Beetroot with garlic and mayonnaise: a delicious dish for every day. Beetroot salad with garlic - delicious recipes

How often do we eat beets? Most likely, not very often - perhaps when we get ready to prepare the “herring under a fur coat” salad. Well, of course, we put it in borscht. However, it is not at all necessary to wait for the holiday to prepare some complex salad. From beets you can make very simple, but very tasty salads for “everyday”.

What most often stops us is that for salads, beets are usually boiled, but they cook for quite a long time. I recommend baking several beets in the oven, right in the skins - it turns out tastier than boiled, and what we don’t use right away, we put in the refrigerator, and then “bungling” a salad when you already have a root vegetable ready to eat is not a problem at all.

To avoid getting your hands dirty, you can use medical gloves or just put them on your hands and avoid staining your fingers.

Beetroot with garlic - recipe

There are a lot of recipes for preparing salads with beets - both complex and simple ones - so if you are not lazy, you can always diversify your table. In addition, doctors advise consuming beets more often to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. (although diabetics need to observe moderation, after all, beets are very rich in sugars).

I'll give just a few simple recipes, where the quantity of the product will not be clearly indicated, from simple calculation that for 2 medium-sized beets, take everything else to taste - 3-4 cloves of garlic, 70-100 grams of cheese, 3-4 nuts.

The simplest salad is beets with garlic and mayonnaise.

Here everything is simpler than ever - peel the whole boiled (or baked in the oven) and cooled beets, put them through a grater and add a few cloves of garlic, finely chopped or passed through a crusher. Season with salt and mayonnaise or vegetable oil. All things to do - for 5 minutes!

You can modify this recipe a little by adding chopped beets and garlic (you only need 3-4 pieces, and the taste will noticeably improve).

Another great combination is beets with garlic and cheese. This combination is not only tasty, but also looks extremely appetizing when white or creamy, grated, hard cheese lies like a cap against a bright background - very festive. And inside the salad are the same nuts and garlic with mayonnaise or butter! As you eat, everything gets mixed up - simply delicious!

There is also a wonderful recipe for a salad of beets and boiled (or canned) beans with the addition of pickled cucumber - all this is cut into cubes of the same size (except for the beans, of course) and seasoned with hot vegetable oil. Take a glass of beans or, if canned, then the contents of a standard jar, separating them from the sauce. Again, don’t forget to add garlic here. You can also add boiled or baked carrots, just one is enough, or cut them into cubes - it turns out to be a very fun salad and very filling.

But there is an option to add a fresh apple and the same walnut to beans and beets instead of pickled cucumber. Then the garlic is cancelled, still season with the juice of half a lemon and season with oil.

I almost forgot about the recipe with prunes - it’s just a miracle salad (you can probably already guess how healthy it is in certain cases), and how delicious it is!

It’s all just as simple - steam a handful of prunes, then cut them into pieces, not necessarily small ones, you can cut them into strips, mix with boiled (or baked) beets, also cut into cubes or strips, add chopped walnuts and garlic, add salt to taste and season everything mayonnaise.

By the way, meat salads that use beets and garlic are also very tasty and satisfying. The meat must be boiled in advance, cooled, finely chopped and added along with pickled cucumber To the chopped or grated beets, add a boiled egg, also finely chopped, and season everything with garlic and mayonnaise. It turns out very satisfying.

Fans of savory dishes can add pepper and other favorite spices to salads and, of course, decorate them with herbs.

Prepare for your health!

In winter and during the off-season, beet salad with garlic should become a frequent guest. dining table in each family. This snack will replenish the supply of vitamins in the body, and the savory supplement will protect against viruses. The following are published best recipes such a salad.

Beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise

Ingredients: 3 large beets, 6-7 garlic cloves, mayonnaise to taste, rock salt.

  1. First you need to boil the root vegetable directly in the skin. This will take 40-45 minutes.
  2. The finished vegetable is peeled and coarsely grated.
  3. Garlic is crushed in any convenient way. You can simply chop it finely, pass it through a press, or mash it in a mortar.
  4. Salt and sauce are added to the ingredients from the second and third steps.

