Download the working draft of the Transneft communication network. Cable duct project

Telephone installation of offices, buildings, new buildings and other facilities involves the creation of a modern telecommunications system with wide capabilities for transmitting voice information both inside the office (implemented using a mini-PBX) and outside it (connection from the network of OJSC MGTS or other telecom operators).

Telephone installation involves carrying out a full range of works on installing telephones in buildings and structures and includes:

1) getting all necessary documents, namely, in the process of developing a telephone installation project for a new building, the following work is performed:
  • Obtaining technical specifications for installing telephones at a facility in technical department OJSC "MGTS"
  • Work in technical accounting of the telephone exchange of OJSC "MGTS" with technical documentation to select the optimal route for laying cables in the telephone sewer
  • Development of a project for external telephone networks taking into account the technical conditions and requirements of OJSC MGTS
  • Development of a project for an internal telephone network taking into account the technical conditions and requirements of OJSC MGTS
  • Obtaining all necessary approvals for the delivery of the external and internal telephone networks project.

2) If telephone installation of the facility requires telephone sewer design, the following work is performed:

  • Order a geobase from the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest"
  • Registration of permission to work with technical documentation in the technical records of OJSC MGTS
  • Work in technical accounting of the telephone exchange of OJSC "MGTS" with technical documentation to select the optimal route for the construction of telephone sewerage
  • Development of a cable sewer route (part of a telephone sewer project), installation of wells (subject to the availability of a consolidated network plan and technical specifications of the operating organization)
  • Production of longitudinal profiles for cable ducting (part of the telephone ducting project)
  • Development of a telephone sewer project
  • Obtaining approvals from related organizations, the operating organization, OJSC "MGEC", OJSC "Rostelecom", District Administrations, DEZ, GUIS, the department of underground structures (OPS) in the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest", etc. Approval of the telephone sewerage project in the technical accounting of OJSC "MGTS".

Thus, telephone installation project includes sections:

  • internal telephone network;
  • external telephone networks;
  • telephone sewer.

In the current development environment, telephone exchanges often issue technical specifications for removal of line-cable structures from the construction area, which requires the development of an additional project for the removal of LCS. The scope of work on the removal of line-cable structures is comparable to the scope of work on installing telephones at the facility, and, as a rule, includes the following sections:

  • removal of external telephone networks;
  • telephone sewer.

Our company, GK OKS LLC, also performs this work. Design and approval of a telephony project requires design organization licenses of the FSB of the Russian Federation to work with information constituting a state secret. Having a license from the FSB of the Russian Federation and permission from OJSC MGTS to work with technical documentation significantly speeds up the release of the project.

3) Creation of a communication infrastructure at the property in order to provide residents/tenants with access to local telephone communications via a wire line. Work to create communication infrastructure at the site includes supplying backbone and distribution networks to a residential building/office building, creating new and strengthening existing cable entries. To connect to the network, a fiber-optic communication line, copper cable, etc. can be used.

See an example of a telephone installation project below.

The result of work on installing telephones in buildings and structures is the receipt of a Certificate of Acceptance of Telephone Installation.

Telephone installation of objects is one of the leading activities of our company. LLC "GK OKS" undertakes organizational and technical measures for installing telephones in buildings and structures with the provision of an acceptance certificate for telephone installation in the IGASN form. An individual scheme of work with each Client is used.

In accordance with MRR- “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow" and MRR- "Standards for the duration of design of construction projects in the city of Moscow" average estimated cost telephony design is:

  • design of an internal telephone network (Internal telephone network project) – 56,000 rub.
  • design of a structured cable network (SCS Project) - 65,000 rub.
  • design of an external telephone network (including design of a telephone sewer system, Project External Telephony Networks) – 65,000 rubles.
  • removal of networks from the construction zone (Project Removal of line-cable structures from the construction zone) – 90,000 rubles.
  • design of laying a fiber optic cable (VOK Project) – 85,000 rubles.

For efficient and high-quality telephone installation of facilities, specialists from GC OKS LLC design and install analog and digital office telephone exchanges (mini-PBX, PBX).
It is difficult to imagine a modern business without effectively organized telephony. The telephone is a convenient compromise between a personal meeting and distant correspondence. For many, it is psychologically more comfortable to talk to a person on the phone than to look him in the eyes. The heart of telephony in any company is the office mini-PBX (), which connects employees with each other and with the outside world.

