The third major terrorist attack occurred in the last three months in the UK - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Terrorist attack in England: How it all happened and what exactly happened during the Ariana Grande concert Terrorist attack in England

London was under attack again. At least seven people were killed and 48 injured in the attack, which took place in the heart of London, a popular tourist destination.

Among the victims, most of whom are young people under 30, there are citizens of France, Australia, and New Zealand. Police shot and killed three suspects in the attack. According to eyewitnesses, these are three men of “southern appearance.” They were found with replicas of suicide belts; one of the attackers had a canister of gasoline attached to his Arsenal football club jersey.

The terrorist attack occurred a few days before the British parliamentary elections, which will be held on June 8. And yesterday, Prime Minister Theresa May said that “the parliamentary elections in the UK will not be postponed.” "Out of respect for the victims and those affected, the main political parties Today the election campaign was suspended. But these attacks will not stop the democratic process. The campaign will resume as normal on Monday," May said. According to her, the attacks are linked to a vicious ideology, a perversion of Islam. "To defeat this ideology will require a change in people's mentality. We cannot allow this ideology to spread. We have a robust counter-terrorism strategy, but the threat is becoming more fragmented and more difficult to combat," the British Prime Minister said, adding that the country's intelligence services have foiled five major terrorist attacks in the past three months.

Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the terrorist attack in London and expressed deep condolences to the British people, the Kremlin press service said in a statement.

The terrorist attack began on Saturday at 22.08, when a white minibus, moving at a speed of at least 80 kilometers per hour, veered off the road and ran into pedestrians on the pavement of the famous London Bridge. The attack took place near the metro of the same name, an underground interchange and a noisy square with restaurants and bars. According to eyewitnesses, the van, zigzagging as if its brakes had failed, literally mowed down pedestrians. One person jumped from the bridge into the water to avoid being hit. People were thrown several meters into the air. About 20 people were injured on the bridge, at least three of whom died.

The terrorists left the car and, with thirty-centimeter machetes in their hands, first began finishing off victims on the bridge, and then headed along Borough High Street towards Borough Market, a popular market with gourmet food and several restaurants inside, attacking passers-by along the way. The restaurants were packed and many people were watching the Champions League football final. "Numerous people were stabbed to death, including a Transport Police officer who responded to the incident on London Bridge," Scotland Yard spokesman Mark Rowley said. 48 victims, some in critical condition, were taken to five hospitals across London. People with less serious injuries were treated at the scene by more than 80 paramedics.

An eyewitness told CNN that he was at the entrance to the market when large group people began to run away from it in panic. "I asked, 'What's going on?' "The criminals inflicted at least ten wounds on one of the young girls. She, bleeding, begged: “Help!” A pregnant woman was wounded. The criminals tried to cut the throats of their victims or stab them in the face.

A masked terrorist appeared at the elite El Pastora restaurant with a huge knife. He attacked the waitress, who was hiding behind a partition, and cut her carotid artery, then, as he was leaving the restaurant, he stabbed the man in the back.

Jack Appleby, who owns a restaurant of the same name on the next block, said he was standing in the street when people ran down it. One of the girls shouted: “They are killing everyone.” Appleby quickly ordered his customers to move to the back of the restaurant. When he started to lower the shutters on the street and turned around, he saw three people with knives and machetes. According to him, the men were looking at people in the restaurant, and Appleby managed to run into the establishment and close its doors. Five minutes later, shots were fired and the police eliminated the attackers.

The attacks in the UK were carried out not by visitors, but by home-grown terrorists

Later it became known that the police arrived at the scene of the tragedy eight minutes after the first call about the terrorist attack. The attackers, who tried to hide in the crowd, were eliminated at 22.16, but police helicopters patrolled over London almost all night, and boats patrolled the Thames River. "Armed police responded very quickly and bravely, managing to fight off three suspected attackers who were shot dead in Borough Market," Mark Rowley said. However, these words about the valor of Scotland Yard do not make it any easier for the relatives of the victims and the dozens wounded as a result of the bloody terrorist attack.

Let us recall that ten weeks earlier, according to an absolutely similar scenario, a lone terrorist launched an attack on another London bridge - Westminster. The terrorist attack, which killed four people, was carried out by a 52-year-old Briton who had several convictions. And on May 22, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the Manchester Arena: 22 people were killed.

