Interpretation of dreams buy. Why do you dream about a Store according to the dream book?

– a necessary part of every person’s life. As a rule, the purchase of food, clothing, household items and even cute trinkets is a positive event that indicates the necessary level of security, the ability to provide yourself positive emotions, and to a certain extent is an act of self-affirmation. In accordance with this, the dream in which you make purchases is, in most cases, favorable. First of all, this applies to purchases such as bread, sweets, fresh clothes, beautiful clothes in pleasant colors, and jewelry. At the same time, some objects have negative symbolism - in this case similar dream is a bad harbinger that warns of caution and caution. Great value For correct interpretation They also include the place where the purchase was made, the seller and the method of payment.

Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov. What does shopping mean in a dream?

A dream in which you make purchases in a small shop most likely foreshadows losses and losses. Buy something in a big store - expect profit; in the market - you will become the subject of gossip. Buying valuable things can result in disrespect from others, and buying precious stones can result in financial failure.

Dream Interpretation of Medea. What does the dream “Buy” predict?

Shopping in a store means you will soon have to make an important choice that may lead to a lifestyle change. Buy something at the market or from random person– do not be tempted by the possibility of easy luck and do not accept dubious offers. If in a dream you wander around a store or market without buying anything, your claims may lead to a quarrel or painful proceedings.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. What does it mean to buy in a dream?

A dream in which you buy something symbolizes your sexual tone and desire. intimate relationships. If you walk around a store or market without buying anything, or the purchased items have fallen apart, your sexual desire has decreased, and you need to take measures to restore it.

Dream book of Gustav Hindemann Miller. What do the dreamed purchases symbolize?

Shopping – good sleep, which portends profit or pleasant events in life.


Buying something in a dream means bringing into your life those circumstances symbolized by the purchased items. If you buy a beautiful item with positive symbolism, good luck awaits you. Unpleasant purchases are all small things (quarrels, squabbles), any iron products, especially weapons (danger), black clothes (sadness), stale or spoiled food (), dry bread (poverty).

A dream about buying a house, which foreshadows a change in lifestyle, is ambiguous. An old, neglected or completely empty house is an ominous prediction, as is a dream about buying boards. An elegant house or cottage means changes for the better; buying a car is a great success.

The best dream is the one in which you do not see yourself paying for purchases. In a dream, transferring money to someone for a purchased product - expect unexpected expenses in reality.

Making purchases in a dream usually serves as a harbinger of some kind of profit, accompanied by pleasant events.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Shopping in a dream

For many people, shopping is an important element of life. If you don’t believe it, think of those people you know who feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in the process of acquiring something. Participation in commercial relations is a kind of assertion of a person’s personal autonomy. But such participation can also be deplorable and destructive. Many in our consumer society are mired in debt, and when debt hangs over your head like the sword of Damocles, it can be draining not only financially, but also emotionally. Therefore, dreams about shopping can be seen either as a warning or as self-affirmation.

To interpret such a dream, you need to consider the following points: what you are buying and why, how you pay for the purchase - in cash, by credit card, by check or with your own charm. Buying on credit reflects a desire for acquisition or control. When doing this kind of action, you should take a close look at the object of purchase. Purchasing everyday items signals a feeling of uncertainty about the present or future. Purchasing luxury goods indicates a desire to compensate for low self-esteem or strengthen authority in society. If you buy something, but money is not included, then this indicates your financial insolvency or may be an indicator that your emotional expectations are not met.

What, for whom and from whom are you buying? If you know the seller (spouse, work colleague, etc.), the product is extremely important to you and you are the end consumer - therefore, you feel that on your part you are not fulfilling any obligations in interpersonal relationships.

If you manage to purchase a product without money, then this is a sign of control, universal recognition, or the realization that you deserve special honor. In this case, both the personality of the seller and the items being purchased will be decisive for the interpretation of the dream.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

What does the dream of Shopping mean?

To profit, good luck in business. If you buy small things or everyday items, the dream does not promise well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What do Shopping dreams mean?

Shopping is usually dreamed of as a sign of some kind of profit and other pleasant events.

In general, for many, the purchasing process itself is an important element of life. Buying something gives you a feeling of satisfaction and pride.

