Homemade minced sausage recipe. Delicious homemade sausages: recipe, cooking features and reviews

You will prepare homemade sausages according to our recipes without additives, using only natural ingredients: made from chicken, pork or beef.

Homemade sausages are a healthy and tasty alternative to store-bought ones. These sausages can be made from chicken or turkey fillet. Use cling film as a shell. If desired, you can add shelled pistachios, champignons, sweet pepper or greens, and replace the milk with cream. If you are preparing sausages for small children, then exclude garlic and ground black pepper from the recipe. Sausages can be prepared for future use - just freeze them.

  • Chicken breast fillet - 1 kg;
  • Milk 3.5% - 150 ml;
  • Large egg - 1 piece;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Medium onion - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • Salt, ground black pepper.

Wash the chicken fillet, dry it and cut into pieces.

Mince the chicken fillet, peeled onion and garlic twice.

Add softened butter, warm milk, egg, salt and spices to the minced chicken.

Mix thoroughly.

Spread cling film on the table. Place 2 tablespoons of minced meat on the edge of the film. Form a sausage by wrapping the minced meat tightly in 2-3 layers of film. Cut off excess film. Tie one end of the film with a strong knot.

Tie the other end of the film into a knot, making sure that there is no air left inside the film with minced meat.

Sausages can be made different sizes. Children will love the little sausages.

Place the sausages in boiling water and cook for 15 minutes.

Place the finished sausages in a colander and let the water drain. Remove the film. Be careful not to burn your fingers - there may be hot air inside the film.

From this amount of ingredients I get about 20 medium-sized sausages. If you make baby sausages for children, you will get twice as many of them.

Serve the chicken sausages hot.

Serve porridge from any cereal as a side dish for homemade chicken sausages, pasta, boiled or fresh vegetables, greens.

Recipe 2: Chicken sausages at home

  • Chicken breast - 1 piece
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Carrots (medium) – 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Spices
  • Pepper

Wash the chicken breast, remove the skin and remove the bones. Prepare minced meat from the cleaned fillet and add an egg to it.

To the minced meat add finely grated carrots, finely chopped onion and garlic.

Then add salt, pepper and spices to your taste. I use this chicken seasoning mix.

Dilute the resulting mixture with milk (or water) and mix thoroughly.

The next stage is preparing the sausages; for this you need to spread cling film and carefully place the minced meat on it. The more minced meat you put in, the thicker the sausage will turn out, I usually put a couple of spoons.

We roll the film with minced meat into a tube several times.

We cut the film and fold the edges like a candy wrapper, you can tie it in a knot or tie it with thread.

These are the sausages you should get, from this amount of ingredients I got 12 small sausages.

The next step is to lower the finished sausages into boiling water and cook for 20 minutes.

Cool the finished sausages and remove the film. Ready! If you wish, you can also fry the sausages until golden brown, or it is very convenient to take them with you on a picnic, or you can freeze them for further storage. Tasty and healthy. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3, step by step: how to make homemade sausages

Making sausages at home is very easy. All you need is a pan, cling film and meat on hand. Everything turns out easy, fast and tasty. Sausages can be made for future use and stored in the freezer, if necessary fry in a frying pan - and you're done!

  • Chicken fillet - 500 grams
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Milk - 100 Milliliters
  • Salt - To taste
  • Ground black pepper - 2 Pinches
  • Ground paprika - 0.5 teaspoons
  • Coriander - 0.5 teaspoons

Cut the meat into pieces and pass through a meat grinder or chopper. In the process, add a piece of butter and continue stirring the meat.

Add raw egg, paprika, ground black pepper, ground coriander, salt, milk. Mix thoroughly.

Place cling film on the table, add two tablespoons of minced meat and roll the film like candy.

Try to roll the sausages tightly to remove as much air as possible, then the products will turn out smooth and beautiful. Tie the edges with thread.

Pour over the sausages cold water and bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

Fry the finished sausages in a teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil until nicely browned. Serve hot with your favorite sauces!

Recipe 4: Homemade Turkey Sausages Wrapped in Film

A homemade sausage recipe is simple, quick, tasty and healthy. You will need a minimum set of products and very little time, and as a result you will get very tasty and healthy sausages, which you just need to boil in boiling water.

