Dream interpretation of being kissed by a stranger in a dream. Dreams involving unfamiliar deformed or sick men

Kissing children dream of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction in work.

If you kissed your mother in a dream, success in business, love and respect from friends await you.

Kissed a brother or sister - you will get a lot of pleasure from life.

Kissed your beloved in the dark - do not fall into debauchery.

Kissed her in the light - your nobility towards women has no limits.

Kissed in a dream unknown woman– try to avoid immoral acts.

If you gave your enemy a kiss, you will succeed in reconciliation with your friend.

For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Paired Dream

Sometimes dreams in some surprising way coincide with the phenomena of real life.

We are not talking about prophetic dreams. For prophetic dream warns the dreamer about important event, which ends a period of a person’s life or life in general.

A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Interpretation of dreams from

Kisses in a dream can represent joyful pleasant events or future troubles. What does it mean to kiss a man if in a dream the dreamer felt his lips and remembered the plot of the dream, various dream books write a lot.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Miller interprets kisses depending on whether the man was pleasant or not. If this person is handsome, but unknown to the dreamer, kissing him is a sign of success in business or a new acquaintance.

Kissing a boyfriend or husband - to unexpected meeting or reconciliation after a quarrel. Lovers dream of such dreams as a sign of compensation for emotions during separation. Kissing in a dream with a freak, old or ugly person, according to Miller, is a dream of future troubles, disgust and scandals.

Freud's Dream Book

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream means a new acquaintance and meeting. Teenagers dream of pleasant events (if the affection is pleasant) or of troubles and pressure if kissing an unpleasant person.

For a girl to kiss her parents or relatives of the opposite sex - to reconciliation with them and complete mutual understanding. A forced kiss predicts pressure and quarrels in the family, coercion. Kissing with- to surprise. If you like the kiss, the dream symbolizes a new acquaintance or an erotic adventure.


Loff interprets kisses as follows:

  • without erotic overtones - to good news and joy, provided that the partner did not cause disgust;
  • kissing a child, teenager or relative - to surprise;
  • a farewell kiss predicts separation, and even the death of the person seen;
  • touching a celebrity with your lips or kissing her is a sign of surprise or success;
  • erotically kissing a pleasant person - to falling in love, success and reciprocity in love;
  • if the dreamer was forcibly kissed by a freak, an unpleasant person, this means a quarrel;
  • a forced kiss with relatives of the same or opposite sex is a dream of betrayal, pressure, or an extremely unpleasant matter.


Passionate kisses in a dream, like making love, dream of a deterioration in well-being and minor troubles. Sometimes a vision predicts separation for lovers and major troubles in their personal lives.


Kissing a man on the lips in a dream (according to Hasse) means betrayal of a lover and betrayal. If this happened with a partner, husband or lover with whom the girl has an intimate relationship, then the dream predicts her disappointment in this person or separation from him. Sometimes a dream can occur before the death of a loved one.

A forced kiss with an unpleasant person portends quarrels, troubles and disappointments. If a girl expects a passionate kiss and receives a friendly one in return, the relationship with a man or boyfriend will quickly come to naught.

Kissing a stranger in front of your boyfriend is a sign of betrayal and suspicion. For lovers, this plot foreshadows a major quarrel. A kiss with a dead person foreshadows a secret romance or illness and loss of strength, sometimes parting with a lover.



Kissing your loved one- to quarrel and separation. Such a plot foreshadows jealousy and resentment, sometimes serious quarrels between lovers. Mutual kisses with a celebrity foreshadow success in business and happiness, sometimes a new and promising acquaintance.

Erotic kisses with relatives of the opposite sex indicate trust and complete mutual understanding. A man dreams of kissing a man to success and strengthening family relationships.

Erotic kiss with a stranger foreshadows a new event: if the touches were pleasant, then the events will please the dreamer. A forced kiss portends a quarrel or getting involved in an unpleasant matter.

Kissing a dead person in a dream means disappointment and regret.