Participation in commercial relations is a kind of act of self-affirmation and awareness of one’s independence. However, such participation can also be destructive. Therefore, dreams about shopping can be seen either as proof of one’s own worth or as a warning.

To interpret such a dream, you need to consider what you are buying and why, how you pay for the purchase - in cash or by credit card. Buying something on credit reflects a desire for acquisition or control.

Purchasing everyday items signals a feeling of uncertainty about the present or future.

Buying luxury goods indicates a desire to increase self-esteem or gain authority in society.

If you dream that you are buying something, but do not see the money, then the dream indicates your financial insolvency and shows that your emotional expectations are not met.

Interpretation of dreams from

shopping according to the dream book

If in a dream you bought something, then real life Joyful events await you, which, moreover, will bring tangible profits.

shopping in a dream what is it for

When in a dream you buy something in a store, then troubles and financial losses await you at work. You have an ill-wisher, and he will soon do something against you.
Making purchases at the market in a dream means that you are in danger of rumors and gossip.
If you bought something specifically, problems and losses will be associated with this item in life.

why do you dream about shopping?

Dreams about shopping can have different meaning depending on the circumstances under which the purchase is made.
If you bought something on credit, it means that in real life you are too eager to accumulate material wealth and total control. Buying items for daily use indicates that you are unsure of yourself and your future. If you purchase very expensive things, this means that you want to assert your social position and raise your self-esteem.
When you bought something, but no money was involved, it means that your expectations from life are too high, perhaps you are not as successful in money matters as you would like. If you received an item for free or through barter, this indicates that you strive to control everything and are waiting for universal recognition. In this case, you need to pay attention to who the merchant was in your dream. Associated with this person important events in your life.
If in a dream you bought something from a person you know (spouse, employee, friend), most likely you have not fulfilled some obligations towards this person. You feel it, and the guilt haunts you.

dreamed of shopping

If in a dream you bought a piece of jewelry or other valuable things, it means that in life you will be neglected by people.
Purchased emeralds promise you dubious business relationships and a shaky position in transactions.

Shopping in a dream - Make purchases in a dream for someone, not for yourself- to expenses.
If you dreamed of cheap purchases that you are embarrassed about, it means that in life you are very frugal, and you will soon have to pay twice for something. Unsuccessful purchases made spontaneously dream of wastefulness or the loss of a large amount of money due to unforeseen expenses.
If you dreamed that your purchases cost you too much, although they could have cost you much less, it means that you are wasteful in life. You should consider whether you are spending your money wisely.
If you dreamed that you were buying some small thing, or making unwanted purchases, such a dream promises unfavorable moments.
If you dreamed that you were making purchases, it means that you will soon make a profit from a major transaction.
If you dream about purchases in general, not specific things, then this almost always means quick profit and good luck in financial affairs, both for you and your family. Buying something in a store, market or other places is a symbol of prosperity, this indicates that soon, in real life, you will be able to afford what you have long wanted, dreamed about or what for a long time caught your attention.
If in a dream your purchases turned out to be not new, it means that soon you will have to spend money on someone.
If you brought home purchases, and when unpacking them, you see that they are not at all what you bought, then you are in for trouble in business. You may be scammed out of money.
If the jewelry is worth a large amount, there are many of them, or all of them attract you very much - perhaps to marriage, and a happy one.
If there are few of them or you buy them with your last money, the future relationship will give you nothing but disappointment with the opposite sex and surprise.
If the clothes are expensive but don't respond fashion trends or does not fit with other wardrobe items - perhaps you will miss some chance to achieve what you want, you will not listen to practical advice and you will not be able to improve the situation.
Buying some thing in a dream, bringing it into your home, and seeing a completely different object in your bag instead of this thing - means loss of faith in other people, and betrayal by close friends. Perhaps they communicate with you not because you are dear to them, but because they need something.
Buy something at the call of your soul, without planning, for surprises in real life that you do not expect at all.
Buying something, but not paying money for it, is a recipe for success. Those around you will be delighted with your erudition and other advantages, and it is also possible to take big steps up the career ladder.
Buying something on credit means a dual position in real life, or many of your life events will depend not on you, but on a person who has advanced in life more than you, who is richer or more influential.
Buying a car- you will restore your good name where you lost it, restore old connections with useful people, you will make an impression.
Buying clothes in a dream- to quick joy, some good change or change in life.
Buying various jewelry- to relationships with the opposite sex, to quickly meeting your soulmate.
It’s hard to imagine our life without shopping, because it’s very cool, that’s why seeing a purchase in a dream is good sign, often meaning that in the future you will succeed in everything you planned. Much depends on what money you pay for purchases, whether you buy things because you like them, or because you need to buy them, the designation of the dream depends on all this.
Make successful purchases in a dream- to profit.

