How long and when does yucca bloom? Yucca garden: planting and care

Garden yucca – a very decorative flowering crop. Nowadays, it is regaining its former popularity among gardeners, landscape designers, as well as landscapers of parks and squares. ABOUT garden yucca, planting and care open ground and will be discussed in this article, supplemented by beautiful photo.

Description of garden yucca

Yucca is an evergreen plant belonging to the Liliaceae family. In nature, there are about 40 species of yucca, growing mainly in the Northern, Central and South America. Depending on the type and location of growth, yuccas can reach a height of up to 10 m. The stem of the plant is branched or slightly branched. The leaves on the stem are arranged spirally. This gives the plant additional decorativeness. The upper leaves of yucca are erect, and the lower ones are drooping and lanceolate in shape. The length of the leaf blade varies from 25 to 100 cm. The color can be green or bluish. On a wide pyramidal inflorescence, 200 white bell-shaped flowers can bloom at once. The peduncle comes out from the center of the rosette and reaches a height of 1.5-3 m. Flowers can be either white tone, and milky, up to 7 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. In open ground, a seed fruit is formed on the flowers.

Yucca garden planting and care photo of flowering

Planting garden yucca better to produce in spring summer time, when the daytime temperature reaches 20 degrees, so that the plant can form a good root ball for winter. Open areas well lit by sunlight are suitable for growing garden yucca. The composition of the soil is not important for the plant - it can grow in almost any soil. However, the flower achieves greater decorative value on well-drained soils with a soil acidity of no more than 7.5 pH.

Attention! The size of the planting hole for garden yucca should be twice the size of the root ball.

Place planting yucca garden Water generously and mulch with hay or sawdust to reduce moisture evaporation.

Caring for garden yucca simple enough. Water an adult plant only when the layer of soil covering the upper roots is completely dry. If, with this watering regime, the garden yucca begins to dry out the tips of the leaves, then periodically spray it with water.

Remember! Overwatering your yucca garden may cause the roots to rot, so don't water your plant too often.

Feeding yucca is as important as watering. Any complex solution is suitable for the plant. mineral fertilizer. Fertilizing takes place in two stages: the first time fertilizer is applied in May, the second fertilizing is carried out after flowering.

Winter-hardy species of garden yucca easily tolerate winters middle zone, the main thing is to tie the leaves into a bundle and cover with agrofibre. Some leaves of an uncovered plant may die in severe frosts.

As you can see planting and caring for garden yucca this is not too troublesome, but yucca flowers will not leave anyone indifferent, look at photo.

Reproduction of garden yucca

Yucca garden can be propagated in two ways - seed or vegetative. Vegetatively propagation of yucca garden perhaps by cuttings, root suckers or dividing an overgrown bush.

Garden yucca from seeds

In conditions temperate climate Garden yuccas growing in open ground often set seeds. They have a round shape (look at photo), with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm, ripen in August. After collection, they are immediately planted in a mixture of equal parts of turf, leaf soil and sifted river sand. The emergence of seedlings will have to wait for a month. Seedlings with one true leaf are planted in separate cups with the same soil as when sowing.

Propagation of garden yucca by cuttings

For cuttings, cut off the upper part of the stem with a bunch of foliage, as in the photo. It is dried for several days, then planted in pots with sand or perlite. Over the next period of time, until rooting, the substrate is kept moist by spraying water from a spray bottle.

Propagation of yucca garden stem

A fairly common method is to root parts of the yucca stem. With this method (as shown in the picture), the stem is cut slightly above the root collar, slightly dried and planted horizontally on moistened perlite or river sand. At a temperature of 20-22 degrees and regular moistening of the substrate, sprouts will soon appear on the stem. As soon as they take root, the stem is cut into pieces, and each sprout should have its own small root. After this, they are planted in the soil mixture and watered moderately.

But perhaps the simplest method vegetative propagation- dividing an overgrown bush. In the spring, in April or early May, dig up an overgrown plant, separate the daughter sprouts (there are many of them on an adult bush), which have shoots and roots, and plant them on permanent place. At the same time, propagation by root suckers is important.

The use of garden yucca in landscape design

Only 10 species of yucca are used in decorative garden floriculture. They are grown as garden culture in group plantings, in the center of flower beds or as a tapeworm, for example, on the lawn. The plant is suitable for decorating slopes and for fixing sandy soils. Garden yucca is very impressive during the flowering period, although it is considered more of an ornamental deciduous plant.

Pests and diseases of yucca garden

Of the pests, garden yucca is most often affected by:





Spider mite.

