Codependency: When the road to hell is paved with good intentions. What does the saying “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” mean?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions
From English: Hell is paved with good intentions.
According to Boswell, biographer of the English writer, critic, essayist and lexicographer Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), it is precisely because
the latter once said this phrase: “Hell is paved with good intentions.”
But she apparently has a primary source, which, one might assume, was well known to S. Johnson. This idea, although in a slightly different form, first appears in English literature by the theologian George Herbert (d. 1632) in his book Jacula prudentium. There he wrote: “Hell is full of good meaning and wishes.”
The words of George Herbert would become widely known in the 19th century, when in the novel “The Bride of Lamermoor” (1819) Walter Scott forced one of his characters, an English theologian, to repeat them, whose prototype was obviously J. Herbert.
Considering that in the Bible, in the book of Jesus, son of Sirach (chapter 21 v. 11) there is a phrase: “The path of sinners is paved with stones, but at the end of it is the pit of hell,” it is possible that Samuel Johnson’s phrase was born on the basis of this biblical image, and the thoughts of George Herbert.
Allegorically: about good, but poorly executed intentions, which usually leads to the opposite result.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” means in other dictionaries:

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions catchphrase in a number of languages, in particular in Russian and English. The phrase is used to refer to cases when attempts to implement the most humane and good goals lead (by ... ... Wikipedia

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    HELL, ah, about hell, in hell, husband. 1. B religious ideas: a place where the souls of sinners are given over to eternal torment after death. The torment of hell (also translated). The road to hell is paved with good intentions (that good intentions are often forgotten, giving way... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Winged words (tracing from the German Geflügelte Worte, which, in turn, is a tracing from the Greek ἔπεα πτερόεντα phrase found in Homer) is a stable phraseological unit of a figurative or aphoristic nature, included in the vocabulary from ... ... Wikipedia

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    - “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always” is a phrase said by Viktor Chernomyrdin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on August 6, 1993 at a press conference, describing how the 1993 monetary reform was being prepared. July 24, 1993... ...Wikipedia

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Where does the expression “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” come from? Is it true?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

This expression is now a proverb. Its closest source is the two-volume memoir-biographical book by James Boswell (1740-1795), “Life of Samuel Johnson,” published in 1791. The author claims that S. Johnson (Johnson; 1709-1784) in 1775 said: “Hell is paved with good intentions.” The only difference is that the proverb talks about the road to hell, and S. Johnson talks about hell itself. Apparently, the author of the aphorism - an English critic, lexicographer, essayist and poet - relied on a saying made earlier by the Anglican priest and metaphysical poet George Herbert (Herbert; 1593-1633) in the book “Jacula prudentium” (lat.: “Witticisms of the Wise Men”) "): "Hell is full of good meanings and wishes" - "Hell is full of good intentions and desires."

All three statements are united by the common idea that desires and intentions alone are not enough for salvation. This is entirely consistent with patristic teaching. First of all, you must have faith: “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:6). According to St. Ephraim the Syrian, “without oil the lamp will not burn; and without faith no one acquires a good thought.” There were so many utopias, radical movements, revolutionary programs, etc., in the world, the leaders and participants of which, without God and against God, relying on their fallen minds, wanted to bring “happiness” to humanity. History keeps a sad and tragic memory of this. Likewise, an individual person who is in the blindness of unbelief, wanting to fulfill his intentions, which seem good to him, often causes evil and pain to others.

Faith is necessary, but it must be correct. There can be many mistakes and misconceptions, but the truth is always one. People who are carried away by erroneous religious teachings, are confident that they have good intentions, but the false spirituality in which they find themselves leads them to destruction. All religious substitutions are carried out with the participation of demonic forces.

Saint John Chrysostom says: “Faith is, as it were, a strong rod and a safe harbor, delivering from errors of judgment and calming the soul in great silence.” However, the same universal teacher warns: “Let us not consider faith alone to be sufficient for our salvation, but let us also take care of our behavior, let us lead and best life so that both will contribute to us achieving perfection.” The Holy Fathers persistently emphasize that a Christian must have a spiritually enlightened mind. Without it, dangerous errors can occur. St. Anthony the Great considered reasoning to be the main virtue of a Christian:

“Reflection is the eye of the soul and its lamp, just as the eye is the lamp of the body; so if this eye is light, then the whole body (of our deeds) will be light, but if this eye is dark, then the whole body will be dark, as the Lord said in the Holy Gospel (see: Matt. 6: 22-23 ). By reasoning, a person sorts out his desires, words and deeds and retreats from all those that remove him from God. Through reasoning, he thwarts and destroys all the machinations of the enemy directed against him, correctly distinguishing between what is good and what is bad.”


