Article for a magazine for teenagers. Teen magazines in Russia

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By discipline: « Children's literature»

“Modern Russian periodicals for children and teenagers”


2nd year student

3rd semester

Akinfeeva Lyubov Vasilievna



1. Variety of periodicals for children and teenagers

2. Analysis of periodicals subscribed to the Tyumen Regional Scientific Library. D. I. Mendeleev"

List of used literature


Relevance. The moral education of children and adolescents, their socialization and inculturation in modern conditions are of particular importance. In formation value orientations Periodicals intended for children and youth can play an important role in the younger generation.

Traditionally, the main functions of periodicals for children and youth were cultural, educational and educational functions. These traditions were already laid down in the first edition for children and youth - “Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind” by N.I. Novikova. The emergence of these functions of children's journalism was closely related to the formation of late XVIII century of the special status of childhood.

Target: study of periodicals for children and adolescents.

To cover this topic more widely, we need to solve the following: tasks:

— consider the variety of periodicals produced for children and adolescents in Russia;

— analyze periodicals for children and adolescents that are in the collections of the Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after. D.I. Mendeleev."

To solve the research problems, the following were used methods:

— analysis of literature identified on the topic;

— synthesis of the information received;

— bibliographic method.

Source base. Identification of literature for the work was carried out from the collections of the Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after D.I. Mendeleev, information and library center of Tyumen State University, several sources taken from the Internet.

1. Variety of periodicals for children and teenagers

The revolutionary changes that occurred in Russia at the end of the 20th century changed social life, caused negative consequences: an increase in crime, the destruction of moral guidelines, traditions, family values, strengthening tendencies of destructiveness and immorality in society. All this affected the state of periodicals for children: the educational impact of the media sharply decreased, representatives of show business and the so-called “glamour” became role models. Periodicals stopped promoting the best examples of Russian art, concentrated their attention on Western cultural traditions, and began to advertise a way of thought and life alien to our culture. .

The first decade of the 21st century is characterized by the desire for qualitative changes in the system of periodicals for children and youth. Firstly, new literary, artistic and specialized publications are being revived and published: for younger children (“Funny Pictures”, “Murzilka”, “GEOlenok”, etc.) and older ages (“Pioneer”, “Koster”, “Nedorosl” and etc.).

Specialized magazines published under the patronage of the Orthodox Church (for example, “God’s World”) play a major role in the spiritual education of children.

At the end of the 20th century, environmental problems became topical; periodicals with an environmental focus were actively published (“Lazur”, “Filya”, “Svirel”, “Svirelka”, etc.). .

IN last years began to develop rapidly the new kind children's press - Internet media. Currently, there are more than 20 Russian-language online publications for children on the Internet. Exact number cannot be named, due to the fact that a number of publications appear and quickly disappear from the Internet, others are regularly updated. IN scientific publications children's online press is considered as a broad concept that includes: “adult or youth online press that has fallen into the area of ​​interests of children and adolescents; online publications for children, independent or created as a website page for adults; “actually children’s” online publications, with a predominant share of participation in their preparation by children and adolescents.” IN scientific literature It is still necessary to develop a typology, identify the main genre varieties, and analyze the content of the children's online press.

Thus, despite the active development of modern periodicals for children and youth, main problem There remains a lack of romance, a general idea, and positive characters. It is necessary to revive cultural traditions in the field of spiritual, moral, family, patriotic education of the younger generations; a skillful combination of pedagogical and aesthetic should contribute to an effective impact on the minds and hearts of young readers.

2 . Analysis of periodicals subscribed to the Tyumen Regional Scientific Library. D. I. Mendeleev"

Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after D.I. Mendeleev (GAUK TONB) is the largest regional research center, organizer and coordinator of the entire library system of the Tyumen region.

The library subscribes to about 1,000 newspaper titles and magazines, including those aimed at children and teenagers.

The analysis of collected periodicals was compiled on the basis of the Union Catalog of periodicals and publications of NTI bodies received by libraries in the city of Tyumen.

The greatest demand among young readers is for periodicals about animals: “GEOLenok”, “Friend”.

Magazines "Friend" Magazine for cat lovers" and "Friend. Magazine for those who love dogs" is the oldest and most popular publication that professionally covers a wide range of issues about dogs and cats: care, breeding, training, etc.

The Soviet-Russian magazine “Rovesnik” will talk about music, cinema, and education. The magazine is designed for youth 14-28 years old.

The library offers for older readers the popular science magazine “Young Local Historian,” which publishes interesting articles about history, nature and geographical discoveries.

The magazine “Young Naturalist” is a popular science magazine for children and youth about nature, natural history, biology and ecology. Published since July 1928. In some years, the magazine's circulation reached almost 4 million copies. The magazine introduces children to all the diversity of life in the animal and plant world, fosters a love for nature, teaches them to take care of its riches, helps schoolchildren develop a materialistic understanding of natural phenomena, and talks about the latest discoveries of biological science in a popular form.

The library also subscribes to the world-famous magazine about nature for children, “Young Traveler”. Pictures best photographers peace; the latest information on biology and geography; stories from real travelers; unique corners of the planet; unusual records on the verge of human capabilities - all this can be found in this magazine.

For library users interested in Orthodoxy, GAUK TONB is equipped with the Orthodox youth magazine “Heir”. “Heir” is a unique Orthodox magazine made by young people for young people! The magazine is both funny and serious. We create articles, reports, interviews, stories in it to interestingly tell you about what we saw and learned.