Kissing a man on the lips in a dream, according to the English interpretation, means deception, betrayal or disappointment in a man. A married woman dreams of a kiss with a pleasant stranger as a sign of a secret romance or temptation. Kissing in public with your spouse as lovers means family squabbles and quarrels.

Sometimes a dream predicts trouble. If you dreamed that a friend and the dreamer’s husband or lover kissed, the dream foreshadows joy and pleasant impressions, but for some people such a vision predicts treason and betrayal of a loved one.


Such a dream foreshadows illness, slight illness or disappointment in a loved one. Girls dream about a new acquaintance or an erotic adventure. Kissing a pleasant but unfamiliar person means a new acquaintance or surprise; kissing a guy you like predicts joy and reciprocity in love.

Unpleasant or forced kiss ex-boyfriend portends worries and tears, sometimes dreams of a scene of jealousy. If the unpleasant man was unfamiliar, then the dreamer will change her rules and be happy contrary to expectations. Kissing an enemy or ex-boyfriend to whom the dreamer dreams of returning means unexpected reconciliation.


The modern dream book interprets kisses in a dream, especially passionate ones, differently than everyone else. Here are the main examples of interpretations:


According to this book, a kiss with a man portends troubles and scandals. Unmarried girls the dream foreshadows a new acquaintance, love relationship, married women dream of a vision of good news and mutual love. For a divorced woman, a passionate kiss portends an erotic acquaintance or deterioration in well-being.

Kissing for a long time in a dream with a familiar man or lover means changes in relationships. Some people dream of such a plot as a sign of separation and worries. A farewell kiss to a man foreshadows separation, suffering and tears.

New family

Modern family dream books interpret a kiss depending on the location and whether the partner was pleasant or not.

The most common interpretations of dreams about kissing a man:


Gypsy dream books interpret a passionate kiss with a man as a sign of discord in the relationship with him. If the person is unfamiliar, the vision foreshadows scandals and quarrels between relatives. A girl kissing a man means an early engagement or marriage, married woman a similar dream foreshadows resentment and a quarrel with the spouse’s relatives or with himself.

Dreaming of kissing a foreigner means a quarrel or scandal in the family. Sometimes a dream foreshadows resentment and disappointment. Kissing a dead person means illness or danger to life.

Eastern female

The dream foreshadows a quarrel, betrayal and separation from a loved one.

Dream book of health

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream means illness or a sharp deterioration in health. If the kiss was friendly, then the sick person will recover, but the healthy one will feel disappointed. Kissing an enemy in a dream means an unexpected meeting or an unpleasant conversation.

A passionate kiss with a mulatto, a black man or a dark-haired man dreams of danger to health or illness.

Girls often have this dream before rape or attack. Kissing a blond man in a dream, or a man with blond hair, means recovery from an illness or good news. For patients, such a dream portends good news and improved well-being.


A psychotherapist's dream book interprets a kiss as good news or frank communication.

The exact interpretation depends on who and how they kissed in the dream:

  • a passionate kiss with a pleasant-looking stranger is a dream of joy and pleasant surprise; for some people, the dream foretells success in business;
  • kissing a man you know, but not a boyfriend or lover - to an unexpected meeting or understanding with this person, great love;
  • girls dream of erotic kisses as a sign of new acquaintances and the formation of a psychological and external image of a future husband, lover and sexual partner;
  • Lovers dream of passionate kisses as a sign of a quarrel or the end of a romance. If they are separated, then erotic dreams compensate for the lack of emotions;
  • kissing in a friendly way with a guy you like or lover - to separation or resentment, neglect;
  • Passionately kissing a bride with another man or a wife with her lover means discord in a marital or love relationship.

Summer dream book

Autumn dream book

  • kissing a stranger or not seeing your partner’s face in a dream is a surprise;
  • passionately show feelings for a stranger - to a partner’s jealousy or a quarrel in the family;
  • a kiss with a husband or boyfriend predicts major troubles or discord in family relationships;
  • kissing your lover in a dream means a quarrel or separation;
  • a kiss with a deceased person or a dead person is a sign of illness or worsening circumstances;
  • a September kiss predicts disappointments in love and great experiences;
  • kissing in a dream in October - to minor changes and events that will happen soon after such a dream;
  • a November kiss symbolizes changes in fate and a new love relationship or an unexpected continuation of a love affair.

