Homemade accessories for a walk-behind tractor, description, video, photo. Attachments for walk-behind tractors, a variety of equipment and attachments Useful homemade products for walk-behind tractors

The walk-behind tractor is indispensable in modern farming. Equipped with various attachments, this equipment can do literally everything, from hilling potatoes to clearing snow or preparing firewood. At the same time, it’s a stretch to call walk-behind tractors universal: as a rule, the list of equipment that can be connected to even the most expensive models is limited to 2-3 types of attachments. However, it is not at all necessary to be content only with what the manufacturer offers. After all, almost any of the walk-behind tractor units that may be required for running a household or gardening can be made independently.

WITHhomemade attachments for walk-behind tractors

What to do if you already have a walk-behind tractor, but it is not possible to install factory-made attachments on it? There is only one way out - to independently design the necessary functional unit, without relying on the ingenuity of the manufacturer and the generosity of market players.

The list of attachments for walk-behind tractors is very diverse. It includes:

  • plows;
  • harrows;
  • rake;
  • potato diggers, hillers and potato planters;
  • flat cutters-weeders;
  • rotary cutters;
  • seeders; sweepers and snow blowers;
  • wood splitters;
  • dumps;
  • water pumps;
  • spray pumps, etc..

Obviously, such a rich arsenal of attachments is not included in any configuration. One can only imagine how much, in addition to the walk-behind tractor itself, it will cost to purchase all the units necessary for farming. Don’t forget that there are only a few truly universal walk-behind tractors on the market. That is, equipment that fits a particular model can rarely be connected to another. Fortunately, manufacturers still provide for the possibility of modifying the manufactured walk-behind tractors, mainly due to additional. These include:

  • additional axle shafts (hubs);
  • creepers;
  • weights (weights);
  • lugs;
  • seat adapters;
  • transport carts and trailers;
  • openers (thrust arms);
  • couplings, etc.

Any of these units can be made independently or taken from other models and adapted to yours. But first of all, you should make sure that they are compatible. Power, dimensions and weight, connection method, workloads, etc. – all this should be taken into account at the development stage, otherwise you risk wasting effort and money.

Making a homemade trailer adapter

The adapter allows you to turn a walk-behind tractor into a mini-tractor and automate gardening work as much as possible.

Its design includes:

  • metal frame;
  • hitch;
  • cross bar;
  • braces;
  • wheel stands, axle and wheels;
  • controls;
  • operator seat;
  • cart or .

A simple frame for the adapter is made from a metal pipe of round or rectangular section 1.5-1.7 m long. At one end, a drawbar (hitch) is welded to it - an element with which the structure will be attached to the tow bar of the walk-behind tractor, and at the other - a transverse rod, the width of which is selected in accordance with the width of the wheelbase of the latter . Wheel stands and braces are welded to the bar, the function of which is to ensure structural rigidity and shock absorption when moving around the site. As for the wheels, they can be removed from a regular garden cart or car trailer.

As a rule, the connection of the walk-behind tractor adapter and attachments is carried out using a single hitch. The control of functional units is carried out using a lever with 2 or 3 knees - by switching them you can adjust the position of the installed mounted unit. In addition, an additional lever can be used to control the applied force. Finally, in the center of the transverse rod, you need to weld a metal “leg” on which it will be placed.

The longer the adapter drawbar, the more powerful the walk-behind tractor should be. At the same time, the engine power of the latter also affects the choice of wheels, as well as the cross-section of the pipe from which the frame will be made.

The most convenient option to use is a disk hiller. To work with it, you need to exert a minimum of physical effort, and as the speed of movement decreases, its power increases, which has a positive effect on work efficiency. In addition, the disc design of the hiller is versatile - with the help of such a tool you can carry out agricultural work both immediately after planting garden crops and during the period of their intensive growth.

The design of the disc hiller includes:

  • disks;
  • T-shaped leash (frame);
  • racks;
  • screw tappers.

Talpers are designed to adjust the angle of rotation of disks. The depth of immersion of the latter, as well as the force required to perform the work, depends on the latter. To make the operator’s work easier, the hiller is equipped with a machine that ensures reliable design and ease of operation.

The discs are made of alloy steel with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. Their outer edges are curved, and in the center there is a hole for adapters with which they will be attached to the hiller frame. If it is not possible to make discs yourself, you can borrow them from an old seeder or other similar equipment.

The hiller can have a fixed or variable working width. In the second case, you can adjust the distance between the disks by moving the racks. Elements of the mounted unit are connected using bolts or welding.

Do-it-yourself potato digger for walk-behind tractor

This type of attachment greatly facilitates the process of harvesting potatoes, as well as other tuber crops.

