Pond care. How to care for an artificial pond

Plants, snails, frogs and fish. It is important to know how to care for a pond at your dacha so that, as in the song from the famous film, it does not “become covered in brown mud.” Caring for a decorative pond, of course, differs in different seasons. In the spring, the main attention should be paid to thinning and activating plant growth, and in the fall it is important to properly prepare the pond for winter in order to protect it from freezing.

How to care for a pond at your dacha in spring and summer

In the spring, from March to May, it is necessary to free the reservoir from covering, which was done in the fall. Then you need to check and, if necessary, repair it. Caring for a garden pond during this period includes cleaning the bottom of the pond from silt and the walls from algae.

Plants growing in the coastal part need to be put in order (pruning old parts, straightening, etc.). At the same time, you can plant new crops and replant those that overwintered at home.

At the very beginning of spring, when aquatic plants have not yet had time to develop sufficiently, it is recommended to apply chemicals for cleaning water bodies - algaecides.

However, they can only be used as a last resort and used in small doses, since these products are dangerous for both plants and humans.

How to care for a pond during summer season? Summer (June to August) is the main time for pond operation, and therefore during this period more time and physical effort is required to care for the pond.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the growth of pond plants, thinning them as necessary. You can plant new plants and replant old ones that have grown greatly. We should not forget that nymphs and water lilies need feeding.

You also need to monitor the water level in the pond and add fresh water if necessary if the pond dries out quickly. You only need to add clean and settled water. If you cannot control the height of the water, for example, you have to for a long time If you don’t come to the dacha for any reason, and after arriving you discover that the pond has dried up, don’t despair. Usually aquatic plants artificial reservoir They tolerate short-term “drought” well. In this case, it will be enough just to pour fresh water into the pond, and the plants will quickly move away and produce new green shoots.

In the summer, when caring for a pond at your dacha, it is important to regulate the growth of algae. It is necessary to regularly clear the pond of excess algae using a rake or manually. Algae removed from a pond should be carefully checked for the presence of snails, because they are important for an artificial reservoir and if they are found on the removed plant, the animals should be returned back to the reservoir.

In general, the natural balance of a reservoir is formed quite quickly, and to maintain it, it is only necessary to regularly remove wind-blown debris and fallen leaves so that this mass does not settle at the bottom and begin to decompose.

Remember that caring for a pond at your dacha with your own hands is a big responsibility. In summer main problem For reservoirs, their blossoming occurs. It is caused by the active reproduction of protozoan algae. This phenomenon is usually observed in small shallow reservoirs, since the water in them quickly warms up under the influence of sunlight.

How to maintain a pond to protect it from algal blooms? Natural protection For such reservoirs, aquatic plants with large floating leaves (water lilies and egg capsules), as well as crops that fill the pond water with oxygen (Elodea canadensis, hornwort, mireweed) can be used. Water blooms are caused by algae, unicellular or filamentous, which in hard tap water have both nutrition and bright light in abundance. sunlight, and warmth.

To protect the reservoir from flowering, it is necessary to use it in its design. natural stones and cleansing plants. Otherwise, you will have to periodically drain the water, replacing it with a new one, after completely cleaning the bowl.

When caring for an artificial pond large size you will have to use special chemicals, although some experts recommend being patient and waiting until biological equilibrium is established in the pond.

You can speed up this process by introducing several snails into the pond, which perfectly purify the water. You can also note planting plants with floating leaves in the pond, which deprive the algae of food and light. And to acidify the water, you need to use special peat tablets or bags of peat, hanging them in it.

When caring for a pond on your site in the fall (from September to November), you need to carefully monitor the plants and remove dead ones in a timely manner. Some pond crops must be removed from the pond to a warm room for the winter.

They need to be dug up and transplanted into pots or tubs before the first frost. At this time, all equipment located in the pond should be removed. The bottom of the reservoir must be cleaned, removing bottom debris. You can use a bottom pump for this. Before the leaves begin to fall, you will need to stretch a fine mesh net over the pond to prevent fallen leaves and other debris from falling into it.

