Decorating a site in a kindergarten with your own. “Flowers are of unprecedented beauty.” Do-it-yourself children's areas in kindergarten.

For decoration you will need unnecessary materials: plastic bottles, hoses, pipes, etc. You will also need bright paint for painting furniture on the site and hand-made crafts.

1. This is a plot of the “Strawberry” group, so one of the flower beds is painted to look like a strawberry.

2. This swan, made from a car tire, decorates the entrance to our site.

3. This is furniture on our site, decorated with the symbol of our group “Zemlyanichka”.

It turned out very bright and beautiful, a bright spot in the middle of the site.

4. A caterpillar made from a vacuum cleaner hose.

She goes for a walk with the children every day (we keep her in the locker room of our group so that it doesn’t get stolen), the children love to play with her.

5. The mole is a friend of children. It is made from a plastic 5 liter bottle.

6. We also have a small island “Africa” on our site with a palm tree and an elephant.

They are also made from plastic bottles and scrap materials.

As you can see, the site can be decorated with anything you can get your hands on.


Summer is here - a wonderful time! Everything around us is blooming and shining, and we also want to do something extraordinary, beautiful and unique. I present to your attention several useful ideas how to transform a plot into kindergarten. Everything is made from simple and available materials, but overall it looks funny and is educational in nature.

1. Fungus “Fly agaric”

We take an old basin, repaint it red, let it dry and draw medium-sized white circles. We put it on the stump and secure it - the mushroom is ready.

Target: consolidation of knowledge about edible and poisonous mushrooms, their meanings, safety measures and assistance.

2. “Flowers of unprecedented beauty”

We buy a large plastic tray with a picture of a flower in the store and fasten it to the tree with nails. Then we take the old hose from washing machine, give it the shape of a stem and leaves, attach it to a tree trunk and paint it green.

Target: observation while walking, the ability to compare the structure, color, purpose and variety of colors; broadening the child's horizons.

3. Train "Rainbow"

To make it you will need small plastic containers of different colors and a waste basket. Wheels, eyes, mouth and cap are parts wooden construction set various geometric shapes. With the help of wire they are attached to our train. Soil is filled into the container and flowers are planted.

Target: expanding children’s knowledge about the diversity of the plant world, introducing labor activity(care, watering, weeding, care). Consolidating knowledge about ordinal counting, geometric shapes, size, color, size.

4. Health track “Merry Caterpillar”

It consists of various segments: carpet runners that differ from each other in hardness, color, texture; grass, sand, bathroom rugs, button panels different sizes, cork, plastic tubes, etc. The most important - Fresh air, bright sun and a great mood.

Target: physical development children play a huge role in shaping norms and rules healthy image life. As a result, coordination of movements, gross motor skills, hardening and massage develop.

5. “Entertaining lawn”

It consists of a pen, inside of which there are geese near a pond (plastic toys and a basin of water) and cat friends (bowling pins), ladybugs, which sit decorously on a tree and watch everything that happens (they are made from simple helmets, which are used at construction sites for safety purposes; painted in different colors- emphasis is placed on the black spots and face, attached with nails and a hammer). And in front of the pen sit faithful friends Sharik and Bobok, guarding their possessions (soft toys).

Goal: expanding the child’s horizons, increasing vocabulary, formation of a holistic picture of the surrounding world, development of imagination play activity(you can make up stories while walking; play, developing the plot and performing appropriate roles; experiment),

6. “The Miracle of the Flowerbed”

To make them you will need car tires: Arrange them in the order you see fit and cover them with soil. Using multi-colored paints, you can paint and plant flower beds (for variety, you can plant flowering and non-blooming, tall and short, green and multi-colored plants).

Target: environmental education children: the ability to name, compare, highlight similarities and differences, structural and nutritional features, method of care.

7. Information stand for parents “This is interesting!”

Made from leftovers plastic panel. The information was selected from various children's magazines with pictures, secured with adhesive film (which is used as covers for notebooks and textbooks). The frame is made of self-adhesive paper various colors. Using wire or elastic thread, we attach our stand to the tree. The parrot is made of chipboard and decorated acrylic paints, and the boa constrictor is a cut car tire, also painted.