Systemic fungicides will help in the fight against the pests listed above. To cope with scale insects on yucca, wipe the leaves with regular vodka every three days for 1-2 weeks.

Moist cool air, such as in autumn and spring, provokes damage to the leaves and stems of yucca by fungal and bacterial infections. Therefore, it is very important to ensure good drainage when planting.

Often a planted plant does not want to bloom for a long time. This is quite normal - Garden yucca blooms only 3-4 years after planting. To force yucca to bloom, do not cut off the lower wilted leaves.

Varieties of yucca with photos

As mentioned above, there are many types of yucca, however, not all of them can be successfully grown in the garden. Below are some types of yucca that can be successfully grown in the garden.

The plant can grow up to 2 m in height. The trunk in the upper part is decorated with leaves collected in a bunch, 4-6 cm wide and 40-70 cm long. Young leaves in the center of the rosette are grayish-green. Flowering occurs in the second half of May and lasts until June. The inflorescence has a branched structure and reaches 1 m in height. The flower is 5-7 cm in diameter, white-cream in color. This variety of yucca is undemanding to soils, quite drought-resistant (tolerates temperature increases of up to 35 degrees) and frost-resistant. During the growing season it is capable of forming a large number of shoots. This allows the plant to grow into large bushes in a short period of time.

Breeders have developed a number of forms of Yucca reflexifolia, used in landscape design. The most decorative ones are:

With border. The leaves of this form are green, but along the edges there is a small border 0.5 cm wide, light green in color;

Variegated form. There is a yellow stripe running down the center of the green leaf;

Elegant. The middle of the sheet is decorated with a red stripe.

An evergreen plant with a woody stem under the soil. Forms a large decorative bunch of bluish-green erect leaves, 25-30 cm long and 2-2.5 cm wide, pointed at the top. Flowering begins at the end of June, July or August and does not last long, only 1 week. This type of yucca is the most frost-resistant in relation to other varieties. Able to withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees. This variety of yucca is not picky about soil. Grows well even on sandy soils. This type of garden yucca is drought-resistant and prefers sunny areas. The bush grows very quickly. In one place for many years it does not lose its decorative effect. In our climatic zone seeds on a flower are set only with artificial pollination. Valuable fiber is synthesized from Yucca filamentosa.

A small shrub with an evergreen crown, reaching a height of 5 m. The leaves are erect, leathery with a serrated edge. Bell flowers reach 7 cm in diameter, cream or white in color with purple spots. Flowering occurs at the end of May, blooming earlier than other types of yucca. Easily tolerates drought and midland winters. It does not require particularly nutritious soil; it can grow on rocky and sandy soils.

The following forms of this type of garden yucca are known:

  • noble with bluish leaves;
  • low-growing - has leaves with a bluish coating, the plant is up to 1.5 m tall;
  • tall;
  • powerful - folded leaves;
  • folded.

Yucca gloriousa looks beautiful as a tapeworm surrounded by low-growing plants.

An evergreen tree-like plant that forms a large clump of green leaves on the soil surface. The leaves are 25 cm long, 4 cm wide, and have sparse pubescence. A ribbed, spindle-shaped inflorescence reaches a height of 1.5 m. Strewn with numerous bell-shaped flowers. Their number on one peduncle can reach 200 pieces. Grows well on any soil. Calmly tolerates frosty winters with little snow. Drought resistant.

A tree-like evergreen and tall plant, reaching 3 m in height in nature. The leaves are greenish-gray, narrow, 0.6-1.2 cm wide and 30-70 cm tall. The edge of the leaf plate is decorated with a narrow light stripe. The racemose inflorescence, depending on the nutritional value of the soil, can reach a height of 1 m to 2 m. The color of the flowers is greenish-white. Blooms in May-June. Frost-resistant and tolerates drought well. Most often used for landscaping in open ground.

Lighting and location

Under natural conditions, the plant grows mainly in conditions of low humidity and good light. Therefore, it is necessary to provide her with similar conditions at home. Indoor yucca will feel good and have a luxurious appearance only in a well-lit place. While she is still small, you can put her on the windowsill, protecting her from direct sun rays. When the yucca grows up, it can be placed near a window that gives maximum quantity Sveta. The plant reacts quite painfully to insufficient light - the leaves stretch out and become frail. Be sure to provide the yucca with an influx fresh air. But at the same time, protect from drafts. In summer, it is advisable to take it out into the fresh air (balcony, personal plot etc.).


IN warm time temperature is not particularly important for yucca. Room temperature is quite acceptable for her. She will also tolerate the heat easily. In winter, although yucca does not have, a moderate temperature (+15 - 18 degrees) is desirable. During this period, it is able to tolerate lower temperatures. Lower limit for indoor yucca winter period+8 degrees.

