Dimensions of drive pulleys of a homemade sawmill. Do-it-yourself band sawmill? Why not! The procedure for making a homemade band sawmill

Not only for carpenters to work with, but also for those who build wooden house, a special woodworking tool is required. And, of course, it should not be an ordinary chainsaw, but a real sawmill. This design can be purchased, but the price is quite high. You can solve this problem by making a disk or band sawmill with your own hands, using the provided drawings and video instructions.

DIY band sawmill. Video

Making such a design is quite difficult. In addition to the fact that you need to prepare all the components, study the design, draw drawings, do welding and turning work, it will be necessary to ensure loading logs weighing up to 300 kg, adjustment of its cutting and safety precautions.

The operating principle of a band sawmill

The design resembles the rotation of two reels, between which there is a saw. The distance between these coils is equal to the size of the log being processed.

Working cycle of a band sawmill:

  1. Preparation. The logs are given the same shape and size.
  2. Processing. The equipment is set up and the logs are processed according to a given pattern.
  3. The final stage. Defects remaining after sawing are removed manually by the operator.

To get a board of the required size, you need to fix the log on the platform so that it is motionless. After this, the mobile cart will begin to move and cut the tree. A well-tensioned saw blade should be in a horizontal position. In order for the board to be the desired size, the operator must first set the necessary parameters.

Required materials and tools

For a homemade band sawmill you will need to prepare quite a lot of different materials:

  1. Various pipe diameters.
  2. Pulleys (can be old, but in good condition).
  3. Profile pipes with which sleepers will be created.
  4. Corners for creating rails.
  5. Channel.

Required tools:

  • milling machine;
  • welding machine;
  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw;
  • clamp;
  • kit wrenches and screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • ruler, square, tape measure;
  • various fasteners (nuts, bolts, etc.).

In addition, you will need to study and make clear design drawings, according to which the entire assembly of the sawmill must take place.

Stages of work on making a band sawmill with your own hands

First of all, it is necessary to make a stationary part of the structure - the frame, which should be U-shaped. For its manufacture, two channels, two rails or corners 50x100 mm are suitable. The length of the channel should be about 8 meters, and height not less than 14 cm.

If you drank and electric motor were not installed at the beginning, then installation can be done at the end of all work. When purchasing an engine, you should make sure that the proportions of the entire structure match. So, for example, for a bed 8 meters long you will need a saw at least one meter long and a motor with a power of approximately 10 kW.

It is recommended to assemble the band sawmill with your own hands directly at the site where it is located. This is due to the large weight of the future structure and its massiveness.

Homemade disc sawmill. Video

Due to their ease of manufacture and versatility, disk designs are very popular. Having studied the drawing of a circular sawmill, you can understand that for its manufacture you will need a disk of more than 500 millimeters, which will act as a saw.

Disc sawmill design:

  1. Circular saw (one or two).
  2. Electric motor.
  3. Mobile carriage.

Such a device is capable of sawing a log in two positions - both horizontally and vertically. This is possible thanks to the carriage, which can move both across the wooden table and along it.

To make a circular sawmill you will need:

  • metal plates (up to 1.2 mm thick; 230-250 mm wide);
  • boards;
  • construction trestles made of wood or metal;
  • electric motor;
  • fasteners;
  • tool.

To create a structure, first of all, the trestles are connected with boards and a frame is made. After this they are connected to each other metal plates, which are installed on a wooden base.

There should be a gap between the plates, through which, after fixing them, you will need to make a groove in wooden base. Its dimensions should be such that the saw does not touch the walls.

The disc can be purchased at construction market, but you can try to do it yourself. To do this, you need a blank made of duralumin or tool steel 3 mm thick and caliber 400-500 mm. To make a circular saw from it, two or three teeth should be made from carbide plates or broken drills, which will be quite enough to cut wood. The rear offset of the teeth should be up to 15, and the cutting angle should be 27-32 degrees.

Now the finished disk can be mounted on the machined the right sizes shaft The pulleys for the belt drive and the output shaft assembly can be purchased at the construction market, and then everything is mounted under the table at the bottom of the hole. In this case, make sure that the output end of the shaft is in the middle of the slot.