During frosts, the main danger to aquatic flora and fauna is ice. If a reservoir is covered with a stable ice shell, then within a day this will lead to the accumulation of toxic gases in the water, which will be formed as a result of the decomposition of vegetation residues. And if there are fish in the reservoir, then this phenomenon will cause their partial or complete death.

How to maintain a pond in winter to protect its inhabitants? It is important to ensure that part of the pond is always free of ice. For this the best option will use a special small heater. You cannot break the ice using force - impacts on the ice layer can stun and even kill the fish. If the reservoir is deep enough, you can use a pump to supply warm water from depth to the water surface.

This measure will protect the reservoir from ice formation. As a last resort, if all the previously described methods are not available, you can arrange it in an ice shell exhaust vent- wormwood. To do this, place a pan of boiling water on ice. The main thing is not to forget to remove it after the hole has formed.

A pond near the house creates special comfort and tranquility. It's nice to sit by the water with a cup of your favorite drink and watch the fish. But you also have to work hard for such pleasure. Caring for a pond is not a difficult task, but you still have to follow some rules. There is no need to neglect them, because by properly caring for your mini-lake, you can maintain its transparency for a long time and avoid blockages.

Each season dictates its own rules for caring for a garden pond. But it's important to remember that environment may make its own amendments. If, for example, a poplar grows near your pond, then at the beginning of summer you need to think about how to protect water surface from clogging with fluff.

Pond care in spring

In March, it is necessary to clear the bottom of the pond of silt. You can use an electric suction pump for this. If the reservoir is small, then a mechanical model is also suitable. Any model of silt sucker should be used with caution, especially if there are newt larvae or tadpoles living in the pond. The film on the bottom needs to be checked for damage; if there is any, seal it to avoid water leakage.

Growing around the water ornamental plants cut to a height of 15-20 cm, but this must be done so as not to damage the young growth. Overgrown shrubs need to be divided, this increases the density of their flowering in the summer. When the weather forecast does not threaten frosts, then it’s time to plant them near the shores of the pond. annual plants.

Around mid-April, you need to turn on filters that will work 24 hours a day. At the same time, the fountains are launched and the first water analysis is done using a special tester.

Summer pond care

The main summer equipment is a net. It’s better to get two: one should be with a fine mesh, and the other with a large mesh. Small ones need to collect flower pollen floating on the surface of the water, and large ones need to collect fallen leaves, petals and filamentous algae. Do not rush to dispose of the collected plant material, it can become an excellent fertilizer for garden flowers and for vegetables.

Water lilies and irises growing in water need constant feeding with minerals; for this purpose, special long-acting fertilizers are used. You also need to make sure that the bushes do not grow too much. The rhizomes of old water lilies must be cut with sharp pruning shears so that several sprouts remain on each part. At first, young plants should be planted in shallow water, preferably in baskets, as this will make it easier to transfer them to another place.

Starting in June, you can plant tropical plants - water lettuce, eichornia and lotuses. And for all this to look aesthetically pleasing, the shore of the reservoir must be regularly cleared of weeds and tree growth. The latter are generally a threat to decorative pond, as they can sprout in an unnecessary place and damage the bottom of the reservoir. Therefore, trees such as cherry, poplar and acacia should not be around the pond within a radius of ten meters. If you were careless to plant any of these nearby, then next fall, start replanting the trees in a more suitable places.

It is very important not to forget to monitor water quality throughout the summer.

Pond care in autumn

The golden season usually brings more work around the pond. If Indian summer is in full swing in September, then cleaning the ponds is limited to the same collection of fallen leaves and cobwebs from the water surface, but much more often. Fallen leaves and other debris should not be allowed to sink to the bottom of the pond. If for some reason you cannot pay attention to your lake, cover it with a special net, but periodically check that animals do not get into it.