  • minced chicken or turkey – 600 g;
  • chicken egg– 1 piece;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • onions - 1 onion;
  • salt and pepper to taste

Onions peel and cut into large pieces, and then pass through a meat grinder along with minced chicken.

Then put the minced meat into a blender bowl, add milk, beat in the egg and beat.

Place in a bowl, add salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.

We will spread the minced meat onto the film using a special pastry syringe or a tablespoon. You can also use a regular milk carton for these purposes, after cutting off a corner from it.

We unwind the required amount cling film(approximately 5-6 cm) and place our minced meat on it, distributing it evenly in the center.

Then carefully roll the film, forming a small sausage.

Carefully but gently press the film against the minced meat, this will avoid the appearance of air bubbles. Of course, they will not spoil the taste of the finished product, but appearance will suffer.

Then carefully compact the minced meat by pressing on it from different ends of the sausage. We twist the end of the film, tie it with cotton thread, tying it with several knots. We do the same with the other “tail”. The result is a neat sausage.

If you do not plan to cook the sausages right away, put them in freezer.

That's all the wisdom! We made turkey sausage at home. Now all that remains is to boil them in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, and then you can serve them with any side dish.

During the cooking process, the color of the minced meat will change, which indicates the readiness of the product.

We take the finished homemade sausages out of the pan, carefully remove the casing, cutting off the “tail” of the film on one side.

Recipe 5: how to cook sausages in cling film

These sausages can be frozen for future use. You can add various seasonings, herbs, and cheese to the minced meat.

  • Minced chicken - 400 gr.
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Salt - ½ tsp.

Place the minced meat in a bowl, add the egg and mix.

Add semolina, mix.

Peel the onion and chop finely.

Add onion, salt, chopped garlic to the minced meat and mix.

Spread cling film and place 2 tbsp on its edge. prepared minced meat, shape into a sausage with wet hands.

Wrap the resulting sausage in cling film, like candy.

Tie knots at the ends. Boil in boiling water for 15 minutes.

Recipe 6, simple: chicken sausages (with photo)

  • chicken fillet – 400 gr
  • milk - 3.2% - 100 ml
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

Wash the chicken fillet well. Let's remove the extra veins. Cut into small pieces.

Salt and add one raw egg. Grind with a blender (or any other food processor).

Pepper the resulting mass to taste and add milk. Add milk and mix well until smooth.

Place 1.5 tbsp on a small piece of cling film. tablespoons of the mixture and gradually wrap it in the sausage, compacting and releasing the air.

We tie it in a knot along the edges, I didn’t tie it and wrapped it well. They don’t fall apart when I cook them.

Cook for 5-7 minutes in boiling water like regular sausages.

To make the sausages look so cute and not boring, you need to fry them on both sides in butter. All! The children will be delighted!

Recipe 7: Beef sausages at home

  • beef fillet - 1600;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • beets - 1 piece;
  • salt - to taste;
  • nutmeg - 0.25 tsp;
  • dried dill - 2 tbsp;
  • dried garlic - 1.5 tbsp;
  • pork - 4 m;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs

So, cooking homemade beef sausages in detail. Take beef fillet. Take a good piece, there is no time to save money. Wash the meat thoroughly.

Cut the meat into pieces that will fit into a meat grinder to grind the minced meat. If there are veins, cut them out if possible.

Scroll the minced meat through a meat grinder 3 times. Yes, exactly 3, we don’t need less, we need a straight homogeneous sausage structure. If you make baths, then 1-2 times will do.

So, the meat after the 1st scroll:

After the 2nd:

After the 3rd:

It is often written that homemade sausages end up gray, bluish, or some other unattractive color. brown. I solved this issue very simply, with the help of beets. Natural dye that did not affect the taste in any way). So, wash the beets and clean them.

We cut into cubes that are suitable for rolling in a meat grinder.

Scroll the beets through a meat grinder with a fine nozzle.

So, here are our ingredients for sausage mince.

Let's make our dye. We fold ordinary gauze several times, put a couple of spoons of minced beetroot into it and squeeze the juice into the minced meat. I was a little embarrassed and only squeezed out the juice of half the beets; next time I’ll squeeze out the whole beets for an even more intense color, because a decent portion of the juice will be released into the water during cooking.

Add eggs, nutmeg,

dried garlic,

heavy cream,

Take butter at room temperature,

cut it into cubes and put it into minced meat.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly. He's ready! Place it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

After 12 hours, prepare the ingredients for forming the sausages: sausage attachment, casings, twine.