The main structural elements of the potato digger are:

  • welded frame;
  • ploughshare;
  • editorial node;
  • cleaning drum.

The ploughshare, the moving part of the potato digger, is made of steel rods and one or more sharpened steel plates. The sharp edges and ends of the plowshare structural elements are blunted so as to prevent damage to the potato tubers.

To make a welded frame, you need about 60x40 mm in size, a profiled pipe and a section of channel No. 8. The dimensions, as well as the weight of the frame, which depends on the weight of the materials used and the features of the design solution adopted, must correspond to the dimensions and power of the walk-behind tractor.

Editorial node - main element potato diggers. To manufacture it, you will need two metal cylinders, which will act as cups for the connecting bushings - this design ensures the interaction of the drive and driven shafts. Next, you need to make hubs from a metal pipe with a diameter of 25 mm, to which the transmission sprockets are welded. The latter are mounted on the bushings using prismatic keys.

The most the hard part potato diggers - drum cleaner. Its design includes a pair of roller chains of 94 links each, which are mounted on special rods. This element, called the “squirrel wheel,” is fixed on two fixed axes, which ensures its mobility during rotation. Thus, by the force of the engine shaft, the potato digger share, attached to the movable casing, will change the angle of inclination, making digging movements during the movement.

The angle of inclination of the working part and the depth of the dig are adjusted using a slider. It is made of fluoroplastic, and its parameters are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the main unit (engine power, movement speed, etc.), as well as the properties of the cultivated soil.

Homemade snow blower for walk-behind tractor

Not everyone can afford to buy a professional snow removal unit. And is it worth doing this if it will only work a few times a year? On the other hand, it is not at all necessary to clear the area manually - you can make a quite decent snow removal unit for the walk-behind tractor yourself.

Most simple option is of dump type. It consists of two main elements: the adapter and, in fact, the blade. The first consists of a pair of metal rods and three brackets. Using rods, the blade is attached to the frame of the walk-behind tractor, and the brackets provide the ability to adjust its position horizontally and vertically. This can be done manually or using a traction or lever mechanism. The basis of such a system is a rotary unit, which can be borrowed from various self-propelled vehicles or made by hand, using the front wheel units of a passenger car as a basis.

To make a bulldozer, you need to make a metal frame, which is sheathed on one side with a 1-2 mm sheet of tin. The height and width of the snow blower are selected in accordance with the parameters of the main unit - the walk-behind tractor, as well as the characteristics of the area being served. If the paths in your yard are no more than 70-80 cm wide, ideal option There will be a 50 cm blade that you can easily maneuver while clearing snow. A knife is installed on the lower edge of the blade, located at an angle relative to the main axis of the frame, using bolted or riveted connections. The greater the tilt of the knife, the easier the blade cuts off hardened layers of snow. A small angle, on the contrary, allows you to move the snow mass without a significant increase in engine power.

To increase structural rigidity, the blade can be sheathed around the perimeter metal corner, and provide the frame with additional ribs. However, all this leads to a heavier structure and, as a result, to increased fuel consumption and engine life of the main unit.

Do-it-yourself universal attachments for a walk-behind tractor

Some types of functional units of a walk-behind tractor have a similar design and operating principle. So if you're making them yourself, think about versatility. For example, a potato digger can be modified into a potato planter, and a snow blower can be modified into a . Several changes in the design and the same unit can be used to solve various business problems - this will save not only money and effort, but also the space required for storing equipment.

Having bought a walk-behind tractor, its happy owner solves most of the problems associated with cultivating the site.

A rich set of attachments allows you not only to plow the soil efficiently, but also to cultivate it, harvest potatoes, clear snow and pump water.

You can always buy a trolley for a heavy walk-behind tractor, which will turn it into a mini-truck.

What should the owners of medium and small walk-behind tractors, which are not structurally suited for transporting goods and performing other “tractor” work, do?

One thing can be firmly said: you shouldn’t sit back and wait for a miracle. Anyone who understands the mechanics of cars can make many interesting cars out of a walk-behind tractor.

Mini tractor and all-terrain vehicle made from a walk-behind tractor

Almost all homemade products from a walk-behind tractor are made to increase comfort at work. Indeed, why waste energy driving a heavy unit “by the horns” when you can ride it, turning it into a maneuverable mini tractor?

However, one important note needs to be made here. By sitting astride a walk-behind tractor, you will increase its center of gravity. This will increase the risk of rollover during sharp turns. To increase stability, you need to make the second driven axle quite wide (1-1.2 m).

It is very desirable to expand the narrow wheelbase of the walk-behind tractor itself. Today, for such alterations, you do not need to look for an experienced turner. There are ready-made bushings (extensions) available for sale that are placed on the drive shaft to increase the distance between the wheels of the walk-behind tractor.

