Garden and house in English style. Tradition and modernity: English style in landscape design

The British value above all else landscape design natural motifs: chaotically planted shrubs, sprawling trees, winding paths, lawns and, of course, quiet ponds under the shade of a weeping willow. At the beginning of the 18th century, this vision of landscape even replaced french style, with its symmetry, rigor and thoughtfulness. This is not surprising - in an English garden a person feels like a part of nature, and not its master.

The starting point for creating an English-style garden is always flat, in open spaces without the slightest hint of figured outlines.

Although the style focuses on being as close to nature as possible, the lawn still slightly violates this rule - it must be neatly trimmed and cover the ground with a thick carpet. Thanks to this, your garden will be very clearly visible from almost any point, and the plants, instead of being buried in the grass, will be able to maximize their beauty.

Landscape design: how to create an English garden according to all the rules?

The English garden is surrounded by trees along the perimeter, the landscape design is replete with bushes and hedges growing in a free manner, the walls are covered with climbing plants. Many lawns are scattered chaotically across the lawn, with a path naturally winding between them. English landscape design is practically devoid of artificial structures, for example, the same rock gardens - unless the terrain is really rocky and natural motifs suggest the presence of stones. If you really want to put a gazebo in the garden, try to plant around it, for example, girl's grapes so that he would cover the structure with his young shoots.

The English style in landscape design emphasizes the desire to merge with the surrounding nature, so it is acceptable if the boundaries of the garden are slightly disturbed by plants from the outside, for example, the branches of a forest growing nearby will spread across your hedge. The house should be located to the side or harmoniously included in the composition. This can be easily achieved with the help of the same climbing plants that cover the wall of the house facing the garden. Near the house you should plant as many as possible bright colors, in maximum density to each other - rainy England is buried in bright greenery and flowers, why are we worse?

In dry areas of your garden, this effect can easily be achieved with drought-tolerant plants. The easiest way would be to plant ground cover periwinkle and barberry bushes, which are very undemanding to moisture. In shaded areas it will feel best, which in this case will fit perfectly into natural motifs. Bright colors will be inappropriate in the depths of the garden - they should retain their advantage here deciduous plants, peace and quiet reign.

English style in landscape design - create a pond and plant vines!

Avoid straight lines, strictly defined ovals or squares. If the area of ​​your plot allows you to create small pond, which in the English style is one of the most striking details, make it completely indistinguishable from a natural body of water . Lilies and water lilies will emphasize unity with nature, and a weeping willow will create an atmosphere of peace and quiet. The English style allows benches in secluded corners of your garden; the landscape design will not suffer from this.

In front of the house, a flat terrace outlined by a wall of two or three bricks made of orange stone will look very good. They will fit very harmoniously on such a wall. garden lights and flowerpots with flowers. It also wouldn’t hurt to decorate the window sills of the house with hanging flowerpots with the same petunias. Any plants for the garden and home can be selected, depending on your preferences and climate characteristics, the main thing is to respect natural motives.

The minimum of artificial structures that is allowed in an English garden must also follow the main rule of style - everything should look natural! Therefore, if you want to install an arch, make sure that it is covered with vines as soon as possible; if you need to make a border, let it be natural stone. You can make paths from sawn wood or strew with gravel - but try to avoid straight lines and clear boundaries, let them disappear into the lawn. A bridge with openwork handrails will fit very well into landscape design. You can use this decoration element even if you don’t have a pond - you can plant shade-loving plants under the bridge.

English garden landscape design is necessary to create a natural, quiet and cozy place. His key feature is natural, it provokes thought and invites you to relax. It is possible to embody the English style in landscape design. But you need to carefully approach the selection of colors, materials, decorative elements, plants and other things.

Garden decor in English style

The English style in landscape design is currently very common. It also has another name - landscape. It was loved by designers due to its combination of simplicity and elegance. It has already been noted that an important distinguishing feature of landscape design in the English style is neat lines and the naturalness of the elements used. When choosing this image for your own garden, you should take into account many details. After all, English landscape design involves the use of classic plants for this style, which are suitable only for a certain climate and soil.