The GAUK TONB fund presents the newspaper “Tyumen Fidgets,” a newspaper about children and for children. The regional children's newspaper "Tyumen Fidgets" is published once a month. Distributed to schools in all districts of the south of the region and the city of Tyumen. Published with the financial support of the administration of the Tyumen region. Its publisher is Tyumen Publishing House. library of periodicals child

The newspaper is made with the participation of children, with the active support of journalists from regional newspapers, teachers, psychologists, workers of creative and sports centers, as well as the public movement “Tyuments are for healthy image life."

Thus, in the State Autonomous Institution “Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after. D.I. Mendeleev" only a small part of periodicals for children and adolescents is subscribed. A wider list of titles, complete with periodicals, is presented in the Tyumen Regional Children's Scientific Library named after. K. Ya. Lagunov" and in city libraries (City Youth Library, Family Reading Library named after A. S. Pushkin, Central City Library).


Magazines for children and teenagers in an accessible form explain to the child where he lives, what is around him, open his eyes to the beauty of nature, help him to know good and evil, and strive to satisfy children's curiosity. Periodicals serve the purpose of practical exploration of the world (independently or together with adults): read in order to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Therefore, on the pages of magazines you can find many educational games, competitions, tasks and exercises (quizzes, tests, riddles, mathematical problems).

It should be noted that, unfortunately, the culture of reading periodicals in families has been lost, although parents should instill an interest in printed materials, cultivate love and respect for them. And few parents know about the existence of a mass of magazines and newspapers for children. Meanwhile, the variety of printed children's publications on Russian market V Lately so large that it is simply impossible to cover them all in one small review. .

Commercialization has a huge impact on publishers today. In this case, the ability to sell your product becomes more important than the quality of the publication. In recent years, the scope of publications for children has expanded significantly, while such literature does not always meet quality standards and moral requirements. Children are attracted to bright pages, but neither they nor their parents realize how negative the influence of low-quality mass-produced periodicals is. No matter how sad it may sound, the rise in profits has become more important than providing children with good, kind and high-quality periodicals. .

Unfortunately, the problems of children's publications for preschoolers are not addressed scientific research. Attention is paid to children's periodicals in general, despite the fact that, from a theoretical point of view, within the framework of publications for children, it is relevant for audiences aged 0 to 18 years, that is, until the child becomes an adult. .

Spsearch for used literature

1. PRO children's reading: collection of teaching materials /

Munits. ob-nie b-k; Ch. ed. L. A. Glinskikh. - Ekaterinburg: , 2010. - 68 p.

2. Belousova V. Tyumen fidgets / V. Belousova // Tyumen region today. — June 28, 2012

3. Gaidamanova, E. V. Periodicals for children and youth: cultural and historical experience and development trends / E. V. Gaidamanova. / Electron. Dan. — Access mode:

4. National program for the support and development of reading and guidelines on its implementation: / . - Moscow: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2009. - 479 p. : table ; 22 cm. - (Homo sapiens, Homo legens). — Bibliography sublinearly note — 1000 copies. — ISBN 978-5-91515-027-0 (translated)

5. About us, Friend magazine //Wikipedia. — Electron. Dan. — Access mode: — (Date of access: 11/12/2014).

6. About the project //Heir. — Electron. Dan. — Access mode:

7. Coeval, magazine //Wikipedia. — Electron. Dan. — Access mode: — (Date of access: 11/12/2014).

8. Consolidated catalog of periodicals and publications of NTI bodies received by libraries in Tyumen / GAUK TONB. . - Tyumen: GAUK TONB, 2013. - 102 p.

9. Tsymbalenko, S. B. Teenager in information world: practice of social design / S. B. Tsymbalenko. - Moscow: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2010. - 252, p. : ill., table. — (School technologies. Praktika).

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Teen magazines— magazines aimed at underage female readers. They usually consist of gossip, news, fashion tips and interviews and may include posters, labels, small samples of cosmetics or other products and inserts. There should still be any magazines specifically aimed at the teenager.


In the United States, teen magazines were conceived during the 1940s.


In the United Kingdom Honey Fleetway (1960–1986) is regarded as establishing the sector. Teen magazines are produced in many countries around the world and have wide popularity in Australia, Latin America, Europe and Asia. Seventeen Magazines began publication in the US in September 1944 and was the first magazine dedicated to the needs and likes of teenagers.

While some teen magazines focus almost exclusively on music and movie stars, others feature more extensive coverage of lifestyle issues and are effectively junior versions of magazines such as Cosmopolitan or Cleo.

Notable American teen magazines include Seventeen And Teen Vogue. Popular now defunct magazines were Sassy, YM, CosmoGirl, Teenager and Teenage People. Large scale Canadian teen magazines include Faze. Since 1972, teen magazines in the United States have addressed the African-American market with publications such as right on!(produced by Sterling-McFadden, who also produces Tiger Beat), And Word Up!.

Like other mainstream magazines, teen magazines can be found every month in supermarkets, pharmacies, convenience stores and newsstands. In recent years, teen magazines have also appeared on the World Wide Web. Examples of these include , Disturbing in Canada, which is published both online and in print versions.

In the UK, changes in the way teenagers spent their money (and the fact that there were fewer of them even though they had more cash) led to many casualties in the 1990s because titles were unable to compete with mobile, digital and media online. Magazine publishers have lowered the age range with titles for "tweenagers" (ages 9 to 13) gaining popularity such as, Hot.

Teen magazines tend to be categorized as lifestyle (e.g. Sugar), entertainment (often based on music), or comics.