The electric motor on top of the table must be secured so that it moves slightly. To operate the sawmill you will need to make a guide, which must be in the shape of a "P".

The homemade disk structure is ready, now you can use it to process wood.

A self-made band or disk sawmill will work if it is manufactured strictly according to the drawings, and when assembling the structure, the manufacturing technology is not violated, all recommendations of experts will be taken into account, and the video instructions will also be carefully watched.

The need for treated wood today, despite the many different materials, is not decreasing and is unlikely to decrease in the coming years. Therefore, the availability of a sawmill for large and small workshops currently plays a very important role.

The band sawmill is an indispensable tool for wood processing and construction from this material.

But not everyone and not always can buy a similar machine made at the factory. And what to do if you need to have a sufficient amount of boards or timber on hand? In fact, there is a way out. This is a DIY band sawmill.

This option is quite realistic, since the manufacture of this equipment, although it requires certain skills and experience, is not too difficult. The main thing in this case is to gain certain knowledge.

Thus, it is now necessary to find out what and how one of the most simple types cutting machines - band sawmill.

Materials, tools and equipment necessary for assembling the sawmill

Making a homemade cutting device will require the following components:

  • pulleys (diameter - at least 30 cm);
  • half-inch pipes;
  • metal corner (size 50 mm);
  • profile pipe (size 25x25 mm);
  • channel.

A high-quality band sawmill can be made using tools and equipment such as:

  • welding machine;
  • milling machine;
  • electric drill;
  • “grinder” with a set of cutting discs;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • clamp;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • screwdriver set;
  • set of wrenches;
  • control and measuring devices (ruler, square, measuring tape);
  • fasteners (bolts, nuts, screws, washers).

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The principle of operation of the sawmill

In order to assemble the device we are considering according to all the rules and ultimately obtain a high-quality woodworking machine, it is useful to know the basic technological principle, on the basis of which almost all band sawmills operate.

It can be described very briefly. The log (or any semi-finished wood product) that is to be sawed is placed on the working platform and fixed. Like the foundation itself, wooden blank remains motionless throughout the entire cutting cycle into boards or bars. A mobile structure with a cutting unit installed on it moves along rails and special guides along the log in both directions, which cuts the workpiece into specified dimensional lumber.

Direct cutting is carried out using a saw blade, which circulates under tension between two pulleys mounted on a movable frame.

The configuration and dimensions of the boards or bars are initially determined by the sawmill operator. An even, straight cutting line is ensured by sufficient great strength tension of the saw blade between the driving and driven pulleys.

The full cycle of sawing raw workpieces includes 3 cycles:

  1. Pre-processing of workpieces for cutting. The logs prepared for this purpose are sorted by size. To adjust the parameters, they are cut with a chainsaw or a hacksaw.
  2. Direct sawing wood material. The sawmill operator configures the equipment. After this, sawing is carried out according to the specified pattern.
  3. Finishing processing of the resulting lumber. After sawmill operation, small errors may remain on the boards or bars. In this case, the machine is not used; minor defects are eliminated manually by the operator.

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Band sawmill: components and parts

The equipment considered in this case operates according to a block diagram. This principle allows the structure to be expanded with additional or improved components and devices.

The structure of the sawmill consists of such basic elements as:

  • frame with guides (2 pcs.) for moving the saw blade;
  • rail pair for moving the saw cart;
  • screw lifting mechanism, moving the tape;
  • spring (hydraulic) belt tension unit;
  • 2 pulleys, driving and driven;
  • casing for enclosing pulleys;
  • tape clamp;
  • V-belt transmission;
  • electric motor;
  • system eccentric clamps for processed logs;
  • stops;
  • coolant reservoir.

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Do-it-yourself band sawmill: manufacturing procedure

The manufacture of the machine begins with the creation of a sawmill frame. It is made from two channels 8 m long and more than 14 cm high. If there are no channels, you can take two rails under the frame (the soles should be on top) or metal corners measuring 50x100 mm.

Holes are drilled along the length of the channels at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. After this, the channels are pulled together by sections of pipe ¾ 25 cm long. The pipes are fastened to the channels using threaded rods or bolts of appropriate sizes.

