Technology for brush painting wrought iron gates. Painting of forged products

Any forged product looks better and more durable when it is coated with paint. Modern compositions of paints for metal allow you to choose suitable color for any product located on outdoors or at home. But in order for the painting result to be as durable, smooth and beautiful as possible, you need not only to choose the right paint composition, but also to properly prepare the metal surface.

What properties should a coloring composition for forged products have?

The mandatory requirements are as follows:

  • Anti-corrosion components in the composition that will prevent new rust from forming on the surface of the product.
  • Environmentally friendly, which is a must for metal coating inside the house. In any case, when coming into contact with paint, a person should not inhale toxic volatile substances.
  • Resistance to a wide range of temperature changes (winter-summer).

Plastic characteristics that will help the paint to quickly and evenly lie on the surface of the forged product. You can buy a forged fence ( on the website

How to properly prepare a product for painting?

Preliminary manipulations usually include:

  • Cleaning the product from old paintwork and rust using a wire brush and sandpaper.
  • Degreasing the surface. To do this, you can use a cloth soaked in white spirit.
  • Primer special compounds, which is often carried out in several layers, waiting for each to dry completely.

Only after this can you proceed to actual painting. However, today manufacturers have begun to produce paint compositions that completely eliminate surface preparation except for cleaning the metal from a loose layer of rust. The paint acquires such properties due to the combined composition, which already includes anti-corrosion and primer components.

Which paint should I choose?

For simple painting you can choose regular black enamel, the cost of which will be minimal. But to best protect the product from external influences and rust, as well as to give it a beautiful artistic design, it is better to use special coloring compounds.

For painting forged products Experts recommend using blacksmith’s paints, the advantages of which make them stand out from other paint compositions:

  • resistance to sudden temperature changes and mechanical stress;
  • they are not afraid of rain, snow;
  • wide color palette;
  • prevent rust;
  • the color does not fade in the sun.

Among the market leaders we can safely mention the forging paint composition of the German manufacturer WS-Plast. The term of flawless operation is about 8 years. Its competitor is Belgian-made Zinga paint with zinc-based electrolytic powder. According to the manufacturer, the coating will last up to 50 years.

It is impossible not to note the “3 in 1” coloring compositions for forged products. They do not require preliminary cleaning and priming, since the converting and binding components are already contained in the paint. Products with identical characteristics from HAMMERITE have proven themselves to be excellent. It will take a little over an hour for each layer of paint from this manufacturer to dry, which significantly speeds up the entire work process.

Paints for forged products from the domestic company Nova will cost a little less, but will also protect the metal well from corrosion and will perform well even in conditions of rain, snow and scorching sun.

The final stage of painting

For the best artistic design, experts recommend finishing the painting of the forged product with a protective varnish and “patina”, which will give it an artificial aging effect. “Patina” can have both golden and silver coloring microparticles.

When planning to paint a forged product, you need to carefully approach not only the process of choosing a paint composition and its application, but also the preliminary preparation of the metal. This is the only way to ultimately achieve excellent long-lasting results.

Forged elements of gates and fences are valued for their decorative properties. However, due to the special configuration, the process of painting small parts can be difficult. Therefore, gate owners may have questions about how to apply paint.

Paints, varnishes and primers: features of choice

Before painting wrought iron gates, you need to select suitable painting compounds. And first of all - a primer, paying due attention to its anti-corrosion properties in the selection process. The primer will be used as a base, but it’s up to you to decide which type of paint to give preference to.

Blacksmith paints (patina)- allow you to get a wide variety of shades, are easy to apply and protect the metal from corrosion. In addition, with their help you can create decorative antique effects and highlightinvoice. Quick-drying patina has become widespread among craftsmen.WS Plast, which allows you to create the appearance of a bronze, silver, green, copper design.

Textured paints - give the surface a special texture, used mainly for painting forged elements indoors, have anti-corrosion protection. With paint“Forha” can make the surface rough, matte, or stylize the object as aged bronze or dark graphite. To use textured paints outdoors, it is best to top coat them with a clear, protective varnish. Dye Hammerite is used for application to metal products, including rusty surfaces. Used to give the appearance of hand-hammer hammering and hide irregularities. Special flakes give the final design a characteristic pattern, and silicones hide the texture.

Aerosol paints. One of the most common - Nerzhamet Aerosol - allows you to paint hard-to-reach places.

Surface preparation and painting

How to paint a wrought iron gate if the surface is not ready? First you need to clean and degrease the metal using sandpaper with a solvent orabrasive sandblasting. After which the product is coated with a primer and painted using one of the following methods.

BrushIt is better to choose a round shape with stiff bristles. The disadvantage of this type of staining is the appearance of possible marks from careless handling of the process.

Aerosol painting - paint is used in cans, which must be applied by spraying.

Powder coating - it is advisable to use it only in cases where installation is carried out without welding work. Otherwise, the paint may burn during the welding process, and it will be impossible to touch up the affected area.

Electrostatic painting - reliable, but expensive due to the need to use special equipment. Paint applied in this way has increased durability.