Experts note that British law enforcement agencies have not learned any lessons from these attacks. At such a busy Saturday hour, there were almost no police officers in a popular and crowded place in the British capital, and only one transport police officer was forced to fight back against the criminals. Now, as they say, after the fact, Scotland Yard is reporting that not even tomorrow, but “in the coming days, it will deploy additional police forces and employees throughout the capital.”

Infographics RG/ Anton Perepletchikov

Even more surprising is the position of London Mayor Sadiq Khan. He, calling the incident "a deliberate and cowardly attack on innocent Londoners and visitors to our city enjoying it on Saturday evening", chose to focus not on the tragedy, but on congratulating the police. "Our officers are very well trained and our policing system is the best," the mayor of London said. And then, without a hint of embarrassment, he added that he considered London “the safest city in the world.” Although, after such terrorist attacks in the most popular and crowded places, foreigners will probably prefer other European capitals to London. In the meantime, residents and guests of the city are advised to avoid appearing in crowded places. The advice given to people who find themselves in such a terrible situation is also surprising. It’s from the series “saving a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself”: “Run, hide, report.”

Despite statements from Downing Street that the authorities are “controlling the situation,” the attacks in the UK can be regarded as a consequence of insufficient intelligence and preventive work by local intelligence services, primarily in local religious communities. Daesh militants (the Arabic name for the group banned in the Russian Federation - RG note) took responsibility for the terrorist attacks in Westminster and Manchester. However, they were carried out not by visitors, but by so-called home-grown terrorists. Those who were born and raised in Great Britain in far from poor and disadvantaged families. The arrests of dozens of people who regularly occur in Albion in connection with terrorism indicate that extremist recruiters have spread their networks across the UK. And the center of recruitment is no longer mosques, but prisons. What can we say if the situation inside most British correctional institutions is no longer controlled by the so-called criminal kingpins, but by jihadists who returned from the battlefields in Syria and Iraq. This is where the real recruitment of new cannon fodder takes place, suicide bombers ready to mow down people in cars and cut them with knives.

It later became known that Scotland Yard conducted a large-scale special operation in east London, during which 12 suspects of assisting terrorists were detained. From apartment building where one of the attackers lived, women were brought out wearing Muslim headscarves. Shots were heard and some suspects were taken away by ambulances. Meanwhile, doctors assessed the condition of 21 wounded as a result of the terrorist attack as critical.

US President Donald Trump was one of the first to react to the tragedy in London. And he again spoke in favor of tightening migration policy. "We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts (who vetoed Trump's anti-immigration order - RG) to give us back our rights. We need a travel ban (for people from certain Muslim states - RG) which will provide highest level security," the owner of the White House announced on his Twitter microblog. Later he wrote that the United States will do everything possible to help London and all of Britain. "We are with you. God bless you!" Trump concluded.

“Today we are united across borders in our horror and grief, but also in our determination,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a statement. “I reaffirm that Germany stands firmly with Britain in the fight against all manifestations of terrorism.” French President Emmanuel Macron wrote on social networks about the “new tragedy” facing Europe. As is known, at least two French citizens were among the wounded. The prime ministers of Canada, Australia and New Zealand expressed their condolences to London.

The head of government of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, admitted at an emergency meeting that “the tolerance towards extremism in the country was too great.” According to her, “what has happened so far should not continue.” The head of the British Cabinet ordered to check whether the police and anti-terrorist units have all the necessary powers. “The whole country must unite to resist extremism,” she said.

Meanwhile, the New York Police Department's counterterrorism bureau ordered increased patrols on busy streets. At the same time, American security officials, who are in constant contact with their British colleagues, believe that there is no increased threat to city residents. “Go to sleep, NYPD cops are protecting you. Our prayers are with London,” department spokesman Peter Donald wrote overnight.

The investigation into the terrorist attack that killed 22 people continues in Manchester. Police detained 18 suspects in the attack, six of them were later released without charge, and 12 remain in custody. The wording of the reason for the detention is rather vague - suspicion of violation of anti-terrorism legislation.

According to law enforcement agencies, the May 22 terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena during a concert by American singer Ariana Grande was carried out by 22-year-old Salman Abedi, a Briton of Libyan origin. He detonated an improvised explosive device in the foyer at the moment when the performance had already ended and people began to leave the hall. The suicide attack killed 22 people, including children, and injured more than 100. The terrorist group Daesh (banned in the Russian Federation - RG) took responsibility.

