Requirements for LED lamps in educational institutions. Regulations and pitfalls

SanPin 2.2.1/ "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings" (current edition with changes to March 15, 2010)

...In institutions preschool , school and vocational education, as well as Discharge lamps and incandescent lamps should be used.

It follows that in these institutions there should generally be no LED light sources

3.1.9. Replacement incandescent lamps for new light sources (compact fluorescent lamps, LEDs) in exploited lighting installations is allowed subject to regulatory requirements(tables 1 and 2)

It follows that in permitted cases(permitted by this or other documents, but within the scope of this document, i.e. where LED lamps and CFLs are not prohibited; for example, in a bathhouse) in existing luminaires with LN, LEDs or CFLs can be installed in premises if the standards of Tables 1 are met, 2. This paragraph (3.1.9) is legally doesn't allow violate clause 3.1.5, it only supplements the requirements of the standards (for information, both clarifications were introduced in one change)

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions" (as amended on November 24, 2015)

7.2.1. In all premises of a general education organization, levels of artificial illumination are provided in accordance with hygienic requirements to natural, artificial, combined lighting of residential and public buildings.
7.2.2. In classrooms, the general lighting system is provided by ceiling lights with fluorescent lamps and LEDs. Lighting is provided using lamps according to the color spectrum: white, warm white, natural white.
7.2.3. Light sources of different radiation natures are not used in the same room for general lighting.

This document is on educational institutions has a date of introduction later with an equal hierarchy, which means that in accordance with the general provisions of legislation and the provisions of law in the area of ​​its action there is no direct unresolved conflict, and its effect has greater force (more precisely, the “new” document should be guided in the event of a conflict). In other words, LEDs are allowed here.

SP 52.13330.2011 Natural and artificial lighting. Updated version of SNiP 23-05-95*

7.18...In institutions preschool, school and vocational education, as well as in the main functional premises of medical institutionsshould use fluorescent (including compact) lamps and halogen incandescent lamps...

We see the same ban as in the “old” SanPin. These documents from different departments are tools for implementing different laws. Therefore, theoretically, there is a legal conflict that makes it possible to challenge the permission of the “new” general education SanPin. But this is not a question at our level (and, most likely, challenging the designated provision of the “new” SanPin is a futile exercise due to the hierarchical dominance over the by-law document SP 52.1330, Article 11 of the regulatory legal act “Regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation”). However, we can clearly conclude that in preschool educational institutions and in in the main functional premises of medical institutions no one uses LEDs (no one at all and nowhere) legally didn't allow .
Let's check the medical institutions - I won't list all the health regulations and sets of rules (there are a lot of them), but nowhere do we find permission to use LEDs in the above premises.
Thus, in case of violation of the requirements under consideration, we have violations of Article 28

Everyone knows that indoor and outdoor lighting has a direct impact on human well-being. At the same time, lighting has the greatest impact on children. Therefore, it is extremely important that they are located in rooms where all lighting standards are met. Moreover special attention in this matter falls on preschool institutions - kindergartens.

In today's article we will try to touch on all the key aspects that are important for the proper organization of lighting in a kindergarten.

The role of lighting in preschool institutions

Preschool institutions are designed for the full growth and development of children, as well as their socialization. Such institutions have the highest safety requirements, since the child’s body is very susceptible to conditions environment and are not yet able to adequately resist its negative impacts due to the immaturity of their adaptive capabilities. Based on this, kindergarten has a number of important requirements for organization interior spaces:

  • room security;
  • hygiene of premises;
  • compliance with building codes;
  • high quality lighting.

Lighting in the kindergarten group

One of the basic points in preparing a preschool facility for receiving children is proper organization lighting systems.

Pay attention! Lighting standards for a preschool institution must be observed not only inside, but also in the surrounding area, including staircases (in a multi-story building).

Incorrect lighting in a kindergarten can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of mental disorders. Most often, children become irritable, aggressive and disobedient. In addition, they cry more often and sleep worse;
  • decreased activity;
  • deterioration of general health;
  • increase in injuries. In poor lighting, children may not notice toys scattered around the room, step on them, stumble, etc.

These phenomena will be observed at any incorrect backlight level.
As you can see, the key to successful and normal development of children is high-quality lighting. The same applies to festive events held in kindergarten. Assembly halls also have their own standards for organizing proper lighting in them.
Light level for various types premises is strictly defined by sanitary rules and regulations. The sanitary and epidemiological service monitors the implementation of these standards.

Regulatory documents on lighting in preschool institutions

Today, the level of illumination for various types of structures (houses, industrial workshops and educational institutions) is regulated by relevant documentation. Therefore, the installation of any lighting system (external or internal) is carried out only on the basis of existing standards.

Pay attention! Today, lighting level standards vary and must be determined for each specific situation individually. These standards have been developed specifically to ensure that the lighting system is organized as correctly as possible.

For preschool institutions, however, as for other objects, the standards are prescribed in the following documents:

  • SNiP. This document is the main one and stands for “ building codes and rules." It should be relied upon when constructing buildings for various purposes. This document is a set of regulatory documents adopted by the relevant executive authorities for the construction industry. SNiP has sections such as general provisions, estimate norms and rules, design norms, as well as rules for production and acceptance of work. Standards for the level of illumination for residential and non-residential buildings are prescribed here;

SNiP standards for gardens

SanPin norms (example)

  • SanPin. This is additional documentation that contains standards that must be taken into account when organizing a lighting system in kindergartens. SanPin is “sanitary norms and rules”. It is also worth noting that SanPin standards should be taken into account when working with SNiP. SanPin standards cover the areas of design and operation of buildings and enterprises under construction.

Pay attention! SanPin is an extensive regulatory framework that covers various areas.

In addition to the documents described above (SNiP and SanPin), in each region of the country there may be additional regulations, whose standards should also be taken into account when constructing buildings for various purposes. For example, Moscow has MGSN, which stands for “Moscow City Building Standards”. These norms are considered valid in the territory of Moscow. In this situation, MGSN can be considered as a clarification and addition to SNiP and SanPin. Such standards apply to the construction and design of various multifunctional complexes and buildings.

Lighting requirements in preschool institutions

To properly organize lighting in any room or outdoors, not just lighting kindergarten, including the areas adjacent to the building, you need to know the basic provisions.
Illumination is a luminous value that is equal to the ratio of the luminous flux on a specific small area of ​​the surface to its area. It is measured in lux.

Visual demonstration of the suite

Lux is one lumen divided per square meter. It represents an indicator to which non-residential and residential buildings should be equal. There are international and domestic standards for it, which are indicated in the relevant documentation (SNiP, SanPin, etc.).

Kindergarten lighting at night

The level of illumination can apply both to a specific zone (territory, for example, a staircase) and to the entire room. Please note that the standards are indicated in relation to the surface of the working space. This concept includes both the floor and the staircase or playground.

Pay attention! Each kindergarten room has its own standards. They vary for rooms, halls, staircase, playgrounds, etc.