In the UK, sales in the magazine's teen sector peaked in 1998. Teens had many more attractions competing for their cash and their attention, such as media delivered online and over mobile phones. In addition, the booming celebrity weeklies have attracted more teenagers with more younger ages(driven by the celebrity series). In response to this, in April 2007, National Magazines - publisher Cosmopolitan And Cosmo Girl!— started a digital weekly magazine for teenagers, Jellyfish, in testing. This was the second attempt in the UK to establish a new online business model, the first being Monkey from Dennis, who aims to sell to men aged 18 - 34. In both cases, readers sign up to be sent "eMag" by e-mail. Each issue features interactive elements and "pages" that can be "morphed." However, National Magazines were closed Cosmo Girla! in June and experiment on Medusa was nearing its end in August.

see also

  • List of teen magazines
  • Teen popularity
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Teen Magazines from the Last Few Decades V

  • Medusa's first covering can be seen in
  • “Closing of Medusa is another blow for the teenage sector,” Guardian, August 14, 2007 Media.

External links

  • Monthly V SHINE international

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List of teen magazines
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List of teen sitcoms
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Ralph Macchio
Bravo (Romanian magazine)

In order to understand the current state of the market for magazines for teenagers, we looked through the “Press of Russia” catalog for the current year, 2012 (heading “Children’s and youth publications”) and identified 71 publications in it (presented in the appendix) aimed at a teenage audience. Their circulation ranges from 998 copies. (Orthodox literary and artistic magazine “Korablik”) up to 250,000 copies. (youth magazine “All Stars”). It is noteworthy that regional Orthodox and literary-artistic publications have a circulation significantly lower than popular youth entertainment magazines dedicated to show business stars.

Researcher A. Bazanov explains the significant excess of circulation of teenage leisure press by the high profitability of publications of this type. In his opinion, their popularity among teenagers is explained by the fact that “such purely commercial magazines are focused primarily on entertaining young people.” Bazanov, A. Catastrophe. Children's magazines today [Text] / A. Bazanov // Moscow 2006 - No. 3 P. 172

The intended purpose of modern children's and youth magazine periodicals is largely determined by its founders, publishers, and editors. Today, its publication of periodicals is carried out by state and public structures, news agencies and publishing houses, commercial organizations, editorial teams of newspapers and magazines.

Publishers " Young technician", "Rovesnik", "Egmont Russia", RIC "Kasseya", "Roscherk" are presented in the catalog with three magazines each, the publishing house "Comics" - four. This fact speaks of the emerging trend today towards the concentration of several publications within one publishing structure.

We also noted that today the majority of publications for children and youth in market conditions, trying to attract the attention of a wider audience, are increasingly turning to several age groups: younger schoolchildren and younger teenagers (almanac “Klepa”, magazines “Svirel”, “GEOlenok”, “Misha”, etc.), younger teenagers and high school students (magazines “Bravo International”, “Boomerang”, “Marusya”, “Juliet” ”, etc.), high school students and youth (“Our Youth”, “Student Meridian”, “ELLE Girl”, “Oops!”, “Yes!”).

Knowledge age characteristics helps editorial staff take into account the interests and meet the needs of young audiences. Depending on the age at which the publication is intended, its content, structure, form and volume are determined. During the formation of children's publications, the socio-psychological characteristics of readers are also taken into account.

In the “Press of Russia” catalogue, the largest number of magazines are intended for younger teenagers (11-14 years old) - 44, for older teenagers (15-17 years old) there are half as many magazines - 22. At the same time, 6 magazines can be distinguished, designed for quite a wide audience of children and youth. There are 6 of them: a popular science magazine about the surrounding world for children and teenagers “Children’s Encyclopedia AiF”, a comics magazine “Team of Superheroes (MARVEL)”, a computer magazine for beginners “Computer - Mouse”, a literary and artistic environmental magazine “Lazur”, monthly supplement to the magazine "Young Technician" "Lefty", popular scientific technical publication "World of Technology for Children".

Based on their intended purpose, we have identified 10 types of magazines.

1) Leisure (entertainment) general purpose

Today this is the most popular type of magazine, aimed mainly at teenagers from 10 to 17 years old. These magazines present themselves as magazines that cover problems and events that are interesting and relevant to teenagers.

The topics of these journals, as a rule, are not distinguished by scientific knowledge and diversity; their main sections are similar to the adult tabloid press: cinema, music, fashion, show business news, information about the personal lives of “stars”, sex, horoscope, tests, jokes. The magazine “Bravo International” is published under the slogan “BRAVO - with us you are in the know!” and positions itself as a magazine that answers the questions “you can’t ask your parents.” Bravo International, July 2012, No. 7. Such magazines often use youth slang. This type includes the magazines “Bravo International”, “Boomerang”, “Rovesnik”.

Universal leisure publications are actually the only magazines of this type that include teenage boys in their audience. There are practically no periodicals focused exclusively on the education of young people.

Much of the teen leisure press is aimed at an audience of teenage girls. These are magazines for girls “Bravo international for GiRL!”, “Girl”, “All Stars”, “Marusya”, “Juliet”, “Girls”, etc. These magazines often cultivate the image of a “stylish girl” and pay great attention to girlish interests, lifestyle: they provide practical recommendations from psychologists, sexologists, makeup artists, designers, cooks, stylists and fashion designers. Advertising of expensive clothing models from well-known companies is adjacent to sections that talk about how to update your wardrobe, build relationships with your loved one, as well as “star” news, psychological tests, horoscopes. Often, “girls’ magazines” conduct an active dialogue with teenagers on intimate problems (questions and answers) and try to provide psychological assistance. The magazine “Marusya” has many columns analyzing psychological, moral and moral problems. “Marusya”, September 2012, No. 9.. By analogy with the adult press, a magazine about love and relationships recently appeared in youth journalism (“I’m 15”, “Romeo and Juliet"). These magazines are very popular among teenage girls. "I'm 15", June 2012

Targeted at a teenage audience and popular among older teenagers are youth women's glossy Russified versions of Western publications, magazines of a new type - “lifestyle”.