Mini-PBXs are divided into:

  • analogue PBXs (description of analogue mini-PBX >>>);
  • digital IP-PBX (description of digital mini-PBX >>>).

Functionality of mini PBX:

  • automatic (without operator) operation of mini PBX;
  • local conversation "everyone with everyone" without occupying a city line;
  • conference - simultaneous conversation of several internal and city subscribers;
  • automatic selection of a free city line when entering the city;
  • message about the release of the city line;
  • auto dial mode;
  • call forwarding;
  • "Director - Secretary" mode;
  • selection of telephones that respond to external calls;
  • different ring for external and internal calls;
  • selective installation of bans on exiting the city or intercity;
  • remote listening of premises;
  • connecting an answering machine, fax, modem;
  • registration and management of the PBX via a computer;
  • loud notification to employees.

The group of companies "United Integrated Systems" offers a comprehensive supply of equipment for telephony facilities (

This working draft is based on:

Technical conditions of the Leningrad regional branch of OJSC "NWT" No. 03-009/1372 dated April 14, 2008

Initial data provided by the customer.

The project was carried out in accordance with VSN 60-89 “Communication, signaling and dispatching equipment for residential and public buildings" Design standards, RD45.120-2000 “Technological design standards”, GOST 21.406-88 “Wired communications. Conventional graphic designations on diagrams and plans”, SNiP 2.08.01-89* “Residential buildings”, PUE “Rules for the installation of electrical installations”, as well as existing safety provisions.

Telephonization. External networks

This project provides:

    Construction of a 2-hole telephone sewer from the existing one. No. 255 to the designed residential building No. 1, with the installation of one viewing device type KKS-2, on which to install reinforced type bottom covers with a “Crab” locking device. The construction of telephone sewerage is carried out using asbestos-cement pipes d=100 mm.

    Construction of a 2-hole telephone sewer from the existing one. No. 216 to the designed residential building No. 2. The construction of telephone sewerage is carried out using asbestos-cement pipes d=100 mm.

    Construction of a 2-hole telephone sewer from the existing one. No. 251 to the designed residential building No. 3. The construction of telephone sewerage is carried out using asbestos-cement pipes d=100 mm.

    Laying of the fiber-optic cable VOK-48 from the telephone exchange premises at the address: Tikhvin, 3 microdistrict, no. 23 to terminal No. 212, in which install an optical coupling type MOGU-M-01-IV and then laying 3- x 16-fiber cables to telecommunication cabinets in each residential building (according to the diagram) - in the existing telephone sewer, then in the designed telephone sewer before entering into the residential building being telephoned.

    The construction of telephone sewerage, cable laying, installation of couplings and electrical measurements should be carried out in accordance with RD 45.120-2000.

Occupational health, safety and industrial sanitation measures.

During production construction work for installation of equipment and laying of cables, compliance with safety regulations must be ensured in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-4-80 and POT RO 45-009-2003 (St. Petersburg, 2003).

Design solutions ensure fire safety while observing the measures provided for in the working drawings.

When working in wells, it is necessary to check the presence of gas in the well where the work will be done and in all wells adjacent to it. Wells must be ventilated before work begins.

Before starting work in the cable entry room, the air must be tested for the presence of hazardous gases using a gas analyzer. Use blowtorches gas burners and welding machines are permitted after it has been established that there are no explosive gases in the room. Smoking is prohibited in the cable entry room!

Due to the absence of harmful emissions, environmental protection measures are not provided for in this project.

typically constitutes 10 to 25 percent of all outdoor communications network designs. The design and engineering company V-GRAND is engaged in the design of external communication systems that are necessary at any facility under construction. Our specialists can quickly and efficiently develop and create a project. External networks in accordance with all government regulations and standards.

Development of a project for external communication networks

All external networks are divided into two types: on-site and external engineering.

When creating a project for two types of external networks, two different contractors are usually involved. The V-GRAND company will undertake the work on site research, development and creation of project documentation.

Communication systems are communications through which facilities for various purposes can provide access to electronic communication systems and other networks. To develop a system design, specialists collect data. Which are necessary for subsequent design.

Our company’s specialists also perform such work as: .