A few days before the attack, Abedi returned to the UK from Libya. During a search of his apartment in the city center, a bomb-making workshop was discovered. The remaining explosives could be enough to create several more devices.

Interestingly, several leaks of information to the American media forced the British authorities to interrupt the transfer of information about the investigation to American intelligence agencies. Thus, the US press published the name and photo of the terrorist much earlier than the British police confirmed this information. British Interior Minister Amber Rudd noted that such behavior “causes irritation.”

At the same time, it became known that the FBI informed British intelligence services back in January that Abedi belonged to a North African terrorist group based in Manchester and was looking for a political target in the country. FBI agents have been monitoring the young man since the middle of last year. Then the intelligence services believed that Abedi was planning to kill the politician, but this version was not confirmed and the investigation was discontinued.

Many victims of the explosion still remain in hospitals. A few days ago, singer Grande visited her young fans. She inquired about their well-being, took photographs, and signed autographs. "I'm so proud of you. You're so strong and you're doing great," the 23-year-old star told the kids. Immediately after the terrorist attack, she interrupted her tour." Dangerous woman" and canceled concerts planned until September.

What happened in London last night local residents will not be forgotten for a long time. First, a white van drove into passers-by on London Bridge, then attacks began on people in Borough Market. That is, it was not just one terrorist attack, but a whole series that turned the life of London overnight into just one bloody horror. England's security forces have already called it a terrorist attack. The whole nightmare began after 22:00 on June 3, and continued after midnight on June 4. And for several more days, a high-risk regime will remain in London.

Prime Minister of England Theresa May, also considers what is happening a terrorist attack. The media quote her as saying:

“I can confirm that the horrific incident that occurred in London is being treated as a potential terrorist attack. I express my deepest gratitude to the police and ambulance staff working at the scene. Our thoughts are with those affected by these terrible events.

The mayor of the British capital addressed the residents of London and guests of the city Sadiq Khan. He said in his speech that terrorists would not be able to intimidate Londoners, and they would receive a worthy response.

Meanwhile, this is the third terrorist attack on the British capital in less than three months. Moreover, no group has yet claimed responsibility for what happened last night. Meanwhile, British law enforcement officials are confident that the extremists belong to the same organization.

The police shot the attackers at the crime scene; according to all data, they were wearing special vests filled with explosives, and the consequences of the attack on people could be much more terrible than what these non-humans managed to commit.

According to eyewitnesses, at first the militants ran into people, purposefully choosing a route where there were more people, so that there was as much more victims. And then they began to get out of the car and cut passers-by with some long knives.

People tried to hide in bars, rushing about in search of places to hide from reprisals. They say that, according to various sources, from three to five people took part in the attack. All of them were killed by the police.

According to the latest data, seven civilians were killed. The militants killed six people on the spot; one of the wounded later died in hospital. There are at least fifty victims. Residents of the city are in panic, although the authorities are constantly reporting on the measures taken.

A large-scale anti-terrorist operation was carried out in London. Several tube stations are closed and the London Bridge area is cordoned off by police. People from pubs and other places were urgently evacuated.

The leaders of many countries expressed their condolences to England in connection with the experience, offered their help and called for unity against terrorism.

He sent his condolences to the people of Great Britain Vladimir Putin. The telegram that our president sent to Theresa May says that this crime is shocking in its cruelty and cynicism.

Besides, Russian President wrote that in response to the past terrorist attack there should be an increase in joint efforts in the fight against the forces of terror around the world.

American President Donald Trump offered help from America, and also recalled the tightening of entry for migrants:
- We need a travel ban law as an additional layer of security! — Trump wrote on Twitter, recalling his decree, which caused a lot of resistance in the United States.

President of France Emmanuel Macron reported that France was doing everything possible to help the victims. After all, as you know, four French citizens were injured in this terrorist attack.

We are monitoring the situation.

And at this time

The first terrorist attack, which occurred on March 22, 2017, was carried out according to almost the same scenario as the last one. On Westminster Bridge, a few meters from the British Parliament, a favorite place for tourists, a gunman drove into a crowd of people and then stabbed a policeman to death. A total of five people died then.

Two months later, on May 22, a terrorist attack occurred in Manchester at a concert Ariana Grande. 23 people were killed and more than a hundred were injured. Among them are many children and teenagers. The suicide bomber with explosives freely entered the stadium, which was packed to capacity with people.