Another important feature is the use of deliberate asymmetry when planting plants and fruit crops. The main thing is to make transitions smoothly.

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Landscape design in the English style helps you move back to the era of old England. Your garden can become a place where creative people can find inspiration. A quiet and cozy island away from the city noise. The garden literally envelops you in harmony and immerses you in tranquility.

The English style is old-fashioned and craving for antiquity. Such a garden can erase all boundaries between wild nature and modernity. This combination is what makes this image popular.

Garden decor in English style

English style in garden landscape design

Country house in English style

Details you need to create the right atmosphere

There are certain details, the use of which is mandatory if you want your garden to be in the English style. The elements are as follows.

Walls of flowers and low hedges

This will create a visual maze effect that will create a sense of mystery every time you move forward through the garden. Very lush borders should not be used.

The presence of several types of greenery in the base

In the English style, when creating a garden, you are not allowed to plant whatever you want. It is recommended to limit yourself to a maximum of three types. For variety, choose different tones. The result will be an abundance of colors, not types.

Beautiful landscape design in English style

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Garden decor in English style

Using the same elements when decorating the house and everything that surrounds it

This will help unite it and the garden, making them one. In this case, it is recommended to focus on a combination of textures, which should be selected wisely. The garden should become an integral part of the house, and it, in turn, should look like a continuation of the external environment.

Strong flowering of annuals

They can bloom for 5 months. Therefore, they should be planted in the garden, preferably in the central part of the flowerbed, along its edges, not far from the paths. An important feature of an English-style garden is the presence of bright, rich spots and a basic calm background.

English style in garden landscape design

Country house in English style

Beautiful landscape design in English style

What plants will decorate English landscape design?

Adding a little casualness can be achieved by layering all the greenery. This landing consists of placing the most tall species behind them, followed by medium-sized ones and only then small ones. It is important to choose the right color scheme. You can’t combine cold and warm shades. It is recommended to use only one group.

The English style is famous for its use of romantic, old-fashioned flowers. And if your site is located in a dry climate, you need to make sure in advance that they have enough water. The English style includes the use of roses, hollyhocks, peonies, foxgloves, and daylilies.

For the intermediate level, lavender, hosta and catnip are great options. They have a soft color, which will create a contrast between rich annuals and perennials.

In addition to flowers, it is customary to plant trees in English landscape design. Yew and hornbeam are considered the most suitable, it is also worth choosing oriental thuja. They are used to create topiary figures; they lend themselves well to molding and are easy to cut.

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Garden decor in English style

English style in garden landscape design

Design and decor

An English garden needs special design. He has several important features, which must be present when creating such an image. The required elements include forged grilles, panels made of dark wood and located on the walls. The most preferred design details of the English style are presented in the table.

Country house in English style

Beautiful landscape design in English style

Design of a summer cottage in English style

Garden decor in English style

English style in garden landscape design

It has already been noted that it is important to create a site that would become complete reflection natural nature. Therefore, it is recommended to use natural materials in decoration. If you plan to place a fence, then make it no more than 1 meter high and construct it from willow branches. Baskets that resemble beehives will add a little rustic flair to the area. They are quite practical and roomy.

The British don't like to get rid of old things. They often restore them and find new purposes for them, actively using them for design and decoration. Grandma's old car will fit perfectly into the English style. You can take tin cans large size and restore them, adding antiquity. They are used instead of pots, planting plants in them and placing them around the perimeter.