If a light or medium walk-behind tractor does not have a differential, then you can increase its maneuverability and at the same time increase the wheelbase by installing locking rotary extensions that perform these functions.

Anyone who is not confident in working with iron and does not have much experience in designing machines can make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor by purchasing ready set.

It includes:

  • frame with engine mounts;
  • footrests with pedals;
  • seat;
  • axle shaft lock release levers;
  • steering with traction;
  • front beam with brake discs and wheel hubs;
  • rear linkage with manual lifting mechanism;
  • wings.

The price of such a kit is in the range of 20-22 thousand rubles. Special problems when converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor in the presence of the listed assembly units, this does not occur.

In the end you will succeed homemade tractor, on which you can comfortably process the area and carry loads by attaching a trolley. An important advantage of the finished technical kit is its design - precisely calculated and tested in operation. When independently adapting a walk-behind tractor to a homemade tractor base, most of the components will have to be manufactured and docked independently. This process often requires rework and fine-tuning.

Anyone who made a mini tractor with their own hands can assemble an all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor without any problems. To do this, just change the standard wheels to wider ones and install off-road tires on them.

It is best if the base for such a mini-all-terrain vehicle is a walk-behind tractor with a water-cooled rather than air-cooled engine. It is more resistant to prolonged loads and overheats less.

Snowmobile and swamp vehicle made from a walk-behind tractor

There is no fundamental difference between these homemade products, since a snowmobile made from a walk-behind tractor, like a swamp vehicle based on it, has one fundamental requirement in common: minimum pressure on the ground. Converting a walk-behind tractor to a new 4-wheel chassis special attention You need to pay attention to the quality of manufacturing of wide snow and swamp wheels.

It is best to make the lugs in such a way that they can accommodate standard walk-behind tractor wheels.

Owners of heavy walk-behind tractors with a trailed cart can make a homemade snowmobile out of it without changing the design at all. To do this, it is enough to change your manual tractor into new off-road “bast shoes”. Before doing this, you need to deflate the tires, then jack up the frame, insert the wheels into the lugs and inflate them again. After this easy work You can safely travel through wetlands or deep, loose snow.

Practice confirms that such a homemade swamp vehicle, even with a not very powerful 6-horsepower gasoline engine, drives quite briskly on the plain and confidently overcomes small slopes.

Motorcycle dog and caracat

Anyone who has had the chance to ride an imported motorized towing vehicle will probably see in its design a lot of similarities with a conventional walk-behind tractor. Almost the same front traction unit with the engine, a similar method of transmitting torque, similar controls on the steering wheel. The only thing missing is rubber tracks, with the help of which the motorized dog will pull the sled and rider across the snowy field.

When realizing their dream of a motorized towing vehicle, avid fishermen and hunters can go in two ways: buy a ready-made snowmobile attachment or make it yourself.

Today, tracked attachments for almost all types of walk-behind tractors (Neva, Salyut, Agat, Favorit, Cascade, Forza, etc.) are produced on an industrial scale. The price of this unit is quite high (about 30 thousand rubles).

Therefore, anyone who is trying to save money and at the same time is well acquainted with the caterpillar undercarriage design can make it and ski sleds themselves. To do this, you need to weld a strong frame on which the engine and steering wheel, chassis and driven sprockets, as well as two intermediate shafts with rubber rollers will be placed.

Speaking about what can be made from a walk-behind tractor, it is worth mentioning such an interesting homemade product as a karakat. The strength of this car is in its huge wheels, which are ordinary inner tubes, tightened with strong belts.

Sometimes truck tires are used to make ultra-low pressure tires. They are made easier by carefully cutting out part of the surface electric jigsaw, leaving only part of the bead and lug tread pattern.

Homemade rims are installed on the karakat from a walk-behind tractor, modifying and expanding standard car rims. You can also put a very original wheel on a lightweight walk-behind tractor. To do this, two aluminum basins are welded along the contour, the bottom is cut out to fit the size of the hub, and they are equipped with stiffening ribs and side stops for fixing the camera.

Despite its external clumsiness, the carakat based on a walk-behind tractor is surprisingly passable and stable. It not only easily overcomes swampy lowlands, but is also capable of carrying quite a significant load (up to 100 kg).

Anyone planning to build an ATV When using a walk-behind tractor as a basis, you must be prepared for the fact that it will not reach super-high speed. But in terms of maneuverability and maneuverability, such a device is in no way inferior to its more expensive branded “brother”.

The seating position in a home-made SUV remains traditional “motoblock”, and not motorcycle-like as in a “quad”. There is no need to make rims for this ATV yourself. You can use standard ones from any passenger car, designed to install wide-profile “mud” tires.