The explosive device went off at 22.35 local time (00.35 Tuesday Moscow time) at the Manchester Arena stadium, when people were leaving after the end of the concert of American pop singer Ariana Grande. At the same time, the performer herself was not injured, but plans to interrupt her tour.

According to police, it was an improvised explosive device. It was placed in the foyer of the indoor stadium, in the ticket sales area.

How many people were affected?

According to the latest data, 22 people, including children. Ariana Grande is popular among young people, so the concert was mainly attended by minors and students, Reuters reported, citing police.

In addition, another 64 people were injured, whom the ambulance distributed to six city hospitals.

Is it known who committed the terrorist attack?

The terrorist organization "Islamic State" (IS, banned in the Russian Federation) took responsibility for the explosion at the Manchester Arena.

According to law enforcement agencies, the explosive device was detonated by a suicide bomber. On Wednesday, Greater Manchester Police Chief Ian Hopkins said the bomber was acting as part of a terrorist cell. Already on Thursday, law enforcement officials announced the arrest of eight people in connection with the terrorist attack.

The terrorist was 23 years old and his Salman Abedi. He recently returned from Libya, where his father was on the list of extremists.

According to media reports, the suicide bomber was undergoing basic military training in Syria.

How did British society react?

Manchester residents responded quickly to the tragedy. Thus, lost minors were placed in a hotel, and local taxi drivers took people home for free.

Prime Minister Theresa May interrupted her election campaign parliamentary elections. It was a terrible terrorist attack. Manchester Mayor Andrew Burnham tweeted that the night had been "horrible" for the city.

What is the current situation in Manchester?

Greater Manchester Police have urged residents and visitors to the city to avoid visiting its central area due to the work carried out by experts at and near the site of the terrorist attack.

Many of the city's main streets were cordoned off, and trains leaving and arriving from Victoria train station, which is adjacent to Manchester Arena, were almost completely stopped.

In the British capital, the terrorist threat level has been raised to critical.

What was the international reaction?

On Tuesday, British President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping offered condolences to the UK in connection with the terrorist attack.

US President Donald Trump also expressed condolences and stated the need to destroy the radical ideology of the Islamic State.

American singer Ariana Grande, at whose concert at the Manchester Arena there was a terrorist attack, said that she regrets what happened.

"Shattered. From the bottom of my heart, I'm so, so sorry. I have no words," Grande wrote on her Twitter account. social network Twitter.

Earlier, the singer's representative Joseph Carozu said that Grande was not injured.

There was a suspected terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena concert complex on Monday evening. According to police, 19 people were killed and about 50 were injured.

Manchester attack 2017: Manchester bombing suspect linked to al-Qaeda

The suspect in the Manchester stadium attack, Salman Abedi, was linked to the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda*. NBC reports this, citing a source in American intelligence agencies.

It is noted that Abedi was calculated by bank card found in his pocket. His identity was confirmed through facial recognition technology.

According to the source, the suspect “obviously had ties to al-Qaeda,” but his involvement in other groups cannot be ruled out.

Earlier it became known that Abedi could have undergone training in a jihadist camp in Libya and returned to the UK a few days before the attack.

An explosion at a stadium in Manchester during a concert by American singer Ariana Grande occurred on the evening of May 22. According to the latest data, 22 people were killed and about 120 injured as a result of the terrorist attack. British police suspect Salman Abedi to be the culprit.

Terrorist attack in Manchester 2017: A man was detained at London airport on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack

Counter-terrorism officers detained a 37-year-old man at London Stansted Airport on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks, Scotland Yard said in a statement.

Earlier, Prime Minister Theresa May announced that the level of terrorist threat in connection with the terrorist attack in Manchester was being raised from serious to critical. This means the possibility of involving the military in providing security.

"He was detained on suspicion of preparing terrorist attacks," London's Metropolitan Police said in a statement. It is noted that the detention is not related to the terrorist attack in Manchester.

The man was detained on the night of May 23 before boarding a plane to Turkey. The detention is related to his alleged trip to Syria. The suspect was taken to a police station in south London and detained under the Terrorism Act. Police are carrying out searches at two addresses in north London.

The terrorist attack in Manchester occurred on Monday evening during a concert by American singer Ariana Grande. The explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber. According to the latest data, 22 people were killed and about 120 were injured. In addition, several teenagers are considered missing. The terrorist group IS* claimed responsibility for the explosion.

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