Dead parts of plants must be trimmed, and overgrown bushes must be thinned out. Annual flowers are disposed of as they dry. Underwater vegetation is trimmed. tropical plants taken out of the pond and placed in containers with water. The room where they will winter should be bright and frost-free.

If there are fish in the pond, then you need to stop feeding them when the water temperature drops to 9 degrees. It turns out they don't eat in winter.

Winter pond care

If reeds grow in the pond, there is no need to remove them; leave at least some of them until spring, they will protect the water surface from freezing.

Non-frost-resistant pumps and filters must be removed. Pay attention to their storage until spring, study the instructions for them in advance; perhaps some parts need to be stored in a container with water.

Drain all pipes and hoses. Before frost, it is advisable to turn on the deicer; it will ensure gas exchange and prevent the pond from freezing completely. But if ice has already covered the surface of the reservoir, then it cannot be broken. This can be dangerous for both plant roots and fish. It is better to place a pan with hot water and thus make a hole.

At above-zero temperatures, cover the pond with a net so that the bottom is less clogged.

It happens that while caring for a pond in accordance with all the instructions, you observe cloudy water in it or too lush vegetation. There is no need to sound the alarm, all these minor troubles can be easily resolved. The main thing is to be aware in time.

  • How to avoid the appearance of foam on the water and what to do if it has already appeared?

Foam on the surface of the water appears as a result of increased protein concentration in the pond. This is most often caused by pollen falling from flowers. In this case, the water must be replaced, but not all, but about 30%. It is also advisable to do a water hardness test. To prevent the problem, you can use special liquid against foaming.

  • What to do if the water level in the pond drops?

First of all, check the bottom for damage. If the film has holes, then it is necessary to seal them and remove roots and stones, which often cause leaks. If the film is intact, most likely the water evaporates due to the heat. In this case, you just need to pump up the water during hot days, which can be done using a pump.

  • How to clear cloudy water?

The water in the pond may become cloudy due to overgrown algae, which urgently needs to be thinned out. Also, the reason may be a large number of fish, which stir up the silt at the bottom. In such reservoirs, it is recommended to install special filters to prevent cloudiness of the water. There is another one folk method Make your pond clear by breeding crayfish in it. These creatures do not need additional feeding. They eat algae, leftover fish food, fallen leaves and are orderlies of the underwater environment. Just to make the crayfish feel comfortable, it is necessary to build additional caves for them from stones near the shores of the pond.

Now, having necessary knowledge, you can take care of your pond yourself. May it always be clean and transparent.

Having your own pond on your property is the dream of many landowners. However, only after its implementation many people realize for the first time that caring for a pond is a rather labor-intensive procedure. He needs attention all year round, otherwise it will quickly become dirty, become unattractive and emit bad smell. If we are talking about a reservoir in which fish are stocked and aquatic plants are planted, then it requires twice as much attention. For those who are preparing to create a pond on their site, it is worth talking about the main troubles that they will have to face.

Video guide to pond care

How to care for a pond in summer

So, water is released into the reservoir, fish are stocked, and algae are planted. Now this water kingdom needs care. Fish should be fed regularly, avoiding overfeeding. Vegetation is periodically thinned out or replanted.

As for the water level, on particularly hot days it often declines. This phenomenon is caused by natural evaporation. If the water has dropped three to five centimeters, then this is considered a normal level. However, with stronger evaporation, the reservoir needs to be replenished. You can perform the procedure directly from the hose, but it is important to be careful. Because if the water is flowing from the well, then it can be too cold. The inhabitants of the pond react painfully to such temperature changes.

If water lilies grow in a pond, then there is no need to direct the stream to where they are located. Due to the rapid movement of water and the ingress of drops, they will not be able to please you with their flowering.

Beautiful pond on the site - this is the result of a lot of work

By the way, too sharp a drop in water level is sometimes explained by the formation of a leak. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the bottom.

Another nuance of summer maintenance of reservoirs. Often heavy rainfalls wash away layers of fertile soil into the pond, causing the water to begin to bloom. Good drainage will help prevent this phenomenon. Sometimes it needs to be adjusted if the pond does bloom.