Kisses with your husband in a dream

The interpretation of a dream about kissing your legal spouse depends on what kind of relationship the couple is in. this moment.

Here is how the dream book interprets different kisses with your husband:

  • a friendly kiss dreams of reconciliation after a quarrel or cooling off friendly relations with this person;
  • kissing passionately, as in youth and at the dawn of a relationship, means a breakdown in relationships;
  • a farewell kiss symbolizes separation or discord in relationships;
  • kiss with ex-husband- to an unexpected meeting with him or to news about this person;
  • passionate kisses with a husband who is far away means that he is thinking about his wife and misses her;
  • if another woman or girl starts kissing your spouse, this is a sign of jealousy. Sometimes such a dream literally comes true. In some cases, the dream suggests that suspicions and fears are unfounded;
  • catch your spouse in bed with ex-girlfriend or a wife - to jealousy or regrets;
  • kiss your husband passionately and see that he turns away - to changes in life or discord;
  • if in response to a passionate kiss a friendly or farewell kiss is received, the relationship will change for the worse;
  • seeing your husband kissing another girl means a quarrel and scandal in the family;
  • seeing your husband dead and kissing him passionately is a danger to health;
  • kissing passionately in private in a dream means an improvement in relationships or complete disappointment in your husband;
  • exchange passionate kisses on own wedding- to the illness of the husband or the breakdown of relations with him. Sometimes a dream foreshadows a divorce.

Kissing a stranger

The interpretation of this dream depends on the nature of the kiss and whether you liked it or not. To understand the meaning of the dream, it is important to remember the man’s appearance, the place of the kiss, and the impression of what happened.

Basic interpretations of scenes with kisses in which the man is unfamiliar to the dreamer:

  • in teenage dreams, the plot means that the girl’s subconscious forms the image of her future husband or sexual partner. Sometimes such a dream indicates an acquaintance that can become fateful, foreshadowing marriage or fatal love and passion;
  • An adult girl dreams of a kiss with a pleasant man as a sign of a new acquaintance or an unexpected meeting;
  • flirting in a dream with a policeman, security guard, military man - an attempt to break some kind of prohibition or rule;
  • a mutual kiss with a doctor dreams of recovery from an illness or a quick resolution of an unpleasant situation, but if the touch was unpleasant, the dream foreshadows an illness;
  • kissing a teacher or teacher - to new knowledge or an unexpected meeting, success;
  • kiss with a personal driver or driver public transport portends an acquaintance that will change the dreamer’s life;
  • a kiss with an actor or musician predicts a surprise, an adventure or a meeting with an insincere person;
  • kissing a celebrity in a dream means success;
  • if the kiss was with a tramp, homeless person or an extremely unpleasant person, trouble or illness is possible;
  • kissing a boyfriend or friend’s husband who does not exist - to envy and quarrel;
  • flirting with a married person is a risky act;
  • a forced kiss symbolizes difficult circumstances or an unpleasant decision.

Kissing in a dream with a close friend

Dreams with passionate kisses may occur during the transition to intimate relationships with this person or to falling in love.

The exact interpretation depends on the nature of the kiss:

Why do you dream about kissing your ex?

Such a dream symbolizes an unexpected meeting and a change in friendships.

The exact interpretation depends on the time that has passed since breaking up with this person and the feelings that the girl had for the man.

  • passionately kissing a guy who left you - to hear news about him or from him, sometimes as an attempt to return the relationship. If you dreamed of an episode from the past, and the girl kissed him in familiar places, the dream foreshadows a final breakup if the lover was dressed in new clothes and the pictures in the dream were not similar to past meeting places, a new and unexpected turn in the relationship is possible;
  • a forced kiss with an ex-boyfriend whom the girl left, dreams of quarrels and his attempt to return the relationship. Brushing off your ex-boyfriend and not letting him kiss you means defeating him. If a girl starts kissing her ex-boyfriend, whom she left voluntarily, without coercion, reconciliation and a new outburst of feelings is possible;
  • kissing a guy who has died or lives in another city - means meeting a person similar to him or a new outbreak of feelings;
  • kissing passionately with a man who is married is a surprise;
  • a forced kiss with an unpleasant person predicts quarrels and scandals.