Let's prepare the wombs. They're going strong saline solution in a bag. We don’t take the entire volume at once, we cut off about half, I took 4 meters, it turned out just right. But I took it by eye.

We place a container in the sink so that the intestines do not leak out when rinsing. Pour some water into the container. Gently push the end of the intestine apart with your fingers; it stretches well.

We put one end of the intestine on the tap, turn on the water slightly, and rinse the intestines with running water.

To tie sausages we use cotton twine like this. But strong cotton threads will also work. We cut off pieces of 7 centimeters at once, several pieces.

We assemble the meat grinder by putting on a long sausage attachment instead of a meat grinder mesh.

Take the minced meat out of the refrigerator and mix it thoroughly again. This is the structure.

Carefully, like a stocking, we put the casings on the sausage attachment like this. We tie the end of the casings with twine.

We begin to pass the minced meat through a meat grinder. During the first scroll there will be a lot of air bubbles, because initially the sausage cone was empty. Therefore, we make the first sausage tentatively, compacting the meat with our hands. We tie the second end of the sausage, and after 3 centimeters we make the next knot with twine. Now we have no air in the cone, the process will go faster.

Carefully pass the minced meat through the meat grinder, holding the casings with your hand and regulating the process of filling and lowering the casings from the nozzle. There is no need to make it very tightly so that the sausages do not burst during cooking.

When the wombs are filled to the length of your palm, twist them several times, as in the photo. And we twist the next sausage. I made batches of 3-4 pieces to make it easier to cook the bunch without cutting it off before cooking. After forming 3-4 pieces, I cut off the casings, repeating the steps that I indicated after the first test sausage.

In the finished batch of twisting, I also tied it with twine and made a knot. If there are air bubbles, pierce them with a regular needle, releasing the air out. No minced meat will leak out during cooking because of this, and the casings, on the contrary, will adhere more tightly to the minced meat.

Now my sausages are ready to cook. I cook them in batches of 3-4 for children, it’s a little expensive for adults and the process is slow). A kilogram of such sausages cost me about 750-800 rubles due to the high cost of beef. These sausages can be frozen and stored in the freezer.

These sausages are easy to cook: place the sausages in boiling salted water, and after boiling, cook for 30-40 minutes.

The sausages will shrink in size as they cook. After cooking, remove the twine.

Sausages are considered to be a dish that does not bring any benefit, harmful fast food. A similar statement is considered fair in relation to store-bought sausages. industrial production. Meanwhile, with your own hands it is not difficult to prepare exclusively natural homemade sausages, which you can feed even a child without fear.

Chicken is the most common poultry, so its meat is quite affordable. If you cook chicken sausages at home, you can supplement your diet with a safe meat product.

Required ingredients:

  • meat - chicken fillet 0.5 kg;
  • egg;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • vegetables: carrots, onions, garlic;
  • spices or ready-made seasonings for meat: salt, pepper, paprika, coriander.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the chicken meat into pieces and grind using a meat grinder or blender. To obtain a more delicate consistency of the minced meat, you can roll it twice.
  2. Grind carrots, onions and garlic immediately along with the meat or grate them separately on a fine grater and add to the minced meat.
  3. Add one medium-sized chicken egg, softened butter.
  4. Pour in the milk and thoroughly mix the ingredients of the minced meat until smooth.
  5. Add spices and seasonings in a volume of about 0.5 teaspoon.
  6. Spread cling film and place about 2 tablespoons of minced meat on it.
  7. Roll the film several times, forming a sausage as you wish: long, short.
  8. Cut the ends of the film and secure with strong thread. You can simply tie them in a knot or roll them up like a candy wrapper.
  9. Boil the finished sausages in boiling water for about 10 minutes, fry in a frying pan until golden brown or freeze.

Traditionally, these sausages are made from chicken fillet- breast meat, but to make them more juicy, you can add meat from the thighs or drumsticks of the bird to the minced meat.

Cooking turkey in cling film

Turkey is another option for delicious dietary poultry for homemade sausages. Unlike chicken, it practically does not cause allergic reactions, and is more saturated with beneficial vitamins and macroelements.