If the pond becomes shallow too quickly, then it is necessary to examine its bottom for leaks.

Autumn “surprises” for pond owners

The biggest troubles await you on autumn days. It's about about such a beautiful phenomenon as leaf fall. Now we have to look at it from a different perspective. Day after day, numerous leaves fall into the pond water and should be removed immediately. If they sink to the bottom, they will decompose there, poisoning the water with decay products. This will not only give it a specific smell, but will also harm waterfowl and aquatic plants.

The most dangerous neighborhood in this matter is the willow tree located near the pond. Its foliage is most harmful during decomposition. Fortunately, there are convenient and effective protective nets on the market that stretch over bodies of water. Leaves fall directly on them, without causing any trouble to pond owners.

In autumn, wilting adds to the hassle aquatic plants. They must be removed, including hard to reach places. Special underwater pruners are designed for this purpose.

On warm autumn days, you can start replanting algae, and before the onset of winter, species that are not resistant to frost are hidden indoors. All stems that protrude above the surface of the water are cut off. Otherwise, pests may settle in them in winter.

Some may think that the leaves in the pond are very beautiful, but for its inhabitants such beauty is very dangerous

We must not forget that electrical appliances must be removed from water bodies. This is also done in the fall. Immediately before the onset of frost, heaters are lowered into the pond so that the ice hole does not freeze.

What work is needed in winter

Depending on the volume of the reservoir, its inhabitants can be left in their original habitat or relocated. For example, they can spend the winter well in a large pond if you take care of their safety.

Before water freezes, it is well saturated with oxygen. But if rotting plants and other decomposing sediments remain at the bottom, then swamp gas will be released from them. It can kill all the fish. Therefore, as a warning dangerous situation There must be a hole in the pond. Harmful gas will escape through it and oxygen will enter.

If the reservoir bowl is made of concrete, then ice pressure can destroy it. When the walls are sloping, this risk is less. But still, integrity can only be guaranteed by complete drainage of water.

The polynya in winter will provide oxygen to fish and vegetation.

  • leave a board in the water;
  • the foam blocks are fixed vertically in different places;
  • Place plastic cans or bottles in the pond.

Such objects will compensate for the pressure, preventing it from exerting too much force on the concrete walls.

Spring is a period of prosperity and troubles

After the snow melts, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the pond, because waste products of its inhabitants collect at the bottom. The most the best option There will be a temporary transplantation of plants into a temporary reservoir, and fish should be caught and placed in some kind of reservoir. And then you can drain the water, clean the pond well, and if damage is found after winter, it will be easy to repair it.

After winter, plants and fish are quite weakened. As the air temperature rises to +8-10 degrees, waterfowl can add protein foods to their diet. Algae will also grow more actively if you feed it with special fertilizers. It wouldn’t hurt to look at the fish, as some of them might have gotten sick over the winter. To prevent the spread of infection, such specimens should be identified and isolated.

Feeding fish will give them strength after winter weakening

How to clean a pond

This procedure should be carried out on average twice a year. But everything depends on specific conditions. Pond cleaning is done in several ways:

  • mechanical cleaning - performed with tongs and scissors, nets and supplemented with special filters;
  • chemical purification - performed by adding special preparations to water. They restore the acidity of water, remove ammonia and harmful metals from it, and saturate it with oxygen;
  • exposure to ultraviolet lamps - microalgae, bacteria and viruses die from such irradiation;
  • The traditional method is to place a bag of peat in the water.

When cleaning a pond, sediments at the bottom are removed and dead parts of vegetation are trimmed.

Periodically, the reservoir needs a complete renewal of water. But it is not necessary to completely empty it, and it is even harmful for the inhabitants. As a rule, about 15% of the volume is changed at a time.

Finally, if the pond has large sizes and there is no need to drain it for the winter, then once every three years it is still necessary to empty the bed of water. This must be done to completely clean the water bowl. Following these recommendations, the pond will delight you with the purity of its waters, beautiful vegetation and healthy inhabitants.