The guide structure assembled in this way is installed on the racks. The racks themselves are also made by welding or threaded assembly from channels (in their absence, from angles or pipes). The number of these structural elements depends on the length of the assembled frame. For example, an 8-meter bed will require approximately 4 posts. When installing them, it is necessary to ensure that the outermost ones are at a distance of 80-100 cm from the ends of the guides. In addition, the design of the frame should be made sufficiently rigid, for which it is equipped with braces.

After this, they begin to assemble the mobile cart. Usually the material for its manufacture is steel plate 46 mm thick. Dimensions metal blank for the trolley, it must be selected in such a way that the resulting movable unit is approximately 60 cm long. The width of the movable structure depends on the width of the frame and should be such that the edges of the trolley protrude beyond the channels by approximately 8 cm on each side.

Then you should think about how to move along the bed of a mobile cart with an electric motor and a circular saw mounted on it. The direction and speed of movement are set by a special steering wheel, which is installed on the side of the sawmill body. The steering wheel is connected to the bushing of one of the sprockets located on the sides of the guides.

A metal chain is used to move the entire structure. To avoid free play at the steering wheel, the chain must be tensioned in accordance with the technical requirements.

In order to ensure high quality of the resulting lumber, as well as to create conditions convenient for the operator for sawing wood, the band sawmill must be equipped with a special device for fixing the log in a stationary state. Suitable for this type of device metal pipes having internal diameter approximately 35-40 mm.

Movable rods are inserted inside these pipes, and special clamps made of metal corner 40x40 mm in size, and cam clamping mechanisms. It should be borne in mind that for reliable fixation of the processed logs, the length of the clamping elements cannot be less than 15 mm.

Finally, it’s time to select the main components of any sawmill - the saw and the electric motor. Meanwhile, experienced workers advise doing this at the very beginning of the manufacturing process. cutting machine. The point is that from technical parameters These components generally determine the dimensions of the entire saw system.

Since power unit and the saw can only be purchased ready-made and with certain technical characteristics, then when purchasing in a store you should pay attention to electric motors with a power of 10 kW and saws with a diameter of 1 m. Such parameters can provide maximum efficiency operation of the future machine. If a motor and a saw with these characteristics could not be found, then the frame must be made somewhat smaller in size.

During the construction or renovation of a dacha or country house work using materials such as wood usually takes center stage. At the same time, the size of the board or timber that may be needed at the next stage of such work is almost impossible to predict. The place where you can buy them is rarely located in walking distance, so the services of such a unit as a sawmill, which can produce lumber of any size as needed, become a vital necessity.

A band sawmill is necessary for the production of lumber of any size and shape.

It is much easier and cheaper to buy logs and cut them yourself into the parts that will be needed. However, a factory-made band sawmill costs a lot of money, just like a similar circular sawmill. Their purchase becomes profitable only if lumber is produced for sale. If you plan to use such a unit only for personal needs, then it is much more profitable to do it yourself.

At the same time, it is somewhat easier to make a circular sawmill, but working on it is more labor-intensive and it is most convenient to make slats and beams on it. In order to cut logs into boards, a band sawmill is structurally best suited, and boards take first place in terms of volume of use in the house. You can make a band sawmill yourself from scrap materials that are easy to find in rural areas. To do this, you will need a welding machine, an electric drill and the services of lathes and milling machines. With their help, a fully functional sawmill for personal needs is assembled.

Construction of a band sawmill

If a circular sawmill has a stationary saw blade, and you need to move a tree to it, then the band sawmill itself moves in a horizontal plane along the stationary tree along guides. The sawing band is installed on the drive and driven pulleys and is tensioned with force, which ensures an even cutting line. The design of this unit is based on the principle of individual blocks that can be supplemented and expanded. A simple basic device with a manual principle of material supply can be equipped with various additional mechanisms, up to an electronic control system that does not require human participation in the process. The band sawmill basically consists of the following parts:

  1. A frame having two guides for the movement of the sawing band.
  2. A mechanism with a mechanical, spring or hydraulic drive, with the help of which the sawing band is tensioned.
  3. Holder for sawing band.
  4. Screw lifting mechanism for sawing band.
  5. The wheels are driving and driven, one of which is fixed, and the second moves.
  6. Belt drive with wedges.
  7. An electric motor with a power of at least 15 kW or a gasoline engine of similar power.
  8. Eccentrics for fixing logs.
  9. Tank with tap for wetting liquid.
  10. Rail track for moving the structure.