Watering, air humidity, fertilizer

You need to water the yucca very carefully, especially in winter! It will easily tolerate a lack of moisture and short-term dryness of the soil, and it can even die from waterlogging. mainly depends on the time of year and air temperature. In summer and in conditions of high air temperature, water the yucca generously, but only after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. With the beginning of autumn, watering is gradually reduced. When kept in cool conditions, it is recommended to water indoor yucca only after at least half of the soil has dried out.

Dry air does not cause any particular inconvenience to yucca. Therefore, there is no need for spraying. The only exception can be in winter if the plant is located in close proximity to a heating device. In this case, you can moisten the leaves with warm water once a day.

During the period of active growth (from April to August), it is advisable to feed yucca. It is often enough to apply a complex or specialized fertilizer for decorative deciduous indoor plants once a month.

Transplanting indoor yucca

An adult domestic yucca plant is large, monumental, comparable to, or. Consequently, this too presents considerable difficulty. In this case, you can simply replace the top layer of soil with fresh one every year. But while it is still young and replanting it is not difficult, it is advisable to replant the yucca every two years. As it grows, the size and volume of the pot gradually increases. The earthen mixture for yucca should allow water and air to pass through well, but at the same time be sufficiently nutritious. It is made up of (two parts each) with the addition of humus and sand (one part each). Definitely required.

Propagation of indoor yucca

The easiest way to propagate this plant is from the top. This method of propagating yucca is practically no different from and is most effective in comparison with other methods of propagation. The cut top can be rooted in or coarse sand. The cutting produces roots quite well in a container with water ().

A propagation method is also used - by stem fragments, if they have dormant buds.

If you don't have mother plant, then you can try growing indoor yucca from seeds. If they are of sufficient quality and fresh, then you can expect good germination. The technology for germinating seeds is quite simple:

  • a mixture of turf soil and sand is prepared in equal proportions;
  • Yucca seeds are slightly buried in the ground (about two seed diameters);
  • the container with the planted seeds is covered with a cap or simply a piece of glass or PE film;
  • the container is placed in a warm (about +25 - 30 degrees) and bright place (not in the sun!);
  • further as in - moistening the earth, ventilating;
  • Shoots should appear in about a month.

I advise you to watch interesting video about yucca from professionals

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When landscaping modern offices, reception directors, and other official premises, the yucca flower is indispensable. And even if you want tropical exoticism at home, there is no problem - gardeners have long been growing false palm trees as a greenhouse or indoor plant.

Certain types of yucca in small spaces can look like alien giants

The question logically arises: is this even a palm tree or not? Despite the obvious similarity, you should not trust your eyes. In both cases we're talking about about an evergreen woody plant that, when good care can reach a height of over 2.5 m. Some specimens found in the wild on American landscapes even grow as giants - up to 12 m. But! Scientists still classify palm trees as a separate family.

And yucca is such a mysterious representative of the flora that it still causes heated discussions among botanists: which family should the plant belong to - Liliaceae, Agaveaceae or Asparagusaceae? After all, even adult specimens are very different from each other.

General characteristics

Main groups

There are two large groups yukk:

  • tree-like;
  • stemless.

In the first case, there is a pronounced tree-like trunk on which 1-4 rosettes with a fan of leaves grow. There are samples with artificially created branching.

In stemless representatives, one rosette forms the crown of a false palm.


What does real yucca look like? Reliably describing a plant is not an easy task. The variety of species and similarity with dracaena easily confuses the inexperienced gardener.

However, it is worth noting that it is not for nothing that yucca is called a false palm. The tall, even stem forever retains traces of the attachment of dead leaves, forming a characteristic pattern. There are no branches or abundance of young shoots typical of a tree to be found on the trunk.

The top of the central trunk of the palm tree is crowned with a rosette with narrow pointed leaves reaching a length of 40 cm. In some types of yucca, the leaves are erect, in others they are slightly convex, with their tips reaching towards the ground. To the touch, the surface of the leaf plate is hard, rough, often with serrated rather than smooth edges.

The average gardener is attracted to yucca both by its armful of sword-shaped green leaves and by the original shape of its scaly trunk. A home palm tree looks very impressive in a living room or hall as a single tree. Large rooms significantly increase the effectiveness and attractiveness of yucca.

Interior designers and flower growers have noticed its excellent compatibility with drought-tolerant plants, and therefore successfully use it when creating floral compositions.

Good neighbors of yucca in a container:

  • sedum;
  • spurge;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • cacti.

Indoor lifespan

Flower growers are often interested in how many years a palm tree lives at home and to what size it grows. It all depends on the care and preferences of the owner.

