Homemade tamper for soil compaction. How to make a vibrating plate for soil compaction with your own hands

Vibrating plate is a multifunctional construction tool, which helps to effectively compact surfaces of fine and coarse soil, asphalt or sand. Also, a vibrating plate is indispensable for laying paving slabs and soil preparation during foundation construction. The advantages of a compact vibrating plate at home lie in its size; it allows you to perform work even in the most inaccessible areas, the area of ​​which makes it impossible to use an industrial roller to compact the coating. A compact and convenient regatta can be bought or rented. But, if you plan to work with a vibrating plate often, a do-it-yourself vibrating plate is an ideal option.

Operating principle of vibrating plates

To better understand the operating principle of a vibrating plate, you should consider it general device. This unit consists of 4 main parts:

  • steel or cast iron plate;
  • vibrator;
  • engine;
  • frame.

The basis of the mechanism is a massive plate lying at its base. In the center of this plate there is a vibrator, with a motor on top. The engine communicates with the vibrator using a coupling and a V-belt transmission, through which it supplies rotational movements. Already directly in the vibrator, these movements are converted into oscillatory ones. Vibrations are transmitted from the vibrator to the slab, and from the slab to the ground. Thanks to its mass and this vibration, the mechanism does the work - it compacts bulk materials of different thicknesses and densities.

Vibrating plates are equipped with a base made of cast iron or steel, the engines are powered by electricity, gasoline or diesel fuel. Various models have different mass, vibration moment, engine power. All this is discussed below.

Scope of application of vibrating plates

The main scope of application of vibrating plates is construction and repair different levels difficulties, laying sidewalks and roads, arranging sports grounds and much more. They are used both for industrial purposes and for private homes. The uniqueness of this mechanism is its relatively small size and ability to cope in conditions in which a conventional bulldozer cannot fulfill its purpose. For example, laying a sidewalk or garden path in a private house.

Using a vibrating plate, concrete, asphalt, sand, gravel and ordinary soil are compacted on the lawn. This machine is indispensable for laying roads and sidewalks. The vibrating plate works even in trenches and narrow pits. Since this configuration of the mechanism allows it to move in reverse, this greatly simplifies work in a small area where there is a need for frequent turns or overcoming obstacles.

General characteristics of vibrating plates by weight

The weight of the slab is the most important when choosing suitable model or when selecting parts for making a vibrating plate with your own hands. This indicator determines 70% of the productivity of the device and its compliance with the work performed. Models of vibrating plates according to this indicator are divided into 4 classes:

  • Lightweight - weighing up to 75 kg;
  • Universal - with a weight from 75 to 90 kg;
  • Medium-heavy - with a weight from 90 to 140 kg;
  • Heavy - with a mass of 140 kg.

Lightweight models are ideal for construction work adjacent areas, the maximum soil layer for these models is 15 cm. These models are also used for laying paving slabs and laying damping polyurethane mats on paths.

Medium models are used for partial repair of asphalt road surfaces, laying tiles on the sidewalk, and repair of the road surface after replacing the underlying communications. The maximum soil layer for these models is 25 cm.

Medium-heavy and heavy models also cope well with more serious tasks, for example, laying layers of road surfaces. Vibrating machines of this category are used to compact the backfill of trenches and the perimeter of the foundation of a low-rise building. The maximum soil layer for these models is 60 cm. The weight limit of the vibrator for laying asphalt is 100 kg.

In selecting the optimal weight of the vibrator, attention should be paid to: special attention engine power. A weak motor on a heavy stove will not provide the expected productivity at work. Such a mechanism will sink into the soil layer and require additional effort from the person performing the work. This discrepancy is especially acute in models from categories 3 and 4. When making or purchasing a vibrating plate, you should calculate this ratio. An example of a discrepancy is a stove weighing 150-170 kg and an engine with a power of 5-6 hp. An example of an ideal ratio is 5 hp per 100 kg.

General characteristics of vibrating plates according to other criteria

Additional data indicators include:

  • vibration force;
  • working surface size;
  • engine power and the type of fuel it consumes.

