Terrasite plasters. Terrasite plaster Terrasite plaster with marble chips

Any home owner wants the walls of his home to meet all standards and requirements, both from the facade and inside the premises. An excellent option for realizing your wishes for high quality finishing is considered , which in most cases is used for outdoor work, but the material can also be quite successfully used for interior renovation.

This mixture belongs to the category of coarse decorative plaster mixtures, and it is increasingly used when repairing walls, since it has an affordable price, does not create problems in operation, and the process of applying it can be done with your own hands.

The main advantages of terrasite plaster

  1. Significant service life
  2. Resistance to adverse weather conditions,
  3. Sleek appearance

The terrazite mixture consists of lime, 30-35% cement and filler, which can be marble flour, quartz sand, mica, textured pebbles and other components. During the process of applying the material, it is possible to give it the necessary texture due to the characteristics of grinding, which allows terrazite plaster to successfully fit into landscape style home or its interior design. The material is applied to a previously prepared surface, in most cases it is lime plaster without grinding, that is, simply applied and leveled material.

Application technology

In general, the technology for applying the material is somewhat similar to the process of applying decorative bark beetle plaster, but it has its own differences, since the compositions of the mixtures vary. The terrazite material is applied with a metal polisher in several layers, depending on the desired thickness of the layer for grinding, since different textures require different thicknesses of the material. Before starting work, lime plaster is generously wetted for better adhesion of the layers of material.

After application is completed, the terrasite plaster must dry for 12-24 hours, after which it is ground or sanded. For this purpose, special relief graters are used, including those with sharp spikes, which help achieve the desired surface texture. When applying the material, you should cover the maximum area, otherwise the joints of the layers will be visible (analogy with applying the bark beetle).

The terrasite plaster solution is prepared by mixing water with dry mass. After good mixing, the solution is a homogeneous mass of the required density, without foreign impurities and undissolved lumps.

After the bottom lime-cement layer (soil) has hardened sufficiently, it is moistened with water and terrasite plaster is applied to it, after which it is rubbed down like ordinary plaster.
Treatment of the terrazite surface (scraping or peeling) begins after the applied soil layer of terrasite mortar will grab slightly.

Treating the surface of terrazite with a nail brush or steel scraper is carried out on not completely hardened plaster, which greatly facilitates the work, increases the output and quality of work, since in this case there are no traces of scraping and the entire surface retains the same color.

The holding time (after about 3-6 hours) is determined in such a way that scraping is carried out on the plaster, and if marble chips and sand jump out of the total mass without destroying the entire layer, then the moment is considered favorable for scraping. Otherwise, after some time the experiment is repeated.
After scraping, it is necessary to clean any kind of dirt that has settled in the pores of the plaster with a soft brush and moisten the surface with water for 3-4 days (once a day).

To give terrazite plaster a uniform appearance, it should be scraped so that the intervals between the application of s.lays and the beginning of scraping after setting are the same. Places scraped too late stand out against the general background as light spots, and places scraped too early stand out as dark spots.

Applying plaster according to the method of A. M. Shepelev

Beacons are applied to the surface, then sprayed with ag solution, after it sets, primer is applied. The soil surface should not reach 3-5 mm to the level of the beacons. After this, a layer of terrazite mortar is applied to the fresh soil at the level with the beacons and leveled with trowels. In this case, the color of the solution should be similar to the color of terrazite.

While the soil is still fresh, a terrazite covering 5-7 mm thick is sprayed onto it with a broom, covering the beacons.
The work must be carried out with great care and without skipping, avoiding the formation of thickened areas.
By wiping the dried covering layer of terrazite with the rib of the rule, the protruding grains of coarse aggregate are removed, after which the dust is removed from the surface with a brush.

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Special plasters can be applied to walls in the same way as regular plasters. But most often these types of plasters are applied to tiled surfaces that already have conventional plaster. Therefore, you need to prepare the wall: apply two layers of mortar (spray and primer). After this, you can begin applying decorative plaster.

Laying terrasite plaster

This material consists of a dry mixture of cement, quartz sand, fluff lime, and decorative components with coloring pigments. The filler is often crushed natural stone with particle sizes of 2-6 mm.


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On modern market The choice of plasters is quite wide. Each plaster is designed for specific finishing work. Among this variety, we highlight two special plasters - terrazite and stone-like. You will need special knowledge of the technique of applying these finishing materials to the surface. In our article we will share this knowledge.

Terrasite and stone-like plaster is laid on a surface that was previously treated with ordinary plaster. In this case, the first plaster should be laid in two layers - spray and primer. Special plasters are applied using traditional technology, but there are some subtleties here. We will tell you about them.

Applying terrasite plaster

Terrasite plaster is a dry mixture consisting of cement, fluff lime, quartz sand and decorative fillers with special coloring pigments. In most cases, the filler is crushed stone of natural origin; the size of these small particles varies from 0.2 to 0.6 cm.