At the same time, there are standards for specialized lighting options. This includes a security-type outdoor lighting system that operates at night on the territory of the kindergarten.

In addition, emergency lighting is necessary, which will allow children and preschool staff to quickly and safely leave the building if necessary.
Separately, it is worth noting that in the layout of kindergartens, a special place is occupied by the illumination of playgrounds where teachers take children out during walks. External lighting of such sites and the entire territory belonging to the institution is also subject to the relevant standards and requirements (according to SNiP and SanPin), especially at night. The same applies to the staircase, both outside and inside the building.

What should be the natural/artificial lighting?

The most preferable for vision is the natural illumination of the room. Therefore, it is precisely this that is relied upon when organizing lighting in kindergartens. However, artificial lighting also occupies one of the key niches, which is combined with natural lighting, complementing or replacing it.
A combination of natural and artificial lighting will be needed in various situations:

  • It's a nasty day;
  • the presence of dense vegetation near the windows of the first floor;
  • short daylight hours (winter, early spring/late autumn);
  • features of room design when window openings cannot provide the required level of light.

In the regulatory documentation (SNiP and SanPin) the requirements regarding this are as follows:

  • all children's areas (playrooms, bedrooms, etc.) should have the maximum possible natural lighting;

Natural lighting of groups

  • its absence is allowed only in some premises. These are washrooms, equipment rooms, showers, as well as restrooms at the gymnasium and similar premises for staff;

Pay attention! Storerooms and radio centers, storage facilities for disinfectants, etc. do not need natural lighting.

  • It is mandatory to design side left-side lighting. Right-side lighting is designed if the room is more than 6 m deep. In this situation, the direction of the main light flow behind the students is allowed;
  • in rooms associated with labor training (for example, sports and assembly halls), two-sided lateral natural and combined (side and top) lighting is used;

Pay attention! As for natural illumination, here you need to take into account the value of the natural illumination coefficient or KEO.

The optimal KEO value for classrooms is 1.5% (with side natural lighting).

Artificial lighting of the playing area

To create artificial lighting in kindergartens, lamps with the corresponding GOST standards are allowed to be used. In this case, the lamps used must meet the requirements of the place of their operation. For example, to illuminate a staircase or playgrounds, you should use lighting fixtures street type with a reinforced body structure, and for lighting rooms - ordinary lamps for interior spaces.

Additional requirements for lighting design of preschool premises

All window openings of the kindergarten must be equipped with:

  • adjustable sun shading devices like blinds;
  • fabric curtains. What is important is light colors that match light design premises and furniture. They should be placed in the walls when they are not needed.

Pay attention! In children's institutions it is not recommended to use curtains made from polyvinyl chloride film.

In addition, paints and materials used for interior decoration. Thus, matte surfaces are able to create a certain reflection coefficient. Moreover, this coefficient will be different for different surfaces:

  • for the ceiling it will be in the range of 0.7 - 0.8;
  • for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5;
  • for walls - 0.5 - 0.6.

Interior decoration of groups in the kindergarten

To achieve the required reflectivity of surfaces inside the kindergarten premises, it is necessary to use the correct colors:

  • for furniture (for example, desks, tables, and cabinets) you should choose colors natural wood or give preference to light green shades;
  • for walls in classrooms, shades and colors such as blue, pink, green, beige and yellow are suitable;
  • for doors and window frames should choose light colors. The best solution will be white.
  • Blackboards and other surfaces intended for teaching purposes should be dark brown or dark green.

With such color scheme in any room of a preschool institution it will be possible to efficiently organize the educational process and achieve acceptable lighting in all rooms.

Organization of artificial lighting inside preschool institutions

The most important indicators in organizing a lighting system inside a kindergarten are two criteria:

  • discomfort indicator;
  • illumination pulsation coefficient.

Fluorescent lamp LETs

The choice of lighting devices to create an optimal luminous flux is made based on the recommendations of SNiP and SanPiN. According to regulatory documentation, fluorescent lighting devices should be chosen for kindergartens, where the following types of lamps can be used as light sources:

  • LB – white light source;
  • LCB – source of cold light flux (white);
  • LEC is a source of natural light with improved color rendition.

According to the standards prescribed in the regulatory documentation, the use of incandescent lamps is also allowed. But here it should be remembered that for such light sources the illumination standards must be lowered by two steps.

Pay attention! You should not install fluorescent light bulbs and incandescent lamps in the same room.

Today, modern light sources – LED light bulbs – are becoming noticeably in demand. They can also be used for interior lighting of a kindergarten.

LED lighting in the kindergarten

However, remember that the standards given in the regulatory documentation were not projected onto these new light sources. Therefore, before installing them, you need to coordinate this with the territorial authorities of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
Lamps should be placed inside the premises of preschool institutions as follows: lighting fixtures with fluorescent lamps should be placed parallel to the light-carrying wall. The distance from the (outer) wall should be 1.2 m, and from the inner wall - 1.5 m.
To illuminate classrooms, it is recommended to use systems with fluorescent lamps of various types (LP028-2x40, LS002-2x40, LP0022x40, TsSP-5-2x40, LP034-4x36).

Pay attention! The use of other types of lighting devices is allowed, but they must have lighting characteristics similar to fluorescent lamps and similar design.

Such lamps should be placed on top of the board, slightly above its top edge, and also 0.6 m and 0.3 m to the side.

Requirements for lighting devices when organizing internal and external lighting

Properly organized lighting of a kindergarten inside its premises is carried out with those lamps that will:

  • have small dimensions;
  • create a high-quality luminous flux, which gives the ability to clearly distinguish even small objects. In such a situation, the children’s eyes will be in a comfortable lighting environment;
  • give evenly distributed light that can protect children’s eyes from the strong brightness of the light bulb;

Lighting in the garden group

  • the presence of good protection of lighting devices from mechanical damage that children can cause during play.

In addition, another important aspect of choosing both a light source and lighting fixtures is efficiency in terms of energy consumption. Because of this, today more and more preschool institutions are switching to LED lighting, which at the moment recognized as the most economical. At the same time, it fully meets the requirements regarding the generated luminous flux.
Basic standard requirements also exist for lighting fixtures used to illuminate external staircases and playgrounds, as well as the area adjacent to the garden.
Here are the requirements for lamps:

  • creating uniform lighting that can illuminate the entire territory of the gaming area;
  • presence of a high class of moisture protection (not lower than 54 IP);
  • increased protection of mud and dust deposits;
  • additional protection against mechanical damage that can be caused by both children and weather conditions ( strong wind, hail, snow, burning of broken branches, etc.).

External lighting of the kindergarten

It is worth noting that in organizing outdoor lighting you should be as careful as when creating lighting for the interior of a kindergarten.