Foreign glossy publications were easily able to win the interest of Russian consumers, since there were no competitors among domestic publications. E. V. Shabalina explains the success of glossy magazines by the fact that their creation and distribution are carried out by publishing media holdings that produce glossy magazines in Russia: “Yes!” published by Independent Media, "Oops!" - Burda, “Elle Girl” - Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev. Shabalina, E.V. “Glossy” magazines: manipulation of reading [Text] / E.V. Shabalina, M.V. Shabalina // National program for promoting reading: Ural version: materials of the Ural Library Assembly / ChGAKI; comp. T.D. Rubanova. - Chelyabinsk, 2007.

Publishers of glossy magazines see their goal as forming and maintaining the reader’s ideas about a fashionable lifestyle. Such magazines “about fashion and style for girls”, which form the image of a girl for whom fashionable appearance is of paramount importance and position themselves as “your first glossy magazine”, include the magazines “Oops”, “Yes!”, “Elle Girl” .

Such magazines reflect typical women's interests: personal life, healthy lifestyle, style, makeup (as an example - the appearance and style of Western stars), work, study, entertainment, psychological aspects life of the modern “ideal” woman. A lot of space in such magazines is devoted to expensive advertising of branded clothing and cosmetics, articles about show business stars and the fation industry.

2) Popular science magazine

To this type we include publications that popularize science, technology, art, and broaden horizons (“Children’s Encyclopedia AiF”, magazines “Why?”, “Lefty”, “GEOlenok”, “Young Naturalist”, “Young Technician”, “Sketch”) . Popular science publications also include educational and educational publications that are methodological in nature and intended to assist in the education of adolescents and high school students, since they also perform the function of disseminating knowledge - in our case, this is the magazine for English language learners "SPEAK OUT".

3) Literary and artistic magazine

We included in this type art publications involved in aesthetic education (the almanac “Lazur”, the magazine “Sibiryachok”, which have an environmental focus, “Svirel”, an almanac for family reading “ Good word" and etc.).

Most of these magazines, along with literary works, publish materials that popularize literature, art, and history.

4) Information and journalistic magazine (for older teenagers)

The purpose of information and journalistic publications is to report on the world around us, highlight the socio-economic problems of young people, and influence the conscious choice of means to solve them. In the catalog we are considering, there are unjustifiably few such publications - only 2 - “Our Youth” and “Student Meridian”.

5) Children's educational and entertainment magazine (children's leisure press)

Basically, children's educational and entertainment magazines are aimed at both primary schoolchildren and young teenagers. We included the magazines “Apelsinka” (Chelyabinsk region), “Vesely zateinik”, “Cool Magazine”, “Klepa”, “Murzilka”, “Fairy Tale World” and others to this type.

Children's leisure periodicals are characterized by publications of works by Russian, Soviet and foreign classics. Small literary genres are published, i.e. poems, stories, humoresques, novellas

Most children's publications are entertaining. They are created on the principle of “entertaining and teaching.” Game elements are always used, developmental and educational tasks are given (riddles, coloring books, board games, homemade products, etc.).

To attract children and keep their attention while reading, stimuli such as color, contrast, illustrations, layout and composition features, and the presence of additional incentives are used: stickers, inserts, prizes, crafts. All educational and entertainment magazines are multi-colored and colorful.

6) Specialized magazine

To this conditional type of magazines we include publications devoted to a specific topic that is of interest to a narrow circle of readers. In our case, for younger teenagers - magazines dedicated to applied creativity: the magazines “Masterilka”, “Collection of Ideas”, “Girls - Boys. School of Crafts" and its appendix "The Joy of Creativity", etc.; - a magazine dedicated to fine arts (for professionally engaged children) “Young Artist”,

For older teenagers - a magazine dedicated to the fight against drugs "Narconet".

7) Comics magazine

Traditionally, this type of publication is popular with younger readers. school age, especially among boys, but the magazines themselves claim that their audience is up to 12 years old, i.e. include younger teenagers. And the magazine “Superhero Team (MARVEL)” is aimed at younger and older teenagers.

Comics are divided by gender

In our case - for girls - “Totally Spies / Super Spy Girls”,

for boys “The Adventures of Scooby-Doo”, “Team of Superheroes (MARVEL)”, but also universal ones, without division into gender, such as “Comics of the magazine “Entertaining Pun”” are also often found.

8) Computer magazine

To magazines about computers and computer games ah, we include “Gaming Addiction”, “Land of Games”, “Hacker”, “Computer - Mouse”, etc.

9) Orthodox magazines

According to the sensitive remark of researcher A. Bazanov, the majority of Orthodox children's magazines are “kind and sweet.” Orthodox magazines are published by “enthusiasts trying to the best of their ability and ability to support the people in such critical times.” Bazanov, A. Catastrophe. Children's magazines today [Text] / A. Bazanov // Moscow 2006 - No. 3 P. 169

We included “Korablik”, “Orthodox Rainbow” (Samara), “Heir”, “Sasha and Dasha” to this type of publications.

10) Crosswords. Scanwords

This type of publication is aimed at younger teenagers. The catalog presents two magazines of this type: “Golden Antelope”, “Crosswordland”.