These parameters determine the compaction density that the mechanism will ultimately produce, as well as ease of operation and control. Now in more detail:

  • Vibration force - the level of vibration power of the base of the mechanism. For dense soils and coatings, this indicator is selected as high as possible. Since weak shocks do not compact hard soil to the required density.
  • Working surface size - this indicator determines the pressure of the plate per unit of the processed surface. On a surface with a small area this figure will be lower. This figure should not exceed 0.3. Conclusion - the smaller the working surface, the higher the efficiency of the vibrating plate. Models with a cast iron base have the highest rates; for steel bases this figure is lower.

  • Based on the type of fuel consumed, vibrating plates are divided into electric, gasoline and diesel. The petrol vibrating plate is recognized by practicing specialists as the most convenient and in demand. The engine for this mechanism has more low price, when compared with a diesel one, but such a machine works in any conditions. An electric vibrating plate has a lower cost than a gasoline or diesel one, while the power and performance are at the same level. The disadvantage is the need to access electrical networks. As for diesel engines, these mechanisms are the most expensive, but the fuel for them is cheaper than for models with a gasoline engine. The disadvantage of a diesel stove is the high noise level.
  • The engine power determines the ability of the vibrating plate to move on a viscous surface and on an incline. The higher this indicator, the easier the machine moves on the surface. The powerful motor itself pulls the slab forward and does not require additional effort from the worker controlling the compaction. At low power levels, the slab buries itself in the ground, and working downhill is especially problematic. The exception is models from the first weight class, in which the motor power and the weight of the plate correspond to each other.

Useful functional additions for vibrating plates

In addition to the main indicators, there are some additions to the mechanisms that facilitate the use of the vibrating plate. One of these useful additions is the presence of wheels for transportation and a folding handle. These functions are useless in management and use, but when transporting the mechanism they greatly facilitate the task.

  • One of the important additions, without which it is difficult to compact asphalt with a vibrating plate, is the presence of an irrigation system. Without this function, the car will stick to the asphalt and create a lot of inconvenience.
  • An addition that will extend the service life of the vibrating plate is the presence of a casing for the belt and coupling. It must cover these parts of the mechanism completely to protect them from soil and parts of the compacted surface.
  • Reversible vibrating plates are machines with the ability to move in reverse. This addition is also not required to be present, but will greatly facilitate the work, especially if we're talking about about compaction on narrow or small surfaces - trenches, pits, small courtyards or narrow sidewalks.

Instructions: make the vibrating plate yourself

One of the most important reasons for making a vibrating plate with your own hands is significant cost savings. The most inexpensive but reliable Chinese model will cost about 550 EUR, and the cost homemade car will not exceed 250 EUR. In addition, it is always nice to work with your head and your hands to improve your own home.

The process of independently designing and manufacturing a vibrating plate is quite simple, since this mechanism itself is not very complex in its design.

Vibrating plate, spare parts for its assembly:

  • engine - chosen at your discretion, for example, it could be an IV-98E platform vibrator, powered by a 220 V network, a gasoline version - three-stroke with one cylinder. Preferred model - Honda;
  • base for the site - sheet metal, thickness 8 mm and size 45x80;
  • channel - 2 pcs.;
  • soft elastic cushions, necessary for securing the handle to the vibrating plate - 2 pcs.;
  • M10 bolts for electric motor or M12 for gasoline;
  • plastic wheels - 2 pcs.;
  • pipe section;
  • hollow pipe about 1.2 m long.

Having collected everything you need, they begin to work, and there is no need to make drawings of the vibrating plate:

  • Working with the engine. The cover is removed from it in order to be able to adjust the vibration strength - only relevant for an electric motor.
  • On metal sheet make an incision with a grinder. The distance from the edge is 10 cm, the depth is about 5 mm. The cuts are made in the amount of two pieces on both sides symmetrically.
  • Bend the edges along the cuts using a hammer, the bend angle is 20-30o. This is done to prevent the machine from digging in during operation.
  • The places of the cuts are welded and the position of the ends is fixed. This work is not meaningless, since without making preliminary cuts, bend the metal to desired angle will be very problematic.
  • The vibrator is mounted on the plate using two channels. They are adjusted so that the edges do not protrude beyond the line of the working surface. Welding is required again at this point. The channels are welded very well, the optimal position of the welding line is across. The distance is 7-10 cm from each other relative to the central point of the plate and taking into account the position of the mounting holes on the engine.
  • M10 or M12 bolts secure the vibrator to the metal. Measure the distance between the motor mounting holes, drill holes on the channels at the same distance, and fasten the motor to the base with bolts.
  • Elastic pads and a pipe are needed to make the vibrating plate handle. The handle is attached to the base through these pads to dampen vibration when the machine is operating. This is very important, because if the vibration is not suppressed, the slab will begin to tear from your hands, and the vibrations will have an impact negative impact on the joints of the upper limbs.
  • To facilitate transportation of the slab, a piece of pipe is welded to it, onto which the wheels are attached. The weight of the finished car will be about 60 kg, so this measure will not be superfluous. The wheels are attached so that they can be easily mounted and dismantled.