Required ingredients:

  • meat – turkey fillet 0.5 kg;
  • medium-sized chicken egg;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • vegetables – onion, garlic;
  • spices and seasonings: salt, pepper, paprika, nutmeg.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the meat using a meat grinder or blender to a delicate paste-like consistency, it is better to grind it 2 - 3 times.
  2. Add chopped onion and garlic to the minced meat. When using a blender, it is convenient to chop vegetables directly with meat.
  3. Add the egg into the minced meat and mix well.
  4. Milk is poured in gradually, assessing the thickness of the minced meat. The base should be such that the minced meat does not spread when forming sausages, and, at the same time, can be easily squeezed out of a pastry syringe or bag.
  5. Salt, pepper, add desired spices. For example, paprika will give a beautiful “sausage” color, and nutmeg will add spice.
  6. Spread a piece of cling film or prepare pieces of baking sleeve of the required size.
  7. Using a pastry syringe or bag, squeeze the finished minced meat onto the film in a thick layer and distribute the mass in the center.
  8. Twist the film tightly, pressing at both ends, to form a sausage of the desired size. Tie the ends of the film in a knot or tie with a strong thread.
  9. Cook for 5 – 10 minutes or freeze.

To make turkey sausages more juicy, before preparing the minced meat, the meat can be soaked in milk for about half an hour.

How to make sausages for children

In order to feed a child, homemade sausages can be prepared according to any of the two recipes described above. For minced meat, either both types of meat are used: chicken and turkey, or each separately.

When preparing sausages for children, it is better to refrain from using very hot, spicy spices and large amounts of salt.

If you are thinking about how to make sausages for children healthier in taste and attractive in appearance, supplement the minced meat with vegetable additives.

Pieces of sweet pepper, carrot, and apple are suitable for this. You can add grated cheese, any herbs or beet juice. It will give the sausages a rich, appetizing color.

Homemade milk sausages

Real milk sausages are made from beef and pork. The minced meat should not contain veins or cartilage. The proportions of meat in milk sausages are 2 parts pork to 1 part beef.

Required ingredients:

  • meat – 2 kg pork, 1 kg beef;
  • egg – maybe two small ones with a total weight of about 100 g;
  • whole milk – 300 g;
  • powdered milk – 80 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • spices and seasonings: salt, pepper, nutmeg, coriander, dried ground garlic, dry mustard.

Cooking process:

  1. The meat is ground using a blender or meat grinder until pureed. For optimal consistency, it is better to swirl it 4 times.
  2. Sugar and all spices in a volume of about 0.5 teaspoons each are mixed with each other and added to the minced meat, mixed thoroughly until they are completely dissolved.
  3. Add two eggs.
  4. Pour in very cold milk. This is necessary because cold minced meat lends itself better to grinding. Milk is poured in gradually, keeping an eye on the consistency.
  5. At the end, add dry milk, mixing it in a thin layer.
  6. Place the finished minced meat on cling film and form sausages tightly. The ends of the film are secured with a thread or knot.
  7. Cook for about 30 minutes.

The ideal casing for milk sausages is intestines - lamb or pork. You can fill them with minced meat using a special attachment for a meat grinder or a pastry syringe.

Beef cooking technology

Beef is a lean meat that rarely causes allergic reactions. Thanks to these properties, it is well suited for the diet of young children, along with turkey or chicken. It’s also easy to make delicious homemade sausages from beef with your own hands.

Required ingredients:

  • meat – beef 1.6 kg;
  • egg – 2 pcs. medium size;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • beets - one small;
  • spices and seasonings: salt, pepper, dried garlic and dill, nutmeg.

Cooking process:

  1. Beef fillet is cut into pieces, removing the veins.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder or blender 3-4 times until pureed.
  3. Peeled beets are ground in a meat grinder or on a fine grater. Beetroot juice is squeezed out of the resulting minced beetroot through cheesecloth into meat puree. It will give the sausages an appetizing tint.
  4. IN minced meat add eggs, mix.
  5. All spices are mixed and ground together. Each spice needs about half a tablespoon or to taste.
  6. Pour in cream 20% fat.
  7. Butter at room temperature is cut into small pieces and mixed into the minced meat.
  8. Knead the mixture thoroughly until smooth.
  9. Place in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  10. Pork or lamb intestines are filled with minced meat using a meat grinder with a special attachment or a pastry syringe. The meat inside is compacted tightly, removing air bubbles inside the shell.
  11. The ends of the sausages in the casing are twisted or secured with a thick thread.
  12. Cook for about 30 minutes.

