Strategy for promoting a healthy lifestyle of the population. Healthy lifestyle strategy: Food products

The Russian Ministry of Health has prepared an “Information and communication strategy for the formation healthy image life, combating the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, preventing and combating non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for the period until 2020." The main objectives of the document are to reduce mortality from all causes from 13.3 in 2012 to 11.4 per 1000 population by 2020, life expectancy is also expected to increase from 70.5 to 74.4 years.

The Ministry considers the main ways to achieve these goals to be informing the population about the main risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases; ensuring accessibility of medical care for the diagnosis of non-communicable diseases. And in addition, reducing the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, increasing the level of physical activity. The number of medical prevention centers should increase from 90 to 320, the number of health centers - from 695 to 850. The network of medical assistance offices for smoking cessation should reach 5000 from today's 669, and the "Helpline" services - from 516 to 1050. The line is being formed The Ministry of Health outlined the principles of a healthy lifestyle for the population at the beginning of the priority national project “Health”. It was then that health centers began to be created throughout the country, which are visited by 2.5-3 million people annually.

Here you can check your heart and blood vessels, lung function, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, that is, all the main indicators that reflect whether a person is healthy, whether everything is in order,” the acting head of the health center at Moscow city clinic N 69 Margarita Smolskaya. - Bioimpedance is in particular demand - a study that shows how much fat and muscle mass, how much fluid is in the body, etc. We give recommendations on nutrition, quitting smoking, oral care, etc. And all this is free and you don’t have to wait in line.

Many people are surprised when they see their heart for the first time on the screen of a cardiovisor, and this makes a great impression,” added Alevtina Gutnik, a therapist at the health center in Kaluga. - We are very happy when a grandmother or mother comes and brings their son or grandson to us - you need to start taking care of your health from a young age. And in Lately more young people are coming.

The draft new strategy complements measures already taken to promote a healthy lifestyle. But its implementation will require changes in the mentality of the population, and this, as we know, is the most difficult and long-term task. How achievable are the goals?

The strategy for creating a healthy lifestyle is a very correct policy, and this has been proven by the experience of many countries, the director of the State scientific center preventive medicine Professor Sergei Boytsov. - The feeling that there is now a lot of information about maintaining health is false: at the state level, its importance for reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy began to be realized and disseminated only 2-3 years ago, although scientists have known about the role of such information for a long time. However, until now, not only have we not taught this to children in school, which is a must, but doctors have not been taught what they should teach their patients.

True, experts also note that the stated goals are somewhat declarative - it is not always clear how exactly to achieve them, using what resources.

The appearance of the document can be welcomed, since the proposed measures are generally correct, says Professor Farit Kadyrov, Deputy Director of the Central Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health Care of the Russian Ministry of Health. - Many indicators that must be achieved, unfortunately, are not based on clear statistical data; they can be manipulated. For example, the prevalence of tobacco use among children and adolescents. Here you cannot trust the reports of the regions - special surveys are needed.

The goals and objectives set by the strategy are absolutely correct, there is nothing to argue with here,” comments the director of the Research Institute of Public Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Ramil Khabriev. “However, what is confusing is that the draft does not specify the responsibilities of “allied partners” - other ministries and departments on which their implementation depends. The strategy should become intersectoral, and the Ministry of Health can act as a coordinator.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation presented a draft strategy for a healthy lifestyle (HLS) until 2025, which is designed to reduce the mortality rate of Russians from non-communicable diseases by 25%. These include cardiovascular diseases, malignant oncological diseases, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes mellitus. According to the Ministry of Health, they are the cause of almost three quarters of all deaths in Russia.

According to the department, health problems among Russians are mainly associated with bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and lack of a balanced diet, unfavorable environment and insufficient health care: lack of physical activity and neglect of medical examination.

The authors of the strategy note that lifestyle and availability bad habits are closely related to the level of education, character labor activity and place of residence. For example, citizens with primary and secondary education, compared with holders of a diploma higher education, smoking, excess salt intake, insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, symptoms of depression and anxiety are more common, and low levels of physical activity are less common.

