DIY benches from old chairs. What can be made from old chairs

The appearance of furniture may become unpresentable over time. In addition, it sometimes breaks down and requires repair. Restore a chair that can still serve long years, not difficult at all. Sometimes it is only necessary to update the surface - change the upholstery or make the seat more durable. For restoration, many materials are available in the house - a piece of thick fabric, foam rubber, etc. The updated chair, covered with a beautiful varnish, looks no less neat than when purchased.

The appearance of furniture may become unpresentable over time.

A chair that is updated at home can be designed better than it looked before. Restoration requires a minimum of materials and tools. Replacing holey or worn upholstery is a matter of one hour.

If the chair is antique, then it must be restored very carefully.

You can clean it yourself wooden surface old furniture and cover with a transparent or tinted composition, adding new elements to the decor. For example, a chair is made with carved legs or a back, the seat is reinforced to further for a long time use it for its intended purpose.

For restoration, many materials are available in the house - a piece of thick fabric, foam rubber, etc.

The cost of restoration at home is minimal. Before buying a new chair, think about whether it is possible to restore the old one and save a lot of money. Restoration antique furniture It is especially expensive because it requires great care and exclusive materials. Updating furniture on your own will cost much less.

The updated chair, covered with a beautiful varnish, looks no less neat than when purchased.

Restoration process: step-by-step instructions

If the “original” bolts connecting the supporting structure become loose, they are strengthened with an additional washer. For greater reliability, you can add a little universal glue to the grooves.

Replace the sea grass and horsehair used in the old days as fillers with foam rubber.

A leaky seat is updated by replacing the base with slats and/or the upholstery is completely restored. The worn surface is freed from old material. The chair is prepared for further restoration:

  • cut a piece of plywood to fit the seat;
  • glue foam rubber onto the base (width - 3-4 cm);
  • fix the plywood around the perimeter;
  • pull upholstery fabric on a finished base;
  • secure the material with a stapler and staples.

A chair that is updated at home can be designed better than it looked before.

You can completely replace the back with a curly one, if the design allows.

You don't have to place the fabric on the outer sides of the seat. Then the upholstery is folded inward around the perimeter. The seat frame will be visible.

The fabric chosen is resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress, and quite dense.

Replacing holey or worn upholstery is a matter of one hour.

When updating, you can use the most different materials. With good carpentry skills, the restored chair acquires individual style. This takes into account the material - wood type, density, texture.

You can independently clean the wooden surface of old furniture and cover it with a transparent or tinted composition, or introduce new elements into the decor.

The chairs included in the set must be decorated in the same style.

If the chair is antique, then it must be restored very carefully. Be sure to give the applied composition time to dry.

For an antique chair choose decorative material with embroidery.

For your information. Antique chairs often have springs in the seat area, so you will need to find the same or similar ones, and remove old ones that have rusted and lost their elasticity. Replace the sea grass and horsehair used in the old days as fillers with foam rubber.

The cost of restoration at home is minimal.

Round the edges using a jigsaw and sand the edges with sandpaper.

Required materials and tools

To restore the chairs you will need the following:

  • quick-drying varnish (clear or tinted);
  • dye;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • foam;
  • plywood;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal washers and bolts (screws);
  • springs (for a specific type of chair).

Sandpaper will be needed to clean the surface of the furniture from uneven surfaces, chips and cracks in the varnish.

The fabric chosen is resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress, and quite dense. Tapestry, flock, matting, etc. are suitable. For an antique chair, choose decorative material with embroidery.

Updating furniture on your own will cost much less.

Select the wooden base according to its density and texture in advance, cut it to size and use a pattern to create the desired design.

Sandpaper will be needed to clean the surface of the furniture from uneven surfaces, chips and cracks in the varnish. It is necessary to completely sand the chair ( wooden structure) for smooth application of the laminating composition.

For major repairs, the chair can be disassembled, the broken parts replaced with new ones and fastened with bolts or screws.

To update the chair, you need the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • wood saw (saw off excess plywood under the seat);
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver.

For greater reliability, you can add a little universal glue to the grooves.