13067 10/08/2019 7 min.

If previously you had to harrow and plow almost manually, using minimum quantity auxiliary tools, then now this could be done using special equipment. In this case, we are talking about walk-behind tractors - units that are full-fledged assistants in the garden. However, the cost of all this equipment is quite high, taking into account the cost of the walk-behind tractor itself, so many craftsmen have adapted to making new homemade products of one or another technical device.

It is not surprising that the growth of such interest in this technology was associated with the use of various additional trailed and mounted equipment (KUN), which significantly expand the functionality of the walk-behind tractor.

About the device of the walk-behind tractor

Next, you will find out which walk-behind tractor is better to choose. To make it clearer what the principle of homemade walk-behind tractor manufacturing and its additional components is, you need to consider in detail the structure of the walk-behind tractor as a means of small-scale mechanization. So, this unit includes several main working units:

  • The main driving force, i.e. engine.
  • Transmission.
  • Chassis.
  • Basic controls.


The main driving force in the design of walk-behind tractors is a standard internal combustion engine. Depending on the type and brand of walk-behind tractor, for example Cayman Vario, Patriot Ural, Texas, Foreman, Crosser, Viking, Forza, the engine used may be different:

  • Gasoline 4-stroke engine. This engine is used for units belonging to the light and medium class of devices.
  • Diesel 4-stroke engine. Motors of this kind are used on heavy and powerful walk-behind tractors designed to work on the most difficult surface areas.

Video: The best diesel walk-behind tractor

For more information about the operation of a diesel walk-behind tractor, watch the video:

Of course, 2-stroke engines are also available, but they are used in fairly old models of walk-behind tractors, being significantly inferior to 4-stroke engines in terms of power thrust. However, most consumers get 4-stroke gasoline engines. Their device includes the following systems:

  • The system responsible for supplying fuel. Consists of a fuel tank, carburetor, air filter and fuel hose.
  • A lubrication system that carries out the process of lubricating those parts that rub against each other.
  • A starter that spins the crankshaft.
  • A cooling system that removes heat from the engine cylinder block using air flow.
  • An ignition system that produces a spark at the spark plug.
  • A gas distribution system that ensures the flow of the air-fuel mixture into the engine cylinder and is also responsible for the exit of exhaust gases.

The important thing is that the engine is already sold with all the main operating systems, which greatly facilitates the process of making a home-made walk-behind tractor.


The main function of the transmission is to transmit torque from the engine to the wheelbase, as well as regulate speeds and change the movement of the unit. Its design includes several working units: gearbox, clutch, gearbox and differential (not available in all models).

Transmission can be of several types:

  • Gear.
  • Belt.
  • Chain.
  • Combined.

Basically, the classic type of gear transmission is used on heavy walk-behind tractors, and it consists of bevel and cylindrical gears.

Other types of transmissions are used in light and medium types of walk-behind tractors. At the same time, regardless of the type of transmission, the design contains a PTO - a power take-off shaft, which transmits torque to the working units of the unit.

As for the clutch, it can be different:

  • In the form of a V-belt transmission. The essence of the process is the clutch lever, which tightens or loosens the belt, thereby transmitting or stopping the transmission of torque from the motor to the gearbox.
  • Single or multi-disc dry or wet clutch.
  • Conical coupling.

Most high-quality walk-behind tractors Sadko, Don, Huter, Profi, Plowman, Champion, Carver use the second type of clutch, which is the most reliable.


The chassis includes not only the wheelbase itself, but also the frame structure to which these wheels are attached, and where the main working units of the walk-behind tractor are located.

In more modern models The walk-behind tractor provides for changing the distance between a pair of wheels, which allows you to adjust the track size of the walk-behind tractor.

Today, there are two types of wheels - pneumatic and metal with lugs.

Basic controls

The walk-behind tractor control is located on the handle of the unit, responsible for changing the speed and direction of movement of the device. The controls include:

  • Levers, steering wheel and gear shifters.
  • Clutch control.
  • Engine stop lever or button.
  • Gas supply, etc.

The design of the walk-behind tractor does not have a seat for a person (as in the Salyut walk-behind tractor), so the control itself is carried out by the person himself.

DIY accessories for a walk-behind tractor

I would like to start analyzing homemade products by directly making walk-behind tractors with my own hands. There is no question here that we will make the unit from scratch, because this is technically impossible for home conditions.

The main working units will be taken from other equipment; all we have to do is prepare a certain base on which all the parts of the walk-behind tractor could be successfully connected.

I would like to talk about diesel walk-behind tractors on 4 wheels, the homemade construction of which will be discussed later. At their core, these units are similar in appearance and in their technical data to full-fledged mini tractors.