Country house in English style

Beautiful landscape design in English style

How to create an English-style garden with your own hands

To bring the English style to your site, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. No more than 3 types of plants should be planted. It was noted above that it is not worth planting all the flowers in a row. It is better to choose some varieties and add volume to the perimeter due to their quantity, rather than the variety of species.
  2. Combine contrasting shades. For English landscape design, it is important to correctly combine and use color schemes. Combine red peonies with pink foxgloves. Daylilies in yellow and lemon shades go well with purple and violet alliums.
  3. Set boundaries. To install a green fence and build paths, it is worth adding bird feeders placed around the perimeter and houses for pigeons. They will make the composition holistic and fit perfectly into the overall design of the site. To divide it into separate parts, use forged gratings that will not block the entire view, but will still cope with the task.
  4. Select furniture. To create an English style on the site, it is proposed to abandon the use of the usual green and gray shades. It's better to repaint all the furniture bright colors. This will give the garden a positive and joyful look even when the plants are not blooming. It is important that the furniture on the site is decorated in an antique style. The older it looks, the better.
  5. Particular attention is paid internal view. If there are pillars and columns on the site, it is necessary to wrap around them climbing plants. This way you can achieve the effect that the structures are floating above the ground. Landscape design in this image involves the use of statues and stylized ruins. It is required to place them throughout the site.
  6. A combination of sun and shade. A plot stylized in this way can combine hydrangea, which is thermophilic, which is why it should be planted near the northern wall, and succulents, which adore sunlight. This way you can create a cozy area on the site for snacks and relaxing rest.

Video: Landscape design in the English style

50 photos of landscape design ideas in the English style:

I'm taking my first steps in creating a garden. And what happened is not very satisfying. I wanted to make something similar to an English romantic garden. As a result, the free central part of the garden, given over to the lawn, turned out to be too large, in my opinion, relative to the plantings located along its perimeter. It turned out that all these plantings exist on their own: there is nowhere to put a bench for privacy. Is it worth somehow filling the middle of the lawn (it turned out to be about 10x10) in order to break it into smaller areas? Or make the plantings around the perimeter wider. They are not located on the same line, but look wavy. In the photo there is a part of the garden, on the right it is the same size.

You did exactly the right thing by determining, first of all, what style you would like to see in the garden. When you have a vision of the finished result, it is much easier to turn your dream into reality. Now is the time to begin the practical development of the site.

The photo shows that you have already taken several steps to achieve your goal: a lawn has been laid out, trees and flowers have been planted along its edge. And now you are thinking about where to place a place to relax. At the same time, you are not very happy with what happened. Don't worry! From the moment of its establishment to its full bloom, the garden goes through several stages of growing up, like a child. And what you see on at the moment, can be compared to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Wait three or four years and you won't recognize your garden. Therefore, do not criticize yourself too much, do not let what you have done be demolished.

We recommend that you take as a basis what you have already done. Leave an open space of the lawn, giving it a beautiful, smoothly curving shape of a drop or a circle, and occupy the rest of the garden with plantings. Slightly expand the area of ​​your mixborders around the perimeter. Include walking paths in them in such a way that when moving around the garden, the eye opens up new mesmerizing views of the flower beds, one picture follows another.

Since you have not provided additional information about your site and we do not have a detailed plan, we can give you a couple of general useful tips, related to the creation of the image of the English romantic garden as a whole. What techniques can you resort to in the process of making your dreams come true?

The basis of the English garden

As the basis for the garden, take a model of idealized nature with a forest, a lawn, and, if desired, a pond. It’s good if your site gives the impression of naturalness, becomes part of nature, but at the same time has a thoughtful structure and attracts picturesque views that you want to endlessly admire. A walk along it will be a delight for the soul, a touch of beauty and harmony.

Close to naturalness - distinguishing feature style

Zoning of a site in landscape design

First of all, decide on functional zoning plot - where you want to place the entrance, recreation area, maybe a vegetable garden, orchard or a children's playground. Distribute these zones over the area of ​​the future garden, including the main walking paths there. If you have a fairly large plot (we, unfortunately, cannot determine its true size from the photo), you can divide part of it into functional zones according to the principle of green rooms, while slightly reducing the area of ​​the lawn - this option does not conflict with the basic concept of English romantic style. In one of these green rooms you can create a place to relax.

