Specific gravity of concrete: how much does a cube weigh, depending on the brand. How many kilograms of concrete are in a cube? How much does 1 cubic meter weigh?

Concrete is the main component of any repair and construction. Possessing high strength characteristics a priori, it was only slightly improved by using additives in concrete to obtain the necessary properties of hardness, durability, fire resistance, etc.

Concrete of various weights

The most common is heavy concrete. It is produced with crushed stone or gravel as filler. Almost everything reinforced concrete structures are made from it - floor slabs, monolithic columns, pillars, well rings, lintels and much more.

Lightweight concrete - pumice concrete, slag concrete, expanded clay concrete - is used in the construction of walls. Such concrete mixtures are used to make blocks, panels and other structures for partitions of industrial and residential buildings. Concrete elements are lightweight, making the entire building lighter.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete are particularly lightweight; their cellular structure suggests good thermal insulation properties. Possibility of application: when installing a heat-insulating layer, say, for insulating a facade.

Our company is engaged in the production and sale of heavy concrete. Thanks to innovative equipment we can produce concrete mixtures different brands(M 100 - M 500), with different ratios of concrete composition components.

How much does a cube of concrete weigh?

Specialists from the ProBeton company carried out experimental weighings to determine the weight of a cube of concrete of various grades. The results are shown in the table:

Concrete grade Specific gravity of 1m 3 concrete
Concrete M 100 2494 kg
Concrete M 200 2432 kg
Concrete M 250 2348 kg
Concrete M 300 2389 kg
Concrete M 350 2502 kg
Concrete M 400 2376 kg
Concrete M 500 2298 kg

From the research results we can conclude: the average specific weight of one cube of concrete is 2400 kg, which corresponds to the calculated indicators. Deviation from a given value can be attributed to the error of the experiment performed. This density indicates high strength products, their water resistance, frost resistance. Concrete of this density can be safely used for the construction of foundations in a wide variety of climatic zones.

Our company offers cooperation to those interested construction companies, production and industrial enterprises, private customers. In addition to guaranteed quality, we have individual approach to clients.

We deliver products without delays, on time. A fleet of concrete trucks makes it possible not to depend on third-party carriers. We are in complete control of the situation.

Our prices for a cube of concrete are lower than in most companies of a similar profile operating in the Moscow region. This is due to thoughtful pricing policy and competent management.

We are pleased to offer you the best at reasonable prices.

How much cement is needed per 1 cubic meter of concrete for a foundation? How many liters are in one cubic meter? 1m3=1000 liters or 1 liter = 0.001m3. How much cement, sand, crushed stone is in a cube of concrete? - Concrete mix traditionally consists of three components mixed with water - cement, sand and filler.

And their weight differences vary significantly. Conventional concrete mixed from the components - cement, sand, water and filler (gravel or crushed stone) will vary in weight from 1800 kg to 2500 kg, and it will depend on the volumetric weight of the filler. Filler (gravel or crushed stone) - 1200-1300 kilograms.

More sand and cement will be consumed if the filler is larger and less if it is smaller. Different brands of concrete weigh differently. There cannot be a definite answer here, since there are several types of concrete, the difference is in the brand of cement, filler, and additives.

1 m³ = 1000 dm³ = 1,000,000 cm³ = 1,000,000,000 mm³ = 1,000 liters ≈ 35.3 cubic feet ≈ 1.31 cubic yards ≈ 6.29 barrels. For heating cubic meter water from +1 to +100 degrees Celsius at standard atmospheric pressure requires about 100,000,000 calories (100,000 kCal = 100 MCal) or 116.299 kilowatt-hours.

In fact, during the year of its activities, the LLP removed 15,166 m3 (cubic meters) of solid waste (garbage). In any case, during the judicial review of the case (if you intend to appeal this act), you could demand a calculation formula and a legal basis for these calculations.

It is important for me to know whether there are GOSTs in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan on these issues. The weight of a cubic meter of solid waste depends on its density. There is such a draft state standard “METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE”. Is it possible to clearly answer this question and why are different units of measurement of the same building material used?

Only experienced builder, therefore, if you are not sure about the proportions, it is advisable to contact a specialist for help. If we're talking about about crushed stone packaged in bags (regular or colored), the unit of measurement will be kilograms.

And vice versa: the weight of a cubic meter of small crushed stone or granite screenings will be at least a hundred kilograms more. So, for example, a cubic meter of limestone crushed stone weighs about 1300 kg, gravel - 1600 kg. However, this knowledge is not enough to begin certain construction.

In addition, liters in our country have not become a generally accepted “production” and trading unit for measuring volume. One cubic meter, or in its abbreviated form - one cube, turned out to be a fairly convenient and popular unit of volume for practical use.

