The most delicious riddles about berries for kids. Riddles about berries What is a berry

Juicy beauty.
We all really like it. (Strawberry)

These berries
Finches love them very much.
Coral beads
Lucy wears one of them. (Rowan)

Two girlfriends
At first green,
Then one is red, the other is black. (Currant)

If you get the flu,
There is no better medicine for it! (Raspberries)

This plant is covered with white inflorescences,
And then it turns into little red berries.
Both birds and children love her,
The most delicious and healthy in the world. (Kalina)

Green barrels hang on the bushes,
As they ripen, they turn yellow.
Then, my friend, put it in your mouth. (Gooseberry)

So many different delicious berries.
But among them is sugar,
And boiling, and compote,
All the people are stockpiling. (Strawberry)

Delicacy of bullfinches and finches,
Delicious, purple,
They hang in violent whirlwinds. (Rowan)

It grows in swamps,
Every fruit drink drinks from it. (Cranberry)

There are a lot of vitamins.
White pearls hang on the bushes,
Rip me off they say. (Currant)

Filled with amber juice,
Pull yourself up behind the branch.
Tear and eat them, they are delicious,
Plus, pick them up for boiling. (Cherry)

Climbing along the fence
Everyone is happy!
Very tasty...(grapes)

I'm walking through the ravines
I'll never fall!
The little ones hid in the thick grass
Delicious... (Strawberry)

The tree is tall.
Wasps are flying.
Blooming... (Apricots)

The whole branch is strewn with dashing colors.
Is this a plant? (Sea ​​buckthorn)

Blue young lady hanging on a branch
Come on, rip me off
Speaks. (Plum)

What wonderful earrings for Marinka and Natasha,
Black circles
For my beloved daughter. (Currant)

There are countless types of them:
And there is yellow, red, and blue,
And at first it is green.
What kind of berry is this? (Cherries)

There are thorns on the cuttings,
There are flowers under the leaf.
Now the petals have flown around,
And the raspberry caps are ripe. (Raspberries)

The bunches are like rowan berries!
So it’s ripe... (Kalina)

All strawberry fruits
Strawberries and lingonberries,
What are they called? (Berries)

Subtle, delicate aroma,
Exudes... (Grapes)

Country Queen
I've known it to everyone for a long time.
Hiding under a leaf.
I'll rip it off.
And I'll put it in the basket,
Mom is at home to everyone's surprise
Will cook delicious brew. (Strawberry)

Early in the morning I will go out to the hill.
I'll pick small berries there
The whole basket.
How nice it is to know
That there will be cooking in winter.
Sisters are hiding under the bushes
What is this? (Strawberry)

Two twins are hanging on a branch.
They want to get in your mouth.
The whole year
We will drink compote from them. (Cherry)

That senor is striped.
Very important for a long time.
Under a hard jacket
Sugar pulp with black grain. (Watermelon)

Its fruits are different, both black and red,
Tender and soft,
The juice from them is very tasty,
Spit out the bone, my friend. (Cherry)

Picture of Berries

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Riddles about berries are not very popular among children. This is due to the fact that children do not know many of their names. However, if, along with poetic questions, you give your child a short excursion into the world of berries and tell legends about them, then a simple question-and-answer quiz will instantly turn into a most exciting game.

IN this section The best and most interesting children's riddles about berries are collected online. They are not very difficult, each riddle is possible even for kids. And the answers written under each question verse will help.

Even at night there is an ant
Will not miss his home:
Path-path until dawn
Lanterns illuminate.

Lily of the valley berries

These forest berries
Brown bears love it.
Not rowan, not viburnum,
And with thorns...

I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,
They weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is happy to bow down.
And the name was given to me by my native land.


What kind of black eye is this?
Looking at us from the grass?
Amazing thing -
Here it is, the eye, but where is the body?

Crow's eye

Little red doll,
Little white heart.