Thus, according to their intended purpose, modern teenage magazines can be divided into 10 types.

The number of logs in each type is as follows:

Leisure publications - 17 (of which 7 are universal magazines, 6 are for teenage girls and 4 are glossy magazines for girls);

Popular science publications - 12 (of which: 10 - for younger teenagers, 2 - for older teenagers);

Literary and artistic publications - 11 (of which: 8 - for younger teenagers, 3 - for older teenagers);

Children's educational and entertainment magazines - 6;

Comics magazines - 6 (of which: for girls - 2, for boys - 2, universal magazines - 2);

Specialized magazines - 6 (of which 4 are devoted to applied creativity, 1 - to fine art techniques, 1 - promoting the fight against drugs, the Narconet magazine);

Computer magazines - 5 (of which: 1 - for younger teenagers, 4 - for older teenagers);

Orthodox magazines - 4 (of which: 3 are aimed at younger teenagers, 1 - at older teenagers);

Crosswords - 2 (for younger teenagers);

Information and journalistic magazines - 2 (for older teenagers).

Unfortunately, even with a typological analysis of magazines, we can come to a disappointing conclusion: the modern Russian teenage press is disproportionately represented by entertainment (leisure) magazines, which lead the developing personality away from the realities of life, accustoming the teenager to lightweight information that does not require reflection. Serious, informational and journalistic publications have become on a par with crosswords in terms of the number of products offered on the market. Modern market The number of magazines for children is constantly growing, new publications are appearing, and competition is intensifying.

In 2017, the children's library will offer readers the latest magazines on the most different topics! For girls and boys, for kids and adults - everyone will find a read to their liking!

For readers of preschool and primary school age:

"Vinnie and his friends"- monthly bright magazine for the youngest readers. Each magazine contains wonderful and kind stories about how Winnie and his friends Piglet, Rabbit, Tigger, Ushastik and little Roo live in the Fairytale Forest. The magazine will not only entertain you with games and riddles, but will also tell you about the absolutely amazing - so familiar and unfamiliar - inhabitants of our planet!

"Fun Lessons"- in this colorful and entertaining magazine, children and parents will find many interesting ideas.
The magazine contains all the latest information about the world around us, answers to many questions that are of interest to children and curious to adults. All the selected material is presented so clearly and vividly that learning turns into pleasure.
The purpose of the magazine is to begin the development of the child’s natural abilities as early as possible, to strengthen his desire to learn. the world. The magazine offers games and exercises to develop logic, attention, and memory.
The magazine is addressed not only to children and parents, but also to kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers.

"Funny stickers" - magazine of original coloring pages with bright stickers!

"Playing with Barbie"- a luxurious magazine for girls who want to be like the beautiful and smart Barbie! In each issue: stories about Barbie and her friends, fashion, coloring books, wonderful homemade products, riddles, puzzles. All girls love reading and playing with Barbie!

"Cool magazine"- a modern interactive magazine for children of primary and secondary school age (target audience 7-13 years old, boys and girls), published since 1999 and is one of the most popular children's weekly magazines in Russia.
Each issue of the "Cool Magazine" contains the most up-to-date information for children: from cartoons, computer games and children's films to scientific discoveries, sports, technology.
Unique hand-drawn characters Pantukle and Zhukabra live on the pages of the magazine, helping readers understand the issues that interest them.

"Luntik"- the main characters of the magazine and the cartoon of the same name “Luntik and His Friends” will help young readers understand the world. Each issue of the magazine contains stories in pictures, riddles, coloring books, and homemade products for children from 3 to 7 years old. The magazine prepares children for school in a playful way, develops memory, logic, creative thinking, and helps children adapt to the social environment.

"Masha and the Bear"
- an interactive magazine for active children. On the pages of the magazine, little readers will be able to learn new stories about the interesting adventures of their favorite characters, funny comics, and learn funny poems and songs.

"Fidget"- a bright, educational, game magazine for children of preschool and primary school age. Exciting games, puzzles, crosswords and scanwords, educational stories and comics, fairy tales, coloring books and cut-outs. Picture puzzles, 3D clamshell toy, folding board game, and much more for children.

"Princess World"- one of the highest circulation children's magazines in Russia for girls. The heroines of the magazine are princesses: Cinderella, Jasmine, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, Aurora. In the journal: magical stories fairy-tale princesses, games, handicrafts, fashionable things and useful tips, riddles and coloring books and posters.

"Smeshariki"- a magazine for inventors and know-it-alls, lively fidgets and quiet homebodies, future princesses and astronauts, as well as their parents. For everyone who likes to spend time with benefit and interest. Comics, coloring books, amazing stories and discoveries, tricky puzzles, as well as competitions and prizes. Each character has its own section. The fidgety Krosh will tell you the latest news, the inventor Pin is in charge of crafts, and the flirtatious Nyusha will happily chat about holidays and beauty. With every release - fun stickers!

"Cars"- a bright and colorful magazine will appeal to all boys 5-9 years old! Fascinating stories interesting tasks, a lot of educational information from the world of cars and a poster with your favorite characters!

"Tom and Jerry"- a popular comics magazine. Children all over the world enthusiastically follow the adventures of the nimble mouse Jerry and the unlucky cat Tom. Girls and boys love these cartoon characters so much that they enjoy reading new funny stories that constantly happen to the restless Tom and Jerry. The brightest, most exciting and exciting adventures of inseparable friends-enemies - in the colorful comics of the monthly magazine "Tom and Jerry"

"Toshka and company"- the cheerful and inquisitive puppy Toshka will become a faithful friend for all animal lovers. On the pages of the magazine, he will talk about wild animals, breeds of cats, dogs and horses, and the secrets of raising and caring for a wide variety of pets: from parrots to cockroaches.