How much does a cubic meter of crushed stone weigh?

After all, their costs, prices, rates, consumption rates, tariffs, supply contracts are almost always tied to cubic meters (cubes), and much less often to liters. Site visitors, when asking how much 1 cube weighs, often indicate specific units of mass in which they would like to know the answer to the question. Density and specific gravity in physics are usually measured not in kg/m3 or tons/m3, but in grams per cubic centimeter: g/cm3. Debris density and specific gravity are given in Table 1 as additional information.

Amount of cement in 1 cube of concrete

Let's start with the fact that all units of measurement used on at the moment in physics, and in ordinary life, this is the result of centuries-old experimental decisions. As a result, in order not to get confused in all the pounds, miles, inches, it was decided to come to common measurement values.

Through simple reflection we come to the conclusion that 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. It should be noted that in the vast majority of countries these metrics are accepted as the main ones, sooner or later, but accepted.

Cubic Meter - means a unit of volume of dry Gas equal to one (1) cubic meter at a temperature of plus twenty degrees Celsius (20 C) and a pressure of one absolute atmosphere. How many cubic meters of acetylene and water are required to obtain 45 tons of 98% acetaldehyde using the Kucherov reaction.

Approximately 1.2 kilograms of air. This year my wife and I decided to move to permanent place residence in Vologda. Good afternoon. I have a dacha in the village and I already want to do new plaster there, but before I do it, I would like to read a little about it.

How to fit everything you need in the bathroom? How many bags will be needed?) This is a question for the builder. From right choice binder component mortar The cement content in one cubic meter depends on the practicality of concrete consumption.

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When calculating cement per cube of concrete, the weight of the dry composition is taken as the basis. The question of how many kilograms are in a cube of concrete is more relevant when preparing cost estimates and determining the type of transportation. How much cement is in a cube of concrete is a very individual calculation and requires the most serious approach. In one cubic meter of this type the mass is no more than 500 kg. There is a not entirely correct opinion that the greater the specific or volumetric weight of concrete, the higher its strength.

This building material It is used everywhere and is considered truly universal. It is used for the construction of foundations and floor slabs, screeds and plaster layers. But depending on the specifics of the work, it is often necessary to make certain calculations, and for this you need to know the weight of 1 m 3 of concrete.

This value is not constant, since this material is divided into several types. Their differences are not only in the proportions of “ingredients”, but also in the structure. But they are distinguished, first of all, by their specific gravity.

Particularly heavy

1 “cube” weighs between 2.5 and 3 tons. This figure depends mainly on the type of filler. These can be barite, hematite, metal scrap, magnesite and some others. Considering how much a cube of concrete weighs, it is clear that it is used infrequently, mainly in special construction (underground storage facilities, tunnels, etc.).


Traditionally used not only in civil and industrial construction, but also in the private sector. Due to its strength, such concrete is made various types foundations, floor and interfloor slabs, other load-bearing structural elements. Gravel and crushed stone of large fractions are used as backfill. The weight of 1 m3 ranges from 1.8 to 2.5 tons.


The fillers are either lightweight fractions (expanded clay, shell rock, tuff), or they are not used at all. The porosity of the structure is achieved artificially (cellular types - gas and foam concrete). The weight of 1 “cube” is in the range of 0.5 - 1.8 tons. This material is suitable for both partitions and other unloaded parts of the building. Often in low-rise construction for walls.

The total weight is directly dependent on the components. In particular, sand can be either fine, sifted, or coarse river sand. Therefore, it is correct to focus on the specific gravity of all ingredients.

The size of the fractions of solid components is also taken into account. It is clear that the smaller they are, the more densely they will fill the volume. But the use of large fractions involves the formation of voids, and the larger their size, the lighter the concrete will ultimately be. In addition, the various fillers used, which are introduced into the composition to improve certain properties of the final product, and the amount of added water also have an impact. By the way, change a few total weight maybe the quality of mixing of the composition. It also depends on whether the sand was initially wet or dry.

Knowing the proportion in which the various components are taken and their specific weight characteristics, it is not difficult to calculate the weight of 1 m3. At the same time exact result It won’t work, since it is impossible to measure all the components with “pharmaceutical” precision.

If for calculations you need to know the specific gravity of one m 3 of concrete, then experts advise focusing on the figure of 2,500 kg/m 3. This value is true for almost any structure and appears in many reporting documents.

You can give some more data on the specific gravity of common concretes (in kg/m3):

  • with coarse gravel – 2,400;
  • with volcanic fillers – from 800 to 1,600;
  • gas and foam concrete - from 300 to 1,000.