Film for homemade sausages

When making sausages at home, you must definitely pay attention to what kind of film will be used for these purposes.

It must be marked:

  • that this is food film, not packaging film;
  • about the maximum permissible temperature value that it can withstand.

When exposed to the temperature of boiling water, the cling film is not destroyed. But if you plan not to boil the sausages, but to fry them, it is better to wrap the minced meat in a special baking sleeve, which is made of heat-resistant material and can withstand heating up to 200 degrees.

How to properly cook and store homemade sausages

Once the sausages are formed in the cling film, they can either be cooked immediately or stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Homemade sausages are boiled in boiling water for about 8 minutes. To prevent the film from bursting during cooking, you need to pierce it in several places, for example, with a fork, before lowering the sausages into the water.

The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days. If you do not plan to eat it within this period, it is better to freeze it. Before freezing, sausages can be pre-boiled and cooled, and before eating, reheat them in microwave oven or oven.

Homemade sausages seem to be a problematic dish only in appearance. If you can overcome your disgust when working with intestines, you will get delicious dish, which is sure to please everyone. And if you experience an insurmountable incompatibility with pork intestines, cooking with a cling film wrapper is also an option.

About the recipe for sausages at home

Sausages can be made from any minced meat, filling it either with a natural casing (intestines) or wrapping it in cling film. “Real”, proper sausages - of course, in a casing of intestines. They are more complicated, therefore step by step recipe with a photo it makes sense to do it on the theme of “guts”. I’ll also definitely tell you about “light” sausages in cling film, it’s very simple.

As for minced meat, chicken is the most dietary, chicken-pork is fattier, and pork-beef is already without discounts on “ healthy eating“, although the sausages will be healthier in any case, because you know and control the composition - that’s why they are made at home.

Natural casing for homemade sausages

So, it all starts with buying pork intestines from the market and preparing them for use. About how to do this. In short: you need to cut the intestines into convenient pieces (up to 1 meter long), wash them and process them a little with the blunt side of a knife, then turn the intestines inside out - repeat all the manipulations. The intestines are quite elastic, it is difficult to tear them, so there is no need to worry about this. Then do not turn them inside out, since the outer part of the intestines should be filled with minced meat. For better results, you can soak the intestines in cold water, slightly diluted with vinegar, for a couple of hours.

About minced chicken

Homemade sausages from chicken meat They turn out quite juicy and soft. The main thing is to use non-dry parts of the bird; Chicken tenderloin or whole legs are great. Still, to be on the safe side, you can add a little fresh lard and raw potatoes. The chicken meat is either finely chopped with a knife or twisted through a meat grinder using a large attachment.

When I cook sausages in cling film, I do without any help. Dietary means dietary. The composition is different, the preparation technology is simple. Read about it below.


  • chicken carbonate 500 g
  • pork intestines 100 g
  • fresh lard 50 g
  • onion 1 piece
  • potatoes 1 piece
  • water 1 liter
  • vinegar 9% 1 tablespoon
  • vegetable oil 1 tablespoon
  • salt, spices to taste

How to cook chicken sausages in a natural casing

  1. Prepare all the necessary products. Rinse the intestines well and soak in cold water with vinegar for two hours in advance. Chicken meat must be fresh or chilled. Free the carbonates from the bones, and do not throw away the skin - it will be useful in minced meat.

  2. Rinse the prepared intestines well again under running water and drain in a colander.

  3. For the filling, prepare everything you need when loading the meat grinder. Wash the chicken carbonates and cut into 3-4 pieces each, peel the potatoes, rinse, cut into pieces. Peel the onions and cut into 4 parts. Cut the lard into small pieces with a knife.

  4. Place the attachment with the largest holes in the meat grinder and grind all the ingredients.

  5. Reinstall the sausage attachment on the meat grinder and pull the prepared intestine onto the tube. Release as much air as possible from the tube. Tie the end of the intestine in a knot. Season the minced meat with salt and pepper and start filling.

  6. Load the minced meat with a spoon into the meat grinder, pull or twist the sausages as they are filled, every 6-7 centimeters. Form 6 sausages in this way.

  7. Prepared homemade sausages must first be boiled a little and then fried in a frying pan or on the grill.
  8. It is very convenient to use a double boiler for this purpose. Place the sausages in a bowl, place over a bowl of boiling water and steam for 20 minutes.