V-GRAND company designers make terms of reference, and then the decision on the design of external networks. The documentation contains requirements for the operation of the network and its technical specifications, security levels, etc.

The data obtained helps our specialists develop all necessary requirements. Network equipment and purchased materials that will be used for communication devices.

The documentation should also contain information about the intended development of the outdoor system being created. It contains information about the placement of all communication networks, as well as its individual elements at the facility under construction.

Specialists when creating a project for laying utility networks. Develop diagrams and drawings of the area where the entire external engineering network will be located. Since they are long, they can pass through neighboring areas. Land owners must give permission for cables to be laid on their land. All information about the area must have topographical and geological information. Which will affect the future route of external communications.

Please note: .

8. Cable duct project

The cable duct project, unlike the backbone and distribution network, is carried out at stage II. This is due to the fact that it is not economically feasible to open up the street covers and add the required number of pipes during the development of the network by stage II.

1) Let us mark the boundaries of the district and blocks on the diagram. Let us designate the installation location of RATS-3. Let us designate the places of supply of SL from RATS-1, RATS-2, AMTS and AL from UA. Let us designate the installation location of the UPBX. Let us designate the installation locations of all RS (without indicating the boxes in them).

2) We will design the routes of the main and interstation cable ducts (i.e. from all RS, places of supply of lines from other RATS and AL from UA to the designed RATS-3). Let's put them on the diagram in the form of the corresponding symbol.

With a capacity of RATS-3 of less than 10 thousand numbers, the KK route is connected to the station from one side. When the capacity of RATS-3 is 10 thousand numbers or more (as in our case), the routes are brought to the station from both sides at an angle of 90 ° and are connected to each other by backup channels.

3) We indicate on the diagram the installation locations of branching, corner, cabinet and walk-through cable ducts.

4) Let us designate the sections of the cable duct, indicate on the diagram the section number, the number of channels and the length of the section. For designation, an arrow is used, which is placed at the far (relative to RATS-3) end of the section and is directed towards its beginning. The site number is indicated above the arrow. The length of the section is opposite the arrow or below the line indicating the cable route. The number of channels is under the arrow.

The number of channels in each section is determined as a result of subsequent calculations.

The sequence of numbering of sections is chosen arbitrarily.

The lengths of the sections are determined directly from the diagram, taking into account the scale.

5) Let us determine in tabular form for each section the required number of channels, the number of pipes (in channel-kilometers), the number and type of KK wells.

The number of main channels is determined by the ratio rounded to a larger integer

where N II MP is the number of pairs in the main cable passing through a given section;

N MP/channel - the number of trunk pairs per channel, depending on the capacity of RATS-3 at stage II and determined from the table.

Table 8.1 - Dependence of the number of trunk pairs per channel on the capacity of RATS-3

Capacity RATS-3 £3k £5k £7k £8k > 8 thousand
Number of trunk pairs per channel 300 350 400 450 500

The inconvenience of calculating the number of main cable channels is that the design of the main network was carried out according to stage I, and the cable duct is designed according to stage II. Therefore, you cannot directly use the backbone network diagram. It is necessary to take into account what capacity the trunk cables will have at stage II (N II MP/RSh).

The number of wells for various purposes in a given area is determined directly from the cable duct diagram.

The type of well in a given area is determined based on the maximum possible number of channels introduced into a well of this type.

Table 8.2 -Maximum number of channels introduced into wells

Well type


number of channels

Well type Maximum number of channels
KKS-1 1 KKS-5 24
KKS-2 2 KKSS-1 36
KKS-3 6 KKSS-2 48
KKS-4 12

6) On the cable duct diagram we indicate the types of wells specific for each section.

7) Let us determine the required number of channels, pipes, number and type of KK wells for the cable duct scheme. Capacity of RATS-3 = 14 thousand numbers.

For a given RATS-3 capacity, taking into account the data in Table 12.1, N mp/channel = 500.

For sections with a main cable capacity of 500´2 (5th, 30th, 12th, etc.), the number of main channels according to formula (8.1): N channel = 500: 500=1.

For sections with a main cable capacity of 1000´2 (6th, 10th, etc.), the number of main channels according to formula (8.1): N channel = 1000: 500 = 2.

For sections where the subscriber cable runs from the TZG type UA (26th, 25th, etc.), we provide one main channel, regardless of the presence of other subscriber cables.