Patination- decorative elements The gate can be further decorated by adding an aged effect using this method. Patination can be thermal or chemical, although lately The use of special paints (patina) predominates. To apply them, use a dry brush, onto which a very small amount of paint is taken so that the trace of it is barely visible. Then use a brush to make short strokes over the surface. This creates a pattern that imitates abrasions. As alternative option Applying the patina can be done with your hands wearing cotton gloves worn over rubber ones.

Today, painting gates made of metal is done quite often. Often we're talking about about painting iron garage doors with your own hands. Paint will increase the service life of the gate and make it more attractive. Today it is the most economical and effective way protection metal gates from corrosion.

When carrying out such work, you need to follow certain rules in order to obtain a durable and presentable surface. First of all, you need to choose the right paint so that it meets all the requirements. Next, you should perform all manipulations with the metal surface step by step.

Necessary tools for painting garage doors with your own hands:

  • paint for metal (about 1 liter);
  • garden hose;
  • liquid detergent;
  • medium or coarse sandpaper;
  • primer (1 l.);
  • brush;
  • roller;
  • contour brush;
  • ladder.

Stages of painting forged or metal gates

The procedure for painting metal gates includes the following steps:

  • surface preparation for painting;
  • elimination of fat;
  • primer;
  • applying enamel.

Surface preparation

First of all, painting a metal structure involves cleaning the coating to be painted as completely as possible. This must be done in order to ensure the highest quality adhesion of the metal to the enamel. When working with old worn surfaces, you need to pay attention to preparatory work special attention, otherwise the fresh coating will not last long.

If moisture gets on a poorly treated metal surface, internal corrosion will occur. As a result, under the influence of temperature changes, the paintwork will peel off.

To prevent this, on preparatory stage The metal surface should be thoroughly cleaned using abrasive materials. In particular, for metal garage doors, coarse to medium grade sandpaper is best.

Degreasing and washing gates

Next, you should clean the surface from dirt and grease. This will improve the adhesion of the surface to the primer. To clean the gate from dirt, it is recommended to use a hose with maximum spray, which will easily wash away any remaining dirt, debris or dust. With its help, you need to spray a liquid cleaning solution onto the gate and rub it with an abrasive sponge. It is better to wash a metal surface using circular movements.

Degreasing and washing the surface allows you to obtain a uniform layer.

Therefore, you need to make sure that you thoroughly wash all the gates, starting from the base and ending with the corners. Thorough cleaning will help remove old stubborn dirt and surface imperfections, allowing the paint to better adhere to the metal surface.

After completing this stage, you need to rinse the gate again with a garden hose, which will help wash away any residue. chemicals And detergent. Next, you need to let the surface dry thoroughly.


Priming metal gates can significantly improve the adhesion of the paint and varnish material to the surface. To prevent primer stains from getting on the gate and other façade elements, they can be covered with newspaper or paper.

The primer solution can be applied using a sprayer or brush. The priming process should cover not only the surface of the gate, but also other metal elements such as handles, bolts and so on. After covering the surface with a primer, the paint can only be applied 10 hours after it has dried.

Applying paint

Before painting the gate, you need to take liter jar paints in the color of your choice. Next, apply paint to the surface of the gate using a roller. You need to start from the top edge, moving down in a straight line. To completely cover the gate area, it is advisable to apply the paint in parallel layers, which should overlap each other by a couple of centimeters.

After painting, you should step back a few steps to see the whole picture. This will help identify areas that were missed during staining. Subsequently, they can be painted over with a brush.

Particular attention should be paid to the ends and corners of the gate. To paint them, it is recommended to use a contour brush, which is convenient to work even in places with limited access. After painting, you need to let the garage door dry thoroughly, which usually takes at least a day. If you do not like the color of the surface after drying, then you can apply the paint in several layers until the desired color is achieved.

Choosing paint for metal gates

Today there is a large assortment of paint and varnish options of this type on the market. Each of them has certain unique characteristics and corresponding scope of application.

Main types of gate structures:

  1. The oil paint and varnish composition is developed on the basis of drying oil. Previously, this material was often used for painting metal products that are located outdoors. However today oil paint It is used less and less, despite its low price. This is due to its low resistance to long-term adverse effects of moisture.
  2. Acrylic-based paint is a more common option. However, acrylic paint material is not very suitable for external treatment surface, since it quickly loses its presentable appearance. In addition, acrylic paint does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations quite well.
  3. Alkyd compositions are distinguished by their pronounced resistance to the aggressive influence of the surrounding space. Also, such a paint and varnish material provides maximum adhesion to the painted coating. However, alkyd paint and varnish material is quite toxic, so when applying it, all safety rules must be taken into account.
  4. It is distinguished by pronounced anti-corrosion characteristics, which distinguish it favorably from other compounds. The material is used for both internal and external exterior finishing metal gates. Hammer paint contains metal pigments and silicone resins, which make the coating more resistant to external influence. Thanks to this, the paint adheres perfectly to the coating. Hammer paint got its name because of its unique texture, which in its own way appearance very reminiscent of a surface beaten with a hammer.