To help farmers, companies produce a variety of special equipment to facilitate the work and maintenance of the farm. everything about the design and characteristics of the Khryusha grain crusher.

Millions of people on our land are engaged in gardening and farming. Cultivators for the garden will save your time, health and energy.

Those who have their own household should find out what the process of milking using a milking machine is. By clicking on the link, you will become familiar with the AID 2 milking machine.

The only difference is the lack of a differential lock in the walk-behind tractors, but otherwise they are very similar - the presence of a driver’s seat, steering, and the presence of two pairs of wheels.

It is clear that the modification will be based on adding several additional components to the existing walk-behind tractor - an additional frame for the second pair of wheels, installing a steering wheel and a seat under which the speed control should be located, etc.

Video: Minitractor from the Neva MB2 walk-behind tractor

The finished version costs about 120 thousand rubles, so not everyone has the means to purchase it. This is where it becomes appropriate homemade production, which is gaining popularity every year.

How to make a four-wheeled walk-behind tractor

To make a full-fledged 4-wheeled walk-behind tractor, we need a fairly powerful base unit (Zubr, Neva, etc.). In this case, we will consider a conversion from a Neva walk-behind tractor, because it is quite common in our country.

For greater convenience, you can purchase a ready-made conversion kit, which costs about 30 thousand rubles.

Let's conditionally divide the assembly process into several stages:

  • First of all, we need to take care of making the frame. It's about about an additional supporting structure, under which the second pair of wheels will be located. To make the frame we will need pieces of pipe and metal corners.
  • There are no special requirements for the pipe parameters, but it must be taken into account that the load on these elements will be sufficient.
  • The pipe elements need to be cut with a grinder, and then fastened together with bolts. For better stability of the structure, a transverse steel beam can be welded.
  • You also need to weld a device for attaching attachments and trailed equipment to the frame. It can be mounted both in front and behind the unit.
  • To attach the front pair of wheels we need metal pipe, the diameter of which must match the width of the front axle. Wheel hubs must be attached to the pipe.
  • In the center you need to drill a through-type hole through which we attach the structure to the front frame. Next, the gearbox and steering rods are installed. Then we install the steering wheel.
  • You can use old ones from Soviet cars as wheels.
  • We install the existing engine on the front part of the structure. This is done so that the walk-behind tractor is more stable on the surface, because attached or trailed equipment will be located behind it.

By the way, additional equipment for the walk-behind tractor will be connected to the walk-behind tractor using a towbar (for a trailer to the walk-behind tractor) and a special bracket (for attachments).

Such homemade products for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands are quite reliable and practical to use, because the whole structure turns out to be more monolithic, representing a full-fledged device with a seat and steering wheel. In terms of functionality, they are even comparable to mini tractors, which are much more expensive.

Let's additionally consider homemade products for the Neva walk-behind tractor with our own hands, since it is so popular. In particular, several options for additional equipment can be manufactured:

  • Blade for walk-behind tractor.
  • Disc type hiller, etc.


A blade is necessary not only for clearing snow in winter, but also for clearing various debris. To make it, we will need ordinary sheet metal, the thickness of which will be about 2 mm. Inside it you need to weld 4 ribs of the same steel, but about 4 mm thick.

You need to drill holes in them through which the blade with rods will be attached. It is best to sheathe the lower part of the structure with tin, which will prevent the blade from burying in the ground.


To make it, we will need a pair of ordinary metal pan lids (enameled ones will not work in this case). Their diameter should be about 500 mm. Next we sharpen the edges of the lids to grinding machine so that they penetrate the soil better.

Disc hillers need to be attached to a homemade cart with wheels. They are made from ordinary bushings and pipes welded together.

Attachments to walk-behind tractors and walk-behind cultivators, the homemade products of which can be completely made independently, come in the most various types:

  • Weeding equipment.
  • Potato diggers and potato planters.
  • Snow blowers, etc.

Homemade trailer

Trailers for walk-behind tractors and their homemade products are a fairly simple design, consisting of a regular box with sides located on a wheelbase.

For self-made trailer we need:

  • Profiled pipe 40×25 mm and 25×25 mm. It is needed for the manufacture of the coupling of the trolley with the walk-behind tractor, as well as for the manufacture of the sides - inside and under the trailer.
  • For the body, we need to make a frame structure from professional pipes 40x25 cm and 25x25 cm. The bottom of the body can be made from an ordinary piece sheet metal. Pieces of corrugated pipe need to be welded to the bottom of the body so as to form a grille. A full piece of corrugated pipe is welded on top of these edges along the entire perimeter.
  • You need to install a profiled sheet on the finished frame, which will serve as the sides. The height of each side is approximately 30 cm.
  • The tailgate needs to be folding. We use regular latches as latches, which need to be attached to both sides of the side. This side is attached to the bottom of the body using regular door hinges. On the same board you can install reflectors that act as light reflectors.
  • Wheels can be taken from Oka or Zhiguli cars - their diameter will be optimal.
  • The bridge can also be taken from the old Zhiguli. The wheels are attached to it using a pair of bearings. You can secure the bridge to the frame using pieces of pipe, up to two on each side. Some ends of the pipe are welded to the bridge, and the other to the body.