In addition, guards and stops are required for safe operation and graduated bars for adjustment and adjustment. The log itself is placed between two guides and rigidly fixed, and the thickness of the board is determined manually by lifting the tape above the level of the fixed guides using a lifting mechanism.

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Materials for the manufacture of band sawmills

To assemble a band sawmill yourself, you first need to select suitable materials for its installation. A U-shaped channel is used as guides along which the structure will move. Sleepers are cut from metal water pipe with a diameter of 25 mm. The pulleys can be removed from the old combine; they must have a diameter of at least 300 mm. These were exactly what Niva combines had. They will have to be ground down a little lathe to such an extent that the tension belt protrudes slightly above the edge of the pulley. The guides for attaching the logs can easily be made from a half-inch iron pipe. The mechanism for tensioning the sawing belt is perfectly made from a spring from a motorcycle shock absorber. The frame is assembled from an iron angle or channel. Movable stops can be used as clamps for fixing logs.

It is best to purchase a branded sawing band intended for a band sawmill, since not only the performance of the unit, but also the safety of the person who will work on it directly depends on it. It is advisable that its width does not exceed 60 mm. The electric motor can be removed anywhere, the main thing is that its power is at least, and preferably more than 15 kW. A gasoline engine from a motorcycle or moped can replace it. A portable liquefied gas cylinder into which a faucet fits is ideal as a tank for wetting liquid.

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How to make a band sawmill with your own hands?

Installation of the structure must be done in a suitable room. To make it convenient to work with logs, the area of ​​the space must be at least 18 sq.m. It is desirable that the room dimensions be at least 6 x 3 m.

Two channels are placed along the room, and holes with a diameter of 15 mm are drilled into them every 100-150 cm. Sleepers 25 cm long are made from a water pipe and secured with bolts. The assembled frame is placed on racks welded or screwed onto bolts from a channel or angle. in this case, the number of racks depends on the length of the bed. At least 4 racks are required for a 6 m frame. The outer posts should be approximately 80 cm from the ends of the guides. To ensure that the entire frame stands horizontally and the supports do not go into the ground, boards are placed under them.

The movable platform is made from a corner with a side of 50 mm, which is bent into a quadrangular frame. Stiffening ribs from the same corner are inserted into it crosswise, and the platform is covered with an iron sheet 5 mm thick. The length of the platform should be 60-70 cm, and the width should be 10 cm wider than the bed. Rollers or bearings are attached to the platform from below, which ensure its movement along the guides. The position of the platform is fixed by clamping plates. An angle stop is attached to the bottom plane of the platform, thanks to which the platform can move. On the platform, a frame is assembled from a corner in which the electric motor is installed.

This sawmill has a channel frame 150 cm long, which can be assembled with bolts. Even if she “plays” a little, it is not significant. At one end of it the driving saw pulley is fixedly mounted, and at the other - the driven one, which has the ability to move longitudinally. Since they are ground so that the belt protrudes above the edge just to the height of the tooth, the teeth set is not disturbed. One lock is attached to the driven pulley slider, and the other is attached to the front beam band press. They allow you to remove and install the sawing band. Side sprockets are attached to all edges of the guides, on which a bushing is mounted, and a chain is threaded into it, with the help of which the platform moves. It can be removed from the same combine as the pulleys.

The log to be cut is placed on guides made of half-inch water pipe, on which a wider pipe is placed. Movable rods inserted into them allow you to set the log to the desired height and are fixed with a screw.

Clamping mechanisms 15-20 mm long with screw clamps are mounted on top of the rod. To prevent sawdust flying in all directions from sticking to the pulleys and sawing belt, periodically work area must be wetted by liquid. The tank with it is located at the very top of the structure, and the liquid is supplied using a tap.

Not everyone can afford the purchase of a ready-made sawmill, especially since it will only pay off with constant use (read commercial use). Is it possible to make a sawmill with your own hands? What difficulties will a do-it-yourselfer face if he decides to cut raw logs into industrial wood on his own?