Helpful operating tip: to dampen vibrations during operation, wrap the handle with rope and make a loop out of it. When performing tamping work, hold not the handle itself, but this loop, so as not to feel vibrations from the mechanism.

Rules for operating a homemade vibrating plate with a gasoline engine

To extend their service life, vibrating plates with a gasoline engine require compliance with certain rules for their use:

  • Before performing work, the mechanism must be inspected for damage and the reliability of all fastenings must be checked.
  • Spark plugs in a gasoline engine must be periodically checked and cleaned of carbon deposits.
  • Check the engine oil level regularly and change it. The number of working hours between the first and second oil change is 25, all subsequent ones are 80-100. It is better to change the oil on a warm engine.
  • Clean the engine air filter regularly.
  • Refill the gasoline vibrating plate only with the engine turned off.
  • Do not use the device on hard surfaces - concrete or hardened asphalt

When landscape designing occurs, there is a need to compact the soil. Otherwise, after laying the coating on soil with non-uniform density, holes and dips will appear. A loose cushion can easily be washed away by groundwater, or simply after a heavy rainfall.

Loose soil does not distribute the load well, and ruts will quickly appear on a road with weak substrate compaction.

On the scale of road construction, the problem is solved by scrapers and soil wheeled rollers, but what about in places with limited accessibility for heavy equipment? If you are organizing an area for laying tiles in your yard, you cannot drive a scraper there.

All that remains is to compact it manually. However, on a site of 1-2 acres, such work will take a lot of time and take a lot of effort.

There is a way out - compacting the soil with a vibrating plate

A flat surface with an installed vibration mechanism compacts the soil or laid paving slabs layer by layer. The job for which naturally(under the influence of the weight of cars or people) takes years - is done with the help of a device in a matter of hours.

Moreover, compaction occurs evenly and with high quality. Sometimes, on land treated in this way, car tire tracks do not appear at all.

Compaction is especially important for bulk soil. If you leave a loose foundation, then at any moment the embankment can slide in, destroying the structure installed on it.

We have all seen how, in a buried and asphalted trench, a depression appears over time. This happens because when replacing a pipe, plumbers simply filled the hole with earth, without using a vibrator, and road workers laid asphalt on an unstable base.

Therefore, during any excavation work, it is imperative to compact the surface before continuing processing. It’s good if you only need to lay a garden path, or compact the soil for building a swimming pool.

You can rent a vibrator for the weekend and do the job yourself. And if you are completely planning a plot of 10-12 acres? A homemade vibrating plate will help.

The operating principle of any vibration mechanism is based on the imbalance of the rotating element. For some units this leads to catastrophic destruction, for others it is a working element of the structure.

The eccentric for the vibrating plate forces the entire structure to move in a certain rhythm. The operator only needs to move the mechanism around the site, ensuring uniform processing. If you leave the vibrator turned on motionlessly, it will go deeper into the ground relative to the rest of the area.

After building a house, the turn invariably comes to improve the dacha: to do garden paths, organize a patio area, etc. And every time you are faced with high prices necessary materials and equipment, you are thinking about whether to try making them yourself. Participants in the Home and Dacha forum share their experiences of creative experiments.

Vibrating table

Many householders think that buying special equipment “once” and, especially, making it yourself is a troublesome and unnecessary task: it’s easier to ask friends or rent it. As soon as realsystem decided that he needed a vibrating table to build a pair of winding paths across the entire six-acre site and a parking lot for a 30-square-meter car, he began to study information about how to construct building blocks.