The prepared beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise should be mixed well and left to steep in the cold.

A simple recipe with sunflower oil

Ingredients: 3 medium beets, 60-70 g kernels walnuts, 2-3 garlic cloves, sea ​​salt, refined oil, any fresh herbs.

  1. The beets are boiled until soft, after which they are immediately lowered into ice water. The cooled root vegetable is peeled and grated on a grater with the largest holes. The vegetable is seasoned to taste. You can sprinkle it with a mixture of ground peppers.
  2. The garlic cloves are cleaned, after which they can be chopped in any convenient way. For example, use a garlic press, a fine grater for this purpose, or simply crush the product in a mortar.
  3. Walnut kernels are first lightly fried in a dry frying pan. Then you can grind them. The method depends on the tastes of the cook. If you want the nuts to be clearly felt in the snack, then it will be enough to simply chop them with a knife. Or grind them using a coffee grinder.
  4. Garlic and nuts are poured into the prepared beets.
  5. The appetizer is seasoned with salted mayonnaise.

The dish is decorated with chopped herbs.

Classic “Garnet Bracelet”

Composition of products: large chicken fillet, fine salt, 2 choice eggs, a whole pomegranate, carrots, large beets, 3-4 potatoes, 40 g walnut kernels, 40 g pitted prunes, mayonnaise.

  1. First, root vegetables, eggs and chicken are boiled in salted water.
  2. The first layer of the appetizer will be cooled coarsely grated potatoes coated with salted mayonnaise. A glass is placed in the middle of the plate on which the food is laid out. The snack will form around it.
  3. The second layer is grated beets with mayonnaise and chopped nuts.
  4. Next, the fillet, torn into fibers and coated with sauce, is distributed.
  5. Strips of prunes soaked in boiling water are placed on the meat.
  6. The next layer will be coarsely grated carrots with salted sauce.
  7. The last ones are grated eggs with mayonnaise and pomegranate seeds.

Before serving to guests, the appetizer must be thoroughly cooled. 30-40 minutes will be enough for this.

Vitamin version with garlic

Ingredients: 2 large beets, 120 g light sour cream, salt, 3-4 garlic cloves, 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of grated horseradish.

  1. When preparing a salad, housewives think about how long to cook the beets in order to preserve everything in them. beneficial features. 35-40 minutes in boiling water will be enough, depending on the type of vegetable. But it’s even better to bake the root vegetable in the oven.
  2. Next, the beets are coarsely rubbed and poured into a salad bowl.
  3. Chopped horseradish and crushed garlic are added to the vegetable.
  4. The appetizer is salted to taste and seasoned with low-fat sour cream.

Today we will look at another batch of recipes for making beet salad with garlic. These dishes will appeal not only to vegetarians, but also to those who like to prepare delicious and healthy salads from meat, fish, etc.

Beets - since time immemorial, this product has been closely concentrated in the cuisine of our country. True, today the red root vegetable is more popular, but nutritionists continue to argue that even young beet leaves should be used when preparing fresh salads. They contain a considerable amount of microelements. Chard, a leafy type of beet, is not yet very common, which once again emphasizes the usefulness of not only the root vegetable, but also the leaves of this vegetable.

Beet salad with garlic - preparing food and dishes

Beetroot can be useful when preparing borscht, vegetable casseroles, marinade. Fortunately, this product is accessible and inexpensive, which gives everyone the opportunity to use it to realize various culinary fantasies. Beet salads with garlic are another path in which every novice housewife can realize her hidden culinary talents. It’s not difficult to prepare delicious masterpieces from beets; just follow the recommendations below.

Garlic salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Beet salad with garlic

When starting to prepare beet salad with garlic, many may wonder which vegetable is better to use when preparing salads - raw, boiled or baked. The answer is raw. This is where the largest supply of beneficial vitamins will be concentrated. As you know, during heat treatment, most of the microelements stored in the product evaporate. If raw beets are not to your taste, then baked beets are second in health, and boiled beets are third. So, let's proceed directly to preparing beet salad with garlic.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 pcs. - beet;
  • 2 tsp. – mustard;
  • 100 ml – sour cream;
  • 5 tooth - garlic.

