What you need to know. Everything an educated person should know

We live in modern world technologies and information, but we are not aware of what they are and how to apply them in life. We are mostly busy with things that are not really important to the world and to ourselves; we waste time, consciously or unconsciously. We go to work and school every day, doing the same thing every day, which brings us neither joy nor happiness, but only takes away our time, health and our whole life.

The facts given below must be understood as truth, because they are relevant in our time for those who want to live a fulfilling life, filled with joy and happiness. You can understand these facts, you can apply them in life, or you can simply read and forget, since not everyone wants to be happy.

1. Where do we come from and who is our creator?

Today, there is one main question, which few people knows the answer lies in where We came and who is ours creator. All people today cannot accurately answer this question, since scientists hide this information from U.S. But many versions of the creation of the world and man have already appeared, of course, almost all of them do not make any sense. Every day, the number of people who believe in the existence of God is growing, this is correct, since it is God He created us, just not the one that priests, churches and the whole religion tell us about.

God exists, just not in the form we are told about. This is due to the fact that no one has seen God, because God is energy. The whole World and a person consists of energy, and this can be checked by simply going to the doctor and checking whether you have energy in your body. The world and all the planets are energy, and the Universe was formed in connection with the accumulation of this energy. This version of the creation of the World and man has long been proven to be the most truthful and confirmed, but scientists hid from us, this information.

2. A person gets what he thinks about most

Also interesting fact , about which every person should know, is that everything we think about materializes. Scientists have been studying the brain for a long time, but have hidden from us that all our thoughts are material. This discovery was made several decades ago, but hidden from ordinary people. Therefore, if you want to become the best at something, just imagine yourself in your thoughts, the best person, daily and soon, this desire will materialize. Scientists have hidden that wishes come true, that these are no longer science fiction, but serious things that are useful for many people to put into practice.

3. The educational system teaches us to live in a World that does not exist

Schools and other universities annually teach new innocent children who are raised either as obedient slaves or as losers and insecure people. The school divides all students into two groups, those who keep up with the system and those who fall behind. Teachers often humiliate those children who have strayed from the system. But it’s not these children’s fault that they were born with developed creative thinking rather than logical thinking. Teachers want children who learn quickly and answer questions accurately when there is only one answer. Because of this, there are so many unhappy people in the world today.

4. Promises that everything will change soon

Of people more and more often they reassure, saying that soon everything will change, and they will live a happy and prosperous life. But this will never happen, because people are being reassured so that they do not go on strikes, rallies and protests. The system by which we live will never change, since it is unprofitable for the people who created it. We will live the way we live now all our lives until we ourselves begin to change and change the world.

5. The subconscious can do anything

Why is it that today 1% of people control 99%, because 1% knows what they want and have a specific goal, and 99% do not know what they want in life and do not set a specific one for themselves? life goal. The subconscious can do anything because it materializes All thoughts And desires human, which are repeated daily in the brain. Those who do not have goals and dreams will always work for those who have them.

6. Television encourages us to buy things we don't need.

As you yourself have noticed, rich and successful people do not watch television, buy only what they need, live more modestly, read books and enjoy life, appreciating what they have. We watch TV every day, after work or school, where we are told that if we do not buy this or that thing, we will become losers and will be a black sheep, since everyone has already purchased this thing except us. We go to a job we don't like every day in order to go and buy that thing that television has instilled in us, and which we really don't need. The one who reads books and develops will always control those who watch television.

7. We strive for fame and success without appreciating what we already have

90% of people today strive for success, freedom, wealth, fame and happiness, but without appreciating what they already have in their lives. Such people are unhappy until they achieve what they have inspired themselves to achieve, and when they achieve it, they will also be unhappy, since they will not value what we have achieved. They will set themselves a different goal, and this will continue throughout their lives, which is why a person cannot find happiness in life, since it does not exist in the material world, it is within us. You need to realize it and become happy right now.

8. Time, the most main tool person

The main thing that every person should know , so this means that the main resource for today is time. The majority believes that the most important thing is money, since there is always a shortage of it. But money can be earned, lost and returned again. And the spent hour, minute and moment can no longer be returned, but people do not appreciate this, continuing to do what they do not like and does not bring joy.