Making numerous purchases in a dream means big profits in the future. Also, such a dream foreshadows a pleasant event, unexpected meeting or an upcoming feast. However, if you lose all your purchases along the way, the dream has the opposite meaning, and instead of profit, large losses await you.

Why do you dream about shopping – according to Medea’s dream book

Shopping in a store means you will soon have to radically change your lifestyle or make a decisive choice. Fate provides you with a unique chance to break into high society, to achieve high peaks in life. Your task is not to miss the opportunity.

Making purchases at the market or from a dubious merchant is a sign that you should not rush into making a decision. First, weigh everything, analyze, calculate down to the smallest detail, and only then do the only thing right choice.

Walking around a large store, replete with a variety of things, but not buying anything is a harbinger of a major quarrel or a difficult trial that can cause a blow to your health.

Why do you dream about shopping – according to Loff’s dream book

Shopping is an integral element of every person’s life. Usually they dream of profit, pleasant unexpected events. When you purchase something, you begin to experience a feeling of joy, pride and satisfaction. The buying process is, in a way, an act of self-affirmation, an awareness of complete independence.

But this symbol can also have a destructive effect. Therefore, dreams of shopping are seen as confirmation of one's own importance or as a sign of warning. In order to paint a picture of the prophecy, it is necessary to take into account some details. For example, what and why do you buy, how do you pay for the goods - by card or cash, do you take the item on credit.

Purchasing everyday items indicates uncertainty and instability. Buying an expensive item - a dream speaks of a desire to gain authority or achieve something in life. If you pick up purchases without paying for them, it means you are experiencing a financial crisis.

Why do you dream about shopping – according to Freud’s dream book

Any purchases made in a dream are a symbol of your sexual tone and desire for intimacy. If, when you go to a store or market, you do not purchase anything, this indicates a decline in sexual tone. It's worth taking action. A dream in which you lost all the things you bought has a similar meaning.

Why do you dream about shopping – according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

- buying something in a shop means loss, loss;
- in the store - to profit;
- cheap - to success in love;
- in the market - to gossip;
- buying valuable items means disrespect;
- acquire gems- to failure in money matters.

Why do you dream about shopping - according to the modern dream book

A dream in which you are shopping but have no money is a harbinger of big expenses. Paying for purchased items means in reality freeing yourself from oppressive anxiety. Purchasing goods in a company store is a sign that your business is going uphill, and in the near future you fear for financial condition not worth it. Buying at the market or in a shop is evidence of unreasonable distribution of the family budget.

Why do you dream about shopping - according to the English dream book

Buying something is a sign of success, pleasure and profit. If in a dream you are trying to bribe important person- this means that in reality you will be entrusted with a job that you do not understand at all. If someone bribes you for the purpose of contract killing, the dream indicates a lack of self-confidence.

Why do you dream about shopping – according to Dashkova’s dream book

Giving away all the money for purchases along with your wallet is a harbinger of losses and damages. Buy:
- fish - to loss of property;
- watermelon - for conception;
- fashionable clothes - for fun, a pleasant pastime.
Passing by a product without purchasing it is a sign warning of imminent deception. And it will come from loved one. Making purchases at half price is a sign of an impending bad deal.

Why do you dream about shopping – according to Hasse’s dream book

According to Miss Hasse's dream book, shopping in a dream means illness and minor financial losses. Losing purchased items is a good sign, foreshadowing an improvement in the situation.

Why do you dream about shopping - according to Morozova’s dream book

Making purchases for someone means financial losses. If you brought the goods home, but upon unpacking, you found a completely different thing, then you are in for trouble. Buying old things means a major purchase is foreseen in the future. Perhaps you are planning to get a new home or car.

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