More extensive data is available in special tables, but they are used mainly by professionals.

basis modern construction Concrete is considered. This material has universal indicators of strength and reliability, and is also capable of taking all kinds of shapes. In the construction industry, it is necessary to know how much a cube of concrete weighs, because such information is required during the construction of buildings and structures, to calculate the loads on the foundation and soil layers.

What determines the weight of concrete?

The mass of the solution directly depends on the density. And the larger it is, the greater the mass. Knowing the information about one cube of mortar, the weight of the entire monolithic structure is determined, thereby calculating the costs of installing the foundation.

The weight of a cubic meter of concrete depends on several indicators:

  • Brand of cement mixture;
  • Type of fillers;
  • Amount of water used.

Filler material - important component mixture has a significant impact on its volumetric mass. The most common among them:

  • Expanded clay materials significantly reduce density (1 -1.5 t/m³);
  • Light solutions are made from slag (1.5 -1.7 t/m³);
  • Brick base (from 1.8 to 2 t/m³);
  • The heaviest materials are crushed stone and gravel (more than 2 t/m³).

The filler is selected depending on the qualities of the future building. If it is not large-sized, then lightweight materials can be used. Brand discrepancies in weight are related only to proportions components mixtures, the composition remains the same everywhere.

Classification of concrete by specific gravity

When starting any construction, the weight of concrete in 1 m³ is first calculated; this data gives an accurate idea of ​​the specifics and characteristics of the future structure. This parameter depends on the composition and amount of water in the solution. There is a classification, the main criterion of which is the specific density of concrete. In accordance with this division, four classes are distinguished:

  1. Particularly lightweight, heat insulating;
  2. Easy;
  3. Heavy;
  4. Particularly heavy.

Extra light

This product does not contain coarse filler. When the structure is formed, a significant amount of voids and pores are formed, up to 85 percent. Therefore, the specific gravity of the product is quite small (up to 500 kilograms). This type is not used in the construction of large objects, because it is not intended for operation under heavy loads. Used to create insulation boards. The particularly light type has poor frost resistance, so it should be isolated from the influence of an aggressive environment.


In the creation of this type, industrial waste, expanded clay, sand and porous materials are used. The presence of pores significantly reduces the specific gravity of the mixture. The weight of a cube of concrete ranges from 500 to 1800 kg. This type is used in the manufacture of block structures.


This type of mortar is most widely used in the construction industry. It is used in the manufacture load-bearing structures and large-sized structures. The mass of one cube of the mixture will be about two tons. It can vary depending on the proportions of sand and coarse filler, which is a brick base or crushed stone.

Particularly heavy

Used less frequently. They are not used in the construction of private buildings. They have high anti-radiation protection; shelters, bunkers, laboratories, and nuclear power plants are made on its basis. The specific gravity of 1 m³ of concrete is from 2500 to 3000 kilograms. Consists of high-quality cement and heavy aggregates of large fractions.

Separation by brand

How much 1 cube of concrete can weigh depends on the brand. Each type has its own proportions of components (cement, water, aggregates). The table shows the characteristics of popular markings.

For example, the specific gravity of M300 concrete is 2.5 tons. But mass is not an indicator of strength. Strength depends on the proportions and composition of internal components and materials. Knowing the exact proportions and having the necessary components, a mixture with any characteristics is formed.

Adding water lowers the grade, and thereby the density of the solution.

But in practice, experts more often use the concept of “volumetric weight”. This characteristic is variable and depends on the condition of the concrete.

Volumetric weight of concrete is a concept used in determining the mass of finished concrete structure, which will significantly shape the load on the foundation. It determines the mass of frozen material in a given volume. This figure can vary significantly depending on the filler used and porosity.

How to find out the weight of 1 m 3 of concrete?

There is a parameter indicating a specific type of concrete. It may depend on the following factors:

  • types of filler;
  • use of gas during solidification;
  • compaction of the mixture when pouring;
  • cement brands

The weight also depends on the type, which varies per cubic meter from 0.5 to 3 or more tons. There is no direct relationship between strength and weight of concrete. It is determined by the properties of the main components of the material and their percentage content.

The higher the specific gravity of the cube, the better the basic indicators finished products. Concrete high density It has good strength, moisture resistance and frost resistance. It is widely used for preparing foundations in any climatic conditions. It is an excellent basis for creating reliable road slabs that operate under intense loads.

In cases where, during construction work reinforcement strapping is used; to calculate the mass, the density of the material is increased by 3-10%. On average, this value can reach 2.5 t/m3.

Weight of 1 cube of concrete
Concrete grade Liquid (kg) Dry (kg)
M100 2366 2180
M150 2360 2181
M200 2362 2182
M300 2358 2183
M400 2350 2170
M500 2355 2180

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