9. Money comes to those who save it, not spend it

Everyone thinks that rich people are liars and scammers because they have a lot of money and we don’t. But this is actually not the case, because basically, more than poor people are deceivers and swindlers, rich people earned their money with their minds and desires. The main thing that distinguishes a rich person from us is that the rich save and increase at least 10% of their income, while we spend 100% of our profits, leaving not a penny, on things that we don’t really need.

10. Appreciate life, for there is only one

The most important thing is that everyone should know man, from all 10 factors, this is that our life is not eternal and everyone has their own life span. Therefore, learn to save time and spend it only on enjoying life and being truly happy.

If you have any questions on this topic or have any additions, write in the comments.

In the article you will learn:

Hello friends! How would you feel if at school we were taught such subjects as “Financial literacy” or “Time management”, “How to stay healthy”? After all, this is exactly what you need to know educated person. We are entering adult life and, often, we find ourselves completely unprepared for it! In this article you will learn what knowledge a person should have.

Who is an educated person

Today it is a controversial topic: what does it mean to be educated. So far, everyone is unanimous in the opinion that education can be secondary, higher, humanitarian, technical, vocational, etc. What do we call the education we receive in harsh conditions? school of life?

For example, Nikolai Rubakin, a Russian scientist, said that education should provide such preparation in which a person will make the most of his life deeper, more fruitful and fuller.

However, in reality everything is different. You can be savvy in history or be a professional in your field, but not distinguish between active and passive income, and not be able to set goals. But these skills are necessary for a successful life. It turns out for education not enough have common and profile systems knowledge.

In order not to make the same mistakes, in attempts to reinvent the wheel, I propose to study those applied sciences without which it is impossible to live to modern man. If, of course, he wants to be educated.

Time management

Our daily effectiveness depends on the ability to manage and control our time. Some people manage to do everything, find time for work, study, family and personal matters. And someone is in constant time pressure and rush.

As a rule, this is associated with the ability to competently distribute your time resources. Successful people They do not spend a lot of energy on unimportant matters, they know how to refuse the unnecessary and non-urgent. Know how to save time, for example, by using delegation and where to spend it.

In conditions of an active rhythm of life, a huge amount of information, every person with education needs to be able to:

  • analyze your own effectiveness
  • plan your own day
  • set goals and objectives
  • create long and short term plans
  • determine priorities
  • analyze what has been achieved
  • enjoy various instruments, including computer

Time management, like any science, must be studied not in fragments, but systematically. You can engage in self-education, and best of all, under the supervision of a specialist.

The Art of Money Management

Another important information layer, which, unfortunately, is not taught to us anywhere. But precisely from financial literacy often depends on whether we will be poor or rich...I have compiled a rough list necessary knowledge:

Understanding the global economy:

  • Value of money. Inflation.
  • Banking system. What is the refinancing rate? Deposits and loans.
  • How does lending work?
  • Pricing of oil, gas, etc. Stock indices. World currency.
  • Why do crises happen?



  • Why and how to invest.
  • How to choose an investment object.
  • Is it possible to get rich by investing?

Financial planning:

  • How to achieve financial independence.
  • How to compose financial plan.
  • What obstacles and difficulties may arise.
  • Psychology of poverty and wealth.

The last point, I think, is especially important. Posco
Therefore, understanding your own financial level, the internal limiters to financial freedom, is decisive on the path to success. An educated person knows himself and his essence.

The pursuit of health

You can have an excellent grade in biology, but not understand how to stay healthy. After all, energy depends on it. And from energy - quality and length of life. Unfortunately, due to illiteracy, many people spend a lot of money on something that does not help them.

Or they do something that harms them. The modern food and pharmaceutical industries are interested in generating high profits. For this they put people's health at risk. We get sick more and more often and we don’t understand why.

To take care of yourself, you need to know the following:

  • How to eat right. What, when and with what.
  • How to distinguish a high-quality product from a low-quality one. Harmful chemicals.
  • Biological rhythms and personal routine.
  • Physical exercise For different groups muscles.
  • When and how to rest properly.
  • How to prevent stress, how to calm down.
  • Bad habits and how to get rid of them.
  • When to see a doctor.

