to freezing is created by saved browser sessions in multiple tabs. Session Buddy and TabCloud collect all browsing sessions in one window. Users can then close a group of tabs with one click and open them simultaneously the next time.

4. Unnecessary extensions

Disable extensions that you usually don't use. If this is not possible, then remove them completely. They can be disabled or removed in the Chrome browser settings.

5. Extra plugins

In addition to extensions, removing plugins also a great way to speed things up. They, like extensions, eat up a lot of RAM. A list of plugins can be obtained by typing chrome://extensions/ in the address bar. You can then remove or disable each plugin manually.

6. Request to launch plugins

For important plugins, such as Flash player, the user can specify when the plugins run manually:

  1. Go to settings chrome://settings/
  2. Show advanced settings
  3. Content Settings
  4. Plugins
  5. Request permission to run plugin content

7. Clearing Cache

According to advanced settings, users can also select clear cache, as soon as they notice a slight delay in loading. Typically, a cache generally speeds up loading times, but there comes a point when it stores too much data. In fact, Google Chrome has to work hard to find the cache to load the desired web page.

8. Simple Cache for HTTP

Fully provides an alternative to deleting web cache Simple Cache for HTTP. It redistributes the system's cache processing, which improves Chrome's speed. To access the function, enter chrome://flags/#enable-simple-cache-backend to the address bar and enable this feature.

9. Turn off background loading

For systems that really suffer from performance problems, turning off background loading may be the last salvation. The setting is located in your browser's privacy settings. This feature loads web pages proactively before the user has time to think about accessing it, making load times much faster. But at the same time, RAM consumption increases significantly.

10. Network problems

If the system and browser are working correctly, but the problem is not solved, then you need to sort out your Internet connection. Application Google traffic savings will help reduce consumption several times, and will also send your traffic through reliable GUL DNS, which is much more stable than many Internet providers.

Google Chrome is designed in such a way that it creates a separate system process for each tab, as well as for plugins and extensions. This prevents complete browser crashes. If one tab freezes and stops working, the other tabs will not be affected and Chrome will continue to work.

In turn, operating systems have to put in extra effort to perform these tasks individually, and if you open the task manager, you'll see how Chrome is eating up your precious RAM. At the same time, the computer will inevitably begin to work slower due to the number of tasks created by the browser. This negatively affects the performance of the Chrome browser itself, slowing down its operation, as well as the speed of loading and rendering pages.

Speeding up Google Chrome

Thus, here are some tips that users can implement on their own to balance the browser and operating system experience.

1. Fewer tabs!

Keep the number of tabs to a minimum and close the extra ones. This is one of the most important and common problems with RAM freezes and waste.

2. Put inactive tabs to sleep

Extensions like Great SUSPENDER automatically sleeps inactive tabs to save on RAM. Keep in mind that the hibernated tab will not display content if you go offline.

3. Fewer sessions

An alternative to freezing is created by saved browser sessions in multiple tabs. Session Buddy and TabCloud collect all browsing sessions in one window. Users can then close a group of tabs with one click and open them simultaneously the next time.

4. Unnecessary extensions

Disable extensions that you usually don't use. If this is not possible, then remove them completely. They can be disabled or removed in the Chrome browser settings.

5. Extra plugins

In addition to extensions, removing plugins also a great way to speed things up. They, like extensions, eat up a lot of RAM. A list of plugins can be obtained by typing chrome://extensions/ in the address bar. You can then remove or disable each plugin manually.

6. Request to launch plugins

For important plugins, such as Flash player, the user can specify when the plugins run manually:

  1. Go to settings chrome://settings/
  2. Show advanced settings
  3. Content Settings
  4. Plugins
  5. Request permission to run plugin content

7. Clearing Cache

According to advanced settings, users can also select clear cache, as soon as they notice a slight delay in loading. Typically, a cache generally speeds up loading times, but there comes a point when it stores too much data. In fact, Google Chrome has to work hard to find the cache to load the desired web page.

8. Simple Cache for HTTP

Fully provides an alternative to deleting web cache Simple Cache for HTTP. It redistributes the system's cache processing, which improves Chrome's speed. To access the function, enter chrome://flags/#enable-simple-cache-backend to the address bar and enable this feature.

9. Turn off background loading

For systems that really suffer from performance problems, turning off background loading may be the last salvation. The setting is located in your browser's privacy settings. This feature loads web pages proactively before the user has time to think about accessing it, making load times much faster. But at the same time, RAM consumption increases significantly.

10. Network problems

If the system and browser are working correctly, but the problem is not solved, then you need to sort out your Internet connection. Application Google traffic savings will help reduce consumption several times, and will also send your traffic through reliable GUL DNS, which is much more stable than many Internet providers.

The Google Chrome browser is quite convenient and fast; it also has a large number of different additional ones that make working in it much more convenient and efficient. Let's look at a few simple browser tweaks that can speed up your surfing a little.

Browser settings to improve performance

Before you begin, you should take into account that tweaking can lead to unstable operation of the application, so you should first take care of the possibility of rolling back changes so as not to reinstall Chrome later.

Unnecessary extensions

First of all, you should check your plugins and remove unused or duplicative functions from each other. Go to the main menu, in the “Settings” section, select “Extensions” (you can also enter the phrase in the address bar chrome://extensions ), perform the appropriate actions.


Team chrome://apps/ , entered in the address bar, will show a list of applications installed in the browser. Many of them you probably don't use, so right-click on them and select "Delete" from the menu.

Experimental settings

You already know that Google Chrome has features that allow you to improve the browser's performance. Let's look at the commands that can be used to speed up page loading:

  • chrome :// flags /# enable experimental canvas features opens the canvas settings section, where we enable system rendering overrides, the experimental features themselves, and 2D element acceleration.

  • chrome :// flags /# enable scroll prediction disables finger movement prediction when scrolling. Naturally, if you don’t have a touchscreen, feel free to turn it off!

  • chrome://flags/#num-raster-threads The “number of bitmap image threads” can be set manually, which is especially important for multi-core processors.

  • chrome://flags/#enable-gpu-rasterization It is best to set it to the “Forced On” position.

  • chrome :// flags /# enable simple cache backend manages new system data caching. Let's enable this option.

  • chrome :// flags /# enable nostate prefetch – is responsible for preloading data, with the help of which surfing will become somewhat faster. Set to “Prerender Enabled” position

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