  9. The sausages do not need to be pierced; they do not tear or burst at this stage.

  10. Then, in a frying pan, in hot oil, start frying homemade chicken sausages.

  11. Using a spatula, turn them over and fry them evenly on all sides until deep golden brown.

  12. Ready-made sausages should be served hot.

Serve homemade sausages with a large portion of vegetable salad and homemade tomato sauce.

Advice: After the sausages are boiled, they can be separated from each other by simply cutting the knots with a knife; they will no longer lose their shape. But it will be easier for you to fry them in a frying pan.

How to cook homemade sausages in cling film

We have already agreed that we will cook exclusively dietary sausages in film - no lard, and the chicken itself is delicate - sirloin parts. Milk and cream are quite enough. But even children can be treated to milk sausages.

To prepare 7-8 small sausages we will need:

  • chicken fillet 1 pc.
  • milk 1/2 cup
  • cream 15 ml
  • small onion half
  • starch 1/2 tsp.
  • pinch of salt and pepper

Puree the chicken fillet and onion in a blender, add the remaining ingredients and knead the “dough” for the sausages with a spoon. Place 2 tbsp in cling film. l. mince without the top and roll it tightly into a sausage in film. We will tie the ends so that the minced meat does not run away. Place the sausages in boiling water and cook. Cooking time depends on the size of the sausage. For small ones, 6-7 minutes is enough.

Sausages are also called “bachelor’s food”, because their preparation takes a maximum of ten minutes, and the dish can be made even by a person very far from cooking. But the simple dish also has its downsides. The main thing is the composition of the purchased product. Sometimes store-bought sausages don’t even smell like meat. But with an excess of all kinds of preservatives and “flavors close to natural.” Such sausages should not be given to children, and it is not recommended to eat them yourself. And after trying homemade sausages, the recipe for which will be given in this article, you will completely refuse the store-bought product. After all, you get used to good things quickly. Do you think you can’t replicate food industry technologies at home? Having good blender and cling film with threads, it will be easy to make sausages. And most importantly, the result will be tasty and healthy.

Ground meat

The store has a truly huge selection of sausages. You can also find dairy, so-called “Children’s” or “School”, pork, chicken, turkey meat and mixed minced meat. The same variety can be transferred to homemade sausages. The recipe allows you to make them from any meat. And you can fully realize your culinary fantasy. Add your favorite spices to the meat, add milk, add grated cheese, eggs, herbs, garlic and onions, lard. To taste the sausages for baby food was more tender, dry cream is added to the minced meat. Sausages made from combined minced meat with pork and beef are very tasty and juicy. For diet sausages, take chicken breast or turkey fillet. If you don't want to bother with cutting meat, you can buy ready-made minced meat. But be prepared for the fact that, unlike cutlets and brizols, sausages require very fine grinding of meat.

Preparation of minced meat

Do you completely trust your blender? After all, he will have to work hard today. Even if you bought ready-made minced meat, you need to grind it even more until it becomes a smooth puree. If you don’t have a blender on your farm, you can still make homemade sausages. The recipe instructs you to pass the minced meat through a meat grinder at least four times. In a word, the mass should be smooth and homogeneous. Otherwise, you won’t end up with sausages, but sausages, which, you see, is also not bad. Add other ingredients to the rolled minced meat. What are the proportions? For a kilogram of meat fillet you need to take one egg, one hundred grams of butter and a glass of whole milk. Salt and grated nutmeg are also required. All other ingredients - pepper (black or red), seasonings, herbs, spices, onions and garlic (but they should also be minced or crushed in a blender), a little cognac, cheese, lard and others - can be added optionally.

Product formation

The recipe for sausages at home instructs us to knead the minced meat for a long time. This will allow the ingredients not only to come together, but also fill the mass with air bubbles. The minced meat should be moist. This way the sausages will come out juicy and tasty. Then you should keep the minced meat in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, or even better, overnight. And only then start shaping the sausages. Both at home and at a meat processing plant, there are two ways to wrap minced meat. These are intestines and cling film. The first method is considered more natural. But in order to form sausages in this way, you will need a special attachment for a meat grinder, with a “tap”. You can get by with a pastry syringe with a large hole. In the end, you can use a tight bag with the tip cut off. And in order to make sausages in cling film, all you need is a hard work surface and thread. So we'll start with this one easy way formation of products.