This is by no means a complete list. But you can suggest any of your options in the comments. I don’t consider myself an educated person, but I strive for it. After all, of course, it’s impossible to know everything. I suggest we study together!

Family and raising children

For some reason, many of us know what chemical valency or the Pythagorean theorem is, but rarely does anyone understand how to build relationships, a family, and how to raise children. Although these are the primary tasks that one has to face in life.

Without sufficient knowledge in this area, banal mistakes are made, which lead to divorces, ruined destinies and unhappy children. These kind of moral cripples grow up. And without education, this conveyor belt cannot be stopped.

So, what does a modern person need to know about family values ​​and needs:

  • True feelings and how to distinguish them from false ones.
  • What is the meaning of family, human needs.
  • Family roles.
  • Why do quarrels happen?
  • How to negotiate and decide common problems.
  • Readiness for the birth of a child.
  • How to raise children (age psychology).

Let me emphasize that such global topics cannot be overcome in fits and starts. Necessary systems study so that the broadest and most comprehensive understanding of the subject is formed.

In addition, studying the laws of family, relationships, and financial well-being is impossible without understanding the psychology of personality and self-awareness.

Therefore, I will say punningly: an educated person is distinguished by the fact that he educates himself!

Good luck and success to everyone! With love June.
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Each person has a certain skill, a skill that he once developed. But much of what we can do was more useful to us for general development or career.

website collected skills that everyone should have. Although many of them may seem unnecessary, they will come in handy at least once in your life.

Knitting knots

Learning to knit various knots is by no means a useless activity. Such skills will be useful for facilitating transportation, hiking and even fishing, if, of course, you like active recreation.

Distinguish between poisonous and edible mushrooms

Many of the poisonous mushrooms can be harmful to health, even if you do not eat them. For example, some of them contain mucus, which can cause an allergic reaction or cause a burn. Such knowledge should be shared with children in order to protect them on a family vacation in the countryside.

Know the Heimlich maneuver

Thanks to knowledge of the Heimlich maneuver, you will be able to quickly navigate an unpleasant and life-threatening situation when a person is choking. There is first aid in such situations, and perhaps you need to know them all.

Find your way in the forest

If you are going on a hike or vacation outside the city, you need to know how to navigate wooded and simply unfamiliar areas. You shouldn’t rely on modern gadgets, because the connection may fail. To feel calm, you need to at least be able to use a regular compass.

Understand plumbing and electricity

This knowledge is useful in case of emergency and for savings purposes. For example, while washing dishes, the faucet handle comes off and the kitchen floods with water. What to do? Prepare the boat for yourself and your neighbors before emergency services arrive if you don’t know where to turn off the water. Afterwards you need to replace the faucet, and it’s good if you know how, because it will save your time and money. Well, after watering your kitchen appliances with water, your knowledge about electricity will definitely come in handy.

Use construction tools

Every self-respecting man has at home a minimum set of tools that are necessary in everyday life. And no matter how funny it may sound, you also need to be able to hammer a nail or screw a shelf to the wall. You don’t have to call workers every time you want to hang a new picture.

Save a drowning man

There can be only one obstacle on the way to saving a drowning person - the inability to swim. If you feel confident in the water, then you are capable. Remember that you need to swim up to a person strictly from behind so that he does not notice you, since in a state of panic, a drowning person can prevent you from swimming or, by grabbing you, pull you under water. After you have swam up, you need to take the person under the armpits or chin and, placing his head in the abdomen, begin to move towards the shore.

Know how to save money and save money

Be able to rig a fishing rod and row a boat

You don't have to be a fisherman to do this. But it is necessary to be able to do this. For example, if fishing doesn't interest you, it may be fun for your child. Every man has a primal instinct of a provider. And it’s worth knowing how to row, if only because as part of a romantic walk on the water it will be great pleasure for you and your partner.

Plan your vacation

A vacation or a weekend with friends is a well-thought-out and planned plan. To prevent any troubles from happening during your vacation or suddenly finding out that something is missing, approach your packing with all responsibility. Don't rely on memory. Use the old and proven method: make a list of what you need. If you are going abroad, purchase tickets from low-cost airlines to save on your flight.