Together with Toshka, readers will go on travels, learn the secrets of animals, and make useful and funny crafts.

"3/9 kingdom"- a fascinating journey along the fairy-tale paths of the Far Away Kingdom in the company of brave and resourceful heroes!

For middle and high school age readers:

"A friend for cat lovers"- a full-color illustrated magazine about cats: purebred, wild and multi-breed. Dedicated to the problems of felinology, talks about purebred cats, exhibition activities. The magazine discusses pressing issues of felinological activity. Several sections are devoted to problems of behavior and psychology of communication with cats. The veterinary section is constantly being maintained.

"A friend for dog lovers"- the oldest and most popular canine publication, professionally covering a wide range of issues about dogs: care, breeding, training, etc.

"Cool girl"- a monthly magazine for naughty and shy, sweet and beautiful cool girls from 13 to 15 years old. All the most interesting things: fashion and beauty secrets, relationships with peers and parents, life around you!

"Marusya" is a monthly illustrated magazine for girls from 12 to 18 years old. Its topics cover the entire range of issues that interest the modern teenage girl. Here any girl will find everything that interests her.

The magazine has six sections: Fashion, Mirror, Show, Style, Feelings, Home. Various sections talk about beauty, health, the lives of celebrities, new cosmetics, travel, and professions.

"Wonders and Adventures"- Russian literary and artistic magazine of adventures, travel, scientific hypotheses and fiction. The magazine is designed for a wide audience - for those who are captivated by everything unusual and educational, for those who are not indifferent to discoveries and scientific knowledge, to everything amazing in the world around them.

"Young polymath"- a magazine for the most curious. In an entertaining way, the magazine will tell inquisitive readers about the history and today science and technology, outstanding scientists and discoverers. Children will learn how machines and mechanisms work, what causes tornadoes and cyclones, what causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Special sections are devoted to modern computer and aerospace technologies, the mysteries of living nature, forecasting the future, and the history of weapons.

Children's educational magazine "Shishkin Les" is an interesting, kind and instructive publication for children of preschool and primary school age.
The magazine won the sympathy of small and large readers.
On the pages of the magazine you will meet the cute mouse Shunya, the good-natured wolf cub Zubok and the restless kitten Koksik. Do you need sage advice? Contact Raccoon Raccoon and the smart owl Matilda Leonardovna and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things!
Together with the magazine's heroes, you will go on exciting journeys, make amazing things, and get acquainted with Christian virtues.

TV show and magazine website:

“Magical” - in the first days of January the magazine turned nine years old! To everyone who has chosen a “Magic” friend as their travel companion, Congratulations! You won't be bored with inquisitive, positive, caring, modern, romantic peers! Real sorceresses!

Offers interesting sections: “Fashionable verdict”; "Star Guest"; “Tell your fortune!”; "Laughter Therapy"; “Chat on the fence”...

Meet us at the Magic!

For the youngest readers - an educational magazine "Disney for Kids" - bright and colorful, with characters from the most famous and beloved cartoons around the world.

Here the children will have exciting adventures - in the jungle where Mowgli and his friends live, in the ocean where Nemo swims, and also games with Dalmatian puppies, funny stories and entertaining puzzles prepared by Aladdin, the lion cub Simba, and the monsters from Monsters Inc. ", the heroes of the cartoon "The Incredibles", and even the fawn Bambi. And also, of course, funny and instructive stories that develop riddles, coloring books, crafts, games for friends!

And all readers can expect an additional special issue of the Disney for Kids magazine with a beautiful and bright cover, which will be published 6 times a year.

"Disney for Kids" - a fun children's magazine!

Literary and entertainment magazine "Murzilka".

Magazine "Murzilka" Turned 85 years old in May 2009. It still lives and is very thriving. Modern "Murzilka" is full of interesting, educational materials - history, achievements of science and technology, sports, major events today. Materials on such topics attract not only young readers, but also their parents. The magazine publishes fairy tales, fairy tales, short stories, plays, and poems.

In addition to wonderful texts written by famous children's authors, including literary works, educational and educational materials, the magazine contains very high-quality bright illustrations in the form of drawings and photographs. And in the middle of each issue there are amazing engravings of paintings by the greatest artists “Murzilka Art Gallery”, an adapted text about the author and his creations. As well as permanent comics, advice from “Murzilka”, puzzles, puzzles and riddles, competitions with prizes. And, of course, letters and drawings from the readers themselves. “Murzilka” is addressed to children from 7 to 12 years old.

Magazine website:

"Pipe" - children's environmental magazine for reading with family and at school, a magazine about nature, for readers from 7 to 12 years old. It contains popular educational materials on various aspects of natural science and ecology, focused on school curricula, as well as literary and artistic works - stories, novellas.

Each room provides an introduction to a nature reserve or national park. The texts in it are written in a popular science style, adapted for schoolchildren. As illustrations - photographs. The magazine addresses not only environmental and biological problems, but also other topics of interest to children and adolescents: it publishes stories about interesting and fascinating professions, materials telling about Orthodox ascetics, geographical discoveries, expeditions of modern travelers, and works of art.

The publication contributes to the formation of the foundations of environmental consciousness among schoolchildren.

"Toshka and company" is a “fun magazine about animals” for children 5 - 8 years old. Toshka, a cheerful and inquisitive puppy, will be a faithful friend for all animal lovers. On the pages of the magazine he talks about wild animals, the secrets of raising and caring for pets.