Organization of lighting on playgrounds in gardens

Like any lighting system, lighting of the adjacent territory of kindergartens and playgrounds should be planned at the project stage. After all, after the construction of the building and the arrangement of the adjacent territory, making changes to the lighting system will be more problematic.
Here, as well as inside the building, there are two types of lighting:

  • natural (basic). For an optimal level of natural illumination, play areas are located in open spaces with minimal shade. Natural lighting here must also meet insolation standards. These standards are prescribed in SanPiN. Insolation here is from 3 hours (no less) for 50% of the site area;

Pay attention! To protect against ultraviolet radiation, children should wear a hat when walking. Also, near each site there is an analogue of a gazebo with benches.

Playground in the garden

  • artificial lighting. It is organized in different ways, but should always be based on the norms specified in the regulatory documents.

For artificial lighting of playgrounds, you should be guided by the following parameters:

  • horizontal average illumination (Eav). This indicator must be at least 10 lux;
  • the ratio of the minimum illumination to its average value (Emin/Eav). This parameter is 0.3 (at least).

To calculate the illumination level of the playground, you can use special online programs. One of these is the Light-in-Night Road program (developed by BL GROUP). The calculation here is extremely simple: in the fields you just need to indicate required parameters and the program itself will do all the necessary calculations.
To illuminate playgrounds today, LED lamps are increasingly used, which are equipped with a special anti-vandal and waterproof housing. Although fluorescent lighting devices can also be used here.


Proper organization of the work of preschool institutions is the key to the successful upbringing and growth of a child. And a well-chosen system of street and indoor lighting will not cause indirect harm to the growing body of children, allowing them to develop harmoniously and correctly. Therefore, it is important to understand exactly what standards exist in a given situation in order to correctly assess their implementation in a particular institution.

From the 50s of the twentieth century until recently, fluorescent lamps were used without alternative in educational institutions. LEDs, which only appeared at the beginning of the 2000s, firstly, could not compete with discharge lamps in terms of luminous flux. Secondly, they were more expensive. And thirdly, they have not been studied enough to be allowed to be used in rooms where children spend the whole day. Since the advent of LEDs, every 10 years their efficiency has increased by 20 times, and their cost, on the contrary, has decreased by 10 times (Haitz’s Law). The luminous efficiency of $0.08 LEDs is now 110 lm/W. A large number of scientific studies on the safety of new light sources have also accumulated. It has now become possible to consider what characteristics LED lamps must have in order to be used in educational institutions: schools, colleges, institutes.

Let's look at the lighting features classrooms and audiences. If you imagine a classroom with rows of desks, full of schoolchildren or students, then what should be the lighting in it? Anyone can formulate an answer to this question if they remember how they sat in class for hours.

Rice. 1. Lighting in the classroom.

Lamps for educational institutions must:

  • Provide optimal and uniform illumination on desks, tables, and the teacher’s blackboard. When there is insufficient illumination, the eyes get tired, and when there is too much light, they also get tired. People must read and write comfortably and be able to discern small details in textbooks.
  • Ensure good color rendering and do not distort the colors of illuminated objects.
  • Be comfortable for the eyes, do not dazzle even when looking directly at the lamp. Both adults and children, lost in thought, often move their eyes along the ceiling; this should not lead to short-term blindness and “bunnies” in the eyes.
  • Be the same color. Fixtures or lamps different colors They cause an unpleasant feeling that “something is wrong” and are distracting.
  • Do not flash, pulsate, buzz or buzz. A common situation with failed fluorescent lamps is that they enter a cyclic mode or resonate, making it difficult to concentrate.
  • Be safe when damaged. It happens that the energy of youth finds a way out in an unexpected direction. If the lamp breaks, you should not: spill mercury, fly fragments, or shock.
  • The specialist will only have to add to the above that the lamp must be energy efficient.

An LED lamp meets all the requirements, and in some respects it is even much better than a fluorescent lamp. But! Important clarification: not any LED lamp passes, but only high-quality ones! It is cheap, unreliable lamps that harm both the theme of LED general lighting and the eyes and cause concern. Unfortunately, the market is flooded with low-quality lamps, and in order to make right choice, you need to know what the lamps are made of and how they work.

At one time, fluorescent lamps were also met with concerns - there were doubts about the spectral composition of the radiation, and about brightness, and about safety... But, in the end, fluorescent lamps replaced incandescent lamps from the field of general lighting and dominated for 50 years. Now they are being replaced by new light sources.

Installation of an LED lamp for general lighting.

The basis of an LED lamp is a light-emitting crystal or chip. It is this that generates radiation when current flows. The color of the radiation depends on the crystal materials. Most often, phosphor white LEDs are used in general lighting fixtures: the crystal emits blue light, which makes the phosphor applied to the crystal or the inner surface of the lens glow yellow. We perceive the mixture of blue light from the chip and yellow light from the phosphor as white light.

Rice. 2. Structure of a white phosphor LED brand Cree (USA).

Depending on the type and thickness of the phosphor layer, an LED can have different emission color temperatures: from warm white (2600-3500 K) to cool white (5000-8000 K). The smaller the peak in the left, blue part of the spectrum (this is the light from the crystal itself) and the larger the proportion of phosphor radiation (this is the right peak in Fig. 3), the “warmer” the light will be.

Rice. 3. Approximate view emission spectra of white phosphor LEDs (in relative units).

The LED lens allows you to remove more light from the crystal, redistributing its radiation in space, and also protects it from mechanical influences. To form the required luminous intensity curve (LIC), reflectors or secondary optics lenses can be additionally installed in the luminaire.

LEDs are located on printed circuit boards LED strips are made from aluminum, fiberglass, or getinax. The rulers and the power source are connected to each other and installed in the lamp body.

Rice. 4. Type of LED ceiling lamp GALAD Junior 600 without diffuser.

What are the key points that characterize the quality of an LED lighting fixture?

1. Brand and type of LEDs.

The production of LED crystals is a high-tech process. Using the method of metal-organic epitaxy, several layers are grown in turn on a sapphire substrate, each of which has its own composition, and the thickness ranges from several micrometers to hundredths of a micrometer. What is important here is the purity and quality of the source materials, the accuracy of cutting, and the thoroughness of subsequent sorting by parameters (binning).

Rice. 5. The structure of the LED crystal, indicating the material of the layers and their thickness. Crystal with contacts on a substrate.

Having bought a lamp with a fake or simply low-quality “no-name” LED, you cannot be sure of its operational or lighting characteristics. Its luminous flux may be less than declared, it may have a different color temperature (and therefore, perhaps more harmful to vision blue light in the radiation spectrum), fail after a few months of operation. Mechanical defects are common in such products: inaccurately soldered contacts, misaligned crystals and the like.

Rice. 6. Defects of low-quality LEDs: the crystal is not in the center, the crystal is chipped, there are residues of glue and conductive particles.

The LED crystal is extremely sensitive to overheating. With such defects, the crystal heats up unevenly, mechanical stresses arise in it and degradation occurs, which best case scenario leads to a decrease in luminous flux, and in the worst case, to failure of the LED. The temperature of the crystal also affects the lifetime of the phosphor: due to overheating, the phosphor and the materials in contact with it diffuse into each other faster, and the radiation efficiency decreases. Naturally, a cheap phosphor is more sensitive to heat and degrades faster.