Homemade sausages in cling film: recipe

For convenience, here too you can put the minced meat in a plastic bag with a corner cut off or a pastry syringe. Unwind five to six centimeters of cling film and cut it off. Place the piece on a flat surface and smooth it out. Place some minced meat in a strip in the center. With some skill, you can use an ordinary tablespoon in this method. We select the edges of the film and close the minced meat. Gently but persistently press to release air bubbles. This is necessary so that during cooking the sausage does not swell and its casing does not burst. This will not affect the taste of the dish, but it will spoil the aesthetic pleasure. Having wrapped the sausage, we roll it around for a while. wooden board to give the product the shape of an even stick. Then we wrap the ends of the cling film like a candy wrapper. To prevent them from opening during heat treatment, we wrap them several times with strong thread. Before cooking, the recipe for homemade sausages in film requires keeping them in the refrigerator for a while. And if you don’t plan to use them right away, hide the products in the freezer.

Formation of sausages in the intestines

This natural casing for sausages and sausages is sold in markets. The intestines are kept there in a concentrated saline solution. Therefore, first we need to rinse them by simply placing them on the tap. The recipe suggests making delicious homemade sausages from lamb intestines. But pork will also do. Having washed the intestine, we attach it to the faucet, but not to the water supply, but to a special attachment to the meat grinder. Or we fill it, as in the method with cling film, through a syringe or bag. However, there is a nuance. The intestines should be stuffed loosely with minced meat so that the meat has room to “grow”. But then the finished semi-finished products need to be pierced in several places with a needle to allow air to escape. If the intestine is long, you can make a whole garland of sausages out of it, intercepting sections at equal distances with a harsh thread. This method is more labor-intensive, but it gives the cook several advantages. Now we can cook sausages in the gut on the grill, fry in a pan or bake in the oven.

How to cook products

Exactly the same as a store-bought product - in salted water. The recipe for sausages at home does not indicate cooking time. It all depends on the type of meat, on the shell and on the thickness of the product. If you made thin chicken sausages in cling film, then just let them boil for five to seven minutes. But thick sausages made from pork or ground beef should cook in the gut for about half an hour. Cooking time for sausages in the oven, frying pan and grill may also vary.

Homemade sausages in dough: recipe

Are you an ardent fan of fast food and can't do anything about it? At least make your hot dog less harmful. For this dish, one of two types of dough is used: puff pastry and yeast dough (both rich and plain). Let's first consider a recipe for sausages in dough at home using the first type. Puff pastry sold frozen in the store. Cooking it is long and difficult. And since a hot dog is a fast food dish ( fast food), let's use a store-bought product. We will only have sausages at home. Carefully unroll the dough layer. Cut a narrow strip from it, twice as long as the sausage. Use a rolling pin to shape the dough into a flat shape. Use this ribbon to wrap the sausage in a spiral. Needless to say, you need to remove the film from the meat product. Place our sausages on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or greased vegetable oil. Brush the top of the dough with egg. Bake in a preheated oven for about twenty minutes at 180 degrees.

Other ways to make homemade sausages: ideas

You can cut the products into pieces and make a delicious omelet or scrambled eggs with them. If you bake homemade sausages in dough in the oven, the recipe advises sprinkling them with grated cheese five minutes before the end of the process. You will get an appetizing rosy cap on a platter. Homemade sausages are also delicious as a budget barbecue. Try grilling them with vegetables - it will be very tasty. Sausages are also suitable for first courses. They need to be added to soups, after being fried with onions and carrots. The national German dish bigos also uses sausages as one of its components.

Homemade food is usually tastier and more nutritious than store-bought: it is prepared from natural ingredients without the use of synthetic preservatives, dangerous dyes, emulsifiers and other “chemicals”. This is especially important when the child likes store-bought processed meat products. It is not necessary to wean your baby from this habit, because you can prepare sausages at home. A step-by-step recipe with photos will help you cope with this task in no time. Moreover taste qualities will not suffer at all, but mothers will be sure that the child ate real meat and not a substitute.

Homemade chicken sausages

When buying sausages in a store, you need to take into account many factors: expiration date, storage conditions, composition, calorie content, cooking method, etc. Now this product is equated to fast food, junk food. Homemade chicken sausages made by yourself are a completely different category. They can be safely eaten without violating the basics of proper nutrition.