Cooking method:

Prepare salad dressing. To do this, you need to mix sour cream with mustard; for spicy lovers, you can take mustard with a spicy taste. So, we grate the beets, everyone chooses in what form the beets will be used, boiled or raw, the main thing is that it should be a tender and tasty root vegetable. Press the garlic through a garlic press, season the beets with the previously prepared dressing, and mix. For more subtle aroma add some spices to the beet salad with garlic.

Recipe 2: Beet salad with garlic and cheese

This light, but very multivitamin salad will be an excellent addition to heavier and fatty foods, for example, fried meat. It is necessary to help the body master such a heavy diet by adding such light dishes to your diet.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 pcs. - beet;
  • 50 ml – mayonnaise;
  • 4 teeth - garlic;
  • 100 g – cheese;
  • 1 pinch of sea salt.

Cooking method:

Cheese, garlic and beets are grated; you can take the grater that we use when preparing carrot salad. Season the salad with mayonnaise and put it in salad bowls. As for dressing beet salad with garlic, mayonnaise or sour cream is often used. However, for more dietary and useful option You can replace these fatty components with oil - vegetable, peanut or olive.

Recipe 3: Beet salad with garlic and meat

Those then familiar with healthy fruits and vegetables, knows how useful beets are in the fight against excess weight. In such a situation, it is important to keep the body alert and healthy. That is why we recommend making beetroot meat salad. It is low in calories, can be prepared in a short time, and the set of ingredients allows this salad to decorate lunches and dinners every day.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 pcs. - beet;
  • 3 pcs. - egg;
  • 1 b. – green pea;
  • 3 teeth - garlic;
  • 3 pcs. - pickles;
  • 250 g – meat (you can take chicken);
  • 50 ml – mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

First of all, boil the meat. You can take chicken breast, especially if we're talking about O healthy eating. If you want, boil the beets too. When the ingredients are ready, you can start cutting. The meat is cut into cubes, or strips, and the beets are grated. Cut the pickled cucumbers (pre-drain the accumulated liquid from them) into cubes. Canned peas add to the beets, combine with the meat, press the garlic, by the way, it can also be grated on a fine grater. There are eggs left, they are also boiled first, cut them into cubes. Dress beet salad with garlic mayonnaise. Tasty, satisfying, healthy - what more do you need!

Recipe 4: Beet salad with garlic and horseradish

This salad is also dressed with sour cream, which can be replaced with mayonnaise if desired. For those who follow a healthy and low-calorie diet, make a salad dressing by mixing lemon juice with olive oil.

Required ingredients:

  • 100 ml – sour cream;
  • 4 teeth - garlic;
  • 2 pcs. - beet;
  • 50 g – horseradish.

Cooking method:

Of course, the first thing we need to decide is what kind of beets we will use when preparing the salad - boiled or raw. It is important to note that some varieties of raw beets are so tasty and tender that heat treatment will only eliminate these invaluable characteristics of the root vegetable. Therefore, try to buy delicious root vegetables and prepare beet salads with garlic from raw ingredients.

So, directly to the dish, the beets are rubbed with long strips, the garlic is pressed with a garlic press. Horseradish is also grated; for this dish we need 3 tablespoons of grated horseradish. Separately prepare the dressing, add spices and a little ground red pepper to the sour cream. Mix the ingredients and add sauce.

It is worth noting that the combination of garlic with horseradish and raw beets forms a powerful vitamin cocktail, which can be very useful during colds.

Recipe 5: Beet salad with garlic and pickles

If you want to enrich the taste of beets a little and give it more juiciness, try making this incomparable version of beet salad with garlic.