Reputable LED manufacturers (Nichia, Cree, Osram, Lumileds, Seoul Semiconductor, Honglitronic, etc.) guarantee that all parameters comply with those stated in the technical documentation, and their LEDs work as stated in the datasheet. No unpleasant surprises.

2. System of lenses and/or reflectors, diffuser.

The light redistributing part must be thought out in the lamp. LEDs themselves have high brightness with small sizes. You cannot look at such light sources directly: excessive brightness, firstly, causes short-term blindness and “bunnies” in the eyes, which in itself is uncomfortable. And secondly, although the light of phosphor LEDs is perceived by us as white, it contains a blue component, and you need to be especially careful with blue light. Studies have shown that it is the light of the short-wave part of the spectrum that is most dangerous for the retina of the eye and, when directly observed, can cause damage to it. It is important to mention that the vitreous body of a child’s eye is more transparent than that of adults; more blue light reaches the retina. Therefore, children's eyes are especially vulnerable. A lamp for children should not use cold-white LEDs (more blue in the spectrum), and the brightness of the lamp should be as uniform as possible.

To reduce glare, you need a diffuser that smoothes and evens out the brightness over its entire area. But one diffuser is not enough; the number, power and location of the LEDs also matter here.

Rice. 7. LED lamps: a). 4 lines of 8 LEDs each and a prismatic diffuser b). 4 lines of 20 LEDs each and a prismatic diffuser c). 14 lines of 14 LEDs each and a microprism-opal diffuser.

The fewer LEDs in the lamp and the more powerful they are, the brighter they will be, and with any diffuser the uneven brightness of the lamp's outlet will be great. Luminous dots, stripes, or “crosses” will be clearly visible, depending on the type of material used. That's why the best option from the point of view of brightness uniformity, there will be a large number of low-power LEDs and a matte or opal diffuser.

3. Power supply.

LEDs are controlled by current. The higher the current, the higher the emitted luminous flux (see Fig. 7). The technical documentation for each specific model indicates the range of operating currents, subject to which compliance with all declared parameters is guaranteed.

Rice. 8. Dependence of luminous flux (in rel. units) on current for a white phosphor LED with a power of 0.3 W.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers deliberately use cheaper, low-power LEDs, but set an increased current through them, “overclocking” them so that they shine brighter. At first glance, such a lamp will be indistinguishable in terms of lighting characteristics from the “correct” one. But the crystal of a low-power LED is not designed for high currents, the LED overheats, and the number of defects in it increases - areas that do not emit light. The higher the temperature, the more the crystal degrades, and the faster the life of the LED ends. Instead of 50 thousand hours, such a lamp can last, for example, only 2 thousand.

In addition, it is the circuit design of the driver that determines the pulsation coefficient of the luminaire's luminous flux, as well as its protection from power surges in the network and high-voltage microsecond pulses.

What scientific research has been conducted on the topic of LED lighting in schools in Russia? What are their results?

In 2012, in Moscow, at the Phoenix Education Center No. 1666, Russia’s first demonstration and methodological resource room on LED lighting in schools was opened. The office was created by the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Federal State Budgetary Institution " Science Center children's health" RAMS with the support of Rusnano, the Fund for Infrastructure and educational programs and the Non-Commercial Partnership of Manufacturers of LEDs and Systems Based on them (NP PSS).

Evgeny Dolin, general manager NP PSS (now APSS), in an interview with the Energy Council magazine, spoke about research conducted with the support of Rusnano: “At first, adults were examined, and it was clearly established that when the parameters of the light environment complied with the standards of office lighting, the impact of LED lighting was no different, but in a number of ways indicators were more positive than fluorescent lamps. People were less tired, labor productivity increased, and the time it took to master a test task decreased. Then they conducted a survey at school on different age groups. There, the effect was so striking that there was no doubt left - properly created lamps with LEDs, assembled into a lighting installation under the guidance of professionals, give only a positive effect. At the end of the year, in children in the group who studied under LEDs for 2 months, visual acuity increased in 80% of cases, and did not decrease, as usually happens in the spring, especially in adolescents.”

Rice. 9. Russia’s first demonstration and methodological resource room on LED lighting in schools, State Educational Institution Center for Education “Phoenix” No. 1666.

Employees of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center for Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, under the leadership of L. M. Teksheva, conducted a large-scale study at the Phoenix Education Center among students in grades 4-11 - 16 class groups, a total of 370 people. The research team consisted of hygienists, psychophysiologists, ophthalmologists-pediatricians, as well as diagnostic clinical doctors. The influence of two types of lighting, with fluorescent lamps and LED, on changes in functional state systems of the child’s body (psycho-emotional state, mental performance) and the state of the visual analyzer. Equal conditions were created in both rooms: illumination level - 400 lux; pulsation coefficient – ​​no more than 10%; discomfort indicator – no more than 15 cu. In this case, the correlated color temperature of the light sources was 4500 K in both cases.

Rice. 10. Light distribution of lamps with fluorescent (a) and LED (b) light sources used in the work and the relative spectra of their emission (c).

According to the study, when working in a classroom with LED lamps compared to lighting with fluorescent lamps:

  • There are higher quantitative and qualitative indicators of mental performance in students primary classes, and among students in grades 5–11, there is also a significantly lower (2–2.5 times) prevalence of cases of pronounced fatigue.
  • Most schoolchildren report a lower prevalence of discomfort during classes. emotional states, and among younger schoolchildren there is a lower prevalence of neurosis-like complaints.
  • More than 90% of participants in the educational process (students and teachers) rate lighting with LED light sources as comfortable.
  • A comprehensive assessment of the state of vision and mental performance of students in grades 5–11 when working with computers showed that the LED lighting environment effectively reduces the negative impact of computer load compared to fluorescent ones.
Thus, studies have shown that LED lighting in classrooms, compared to fluorescent lighting, creates a more favorable light environment for the visual and mental work of students of different ages, their psychophysiological and functional state.

What does the current Russian regulatory documents say about the use of LED lamps in educational institutions?

  • Official website of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow

    On the use of LED lamps in educational institutions

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-F “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation» Since 2010, LED lighting sources have been offered on the lighting equipment market of the Russian Federation, which have a number of advantages. They are more economical, have shock and vibration resistance. IN LED lamps there is no gas filling, they hardly heat up, the service life can reach up to 100,000 hours. The most important thing is that such lamps do not contain mercury, which makes them safe in terms of environmental pollution.

    Conducted studies of LED lamps at the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the RAMS Institution of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Children's Health" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with the participation of employees of the State Enterprise "Scientific and Technological Center for Unique Instrument Making of the Russian Academy of Sciences" and the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences showed the possibility application of LED lighting and LED luminaires in residential and public buildings.