Escape unharmed from a stray dog

If you happen to meet an angry dog ​​on your way, you can resort to several protection options:

  • If the dog is not large, you can try to scare it by pretending that you are picking up a rock. But before that, you must let her notice you. Walk towards her with shuffling and slow steps, and when you are the center of her attention, perform this trick. This should frighten a small and cowardly dog.
  • If this method has no effect, most likely you should prepare for an attack. In this case, you can try to hit the dog in the nose when it rushes at you, but the likelihood of an accurate hit is low. More effective way- give her the opportunity to bite herself. Without turning your back to the animal, without sudden movements, take off your outer clothing and wrap it around your hand. Let the dog grab onto this hand, and then push the thing into its mouth and run.

Use a jack

Have basic knowledge about the structure of the car is very useful. If there is a hole in the wheel on the highway, you need to replace it using a jack and a spanner. And don’t forget about wheel chocks to prevent your car from rolling away while being lifted.

Sciences nourish young men,
Joy is served to the old,
In a happy life they decorate,
Take care in case of an accident.

(M. V. Lomonosov)

An educated person is not just a person who has a diploma of completed education. This concept is multifaceted and multifaceted, consisting of many criteria that are formed throughout the life of an individual.

Pages of history

What does an educated person mean? Surely many of us have asked this question sooner or later. To answer it, you need to turn to history. Namely, to those days when humanity began to make progress in the development of civilization.

Everything was created and done gradually. Nothing appears immediately, with a wave of the mighty hand of the Creator. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.” Communication, gestures, signs, sounds arose. It is from these times that the concept of education should be considered. People have mutual language, the original knowledge base that they passed on to children from generation to generation. Man made efforts to develop writing and speech. Rising from these sources, the river of time has brought us to the present. There were many meanders in the bed of this river, incredible work was invested and colossal work was done. But still, this river brought us to the life as we see it now. Books have preserved and brought to us everything that man has created over the centuries. We draw knowledge from these sources and become educated people.

An educated person: concept, criteria, aspects

The interpretation of this term is ambiguous; researchers offer many definitions and variations. Some believe that an educated person is an individual who has completed educational institution and has undergone comprehensive training in a specific field of knowledge. For example, these are doctors, teachers, professors, cooks, builders, archaeologists, managers and other specialists. Others argue that, in addition to state-commercial education, a person must also have social, life experience gained in travel, trips, and in communicating with people of different ethnic groups, classes and levels. However, such an interpretation is incomplete, since an educated person is a person of certain moral principles who has managed to achieve something in his life thanks to his knowledge, erudition, culture and determination. From all this we conclude that an educated person is not only the most clever man, but also a personality with a capital P. Therefore, most researchers give a more precise description of this term. They believe that an educated person is an individual who has received the knowledge that is offered by civilization itself. He has cultural and life experience, historically accumulated in the process of development and formation of culture, industry, industry, etc.

The image of an educated person consists of many criteria and personality traits:

  • Availability of education.
  • Language skills.
  • Culture of behavior.
  • Expanded horizons.
  • Erudition.
  • Wide vocabulary.
  • Erudition.
  • Communication skills.
  • A thirst for knowledge.
  • Eloquence.
  • Flexibility of mind.
  • Ability to analyze.
  • The desire for self-improvement.
  • Determination.
  • Literacy.
  • Good manners.
  • Tolerance.

The role of education in human life

An educated person strives for knowledge for orientation in the world. It is not so important for him to know how many elements are in the periodic table, but he needs to have a general understanding of chemistry. In every field of knowledge, such a person navigates easily and naturally, understanding that single accuracy in absolutely everything is impossible. This allows you to see the world from a different angle, navigate space, and makes life bright, rich and interesting. On the other hand, education acts as the enlightenment of everyone, the endowment of knowledge to be able to distinguish reality from imposed opinion. An educated person does not succumb to the influence of sectarians or advertising gimmicks, since he constantly analyzes what he sees and hears, forming the only the right decision about the reality of what is happening. With the help of education, an individual achieves his goals, improves himself and expresses himself. Thanks to reading, an erudite person listens to his inner world, finds important answers, feels the world subtly, becomes wise and erudite.