There are a lot of illustrations in it, and not only hand-drawn ones, there are also photographs in Toshka.

In each issue Nikolai Drozdov conducts exciting competition“In the world of animals”, and the winners will receive wonderful prizes - books, CDs, tapes. Toshka also asks riddles, offers crosswords and puzzles, tells and shows photo stories. The central spread of the magazine is a poster - unique author's photographs of animals.

"Mickey Mouse" — a cult WEEKLY for children and teenagers. Published in more than 50 countries around the world!

In each issue you will find new exciting comics about the world's most popular cartoon and comic book characters - Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other famous residents of Disney's Ducksburg!

And also: jokes and funny practical jokes, tricks and pranks, riddles and crosswords, competitions with prizes!

Reviews of films and videos, computer games and Internet sites, dossiers on “stars”, news and reports about the most interesting events in the country and in the world!

MICKEY MOUSE magazine is read by schoolchildren of any age, as well as their brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents!

Educational almanac "Klepa". Designed for ages 9 to 12 years. The constant heroine, the girl Klyopa, “travels” through different times and countries along with the readers.

Dear friends! A magazine for the fun, curious and caring! Little and big, schoolchildren and adults, teachers and parents... Everyone who loves: having fun learning! Have fun! Travel through time and space! And, of course, communicate! Our motto: together - more interesting!

Since Klyopa is a sociable girl, she has a lot of friends. This is the wise, thorough dog Filipich, and the flirtatious fashionista canary Kapi-Kapi, the little hero Egorka, and of course, many, many klepamans - boys and girls who communicate with each other in klepa clubs.

In each issue of the magazine "Klepa" travel, riddles and discoveries await you.


The most Interesting Facts in "Klep-newspaper"

Invaluable advice in the sections "Girls" and "Boys"

Exciting games, puzzles, comics and a lot of other interesting things!

Magazine "Why and Why". Modern "why" people want to know about everything. While learning about the world around them, they often ask adults questions that are not at all easy to give a clear answer...Why are there seven days in a week? What are clouds made of? How many bones does a person have? Why do kings need a crown? Why don't penguins fly? Why do trees need leaves?

You will find answers to these and many other questions on the pages of this colorful educational magazine for children. Also for you are fairy tales, stories, crosswords, games, crafts. The magazine's goal is to teach children to think logically, to be able to make friends, to instill feelings of mutual respect, to discover the beauty of their native word, and to lead children to the land of knowledge. To help teachers - scripts for matinees and performances. Golden Fund of the Russian Press.

Magazine "Playing with Barbie" - a luxurious magazine for girls who want to be like the beautiful and smart Barbie! In each issue: photo stories about Barbie and her friends, fashion, coloring books, wonderful homemade products, riddles, puzzles, as well as a competition in which you can win a real Barbie doll! All girls love reading and playing with Barbie!

And all the girls can expect an additional special issue of the magazine with a shiny cover, “Playing with Barbie. Princesses", which will be published 6 times a year.


Riddles and tasks: looking for treasures, building logical chains, dressing up Barbie for the beach, solving drawings in the sand!

Games: cut out chips and coins from a magazine and play.

Culinary recipes.

“Playing with Barbie” is the best magazine for young fashionistas!

Funny stories;

Reader's poems and fairy tales;

Gallery of literary heroes.

As can be seen from the review, the magazine selected versatile material for children from 7 to 14 years old. Each of them can choose a page to their liking, and some may discover something new that previously did not interest them.

Monthly magazine “Young Erudite” addressed to children and young teenagers aged 10-13 years. In an entertaining way, the magazine will tell inquisitive readers about the history and present day of science and technology, outstanding scientists and discoverers. Children will learn how machines and mechanisms work, what causes tornadoes and cyclones, what causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Special sections are devoted to modern computer and aerospace technologies, the mysteries of living nature, forecasting the future, and the history of weapons.

“Young Erudite” invites its readers to conduct simple, but fun and instructive physical experiments, solve puzzles, and take part in various competitions. The publication is also expected to include comic book pages and short fantasy stories and novellas.

The magazine is full of high-quality color illustrations.

"Fisherman" - popular science illustrated magazine about fishing. Permanent sections will tell you about fishing techniques and tactics, tackles and equipment, and give practical recommendations to those who are planning to combine a vacation in the seaside spaces with their favorite hobby.

The material from the section “Places you need to know” will certainly attract the attention of fishing travelers.

In a word, if you are a true fisherman - this
magazine for you!

"Marusya" - a magazine for teenage girls .

Here any girl will find everything that interests her. The magazine has six sections: “Fashion”, “Mirror”, “Show”, “Style”, “Feelings”, “Home”. Various sections talk about beauty, health, the lives of celebrities, new cosmetics, travel, and professions. Also in each room you will find a horoscope, culinary recipes, 2-3 celebrity posters, an unusual hit parade, a photo gallery of female readers, answers to questions regarding love experiences, consultations with professional psychologists, interior design tips, a crossword puzzle and much, much more.

Website of the magazine "Marusya":

"Boomerang" is a magazine for teenagers.

All boys and girls will find here much that interests them. The magazine has four main sections: “Cinema”, “Music”, “Sports”, “People”. The magazine "Boomerang" is stories about stars and "anti-stars", about events in the world of alternative, indie and extreme sports in cinema, music, sports and in our lives; stories about travel and wonders of the world, historical reconstruction clubs, unusual hobbies and interests; regular reviews of new films, music, books; comics and scanword, posters and mini-posters of celebrities, photo galleries of wonders of the world! It will help the reader to be aware of the most interesting things that are happening on the planet!