The Ministry of Health also points out the dependence of mortality rates on the region. For example, in the Tver region they are 2.4 times higher than in Moscow. This is due to the level of economic development of the regions, living conditions of people, and the sale of vodka and other alcoholic beverages.

Prevention comes first

According to the Ministry of Health, the contribution of prevention to reducing mortality from non-communicable diseases ranges from 40 to 70%. Therefore, an important part of the strategy is the active promotion of a healthy lifestyle and regular medical examinations. For this, the Ministry of Health offers:

  • build sports grounds and bicycle paths accessible to all segments of the population and age groups, including people with disabilities;
  • increase medical examination coverage to 23% of the adult population per year, or to 70% in three years;
  • increase vaccination coverage of the population. So, in the coming years, according to the authors of the strategy, it is necessary to ensure that the entire adult population is vaccinated against influenza.
  • ensure that by 2025, both private and public health facilities meet the standard of care, which involves 80 percent provision of basic technologies and essential medicines.

Even at the stage of developing the strategy, Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova noted that the proposed measures should encourage healthy lifestyles, but not be restrictive. “We do not plan to introduce any direct coercion,” she said.

According to the Ministry of Health, the cause of 75% of deaths in Russia are non-communicable diseases, this is mainly heart attack, stroke, diabetes, asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases. According to doctors, this indicator indicates that health problems among Russians mainly arise due to lack of physical activity, poor diet, alcohol consumption, smoking and unfavorable environment.

Based on this, experts Ministry of Health developed and submitted for approval a draft strategy for a healthy lifestyle until 2025, which should reduce the mortality rate of our country’s population by 25%. The project consists of several parts, among them the most important are:

1. Active promotion of a healthy lifestyle. To fulfill this point, the Ministry of Health proposes to build as many sports grounds as possible, accessible to all segments of the population. From a young age, it is necessary to teach children to play sports, setting an example for them and actively involving them in various sports clubs and competitions.

2. Increase coverage of the population with medical examinations and vaccinations. According to the authors of the strategy, in the coming years it is necessary to increase the coverage of the adult population with medical examinations to 25% per year, and vaccination against influenza to 100%. There will be no direct coercion; people themselves must understand the need for these procedures and the importance of taking care of their health.

3. Provide medical institutions with equipment and medicines. To reduce the mortality rate of the population, it is necessary to ensure that by 2025 all medical institutions meet the standard of treatment, according to which they must be 80% provided with basic technologies and essential medicines.

4. Fighting smoking and alcoholism. In order to reduce alcohol consumption among men over 15 years of age by 10%, tobacco consumption by 23%, and among women by 12% by 2025, the Ministry of Health proposes:
- place information on the bottles about the harmful effects of alcohol on health, just like on cigarette packs.
- limit or completely ban alcohol advertising.
- increase excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol.
- increase the minimum age for purchasing alcohol from 18 to 21 years, and not sell cigarettes at all to people born after 2015.
- ban the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks through the Internet.
- develop technical regulations that should clearly indicate the requirements for alcohol-containing products and their safety. They should help suppress the production of illegal products.

5. Fight against unhealthy eating. The Ministry of Health believes that another enemy of longevity is fast food and other unhealthy products. To develop healthy eating habits among the population, the agency recommends:
- increase the number of canteens and cafes with healthy and diet food.
- provide tax benefits to producers of environmentally friendly and healthy products.
- introduce excise taxes on sales harmful products.
- limit the display time of advertising of harmful products on television - fast food, chips, carbonated drinks, Snickers, sausages and other products with excess fat and sugar.
- introduce additional labeling for products with increased content sugar, legislate requirements for product labeling, which must contain complete and accessible information on the content of carbohydrates, saturated fats, sugar and calorie content.