Target: working with parents. Competent and accessible, brightly designed and relevant information worthy of attention, useful for mothers and fathers, as well as grandparents (for example, “Safety measures”, “The sun is friend or foe”, “Beware of the car” and others).

8. "Friends"

The butterfly is made of tin sheet and painted with acrylic paints, large bright flowers- this is a tray. Everything is secured to the wood using nails and a hammer.

Target: expanding knowledge about insects and plants, learning to compose short stories, fairy tales, riddles (for example, “True Friends”, “Journeys of a Butterfly” and others).

9. “Our Masha”

Another way to decorate a rotten stump. The headdress is made of oilcloth, the outfit is a child's dress, the eyes, nose, and mouth are lids from juice, sparkling water and mayonnaise. We secure all this with nails and a hammer.

Target: development of gaming activities (for example, you can organize a plot - role-playing game“Visiting Masha” or “Guests have come to us”, “Merry tea party” and others).

10. “Funny Frog”

The last masterpiece is a big-eyed frog, which looks great in place of a huge stump. We select a green bag (which is used for storing potatoes) and wrap it around our stump, securing it with nails. Then, we cut out the fins from the ice cube with scissors and attach them on both sides in the same way. The eyes are two medium plastic bowls, the pupils are painted with acrylic paints and nailed to a tree stump. The mouth is made from an old washing machine hose, fixed and painted red. And the final touch is a hat (a cake box) and an umbrella (we use a children’s umbrella, nailing it to the stump by the handle). Our “Funny Frog” looks at you playfully, smiles and everyone likes him madly!

Target: formation of an excellent and cheerful mood during a walk in both children and adults.

Landscaping the territory of a kindergarten is always important. The administration of the institution and parents are trying to create as much comfortable conditions for children, so they equip playgrounds with various structures and crafts. There are many ways to decorate the area where children play on your own. This is what we will talk about.

Do-it-yourself crafts for a kindergarten plot are made from simple materials, which can be found in the garage, in the country house or in the attic. Using available tools you can create amazing decor, which will transform the children's corner.

The work begins with choosing a place with an even and clean surface. After this, you can decorate the area with your own crafts, but first you need to make them. For decoration, the following are most often used:

  • plastic bottles;
  • stones;
  • cans;
  • old car tires and other unnecessary things.

Let's look at what crafts for the kindergarten playground you can make with your own hands from plastic containers.


Regardless of the time of year, cheerful penguins will delight children. Such animals can be placed on summer cottage. We'll tell you how to make them. To get started, prepare the following materials:

  • plastic containers of any volume;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paints.

As you can see, such figures do not require large expenses. So let's get started. Below are instructions for making penguins. Look at it carefully.

Watch a master class on making penguins.

"Living" stones
You can decorate the territory of the children's playground with “living” stones.

Such decorative elements will decorate the territory of the kindergarten. They are quite simple to perform. Need to find some smooth stones big size and decorate them. All you need here is your imagination and desire to create. Pay attention to the diagram.

To work you will need:

  • smooth pebbles;
  • brush;
  • eraser;
  • simple pencil;
  • acrylic paints;
  • clear nail polish.

Step 1. Wash the stones from dust and dirt and let them dry.

Step 2. Draw a sketch of the future design on the surface of the stone with a pencil.

Step 3. Color it as shown in the diagram.

Children will not only enjoy coloring the pebbles, but will also play with them.

It is desirable that the pattern matches the color of the stone surface. Images with a black outline in an abstract style are interesting.

Step 4. After complete drying, apply a clear varnish to prevent the paint from rubbing off.

If you have artistic talent, you can apply more complex drawing, - for example, a snake.

Or a turtle.

It won't be easy to draw a rabbit.

Pay attention to the drawing diagram.

These are the “living” pebbles.

DIY crafts on the kindergarten site from car tire and logs

Let's try to make this cute giraffe. For work, prepare:

  • long and short log;
  • car tire;
  • watering can;
  • nails and hammer;
  • plastic container;
  • a piece of black rubber and bottle caps.