    In accordance with letter No. 01/11157-12-32 dated 01.10.2012 from the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare G. G. Onishchenko when used in general lighting systems in premises in educational process LED lamps must comply with a number of qualitative and quantitative lighting indicators:

    1. The conditional protective angle of the luminaires must be at least 90° to limit the glare of LED lamps.
    2. The overall brightness of luminaires should not exceed 5000 cd/m2. Lamps with open LEDs cannot be used for general indoor lighting. Lighting fixtures must include effective diffusers that reduce overall brightness to the required values.
    3. The permissible unevenness in the brightness of the outlet of luminaires Lmax:Lmin should be no more than 5:1.
    4. The color correlated temperature of white light LEDs should not exceed 4000 K.
    5. It is not recommended to use LEDs with a power of more than 0.3 W in lighting installations.

    The passport data, as well as on the packaging and marking of the lamp base, must contain information about the power value, overall brightness, brightness unevenness across the luminaire outlet and the value of the correlated color temperature.

  • Thus, the state officially supports the spread of LED lamps and lamps and explicitly allows their use in educational institutions. There are only a number of requirements that the lamp must meet. And all these requirements are absolutely logical and aimed at creating comfortable, high-quality lighting in classrooms.

    However, among the current state standards there is a set of rules SP 256.1325800.2016 “Electrical installations of residential and public buildings. Rules for design and installation” Updated version of SP 31-110-2003 (Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2016 No. 602/pr). Subsection 5.3.7 of this document states: “For general lighting of preschool, school and vocational education institutions, as well as in the main functional premises of medical institutions, fluorescent (including compact) lamps and incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, should be used. The use of LED light sources in these premises is not permitted.”

    The presence of conflicting regulations makes it difficult to introduce LED lighting in educational institutions. Now the lighting community is actively discussing and trying to resolve this conflict.

    Which Russian-made LED lamps are suitable for use in schools and other educational institutions?

    1. Lamp GALAD Junior was specially designed for general lighting of schools, education centers, colleges and higher education institutions.

    Lamp GALAD Junior:

    • complies with the requirements of GOST-R-54350-2015 for lamps for children's institutions;
    • complies with SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for conditions and organization of training in educational institutions»;
    • complies with the requirements of the letter of the Head of Rospotrebnadzor G.G. Onishchenko dated October 1, 2012 No. 01/11157-12-32 “On the organization of sanitary supervision over the use of energy-saving light sources.”

    Rice. 11. Lamp GALAD Junior 600 LED-35/P/M/4000

    GALAD is a leading manufacturer of lighting products and is part of the largest lighting engineering holding in Russia, BL GROUP. Lamps under the GALAD brand are produced at two large Russian factories: the Likhoslavl Lighting Products Plant "Svetotekhnika" (LZSI) and the Kadoshkinsky Electrotechnical Plant (KETZ). GALAD products use LEDs from Cree, Nichia, Osram, Honglitronic and proprietary power supplies from Helvar, Argos, and Mean Well. Before going into mass production, new model The lamp is tested in the testing centers of the holding, and after entering the market - in independent laboratories.

    In October 2016, the GALAD Junior 600 LED-35/P/M/4000 lamp was tested under an independent research program. Verified and showed full compliance with the characteristics stated in the catalog.

    Confirmed characteristics for GALAD Junior 600 LED-35/P/M/4000

    Luminous flux, lm3150 3164
    Power, W35 35,6
    Power factor0,98 0,98
    Luminous efficacy, lm/W90 88,9
    Nominal value Tcv, K4000 4000
    Color rendering index, Ra> 80 83,5
    Light flux pulsation coefficient, %2 0,4
    Dust and moisture protection, IP20 -
    Service life, years10 -
    Warranty, years3 -
    Pace. range, °C+1…+35 -
    Voltage range, V198…264 -
    Housing materialSheet steel, powder coated
    Diffuser typeMicroprism-opal

    At the Testing Center of VNISI LLC, the lamp was examined according to the parameters of uniformity of brightness of the outlet, and also passed all tests for compliance with the requirements specified above.

    Rice. 12. View of the switched on GALAD Junior 600 lamp and visualization of its overall brightness

    Measured characteristics for GALAD Junior 600

    Thus, according to the test results, the lamp fully satisfies the conditions of Russian regulatory documents and can be recommended for use in educational institutions.

    In 2016, domestically produced GALAD Junior LED lamps were installed in the machine knitting room at the Creativity Center for Extracurricular Education in the Samara Urban District. It accommodates children aged 7 to 18 years, and children with disabilities and disabled children up to 23 years old. Teachers also study in the machine knitting room; master classes are often held there as part of events at the city, regional and all-Russian levels. Both students and teachers are happy with the new lighting. They especially emphasize the good color rendering of lamps, which is especially important when working with a large variety of colored yarns.

    Rice. 13. GALAD Junior 600 lamps in the machine knitting room of the Central Educational Institution “Creativity”, Samara.

    2. GALAD Vector lamp Designed for illuminating chalkboards in educational institutions.

    It is installed on special brackets above the board. The line of LEDs (each power less than 0.2 W) is completely hidden from view. The reflector is designed in such a way that all the light hits the board, creating an even flood light on it.

    Rice. 14. GALAD Vector LED-20-4000 lamps.

    Characteristics for GALAD Vector LED-20-4000


    1. Research shows that lighting with high-quality LED lamps is no worse, but on the contrary, in many ways much better than lighting with fluorescent lamps.
    2. At the level of state standards and norms, the use of LED lamps in educational institutions is permitted if they meet a number of conditions.
    3. On Russian market lighting fixtures that satisfy full list These conditions are present, and the process of replacing outdated lighting systems with modern and efficient ones is already underway.

    Oshurkova E. S.

    1. Retinal damage induced by commercial Light Emitting Diodes (LED), Imene Jaadane, Pierre Boulenguez, et al.
    2. Potential danger of LED lighting for the eyes of children and adolescents, P.P. Zach, M.A. Ostrovsky, “Lighting Engineering” No. 3, 2012.
    3. Problems of reliability of LEDs, I.V. Vasiliev, A.T. Ovcharov, T. G. Korzhneva,
    4. About LEDs, safety and regulatory framework. Interview with E. V. Dolin, Energy Council No. 6, 2013.
    5. Hygienic aspects of the use of LED light sources for general lighting in schools, V. R. Kuchma, L. M. Sukhareva, L. M. Teksheva, M. I. Stepanova, Z. I. Sazanyuk, Research Institute of Hygiene and Children's Health and adolescents of the Scientific Center for Health Protection of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, “Hygiene and Sanitation” No. 5, 2013.
    6. Comparative hygienic assessment of lighting conditions with fluorescent lamps and LED light sources in schools, L. M. Teksheva, “Lighting Engineering” No. 5, 2012.
    7. The first resource office in Russia on LED lighting of educational premises was opened, March 12, 2012,
    8. Comparative hygienic assessment of lighting conditions with fluorescent lamps and LED light sources, L. M. Teksheva, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, Scientific Center for Health Protection of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 2010.
    9. GALAD Junior 600 LED-35: test results of a lamp for educational institutions (Oct. 2016), “LUMEN&Expertunion”,

    Many people ask the question: is it possible to use LED lamps in schools?