Despite the fact that in Ministry of Industry and Trade And Ministry of Agriculture The Ministry of Health supports the healthy lifestyle strategy; they do not plan to introduce some of its points in the coming years. According to experts from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the concept of limiting advertising and placing information about the dangers of alcohol on bottles requires detailed analysis. For example, about the introduction of warning images on alcohol, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Viktor Evtukhov said: “It will be surprising if beautiful bottle vodka "Tsarskaya" of Leningrad bottling with a portrait of Peter 1, instead of the Tsar there will be a portrait of an alcoholic with rotten teeth and bruises under the eyes."

Introduce excise taxes on sweets drinks in the next three years neither will they, since according to the Ministry of Finance, such fees were not included in the 2017-2019 budget. Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexei Volin also spoke out against the clause limiting the advertising of harmful products, saying: “The Ministry of Health does not determine which products to advertise and which not. If you follow their strategy, then only dietary cottage cheese can be advertised.”

According to Ministry of Industry and Trade And Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications people themselves must be aware of what they eat and what they do. “It is impossible to allow the dictation of doctors over the everyday behavior of citizens!” - This is the opinion of those who are against restricting the advertising of sausage, fast food, Snickers and other sweet, unhealthy products. Do you agree with them?

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The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation presented a draft strategy for a healthy lifestyle (HLS) until 2025, which is designed to reduce the mortality rate of Russians from non-communicable diseases by 25%. These include cardiovascular diseases, malignant oncological diseases, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes mellitus. According to the Ministry of Health, they are the cause of almost three quarters of all deaths in Russia.

According to the department, health problems among Russians are mainly associated with bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and lack of a balanced diet, unfavorable environment and insufficient health care: lack of physical activity and neglect of medical examination.

health: lack of physical activity and neglect of medical examination.

The authors of the strategy note that lifestyle and the presence of bad habits are closely related to the level of education, the nature of work activity and place of residence. For example, citizens with primary and secondary education, compared with holders of a college degree, are more likely to smoke, excess salt intake, insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, symptoms of depression and anxiety, and less likely to have a low level of physical activity.

The Ministry of Health also points out the dependence of mortality rates on the region. For example, in the Tver region they are 2.4 times higher than in Moscow. This is due to the level of economic development of the regions, living conditions of people, and the sale of vodka and other alcoholic beverages.

Prevention comes first

According to the Ministry of Health, the contribution of prevention to reducing mortality from non-communicable diseases ranges from 40 to 70%. Therefore, an important part of the strategy is the active promotion of a healthy lifestyle and regular medical examinations. For this, the Ministry of Health offers:

  • build sports grounds and bicycle paths accessible to all segments of the population and age groups, including people with disabilities;
  • increase medical examination coverage to 23% of the adult population per year, or to 70% in three years;
  • increase vaccination coverage of the population. So, in the coming years, according to the authors of the strategy, it is necessary to ensure that the entire adult population is vaccinated against influenza.
  • ensure that by 2025, both private and public health facilities meet the standard of care, which involves 80 percent provision of basic technologies and essential medicines.

Even at the stage of developing the strategy, Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova noted that the proposed measures should encourage healthy lifestyles, but not be restrictive. “We do not plan to introduce any direct coercion,” she said.

Fighting alcoholism and smoking

The ministry aims to reduce alcohol consumption by 10% and tobacco consumption by 23% among the male population aged 15 years and over and by 12% among women by 2025. To do this, the department proposes:

  • increase the minimum age for purchasing alcohol from 18 to 21;
  • introduce a ban on the sale of alcohol and tobacco via the Internet;
  • increase excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco;
  • limit (up to a complete ban) hidden advertising of alcohol, and also ensure that information on the harmful effects of such drinks is placed on bottles. Now such inscriptions are placed only on cigarette packs;
  • develop technical regulations on safety requirements for alcohol-containing products, which should help “suppress the production of illegal alcohol.”