The feasibility of making a homemade trailer is quite clear, because the cost of all costs for a homemade product is about 4 thousand rubles, which is several times lower than the price of a ready-made trailer in a store.

Best homemade equipment

Homemade products with an engine from a walk-behind tractor (read do-it-yourself harrow for a walk-behind tractor) are also of some interest. Among them, the greatest interest is in the manufacture of a snowmobile. As a running gear, you can use a transport tape on which you need to attach snow hooks.

In addition, interesting are the options for manufacturing other various types of equipment from a walk-behind tractor:

  • All-terrain vehicles. The design type resembles a mini tractor, but has wheels of a higher diameter. This is necessary so that the unit can pass through the most difficult terrain.
  • Mini tractors. We have already considered this design, which includes an additional part of the frame for a second pair of wheels, as well as steering wheels and the driver’s seat.


Do-it-yourself walk-behind tractors, drawings of which can be found on the Internet, are the best solution for those who do not have the opportunity to spend extra money on purchasing additional equipment.

Considering that the savings are significant, there are a lot of people who want to make such technical means with their own hands.

Everyone knows the saying that the king is played by his retinue. Without a crowd of nobles, advisers and formidable guards, any monarch will appear to you an ordinary person. Likewise, without the addition of attachments, the most expensive walk-behind tractor is a useless piece of metal.

We will talk about the types of attachments for this type of equipment and their capabilities in this article.

The main motivation for purchasing any walk-behind tractor is tillage. The designers paid maximum attention to this task.

List of products offered for sale attachments includes:

  • plow;
  • harrow;
  • hiller (a type of plow with a V-shaped or disc-shaped plowshare);
  • cutter;
  • potato digger;
  • potato planter;
  • mower


The evolution of swing devices is embodied in the following types of devices:

  • Standard plow. A wide knife - a ploughshare of such a device - loosens the ground when plowing, cutting off the roots of weeds. A bent sheet - the blade turns over the layer of earth.

The method of attaching a standard plow to a walk-behind tractor is illustrated in Figure 1. The main parts of this device: ploughshare, blade, stand, heel, field board are visible in Figure No. 2.

  • Reversible (rotary, double-turn) plow. Two plows are mounted on a common frame at an angle of 90 or 180 degrees. Their dumps are directed towards different sides. In the working position, one of them plows the ground, and the second is located on the side. After passing the furrows, they are swapped by pressing (or removing) the latch and turning to the side. Thanks to this, the operator does not have to return to the beginning of the section each time, making an idle run.

  • Zykov's plow. An improved version of the classic plow. It differs from it in the modified geometry of the plowshare-mouldboard surface. Thanks to the modification, it turns over the soil layer well and crumbles it.

In a double-turn design and fully equipped - a beam, a wheel and a hitch bracket (price in the Russian Federation for 2018 is 17-18 thousand rubles)

Designed and produced in Ukraine, the Zykov plow is still rare in Russia. Only a few DIY enthusiasts are trying to reproduce it in home workshops.


Soil turned over by a plow is a “semi-finished product” that requires finishing. For this work, a harrow is used, which breaks down big clods and levels the soil.

There are two types of harrows:

  • Dental;
  • Disk.

Disc harrow (price about 11,000 rubles)

It should be noted that disc designs perform harrowing better and cleaner than toothed ones.


This type of attachment for walk-behind tractors is designed for loosening the soil and creating furrows during sowing, planting seedlings and weeding.

By design, hillers are:

  • single-row and double-row (with fixed and variable working width);
  • disk;
  • rotary (active);

Single-row hillers with a fixed width (25-30 cm) are designed to work with light walk-behind tractors (up to 4 hp). Variable working width and double-row installation allow you to use these devices on more powerful mechanisms and process beds of different widths with them.

Double-row hiller on a reinforced frame ( average cost 2.5-3 thousand rubles)

Disc hiller (average cost 3-4 thousand rubles)

Rotary (propeller) hillers do not require the use of a hitch, since they are installed instead of walk-behind tractor wheels. Toothed discs of a special configuration loosen the soil well and pull out weeds between the rows.

Rotary hiller OR-380 Price 2600-3000 rub.