Note: The green room method appeared in England a very long time ago; its ancestor was the classical Chinese garden, based on the creation of secluded, enclosed spaces. In the green rooms, certain areas of the garden are organized, reserved for relaxation and contemplation, for children's games or outbuildings, for planting fruit trees or a vegetable garden. The boundaries between such rooms can be groups of trees and shrubs, pergolas entwined with climbing plants, trimmed hedges, mixborders, and low walls made of natural stone.

If you are not a fan of privacy, then leave an open space of lawn at the base of the garden with smooth bends of walking paths around it. Expand the planting area around your green lawn by including a couple of tall trees in their structure deciduous trees, several conifers (pine, spruce, larch), beautiful flowering shrubs (tree and paniculata hydrangea, viburnum, varieties of spring- and summer-flowering spirea). Conifers will add year-round decorativeness to your garden, and shrubs will create a smooth transition to the flower beds located against their background. Maintain tiered plantings, this is especially true for the British landscape style in landscape design. Due to this, you will achieve the splendor of your mixborders, which will look advantageous against the background of the calm greenery of the lawn.

Don't overdo it bright accents in the garden

In the center of the lawn, you can optionally place a sculpture or a flowerpot with flowers, whatever you like best. Or maybe it will be a small fountain on a round base, surrounded by a trimmed border of brilliant cotoneaster or Japanese spirea Little princess.

Material on how to lay out a bluegrass lawn will also be useful:

If your plot or cottage is small, then a lawn in the shape of a circle or a drop, as well as an oval approaching the circle, will be an ideal shape that will provide the effect of a larger space. The integrity and completeness of the garden will be given by the repetition of the boundaries of the lawn in the paving figures near the house, in the form of a pond or flower beds, in the repetition of the materials of the house in decorative elements and small architectural forms.

Would you like to integrate a relaxation area into the surrounding garden space? To do this, we recommend that you place it in a secluded corner of the site and block it from prying eyes so that the bends of the paths and lawn form protrusions from the plantings. In such ledges, mixborders or groups of shrubs form a visual barrier. There, behind a green screen, you can place a beautiful bench surrounded by an arch of roses, or a gazebo-canopy, entwined. Small architectural forms of the garden can be painted, for example, white. This will give a special charm to your garden.

Functional design in English style

Focusing on the English style of the garden, paving the paths and surrounding area with a material close to natural: flagstone in gray tones, or tiles simple shapes simulating natural stone. You can fill the entrance area with a layer of decorative gravel, framing it with a stone border. Gravel paths can also be used in those areas of the garden where it is not planned to clear them of snow in winter. Walking paths can be made with your own hands in the form of sections of lawn, smoothly flowing from one functional area to another, or framing colorful lush flower beds.

Garden boundaries

The boundaries of your site are marked by row plantings of thuja. You can begin to form them into a trimmed hedge, which will not spoil the appearance and appearance of the garden, as do blind fences made of corrugated sheets left uncovered. Where you have left open areas hedges, we recommend decorating it with climbing plants. In our climatic zone Virgin grapes are well suited for this, as they grow in three to four years and can completely cover up the unsightly view of the fence. Add elements of pergolas, screens or screens, with specimens of honeysuckle honeysuckle, actinidia kolomikta or alpine princeling planted at their base. By planting along the border of the plot those plants that are available in the immediate vicinity - on a neighbor’s territory, an adjacent clearing, in the forest that probably surrounds you, you can create the illusion of a garden without borders. This technique is very typical of the English landscape style.

Thanks to proper zoning, the garden can seem endless

In the future, when you improve your garden, introduce something new into its structure, or finish plantings that have already begun, do not forget about the principles of constructing garden compositions. They will help you achieve harmony and perfection in your landscape endeavors. Along with tall trees planted along the border, in the middle tier of plantings, use more low-growing species, as well as decorative foliage and beautiful flowering shrubs. Take species plants or their varieties as a basis. It is thanks to varieties that the garden can be made more colorful. You can use formed plants to make the off-season and winter picture of the garden more attractive.