Step 1. Dig a shallow hole in the ground, place the tire there and bury it so that it stands securely.

Step 2. The long log will be the neck, and the short log will be the muzzle. Connect these parts with the letter “L” using a nail. Determine the size of the giraffe yourself.

Step 3. Place the finished structure next to the tire and dig it in.

Step 4. Cut out the ears from a plastic container and attach to the muzzle.

Step 5. Then attach the lids of the containers to the muzzle, and glue a piece of black rubber on top - these will be the eyes. You can draw them with a marker.

Step 6. Cut off the spout of the watering can and fix it in the back of the tire - this will be the tail.

Step 7: Color the giraffe as shown in the picture.

You can make several of these animals and place them throughout the kindergarten. Children can sit comfortably on the tire and hold on to the animal's neck. The zebra crossing is done in the same way.

You can create an entire savannah on the playground.


We propose to create these crafts for the site with your own hands for kindergarten. These beautiful snow-white swans will become a real decoration of the territory. They look especially beautiful by the pool.

There are swan crafts that serve as flowerpots. You can pour soil there and plant flowers.

So let's get started.

Step 1. On the bald tire, mark the cut lines with chalk.

Step 2. Cut in a circle and bend the rings so that they look like wings. Pay attention to the picture.

Step 3. To hold the shape of the neck and chest, use a stainless plate, bending it similar to the shape of the body parts.

Step 4. Using screws, attach the plate to the rubber.

Step 5. Draw the shape of the eyes on a piece of rubber and cut them out, then attach them to the bird's head with screws.

Step 6: Apply water-based paint for the entire structure, paint the beak red.

Step 7. Paint whole tires blue so that they resemble water, place a swan there and fix it.

We invite you to watch a video that shows in more detail how to make a swan with your own hands.

Project motto:

“What a huge, incomparable role does
in raising children, the environment in which they live.
The one who manages to create such an environment
will make your work extremely easy.”

Tikheyeva E.I.

Project Information Card

Type – practice-oriented.

The look is creative.

Implementation deadlines: April - June 2014

Project participants: teachers, parents, children.


One of the most important tasks of preschool education is the creation of a favorable psychological climate in a preschool institution. This is facilitated by humanization preschool environment, creation of interiors, facades, fragments of a site, reminiscent of a residential environment in nature.

The main principle of creating an appropriate environment for children is to highlight its developmental beginnings. Wednesday child care facility should contain spatial and subject stimuli for the child’s creative and emotional development and, moreover, be dynamic, preventing habituation to monotony.

The environment is designed to provide children with the opportunity to develop, for this it must be periodically changed. Thus, landscaping solves the problems of aesthetic, mental, moral and physical education children.


We believe that a methodologically competent organization of the development environment is not only internal preschool, but also on its territory, will facilitate the development mental processes children preschool age, the assimilation of mandatory knowledge, skills, norms, rules, the introduction of children to nature, the formation of moral and aesthetic principles, and greater socialization.


The condition of the playground does not meet the requirements.

Target: creating emotionally favorable conditions for children to stay in a preschool institution through landscaping the territory and organizing the kindergarten ecosystem. Landscaping of the site.


— Combining the efforts of parents and preschool staff to improve the walking area;

— creating your own image of a site on the territory of MKDOU;

— creating comfortable conditions for the development of the child’s personality;

— activation of the creative potential of parents and teachers;

- fostering a caring attitude towards the environment.

— equip the preschool educational institution site in accordance with modern sanitary and epidemiological requirements and methodological recommendations on conducting summer recreational work with children.

— creation of a unified space for children, parents, and teachers.

Brief summary of the project

“Improvement of a site on the territory of a preschool educational institution”

Project implementation plan.

Stage 1 – preparatory (April 2014)

- Parent meeting;

— analysis of the state of the kindergarten site and existing problems;

— setting goals and objectives;

- project development;

- involvement of parents;

— determination of the scope of work;

- collection of waste material.

Since our group is on this moment is the 1st youngest, the site became unusable after children aged 6-7 years. After analyzing the condition of the site, we realized that it was necessary to improve it through joint efforts with the parents. It was decided to create a project that would solve this problem.