Required ingredients:

  • 30 ml – vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. – ketchup (it’s better to take spicy one);
  • 4 things. - salted cucumbers;
  • 1 PC. - Red onion;
  • 4 teeth - garlic.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, beets are baked. After cooling, the root vegetable is cut into cubes. Let's take a little vegetable oil, heat and fry finely chopped onion. A very interesting preparation of pickled cucumbers, we also cut them into cubes and send them to simmer along with the onions in a frying pan. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the vegetables from the frying pan, combine with the beets, and grate the garlic on a fine grater. At the end, add ketchup and salt to taste.

Beet salad with garlic - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

Beets are excellent soil for preparing interesting and healthy salads. These light dishes can be supplemented with dried fruits, dried apricots, prunes and raisins. You can season beets with sour cream and mayonnaise, or you can enrich the flavors of the dish various types oils

It is generally accepted that a dish is tastier the more complex its recipe, but this is not at all true, and here we will find something to object and present. Beetroot salad with garlic is an excellent appetizer consisting of a minimum of ingredients, which in no way detracts from the taste and nutritional value of this dish. And in addition to all this masterpiece of culinary thought, there is where to expand your recipe assortment, using various product variations.

For us, beet is one of the most commonly used vegetables. We actively grow it on our summer cottages. And all because this brown root vegetable contains a lot of advantages.

Healthy beets

Beets are very tasty, healthy, especially raw, grated with garlic during the winter-spring blues, and the intensity of its color allows it to be used as a natural food coloring. In addition, the calorie content of this vegetable is only 40 kcal, which makes the losing weight audience very happy.

However, if you add mayonnaise, a terribly high-calorie junk, to such a salad, then the dietary qualities of this dish are significantly reduced in direct proportion to the increased energy value, which will ultimately result in 137 kcal per 100 grams.

But there is a way out of any situation, especially when it comes to cooking. Replacing bold white sauce on olive oil, ketchup, sweet mustard, lemon juice or a mixture of table vinegar, sunflower oil pepper and salt, you can get more useful product without harm to the figure.

Which beets to choose

But, in spite of everything, the recipe for beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise or sour cream breaks all imaginable and inconceivable records in popularity, so we, submitting to the opinion of the public, will tell you how to make this excellent appetizer.

When starting to cook, many people are faced with the question, which beets are best to use for this culinary masterpiece? Raw, boiled, fried, baked or canned?

In this case, the answer is not unambiguous, and to a greater extent the choice of heat treatment of a vegetable depends on its taste qualities. For example, if in front of us lies a cylindrical root vegetable rich in color, almost black on the outside and intensely burgundy in cross-section, then it is better for this gift of nature to remain raw. This variety of beet is very tasty, does not have an “earthy” taste, and without heat treatment it will not only retain all its useful vitamin reserves, but is also guaranteed to make the salad excellent.

In the case of “pale representatives” of the flora, it is better to resort to heat treatment of beetroot, which will completely get rid of the “earth” taste inherent in such varieties. Baking in this case is the priority choice after raw vegetable, and in third place comes boiled and then fried beets, which are most often cooked with garlic.

There is one more nuance in preparing this garlic-beetroot appetizer. If we prepare this delicacy in the fall, when the harvest has just been harvested and is at the peak of its ripeness and juiciness, then we need to lightly squeeze the grated beet, otherwise our salad will be liquid, watery and not particularly tasty.

On the contrary, spring fruits should be seasoned more so that the dish is not overly dry.


  • - 2 root vegetables + -
  • — 2-6 cloves + -
  • - for refueling + -
  • - pinch + -
  • - on the tip of a knife + -


But now, having learned all the subtleties and tricks of a successful appetizer, we can prepare a salad with beets and garlic.


The basis of our salad is beetroot, which is why we will tackle it first. Here we should immediately decide which vegetable we want to choose.

In the case of raw fruit, you just need to rinse it well and peel off the skin.

If we want to see boiled or baked beets in the salad, then after also washing them, but without removing the skin, place them in a saucepan, fill them with water and send them to cook for 40 minutes, or wrap each root vegetable in foil and place it on a baking sheet in the oven, where it will cook at 180 o C for an hour and a half.