Thus, yucca grows slowly, but after 15-20 years of indoor maintenance it is quite capable of reaching a height of 1.5 - 2.5 m. This is not the maximum lifespan of a palm tree. When creating favorable climatic conditions it doubles.

As for the size of an adult plant, its height is adjusted by the frequency and degree of pruning of the trunk. A lignified yucca stem, the top of which has been cut off, stops growing and devotes all its strength to throwing out a lateral shoot with a rosette. Many gardeners tend to shorten the central trunk “into a stump.”

Note! Large specimens grown in greenhouses for sale are expensive. However, the special decorative value of an indoor tree deserves to spend money and organize the tropics at home.

Flowering and pollination

Under natural conditions, adult yucca blooms beautifully and smells wonderful. A powerful panicle consisting of large bells resembles a candle or a giant lily of the valley.

But at home it is almost impossible to achieve flowering. The problem is related to the palm tree’s lack of long, cold wintering. For laying flower bud indoor plants need special conditions for a dormant period, which cannot be realized in heated city apartments and private houses.

Note! Yucca aloelia is prone to self-pollination. Its fruits are inedible berries.

About toxicity

Flower growers who have pets are concerned about the question: yucca is poisonous plant or not? Practice has shown that palm trees do not cause harm or trouble to cats. On the contrary, animals happily chew greens indoor tree, leaving unsightly marks.

Owners will have to think in advance about how to protect the plant from four-fingered gourmets.

Important! Yucca leaves are not poisonous, but very pungent. Careless handling may result in cuts and punctures. It is better to keep the flower pot away from children!

Things to remember

Four statements that characterize yucca:

  • has nothing to do with palm trees and dracaenas;
  • blooms extremely rarely at home;
  • not poisonous;
  • unpretentious in care when creating a favorable climate.

Homeland of yucca

Countries where yucca grows everywhere are Central (and North) America and Mexico.

Back in the 19th century, the false palm attracted the attention of scientists so much that it became the basis of collections in many botanical gardens in all corners of the globe.

Today, the exotic tree is cultivated in greenhouses on the coast of Crimea and the Caucasus, and in the central zone, yucca has gained popularity as an unpretentious indoor plant.

The subtropical origin of yucca affects the basic rules of care and cultivation: the palm tree grows slowly, loves moist air and mild drought. Some species (filamentous, glorious, aloel) are even frost-resistant, surviving when temperatures drop to -15 degrees, and therefore are suitable for cultivation in open ground.

Yucca or dracaena - five fundamental differences

After much research, scientists agreed that yucca and dracaena belong to the asparagus family, but both are worthy to lead a separate genus.

Without going into botanical terms, it is important to note the signs that allow flower growers in a store to correctly determine the name of a home palm tree.

So, what is the difference between yucca and its twin dracaena? First of all, the texture of the leaves, the diameter of the trunk, and the characteristic root system.

the leaf blade is wider, dense, rough to the touch, often distinguished by serrated edges (with jagged edges)the leaf plate is narrower, thinner, smooth to the touch, with smooth edges
tree trunk with the same height of plants has a larger diametertree trunk with the same height of plants has a smaller diameter
developed root system and trunk produce shootsthe root is smooth with a slight yellowness, orange-yellow when cut, does not produce rhizomes or shoots

Fundamental differences in care

prefers dry soilprefers moist soil
spraying is undesirableloves spraying

Yucca photo gallery

Of everything in indoor floriculture Only two types of yucca have received recognition:

  • ivory;
  • aloe leaf.

Yucca elephantipes (ivory)

A spectacular evergreen perennial with a short stem swollen at the root and a lush, lush crown is the national flower of El Salvador.

The trunk of a houseplant can be single, resembling an elephant’s leg, or it can be weakly or strongly branched. Tough, shiny leaves with tiny teeth are collected in bunches. A real exotic palm tree.

Note! Caring for elephant yucca is standard: poor semi-dry soil, moist air and bright, diffused light.

The white and emerald palette makes the room bright and cozy

Yucca aloefolia

It is the second most popular false palm and is widely cultivated in flower pots, pots. Compared to it, it is more demanding on lighting and heat.

Rarely blooms at home. The attention of florists is attracted by its narrow sword-shaped and very traumatic leaves. If the owners set a goal and provide the plant with a long, cold winter and a comfortable period of rest, then the chances of seeing a flowering palm tree increase sharply.

The photo below shows a decent example.

This false palm will not survive in a small room. She needs space and a lot of light. A feature of the culture is indifference to spraying.