Bright red, black, white
Try ripe berries.
The rural garden is their homeland.
What is this?


Berries on a thin branch -
All vines are native children.
Eat the whole bunch and you will be happy.
This is sweet...


Not as a joke, but seriously
The bush is overgrown with thorns.
Pick some dark berries.
What kind of bush?

There was a green satin dress,
No, I didn’t like it, I chose red,
But I'm tired of this too,
I wore a blue dress.

Striped balls
They came to us with melons.
The ball tastes so sweet.
What's his name?

Balls hang on branches,
Turned blue from the heat.

Everyone knows these berries
They are replacing our medicine.
If you have a sore throat,
Drink tea at night with...

He's heavy and pot-bellied
Thick-skinned, striped,
Sweet, like honey, to the taste.
What's his name?

From the grass under the shadow of the crown
The black eye of a crow looks.

Crow's eye

On the branch there are sweets with honey filling,
And the skin on the branch is of the hedgehog type.


A flower is like a bell,
White whisk.
It does not bloom magnificently,
Does it ring - I can’t hear it.

Lily of the valley berries

On a thin thorny branch
Children in striped T-shirts.
A bush with thorns is not a rose hip,
What's his name?


Lots of dark blue beads
Someone dropped it on a bush.
Collect them in a basket.
These beads are...

The berry tastes good
But go ahead and rip it off:
A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog, -
So it’s named...

What kind of grapes are poured
Are there carved ones hidden in the leaves?
They drink their juice and eat it that way.
These bunches are...


It's easy to pick a berry -
After all, it doesn't grow very high.
Look under the leaves -
There it has matured...


Sisters in red dresses
Clinging to the pigtails.
In the summer, come into the garden here -
They ripen there...

On a green cord
Yellow bells.

Lily of the valley berries

On a thorny bush
Yellow beads.
Autumn has come quietly
And matured...

Sea ​​buckthorn

Turned sideways to the garden bed,
It was filled with red juice.
Her sister is strawberry.
What kind of berry?


Blue uniform, white lining,
It's sweet in the middle.

You will find this berry
Not in the garden, but in the swamp.
Round like a button
Little red...


Leaves are glossy
Berries - with blush,
And the bushes themselves -
Not higher than a hummock.


Low, but prickly, sweet, not odorous.
If you pick the berries, you will rip off your whole hand.


Growing in the forest under a bush
On a long stem.
There are four leaves around
And in the very depths
Blacker than night - berry
Yes, there is a strong poison in me.

Crow's eye

She was born in a swamp,
Hidden in the soft grass.
Yellow brooch -

Somewhere in the dense forest,
Behind the barbed fence,
At the treasured place
There is a magic first aid kit.
There are red pills
Hanged on a branch.

Rose hip

Riddles about berries can be solved by a child. However, we ourselves sometimes can only remember the most popular names of berries, those that are well-known. We suggest you refresh your memory on others:

  • watermelon;
  • strawberries;
  • blueberry;
  • blackberry;
  • cranberry;
  • rose hip;
  • cowberry;
  • raspberries;
  • cloudberry;
  • cherries;
  • currant;
  • strawberry;
  • grape;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • plum;
  • gooseberry.

Riddles about poisonous berries

Unfortunately, in the forest there are not only tasty and healthy berries, but also poisonous ones, which children need to know even more about than about edible ones. Let's name only the most common examples, which children are better off not even trying.

Crow's eye - single berries (very similar in appearance to blueberries) on low stems with 4-5 leaves. Very poisonous, paralyzing the heart muscle.

Wolf's bast is a small tree or shrub with oblong red-orange berries. You can’t not only try them, but even touch them, since any action can provoke poisoning.

Belladonna (Bladonna) is a bush with bright black berries with a purple tint, spherical in shape, slightly flattened on top. Very poisonous.