The second stage of our epic will be chopping the red vegetable. Raw beets It is best to grate it on a fine grater, because, whatever one may say, this vegetable is quite strong, and with strong chopping, the salad will be very tender.

Boiled or baked beet can also be grated, but with large holes, because the vegetable has already become soft during processing, but by cutting the fruit into small cubes, you can count on an excellent result.


Having dealt with the base of the snack, we move on to the aromatic component, namely garlic. Why do we have such a variation in the number of garlic cloves in the recipe?

It's all about the personal preferences of the author of the cooking. Some people prefer a more pungent and pronounced taste of salad, while others only need a subtle garlic aroma. So here you should choose according to your own taste best option. So, peel the cloves and pass them through a garlic press, placing it directly on top of the beets.

By adding horseradish to our salad, you can get a delicious, spicy taste. At the same time, many chefs consider sweet notes appropriate in this dish, which is why you can often find raisins, dried apricots, pomegranate seeds or prunes in such an appetizer.

With cheese, such a dish is guaranteed to acquire a certain charm, and if you add finely chopped boiled eggs, grated pickled cucumbers, fried onions or green peas in oil, then we will get a completely new, more nutritious and interesting snack.

We are accustomed to eating beet salad with garlic since childhood, but even today it is simple, but very tasty dish does not lose its charm and perfectly complements the holiday menu.

Beetroot salad with garlic and mayonnaise will certainly be appreciated by lovers of everything spicy and spicy. Today we will tell you a few simple options how to make it delicious and healthy salad from beets with garlic.

Simple beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise


  • beets – 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 20 ml;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.


We wash the beets with a brush, fill them with filtered water and boil them until soft over medium heat, for several hours. Then carefully cut off the skin and chop the vegetable into thin strips. Peel the garlic, chop finely and combine with beets. Season the vegetables with mayonnaise, mix and put the dish in the refrigerator, and then serve the original salad of boiled beets with garlic to the table.

Beet salad with carrots and garlic


  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • – 150 g;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • spices.


We wash the beets with a brush and boil them, adding salt to the water to taste. Then cool the root vegetable, peel it and chop it finely on a grater. Next, add Korean carrots and mix. We peel the garlic, rinse it and squeeze it through a special press. Season the salad with mayonnaise, season with spices if necessary and mix well.

Beet salad with cheese and garlic


  • beets – 600 g;
  • spices;
  • mayonnaise – 50 ml;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • garlic - to taste.


We wash the beets with a brush, fill them with filtered water and boil them until soft over medium heat, then peel them and finely chop them on a coarse grater. We process the garlic and squeeze it through a press. We also grind the cheese using a grater and mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl. Season the dish with mayonnaise to taste, mix and serve the beetroot salad with cheese and garlic to the table.

Beetroot salad with nuts and garlic


  • beets – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • walnuts – 50 g;
  • spices;
  • mayonnaise.


Wash the beets thoroughly with a brush, put them in a saucepan, fill them with filtered water and boil them. After boiling, add some salt and cook the vegetable for an hour until soft. Then drain the broth, cool the beets and peel them. Pour the peeled walnuts onto the countertop, sort them out and grind them with a blender. Peel the garlic, rinse and squeeze through a press. After this, chop the beets on a coarse grater, put them in a salad bowl, throw in nuts, garlic, spices and season with mayonnaise. Mix everything with a spoon and taste the salad. Next, cover the top of the dish with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for several hours, and then serve the dish to the table.

Beet salad with prunes and garlic


  • beets – 1 kg;
  • prunes – 300 g;
  • walnuts – 200 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise.


Wash the beets with a brush and boil until soft for an hour. Finely chop the nuts and chop the prunes into thin strips. We clean the cooled beets, chop them on a coarse grater, and squeeze the garlic cloves through a press. Add prunes, walnuts, mix and season the salad with mayonnaise.

Beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise



We freeze the processed cheese, and then remove it from the packaging and grate it. Boil the beets until soft, remove the skin, chop into thin strips and add processed cheese. Peel the garlic and squeeze through a press. Season the salad with mayonnaise to taste and mix.

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