Image of the future site.

Together with my parents, we discussed the image of the future site. Parents actively shared ideas and found original solutions.

Drawing up a map - schemes for creating a site. Working with Internet resources.

Stage 2 – implementation (June 2014)

Project implementation (see appendix)

During the implementation of the project, the following was created at our group’s site:

  • the veranda was repaired, the central entrance was moved;
  • play areas for boys: car, plane;
  • zones for role-playing games: house, well, veranda, traffic light;
  • areas for playing with sand and water;
  • sand has been brought into the sandbox;
  • flower beds and a crocodile flower garden have been laid out;
  • table and benches for games, both on the site and on the veranda;
  • buildings for sports: a basketball hoop, a boom for balance exercises, giraffe and zebra climbing rings;
  • decorative benches “Cheerful Kittens”;
  • the external and internal walls of the veranda are aesthetically designed;
  • swings installed;
  • decorative snails near the flower bed.

Stage 3 – final:

— painting of buildings;

— cleaning the site from debris;

- participation in the competition for " Best site DOW";

— design of a photo exhibition;

— presentation of the video on parent meeting

Conclusions and practical significance of the project

The landscaping project helped solve the problems of aesthetic, moral and physical education of children through familiarization with the surrounding plant world; create comfortable conditions for children to walk. It also allowed for the activation of creative potential to create favorable conditions for children to stay in a preschool institution.

Parents and teachers, having joined forces, have created an interesting environment for children, allowing them to play, relax, engage in sports, and engage in educational activities.

— the subject and play environment of the kindergarten has been transformed;

— parents’ interest in cooperation with the kindergarten has strengthened;

The territory of the garden became bright, unlike other areas of the kindergarten.

- children show creative activity in understanding the world around them;

Parents taking part in project activities preschool institution:

• established close contact not only with their child, but also with the team of parents and children of the group;

• got the opportunity not only to learn about what the child does in kindergarten, but also to accept Active participation in the life of the group;

• were able to realize their creative abilities.

Thus, the improvement project helped solve the problems of aesthetic, mental, moral and physical education of children through familiarization with the surrounding plant world; create comfortable conditions for children to walk. It also made it possible to activate the creative potential of the teaching and parent team to create favorable conditions for children to stay in a preschool institution.

Future prospects:

Future prospects include the creation of buildings (a ship, a swing, an ATV, a pyramid, a Russian nesting doll, a slide) and new flower beds. Of course, this requires a lot of effort, but we hope for further cooperation with parents, because we still have four years to work.

Application to the project:

How it was

This is how sad our area looked

We started with the construction of a new veranda

Our future sunshine

Major car repairs


It’s immediately obvious that he’s a creative person.

Construction of a house

Our kittens

Let's write it down interior walls verandas

They did their best - the site became a sight to behold!

This slender fly agaric decorates the garden yard

If the kids get hot, this gazebo will save them

Cheerful bench

The radiant sun smiled cheerfully...

colorful car

Fairytale house

Funny kittens


Miracle plane

our pride

You probably found out everything?

Well, of course it’s a zebra.

Here is our handsome long-necked giraffe

Working with parents

“What a huge and incomparable role the environment in which they live plays in the upbringing of children. Anyone who manages to create such an environment will make his work easier to the highest degree.”


Dear parents! I present to your attention a photo report of the enormous work that we did in June. But everything is in order.

The area where daily walks take place is permanently assigned to this group. It has already become a tradition that parents of newly arrived children set up their own section of the kindergarten. This was the case five years ago. We built a car, put up a fence, but that’s not the point... Children grow up, time passes, buildings deteriorate and become unusable. So our children got the plot in the form in which you met it.

And so, at a parent meeting held in April, a proposal was made to tidy up the territory of the preschool educational institution on our own. There were many questions and suggestions. And the work began. Some things worked out, some remained in the project. But basically everything planned was accomplished.

I am extremely grateful to all those who took an active part in the construction. Active - because only 11 families out of 27 did not respond to our call. For 8 days, we met after 18.00 and left well after 22.00. Thank you very much that you sacrificed your precious time.