Homemade band sawmill

Let’s make a reservation right away – making a band sawmill yourself is very difficult. It's not so much about the components, extensive turning and welding work, the need to sharpen and set the saw in a special way, but in the smooth functioning of the entire complex.

It is necessary to ensure loading and stability of movement of up to 300 kg of one log, adjustment of cutting thickness, and most importantly, safety precautions. But if the availability of free wood wins, we make a band sawmill with our own hands.

Let us explain the principle of tape cutting with an example: take two spools of thread, stretch a threaded thin tape between them. By forcibly rotating the tape, we cut the log, the distance between the tapes is the maximum size of the beam. Band saws are convenient for cutting boards.

We start with choosing a production area or premises - at least 3x6 m, verified. Second in importance are the metal wheels of the cart and band saw, you need to find it or buy it. Order the frame of the belt mechanism with wheels, or it is better to buy a ready-made one. Self-production requires skills and a lot of high-precision tooling.

View 1: 1 - stand; 2 - roller; 3 - plate; 4 - screw; 5 - chain; 6 — guide lug; 7 — movable comb; 8 - screw; 9 - fixed comb; 10 - remote control.
View 2: 1 - pulley for starting the engine (if a three-phase motor is connected to a single-phase network); 2 - engine; 3 - pulley; 4 - shaft; 5 — housing with bearing; 6 - base; 7 - flywheel; 8 - finger; 9 — connecting rod; 10 - saw; 11 — M14x2 screw; 12 — roller; 13 — guide angle; 14 - stand; 15 — steering wheel; 16 — bushing; 17 — asterisk; 18 — nut M14x2; 19 — lock nut; 20 is an asterisk.

We install guides - any strong, flat metal: I-beam, channel, corner, under them, after 0.5 m, supports or anchors for stability. The distance between the guides is the diameter of the big log with a margin of about 0.7 m. Maintaining the geometry, we weld everything together. We attach wheels, a belt mechanism frame, and an electric motor through a pulley to the cart.

Consider a mechanism for changing the horizontal movement of the saw relative to the log. Moving the cart relative to the fixed log, we cut off a horizontal layer of wood - we make boards.

Disc sawmills have received the greatest handicraft use due to their versatility and ease of manufacture. We will make a circular sawmill with our own hands. The most important thing is that we will need a circular saw - a disc larger than 500 mm (the larger the better). The propulsion device is usually an electric motor through a pulley that increases the speed.

1 - main sleeper ( steel pipe 80x80x3, 5 pcs); 2 — lining (steel sheet, 40x10x1.22 pcs.); 3 — guide blade (steel channel No. 8, L1750, 4 pcs.); 4 - trolley (telpher carriage); 5 — bottom bracket (steel channel No. 18, 2 pcs); 6 - plate - base (stylish sheet s5); 7 — M20 bolt) (4 pcs.); 8 — Grover washer (4 pcs.); 9 — nut M20 (4 pcs.); 10 — three-phase asynchronous electric motor (220 V, 5 kW, 930 rpm); 11 — upper bracket ( steel angle 45×45); 12 - canvas circular saw; 13 — protective casing (steel sheet s2); 14 — steel pin (8 pcs.); 15 — circular saw hub (St5); 16 — thrust handle (water and gas pipe 3/4″); 17 — cut-off slab; 18 — thrust gusset (steel sheet s5); 19 — comb (steel angle 45×45, L400); 20 - log; 21 — M30 bolt; 22- split washer; 23 — retaining washer (steel sheet sЗ); 24 — thrust crossbar (steel angle 45×45); 25 — shortened sleeper (steel pipe 80x40x3, 6 pcs.); 26 — overlay for lengthening the blade (steel sheet 250x180x10, 2 pcs.).

A welded frame is prepared, a metal (less often wooden) plate with a slot for the disk is placed on the frame. The gaps between the disk and the plate are minimal. The saw shaft is attached to the plate from below on bearings and a pulley. The electric motor pulley and the saw are connected by belts (reinsurance when the saw jams) - a homemade circular sawmill can work!

one of the options for a homemade circular sawmill

To tension the belt, use the weight of the engine with the addition of weights. Make the supporting platform of the electric motor movable coaxially with the saw shaft, deflecting under weight in the opposite direction. The wheel of a working tractor with a drive to a saw pulley without belts is often used as a propulsion device.