And this is how yucca blooms in the garden. Light shading is not a hindrance to the plant.

IN sunny garden filamentous yucca is cozy and calm

Educational videos on the topic of caring for indoor elephant yucca:

Indoor yucca is a beautiful and rather unpretentious plant for household use; it has taken up permanent residence in city apartments. If you like her, we will tell you about all the features of care and maintenance, and you can decide whether you need such a pet in your home.

Yucca belongs to the lily family and, despite its external similarity to the palm tree, has nothing to do with it. Its stem is tree-like, it is crowned with green or bluish leaves, as if collected in bunches. Depending on the type, its leaves can be smooth or covered with thorns along the edges.

The palm tree blooms with large, cup-shaped flowers; as a rule, the flowers do not come out one at a time, but are collected in large inflorescences. However, it is not a fact that you will get to see this spectacle - yucca blooms at home very rarely. The fruits look like a dry box and are of no aesthetic interest, although in some species they are edible.

Select the desired type

Although there are about 30 varieties of yucca, in urban apartments only two are usually grown - ivory and aloe vera.

  1. Yucca ivory got its name because of its trunk, which with its wide, massive base resembles the leg of the animal of the same name. The plant is very unpretentious to external conditions, does not require special knowledge and is ideal for living in even the most cramped conditions.
  2. Yucca aloe leaf is less common; caring for it requires theoretical training. An adult palm tree, growing, takes the shape of a ball and has wide, leathery leaves.

Yucca elephant Yucca aloefolia

Both of these types of indoor yucca will decorate your home. Which one to choose is up to you, but remember that regardless of your choice, both palm trees are unpretentious in care and will take up the minimum of your time.

There's a new tenant in your house

The first thing a flower’s life in your home begins with is proper acclimatization, because new conditions are stressful for the plant. Experts recommend transplanting it into a garden immediately after purchase. new pot larger diameter than the one in which it was sold, and completely change the soil. It is better if the new container has high walls so that you can provide a sufficient level of drainage - at least 5 cm.

Particular attention should be paid to the soil. You can make the soil for the plant yourself or purchase ready-made soil in the store; in this case, give preference to mixtures for palm trees and dracaenas. If you prefer purchased ones, choose soil with a neutral acidic environment.

It is not difficult to prepare the soil yourself. You need to take one part of humus, two parts of sand and the same amount of turf and leaf soil. It is better to use coarse sand to ensure even better drainage effect.

Before immersing yucca in a container intended for the plant, you need to line the bottom with gravel or expanded clay. The stem must be planted to a depth of no more than 3 centimeters; immersion to a greater depth threatens the stem rotting and the death of the plant.

Features of the existence of a palm tree at home: lighting, watering, ambient temperature

Since yucca comes from hot countries, an important question you will ask yourself is how to care for it. home palm Yucca

Lighting, humidity

First you need to install it in an area of ​​the apartment with sufficient lighting. It is especially important to have constant access to light for young plants. At the same time, you should protect the plant from direct sunlight.

With the onset of the warm season, it is advisable to place the palm tree on the balcony or on the open terrace. Be sure to ensure that it is not exposed to sudden temperature changes and is not in a draft.

In winter, you can notice how the plant bends, turning its entire body towards the light source. To avoid deformation of the stem, it is recommended to additionally illuminate the yucca starting around September. By the way, experts attribute the fact that the plant blooms extremely rarely to the lack of light in the cramped conditions of city apartments.

The optimal choice of location for placing yucca is floor stand so that it is approximately level with the window sill. Be sure to ensure that it does not overheat due to the action of the radiator central heating. It is not recommended to place a pot with a plant on the floor due to insufficient light, or close to a window glass due to the possibility of hypothermia.

For normal life, it is necessary to ensure the humidity of the apartment microclimate at a level of at least 40%. If the air in your apartment is dry, it is recommended to additionally moisten it around the plant using a spray bottle; spray the plant a couple of times a day, especially in winter.

In its usual homeland, the palm tree exists in subtropical and temperate climates. The temperature in summer should not exceed 26 degrees, in winter – 20 degrees. The main thing is to try to avoid sudden changes in temperature, for example, opening windows at night to ventilate windows, because this short term may lead to the death of the plant.

If you want to get a palm tree and are hesitant, know that the yucca palm tree requires minimal care at home; even a beginner in plant growing can handle it without any problems.


Irrigation features depend primarily on the time of year. The palm tree is quite resistant to arid climates, so the intensity of watering should be influenced by the size of the pot and the palm tree itself, as well as its age. For example, a small palm tree that you just brought home needs to be moisturized every day, but little by little, and mature plant in a floor planter, it needs watering once every two to three weeks.