Terrazite plaster (dry mix);
. large comb;
. falcon (special instrument in the form of a shield);
. Master OK;
. grater;
. a scraper, a rule or nails and a board for making a grater;
. brush or spray bottle;
. broom or stiff hair brush.

Application process:
1. After applying two layers of base primer or, as we used to call it, ordinary plaster, take a comb to make horizontal wave-like notches. We press hard on the large comb and arrange the stripes-waves so that there is at least 3 cm between them. This must be done until the solution has dried.

2. When the layers are completely dry, evenly moisten the surface with water using a spray bottle or brush (it must be constantly moistened with water). We wait another 2 hours. Now we begin to apply special plaster.

3. Dilute the dry mixture with water strictly according to the instructions, which are located inside the package or printed directly on it.

4. Apply the resulting solution with a trowel, helping with a rule and a falcon. We lay it in 2-3 layers. As a result, if you have a large filler, the total thickness should not exceed 1.5-1.7 cm. If the filler is fine-grained, then the thickness should not be more than 0.8 cm.

5. Level the surface with a special trowel, doing it carefully and quickly. To grout terrazite plaster, a trowel is required, since another tool can erase the coating to white and unsightly spots. This is due to the fact that the mixture contains fluff lime, which wears off quite quickly if not leveled correctly.

6. Wait until the plaster has completely dried and hardened (about a day). You can easily determine the readiness of the plaster for further processing. To do this, press your finger on the finish - if it begins to crumble and crumble, then you can start sanding.

7. We put on safety glasses to protect our eyes from flying particles of plaster. We take the cycle with both hands and move it along the surface with smooth movements. The cycle is a thin steel plate that is mounted on the handle. You can also purchase a tool called a rule. With its help, you can make absolutely even stripes on plaster - this texture is called by experts “coating treated like a fur coat.” If you don’t have a cycle and a rule, then you can make a similar tool with your own hands that will do the job perfectly – a grater.

8. We make a grater: we nail nails in a checkerboard pattern to a board that has dimensions of 150x150x20 mm. The nails should be spaced 15 mm apart from each other and protrude from the board by approximately 10 mm.

9. Take a grater and, pressing on it, with a sweeping movement of your hand from top to bottom, process the entire surface of the wall. Small depressions will appear due to the fact that the plaster crumbles during the sanding process. This is fine. Remember: movements must be done all the time in one chosen direction, otherwise the finish will look unattractive due to the stains that appear.

10. Take a broom or stiff hair brush and sweep away all the dust formed during the sanding process.

Applying stone-like plaster

Stone-like plaster is a decorative mortar that forms a rather original coating on the walls. It imitates various natural stones– granite, marble and others.

Required tools and materials:

Stone-like plaster;
. large comb;
. cement;
. hand sprayer;
. Master OK;
. special stamping (for bush hammer);
. hydrochloric acid (10%).

Application process:

1. Conduct preparatory work, which are similar to the process of preparing the surface for applying terrazite plaster (repeat step 1 and step 2).

2. We dilute the cement to a creamy state and apply it in a thin layer of 0.1-0.2 cm using a trowel.

3. Using a trowel, lay a layer of stone-like plaster 0.5-0.8 cm thick and level it. Let it dry completely.

4. We wash the entire treated surface with a hand spray.

5. If you want to achieve the effect of a bush hammer texture (tetrahedral metal hammer), then we compact the decorative layer one by one using a special stamping. The stamping has a size of 15x15 cm and is made of stainless steel. It is equipped with protruding teeth that have a pyramidal shape. In most cases, bush hammers have an even number of teeth, such as 16, 36 or 64. Keep in mind that the texture of the wall can not only be made to match the bush hammer. It can also be processed with a “trojan” (grooved texture), and a tongue and groove (under a roughly chipped stone), as well as with a scarpel (under a finely chipped stone).

6. After all work, you need to leave the surface to dry for 4 days. After this, treat the surface of the walls with a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid. Then wash the walls clean water. If you want to continue Finishing work, for example, cutting rusti, i.e. to make textured indentations, we will describe this process step by step.

Step 1. First, let's make a drawing: divide the entire surface into rectangles or small squares.
Step 2. Transfer all the lines to the finished stone-like plaster. This can be done using a ruler and a long cord, along which we scratch thin strips with a trowel.
Step 3. Cut out the rustic recesses. We use a device that is specifically used for rustication. It consists of two straight slats that are not tightly interlocked with each other, but have a clearance of 1-1.2 cm.

If you don’t have such a tool, you can use a hammer and a strip that you cut yourself from a small steel sheet. We place the strip against the drawn line and hit it with a hammer with fairly sharp blows. In a similar way we go along all the planned lines.