The principles of cutting are the same as in band cutting - we feed the log to the cutting disc. After a disc cut, the surface of the lumber is of higher quality due to the speed of processing. Disc sawmills There are vertical and horizontal ones - they are easier to use in mobile installations.

Tire sawmill

We need to start by understanding what and how much we will cut. If you need to cut 100 - 200 rafters for a house being built from free logs, then 400 boards, it is better to use a hand-held professional chainsaw. Let's make a homemade sawmill from a chainsaw, an inexpensive, simple and effective method.

drawing of a simple sawmill using a chainsaw (download full drawing)

You will need any smooth metal profile, welding and a grinder. We start with the maximum length of the log - practically about 4 m. For this length you need to find a channel or I-beam, you can weld it from pieces with reinforcement - the main thing is that the resulting profile is even. We are starting to make our autonomous sawmill based on a chainsaw.

The design is a powerful profile at a working height - above the waist, along which a fixed chainsaw moves in a cart.

The height is determined by ergonomics; a prolonged knee-elbow position is not useful. A log is placed parallel to the main profile on a support frame, a running chainsaw moves along the log and makes the necessary trimming.

A few more details about the features. Main element– main profile, providing geometrically correct sizes lumber, must be sufficiently strong and rigid, if the channel is at least 200. The profile rests on 3 or more supports connected to the support frame on which the log rests.

If you decide to make a chain sawmill with your own hands, be sure to look at the LOGOSOL sawmills. Drawings and documentation can be downloaded from the website and used as the basis for your homemade product.

The main errors when sawing are formed when the cart with the chainsaw oscillates, so the movement of the cart along the profile - at least four rigidly pressed metal wheels, must be provided manual drive. The simplest is a well crank with a drive wheel along the main profile.

To install a heavy log, slopes are usually installed along which it is convenient to push the log successively from side to side onto the support frame, wedging it on the frame.

The most difficult thing is the adjustment mechanism for the thickness of the product. The simplest way– installation of screw or any rigidly fixed jacks along the edges of a support frame movable in a vertical plane. We adjust the jacks - we adjust the thickness of the product. An example of the construction of a mobile tire sawmill based on a chainsaw can be seen in the photo.

Cutting wood can be done by one person: holding the chainsaw handle and adjusting the gas, we feed with the other hand.


A few thoughts on the feasibility of making a sawmill. Tested by time and practice - self-production makes sense with free materials. If you calculate the labor costs and materials, and the possible benefits, you will understand for yourself. The worst thing is when self-production– few people pay attention to safety precautions. This moment definitely needs to be thought through! Trouble-free operation and high-quality wood.

If you calculate what components make up the final cost of lumber - the price of wood + processing + transportation to the destination - then it becomes clear where you can save. Wood blanks (boards, beams, slats) are one of the most used samples in the field of construction and repair.

Considering the ease of working with wood, it makes sense to “dissolve” it directly on the site. All you have to do is make a sawmill. This article will introduce you to standard drawings, the procedure for making your own tape modification and some design features.

The feasibility of such a solution will become even more obvious if you look at prices for factory sawmills on websites. They are available for sale, but the cost of the installations is such that most of us are unlikely to want to purchase any model for home use. Depending on the series (in rubles): “Kedr” – from 138,000 to 194,000, “Taiga” – from 116,890 to 172,400. And these are also relatively inexpensive samples. Only mini-machines are cheaper (about 94,000), but they are unlikely to satisfy all the woodworking needs of the owner of a private house.

There are several modifications of this type of equipment. But if we're talking about about assembling a sawmill with your own hands, then the choice is small - an option with a fixed position of the saw and a movable frame (trolley) on which the workpiece is located. It is she who moves during the woodworking process along special guides (rails). Everything else is improvements, “services” that make the work of staff easier and ensure product quality. For example, a mobile saw.

Here are a few easy-to-make models of homemade band sawmills.

Design features

The dimensions of the sawmill are determined depending on its location. Plots (house, country or other) differ in layout, so choose optimal sizes The owner will have to install it himself. All drawings that are available (special literature, the Internet) can only serve as “guidelines” - in terms of the relationship between individual parts, their linear parameters, and so on. The sawmill is made with your own hands in a way that is more convenient to work in a specific place and with a specific type of raw material. Basically, such equipment is used for dissolving logs and cutting boards.