In the summer from May to September, with an average daily temperature of 22 degrees, you need to water the yucca approximately once a week; the colder it gets, the less often it needs watering. If the room temperature has stopped at 18 degrees, you only need to moisten the soil a little more often than once a month.

Pay attention to the condition of the top layer of soil in the pot. It must be dry before watering. With the help of a wooden stick stuck into the pot, you can assess the moisture content of the soil and below, in the interval between waterings it should dry out by half or even two-thirds of the total height.

It is important to know some features of watering and always pay attention to them.

  1. Do not allow water to stagnate in the tray of the pot, where it can drain during watering. Always empty the tray, otherwise the roots may begin to rot from excess moisture and the plant will die.
  2. If the top layer of soil remains wet for several days after watering, it means that it has become very hardened and water is not penetrating into the pot. You need to loosen the soil using a handy tool, for example, the wooden stick mentioned above.
  3. Pay attention to the condition of the soil during periods when the humidity level in the apartment changes. At this time, it dries much more slowly, maintaining the usual watering regime, you risk ruining the roots of the plant.

Top dressing

The palm tree does not need any special feeding. Fertilizers are applied between April and August; it is best to use a special liquid product for this, which is sold specifically for feeding palm trees and dracaenas. In winter, the plant does not need feeding.

Remember that you do not need to feed the plant immediately after purchase or after replanting, as you need to give it time to recover and not expose it to additional stress. If, when replanting, you used special balanced soil for palm trees, then for about a year the yucca does not need additional nutrition.

Video “How to care for your home yucca palm tree”

Yucca transplant

Yucca, like any other plant, requires replanting in addition to care. It is recommended to carry out this procedure no more than once every two years, each time replacing the pot with a larger one, and partial replacement soil. There are no special restrictions on the time of transplantation, but the spring months are considered the best.

When removing the plant from the pot, try not to injure the roots, otherwise after replanting the palm tree will hurt for a long time, and the adaptation process will drag on for a long time, if it survives it at all.

Before replanting the yucca, you need to place at least 5 centimeters of drainage at the bottom of the new pot. If it seems to you that the soil has not lost its nutritional properties, the palm tree should be replanted by transferring an earthen ball with roots to a new pot. The space between the lump and the walls of the pot is filled with new suitable soil. It's better if it's the same soil mixture, which you used during the previous transplant, in this case the stress time will be reduced.


The palm tree is pruned in order to rejuvenate the plant and give it a beautiful shape. If the yucca is strongly stretched upward, pruning is also carried out.

The procedure is best carried out in the spring, when the plant stops growing. Before trimming indoor yucca, tools must be disinfected with alcohol.
The cut should be completed to the end, and not break off branches with leaves, so as not to touch the growth points. The cut areas must be treated with crushed coal to prevent the process of rotting. After the operation, the plant is returned to its usual habitat and watered according to existing climate conditions. The cut parts of the plant are not thrown away, but are used for propagation.

Video “Yucca propagation”


The main indicator that something is wrong with the plant is the leaves. Any change in their color and shape should alert you. Yucca indoors tolerates diseases quite easily, it is only important to know their symptoms so as not to cause damage.

  1. If you notice that the yucca leaves suddenly become covered with large brown spots, this is evidence that a fungus has settled on them, caused by waterlogging of the soil or air. Diseased leaves must be removed to prevent the fungus from spreading. After this, you immediately need to change the plant’s place of residence, moving it to a drier part of the apartment, and stop spraying the air around it.
  2. A more serious type of fungal infection is stem rotting. This is again due to waterlogging and lack of fresh air. After taking the measures described in the previous paragraph, a partially diseased plant can still be saved by cleaning the festering areas of the stem. If the rotting process cannot be stopped, the palm tree should be disposed of along with the pot so that the disease does not spread to other house plants.

As you already understand, yucca is not particularly capricious, it is extremely unpretentious and proper care practically not susceptible to diseases.


  1. A plant affected by false scale insects cannot be confused with anything. It looks as if it has withered without watering, the leaves wither and fall off, and without treatment the yucca may die. In stores specializing in house plants, you can easily find a product called Actellik, which will help get rid of this scourge.
  2. The symptoms of tick infestation are similar, as is the treatment; in addition, it is necessary to increase the level of air humidity, since ticks only grow in rooms with a dry climate.
  3. Aphids are difficult to control, so insecticides are used. Together with them, you can wipe the leaves of the plant with a solution with the addition of ordinary laundry soap.