Kisses with your loved one on the lips with tongue

This dream means nothing if the woman who had such a dream did not feel disgust.
Unpleasant feelings in a dream foreshadow major troubles in reality.

The meaning of sleeping with several men

Kissing one man on the lips in a dream means joyful or pleasant events. If you dream of group sex or a dance in which the dreamer kisses several partners, the dream predicts unexpected events or falling in love.

If the kisses were equally pleasant or unpleasant, then not a single acquaintance will change the dreamer’s life, but if she singled out a man from the crowd, it means that a new acquaintance or meeting will change her life completely. If all the partners were unpleasant, the dream represents tears and worries.

Kissing a dead man in a dream

The interpretation of the dream depends on what kind of relationship the woman had with this man, whether he was alive or not, and what her feelings were.

Here are the main interpretations of such a dream:

  • a passionate kiss with your partner, who is alive and who died in a dream, predicts a break in relationships and love affairs, an unpromising relationship;
  • kissing a man who is no longer alive, but in a dream he is alive - means meeting a person similar to him, meeting his relatives or a new business;
  • kissing passionately in a dream with a man who is dying and decaying - to illness and great experiences;
  • a kiss with a disfigured dead man foreshadows an illness or a new stage in the life of a woman who had such a dream;
  • a friendly kiss with a dead person dreams of a secret or some secret;
  • a farewell kiss with him foreshadows a new stage in life or an unexpected meeting;
  • if the deceased rose from the coffin and began to kiss, the relationship, which the dreamer considered complete, will take an unexpected turn.

If the kiss with a man in a dream was short

This dream foretells a secret or unusual relationship. If the kiss was furtive and briefly passionate, the dream represents a secret romance or relationship that the woman will be forced to constantly hide.

In other cases, the dream symbolizes short-lived feelings and disappointment in a man. If he secretly kissed and looked back, it means his feelings are insincere.

Kissing a male relative in a dream

  • a passionate kiss symbolizes new plans and joint activities;
  • if the partner was unpleasant, the woman who had the dream will be drawn into a dubious story;
  • a friendly kiss symbolizes good news;
  • farewell predicts resentment or quarrel.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man depending on the place

The location of the kiss tells you whether the dream refers to the past or the future.

Here is how the dream book interprets different places and circumstances of kisses:

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

  • Monday: the partner remembers the dreamer, the dream predicts a new meeting or surprise;
  • Tuesday: to separation and troubles;
  • Wednesday: to news or an unexpected change of circumstances;
  • Thursday: illness or loss of strength;
  • Friday: for a new novel or a gift from a loved one;
  • Saturday: empty dream;
  • resurrection: to good news or guests in the house.

Dreams with a kiss always have meaning. Therefore, if the dreamer had to kiss a handsome or unpleasant man on the lips in a dream, this is always a sign. well and exact interpretation depends on the circumstances of the dream and impressions.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about kissing in a dream

Why do you dream of a kiss in a dream? Interpretation:

In ancient interpretations, almost any kiss in a dream is considered sacred symbol, capable of giving life force, returning from oblivion, opening portals to other worlds. Nowadays, to find out why you dream of a kiss with unknown guy so difficult that professional psychologists have joined modern predictors in an attempt to unravel secret meaning dreams.

Some interpreters suggest viewing the dream as an upside-down dream, where disgust promises joy, and a feeling of bliss should alert you.

The interpretation directly depends on the attractiveness of the unfamiliar guy with whom the kiss took place in the dream. Cute Stranger portends pleasure and entertainment. If you dreamed of a repulsive person, one of your real-life acquaintances may seriously disappoint you.

He sees in the symbol a lot in common with reality. Often the plot serves as a reminder that your partner should be given more passion and attention. For lonely people, a kiss with a stranger promises a fateful meeting. There is a high probability that first love will somehow remind you of itself.