For major repairs, the chair can be disassembled, the broken parts replaced with new ones and fastened with bolts or screws. Seat frames also often require restoration.

Seat frames also often require restoration.

A Viennese chair or any other looks best in this design.

Important! It is necessary to use wood species that are similar in density and texture so that the chair is functional and looks presentable.

A leaky seat is updated by replacing the base with slats and/or the upholstery is completely restored.

Methods of restoration by decorating a chair

There are several design options appearance furniture. The chair can be updated in the following ways:

  • coloring;
  • lamination;
  • decoupage

It is necessary to use wood species that are similar in density and texture so that the chair is functional and looks presentable.

As decoration, you can use both the upholstery itself, choosing a fabric of interesting colors like a tapestry, and other parts of the furniture, making them carved and figured.

You don't have to place the fabric on the outer sides of the seat.

A plain seat is decorated with smooth embroidery or appliqué. This must be done before starting the sheathing.

A plain seat is decorated with smooth embroidery or appliqué.

Wooden surface supporting structure and the back is laminated, that is, covered with durable varnish in several layers. The tone of the coating is selected closer to the natural shade of the wood (light, dark or moderate). A Viennese chair or any other looks best in this design.

A restored chair can be further decorated - make the wooden surface lighter or darker, or design the back or legs differently.

You can completely replace the back with a curly one, if the design allows. Select the wooden base according to its density and texture in advance, cut it to size and use a pattern to create the desired design. Round the edges using a jigsaw and sand the edges with sandpaper.

The wooden surface of the supporting structure and the back are laminated, that is, covered with durable varnish in several layers.

The chairs included in the set must be decorated in the same style so that they do not stand out from the overall picture - “different-sized” furniture can look good in different rooms, but at a common table, for example, when celebrating a family occasion, it looks careless.

When updating, you can use a variety of materials.

VIDEO: Chair restoration: How to make a chair with your own hands. Master class from Katerina Sanina: design, interior

There can be a great many reasons to renew old chairs or decorate new ones with your own hands. This includes the need to adapt furniture to the interior, the desire to correct design flaws, to restore chairs inherited from a grandmother or found for next to nothing at a flea market. In this material we will talk about 4 ways to transform your “four-legged friends” (including office and garden chairs) beyond recognition, and we will also present 70 cool photo ideas for alterations.

Method 1: Painting a chair

Even the most old-fashioned or simply ordinary chair, say, a “Viennese” wooden, plastic, folding or office chair, can be transformed by painting. The main thing here is to choose the right color. Here are some inspiring examples where color alone saved furniture from ending up in a landfill.

Old Viennese chair before and after renovation

A few more examples of remaking the most common Viennese chairs made of bent beech, which can be found in almost every home or cottage.

Here are a few cool ideas painting stools.

Inspired? Then let's get to practice!

To paint the chair you will need:

  • Acrylic paint, or preferably chalk paint, in one or more colors;
  • Synthetic flat brushes (separately for primer, paint and varnish);
  • Protective gloves (better to buy at a pharmacy);
  • Primer for wood/metal (depending on the frame material);
  • Wax or matte varnish (polyurethane or acrylic);
  • Medium to fine grit sandpaper.

How to paint a chair with your own hands:

  1. Prepare the chair for painting: wash it to remove any rough dirt and dust, then sand it with medium-grit sandpaper to remove the top layer of old varnish or paint. The surface should be slightly rough.

  • If you want to update a metal chair, then it is not necessary to sand it (although it is safer to sand off the top gloss), but before priming/painting, the frame must be degreased with white spirit.
  • Also, you can avoid the tedious sanding step if you use chalk paint, but you won’t be able to do without a primer.
  • If your chair is varnished, it can be removed special means for removing varnish.
  1. If the chair has any damage, such as scratches, chips or cracks, fill them with furniture putty.

  1. Wipe the chair from dust, wait for it to dry and apply two layers of primer to the entire frame, allowing each layer to dry for about a day. Between layers, it is advisable to sand the primer with fine-grained sandpaper (no. 220 is suitable).
  2. Take a new brush and paint the chair in 2-3 layers, allowing each layer to dry completely. Make sure that the paint does not smudge.