Required components:

  • chicken meat – 0.5 kg;
  • fat milk – 100 ml;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 45-50 g;
  • ground black pepper – 1-2 pinches;
  • salt – ½ tsp. without top;
  • crushed coriander seeds - ½ tsp;
  • sweet paprika (powder) – ½ tsp.

Steps for preparing tender sausages at home:

  1. Prepare the meat base. Grind the chicken fillet until mushy. It is allowed to use store-bought minced meat. The main thing is that it is fresh and not subjected to repeated freezing.
  2. To make the minced meat especially tender, it is recommended to pass it through a meat grinder twice. Moreover, it is necessary to use a grill with the smallest holes.
  3. Beat a large egg into the resulting mass. If it is small, you can put two. Add softened butter, pour in milk. It is advisable to use whole, high fat content. But low-fat will also do.
  4. Salt and pepper. Add the rest of the spices. It is better to grind coriander and black pepper immediately before adding. Then the aroma will be richer.

    Important note! If sausages are prepared for children, you need to divide the minced meat into two portions. Prepare one part as indicated above. It is recommended not to put a lot of spices in the second, especially pepper.

  5. Form sausages. Take a couple of spoons of the meat mixture and place on a piece of cling film. Roll the minced meat tightly into a sausage (here you can experiment with the shape: thick, thin, long, short). Drive out all the air, twist the ends on the sides. Tie it off, resulting in something like packaged candy. To avoid confusion about where the adults are and where the children's sausages are, use different colors ropes.
  6. Boil the resulting sausages for 15-20 minutes. Serve with sauce or any nutritious side dish, after removing the film.

Like any other homemade semi-finished product with a special cooking technology, you want to save sausages for future use. Then you will always have delicacy meat at hand. In this case, the products are frozen raw or cooked. In the first case, they are boiled before serving until cooked without prior defrosting. In the second freezing method, boil the sausages for 5-8 minutes and cool. Then place it in a tight bag and put it in the freezer. With this option, before serving, the dish must be cooked in the microwave, in a frying pan, or in the oven.

Since minced chicken is very tender, it is not necessary to just boil the sausages. For variety, they can be fried in a small amount of oil, grilled, or in a double boiler.

Creamy homemade sausages according to GOST

The formula for this dish has been used since Soviet times when meat products were high quality. We suggest you use it at home.

You will need the following products and equipment:

  • veal (beef) – 900 g;
  • pork with a thin layer of fat – 900 g;
  • cream 20% fat – 1.2 l;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • nitrite-salting mixture – 30 g;
  • ground white pepper – 4 g;
  • granulated sugar – 4 g;
  • ground allspice – 3 g;
  • nutmeg – 2 g;
  • polyamide shell (with minimal diameter);
  • twine (tourniquet) for tying (tight rope).

How to cook homemade sausages according to GOST (step-by-step recipe with photos):

  1. Cool the meat, but do not freeze it. Cut into pieces. Mix. Pass it through a meat grinder with a fine grid twice.
  2. Mix dry ingredients in a separate container. Send into minced meat.
  3. Mix well, first with a spoon, then with your hands until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. In this case, you need to slowly pour cream into the mixture. It is important that they are very cold, just icy. For convenience, it is recommended to use gloves. The result will be slightly sticky minced meat without moisture or lumps.
  4. After mixing, keep the meat mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  5. Take the minced meat out of the refrigerator, stuff it into the film (not too tightly). Tie the uniform with a tourniquet at a distance of 10-15 cm.
  6. Leave them on the counter for a couple of hours at room temperature.
  7. Take a deep container and put sausages on the bottom. Fill them up warm water, and put a thermometer in the water. To prevent meat products from rising to the surface, you can press them with an inverted plate of small diameter.
  8. Place the container on the lowest heat. Heat to a temperature of 80 degrees. This will take about 90 minutes.
  9. When the water reaches the desired temperature, cook the sausages for about 20 minutes. Using a kitchen thermometer, periodically check that the temperature of the meat does not exceed 68 degrees. If more, you need to remove it from the heat.
  10. Quickly cool sausages under running water cold water, dry paper towel. Place in the refrigerator.
  11. Cook in the usual ways: heat in the microwave, fry in a pan, boil a little. To keep the products longer, freezing is used.

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