Colors and selection of plants

Don't forget about the color scheme of the garden. The main color scheme of the English romantic garden is green. It dominates everywhere, especially in the lawn. The greenery of the lawn balances the colorful romantic plantings of perennials, providing an excellent backdrop for them. You can plant plants with dark greens: horse chestnut, red oak, common spruce, Serbian spruce, Korean fir. Linden, maple, tree hydrangea, viburnum leaf, varieties of spirea, dogwood and mock orange will bring light greenery to the garden. The calm greenery of the main tree and shrub groups will be an excellent background for flower beds made in soft pink, white, light blue, blue and violet tones. British mixborders are characterized by the merging of shades and tints of color into one picturesque picture.

Red horse chestnut pavia - great solution for the English style garden

Note: Blue tones lengthen the perspective of the garden, and last but not least white, disappear at dusk. Creamy and white tone They look good in the shade, are an excellent buffer and make even small flowers visible. Soft pink tones soften and soothe. The range of plants for the English romantic garden in this range is very diverse. Magenta and bright pink tones shorten the perspective (bring the plants visually closer) and attract attention. Use it far from home natural views and their varieties. Planting closer to home would be appropriate garden forms plants and formed specimens. Here you can create flower beds in yellow-orange colors. Yellow tones create a cheerful spring mood, colors and dimly lit corners are enlivened; the range of plants of this color is huge.

Pay attention to decorative foliage plants, such as hosts, astilbes, ferns, Volzhanka, irises, Rogers, black cohosh, tiarella. Of the evergreen herbaceous plants, we can recommend pachysandra, lungwort, and mountain weed.

Tiarella of the Happy Trail variety is perfect for decoration.

Where would an English landscape garden be without aristocratic roses! Roses of Canadian selection are resistant to freezing in our climate and are unpretentious. Add to their neighbors peonies, geraniums, bluebells, fassena catnip, foxgloves, delphiniums, speedwell, mantle and, of course, sage. Roses will look good next to coniferous trees and bushes. You can choose varieties of mountain pine, western thuja, common juniper and Cossack juniper. Often in landscape gardens in England you can see various cereal plants, such as turfgrass, fescue, molinia, and miscanthus. Maybe there is a place for them in your oasis.

Material on planting and caring for garden roses will also be useful:

Choose calm colors of roses for planting, taking into account the principles of color

If there are fruit trees, then at a distance it is good to plant a curtain of mock orange, viburnum, and honeysuckle to create a smooth transition to the flower garden.

Taking into account the characteristics of the region

Trying to follow the English romantic style, we do not recommend that you purchase and plant plants that are completely unsuitable for our harsh winters, but which British gardeners love to use in their homeland. Boxwoods, yews, catalpas, beeches are extremely unstable in conditions middle zone Russia and almost always freeze out. You can, of course, build additional shelters, but they will visually disrupt the landscape aesthetics. This circumstance will not add decorativeness to the garden, much less classic English nobility.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the British landscape style is never boring or monotonous. Landscape paintings change each other depending on the season, are always decorative and pleasing to the eye. This effect can be achieved by skillfully combining plant species and varieties, selecting them according to color scheme and flowering times, using only stable, healthy and well-proven specimens in our climate. Don't be afraid to experiment with shaped plants: they will decorate your garden and give it clarity and expressiveness. Coniferous plants will contribute to making the plantings all-season decorative.

Hello, dear readers! We can absolutely say that all happy owners of personal plots want to see local area- ennobled. Of course, the process of arranging a site is labor-intensive, but believe me, the result is worth it. In today's review, we will look at landscape design in the English style!

English style garden photo

Probably many of you know that prim England is a kind of birthplace of magnificent gardens; moreover, once upon a time, an English-style landscape easily “overtook” the popularity of the standard French landscape.