  • If you want to paint a chair with a distressed effect, then first apply a dark paint, say dark gray or dark blue, to some places (for example, the edges of the seat, back and armrests), and then cover them with wax. Next, you should paint the chair with the main paint in 2-3 layers. And finally, lightly work with fine-grained sandpaper to expose the dark “substrate”.

  • Do you want to achieve the effect of a perfect factory paint job? Then be patient: each layer of primer and paint (except for the finishing layers) will have to be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. This way the coating will be as smooth and reliable as possible.
  • To paint only certain parts or parts of the chair, use masking tape.
  1. Treat the chair with wax or matte varnish. Voila, your “four-legged friend” has found a new life!

Helpful Tips:

  • Don't know what color to paint your chair? You can't go wrong if you paint it white, because this color is the most universal and goes well with any bright upholstery;
  • Before painting, you can glue the stucco decor to the back of the chair using wood glue;
  • Achieve the effect of a very old and dirty chair in Provence style, you can use dark brown wax;
  • Chalk paints are a relatively new type of paint that are not yet widely available. However, we recommend using it, because due to its thickness, increased adhesive properties and super-fast drying (in 30 minutes), it saves a lot of time and effort. In Russia, you can purchase chalk paints from designer Daria Geiler, and in Kazakhstan – from Vernenskaya Manufactory. You can also always order paints from foreign manufacturers - Annie Sloan and Rustoleum.

This video master class will help you better figure out how to paint an old chair with your own hands.

Method 2. Seat reupholstery

Most often, if a chair has a soft seat, then painting the frame is not enough to completely update it - you need to change the upholstery. Here are some photo examples of how reupholstering a seat can turn an old chair into a stylish piece of decor.

Office chair before and after painting, replacing the back and seat upholstery

By the way, if your chair or stool does not have a soft seat, then you can make it yourself: first cut the MDF base exactly to the shape of the seat, then follow our master class, upholster it and, finally, screw it to the chair frame with self-tapping screws.

To make a soft seat for a stool, just glue the foam rubber directly to the base, and then cover it with fabric, driving the stapler staples into inner side seats.

Stool with homemade upholstery

To work you will need:

  • Anti-stapler (or its alternative);
  • Furniture stapler and staples no higher than the thickness of the seat base;
  • Textile;
  • Foam rubber about 4 cm thick;
  • Batting or padding polyester;
  • Scissors;
  • Serrated bread knife (with teeth);
  • Screwdriver.

How to reupholster a chair with your own hands:

  1. First we need to remove the seat from the chair frame using a nail puller or a screwdriver.
  2. We remove the old upholstery using an anti-stapler and remove the filling if it is worn out (if it is in good condition, then it can be reused). Next, wipe the base of the seat from dust and dirt.
  • If the wooden base of the seat seems too old and unreliable, use it as a template to cut out a new seat from plywood.
  1. We place the seat on the foam rubber, trace its outline and cut it out.

  1. We cut the fabric and batting in such a size that they can be wrapped around all sides of the seat (along with foam rubber), leaving 10-15 cm free. This excess is needed to make it more convenient to stretch the material.
  2. So, we have four blanks: base, foam rubber, batting/sintepon and fabric. Now we need to put it all into a sandwich. First of all, we spread the batting, put foam rubber on it, and on the foam rubber - the base of the seat, wrong side up. Next, we simply fold the edges of the batting over the seat and, slightly stretching the material, fix it with a stapler. The corners of the batting can be cut off, or you can simply bend them and fasten them in the same way.

How to restore a chair seat

  1. Once all the batting is attached to the seat, trim off any excess batting.

  • If desired, the foam rubber can be pre-glued to the base or stapled around the perimeter, retreating 5 mm from the edge of the seat.
  1. The most crucial moment has come - the stage of reupholstering the seat with fabric. Spread the fabric with the wrong side up and place the seat on it. Next, fold the edges of the fabric along one side and secure with a stapler. Now lightly stretch the fabric over the opposite side of the seat and secure it with a stapler.

Repeat the procedure on the remaining two sides and start decorating the corners - they need to be wrapped as shown in the photo below.