Previously, the department presented a new anti-tobacco concept, which, among other things, prohibits the sale of cigarettes to those born after 2015 and expands the list of places where smoking is prohibited.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has already stated that the concept of the Ministry of Health requires detailed analysis. “All such proposals must be seriously, deeply analyzed, weighed and discussed,” says Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Viktor Evtukhov. As an example, he cited a proposal about warning images on alcohol: “I imagine our Tsarskaya vodka, beautiful, Leningrad bottling, with a portrait of Peter I, and he has bruises under his eyes, rotten teeth. It will be amazing."

Fight against unhealthy eating

The Ministry of Health considers fast food and other unhealthy foods to be another enemy of long life. To combat bad eating habits, the department offers:

  • organize a network of canteens and cafes with healthy and dietary food. For citizens who are below the poverty line, service there can be free;
  • legislatively provide tax benefits to producers of healthy food products;
  • limit the time on which advertising of unhealthy food is shown on Russian TV (sweetened carbonated drinks, chips, fast food, chocolate bars, other confectionery products with excess fat and sugar, sausages);
  • introduce excise taxes on harmful products.

These measures aim to reduce salt consumption by 15% and stop the rise in diabetes and obesity.

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​introducing excise taxes on sweet drinks has been discussed for almost a year and was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, there are no plans to introduce them in the next three years. According to the Ministry of Finance, such fees were not included in the 2017–2019 budget.

People themselves must be aware of what they are doing and what they are consuming. Allowing doctors to dictate the everyday behavior of ordinary citizens is excessiveDeputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey Volin

As for restricting advertising of sausage and chocolate, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications opposed this proposal. “It is not the job of the Ministry of Health to determine which products to advertise and which products not to advertise. If we follow this logic, then only dietary cottage cheese can be advertised,” said Deputy Minister Alexey Volin.

In addition to the listed measures, the Ministry of Health has long proposed introducing additional labeling for products with a high sugar content, as well as legislating requirements for product labeling, which should contain complete and easy-to-read information about calorie content, the content of saturated animal fats, carbohydrates and salt.

More details on TASS:

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has submitted for public discussion a draft Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the period until 2020. Document with full name“Information and communication strategy for promoting a healthy lifestyle, combating the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, preventing and combating non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for the period until 2020” defines priority areas for promoting a healthy lifestyle. You can read the document and give your comments on the Unified State Portal

The main goal of the Strategy is to reduce morbidity and mortality in the population of the Russian Federation by reducing the prevalence of the main risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases and promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population.

Main objectives: informing the population about the main risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases; ensuring accessibility of medical care for the diagnosis of non-communicable diseases; reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption among the population; preventing and reducing the level of non-medical consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and increasing the level of physical activity, adherence to a balanced diet, reducing the level of psycho-emotional stress among the population of the Russian Federation.

The strategy provides for a number of measures aimed at solving the above-mentioned tasks and concrete results. In particular, by 2020 it is expected:

Increasing the number of medical aid offices for smoking cessation from 660 to 5000,

Decrease in alcohol consumption (liters per capita) from 13.0 (2012) to 10.0 (2020),

Reducing the prevalence of tobacco among children and adolescents to 15%; among the adult population – from 35% to 25%,

Decrease in overall mortality from all causes - from 13.3 (2012) to 11.4 per 1000 population,

Increase in life expectancy to 74.4 years.

Along with the state’s obligations to ensure health protection, the Strategy also imposes obligations on citizens of Russia to take care of their own health and comply with certain norms and rules.