And so about what we did. In my opinion, the most important thing is to move the side into the gazebo. It became convenient for children to observe everything that was happening on the street while in the gazebo.

This work was completed Vashchenko Alexander Nikolaevich, Alimetov Albert Alexandrovich, Kurgan Dmitry Alexandrovich, Kopytov Evgeny Ivanovich, Kirik Alexander Nikolaevich, Zolotykh Sergey Ivanovich. No less important is the construction of a “miracle house”. Why "Miracle"? Yes, because not only employees of the preschool educational institution, but also guests and passers-by looking into it never ceased to be surprised:

- Wow, the house is upholstered in clapboard!

- Wow! The house has both flooring and baseboards!

- Wow, the roof is made of andulin!

- Wow, they even added platbands!

- Yes-ah-ah, people “advanced” in construction did it, they put the house on cylinders, and this means “forever”! Thank you "advanced" people: Vashchenko Alexander Nikolaevich, Kurgan Dmitry Alexandrovich, Kopytov Evgeniy Ivanovich, Alimetov Albert Alexandrovich.

I would like to separately note Zolotykh Sergei Ivanovich, who brought a bunch of rubber cylinders for the “zebra” and “giraffe”, a bunch of basins and aluminum lids for the “fly agaric” and “russula”, got out an invaluable material called “cylinder”, and of course made an “airplane”. And his apprentices in animal construction were Kuklichev Sergey Anatolyevich and Maxim Kim. Thank you!

Although there was “fungus” on the site, it needed to be put in order - painted. And I took up this matter Ladychenko Elena Petrovna. Thank you!

Well, what is a sandbox without sand!? The only one of the daddies who thought about “what will my son do in the sandbox?” - This Evgeniy Ivanovich Kopytov. Sergei Ivanovich studied not a single day repair work: I upholstered the house inside and out, screwed it on, screwed it on, planed it, sawed it. It was he who made and painted two benches that stand along the fence. Thank you very much!

The sun appeared on the site thanks to Poddubnaya Elvira Nikolaevna, who herself came up with this building and practically made it herself.

But so that “sunshine”, “zebra” and “giraffe” have such nice little faces, the environmental teacher of our preschool educational institution and just a person who will never refuse help tried - Fedorina Svetlana Anatolevna. Thank you!

The gazebos, fence, car, table, and benches acquired bright colors thanks to a whole team of mothers: Derevyanko Natalia Vasilievna, Biryukova Irina Aleksandrovna, Volyanskaya Irina Dmitrevna, Kurgan Olesya Dmitrevna, Kucherenko Oksana Viktorovna, Avdeyuk Natalia Nikolaevna, Kuklicheva Elena Leonidovna, Kirik Yulia Evgenievna, Starchenko Olesya, Sattarov Alexander Vasilievich. Thank you!

Of course, I would like to note the “funny kittens” construction. The idea was born just before the opening of the garden. Helped bring the idea to life Kurgan Dmitry Alexandrovich. Any business can be done in the hands of this man! Thank you!

And at the end I would like to mention one more person - Kopytova Svetlana Petrovna, who is the chairman parent committee, which managed to bring us together to work, purchase required material, and during the entire repair, come and do the work every day. Thank you, Svetlana Petrovna!

Once again I want to tell you, parents, "THANKS A LOT".

Thank you for your mutual understanding, psychological, material, physical support.


The article is published in the author's edition

Playgrounds are important for the proper development of a child. After all, while playing, kids develop. That's why it's so important to do good design children's area. It is difficult to do this with your own hands, but with a lot of desire and diligence, everyone can make a real masterpiece out of wasteland. Playgrounds for children should have some special important qualities. Firstly, safety. Nothing should threaten the child’s health, even little things should be taken into account. Secondly, the playing space should be inviting. In general, you can create an interesting playground, you just have to try.