Chair after restoration

  1. We return the seat to its place and fix it with the “original” fasteners.

Helpful Tips:

  • The soft seat of the chair can be additionally decorated with furniture nails around the perimeter.
  • The upholstery fabric should be selected in accordance with the style of the chair. For example, traditional jacquard fabric is not suitable for a modern chair, and a classic chair with an elegant back is unlikely to “make friends” with fabric with a newfangled geometric print.
  • The same fabric from which your curtains are made is ideal for upholstering a chair. In the interior, such a coincidence will look very harmonious.
  • The print on the fabric can echo the carved crossbars as shown in the photo below.

For a more visual master class on upholstering the seat of an old chair, watch this video.

Method 3. Decoupage a chair with paper

Do you want to decorate a chair with a cool print or cover up minor defects like scratches and stains with patterns? This can be done using the decoupage technique.

Chair decoupage idea

Chair decoupage idea

Chair decoupage idea

Chair decoupage idea

You will need:

  • Any paper with the desired print, for example, it can be multi-layer napkins, pages from magazines and books, geographic Maps, posters, wallpapers, etc.;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brushes 2 pcs (for applying glue and varnish);
  • Scissors;
  • Transparent matte acrylic or polyurethane varnish;
  • Water (if necessary);
  • Roller for working with large formats.

How to update chairs using decoupage technique:

Step 1. Clean the chair from dirt and stains, paint if necessary, following the first instructions in the article.

Step 2. Cut out the fragment that you need from the selected printing. The workpiece can be either large (for example, in the shape of the seat and back) or very small.

  • If you use napkins, you first need to separate the top layer with the pattern and only then cut it out.
  • If you want to cover the entire chair, including the legs, the paper needs to be chaotically torn into small pieces of approximately 10x10 cm, as shown in the following photo slider.

  • To decoupage the back and seat, they need to be removed from the chair frame using a screwdriver, and then used as a template for cutting the workpiece (see photo below).

Step 3. Generously coat the area you want to decorate with PVA glue and place your design on it, then smooth with a brush with the remaining glue, releasing all air bubbles and smoothing out the folds.

  • If the cut out print is small, then it is better to apply glue not to the chair, but to the back side of the workpiece itself.
  • If the paper is very thick, then you need to moisten it a little in water - this will make it more flexible.

  • A top layer of glue is not necessary, but is often desirable (it should be thin in any case).

Step 4. Repeat step 3 with the other parts of the chair and leave the glue to dry for about a day.

Step 5. Cover the decorated areas or the entire chair with 4 layers of clear varnish, allowing each layer to dry completely. Ready!

Method 4. Decoupage a chair with fabric

It would seem that there is no other way to radically modify a chair with your own hands other than by painting. In fact, there is another cool way - decoupage with fabric.

  • A chair updated in this way will last a surprisingly long time, even under heavy loads. And if individual threads come out of the fabric along the edges of the chair, you can simply cut them off and treat them with a layer of PVA glue.

Decoupage idea for an old chair

You will need:

  • Textile;
  • Wooden chair;
  • PVA glue or special glue for decoupage;
  • A sharp stationery or breadboard knife;
  • Brush for applying glue.

How to update a chair using decoupage technique:

Step 1. Using a screwdriver, remove the back and seat from the chair. If you want to paint the chair, do it before taking it apart.

Step 2. Spread the fabric on a flat surface, place the seat on it and trace it along the contour, stepping back about 2.5 cm from the edge, then cut out the blank.

Step 3: Cover the outside of your seat with PVA glue, then lay the fabric over it and smooth it out. Once the fabric is straight, coat it with PVA glue and leave to dry overnight.

Step 4: Once the fabric is dry, make sure it is completely stiff. Next, trim the excess fabric with a sharp knife exactly along the edges of the seat.

Step 5. Now coat the perimeter of the seat with PVA glue again to prevent wear around the edges.

Step 6: Repeat steps 2-5 with the chair back and other parts you want to decorate and finally put the chair back together. The main condition for successful restoration of a chair is that the pattern must accurately repeat the shape of the surface being decorated.

Here are some more photo ideas for decorating a chair with fabric.