    Scientists working in the field of hygiene conducted a study that answered this question.
    The study involved adults and children and was based on comparative assessment working conditions in the light of traditional fluorescent lamps and the increasingly popular LED energy-saving lamps- says Lyubov Teksheva, head of the department of hygienic standardization and examination of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents at the Scientific Center for Health Protection of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

    • its absence is allowed only in some premises. These are washrooms, equipment rooms, showers, as well as restrooms at the gymnasium and similar premises for staff;

    Pay attention! Storerooms and radio centers, storage facilities for disinfectants, etc. do not need natural lighting.

    • It is mandatory to design side left-side lighting. Right-side lighting is designed if the room is more than 6 m deep. In this situation, the direction of the main light flow behind the students is allowed;
    • in rooms associated with labor training (for example, sports and assembly halls), two-sided lateral natural and combined (side and top) lighting is used;

    Pay attention! As for natural illumination, here you need to take into account the value of the natural illumination coefficient or KEO.

    The optimal KEO value for classrooms is 1.5% (with side natural lighting).

    Artificial lighting of the playing area

    To create artificial lighting in kindergartens, lamps with the corresponding GOST standards are allowed to be used. In this case, the lamps used must meet the requirements of the place of their operation. For example, to illuminate a staircase or children's playgrounds, you should use street-type lighting fixtures with a reinforced housing design, and to illuminate rooms, you should use ordinary indoor lamps.

    Additional requirements for lighting design of preschool premises

    All window openings of the kindergarten must be equipped with:

    • adjustable sun shading devices like blinds;
    • fabric curtains. What is important is light colors, combined with the light design of the room and furniture. They should be placed in the walls when they are not needed.

    Pay attention! In children's institutions it is not recommended to use curtains made from polyvinyl chloride film.

    In addition, paints and materials used for interior decoration. So, matte surfaces capable of creating a certain reflection coefficient. Moreover, this coefficient will be different for different surfaces:

    • for the ceiling it will be in the range of 0.7 - 0.8;
    • for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5;
    • for walls - 0.5 - 0.6.

    Interior decoration of groups in the kindergarten

    To achieve the required reflectivity of surfaces inside the kindergarten premises, it is necessary to use the correct colors:

    • for furniture (for example, desks, tables, and cabinets) you should choose colors natural wood or give preference to light green shades;
    • for walls in classrooms, shades and colors such as blue, pink, green, beige and yellow are suitable;
    • For doors you should choose light colors. The best solution will be white.
    • Blackboards and other surfaces intended for teaching purposes should be dark brown or dark green.
    • Provide optimal and uniform illumination on desks, tables, and the teacher’s blackboard. When there is insufficient illumination, the eyes get tired, and when there is too much light, they also get tired. People should read and write comfortably, distinguish small details teaching aids.
    • Ensure good color rendering and do not distort the colors of illuminated objects.
    • Be comfortable for the eyes, do not dazzle even when looking directly at the lamp. Both adults and children, lost in thought, often move their eyes along the ceiling; this should not lead to short-term blindness and “bunnies” in the eyes.
    • Be the same color. Fixtures or lamps different colors They cause an unpleasant feeling that “something is wrong” and are distracting.
    • Do not flash, pulsate, buzz or buzz. A common situation with failed fluorescent lamps is that they enter a cyclic mode or resonate, making it difficult to concentrate.
    • Be safe when damaged. It happens that the energy of youth finds a way out in an unexpected direction. If the lamp breaks, you should not: spill mercury, fly fragments, or shock.
    • The specialist will only have to add to the above that the lamp must be energy efficient.

    An LED lamp meets all the requirements, and in some respects it is even much better than a fluorescent lamp. But! Important clarification: not any LED lamp passes, but only high-quality ones! It is cheap, unreliable lamps that harm both the theme of LED general lighting and the eyes and cause concern. Unfortunately, the market is flooded with low-quality lamps, and to make one, you need to know what the lamps are made of and how they work.

    At one time, fluorescent lamps were also met with concerns - there were doubts about the spectral composition of the radiation, and about brightness, and about safety... But, in the end, fluorescent lamps replaced incandescent lamps from the field of general lighting and dominated for 50 years. Now they are being replaced by new light sources.

    Installation of an LED lamp for general lighting.

    The basis of an LED lamp is a light-emitting crystal or chip. It is this that generates radiation when current flows. The color of the radiation depends on the crystal materials. Most often, phosphor white LEDs are used in general lighting fixtures: the crystal emits blue light, which makes the phosphor applied to the crystal or the inner surface of the lens glow yellow. We perceive the mixture of blue light from the chip and yellow light from the phosphor as white light.

    Rice. 2. Structure of a white phosphor LED brand Cree (USA).

    Depending on the type and thickness of the phosphor layer, an LED can have different emission color temperatures: from warm white (2600-3500 K) to cool white (5000-8000 K). The smaller the peak in the left, blue part of the spectrum (this is the light from the crystal itself) and the larger the proportion of phosphor radiation (this is the right peak in Fig. 3), the “warmer” the light will be.

    Rice. 3. Approximate view of the emission spectra of white phosphor LEDs (in relative units).

    The LED lens allows you to remove more light from the crystal, redistributing its radiation in space, and also protects it from mechanical influences. To form the required luminous intensity curve (LIC), reflectors or secondary optics lenses can be additionally installed in the luminaire.

    LEDs are placed on printed circuit boards made of aluminum, fiberglass, or getinax, resulting in LED strips. The rulers and the power source are connected to each other and installed in the lamp body.

    Rice. 4. Type of LED ceiling lamp GALAD Junior 600 without diffuser.

    What are the key points that characterize the quality of an LED lighting fixture?

    1. Brand and type of LEDs.

    The production of LED crystals is a high-tech process. Using the method of metal-organic epitaxy, several layers are grown in turn on a sapphire substrate, each of which has its own composition, and the thickness ranges from several micrometers to hundredths of a micrometer. What is important here is the purity and quality of the source materials, the accuracy of cutting, and the thoroughness of subsequent sorting by parameters (binning).

    Rice. 5. The structure of the LED crystal, indicating the material of the layers and their thickness. Crystal with contacts on a substrate.

    Having bought a lamp with a fake or simply low-quality “no-name” LED, you cannot be sure of its operational or lighting characteristics. Its luminous flux may be less than declared, it may have a different color temperature (and therefore, possibly, a greater amount of blue light in the radiation spectrum that is harmful to vision), and it may fail after a few months of operation. Mechanical defects are common in such products: inaccurately soldered contacts, misaligned crystals and the like.

    Rice. 6. Defects of low-quality LEDs: the crystal is not in the center, the crystal is chipped, there are residues of glue and conductive particles.

    The LED crystal is extremely sensitive to overheating. With such defects, the crystal heats up unevenly, mechanical stresses arise in it and degradation occurs, which best case scenario leads to a decrease in luminous flux, and in the worst case, to failure of the LED. The temperature of the crystal also affects the lifetime of the phosphor: due to overheating, the phosphor and the materials in contact with it diffuse into each other faster, and the radiation efficiency decreases. Naturally, a cheap phosphor is more sensitive to heat and degrades faster.