Types of design

It is known that there are several types of site design. They all have their own characteristic feature. What to choose? Here, as they say, the golden mean is better. After all, the presence different types“crafts” will decorate and diversify the site. So, actually, the types of design. The first and probably the most common is the dynamic class. Yes, it includes everything that affects the physical essence of the child and sets the baby in motion. All kinds of swings, slides, carousels and so on. It is interesting and fun to spend time with them. Therefore, all playgrounds are simply required to have these structures. But where can you go without decorations? They create a calm atmosphere and bring smiles. As you might already guess, the second type of design is different decorations. Decorations can be either large or miniature. Some will interact with the children, others will stand on the sidelines. This is also worth considering. Well, the third type, which is not very different from the first, but still deserves special attention - sports complexes. They are more important than ever for a growing organism. Sports equipment They will help to properly form a child, and even instill a love of sports from childhood.

Selecting a location

Before you start setting up the site, you should choose the right place. It should fit perfectly into the standard.

There should be no traumatic things around: wires, pins, fittings, dry trees and roadways. It is advisable that the playground be located in a shaded and secluded place.

Children's area in kindergarten: you can do a lot with your own hands

So, it’s worth starting with jewelry, because from appearance a lot depends. The most common decorations are crafts made from used tires. Yes, in everyone's yard educational institution for preschoolers you can find such buildings. Why?

Rubber decorations are durable, they have such good quality, as interactivity (they can be used as ladders, trampolines and other toys), and most importantly, used car tires cost nothing. With the help of tires you can cheaply equip children's area in kindergarten with your own hands, you just need to use your imagination.

Applications made from old tires

If your imagination can’t help in any way in inventing crafts made from tires, then you can use old and proven options. For example, small trampolines. To make a trampoline you will need five tires. They should be dug into the ground as close to each other as possible, so that a flat plane is obtained. A couple of design touches (paint, drawings, stickers) - and the improvised trampoline is ready. Perhaps the most famous application old tire is a homemade swing. Absolutely nothing complicated. To make a swing you will need: small tree with a horizontal and very strong branch, several meters of strong rope and, in fact, a tire. You can guess how to connect these parts correctly and in what order. The rope should be tied to the wheel, and this structure - to the branch. The only amendment: it is advisable to paint the old rubber wheel so that the children’s clothes do not get dirty. However, such a swing can be dangerous (like, in general, any other)! Therefore, the teacher should always be in the yard if children are playing there.

Tire jewelry

Using tires, you can decorate the children's area in a kindergarten with your own hands. Neat little fences can please the eye. Moreover, you don’t have to bother with their construction. After all, it doesn’t take much effort to make a fence out of tires. Initially, the wheels should be painted in the colors of the rainbow (it will look impressive). And then dig them in around the perimeter of the site. It is only important to remember the sequence.

From rubber tires You can make figurines of fairy-tale animals. For example, a bear or a fox. Implementing this plan is quite simple. Two wheels connected by bolts will symbolize the torso. The tire holes should be sealed with cardboard and the faces of the characters should be drawn on it. A little imagination - and a basket of berries and a tree stump will appear nearby.

DIY crafts for the children's garden

Naturally, visual beauty means a lot. Therefore, if the playground does not attract attention, it will not serve its intended purpose - it will not be able to entertain the children. In this regard, the question arises: “How to decorate an area in a kindergarten?” There are a lot of different toys, crafts and dolls that can help with decoration. The main thing is not to be afraid to use your imagination. After all, the brighter and more expressive this or that figurine looks, the more interesting it will be for children to play. Actually, toys and crafts. The children's area is free for any kind of creativity. These can be applications that should be hung on trees, voluminous toys, in general, anything. It's worth starting with something easier - applied art. Applications are best done together with children. This way the children will be able to feel their participation in the creation of something unusual and interesting.

Applied works must be from durable material For example, you can use pebbles or shells. Some word, laid out from the “ingredients” listed above, will look much better than an empty tree trunk. Also don't forget about plastic bottles. They will also help to decorate the children's area in a kindergarten in a beautiful and original way. You can cut out plastic animals with your own hands, paint them, and give them some kind of role. It is not difficult. As an example, you can take a pig made from a five-liter bottle. Everything is very simple. Ears and legs are cut out. Together these parts are glued and painted. And the cute pig is ready.

Still, you can beautifully decorate the children's area in the kindergarten with your own hands. You just have to try to attract your imagination.

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