The Importance of School Education

The first stage in the formation of each individual as an “educated person” is the initial educational institution, namely school. There we get the basics of knowledge: we learn to read, write, draw, and think clearly. And our future development as a full-fledged representative of society largely depends on how much we assimilate this initial information. From birth, parents develop a child's thirst for knowledge, explaining the importance of education in life. Thanks to the school, the abilities of each student are revealed, a love of reading is instilled, and the foundations are laid in society.

School is the foundation for the development of every educated person. It solves a number of important problems.

  1. Primary human education, transmission of social, life, scientific experience in significant areas historically accumulated by civilization.
  2. Spiritual and moral education and personal development (patriotism, religious beliefs, family values, culture of behavior, understanding of art, etc.).
  3. Preservation and strengthening of health, both physical and mental, without which a person will not be able to realize himself.

Self-education and social, life experience are not enough to become educated, therefore the role of school in the life of a modern individual is invaluable and irreplaceable.

The role of books in education

Currently, teachers perceive the image of an intellectual as the ideal of an educated person, to which every student, student, and adult should strive. However, this quality is not a priority or mandatory.

How do we imagine an educated person?

Each of us has our own on this topic. For some, an educated person is one who graduated from school. For others, these are people who have acquired a specialty in a particular field. Still others consider all smart people, scientists, researchers, and those who read a lot and educate themselves, to be educated. But education is the basis of all definitions. It radically changed life on Earth, gave us a chance to realize ourselves and prove to ourselves that everything depends on a person. Education gives you the chance to take a step into another world.

At each stage of personality development, a person perceives the concept of education differently. Children and students are sure that this is simply the smartest person who knows and reads a lot. Students look at this concept from an educational point of view, believing that after graduating from an educational institution, they will become educated people. The older generation perceives this image more broadly and thoughtfully, understanding that, in addition to education, such a person must have his own store of knowledge, social experience, be erudite and well-read. As we see, everyone has their own idea of ​​what an educated person should know.


When a person graduates from school, he experiences extraordinary joy, positive emotions, accepts congratulations and wishes to become a worthy person in the future. Having received a certificate, each graduate becomes a new life path to self-realization and independence. Now you need to take an important step - choose an educational institution and future profession. Many choose a difficult path to achieve their cherished dream. Perhaps this is the most important point in a person's life - choose professional activity according to your liking, interests, abilities and talents. The individual’s self-realization in society and his future happy life depend on this. After all, an educated person is, among other things, a person who has achieved success in one area or another.

The importance of education today

The concept of “education” includes the words “form”, “form”, which means the formation of a person as an individual. It is formed internally by the “I”. Both to himself, first of all, and to the society in which he lives, engages in his field of activity, works and simply enjoys his time. free time. Undoubtedly, a good education is simply irreplaceable in our time. It is a decent education that opens all doors for an individual, gives the opportunity to get into “high society”, get a first-class job with a decent wages and achieve universal recognition and respect. After all, you can never have too much knowledge. With every day we live, we learn something new, we receive a certain amount of information.

Unfortunately, in our twenty-first century, the age of digital technologies, communications and the Internet, such a concept as “education” is gradually fading into the background. On the one hand, it would seem that it should be the other way around. Internet, bottomless source useful information, where everything is available. There is no need to once again run around libraries, around fellow students in search of a missed lecture, etc. However, along with useful information, the Internet contains a huge amount of useless, unnecessary and even harmful information that clogs the human brain, kills the ability to think adequately, and confuses a person out of the way. Often low-quality resources, useless social media attract humanity much more than information from libraries useful for self-development.

What does lack of education lead to?

An uneducated person is under the delusion that he knows everything and has nothing more to learn. While an educated person will be confident until the end of his life that his education is not complete. He will always strive to learn what will make his life even better. If a person does not strive to understand the world and self-development, then in the end he ends up in everyday life, a routine where work does not bring either pleasure or sufficient income. Of course, lack of education does not mean a complete absence of any knowledge or certificates. A person can have several degrees and still be illiterate. And vice versa, there are quite educated, well-read people who do not have a diploma, but have high intelligence, erudition thanks to self-study the surrounding world, sciences, society.