Decoupage of an office chair with fabric with additional protection with polyurethane varnish

Stool decoupage ideas

Sometimes old unnecessary things can be turned into decent and functional decoration for the garden. In today's review we will talk about old chairs, from which, with a little imagination, you can make really interesting decorative, and in some cases, functional objects: garden flower stands, coat hangers, shelves, swings, benches, etc. Below are examples of what can be made from unwanted chairs. Let's get started...

1. Hanger.

Necessary thing in everyday life - a hanger, it can be in the form of coat hangers or wall-mounted. Option with wall hanger easy to implement, to do this you just need to remove the back of the chair, tie a rope on its upper part, drive a nail into the wall and hang this design on it.

In general, hangers are also not difficult to make; for this you need to stock up on curved hooks, the size of the crossbar in the closet and the backs of unnecessary chairs. Using a thin drill in the upper part of the back of the chair, you need to create a hole into which to insert pre-prepared hooks, covered at the base with a generous layer of glue.

2. Swing.

A great idea for making a swing seat. You need to take a seat with a back from an unnecessary chair, nail two crossbar boards from below, drill holes along the edges of which to thread ropes. Secure the finished rocker to a strong tree. Children will be delighted, especially if the seat is painted in some bright shade.

3. Chair from an old stump.

There is an old, unsightly stump in the garden, so why not turn it into an attractive chair. To do this, take the seat of a chair and glue or nail it to the top of the stump. The seat can be painted in a bright shade or decorated using decoupage technique.

4. Rocking chair.

Many people dream of a rocking chair, but it can be made from an unnecessary chair. To do this, you need to order semicircular crossbars from the carpenter or remove several planks from wooden barrel, and secure the chair to them.

5. Bed for a pet.

Below you can see how loving owners make their beloved pets happy. To make such a bed, you need to prepare a box in which to put a foam mattress, make the headboard from the back of a chair, and make the foot from the legs of the chair.

6. Bench or bench.

On three chairs without seats installed in a row, you can lay a board upholstered with a pleasant-to-touch material with a foam rubber layer. Various options improvised benches can be examined in the photo below.

7. Stand for a bowl of a large dog.

A large pet can be fed from a bowl attached to the seat of a chair; to do this, simply use a jigsaw to cut out a circle in the seat of the chair to the size of the bottom of the bowl. This way, the dog will not be able to throw the food or water bowl around.

8. Shelf.

The back of the chair, as well as part of the seat, will make an excellent shelf for small items; options for such shelves can be studied in the photographs below.

9. Sleigh.

And here’s another great idea on the topic “what you can make from old chairs with your own hands” - a sled. Very interesting idea, but requires design; the location of each part must be carefully thought out so that the sled is ultimately safe to use.

10. Flower stand.

The most popular idea for using old chairs is the garden flower stand. To make such decorative element It is necessary to cut a hole in the chair seat to the size of the future pot installed in it. The photo below shows the process of making such a stylish garden flower stand.

More examples of flower stands:

11. Box for storing magazines and newspapers.

From the legs of chairs you can put together a magnificent box for storing correspondence - newspapers, magazines, letters.

The box can also be made from flat boards and secured between the legs of a chair at an angle, as in the photo below.

12. Bright chairs.

This item involves restoring an old chair, or rather sanding it, and then painting it in a bright acid shade, as a result the chair turns out to be so fashionable that it is simply impossible to guess about its previous deplorable condition.

Flower stand from an old chair:

After this review, the question of what can be made from an old chair should stop bothering you; all that remains is to choose a suitable idea and begin to implement it. It would seem like an old chair, well, what can you make out of it, someone might say “throw it away and forget it,” but at the dacha the ideas presented above will be very relevant, so if you have such retro items in your home, don’t rush to dispose of them, Currently, this nostalgic trend is in great demand.

The interior portal "Decorol" invites its readers to subscribe to receive interior ideas for themselves. email, the subscription form is in the sidebar.

Old, already served its purpose furniture The place is not at all like a landfill. Old chairs can be given a new and even very exciting life if you add just a little imagination. You can use them to make both new, cute chairs and completely unexpected items, such as photo frames or a bedside table.