But what is the popularity of the design in question? In fact, everything cannot be simpler; English landscape design gained its popularity thanks to its well-groomed design, general thoughtfulness, and, of course, trust in the ideal English taste.

A true English-style garden excludes even the slightest hint of arrogance, but at the same time it is quite strict and slightly solemn. Thanks to external severity, such a garden struggles with its romantic beginning. I think it would not be amiss to note that thoughtfulness garden planning leaves an indelible impression, when you find yourself in such a place, it seems as if you are meeting a true British person, a little reserved, elegant and conservative, but already in the process of meeting you, you become imbued with his attitude and realize his friendly disposition.

English style garden photo

The main rule when creating an English garden is to maintain naturalness. That is, try to avoid artificially created structures - topiary and rock gardens; instead, it is better to give preference to a flat lawn with small ornamental shrubs.

The main method of planning a site is to create so-called viewpoints from which a view of the main garden elements will open - decorative fountains, tall trees, small shrubs.

The garden will be perfectly visible if your house is located on a certain hill, and the rest of the site is located on a slight slope. In addition, a plot that gives the impression of an endless forest will look interesting; such similarity can only be achieved if trees are planted not only on your plot, but also on the territory of your neighbors.

Also impressive are areas decorated in the style of a park or walking area, with tall old trees paved with textured tiles - paths and graceful benches. If the size of the plot allows, then in its center you can create a kind of lawn covered with a velvet lawn. Such a layout will help to visually expand the area and create a harmonious, panoramic view.

In addition, the English style in landscape design can be decorated as follows: place a small pond somewhere on the side, near which you can install a barbecue and in the open air, thus creating a magnificent recreation area. You can plant willow next to the pond, and pine and walnut trees a little further.

The following technique is also popular: a low brick wall-pedestal is created, consisting of symbolic steps (usually 3-5 pieces), an elegant flowerpot with bright flowers is installed on the pedestal itself, and a flower bed develops around it.
English style garden photo

What plants will decorate English landscape design?

In fact, their choice is practically unlimited, but plants with bright colors and textured foliage are especially welcome. If your garden is small in size, then try to select dwarf plant species. In addition, preference should be given to lilacs, bluebells, foxgloves, hazel, lilies, roses, hostas and hybrid delphinium. And in an improvised park area, you can plant meadowsweet or buzulnik.

Another of the most advantageous options for creating the design in question: arranging a cozy patio or open terrace in front of the house, partially covered with a lawn. In addition, the English style garden looks very harmonious with a winding path leading to a round central area. It should also be noted that such rounded and sinuous shapes help visually expand the boundaries of the site.
English style garden photo

Landscaping work disheartens many people, since not everyone is able to correctly arrange objects on the site in order to create a harmonious environment. And here nature itself comes to the aid of dacha owners in the form of the English or landscape style. All that remains is not to interfere with her, but to help. If you want to create even in a small area english garden do it yourself, read the article to the end.

A piece of wildlife on the site

You heard right - today we will create a natural landscape on the site, for which it is not necessary to have a large area, even a piece of land is enough. It may even seem at first that there shouldn’t be any special difficulties, and you don’t need to put in a lot of effort, but this is deceptive.

You definitely need to first learn as much as possible about the features of the landscape and the local flora. It is also desirable that you have a sense of proportion and artistic taste.

Style difference

Elements and details in a landscape garden should be natural in appearance, the main lines of this natural park are smooth and soft. Be prepared for the fact that the English garden is in many ways the opposite of conventional landscape design.

If the latter is dominated by symmetry, clarity and regularity of lines and geometric shapes, in our case the instructions require an asymmetrical composition. Straight lines are replaced by winding ones, geometric shapes you won't find it here either. Below we will give detailed explanations of all the intricacies.

It just so happened that the landscape version of landscape design and the romantic style in art developed in parallel. Nature has served as a source of inspiration for writers and artists. From this, a typical English garden emerged, in which there is a perfectly manicured lawn, and trees and flowers are placed so as to create a natural impression.