If you have built on your summer cottage hydraulic structure, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a pond, a pool or a fountain, it is necessary to take care of the structure, otherwise it will lose its attractiveness in a matter of weeks appearance and will be overgrown with algae. Next we will talk about how to care for a pond in the garden with your own hands.

Caring for a pond in the garden is a fairly simple and not labor-intensive task. If you do not take care of your garden pond, then after a while it will become overgrown with algae, the water will begin to “bloom” and all the fish (if any) will die.

Caring for a pond in the garden includes several basic activities:

  • Mechanical cleaning of a pond using a dustpan and a garden rake
  • Chemical pond cleaning
  • Enrichment of water with oxygen
  • Water filtration
  • Arrangement of a garden pond moisture-loving plants
  • Population of a pond with snails
  • Creating pond lighting (for safety purposes and as a decorative element)

Now we will consider all the components of caring for a pond in the garden with our own hands, or rather the purpose and essence of the above activities.

By using mechanical cleaning When cleaning a pond, fallen leaves and, if necessary, overgrown plants that deteriorate the appearance of the garden pond are removed from the pond.

Chemical cleaning pond represents the use peat tablets, which inhibit the growth of algae.

In order to enrich water with oxygen It is recommended to use special compressors. Oxygen-saturated water improves the life activity of the inhabitants of the pond, if it...

It is also necessary additionally purify water using filters. To do this, it is recommended to use submersible filters that automatically distill water and purify it (usually this process takes no more than 4 hours). When purchasing a pump, you must select a unit that will have sufficient performance to operate in a pond of a certain size.

Definitely recommended plant moisture-loving plants in the pond itself and along its borders. They will not only give the garden pond a decorative appearance, but will also independently establish biological balance. To prevent the pond from becoming overgrown with algae, it is enough to plant several plant seedlings (2-3 pieces) on a pond area of ​​1 m2. You should also make sure that the plants do not grow too intensively throughout the pond, otherwise the biological balance will be disrupted. To control plant growth, it is recommended to place seedlings in special baskets. We draw your attention to the fact that the bottom of the garden pond should not consist of black soil, but of a mixture of loam and sand. The most suitable moisture-loving plants for a pond are burrs, reeds and lake reeds.

Population of a pond with snails It is also one of the main activities for caring for a pond in the garden. These tiny inhabitants of the pond will ensure round-the-clock cleaning of the pond from algae.

Regarding pond illumination, this event is not particularly important, but it is still recommended to use it in order to illuminate the pond at night. This will give landscape design The area will have a more luxurious look and will provide a safe rest at night. It is recommended to use them as pond illumination; they are not only easy to install/dismantle, but also significantly save energy consumption. It is recommended to install the lamps along the contour of the reservoir and leading to it. You can also use lamps with LED and halogen lamps, which are more durable and illuminate the area more efficiently.

That's all the technology for caring for a pond in the garden. Of course, pond care is different from and simpler, but still some elements of care will need to be taken care of

The question arises of how to maintain the ecosystem unchanged. To ensure that the reservoir always looks clean and tidy, it does not have unpleasant odor and please the owners, it is necessary to follow simple rules for caring for the pond at the dacha. For convenience, we offer a work schedule:

Caring for a pond at your dacha in the spring.

It involves cleaning the bottom. It is not necessary to remove all the sludge; crustaceans and tadpoles can live in it, but most of it needs to be removed. There are electric sludge pumps for this, but if the pond is small, you can clean the pond manually.

Then you need to check the integrity of the film that covers the bottom of the pond. Damage that needs to be repaired can be sealed. If the film is severely damaged, it will have to be replaced.