Lily of the valley berries are bright reddish-orange berries measuring 5-8 mm, which turn into everyone famous firsts spring flowers. These fruits are extremely poisonous: just 2-3 berries of lily of the valley can become a deadly delicacy for a child.

Legends about berries

As already mentioned in the introductory part, legends about berries will help you turn simple solving riddles into an exciting game, among which we have traditionally selected the most interesting for you.

  1. According to legend, when God drove Satan out of heaven, he tried to climb there again along the thorns of straight gooseberry trunks. But God noticed this and bent the thorned trunks. Since then, the plant's thorns have been pointing downwards and injuring anyone who touches them.
  2. Blackberries are popularly called the stingy sister of raspberries. This name comes from an ancient Russian legend, which says that a very stingy rich man lived in the same village with his two charming, but also stingy daughters. And although, because of greed, no one married his daughters anyway, he decided to play it safe and turned to the devil for help, so that he would make sure that neither the daughter nor the miser’s wealth would go to anyone. The devil agreed to help and decided to turn the beauties into thorny bushes and block off the wealth with them. He immediately bewitched his eldest daughter, turning her into a blackberry, but did not have time to get to the youngest. The Mother of God found out what was happening and protected her younger sister from the same fate by turning her into a raspberry.
  3. Once upon a time, gnomes lived in the forests next to people, they lived in calm, peace and harmony, until rumors reached people that they had untold riches. Blinded by the thirst for profit, they began to turn everything in the forest literally upside down, destroying everything in their path. The gnomes, seeking salvation, retreated further into the forest. Their strength was leaving them, their hunger was growing, but no one wanted to help them, except for a small blueberry bush. He not only fed the gnomes, but also gave them shelter, covering them with branches from the weather. In gratitude, the gnomes carried blueberries throughout the forests so that today everyone could enjoy this delicious berry.

Riddles about berries for children along with entertaining stories and legends are great entertainment for children and adults. First, solve poetic riddles about berries, and at the end of the page you will find stories that will help not only strengthen your knowledge about berries, but also diversify the riddle game in the family circle.

Riddles about poisonous berries

When walking through the forest or in the park, relaxing in nature, you need to understand that if a child sees some pretty berry, he will definitely want to taste it. No matter how much you talk about such berries, you will not achieve stronger effect than playing riddles about poisonous berries. It is especially important to know the riddles about the raven's eye berry, which is quite common and, sadly, attracts children's attention its resemblance to blueberries. You can see what it looks like in the picture next to it; you shouldn’t get close to it in the forest, but the riddles about the crow’s eye berries at the bottom of this page will explain everything to your child.

Lily of the valley berries

Lily of the valley is a flower that one cannot help but love; its small bell flowers and berries are so delicate that it seems as if they cannot harm. However, these seemingly harmless berries are poisonous! Not only children, but even adults do not expect such deceit from the lily of the valley. A game of riddles about poisonous berries must include riddles about lily of the valley berries. Forewarned is forearmed.

Legends about berries

As already mentioned, playing riddles about berries is always interesting for children, so you can not miss the moment and add a few legend stories to it.

  • A long time ago, in a deep forest near a village, there lived gnomes with untold wealth. Having learned about them, people began to look for the legendary treasures and the gnomes had to go far into the forest, fleeing from uninvited guests. The poor gnomes were starving, and no one gave them a helping hand. One day small bush blueberries sheltered them, fed them with their berries and covered them with branches from the weather. In gratitude to him, the gnomes spread blueberries throughout the forests. Now we can feast on it, solving riddles about blueberries that the gnomes themselves composed.
  • Protecting themselves from animals and birds, rosehip bushes intertwine with each other, releasing thorns and protecting the treasured medicinal fruits. They allow only the kindest children, with a pure soul, to pick their berries. Riddles about rose hips are compared to the fairy tale about the sleeping beauty: they are just as humbly waiting for their savior.
  • A small swallow descended from the sky, carrying a few drops in its beak magic water, which could make people immortal. An evil wasp, who knows no good, envied her and stung her, and the swallow dropped droplets on the tree and lingonberries, so now they always remain green. This is how the riddle about lingonberries and their leaves is interpreted.
  • Many thousands of years ago, the Earth and the Sun wanted to create the perfect berry that would ripen in just one day. This is how grapes appeared. The one that ripened by dawn became pink, the golden rays of the sun helped the yellow grapes to ripen by midday, and the one that ripened later than the others became velvety blue, like the night itself.