"So simple!" I have prepared some amazing ideas for you for repurposing old chairs. Watch and get inspired!

What to make from old chairs

  1. Old chairs can be easily turned into new ones

    Use an old seat as a basis. If the filler is still in good condition, you can leave it. If the chair has lost its softness, take foam rubber and cut out a part from it in the shape of the seat.

    For covering choose thick fabric. Make a pattern based on the shape and size of the seat and take at least 10 centimeters of extra space on the sides. The fabric can be secured to the reverse side using superglue or a furniture stapler.

  2. Here are more ideas for upcycling old chairs. They make wonderful shelves.
  3. Or a dressing table with storage for accessories.

  4. A chair can make an unusual clothes hanger.

  5. Or for towels in the bathroom.

  6. Turn old chairs into nightstands.

  7. Another option for an unusual hanger.

  8. Original photo frames made from backs.
  9. If the back is mesh, it will serve as a holder for jewelry.

  10. Feeders for dogs.

  11. Several chairs placed in a row and fastened together will create an original bench for your home or garden.

  12. You can even make something like a flower bed out of them.

  13. Or stands for flowerpots.

  14. Children's swing.

Take advantage of these great ideas to create in your home

If you have several old chairs sitting idle that seem to have served their purpose a long time ago, this does not mean at all that it is time to take them to a landfill or send them to the oven. Think about where at home, in the country, or in the yard there is not enough comfortable place to sit. Original benches made by yourself will definitely come in handy there. Show a little imagination, you will succeed.

Home bench

A set of kitchen chairs has fallen into disrepair. But just one little idea and they became the basis for a charming bench. Comfortable spacious furniture, made from chairs with your own hands, will take its place in the hallway so that everyone who enters can sit down and change their shoes.

What you need for work

Before you start creating a bench, prepare everything you need:

  • Three old chairs. If you have a choice, take the ones that are best preserved.
  • 3 or 2 boards. The quantity depends on the width of the lumber. When put together, they will become a seat.
  • 2 railings from an old chair. If this is not the case, select suitable strips.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Drill with drill bit.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Clamps.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Wood putty.
  • Dark wood paint in a can.
  • Blue paint and roller.
  • Adhesive protective tape.

Operating procedure

  1. Consider the selected chairs. 2 in at its best place on the sides of the future bench. Check connections. If they become loose during use, fasten them with additional screws or self-tapping screws.
  2. Remove old chairs soft seats.
  3. Using a drill and self-tapping screws, install the railings from the old chairs on the outer chairs. If there are no such ready-made parts, make your own in a shape that is convenient for you.
  4. Look carefully - it is necessary that the chairs standing next to each other tightly touch each other with the side surfaces of the front legs. If this does not happen, you can trim these places a little, then sand them with sandpaper.
  5. Now that the adjacent legs fit snugly against each other, apply wood glue to one of each pair. Then fasten them in pairs with clamps until the connection is strong.

Attention! To prevent dents from the clamps from leaving on the legs, use small, even pieces of boards, plywood, or thick cardboard as spacers.

  1. The backs of the chairs have metal rods in a metallic color. To paint them, first cover the wooden parts with protective adhesive tape. Then spray dark paint from a can onto the metal parts.
  2. You can start assembling the seat. Three boards cut along the length of the seat should be adjusted to size. Then small grooves for the armrests should be cut on the sides.
  3. Attach the two outer boards to the sides of the chair base using self-tapping screws.
  4. To add rigidity to the structure, install small wooden inserts between the non-contacting parts of adjacent chairs, as shown in the photo below. Attach them with glue and screws, screwing them in from the back.
  5. Fill any uneven areas and holes on the face of the boards with putty.
  6. After drying, sand the surface of the boards and the sides, slightly rounding their edges.
  7. Use a roller to apply paint to the bench seat. Don't forget to first apply protective tape to the parts of the backrest, railings and legs that are nearby.
  8. After the paint has dried, take sandpaper and lightly rub the legs and wooden parts of the back so that the bench is evenly aged and acquires a somewhat rustic look.