Expert comments:

As leading prevention experts note, non-communicable diseases cause 75% of deaths in Russia. Moreover, 40% of the population dies before the age of 60. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes mellitus are the main causes of death. Since 2003, the mortality rate in Russia has been gradually decreasing. We have now reached 729 deaths per 100 thousand population. These numbers could be much lower. But it is impossible to reduce mortality only through the efforts of doctors; comprehensive work is important here. Informing the general public is one of the most important parts of this work. In addition, this strategy provides for an increase in the number of Health Centers, in which any citizen can undergo free diagnostics and receive recommendations aimed at improving their lifestyle, as well as the opening of prevention rooms and smoking cessation assistance rooms. In addition to fighting bad habits, it is important to be attentive to your level of physical activity and your diet. Simple measures such as walking at least 10,000 steps and eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day help protect the body from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes

Ivan Blanarik, Co-Chairman of the Russian-American Healthcare Foundation, CEO Boehringer Ingelheim: “Today, 8 out of 10 deaths are caused by chronic non-communicable diseases. According to international studies, over the past 100 years the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases alone has doubled. more people than from conflicts and wars, including the Second World War. However, most of these deaths could have been prevented. Despite huge financial investments and scientific developments, there is no magic pill yet and is not expected. Today, non-communicable diseases remain a serious adversary. We can only defeat it together: the state taking steps such as this Strategy; a business that must take care not only of its employees, but, to the extent possible, of society as a whole, both through a scrupulous attitude towards its work, and with the help of information and social significant projects. And most importantly, each of us must be responsible for our own health, following those minimum recommendations that can improve the health of society: giving up bad habits, moving and proper nutrition».

Dmitry Borisov, executive director of the non-profit partnership “Equal Right to Life”, deputy chairman of the board of the Association of Oncologists of Russia, Chairman of the branch of the Public Council for the Protection of Patients’ Rights under the Office of Roszdravnadzor in Moscow and the Moscow Region: “In my opinion, the main focus of the Strategy is to reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases is extremely relevant. After all, they are the cause of more than 60% of all deaths, according to global statistics. Accordingly, thanks to the constructive public policy in the field of prevention and treatment of major non-communicable diseases (primarily cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, lung diseases), a large number of deaths and, consequently, losses in the national economy and human potential indices can be prevented. However, the current version of the document is unidirectional, placing the main emphasis only on prevention and early diagnosis, and completely excludes the importance of such an important aspect as the availability of treatment. At the same time, all UN and WHO recommendations in the field of combating NCDs call on countries to use a balanced approach when forming national strategies. Today in this area in our country there are big problems– primarily due to serious underfunding of healthcare. As a result, every year Russia loses hundreds of thousands of patients who could have been saved. Therefore, the approach to the implementation of the Strategy, the main goal of which is to reduce mortality, must be very balanced: one cannot skew only towards prevention or only early diagnosis. It must be remembered that without effective treatment, patients cannot be provided with full care.”

Dmitry Napalkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy No. 1 of the Faculty of Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov: “This bill is indeed extremely important. The situation with cardiovascular morbidity in the country is quite serious: unfortunately, we are among the leading group of countries in terms of mortality from heart and vascular diseases. At the same time, strokes and heart attacks, leading to death, can be prevented both by medication measures (continuous use of antihypertensive drugs during arterial hypertension, modern anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation, etc.), and non-drug measures. But, as has been repeatedly noted by all the leading cardiologists of the country, without a general strategy for improving the health of the population, all non-drug measures that can reliably reduce cardiovascular risk and increase life expectancy are practically not used by our patients. Most patients want to get medications that will solve all their problems, but few are ready to change their unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one. I see the only difficulty not in the strategy, but in its implementation: if it is entrusted in addition to the main work (“overload”) to outpatient doctors, then I am afraid that they will not be able to implement it in full.”

Oleg Lobanov, General Director of the KorpusGroup group of companies: “Our company organizes catering at the largest production sites in the country, such as AvtoVAZ, GAZ, Rusal, Bashneft, etc. Over the years of work, we have collected interesting statistics . The number of sick days is reduced if workers go to lunch in the canteen rather than carry snacks with them. Large enterprises introduce subsidies for employee meals, thanks to which the number of people eating in the canteen increases to 90%. Among those who do not visit the canteen, up to 24% do not eat at all at work, which leads to serious violations digestive system. According to Rosstat, every tenth sick leave is taken by employees of mining enterprises due to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.”

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