Leaves are glossy
Berries - with blush,
And the bushes themselves -
Not higher than a hummock.

For compote and jam
We are not too lazy to collect it.
Hands are red, cheeks too,
We look like Indians.
Here a bucket will not be superfluous -
Look how much ripe...

In the clearing they ripen in the summer,
You can pick them in a bouquet,
There are two sisters under the leaf,

When the spring melts
The snow will come down from the swamps,
She's like scarlet beads
Dot the banks.

Two sisters are green in summer,
By autumn one turns red,
The other one turns black.

A bush grows
berry pantry,
White, red,
Black ones are sweet!

On a thorny bush
Yellow beads.
Autumn has come quietly
And matured...
Sea ​​buckthorn

Who doesn’t know those berries?
Helps against colds.
They hang on the bushes
And, like poppies, they burn.
Only it's not raspberries.
What kind of berry?

With a tail like a pig, striped like a zebra, with seeds like a sunflower.

Speckled hen
He is sulking under the fence.

Low and prickly;
Sweet, not smelly.
Pick the berries -
You'll rip off your whole hand.

They replace medicine
Everyone has known about this for a long time,
In gardens, forests and swamps,
Everyone collects them eagerly!

You will find this berry
Not in the garden, but in the swamp.
Round like a button
Little red...

What kind of dense forest is this?
All covered in prickly needles,
What kind of miracle is this bush?
The berries are ripening on it
Tell me, gardener,
What is growing here?...

What kind of bead is here?
Hanging from the stem?
If you look, your mouth will water,
And if you bite through it, it’s sour!

Angel flowers,
And the claws are devilish.
Rose hip

Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet flame.
Unbend the stems -
Collecting lights.

They went out into the clearing together
red lumps,
Each with a small roof -

On a thin thorny branch
Children in striped T-shirts.
A bush with thorns is not a rose hip,
What's his name? -...

Berries in the forest, on hummocks,
They hide in leaves.
Everyone has a blue tunic...
What are we looking for? ...

Although he is striped,
But, however, he’s not a mustache.
Even though it has its own tail,
But short and dry.
His sides are round
Like a bun.
And since great-grandfather's times
He is everyone's favorite with a sweet tooth.
Who is this little guy?
How do you think? ...

You can barely hug this fruit,
If you're weak, you won't be able to rise,
Cut it into pieces,
Eat the red pulp.

The sun is shining
Pearls fill
Aroma, sweetness,
Vitamin joy,
Among the leaves and vines,
Sings in clusters...

I'm almost raspberry's sister,
Only in a blue blouse.
I also have vitamins,
I also have bones.

The long-legged one boasts -
Am I not beautiful?
But it itself is a bone,
Yes, a red blouse.

In the spruce forests,
In the pine forests
Ravenberry is growing,
It blooms in May.
Very tasty and black,
She treats vision.

He sighs very heavily -
So the poor thing got fat,
What green vest
I had a hard time putting it on myself.

Berries are not sweetness
But it's a joy to the eye
And decoration for the gardens,
And a treat for the blackbirds.

Queen of the berries of the garden -
Gardeners called it that
And it turns golden
Black, red and fragrant!

Not as a joke, but seriously
The bush is overgrown with thorns.
Pick some dark berries.
What kind of bush?

Under a leaf on every branch
Little children are sitting.
The one who gathers the children
He'll stain his hands and his mouth.

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