The work is completed. When placing a bench in your hallway, take care of the decor. Several original bright pillows will decorate the bench and make it more comfortable.

Banquette for home

A bench is not the most necessary piece of furniture, but it is so comfortable and aesthetically pleasing that everyone likes it. This seat can be placed in the hallway, bedroom, balcony, garden, anywhere. This master class can turn your dream into reality. Make a banquette out of old chairs. Moreover, than older chairs you choose, the more interesting the result may be.

Materials and tools

  1. Chairs (preferably with a beautiful curved back) – 2 pcs.
  2. Boards.
  3. Plywood.
  4. Thick foam.
  5. Decorative fabric.
  6. Furniture stapler with staples.
  7. Wood glue or liquid nails.
  8. Drill, screws.
  9. White (color of your choice) paint, brush.
  10. Hacksaw.

Description of the work progress

  1. For work, we only need a solid part - the back + rear legs. We carefully remove all other parts so as not to damage the necessary ones.
  2. For the base of the bench we take strong boards. We use a tape measure to measure the required width of the seat and cut out the corresponding parts.
  3. The length of the bench seat should not exceed 2 times the width. Cutting out the details the right size.
  4. Using glue and self-tapping screws, we assemble the frame. We sand its surface with sandpaper.
  5. We install the frame in the place where the seats were located, using screws and glue.
  6. Similarly, we assemble another frame for the lower shelf. We attach thinner strips to it. Use sandpaper to sand rough areas. The lower structure will serve as a shelf and an additional stiffening rib for the entire structure.
  7. We mount the frame-shelf to the legs in the place where the crossbars of the chairs were attached.
  8. Using putty, we carefully fill in the recesses with screw heads, unevenness, etc. After the product has dried, we sand the surface.
  9. You can start painting the finished base.
  10. All that remains is to cut out the seat from plywood and glue thick foam rubber onto it. After drying, use a furniture stapler to cover the seat with decorative fabric. The banquette is ready.

Original bench around a tree

Our bench will become wonderful decoration any garden. On a hot sunny day, it will allow everyone who wishes to relax in the shade under a tree. Everyone will get an equally comfortable place, because the bench itself is located in a circle.

Of course, similar garden furniture can be purchased in a store, but it will cost many times more. To make a bench made from a chair with your own hands no worse than one made by a master, you do not need to have professional work skills. All you need to do is get acquainted with the master class and prepare everything you need.

Preparing for work

For creating garden bench you need to use:

  • 6 completely identical old (or new) kitchen chairs.
  • Wooden planks 2.5 cm wide.
  • Sandpaper or sanding machine.
  • Drill with self-tapping screws.
  • Saw.
  • White paint, brush.
  • Tape measure, pencil.

detailed instructions

  1. Dismantle the seats on the prepared 6 chairs - they will not be needed in this project.
  2. If necessary, sand the surfaces with sandpaper or a grinder.
  3. Paint the chairs white.
  4. After the paint has dried, place the chairs in a circle with their backs facing inward. As you guessed, the bench will be outside. Considering that a circle has 360 degrees, then there are 60 degrees per corner of each chair. Thus, we can try to calculate the size of the slats cut for the seat. If it turns out a little inaccurate, you can adjust the size.
  5. Alternately cut out 6 strips of the same length. We attach them to the chairs with self-tapping screws so that the center of each plank coincides with the center of the chair. As a result, each seat should have 6 slats, each next longer than the previous one.
  6. After final adjustment of the length, sand the seats a little with sandpaper, remove burrs and roughness.
  7. Using a tape measure, measure the distance between edges 1 and 6 of the plank. Cut the piece to this size.
  8. Place it on the seat and mark the bevel with a pencil. Cut off the excess.
  9. Using glue and self-tapping screws, install the strips as shown in the photo below.
  10. Do the same with the rest of the future shop.
  11. Sand the installed parts so that you cannot get injured by touching them.
  12. Take the structure apart again to paint the seat slats.

Congratulations! Your garden or yard bench is ready. All that remains is to find a tree, the ground under which will be as level as possible, otherwise your work may not come together. Take this advice - level the soil around the tree with mulch.

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