What to consider when designing a sawmill

The good thing about the design of an installation of this type is that it can be constantly refined and improved, more precisely “tailoring” its characteristics and capabilities to the growing needs of the owner. For example, if it was originally planned for dissolving logs into boards, then it is quite possible that after some time the question of organizing own production timber.

It is assembled according to a block-modular scheme, and in the absence of practical experience in the manufacture of complex mechanisms, it is advisable to start with the simplest options. Band sawmill with manual control subsequently it is easy to equip with automation elements (cut thickness adjustment, saw feed, programmer, etc.). That is why further - general instructions on drawing up drawings of a band sawmill and assembly. The author strongly recommends that you follow the sequence and install the first installation in your life according to a simplified scheme.

There are many modifications of band sawmills. The first question is: in what plane is the cut supposed to be made? This determines the location of the working tool. Secondly, will the products be manufactured of the same type or will it be necessary to use the sawmill as a universal device? For example, not only for dissolving timber into boards, but also for cutting logs into separate segments. All this is taken into account in advance. It is advisable that the frame on which it is mounted work saw, could be reinstalled.

Logs that are cut on a band sawmill are characterized by significant weight. During operation, its frame is also subjected to dynamic loads. The main attention is to the stability of the band saw equipment. This includes both the quality of the cut and the safety of the operating personnel.

Making a band sawmill is half the battle. Its proper operation requires certain skills in setting up. The main pitfall is setting and sharpening the saw. This issue should be studied in detail!

Preparatory activities

Selecting a location

If there is a suitable room, then it should be taken into account that it usable area should not be less than 18 “squares”. This is enough to cut even large logs on a band sawmill.

In the private sector, it is rare that anyone can allocate an empty building or at least a compartment for installation. As a rule, woodworking has to be done outdoors. It is unlikely that neighbors in adjacent areas will applaud sawdust and small shavings flying in the wind. And your own territory will quickly become littered. Conclusion - after assembling the band sawmill, you will immediately have to build a continuous type of fence. For example, from polycarbonate sheets or multilayer plywood.

In addition, you will have to decide in advance where the finished lumber will be stored. Therefore, next to the sawmill there should be at least a small, but vacant plot land.

This is what you should proceed from when choosing a workplace for equipment.

Selection of materials and components

Engine. Materials.

Tools and equipment

Here it is short - without welding machine can't get by. In relation to the sawmill, bolted connections should not be practiced. Over time, one way or another, they will become loose, and daily monitoring of the condition and tightening is not the best prospect.

Sawmill drawings

Below are drawings of a simple band sawmill, which you can easily adapt to your conditions and needs, observing the proportions and principles of operation:

Features of band sawmill assembly

The algorithm of actions is quite simple. The difficulty lies in the manufacture (adjustment to size) of the components.

Support platform

A cart with lumber will move along it. Plus, a frame on which the working tool is located is attached to the rails. The main requirements are the reliability of such a support and alignment in the horizontal plane. What to mount it on - a specially equipped foundation (for example, a columnar foundation) or on racks dug into the ground - is decided on the spot.


Its purpose has already been mentioned. To ensure that the log is in a fixed position during the sawing process, the mobile frame should be equipped with a “clamp”, which will reliably press the workpiece to the frame and prevent it from moving. Accordingly, the cart must have wheels to ensure its mobility.

Saw frame

The difficulty lies in ensuring the ability to change the position of the cutting tool. If there is no regulation mechanism, then all products will be calibrated (of the same standard size, although the same). There are several engineering solutions, so this issue will have to be dealt with separately. It is pointless to give anything specific without knowing what modification of the sawmill we are talking about.

The general manufacturing procedure and features of the work are noted in the article. The author recommends that you first decide for what purpose you intend to assemble the band sawmill. And only then look best option. You can simply copy the available drawings and assemble an installation of other sizes with your own hands, respecting the scaling. Or take a specific scheme as a basis, modifying (modifying) it to suit your own needs.

Have fun building your band sawmill!

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