Sincere passion in a dream foreshadows a surprise from fortune itself. Mild hostility warns that the long-awaited news will not be at all what it was expected. Complete rejection indicates that personal life fades into the background, giving the green light to other hobbies. If you dreamed of a kiss with an abstract figure at dawn, in reality you will meet like-minded people.

According to the interpretations of this dream book, an elderly stranger personifies gossip and unpleasant news. A handsome young man in a dream means respect and universal sympathy from those around him.

Considers a kiss from a stranger in a dream to be a very serious warning. If you dreamed about this, it is dangerous to trust your existing partner.

It is advisable to beware of experiments in bed, interest in which may increase sharply in the near future. The consequences threaten to be disappointing: an indecent disease, an inopportune pregnancy, psychological trauma.

When a guy happens to see his beloved kissing a stranger in a dream, in reality he is upset by the lack of respect on her part. If the dreamer wisely distanced herself from a loving stranger in her night dreams, in reality she values ​​relationships very much and does not dream of anyone else.

Seeing yourself kissing someone of the same sex. The symbol warns a man that a strong rival or competitor will soon appear on the horizon. business sphere. Seeing this happens to women, who often rightly believe that their lack of femininity makes them unattractive to men.

Offers an interesting explanation of why you dream about your ex as a stranger. It seems that the dreamer still cannot come to terms with the separation and dreams of starting a relationship with this person from scratch. Kissing a photograph of a beautiful stranger in a dream happens to those who experience burning envy of a well-known person.

Claims that the one who saw in a dream similar plot, in reality he is his own enemy. There is a high probability of falling under the influence of suspicious and very authoritarian individuals due to gullibility, recklessness, and dubious adventures. There is a risk of significantly worsening living conditions as a result of bankruptcy due to negligence. Past pranks may unexpectedly become public.

From Noble dream book Nina Grishina can be recognized as evidenced by areas of the face and body kissed by a stranger in a dream:

  • Intimate parts reflect the dreamer's unseemly plans.
  • If you dreamed of a kiss on the lips, details of the dream talk about strengths and weaknesses.
  • Kiss on the cheek promises an unexpected catch.
  • When he kisses hands in a dream, self-esteem in reality is simply off the charts.
  • When the object of affection is the neck, support from friends will be very helpful.
  • Air kiss reflects a feeling of superiority.

Some interpretations of what it means to dream of a kiss with an unfamiliar guy contain direct warnings. Family dream book indicates an increased likelihood of conflicts between households or in professional circles.

The youngest and most inexperienced English dream book warns against excessive gullibility. Sometimes a disgusting stranger appears in the dreams of young ladies who dream of a profitable marriage of convenience, in which there may be no place for love.

If you dream of a kiss with an unpleasant stranger. If the gentleman is persistent, circumstances threaten to get out of control and turn out badly. You should also beware of moral pressure and physical aggression.

The erotic dream book claims that in night dreams the role of a stranger can be played well a famous person who is unaware of your existence. As a rule, dreams in which you happened to kiss a celebrity do not contain erotic overtones; they symbolize the area where you would like to achieve success. Now is a favorable moment to achieve tangible results, it is important not to miss it.

Kissing public figures in a dream happens to those who in reality are trying their best to hide their love, considering it inappropriate or shameful.

In order to more accurately interpret why you dream of a kiss with an unfamiliar guy, it is advisable to remember under what circumstances it took place. If this act took place in a crowded place, Longo’s dream book does not recommend being frank with unfamiliar people: talkativeness threatens to do a disservice.

If you dreamed of a kiss as a tribute to tradition, for example, a witness at a wedding, an unexpected exciting journey awaits you to distant lands. The people you meet along the way will play a positive role in your future destiny.

It’s interesting to know why a guy dreams of kissing an unfamiliar girl. If you dreamed that the initiator was a stranger, the dreamer risks finding himself at the epicenter of a scandal, the culprit of which will be himself. It may also turn out that the new passion from reality is not at all who she claims to be.