"Romeo and Juliet" - a romantic, enthusiastic, sociable, very musical, affectionate and gentle, amorous and naive, funny and happy youth magazine wants to meet the same readers. First love, music, money, fashion, a lot of advice, education and work (including abroad).

Regular columns await you:

Dating club "Hello";

Super competitions;


Posters. You will find all this and much more on the pages of your favorite magazine.

Magazine "World of Technology for Children"

Educational almanac "Children's Encyclopedia".

Children's nature magazine for family reading "Anthill".

Magazine "Why?"

Publications of the Russian Children's Fund

"Guiding Star. School Reading"

A beautifully illustrated humanitarian educational magazine, which the Russian Children's Fund addresses to modern youth (until January 2000, the magazine was published under the name "School Roman-Newspaper").

The magazine publishes the best works of domestic and foreign fiction and sets as its goal the highly moral education of the younger generation.

"Guiding Star" is recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia for software and extracurricular reading students in grades 6-11. Inside the publication is a magazine within a magazine - "Big Change" - fun and educational materials about the life of modern youth, the creativity of the readers themselves. The magazine has been published since 1996 and has become popular among schoolchildren, teachers, librarians, and parents. The organizing committee of the All-Russian exhibition "Press-2002" awarded the magazine a diploma "For consistency and loyalty to the reader."

Magazine "Children of Man"

This educational and pedagogical illustrated magazine of the Russian Children's Fund is addressed to adults - those who are called upon to take care of children who have lost their parents, who find themselves in difficult life situations: directors of orphanages, parents-teachers of family orphanages, heads of boarding schools educational institutions, law enforcement officials, teachers, doctors, parents - everyone who cares about children and childhood. The magazine publishes materials about the situation of children in Russia, about children's rights, about the programs of the Russian Children's Fund, about work with children in the regional branches of the RDF, and talks about enthusiasts - knights of childhood. Published once every two months.

Magazine "God's World"

A brightly illustrated magazine for children and youth. Published with the blessing of His Holiness, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'. Its goal is Orthodox education and enlightenment. In a fascinating way, the magazine tells about the thousand-year history of the Russian Orthodox Church, about our fatherland - its spiritual basis, culture and art. Materials « God's Peace"can be used in classes in Orthodox gymnasiums, in Sunday and general education schools, and for reading in the family circle. Published since January 1997, 6 times a year.

Parents about children

Magazine "Nanny"

“Nanny” is the first publication on the Russian parent-child market. The main task of the publication is to be useful to parents, to become for them a real kind “Nanny”, an assistant who will quickly, intelligibly and competently answer any question regarding the upbringing of the younger generation. The publication is well illustrated, strict scientific basis materials, good literary language in the publications of the magazine make it accessible, understandable and interesting for a wide range of readers.

Magazine “My Baby and Me”

The magazine “My Baby and I” is one of the most popular publications for parents in Russia. The main topics of the publication: pregnancy and childbirth, baby care, baby food, development and upbringing of the baby, health of the child and family as a whole, psychology family relations, charm and beauty, children's fashion, interior.

The magazine will be of interest to young mothers and fathers, pregnant women, families planning to have children, grandparents, methodologists of preschool and school institutions - men and women of different ages and different professions, united by a love for children.

Family Reading Magazine

Magazines for executives with children's reading


In each issue you will find information:

About the 100 most interesting book releases of the current month;

About the news of the book world in Russia and abroad;

About the life and work of famous writers;

About history famous books and quotes;

And much more.

The magazine “Reading Together” will become your navigator in the vast expanses of modern literature!


"Read, Learn, Play"

The magazine will be useful and interesting for you, dear teachers and librarians.

The magazine "READ, LEARN, PLAY" has sections that collect scripts on history, local history, Russian and foreign literature, ethics, legal education, art history, library science, as well as games and materials dedicated to the holidays.

We draw your attention to the fact that scenarios dedicated to significant dates arrive “advanced” by two to three months, which gives you time to thoughtfully study the events. And, of course, there are many “eternal” topics and names that we constantly refer to on the pages of the magazine. The magazine “Read, Learn, Play” will be a good helper in everyday work.

Scientific and methodological magazine "Education of Schoolchildren"

“Education of Schoolchildren” has been the leader in the number of subscribers among pedagogical magazines for decades. This is the most widely read pedagogical magazine.

Traditional sections:

- “To the school director and his deputy”,

- “To the class teacher”,

- “Additional education teacher”,

- “For conversations with parents”,

- “Preparation for family life”,

- “Our moral values”, etc.

The magazine “Education of Schoolchildren” pays great attention to the publication of materials on the use of educational opportunities national holidays, games, rituals, as well as works of oral folk art, on the development of specific pedagogical activities using elements of folk culture.

Readers of the magazine will learn about the current state of the patriotic education system from a series of publications about the work of not only schools, but also children’s and youth military sports clubs, search centers, and specialized children’s camps.

On the pages of the magazine are the leaders of the largest children's social movements Russia and neighboring countries.

Scientific and educational magazine

“Spiritual and moral education”

Cultural, historical and modern experience of Orthodox education and training, the spiritual essence of the disciplines studied in school curriculum, the educational role of sacred rituals and symbols, the cultural and spiritual traditions of the peoples of Russia.

Conversations with children: about love for the Motherland and its shrines, about the traditions of Russian history, about holidays, rituals and customs Orthodox Church, about the temple and faith, about sin and prayer, about a virtuous life, etc.

To help teachers, educators, parents.

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