For sections where interstation cables of the OKL type pass (9th, 10th, 11th, etc.), regardless of their number, we accept the number of channels for connecting lines equal to 2.

For sections where the inter-office cable from UPBX type TPPep-10´2 (25th, 20th, etc.) passes, regardless of the presence of other inter-office cables, we use one channel for connecting lines.

The number of distribution, spare and special-purpose channels is taken equal to 1 for all sections.

Table 8.3

Plot number Section length, m Cable brand Projected number of channels Number of pipes, Number of wells type
Mag. Ras. SL Zap. S/N Total kan×km KKS-3 KKS-4 KKS-5
1 380 OKL - 1 1 1 1 4 1,52 3 - -
2 80 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,32 1 - -
3 80 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,32 1 - -
4 80 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,32 1 - -
5 80 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,32 1 - -
6 320 TPPep-1000´2 2 1 - 1 1 5 1,6 3 - -
7 90 TPPep-1000´2 TPPep-1000´2 22 1- -- 1- 1- 7 0,63 - 1 -
8 670 TPPep-1000´2ТPPep-1000´2ОКЛ 1 1 8 5,36 - 6 -
9 280 OKL - 1 1 1 1 4 1,12 3 - -
10 330 6 1,98 3 - -
11 170 8 1,36 - 2 -
12 70 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,28 1 - -
13 70 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,28 1 - -
14 70 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,28 1 - -
15 70 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,28 1 - -
16 70 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,28 1 - -
17 500




9 4,5 - 4 -
18 80




10 0,8 - 1 -
19 70 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,28 1 - -
20 400






13 5,2 - - 3
21 70 TPP-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,28 1 - -
22 100 7 0,7 - 1 -
23 500 6 3,0 4 - -
24 70 TPP-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,28 1 - -
25 290


5 1,45 3 - -
26 200 TZG 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,8 1 - -
27 80 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,32 1 - -
28 80 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,32 1 - -
29 80 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,32 1 - -
30 80 TPPep-500´2 1 1 - 1 1 4 0,32 1 - -
31 780 TPPep-1000´2 TPPep-1000´2 7 4,68 - 6 -
32 300 TPPep-1000´2 2 1 - 1 1 5 1,5 2 - -
33 340


6 2,04 3 - -
34 300

DPV, thanks for the answer, but the PP is needed for the communication section of the regulation 87 with the subheadings:
The subsection "Communication networks" of section 5 should contain:
in the text part
1. Information about the capacity of the connected communication network of the capital construction facility to

2. Characteristics of the designed structures and communication lines, including linear
cable, - for industrial facilities.
3. Characteristics of the composition and structure of structures and communication lines.
4. Information on technical, economic and information conditions for joining
communication networks public use.
5. Justification of the method by which communications network connections are established (on
local, intrazonal and intercity levels).
6. Location of connection points and technical parameters at connection points of communication networks.
7. Justification of traffic accounting methods.
8. List of measures to ensure interaction between management systems and technical operation, including justification of the method of organizing interaction between control centers of the connected communication network and the public communication network, interaction of synchronization systems.
9. List of measures to ensure the sustainable functioning of communication networks, including
including in emergency situations.
10. Description of technical solutions for information protection (if necessary).
11. Characteristics and justification of the adopted technical solutions in relation to
technological communication networks designed to support production activities at a capital construction site, control technological production processes (internal communication system, clock connection, radio connection (including local warning systems in areas where potentially hazardous objects are located), television monitoring systems technological processes and security television surveillance) - for industrial facilities.
12. Description of the intercom system, clock, radio, television - for
non-production objects.
13. Justification of the switching equipment used, which allows accounting of outgoing traffic at all connection levels.
14. Characteristics of the adopted local computer network (if any) - for industrial facilities.
15. Justification of the selected communication line route to the established one technical specifications point of connection, including overhead and underground sections. Determination of the boundaries of security zones of communication lines, based on special conditions of use.
in the graphic part
p) circuit diagrams communication networks, local area networks (if available) and
other low-current networks at a capital construction site.
c) plans for the placement of terminal equipment, other technical, radio-electronic
means and high-frequency devices (if available).
r) communication network plan.
The essence of the request was to write in these subparagraphs what the experts want to see. The facility itself is a modern communications center.

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