It is more difficult for uneducated people to realize themselves, achieve what they want, and find something they like. Of course, remembering our grandparents, who at one time worked more than studied, we understand that it is possible to go through life without education. However, we will have to overcome difficult road, work a lot physically, spoiling both mental and physical health. Lack of education can be imagined as an isolated cube in which a person lives, not wanting to go beyond its boundaries. A raging life will boil and rush around, with magnificent colors, filled with bright emotions, understanding, and awareness of reality. And is it worth going beyond the cube to enjoy the true, fresh air knowledge - only the person himself has to decide.

Let's sum it up

An educated person is not only one who has graduated well from school, an educational institution and has high paying job by specialty. This image is unusually multifaceted, including a culture of behavior, intelligence, and good manners.

The main qualities of an educated person:

  • education;
  • literacy;
  • the ability to communicate correctly and express one’s thoughts;
  • politeness;
  • determination;
  • culture;
  • ability to behave in society;
  • erudition;
  • desire for self-realization and self-improvement;
  • the ability to subtly sense the world;
  • nobility;
  • generosity;
  • excerpt;
  • hard work;
  • sense of humor;
  • determination;
  • wit;
  • observation;
  • ingenuity;
  • decency.

The concept of “educated person” is interpreted in different ways, but the main thing in all definitions is the presence of education received different ways: with the help of school, university, self-education, books, life experience. Thanks to knowledge, each of us can reach any heights, become a successful, self-realized person, a full-fledged unit of society, perceiving this world in a special way.

Currently, it is difficult to do without education, because any field of activity requires certain skills and abilities. And to live in the world without knowing anything about it is like to primitive man, absolutely pointless.


In the article we examined the main criteria, definitions of an educated person, and answered the question of what it means to be a cultured person. Each of us evaluates and looks at things according to our own social status and ability to perceive the surrounding world. Some people don’t even realize that it’s bad for an intelligent person to say offensive things to someone they’re talking to. Some have learned this truth from an early age. After all, a person’s worldview is primarily influenced by the education of people who put certain information into it and were guides into this life.

We also found out that a well-read person is an individual who reads not only specialized, educational literature, but also the works of the classics. Much in this world is interconnected, but it is education that plays the main and decisive role. Therefore, it is worth taking it with all seriousness, desire and understanding. We ourselves are the masters of our lives. We are the creators of our own destiny. And how we live this life depends entirely on us. Despite the difficulties, political or military, our ancestors created excellent conditions for our life. And it is in our hands to make these conditions even better for our descendants. We need education in order to organize our lives according to at will and become a happy person.

It is difficult to improve your education via the Internet. In order to become an erudite person, you must remember to visit the library and read books by an educated person. We bring to your attention popular publications that every educated person should definitely read; this will make you an interesting, well-read, cultural interlocutor.

  1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Activity and personality psychology.
  2. Afanasyev V. G. Society: systematicity, knowledge and management.
  3. Brauner J. Psychology of cognition.

Incredible facts

Self-confidence is a vital key to a healthy and productive life.

To be confident, you need to master a basic set of skills, to be a jack of all trades.

Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades turns out to be much more prepared when faced with real life's difficulties as opposed to a highly specialized person.

This list is not all-inclusive, however, the following are 47 things that every person should be able to do.

Life skills

1. Build a fire.

Fire is heat and light, one of the basic human needs for life. At some point, this knowledge may save you.

2. Work with a computer.

Fundamental computer knowledge is essential in this day and age. Please help your neighbor if there is such a need.

3. Know how to use Google.

This search system knows everything. If you have a problem finding something using Google, then the problem is not with Google, but with you.

4. Be able to do artificial respiration and the Heimlich maneuver.

Perhaps someday your child, wife, husband or friend will need emergency help, and you will miss precious seconds.

The Heimlich maneuver is a method of removing foreign bodies from the upper respiratory tract, is especially effective when they are completely blocked.

5. Be able to drive a car with a manual transmission.

The time will come when the lack of this skill will play a cruel joke on you.

6. Know the basics of cooking.

If you cannot cook steak or scrambled eggs with your own hands, then rather learn how to do it; sooner or later, the lack of this skill will make itself felt.