Shereminskaya's dream book believes unknown girl the one you kissed a harbinger of unexpected profits. The universal interpreter mentions exciting flirting, which will later develop into serious feelings. The romance will not last long, but bright, exciting memories will last a lifetime.

The esoteric dream book draws attention to the lighting and the people around you. If the kiss took place in bright light and in front of everyone, the dreamer will have to work for the public to the detriment of his ego, sacrifice his own moral principles for decency.

In the dream book of the sorceress Medea, a frivolous gesture in a dream serves as a call to overcome internal barriers and phobias to enjoy life to the fullest.

To achieve financial well-being. Beautiful - completion of a long-term project. Well built - along with fortune will come fame and recognition. Small growth - minor investments will bring big profits. Elderly - financial support from a close relative. Scary or ugly - a seemingly hopeless business can bring financial well-being. Hunchback - you will reveal the betrayal of the person you trusted most. In a hat and raincoat - you will have a patron. Wearing clothes in light colors means receiving an inheritance. Wearing clothes in dark colors means your many years of work will bring tangible results. Dead - to the opening of new sources of income. Blonde is a profitable acquaintance. Brunette is an adventurous proposal. In prison - the implementation of plans you have long nurtured. Entering into a love relationship means reconciliation with competitors.

Imagine that the unknown man from your dream gives you something.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Looking in the dream book to kiss with by a stranger in a dream on the lips? The article will discuss possible values. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the prepared material.

Let's talk about the features of dreams. Now scientists cannot say exactly how dreams appear. According to research, they are a product of the brain, a kind of “mix” formed during rest due to distortion of perception.

A dream may include current events, reflect a person’s problems, possible solutions. Dreams are also influenced by external stimuli. The brain cannot process signals correctly and distorts reality.

The dream may not have much meaning. Many people give it too much great importance. Scientists argue that in many dreams there is no need to look for hidden meaning; these are illusions created by the brain.

Dreams can also be a reflection of our subconscious. If you are worried about certain problems, your brain may continue to search for solutions at night. But the images are greatly distorted and have to be deciphered later.

Dreams and their meanings depend on the psyche of a particular person. This fact makes all dream books and interpretations useless. Understand that dreams are too individual, it is impossible to explain the meaning of similar images for each person.

Therefore, the interpretation of a dream about a kiss on the lips with a stranger depends on the specific circumstances. Do not waste time looking for the meaning in the dream book, it will turn out to be incorrect. Better analyze your life, current problems, what really worries you. You may be able to find the true meaning of the dream.

Of course, no one forbids you to use dream books. If you really trust them, then you can familiarize yourself with the possible meanings.

Miller's Dream Book

Let's start by studying the meanings according to Miller's dream book:

  1. Actions are too frivolous.
  2. On the lips - happy relationships, marriage.
  3. With a familiar person - strong friendships.
  4. If the guy was cute and you hugged him, this is a good sign.
  5. The man was not the most pleasant-looking - he was troubled and upset.

On the lips

Why dream of kissing a stranger on the lips? There are so many dream books - so many interpretations. Let's consider the possible options:

  • The girl is waiting for a new acquaintance.
  • Kissed a relative - long separation.
  • Good luck awaits you.
  • Perhaps you are not satisfied with your partner in your current relationship.
  • Life may change soon.

On your cheek

Possible interpretations of a kiss on the cheek:

  1. An omen of meeting a young man and a romantic relationship.
  2. From a friend - disagreements and conflicts.
  3. From a classmate - friends will help you solve problems.


Possible concerns expressed by a kiss in a dream:

  • Intense curiosity that will lead to negative sexual experiences. Injuries and sexually transmitted diseases may occur.
  • You need to be more selective when choosing partners for relationships.
  • If you dreamed about your boyfriend kissing another girl, you are afraid of cheating and betrayal.

What should we expect in the future?

If you study various dream books, then we can understand that general interpretations does not exist. Which source should you trust? The correct answer is none. Each dream is unique, like the person himself, so creating collections of dream meanings is a very pointless exercise.

What to do? Just analyze your feelings and current situation. Perhaps the dream reflected internal problems or fears, but something needs to be changed in life

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