Any owner strives to make his home attractive both inside and outside. Therefore, it makes the walls of the premises and the façade of the building such that they meet all requirements and standards, and are also beautiful.

A distinctive option for transforming design indoors and outdoors is the use of terrazite plaster, which provides high quality finishing. In most cases, this material is used for exterior work, although it is quite suitable for interior renovation.

Recently, this material has been used more and more often. Despite the wide range of compositions on the market, this particular material is preferable to others, because it attracts buyers appearance.

What is terrasite plaster

This mixture is included in the list of materials that belong to the category of coarse decorative plaster mixtures and are more often used when repairing walls than when decorating them. The composition is affordable, does not cause difficulties during operation, and can be easily applied to the walls with your own hands.

What are the advantages of the material?

To the number distinctive features positive ones include:

  1. Impressive service life without loss of surface attractiveness.
  2. Impact resistance environment and atmospheric phenomena.
  3. Elegant appearance.

What does the material consist of?

The component composition of terrasite plaster includes:

  • lime;
  • 30-35% cement;
  • fillers: marble flour, quartz sand, mica, textured pebbles or other decorative components.

When applying the material, you can give it the desired texture due to the characteristics of the grinding, which allows it to organically fit into the style of the house: exterior or interior design. The material with the selected type of filler is applied in advance to the prepared wall surface. Let's take a closer look at how the technology of terrasite plaster is carried out, namely the process of applying the mixture to the walls.

Features of the material application process

The application technology is to some extent similar to the process of applying the decorative product for walls “Bark Beetle”, but has its differences, since the compositions differ in component composition. A metal polisher is used to apply the material, and the desired thickness is achieved by applying plaster in several layers. Then they begin grinding, since different textures require different thicknesses of material.

Note! Before starting work, terrazite plaster should be moistened generously for better adhesion of the layers. Having applied the material to the surface, it is left to dry for 12-24 hours, after which it is ground and scraped. For this purpose, special embossed graters are used, including those with sharp spikes, which help achieve the desired texture. When forming a coating, try to cover the maximum area, otherwise the joints of the layers will be too noticeable (analogy with applying “Bark Beetle”).

Please note that the joints are thought out in advance, trying to make them in inconspicuous places. Plastering of the entire surface is carried out entirely, without allowing interruptions. Otherwise you will have to additional processing dried edge to get rid of it. To do this, you will have to wet the surface and wait until it softens.

To eliminate cracks, graters are used. If the patch layer is covered with cracks, it will have to be redone. Having distributed the mixture completely and evenly over the surface, the beacons can be removed, and the places where they were located can be sealed with a colored primer.

How long will this coating last?

By doing the job correctly, you don’t have to worry about any difficulties or problems arising in the process. During the operation of the building, you will be able to check how high quality this material is, how well it is used, regardless of the microclimate of the room and the place where the surfaces are finished (inside the house or outside the building).

Thanks to the special technology for making terrazite plaster indoors, such a coating will last at least 20 years (and up to 10 years when done facade works). The method of applying the mixture and the texture of the future surface depend on the addition of fillers to the mixture. different sizes and type.

How to make a composition ready for application

The dry mixture and water are poured into a mortar mixer to obtain the finished composition. The technology for applying terrasite plaster involves the use of a uniformly mixed composition, which is obtained after processing in a special apparatus for 5 minutes.

When mixing by hand, increase the work time to 10 minutes. To obtain a certain density, you will have to use a special reference cone. For a coarse-grained mixture, the indicator is set at 7 cm, for a medium-grained mixture - 8 cm, for a fine-grained mixture - 9 cm.

Once the mixture is ready, let it sit for at least 30 minutes before starting work. After this, the solution is ready for use, and it is advisable to use it within the next two hours after preparation.

What does the application process look like?

The application of terrazite plaster begins with the preparation of the walls, which are first cleared of the old coating. For this, a sandblasting machine is used, which simplifies the process to some extent. In order for the material to be finished in the future, fillers that do not differ in grain size are added to its composition.

First, a layer of primer is applied to the entire surface to level the surface. On level ground, make lines up to 3 mm deep at a distance of 30 cm from each other. This is necessary in order to ensure excellent adhesion of the soil and terrazite plaster for the facade.

Price of terrasite plaster

The material is affordable. It varies depending on the type and packaging of the plaster. The price of terrazite plaster fluctuates around 500 rubles per package, but you will have to pay about the same for work on 1 m2 of wall if you plan to hire a craftsman. This adds up to a tidy sum. Therefore, before starting finishing work interior spaces or the facade of a house, it is worth calculating the budget, deciding on the choice of material and checking how much it will cost renovation work for finishing with one or another type of material.

Terrazite coating is beneficial in all respects, especially if you carry out the reconstruction yourself. Knowing the intricacies of preparation, the details of application and the features of this material, you can easily cope with the task without causing unnecessary problems.

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