7. Be able to speak in such a way as to attract people's attention.

8. Do not get into a fist fight if you are not sure of your victory, not just physical.

9. Know how to bear bad news.

Someone has to do it. Unfortunately, someday, at least once in your life, you will turn out to be this person.

10. Know how to change the tires on your car.

11. Know how to behave with dignity during an interview.

Nervousness and sweat in three streams will definitely not bring you a good job.

Life Skills

12. Know how to manage your time.

Otherwise you are wasting it. Sometimes this is good, but not on a permanent basis.

13. Learn to speed read.

Sometimes you urgently need to understand the main essence of the material, and you needed it five minutes ago.

14. Remember people's names.

It is unlikely that you will like it if, after you have introduced yourself, after some time they turn to you: “Hey you!”

15. Change your living space.

Even though it is a little more difficult than you might imagine, it is extremely beneficial for your mental health.

16. Travel light.

Take with you only the essentials. It's both cheaper and simpler.

17. Behave within the framework of the criminal code, because prison is no fun.

18. Learn to give correct instructions.

Nobody likes to go in circles.

19. Be able to provide first aid.

You don't have to be a doctor or a genius to treat a wound.

20. Learn to swim.

71 percent of the Earth's surface is covered in water, so knowing how to swim isn't a bad idea.

21. Learn to parallel park.

Even though parallel parking is a required skill to obtain a driver's license, many drivers have no idea how to do it.

22. Know your alcohol limit.

Otherwise, your life will end like this man's.

Life Skills

23. Choose quality food.

Spoiled fruits and vegetables can tempt you with low prices, but ultimately play a cruel joke on your health.

24. Know how to handle a hammer, ax and hacksaw.

Carpenters aren't the only people who need these tools. Every person should have a basic knowledge of basic hand tools.

25. Maintain your budget.

Being in debt is no fun. Controlling your expenses is key.

26. Speak at least two common languages.

Approximately 300 million people in the world speak Russian (this is less than 5 percent); 25 percent of the population speaks English. It would be nice to be able to find a common language with English speakers and with the remaining 70 percent.

27. Do push-ups and squats correctly.

The wrong technique for performing these basic exercises will not only bring you nothing useful, but will also make your body hurt, and you will waste your time.

28. Know how to give compliments.

This is one of the greatest gifts you can give a person. And it's free.

29. Know how to negotiate.

30. Listen carefully to others.

The more you listen and the less you talk, the more you learn and the less you miss.

Life skills and abilities

31. Know basic geography.

If you don't know anything about something outside of your comfort zone, most people will assume that you don't know anything at all.

32. Learn to paint.

The cost of painting a room is 90 percent labor. There is no point in overpaying for something you can do yourself.

33. Learn to give short, informative public speeches.

At the next meeting, when your boss asks you to share what you've been working on over the past month, deliver the information in a short, clear, and informative way.

34. Learn to smile when you are photographed or filmed.

People who don't do this are associated with dull creatures.

35. Know how to flirt properly.

There is a fine line between successful flirting and complete failure. If you try too hard, you will end up losing. If you don't try hard, you'll end up losing.

36. Learn to extract useful and relevant information.

Useless notes are useless, and not taking them sets you up for failure.

37. Be hospitable.

Otherwise, you will stay in hotels every time you go to a new place.

38. Learn to make a good first impression.

Aristotle once said: “He who begins is already half done.”

39. Know how to use a map and compass.

What happens if the GPS suddenly stops working and you find yourself in the middle of nowhere?

40. Learn how to sew a button on a shirt.

It's cheaper than buying a new one.

41. Learn to type quickly.

This skill will save you a total of several days over the course of your life.

42. Always protect personal information.

Identity theft can be costly. Don't be careless.

43. Master the basics of computer security.

You don't need to be a programmer to understand the basics of creating strong passwords and using firewalls. This will certainly save you from many problems one day.

44. Learn to recognize lies.

People will lie to you. This is the sad truth.

45. Know how to end dates politely without making any promises.

There are no excuses for making promises you don't intend to keep. Just like there is no reason to make spur-of-the-moment decisions about someone you barely know.

46. ​​Learn to remove stubborn stains from clothes.

It's cheaper than buying a new one.

47. Keep your house clean.

Order in the house means organization in life.

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