    Reputable LED manufacturers (Nichia, Cree, Osram, Lumileds, Seoul Semiconductor, Honglitronic, etc.) guarantee that all parameters comply with those stated in the technical documentation, and their LEDs operate as specified in the passport. No unpleasant surprises.

    2. System of lenses and/or reflectors, diffuser.

    The light redistributing part must be thought out in the lamp. LEDs themselves have high brightness with small sizes. You cannot look at such light sources directly: excessive brightness, firstly, causes short-term blindness and “bunnies” in the eyes, which in itself is uncomfortable. And secondly, although the light of phosphor LEDs is perceived by us as white, it contains a blue component, and you need to be especially careful with blue light. Studies have shown that it is the light of the short-wave part of the spectrum that is most dangerous for the retina of the eye and, when directly observed, can cause damage to it. It is important to mention that the vitreous body of a child’s eye is more transparent than that of adults; more blue light reaches the retina. Therefore, children's eyes are especially vulnerable. A lamp for children should not use cold-white LEDs (more blue in the spectrum), and the brightness of the lamp should be as uniform as possible.

    To reduce glare, you need a diffuser that smoothes and evens out the brightness over its entire area. But one diffuser is not enough; the number, power and location of the LEDs also matter here.

    Rice. 7. LED lamps: a). 4 lines of 8 LEDs each and a prismatic diffuser b). 4 lines of 20 LEDs each and a prismatic diffuser c). 14 lines of 14 LEDs each and a microprism-opal diffuser.

    The fewer LEDs in the lamp and the more powerful they are, the brighter they will be, and with any diffuser the uneven brightness of the lamp's outlet will be great. Luminous dots, stripes, or “crosses” will be clearly visible, depending on the type of material used. That's why the best option from the point of view of brightness uniformity, there will be a large number of low-power LEDs and a matte or opal diffuser.

    3. Power supply.

    LEDs are controlled by current. The higher the current, the higher the emitted luminous flux (see Fig. 7). The technical documentation for each specific model indicates the range of operating currents, subject to which compliance with all declared parameters is guaranteed.

    Rice. 8. Dependence of luminous flux (in rel. units) on current for a white phosphor LED with a power of 0.3 W.

    Some unscrupulous manufacturers deliberately use cheaper, low-power LEDs, but set an increased current through them, “overclocking” them so that they shine brighter. At first glance, such a lamp will be indistinguishable in terms of lighting characteristics from the “correct” one. But the crystal of a low-power LED is not designed for high currents, the LED overheats, and the number of defects in it increases - areas that do not emit light. The higher the temperature, the more the crystal degrades, and the faster the life of the LED ends. Instead of 50 thousand hours, such a lamp can last, for example, only 2 thousand.

    In addition, it is the circuit design of the driver that determines the pulsation coefficient of the luminaire's luminous flux, as well as its protection from power surges in the network and high-voltage microsecond pulses.

    What scientific research has been conducted on the topic of LED lighting in schools in Russia? What are their results?

    In 2012, in Moscow, at the Phoenix Education Center No. 1666, Russia’s first demonstration and methodological resource room on LED lighting in schools was opened. The office was created by the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Children's Health" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with the support of Rusnano, the Fund for Infrastructure and educational programs and the Non-Commercial Partnership of Manufacturers of LEDs and Systems Based on them (NP PSS).

    Evgeniy Dolin, General Director of NP PSS (now APSS), in an interview with Energy Council magazine, spoke about research conducted with the support of Rusnano: “At first, adults were examined, and it was clearly established that if the parameters of the light environment corresponded to the standards of office lighting, the impact of LED lighting was in no way was different, and in a number of indicators it was more positive than fluorescent lamps. People were less tired, labor productivity increased, and the time it took to master a test task decreased. Then they conducted a survey at school on different age groups. There, the effect was so striking that there was no doubt left - properly created lamps with LEDs, assembled into a lighting installation under the guidance of professionals, give only a positive effect. At the end of the year, in children in the group who studied under LEDs for 2 months, visual acuity increased in 80% of cases, and did not decrease, as usually happens in the spring, especially in adolescents.”

    Rice. 9. Russia’s first demonstration and methodological resource room on LED lighting in schools, State Educational Institution Center for Education “Phoenix” No. 1666.

    Employees of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center for Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, under the leadership of L. M. Teksheva, conducted a large-scale study at the Phoenix Education Center among students in grades 4-11 - 16 class groups, a total of 370 people. The research team consisted of hygienists, psychophysiologists, ophthalmologists-pediatricians, as well as diagnostic clinical doctors. The influence of two types of lighting, with fluorescent lamps and LED, on changes in the functional state of the child’s body systems (psycho-emotional state, mental performance) and the state of the visual analyzer was studied. Equal conditions were created in both rooms: illumination level - 400 lux; pulsation coefficient – ​​no more than 10%; discomfort indicator – no more than 15 cu. At the same time, correlated color temperature light sources was 4500 K in both cases.

    Rice. 10. Light distribution of lamps with fluorescent (a) and LED (b) light sources used in the work and the relative spectra of their emission (c).

    According to the study, when working in a classroom with LED lamps compared to lighting with fluorescent lamps:

    • There are higher quantitative and qualitative indicators of mental performance in students primary classes, and among students in grades 5–11, there is also a significantly lower (2–2.5 times) prevalence of cases of pronounced fatigue.
    • Most schoolchildren have a lower prevalence of uncomfortable emotional states during classes, and younger schoolchildren have a lower prevalence of neurosis-like complaints.
    • More than 90% of participants in the educational process (students and teachers) rate the lighting as comfortable.
    • A comprehensive assessment of the state of vision and mental performance of students in grades 5–11 when working with computers showed that the LED lighting environment effectively reduces the negative impact of computer load compared to fluorescent ones.
    Thus, studies have shown that LED lighting in classrooms, compared to fluorescent lighting, creates a more favorable light environment for the visual and mental work of students of different ages, their psychophysiological and functional state.

    What does the current Russian regulatory documents say about the use of LED lamps in educational institutions?

  • Official website of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow

    On the use of LED lamps in educational institutions

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-F “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation» Since 2010, LED lighting sources have been offered on the lighting equipment market of the Russian Federation, which have a number of advantages. They are more economical, have shock and vibration resistance. IN LED lamps there is no gas filling, they hardly heat up, the service life can reach up to 100,000 hours. The most important thing is that such lamps do not contain mercury, which makes them safe in terms of environmental pollution.

    Conducted studies of LED lamps at the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the RAMS Institution of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Children's Health" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with the participation of employees of the State Enterprise "Scientific and Technological Center for Unique Instrument Making of the Russian Academy of Sciences" and the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences showed the possibility application of LED lighting and LED luminaires in residential and public buildings.