Milling cutters

Can perform several operations:

  • loosen and level the ground;
  • crush lumps of soil and mix its layers;
  • mix fertilizers;
  • destroy weeds.

The walk-behind tractor usually comes with universal cutters equipped with saber-shaped knives. They are comfortable to work on soft soil. For dense and weed-filled soil, mechanisms called “crow's feet” are designed.

Crow's feet cutter

The high mechanical strength and special shape of the cutters allows them to loosen neglected areas, pulling out weeds by the roots. In the fall, they are used to destroy insect pests that have hid in the ground for the winter.

Potato planter and potato digger

The main crop of our fields and summer cottages– Potatoes require significant labor input when planting and harvesting. To mechanize these operations, two mounted units are used: a potato planter and a potato digger.

The first is equipped with a small plow that makes a furrow. Immediately behind it, a hopper is installed on the frame, from which the potatoes fall into the ground at regular intervals. Two inclined hiller discs attached to the back of the frame fill the bed. So, three operations are performed at once in one pass.

The KSM-1A trailed potato planter makes a furrow itself and places potatoes in it

Anyone who has dug potatoes with a shovel at least once will certainly appreciate the usefulness of this simple device. The potato digger, mounted on the hitch of a walk-behind tractor, consists of a plow with steel rods welded to it. Lifting the soil under the bushes, he carefully removes the tubers to the surface. Collecting them in a bag or box after such processing is not difficult.

Fan potato digger

In addition to fan type diggers, there are more efficient vibrating screen type diggers. They are designed for processing large areas. Such equipment is connected through a power take-off shaft, which transmits torque to the potato digger pulley, causing the working elements of the mechanism to vibrate.

Vibrating potato digger (prices for devices start at an average of 12 thousand rubles)


Mowing grass is another important work operation performed by mounted units.

Two types of mowers are produced for walk-behind tractors:

  • rotary;
  • segmental.

The rotary design is easier to maintain. The segmented one resembles a hairdressing machine. It is more complex in design, but cuts the grass cleaner than a rotary one. This type of attachment is used for mowing large lawns.

Rotary mower, average price depending on the model is 14-20 thousand rubles.

Segment mower

In addition to purely agricultural implements, walk-behind tractors are combined with other devices:

  • trailer-trolley;
  • adapter (two-wheeled cart with a seat and without a body);
  • snow blower;
  • motor pump;


Work for plot of land and on the territory of the estate is associated with the transportation of fertilizers and feed, crops and firewood. These problems can be solved using a trailer truck. It turns the walk-behind tractor into a “short-range” vehicle.

A useful option that some types of walk-behind trailers are equipped with is a tipper body, which makes unloading easier.


A useful addition to the walk-behind tractor, giving it the functions of a mini-tractor. A good adapter saves the owner from tedious walking around the site.

By design, the adapters can be steering-less (only the seat, the hitch lift lever and the brake) and equipped with a steering wheel.

This simple mechanism makes cultivating the land easier and sells for an average price of 10,000 rubles.

An adapter with a steering wheel is several times more expensive. Despite this, it fully justifies its cost if you take into account its performance capabilities.

Grader, mini-tractor, dump truck and arable unit. The functions of four mechanisms are combined in a fully equipped steering adapter (price about 32,000 rubles)

snow blower

Many owners do not lay up their walk-behind tractor in winter. With its help, you can clear large areas of the estate from snow cover. Snow removal devices mounted with it can be divided into several groups:

  • dump shovels;
  • rotary throwers;
  • brush mechanisms.

The simplest and most affordable is a dump-type device. The width of the shovel fixed to the front of the walk-behind tractor can be from 0.8 to 1.5 meters. The choice of its size depends on the power of the motor. The design of the blade allows for adjustment of the tilt and rotation angle.

Where a shovel is helpless, and this often happens with high snow drifts, a rotary snow blower will do the job. It is connected to the power take-off shaft of the walk-behind tractor. The rotary auger design has high productivity and confidently clears the area of ​​snow cover up to 50 cm high.

The brush attachment is used for cleaning areas with expensive decorative coatings that require the most careful work.

Motor pumps have been created to irrigate plots located far from power lines and close to water bodies. This type of attachment for walk-behind tractors is connected to the power take-off shaft. The average productivity of motor pumps is 20-40 m3 of liquid per hour. The created pressure reaches 4-5 meters with a suction depth of up to 10 meters.

What attachments for a walk-behind tractor can you make yourself?

It all depends on qualifications home handyman and the set of tools that he has. We advise beginners to start their experiments with the simplest designs - a fan potato digger or hiller.

The design of the device for digging potatoes is shown in the sketch. It consists of a wide bent plate (foot) welded to a vertical bipod and field bar. Teeth made of reinforcement are attached to the rear edges of the paw by welding.