At the same time, an English-style landscape gives you the opportunity to find yourself in a natural environment right outside your home. If you decide to create a landscape garden on your site, you will be able to replicate the atmosphere of ancient landowners and noble estates of the romantic 19th century. By creating a natural park, you will always have a place where you can draw inspiration, be harmonious with yourself thanks to the singing of birds and the babbling of a stream.

Style Features

There are many of them, but we will focus on the main ones:

  1. Copying the natural landscape on the site should be as natural as possible. If - they should be made winding, a pond with a bridge - form a single whole with the surrounding landscape, and not stand out against its background.

  1. Caring for an English-style garden should be as invisible as possible to the eye, but this does not mean that everything should be left to chance. On the contrary, constant maintenance of the territory is required in the right form. The same applies to the lawn, which needs to be trimmed regularly; the tradition goes back centuries, so there will be nothing special about it.
  2. Select plants carefully, giving preference to local varieties that are already well adapted to climatic conditions . Then your English garden will look good at any time of the year.

Advice: at the dacha, creating a landscape style should begin with laying a lawn.
Then you need to place various compositions around it - groups of trees and shrubs, lawns, flower beds.

  1. Experts recommend creating a full-fledged English garden only on a large area. But don’t be discouraged if your plot is small; the natural landscape will look great even in a small corner of it.

  1. You can't do without a pond - it's a must for style, even if its price seems high to you. It is also desirable that water lilies grow in it, duckweed floats on the surface, and picturesque thin willow branches bend over it.

Advice: if there is already a pond on the site, clear its banks and plant plants of your choice along its banks, and then take care of it.
When the pond is small, several or even one dwarf weeping willow will look good next to it.

The banks of a traditional English style pond are usually lined gray stone, there are no clear outlines, and the plants along the banks look like a real natural composition.

  1. Merge different zones garden can be done using winding paths from natural materials– sandstone or cobblestone.

  1. Traditionally english houses just buried in flowers and greenery. Therefore, it would be useful to recreate the English style in landscape design by planting a large number of unpretentious flowers in the garden and near the house.

Well suited for landscape style:

  • roses;
  • mallow;
  • delphinium;
  • pansies.

Looks great in spring:

  • tulips;
  • crocuses;
  • daffodils.

Tip: plant flowers in flower beds in groups and densely enough to create beautiful combination places with flowers on low and high stems.

Don't forget - lush plants are used in English flower beds, because the climate here is almost constantly humid.

How to choose decorative elements

Any style can become brighter if it is complemented with various decorations:

Gazebos and arches Gazebos entwined with grapes and ivy, flower arches and trellises, on which climbing plants can also be planted, and benches in recreation areas go well with a landscape garden.
Materials We recommend using:
  • natural stone;
  • tree;
  • forged items.

The latter can be used literally everywhere - this is a gazebo, a bench, a fence, and a bridge over a pond. They will help, in combination with wood, to form a complete ensemble.

  1. In the garden and at the entrance to the house, install beautiful ceramic pots and tubs in which you can plant small trees and ornamental shrubs.
  2. We recommend finding an old bicycle at your dacha and making it out of it flower bed, installing flower boxes with climbing plants on it.
  3. Feel free to use a variety of hanging pots for flowers that will look good as decoration for the courtyard of a house and an English garden. Hang pots from porches, gazebos and eaves. Plant them with geraniums, hanging petunias, which turn any place into an interesting corner, or pelargonium.
Wall decoration Most often this is ivy, which can be different types. It’s very good if you can use two of them at the same time, for example, with variegated and green leaves, which will add color to the environment.

Advice: when creating an English-style garden, strive to ensure that each element is in harmony with nature, is not conspicuous, but is part of the overall composition.


Creating a natural composition on summer cottage it is both simple and complex at the same time. A real English garden requires attention and care, so before you decide to create it, think about how you will combine it. Otherwise, this does not present any particular difficulties; the main thing is to help nature do everything as it should. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

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