Spiraea darts ed. A bright beauty in your flowerbed - Spiraea japonica Darts Red

Spiraea japonica Darts Red

Spirea japonica Darts Red

Spiraea japonica Dart's Red

The variety received the Award of Garden Merit (AGM) from the Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain in 2002.

Synonyms: Japanese meadowsweet Darts Red, Spiraea x bumalda Dart's Red, Spiraea bumalda Darts Red

Form: Spiraea blooms profusely in red, a compact dense shrub with a densely branched, hemispherical crown up to 1 m high. Dart's Red meadowsweet blooms for a long time, abundantly, with bright pink flowers. Tolerates urban conditions well.

Plant group: deciduous shrub.

Habit: thick, dome-shaped.

Height/diameter: the height and diameter of an adult plant reaches 0.6-0.8(1) m.

Growth rate/vigor: annual growth is about 10-15 cm.

Escapes: multi-stemmed, densely branched shrub with numerous straight shoots. Young shoots are red.

Flowers: bright, from mauve to ruby ​​red. Collected in numerous, large, flat inflorescences that appear on the tops of the current year's shoots. It may bloom again, but not as profusely.

Flowering time: flowering occurs from June to August. Sometimes it blooms again until October.

Leaves: alternately arranged, lanceolate, pointed, green, up to 8 cm long. Young leaves have a reddish tint when blooming.

Fruit: small leaflets.

Root system: widespread, densely branched.

Relation to light/insolation: Spiraea Dart's Red grows better in a sunny place, but can also tolerate partial shade. With sufficient lighting, the color of the plant will be brighter; in the shade, the flowers will fade.

Humidity: The variety is undemanding to moisture; moderately moist soils are optimal.

Type of soil/soil: Spiraea Dart's Red tolerates all cultivated garden soils, from acidic to alkaline, but prefers fresh, moist, loose, fertile substrates. It can also grow on poor soils with infrequent watering, but in such conditions it develops worse.

Pests and diseases: blue meadowsweet sawfly, spirea aphid, whitefly. To combat them, it is recommended to use: Decis, Inta-vir, Bi-58, Fitoverm, Kinmiks, etc. Spiraea japonica may suffer from spotting and gray mold. Fundazole, dithane, Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur, etc. will be effective against these diseases.

Planting/care: for planting low borders, Spirea Darts Red is planted at a distance of 0.4-0.5 m. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, so in the spring, to enhance flowering, pruning to a height of 20-30 cm from the soil level is recommended. Responds well to feeding. Early spring Spiraea are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Then, throughout the season you can add complex fertilizers Once every 2-3 weeks, and from July-August only with phosphorus-potassium once every 2 weeks. In the fall, it is advisable to add compost.

All plants purchased from the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas from the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional feeding for a whole year. But the greatest advantage of buying potted plants is that they can be planted, without purchasing additional fertilizer, from March to December - even on the hottest days of summer.

Application: Spiraea japonica Darts Red is the reddest of all flowering plants of this type. Used in group and single plantings, as a ground cover plant, to create low flowering hedges - borders, mixborders, ridges, various landscape compositions, in rock gardens, etc.

Temperature/frost resistance: The plant is frost-resistant for the entire territory of Ukraine.

Climatic zone/frost resistance zone: 4.

Advantages: Japanese spirea Dart's Red - unpretentious, frost-resistant, smoke-gas resistant and easy to care for ornamental shrub with a dome-shaped crown. Valued for their abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Buy Japanese Spiraea Darts Red in Kyiv at low prices available at the PROXIMA plant nursery.
Read more about planting, watering, care, fertilization, protection - with photos in the "Planting, care" section.

Japanese spirea Darts Red, also known as Japanese meadowsweet or bumald, is simply a godsend for beginning summer residents! Compact decorative bush with long period Even a novice gardener will grow flowers and will delight with their beauty throughout the warm season!

Description of Japanese spirea Darts Red

Deciduous plant with many branches. Frost-resistant and impervious to air pollution. The foliage is green and has a reddish tint when blooming. The inflorescences are flat, consisting of many flowers of mauve or rich red shades. The bush is most decorative in the summer. It may bloom again in October, so if you decide to order Darts Red spirea seedlings by mail, get ready to receive a bush that, even under the snow, goes completely covered with flowers.

Agricultural technology

The most decorative specimens grow in the sun; in the shade, the color of the meadowsweet fades. Young shoots with reddish bark are immediately visible when pruned. The plant blooms on the shoots of the current year, so you need to form the crown with care.