The main reason for such a bold decision was the high price of materials. He planned the tiles to be 40x40 or 50x50 cm in size and 60-70 mm thick, with reinforcement. I made the table without drawings, in just a couple of weeks. We used scraps of a 40x20 pipe, a 2.5 mm sheet, a pair of 10 mm plates and an old vibrator, purchased for 500 rubles, with dimensions of 1050x550 cm.

realsystem placed the moving part of the table on six weight valve springs with pieces of rubber hose inside them. The springs are in glasses. Additionally, he secured tension springs around the perimeter. After a trial switch-on, the first defect appeared: the sand collected closer to the center, shifted to the far right part and fell onto the floor, because... the table was not set out and stood on an uneven floor. The owner concluded that it was necessary to make a side.

The table legs were made from 40x40 pipe. The first one was lumpy, so they turned out crooked due to overheating. realsystem tiles are made from screening concrete using masonry mesh.

To get white tiles, you can mix white cement (more expensive than usual) with marble chips.

Another forum participant, tarasiki, did it a little simpler: he made a table without springs (their functions are performed by wood) and a vibrator, replacing the latter with a motor washing machine with an "eccentric". Among the shortcomings of his product, the forum member notes the small area of ​​the table; the frame also needs to be secured to the floor. As a composition for making tiles, he takes one part of 400-grade Kramatorsk cement, one part of river sand and three parts of crushed stone.

Budget tamper made from scrap trash

Peter_1 regretted spending money on renting a vibrating plate for filling the foundation. After rummaging around in the garage, a ferrous metal collection point and a nearby car service center, he found everything he needed: a drum from a tabletop woodworking machine, a motor from a washing machine, a piece of metal 5 mm thick, pieces of 30 mm angle iron, a bunch of various rubber supports from automotive equipment, scraps of metal 2-3 -4 mm, a piece of 12 mm stud and a couple of freon cylinders. There I also got hold of a piece of wire, a switch and a starting capacitor for the motor. I only bought a belt and two pillows from a VAZ gearbox for 600 rubles.

A pack of electrodes, five hours of work with a welding machine, a grinder and a drill, several modifications to the vibrating unit, and this is the result - a vibrating plate that compacts small layers of sand quite acceptably. By using homemade equipment a cushion was compacted under the foundation of the garage and work began on the foundation for the house.

The design of the vibrating plate is quite simple: the horizontal cylinder for weight is filled with concrete, the vertical one is made for water. On the front tube there are 12 holes Ф 1.3 mm. A drum from planer. Peter_1 cut off half of it with a grinder, and installed two lead weights on the second half.

Results: vibration does not reach the hands due to triple vibration isolation. In addition, the handles are equipped with a heat insulator from refrigeration units. The tamper, while working, moves forward on its own, 60-80 cm per minute; it only needs to be directed. Because the owner considered it unjustified to use a double reverse stroke and two vibration mechanisms; the plate has to be turned around so that it moves in the opposite direction.

Also discovered one interesting and useful feature equipment: during operation, the vibrating plate sways slightly left and right, especially when the tamper reaches the required density. This is a signal that the car needs to be moved to a new location.

After using the rammer, Peter_1 opened several shortcomings, which he plans to correct in the future. The first was a weak ballast fastening. The forum member plans to strengthen the clamps and make them with a collapsible clamp connection, rather than a welded one - the slab can be moved in disassembled form. To do this, the upper platform, along with the ballast and water tank, was made removable, but practice has shown that it was necessary to make the ballast itself removable.

The owner concluded that the ballast should be moved closer to the middle of the slab, and not placed in front - so that the slab does not bury itself when turning. For the same purpose, you need to raise the front “ski” of the rammer. It is also necessary to better protect the vibrating drum with a casing, because crushed stone of small fractions gets into the mechanism and flies out at high speed.

Another improvement should be improved engine cooling: at temperatures above +35 °C you have to stop after every 40-50 minutes of operation to cool the engine. As one of the options, you can attach an axial fan or cooler from the server.

Forum member Tim1313 used the following to make a vibrating plate: materials: IV-98E area vibrator, RCD for it, cast iron frame from the Soviet drilling machine, jet rods with silent blocks from Soviet cars and a stainless steel sheet 6 mm, 45x70 cm.