It is easier to make a disk model from hillers. Its main elements - disks can be cut from the ends of old gas cylinders. They have the right shape, diameter and metal thickness.

Quite a lot of design solutions for the device itself have been invented, you can see this by watching videos of homemade people, as well as various assembly diagrams.

One example of an adjustable disc hiller

In addition to disc discs, you will need:

  • two racks made of steel strip;
  • two rolling bearings;
  • bolts for attaching the racks to the frame and adjusting the rotary sectors;
  • cross member made of profile pipe;
  • T-shaped leash.

The main condition quality work such a mechanism is the precision of manufacturing of all parts and the symmetry of the installation of disks. Otherwise, it will be pulled away from the furrow while moving.

Homemade products for walk-behind tractor (52 videos)

Super video selection of the best videos

Enjoy watching!

1. Do-it-yourself potato planter for a walk-behind tractor

Potato planter from Ildar Sunagatullin

How to make a potato planter for a walk-behind tractor (beginning)

How to make a potato planter for walk-behind tractor 2

How to make a potato planter for walk-behind tractor 3

How to make a potato planter for walk-behind tractor 4

How to make a potato planter for walk-behind tractor 5 (dimensions)

Homemade POTATO PLANTER (tests)

Homemade potato planter. I plow and plant potatoes.

2. Homemade cultivators for walk-behind tractor

Homemade hedgehog cultivators for walk-behind tractors

Homemade cultivator for a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor

Homemade inter-row cultivator for walk-behind tractor

Quick weeding cultivator

3. Homemade flat cutters for walk-behind tractors

Do-it-yourself potato row weeder for a walk-behind tractor. Flat cutter for walk-behind tractor

Flat cutter for walk-behind tractor. Capture 1 meter

2-row weeder cultivator for walk-behind tractor

4. Homemade hiller for walk-behind tractor

DIY disc hiller for walk-behind tractor

Do-it-yourself disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor. Dimensions

Hillers for planting potatoes. Great option!

Disc hillers with cultivator tines for hilling potatoes

Photo review of the creation of a disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor

5. Homemade mowers for walk-behind tractors

Homemade rotary mower for a walk-behind tractor paired with an adapter
The knives are located 1 cm higher one in relation to the other. The rotors are made of metal 3 millimeters. An additional paper air filter, half of a passenger car, is mounted in the air intake.

DO-IT-OUR-HANDS MOTOR-BLOCK MOWER (Neva MB 3 walk-behind tractor)
In this video, I will show how a rotary mower on a walk-behind tractor made from scrap metal works. Working width homemade mower is 45 cm, cutting height 3.5 cm. The rotary mower is made for the Neva MB 3 walk-behind tractor, it mows grass well at any height, both low and high.

6. Homemade lugs for walk-behind tractors

How to make lugs for a walk-behind tractor. Manufacturing process.

Mini-video about making it yourself homemade lugs to the walk-behind tractor.

7. Homemade potato digger for walk-behind tractor

The potato digger is designed for digging up root crops in a country house or personal plot. By aggregating your walk-behind tractor with a vibrating potato digger, you will greatly facilitate the process of digging up potatoes, which previously took a day of your time and will turn into an hour. In this model of potato digger, the manufacturer took into account all the shortcomings of previously released copies. In accordance with the requests of customers who previously purchased this model, changes were made to the design of the digger. Today the Poltava vibrating potato digger is the most popular model in its class, as evidenced by search queries in Yandex and Google. Manufacturer's price and delivery to any region of Ukraine will be a pleasant end to the purchase of a digger.

Characteristics of a potato digger for a walk-behind tractor:

Working width: up to 390 mm
- processing depth: up to 180 mm
- drive: belt
- soil separator: adjustable by engine speed
- dimensions, LxWxH: 900x670x570 mm
- weight: 34 kg

The simplest homemade potato digger for a fan-type walk-behind tractor. In this video I show a potato digger I made, which I have been using to dig potatoes for more than 3 years on my plot.

The potato digger is made from scrap materials for the Neva walk-behind tractor, without the use of a screen. Lightweight, simple, reliable and at minimal cost.

8. Homemade wood splitter for walk-behind tractor

Screw cleaver for walk-behind tractor

Branch chopper + wood splitter for walk-behind tractor

How to make a wood splitter

Rack splitter

9. Homemade snow blower to the walk-behind tractor

Homemade auger snow blower for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands

10. Homemade seeder for walk-behind tractor

Corn seeder for walk-behind tractor

11. Homemade trailer to the walk-behind tractor

The trailer can be attached to a car, mini tractor and walk-behind tractor

Do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor trailer

Dimensions of a trailer for a walk-behind tractor and a mini tractor with your own hands

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