Spirea Japanese- Spiraea japonica L.

Natural distribution area: Japan, China.

"Dart's Red"
Photo by Andrey Ganov

A beautiful shrub with tomentose-pubescent young shoots, later bare, up to 1-1.5 m tall; oblong-ovate leaves, green above, bluish below, with a reddish tint when blooming, in the autumn - spectacular varied colors. It blooms throughout the summer with pink-red flowers collected in complex, corymbose-paniculate inflorescences that complete annual shoots. Average duration flowering 45 days. Widely used all the way to the Arctic Circle to create long-flowering groups, low hedges and borders. In culture since 1870.

In GBS since 1938, 3 samples (9 copies) were grown from seeds obtained from Tokyo, Copenhagen, Moscow. Height 1.25 m, crown diameter 140 cm. Grows from late April to mid-October. The growth rate is average. Blooms in June-August. It bears fruit from the age of 4, the fruits ripen in October. Winter hardiness is average. Seed germination rate is 63%. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

In spring, all varieties of Japanese spirea are pruned, leaving shoots 15-20 cm high from the soil level. Some golden-leaved forms and varieties of Japanese spirea are especially predisposed to the appearance of shoots with purely green leaves. They stand out sharply against the yellow background not only in color, but also in their more powerful growth. All of them must be removed immediately.

Spiraea japonica "Golden Princess"
Photo by Alexandra Shcherbakova, Garden Collection company

Spiraea japonica

Spiraea japonica "Ruberima"
Kashperova Natalia

Spiraea japonica "Macrophylla"
Photo by Yuri Bazhenov
(Green Line)

Spiraea japonica "Little Princess"
Andreeva Nadezhda

Spiraea japonica "Densiflora"
Nursery Photo
"Northern Flora"

Has a lot garden forms, differing in the color of the flowers, the height of the bush and the size of the leaf blade. The most important decorative ones are:

"Alpina" ("Alpine") - a low, densely branched shrub with striped, almost round, densely pubescent, yellowish shoots. The leaves are dark green above, bluish below. The flowers are light pink. Blooms in July - August. The fruits ripen in September. In GBS since 1991, 1 sample (9 copies) grown from seeds obtained from Germany. At 3 years, height is 0.4 m, crown diameter is 80 cm. The timing of phenological development coincides with the main species. The growth rate is low. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

var. glabra (Regel) Koidz.- S. I. naked. Shrub up to 1.5 m tall. East Asia. In GBS since 1958, 1 sample (3 copies) was grown from seeds obtained from Dortmund. At 3 years, the height is 1.15 m, the crown diameter is 140 cm. The timing of phenological development coincides with the main species. The growth rate is average. Winter hardiness is high. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

"Fortune" - a shrub up to 1.7 m high, native to the eastern and central regions of China. The leaves are wrinkled above, bluish below, bare, brown-red when blooming, later dark green up to 12 cm long. The flowers are bright pink. The inflorescences are highly branched, softly pubescent.

"Little Princess" ("Little Princess") - a shrub up to 0.6 m high, crown diameter 1.2 m, compact, rounded crown, elliptical, dark green leaves, pink-red flowers, collected in corymbose inflorescences up to 3 - 4 cm in diameter. Blooms in June-July. It grows slowly. Looks great in single plantings, groups, edges, and hedges. In GBS since 1992, 1 sample (9 copies) was grown from seeds received from Germany. At 4 years, the height is 0.4 m, the crown diameter is 40 cm. The timing of phenological development coincides with the main species. The growth rate is low. Winter hardiness is high. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

Spirea japonica "Nana"
Photo by Andrey Ganov

"Shirobana" - Low shrub 0.6 - 0.8 m high, crown diameter 1.2 m. Leaves are narrow-lanceolate, dark green up to 2 cm long. Flower color varies from white to pink and red. Flowering time: July - August. This low chameleon shrub can successfully decorate low borders and rock gardens, various compositions with conifers and other shrubs.

"large-leaved" = "Macrophylla"("Macrophylla") - reaches a height of 1.3 m and a diameter of 1.5 m. It is distinguished by large, up to 20 cm long and 10 cm wide, swollen wrinkled leaves, which are purple-red when blooming, later green, and in the fall they acquire golden-yellow tones. If in May, when the buds are opening, this shrub is cut to 6-10 cm from the soil level, then the young growing shoots in the upper part will have a constantly bright color throughout the summer. This is one of the best decorative deciduous spireas. . Pink flowers in small inflorescences are lost among variegated foliage. Blooms from late July to mid-August. In GBS since 1965, 1 sample (3 copies) was grown from seedlings obtained from the Netherlands. Plants 1.0 m high, crown diameter 60. see. The timing of phenological development coincides with the main species. The growth rate is average. The fruits ripen in October.