Sequence of work: we fixed the vibrator on the frame (drilled holes, cut threads, screwed in d12 bolts), made a handle and attached it to the frame through silent blocks. Using a self-created press, the base of the vibrating plate was attached. Then we welded two plates perpendicularly to secure the frame with the drive to the base: we made four holes and secured them with d10 bolts. The finished rammer was painted.

To irrigate sand, you can provide a canister mount.

Result: speed – 6-7 m/min. During the day, 10 cubic meters of sand were compacted, in layers of 10 cm. Quality of compaction: traces when walking are barely visible.

Cons: Strong vibration that comes and goes, causing your knuckles, wrists and elbows to ache at the end of the day. In addition, four hours after the start of tamping, the purchased RCD stopped turning on. The problem was solved with the help of an ordinary socket, fortunately the handle was attached to rubber silent blocks.

Based on materials from participants of the forum "House and Dacha"

A high-quality electric vibrating plate is an indispensable tool in construction. With its help you can easily level any surface, be it earth or sand. Such work is necessary when laying the foundation, as well as when laying paving slabs. The dimensions of the equipment are small, so it can be used to carry out work in hard to reach places or in small areas. The vibrating plate is used even in narrow trenches and pits.

Usually a purchased tool is used, but more and more often craftsmen are thinking about making it themselves. In this case, you can save significantly, thereby reducing the cost of work. A self-made vibration platform is in no way inferior to purchased structures. She provides high strength soil or sand cushion. Description and purpose of the vibrating plate

A vibrating plate is a multifunctional device with which fine soil, sand or even asphalt is compacted tightly. She is indispensable in construction work where careful compaction is required.

The basis of the device is a metal plate located at the bottom. In the center there is a vibrator and coupling, and a motor is installed on top of it. Circular movements are converted into oscillatory movements, and then communicated to the plate. That, in turn, transfers them to the ground. Thanks to this effect, the earth or sand is thoroughly compacted. The main areas of application of vibrating plates are:

  • Repair work.
  • Construction.
  • Road laying.
  • Laying out sidewalks.
  • Arrangement of terraces and platforms.
  • When laying out the foundation.

With the help of such a device, earth, sand, concrete, gravel or any other can be easily compacted bulk material. The compactor can even move backwards, which allows you to avoid unnecessary movements such as turning around in a limited area.

The vibration compactor works based on the rotation of the eccentric, it is this that creates the rotation of the flywheel and due to this, vibration occurs, which is then converted into vibration. The heavier the slab below, the stronger the vibration will be created, which will ensure high-quality compaction. The design of the compactor is not complicated in general consists of the following components:

  • Frame to create a load-bearing frame for the entire structure.
  • Cast iron or steel plate, which is fixed at the bottom.
  • An engine that can run on electricity or gasoline.
  • Vibrating element to provide oscillatory motion.

It is thanks to the simplicity of the design that you can even make it yourself. The main purpose of the product is to mechanize the process of soil or sand compaction. The dimensions of the product are usually small, but the weight is quite impressive.

Making a vibrating plate with your own hands

A conventional 220 V electric vibrating plate can be manufactured even with little knowledge and skills. You should be very careful when choosing an engine. The most universal solutions are: gasoline engine and powered. The gasoline-powered unit is different high level noise, however, unlike an electric motor, can provide autonomy and mobility to the device. In addition, using an electrically powered device in bad weather can be dangerous.

If we consider the choice of engine based on the energy consumption of each of them, then the most budget option is gasoline. However, it is much easier to make a vibrating plate with an electric motor yourself, and it is quite suitable for performing work in the yard. When creating a vibrating machine, it is imperative to provide for the following:

  1. When creating a tamping device, it is also necessary to provide for reverse, since in conditions limited space its presence is extremely important.
  2. To ensure high safety during operation of the product, it is also necessary to provide housings and other protective elements. It is important to eliminate the possibility of clothing items getting wrapped around rotating parts.
  3. If you plan to work with hard, rough surfaces, then for convenience you should provide an irrigation option.

When designing a machine yourself, you can provide for the individual characteristics of the device, for example, its vibration dynamics, transmission type, operating conditions, etc.

Materials and tools

The simplicity of the design allows you to make a vibrating plate yourself. To do this, you will need to prepare a tool and components suitable for the job. To make a medium power device you will need:

To create vibration, you can use any suitable vibration motor. But due to the fact that the device cannot work autonomously and always receives power from the network, it is better to find a motor that runs on 220 V, since it is difficult to find a converter on the street if the motor runs on 380 V. You can even use old motor from the walk-behind tractor, if it is working properly.