The authorship of the expression is often attributed to the English writer Samuel Johnson. His biographer James Boswell in his memoirs he says that in 1755 Johnson said “ Hell paved with good intentions." However Walter Scott in the novel “The Bride of Lamermoor” (1819) attributes its origin to one of the English theologians.

The most likely original author of the saying is considered to be English. theologian XVII century George Herbert, in whose book “Jacula prudentium” there is a phrase “Hell is full of good meaning and wishes” - “Hell is full of good intentions and desires.” With this saying, Herbert illustrated one of the main ideas of Protestant ethics, according to which the reality of faith certainly leads to the performance of good deeds. This saying echoes a saying from the Bible - in the book of Jesus, son of Sirach (chapter 21, v. 11) there is a phrase: “The path of sinners is paved with stones, but at the end of it is the abyss of hell.”

Thus, from a theological point of view, the meaning of this saying is that there are much more good intentions than good deeds, therefore people who have good intentions, but do not carry them out, cannot be considered righteous and thus cannot yet count on getting into paradise.

Other options

  • The path to hell is paved with good intentions
  • The road to hell is paved with good intentions
  • Hell is paved with good intentions
  • Fifteen years of hell, which is paved with good (good) intentions
  • Good intentions lead straight to hell



  • Walter Scott. Bride of Lammermoor.
  • A. Kirsanova. Explanatory dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: Martin, 2004. - 448 p. - 1500 copies. - ISBN 5-8475-0154-4


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” means in other dictionaries:

    From English: Hell is paved with good intentions. According to Boswell, biographer of the English writer, critic, essayist and lexicographer Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), it was the latter who once said this phrase: “Hell is paved with good intentions.”... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions- last about the undesirable or severe consequences of attempts to implement an attractive, but insufficiently thought-out plan...

    road- and, m. 1) A strip of land, rolled out or specially prepared for movement, a route of communication. Dirt road. Railway. Slippery road. The road was covered with snow. I go out alone onto the road; through the fog the flinty path shines... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Hayek Friedrich von- Liberalism of Friedrich von Hayek Life and writings Friedrich August von Hayek was born in Vienna in 1899. During the First World War, as an officer of the Austrian artillery, he fought on the border with Italy. Returning to Vienna, he began to study... ... Western philosophy from its origins to the present day

    HELL, ah, about hell, in hell, husband. 1. In religious beliefs: a place where the souls of sinners after death are given over to eternal torment. The torment of hell (also translated). The road to hell is paved with good intentions (that good intentions are often forgotten, giving way... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Winged words (tracing from the German Geflügelte Worte, which, in turn, is a tracing from the Greek ἔπεα πτερόεντα phrase found in Homer) is a stable phraseological unit of a figurative or aphoristic nature, included in the vocabulary from ... ... Wikipedia

    - “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always” is a catch phrase said by Viktor Chernomyrdin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on August 6, 1993 at a press conference, telling how the monetary reform of 1993 was prepared... ... Wikipedia

    Developer 2K Marin 2K Australia Digital Extremes (Multiplayer) 2K China Arkane Studios (level design assistance) Publishers ... Wikipedia

    - “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always” is a phrase said by Viktor Chernomyrdin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on August 6, 1993 at a press conference, describing how the 1993 monetary reform was being prepared. July 24, 1993... ...Wikipedia

    Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? hell, what? hell, (see) what? hell, what? hell, about what? about hell and in hell 1. In various religions, hell is the place (it is generally believed that it is located somewhere deep underground) where after... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Stealing darkness, Ksenia Bazhenova. Even several years later, Katya could not forget this nightmare: she got rid of the child at the request of his father! However, despite this, the girl, it seems, still continued to love Sergei... Stas...

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