Yucca and family environment

The plant requires moderate humidity and constant temperature, and this will benefit the other inhabitants of the apartment. You will never forget to maintain a healthy microclimate in the apartment, and if it ceases to be healthy, the palm tree will tell you about it with its appearance so that you can take action in time.

Now you know how house plant– Yucca is just a godsend. Keeping it at home is a pleasure, in addition to all the advantages described in the article, such as unpretentiousness, minimal required care, it also looks very beautiful and impressive and is part of the interior of the apartment.

Yucca, yucca (Yucca) is an evergreen tree plant of the Agave family. Many people unknowingly call the flower a palm tree, but, like dracaena, it is not a palm tree. In order for the plant to please you with its beauty, you need to know how the yucca flower grows and how to care for the decorative “denim tree” at home.

Description of yucca, types and popular varieties

There are two groups of indoor yucca plants, including about 30 species: tree-like (with a trunk) and stemless (rosette). The leaves are sword-shaped, reach a length of 25-60 cm, a width of 1-7 cm, and are collected in a bunch, forming rosettes. Depending on the variety, the leaf blades can be green, bluish, hard or semi-hard, and have jagged or smooth edges (see photo).

In nature, yuca blooms, forming many bell-shaped or cup-shaped flowers (more than 300 pieces), collected in paniculate inflorescences 0.5-2 m long. They have a white or greenish-cream, yellowish tint, after flowering they form dry fruit boxes or juicy fruits .

Please note. The popular name of the flower is “jeans tree”. This is due to the fact that hard fiber is extracted from the leaves of some varieties, which is used for sewing jeans.

Depending on the variety, the plant may have a single trunk or form branches. There are about 30 varieties, but the most popular among flower growers and gardeners are seven types of yucca.

  • Aloe leaf(Yucca aloifolia). Slow growing spherical bush. The tree-like stem branches with age, forming at the ends rosettes of hard, dark green leaf blades with a thorn at the end.
  • Whippla(Yucca whipplei). A slow-growing, spherical species with a shortened stem and leaf blades collected in rosettes. The color of the leaves is grayish-green, at the ends there is a prickly thorn, and along the edges there are teeth.
  • Short-leaved, or tree-like, giant(Yucca brevifolia ) . The thick trunk is strongly branched at the end, the leaves are short, hard, triangularly expanded, brownish at the ends. The flowers are pale yellow.
  • Radiant or high(Yucca radiosa) . It has densely spaced narrow leaves about 1 cm wide, 40-55 cm long. The color of the leaf blades is green, with a white edge and a large number thin threads.
  • filamentous(Yucca filamentosa). Almost no stem. It is frost resistant. The bluish-green, white-variegated or yellowish leaves are distinguished by a pointed tip and the presence of curling thin threads.
  • Elephant(Yucca elephantipes). IN mature age the upright growing trunk becomes like a thick elephant's leg. The ends of the branches end in rosettes of elongated lanceolate leaves of light green color.
  • Glorious(Yucca gloriosa) . The tree has a spherical shape, the rosettes are assembled from hard curved leaf plates. The color of decorative foliage is bluish-green, the leaves are smooth and leathery.

Features of growing indoor flowers

Indoor yucca can grow at home, this is enough unpretentious flower. The only important requirement is to provide good lighting.

Soil requirements

The soil can be purchased ready-made at any specialty store or prepared yourself. The optimal substrate for a flower will be a mixture of peat, coarse river sand and compost in equal proportions. It is also recommended to add some sod, perlite and humus to keep the pH level between 5.5-7. It is advisable to pour fine gravel or expanded clay onto the bottom of the container to ensure drainage.

Please note. To understand whether the soil is suitable for growing, it must be poured into a pot and watered well. If water is quickly absorbed and flows through drainage holes, everything is fine with the composition.

Rules for choosing a pot

A container for growing yuca must meet a number of simple requirements.

  • The pot must be selected that is stable, opaque, of medium size, 4-5 cm wider and deeper than the previous one.
  • It is better if it is not plastic, but clay or ceramic.
  • There should be drainage holes at the bottom for removal. excess liquid from the soil.

Landing technology

Immediately after purchase, the yucca must be removed from the plastic container and planted in a suitable sized pot with a nutrient substrate. The procedure consists of three steps.

  1. A layer of expanded clay or gravel is poured into the selected container, then a little soil.
  2. Remove the plant from the purchased container and inspect the roots.
  3. Place a lump of earth in a pot, add soil on the sides and top, and compact it with your fingers.

Yuca care at home

A yucca plant at home does not require special care, so it’s suitable even for novice gardeners. However, a number of rules will still have to be followed in order for the plant to grow healthy and maintain decorative look.