Making a vibration motor with your own hands will not work well, so it is better to purchase one. It is also important to make a drawing in advance, draw up a plan and follow the sequence of actions in the process. The tools you will need are a hammer, a grinder, welding machine, as well as a set of locksmith tools.

Assembly steps

A do-it-yourself vibrating plate with a gasoline engine is assembled according to the same principle as with an electric motor. There will be no serious differences, so the algorithm of actions will be relevant in both cases. The sequence of actions can be divided into several stages:

The finished tamper must weigh at least 60 kg, provided that it will be used for personal purposes. This platform option is suitable for arranging paths. If you plan to build a foundation with it, you should make a product weighing at least 80 kg.

Private use

A homemade vibrating plate is most often used on site during the construction of gazebos, arranging paths and summer areas. However, we should not forget that it is homemade instrument, with which it is also important to follow safety rules.

A homemade vibrating tumbling machine will be more useful if its owner use the following tips:

Before full use, you can conduct small tests to ensure the reliability and quality of the completed unit. It is necessary to store the tool in a clean, dry place so that it can serve without any complaints for decades. It is important to periodically check, tune and adjust the tool. If a gasoline engine was used in the vibrating plate, then its care should be more thorough; it is necessary to periodically change the oil and filters, and check the spark plugs. Experts recommend changing the lubricant after 25 hours of operation of the vibrating plate.

Do-it-yourself vibrating plate is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance

By popular demand, I am publishing the process of making a vibrating plate with my own hands.

The need for this device arose when arranging paths from paving slabs on a personal plot.

In 2010, I couldn’t find where to rent a vibrating plate in my city, but I had to buy it for laying 100 square meters paving slabs were expensive, so I decided to do it myself.

Video of how a hand-made vibrating plate works.

I bought the engine (plate vibrator IV-98E (220V)) from a local company that sells various engines, at a price of about 7,000 rubles. By removing the covers from the vibrator, you can adjust the strength of vibration.

I went to the metal depot to get metal for the site. I bought sheet metal 8mm thick and measuring 80cm by 45cm. The site cost about 800 rubles. (I don't remember exactly)

I made a cut in the metal on both sides with a grinder at a distance of 10 cm from the edge to a depth of about 5 mm and, using a hammer, bent it 20-30 degrees so that the vibrating plate would not dig into the material being rammed.

Then I took an electric welder and welded the incision site to fix the position of the ends of the vibrating plate.

I'm not much of a welder, but the main thing is that I hold on! By the way, all attempts to bend metal without making cuts were unsuccessful, so it is better to immediately pick up a grinder and make cuts.

After that, I cut off two channels to attach the vibrator to the plate.

At this stage, the inability to weld well did not spoil the project much. While I was using electrodes one after another to obtain a high-quality weld, the area bent slightly diagonally from the heating. Those. If you now place the vibrating plate on a flat surface, the two diagonal corners will be raised by about 2-5 mm. I think this could have been avoided if I had experience in welding, or offer your options. Maybe it was necessary to weld the channel not across, but along? May be.

Drill holes in the channels for bolts for attaching the vibrator

The vibrator is fastened with M10 bolts.

The most interesting thing is the experiments with attaching the handle to the vibrating plate. The design selection process was long, costly and not always successful. I’ll only tell you about the option I chose.

They are strong enough to handle vibration from the engine and don't dampen it much. But you won’t be able to hold the handle with them, or rather, the joints on your hands will crumble. So the search continued. I found what I needed at the Krepmarket chain store. Two very soft and elastic pillows, through which I attached the handle to the vibrating plate.

The slab turned out to be quite heavy (relatively, of course) approximately 60-70 kg. And it’s hard to carry it around, so I cut two rings from the pipe, welded them to the base of a homemade vibrating plate and inserted into them two simple plastic wheels with bolts, bought in some store that sells all kinds of carts. And now the process of transporting the vibrating plate has become much easier.

Do-it-yourself vibrating plate - test your capabilities

The handle was made from a hollow pipe 120 cm long.

Now about the operation of a vibrating plate made by yourself.

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