"Motley" - with leaves covered with yellowish-white stripes and spots.

"Ruberrima" ("Reddish") - with carmine-red flowers up to 1.3 m high. In GBS since 1948, 2 samples (6 copies) were grown from seeds obtained from a nursery near Moscow and GBS reproduction. At 16 years old, height 1. 2 m, crown diameter 180 cm. The timing of phenological development coincides with the main species. The growth rate is average. Seed germination is 70%. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

Photo by Andrey Ganov

"Dark red" = "Atrosanguinea"("Atrosanguinea") - has a bush height of about 70 cm and a diameter of up to 1 m. Young growing leaves and shoots are bright red in color, and the flowers are clove-red with heavily pubescent pedicels , which do not fade for a long time, are in the terminal corymbose inflorescences. Looks very good in borders, low hedges, and complex flower beds.

"Candlelight". Dwarf (height about 0.5 m, slightly wider) compact dense shrub with young leaves of a creamy yellow color. Their color becomes more saturated and goes well with pink flowers, appearing in mid-summer. The variety does not produce shoots with the usual green leaf color.

"Firelight". A small shrub (about 0.6 m) with young leaves of an amazing orange-red color on arched branches. Later the leaves become bright orange-yellow, then pale green. Rich pink flowers appear in mid-summer, and the autumn flowers are flaming - the red color is very impressive. Also, shoots with the usual green leaf color are not formed.

"Goldflame". A dense shrub up to 0.8 m high, with young leaves of orange-yellow color. Then they become bright yellow, then yellow-green. The autumn color of the leaves is copper-orange. Sometimes variegated leaves appear on the bush. The flowers are small pink-pink. red.

"Golden Princess". Low (about 1 m tall) shrub with bright yellow leaves and pink flowers.

"Gold Mound". A dwarf, about 0.25 m tall, compact bush with bright golden yellow foliage and small clusters of pink flowers appearing in mid-summer.

Tell me, what is Japanese spirea Darts Red? Is it possible to plant it in the shade and does it need to be pruned? I saw a gorgeous bush from a friend just when it was blooming and wanted one for myself.

Among the variety of spirea species Japanese variety Darts Red is perhaps one of the most beautiful, and also deserves attention because of its magnificent flowering: many inflorescences bloom one after another and this lasts for quite a long time. That is why this variety is popular among gardeners; in addition, it is not difficult to grow spirea, since its character is simple and absolutely undemanding.

Description of the variety

Darts Red represents compact shrub with quite modest dimensions:

  • the total height does not exceed 1 meter (most often in flower beds there are spirea with a height of 60 to 80 cm);
  • The diameter of the bush is approximately the same.

The shoots are straight, but they branch well, making the crown of the bush very dense and almost without gaps. On the branches there are elongated small leaves in turn, with a sharp tip and teeth along the edge of the leaf plate. Spiraea does not grow very quickly - it rises a maximum of 15 cm per year.

It is noteworthy that young twigs and leaves are colored reddish. Over time, the tint disappears.

At the beginning of summer, spirea transforms: the entire bush is covered with large inflorescences, consisting of small flowers from dark pink to light red. They form on the tops of young branches that appeared in the current season. Darts Red blooms for a long time, until the very end of summer.

Sometimes it can bloom a second time, decorating the flowerbed until October, while the pink-red color does not fade by the end of flowering and remains just as rich.

Features of cultivation

Like most, the Darth Red variety prefers sunny places: there its rich color shows itself in full force. When planted in the shady part of the flowerbed, the bush will also grow and even bloom, but from a lack of light the inflorescences will become faded, and the branches themselves will begin to stretch.

As for the soil, it is best to grow spirea in fertile and moist soil, but also in poor soil. nutrients and the moisture of the earth, it is able to survive, although it will develop slowly.

Since the bushes grow lush, when planting, a distance of at least 40 cm must be left between them.

In early spring, to stimulate active flowering, spirea is recommended, leaving shoots up to 30 cm high. Darts Red overwinters without losses, tolerating severe frosts well.

Video about growing Darts Red spirea and its other varieties

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