Temperature and lighting

For indoor yucca, lighting plays an important role, so it is better to place the pot on a south-facing window. However, you will have to make sure that the bright sunlight do not get on the leaves, otherwise dark spots from burns will appear. The flower can be placed in partial shade, but this will not have the best effect on the decorative color.

We should not forget that yucca is considered not only a light-loving plant, but also a heat-loving plant. The room temperature in summer should be 20-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, the indicator is reduced to 10-12 degrees Celsius, and the pot is moved to a dark place. Observing a dormant period will allow you to achieve flowering indoors.


Indoor yuca is not too demanding when it comes to watering; excessive soil moisture can even harm it. Therefore, water should not be allowed to stagnate on the soil surface; it is also necessary to ensure good drainage. However, you should not overdry the soil. Usually in summer the flower is watered once a week, in winter - much less often, as it dries out.

In summer, it is useful to spray the plant with a spray bottle, first protecting the leaves from direct sunlight. Do not pour water into leaf rosettes so as not to provoke rotting. During the heating season, spraying should be carried out at least once a day.

Air humidification and ventilation

Some flower varieties are sensitive to dry air and require daily spraying with boiled, settled water. For others, it is enough to be at some distance from the batteries in winter, placing them on a tray with damp moss or expanded clay. It is advisable to avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Please note. From spring to early autumn, it is recommended to wipe the leaf plates from dust with a well-wrung out cloth or napkin. You can’t wash the plant in the shower, just like you can’t take it out in the rain in the summer. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening.


The indoor flower yucca is responsive to fertilizing. Fertilizers should be applied in spring and summer (April to August) every three weeks. You can use both purchased mineral preparations and natural organic matter - mullein infusion, manure, humus. The best effect is achieved by foliar feeding.

Pruning and care after flowering

The yucca flower rarely blooms in apartments; care at this time consists of regular watering, spraying, and fertilizing. Faded inflorescences are then carefully cut off with scissors so as not to disturb the decorative appearance of the plant. At other times, maintenance pruning of foliage is performed to maintain the splendor of the crown.

  1. Remove dried or yellowed leaf blades with scissors.
  2. Trim the top to 8-10 cm.
  3. Treat the cut with garden pitch or crushed coal.

Formative pruning is carried out only if the plant height has reached 50-60 cm.


Replanting is carried out as the flower grows or if problems with the root system are detected. At the same time, replace the soil with a new one, select a pot larger size. This is done in spring or early summer. Perform the following steps.

  1. Mix garden soil with sand and humus.
  2. Expanded clay 3-4 cm high is poured onto the bottom of the container.
  3. Pour soil up to half the pot.
  4. They take out the flower without disturbing the earthen lump and transfer it to a new container.
  5. Press down the lump with your palms and cover the sides and top with soil. Compacted.
  6. Water generously. Do not fertilize for 2-3 weeks.

Please note. In an adult plant, replanting is carried out at least once every three years, annually replacing the top layer of soil with a new one. If rotten roots are noticed, they are cut off, the sections are lubricated with crushed coal, and dried.

Yucca flower propagation

There are three ways to propagate yucca:

  • apical stalk;
  • a piece of trunk;
  • offspring.

However, you can take material from the mother plant if it has reached a height of at least 30 cm. A cutting from the top or part of the trunk is cut off with a blade, sprinkled with crushed coal, and dried for a couple of hours. Then they stick it into wet sand and do not allow it to dry out. When roots appear, transplant into a pot. Instead of sand, you can use water to root part of the plant in a jar. When propagated by offspring, they are cut off and rooted in damp sand in a vertical position.

Problems of growing plants with improper care

To prevent rotting, wilting or death of the plant, it is necessary to water the yucca moderately in winter and monitor the temperature in the room. If the stem or part of the roots rot, you must immediately take action to save the flower.

  • Yellow spots on the leaves or their dropping are caused by drafts, hypothermia or natural death;
  • dried ends of leaves brown- overdrying soil or dry air;
  • curling leaves - low temperature in the room;
  • light spots on the foliage - sunburn;
  • stem rot and leaf spotting are a fungal infection.

Pests and diseases

Yucca is damaged by pests such as spider mite, scale insects, mealybugs and whiteflies. Basically, the cause of infection is considered to be excessive watering. To eliminate the problem, yuca is treated with insecticides, following the instructions on the package.

Among the diseases, the flower is most often affected by bacterial and fungal infections, causing the appearance of dark spots on the foliage. Then the black areas soften and rot if the plant is not treated. To save, leaf plates and parts of the stem are cut off with a sharp knife and processed systemic fungicide. Reduce the number of waterings for a while, follow other important conditions care

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