Benefits of hammer paint

This paint has gained great popularity in finishing garage doors, for which this composition is best suited. In addition, hammer paint and varnish materials have the following positive qualities:

  1. No need to carry out preparatory work. Before applying hammer paint, you will not need to clean the surface of rust or prime it.
  2. Provides protection against corrosion, ultraviolet rays and moisture.
  3. Dirt-repellent effect that reduces paint clogging.
  4. Gives the surface an attractive appearance.

Thus, gates are used various types painting, among which one of the most modern options is the use of hammer paint. When applying any type of paint, you must follow all recommendations at every stage.

When painting metal products, two goals are pursued: protection against the formation of corrosive areas and giving the metal an aesthetic appearance. When implementing the last task, sometimes it is necessary to cover the surface in 2-3 layers. But the end result may not always be just painting. Sometimes metal products it is necessary to give original decorative effects, for example, the appearance of an aged object. For this purpose they use special technologies. Let's try to figure out how to paint antique metal and what is required for this.

You can achieve the effect of aged metal by using the main method - aging through the creation of a patina and the formation of abrasions. Patina is applied with special paints, but for metal, metallized compositions are more often used. acrylic base. In stores today there is a wide range of such paints; in addition to their decorative function, they also perform a protective function.

Available to choose from acrylic paints for aged metal, namely:

  • brass;
  • bronze;
  • copper;
  • gold.

Thanks to modern technologies, an aged effect can be given not only to metal surfaces. Often this painting is performed on plastic, wood and plaster products.

The aging process is completed by applying a final protective layer. For this they often use:

  • acrylic-based varnish, which has a high degree of gloss;
  • very durable polyurethane-based varnish with a gloss level of up to 50%;
  • polyurethane-based varnish with a matte effect.

How to age metal yourself?

The choice of method for creating an interior style, which assumes the presence of traces of antiquity in the design, is quite wide. For connoisseurs of this style, it is not always affordable to purchase real old items. The way out of this situation is to imitate ancient metals. How to properly paint antique metal with your own hands? Coloring is carried out in stages:

  1. Preparing the surface for painting. We get rid of dirt, rust and traces of grease by grinding and solvent treatment.
  2. Metal priming. In this way we achieve the formation of roughness on the surface for better adhesion of the paint. We choose a primer special for metal.
  3. Application of selected metallic paint. Experts advise performing the process using a regular brush, this way aging is achieved in the best possible way.
  4. Aging stage. When the paint has dried, cover the surface with a special craquelure varnish. It is after this step that the metal object becomes covered with cracks, which create the effect of an old product.

Important! If not processed metal surfaces, then it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of primer composition to achieve reliable adhesion with metallized paints.

On video: master class on applying patina to forged metal.

Bronze painting

In the old days, many objects were made of bronze. Therefore, painting products in bronze will help decorate the interior of the house in an old style. There are several technologies for coating metal with bronze. Let's look at the simplest options.

Giving a monochromatic effect

You can perform a single-color coating of metal with bronze as follows:

  1. First of all, we clean the old surface from dirt and rust. To do this, you need to clean it with sandpaper and then degrease it.
  2. To increase the adhesion of the dye to the surface, we perform a metal priming process. In addition to adhesion, the primer will help further protect the product from corrosion.
  3. At the final stage, we begin painting with bronze paint. It is necessary to apply 2-3 layers evenly. But each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Achieving the effect of antique bronze

Decorative antique painting with a bronze effect is suitable for lovers of rare things. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In progress preliminary preparation old surface according to the same rules as in the previous case. Also, do not forget to coat the product with a primer.
  2. After priming, one layer of bronze paint is applied to the surface. It is desirable that the composition be applied evenly, but for an antique effect it is better to use a brush.
  3. After drying, the bronze painted surface becomes covered with patina (paint of a darker color). It is applied to the recesses. Experts advise using a translucent patina. This allows you to adjust the shade of the bronze coating.
  4. The next stage is glazing, that is, processing with a brush that is barely moistened with light paint. The process is carried out on all protruding edges and corners. This method aging allows you to give the product the effect of wear and tear, which usually appears on metal over the years.
  5. Next, we wait for some time, allowing the applied materials to dry completely, and finally we coat the product with transparent varnish.

Antique Brass Painting

Textured metallized compositions can transform a product, giving it an imitation of brass. The processing technology is almost no different from those provided above. The surface is pre-cleaned, sanded and degreased. The technique used for aging is decorative painting brass look

The application process is carried out as follows:

  1. Before applying decorative paint, the old coating is removed from the product. To do this, you can use a wire brush or sandpaper.
  2. The key to durability and reliability of painting is the primer. Use a compound specifically designed for metal.
  3. Brass paint is applied to the surface in one layer. You can age the resulting coating by painting it with craquelure. Burnt umber, which is applied very carefully using a dry cloth, will help enhance the effect. If excess is formed during the work, it must be removed before the substance dries.
  4. Finally, the surface of the painted and aged part is coated with a glossy acrylic-based varnish.

As you can see, designer antiquity is achieved in simple ways. When doing work with your own hands, paints that create the necessary effect of a bronze, brass, or copper surface help you get the desired result.

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Information on painting wrought iron gates

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