    In accordance with letter No. 01/11157-12-32 dated 10/01/2012 of the head Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being G. G. Onishchenko, when used in general lighting systems in premises in the educational process, lamps with LEDs must comply with a number of qualitative and quantitative lighting indicators:

    1. The conditional protective angle of the luminaires must be at least 90° to limit the glare of LED lamps.
    2. The overall brightness of luminaires should not exceed 5000 cd/m2. Lamps with open LEDs cannot be used for general indoor lighting. Lighting fixtures must include effective diffusers that reduce overall brightness to the required values.
    3. The permissible unevenness in the brightness of the outlet of luminaires Lmax:Lmin should be no more than 5:1.
    4. The color correlated temperature of white light LEDs should not exceed 4000 K.
    5. It is not recommended to use LEDs with a power of more than 0.3 W in lighting installations.

    The passport data, as well as on the packaging and marking of the lamp base, must contain information about the power value, overall brightness, brightness unevenness across the luminaire outlet and the value of the correlated color temperature.

  • Thus, the state officially supports the spread of LED lamps and lamps and explicitly allows their use in educational institutions. There are only a number of requirements that the lamp must meet. And all these requirements are absolutely logical and aimed at creating comfortable, high-quality lighting in classrooms.

    However, among the current state standards there is a set of rules SP 256.1325800.2016 “Electrical installations of residential and public buildings. Rules for design and installation” Updated version of SP 31-110-2003 (Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2016 No. 602/pr). Subsection 5.3.7 of this document states: “For general lighting of preschool, school and vocational education institutions, as well as in the main functional premises of medical institutions, fluorescent (including compact) lamps and incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, should be used. The use of LED light sources in these premises is not permitted.”

    The presence of conflicting regulations makes it difficult to introduce LED lighting in educational institutions. Now the lighting community is actively discussing and trying to resolve this conflict.

    Which Russian-made LED lamps are suitable for use in schools and other educational institutions?

    1. Lamp GALAD Junior was specially designed for general lighting of schools, education centers, colleges and higher education institutions.

    Lamp GALAD Junior:

    • complies with the requirements of GOST-R-54350-2015 for lamps for children's institutions;
    • complies with SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions”;
    • complies with the requirements of the letter of the Head of Rospotrebnadzor G.G. Onishchenko dated October 1, 2012 No. 01/11157-12-32 “On the organization of sanitary supervision over the use of energy-saving light sources.”

    Rice. 11. Lamp GALAD Junior 600 LED-35/P/M/4000

    GALAD is a leading manufacturer of lighting products and is part of the largest lighting engineering holding in Russia, BL GROUP. Lamps under the GALAD brand are produced at two large Russian factories: the Likhoslavl Lighting Products Plant "Svetotekhnika" (LZSI) and the Kadoshkinsky Electrotechnical Plant (KETZ). GALAD products use LEDs from Cree, Nichia, Osram, Honglitronic and proprietary power supplies from Helvar, Argos, and Mean Well. Before going into mass production, a new lamp model is tested in the testing centers of the holding, and after entering the market - in independent laboratories.

    In October 2016, the GALAD Junior 600 LED-35/P/M/4000 lamp was tested under an independent research program. Verified and showed full compliance with the characteristics stated in the catalog.

    Confirmed characteristics for GALAD Junior 600 LED-35/P/M/4000

    Luminous flux, lm3150 3164
    Power, W35 35,6
    Power factor0,98 0,98
    Luminous efficacy, lm/W90 88,9
    Nominal value Tcv, K4000 4000
    Color rendering index, Ra> 80 83,5
    Light flux pulsation coefficient, %2 0,4
    Dust and moisture protection, IP20 -
    Service life, years10 -
    Warranty, years3 -
    Pace. range, °C+1…+35 -
    Voltage range, V198…264 -
    Housing materialSheet steel, powder coated
    Diffuser typeMicroprism-opal

    At the Testing Center of VNISI LLC, the lamp was examined according to the parameters of uniformity of brightness of the outlet, and also passed all tests for compliance with the requirements specified above.

    Rice. 12. View of the switched on GALAD Junior 600 lamp and visualization of its overall brightness

    Measured characteristics for GALAD Junior 600

    Thus, according to the test results, the lamp fully satisfies the conditions of Russian regulatory documents and can be recommended for use in educational institutions.

    In 2016, domestically produced GALAD Junior LED lamps were installed in the machine knitting room at the Creativity Center for Extracurricular Education in the Samara Urban District. It involves children aged 7 to 18 years, and children with disabilities health and disabled - up to 23 years. Teachers also study in the machine knitting room; master classes are often held there as part of events at the city, regional and all-Russian levels. Both students and teachers are happy with the new lighting. They especially emphasize the good color rendering of lamps, which is especially important when working with a large variety of colored yarns.

    Rice. 13. GALAD Junior 600 lamps in the machine knitting room of the Central Educational Institution “Creativity”, Samara.

    2. GALAD Vector lamp Designed for illuminating chalkboards in educational institutions.

    It is installed on special brackets above the board. The line of LEDs (each power less than 0.2 W) is completely hidden from view. The reflector is designed in such a way that all the light hits the board, creating an even flood light on it.

    Rice. 14. GALAD Vector LED-20-4000 lamps.

    Characteristics for GALAD Vector LED-20-4000


    1. Research shows that lighting with high-quality LED lamps is no worse, but on the contrary, in many ways much better than lighting with fluorescent lamps.
    2. At the level of state standards and norms, the use of LED lamps in educational institutions is permitted if they meet a number of conditions.
    3. For lighting devices that satisfy full list These conditions are present, and the process of replacing outdated lighting systems with modern and efficient ones is already underway.

    Oshurkova E. S.

    1. Retinal damage induced by commercial Light Emitting Diodes (LED), Imene Jaadane, Pierre Boulenguez, et al.
    2. Potential danger of LED lighting for the eyes of children and adolescents, P.P. Zach, M.A. Ostrovsky, “Lighting Engineering” No. 3, 2012.
    3. Problems of reliability of LEDs, I.V. Vasiliev, A.T. Ovcharov, T. G. Korzhneva,
    4. About LEDs, safety and regulatory framework. Interview with E. V. Dolin, Energy Council No. 6, 2013.
    5. Hygienic aspects of the use of LED light sources for general lighting in schools, V. R. Kuchma, L. M. Sukhareva, L. M. Teksheva, M. I. Stepanova, Z. I. Sazanyuk, Research Institute of Hygiene and Children's Health and adolescents of the Scientific Center for Health Protection of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, “Hygiene and Sanitation” No. 5, 2013.
    6. Comparative hygienic assessment of lighting conditions with fluorescent lamps and LED light sources in schools, L. M. Teksheva, “Lighting Engineering” No. 5, 2012.
    7. The first resource office in Russia on LED lighting of educational premises was opened, March 12, 2012,
    8. Comparative hygienic assessment of lighting conditions with fluorescent lamps and LED light sources, L. M. Teksheva, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, Scientific Center for Health Protection of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 2010.
    9. GALAD Junior 600 LED-35: test results of a lamp for educational institutions (Oct. 2016), “LUMEN&Expertunion”,

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