The next step is to inspect the plants inhabiting artificial reservoirs. For perennials, you need to remove old leaves and trim the trunks to a height of about 15 cm, without damaging the young shoots. Pruning will also affect aquatic plants, such as narrow-leaved cattail. If necessary, it is worth planting new flowers and ornamental grasses. If perennials did not bloom well last year, they need to be moved to a new location or thinned out. When the weather becomes steadily warm, you can check and. In the spring, a water analysis is required. For express analysis, you can purchase a tester that will reflect the main parameters - pH level, amount of nitrogen and oxygen, water hardness.

Summer pond care.

In summer pond care at the dacha consists of regular cleaning of leaves, debris, filamentous algae and duckweed. Algae, like sludge, are good to use as fertilizers for vegetable crops. If pollen appears on the surface of the water, it must also be removed. This is easy to do with a net.

Around the reservoir it is necessary to regularly remove tree growth and weeds. , bordering the pond, can be watered with any weed-killing agent. , such as water lilies and marsh irises, must be fed with fertilizers. It is best to use prolonged (long-term) action products.

In summer you can propagate water lilies. On old plants, a root cut is made above the second bud. The removed part is transplanted into shallow water for rooting. In June, heat-loving plants are planted - lotus, eichornia (water hyacinth), etc. In the summer, the reservoir will need periodic .

Autumn care.

In the fall, the pond at the dacha must be prepared for winter. To do this, carefully remove all tropical plants from the reservoir and arrange them for the winter in a cool but frost-free room. They will overwinter in small containers with water. Clear the pond of all unnecessary plants, as well as thin out those that have grown too large. Be sure to remove all leaves that have fallen from the trees so that they do not settle to the bottom and begin to rot. To do this, you can use a net or net.

Water is drained from pipes, hoses, pumps and all removable equipment (filters, pumps) is disconnected. They need to be cleaned, wiped dry and stored in a dry room until spring. The exception is pumping equipment that is stored in water - for this it is necessary to prepare containers of the appropriate volume in advance. Autumn garden pond care this ends here.

Winter care.

In the cold season, at the first frost, a de-icer should be turned on to care for the pond at the dacha. It will prevent the pond from freezing through. If you missed the first frost and the pond is already covered with a crust of ice, make a hole in it. The hole is made using boiling water, since impacts can harm sleeping fish.

Reeds and other plants with hollow stems protect the pond from freezing, so there is no need to remove them.

Frequently asked questions about caring for a pond at your dacha.

1. Excessively overgrown algae.

Cause: too much nutrients or the pH level has exceeded the standard value.

Elimination : The pond needs cleaning. Remove dead plants and leaves more often, reduce the dose of fish food, and stop fertilizing the plants. You can also plant marsh plants, which will absorb the lion's share of the nutrients dissolved in the water. You can also use a special water filter.

2. The pH level and water hardness are not normal.

The normal pH for a pond is between 6.8 and 7.5. Water hardness should be no more than 7 mg equiv/dm3.

Remedy: There are special preparations that adjust the pH in both directions. If the water hardness is high, then it is best to replace part of the water with rainwater (but only with filtered water). Don't be alarmed if after this procedure the water becomes cloudier than it was. A few days will pass and it will become transparent.

3. Water lilies grow too much.

Cause: incorrect landing. There are water lilies large varieties, and there are dwarf ones. Large ones should be planted in deep water, while dwarf ones should be planted only in shallow water. If done the other way around, then the large ones in shallow water will grow too much and fill the entire space, while the dwarf ones simply will not survive in the depths. Remedy: replant water lilies according to their variety.

4. Water lily leaves are damaged.

Cause: leaf beetles or aquatic moth. In the first case, long passages remain on the leaves, in the second, rounded grooves appear at the ends of the leaves. Remedy: remove damaged leaves and egg clutches, also remove caterpillars (they hide on the back of the leaves).

5. Foam forms on the surface, despite the fact that the reservoir is cared for in a timely manner.

Cause: the most likely possibility is that a lot of plant pollen got into the water.

Remedy: remove the foam, try to remove the pollen along with it and replace part of the water in the pond (about 20%). Second option: special anti-foam agents. Also check the water hardness, as low levels promote foaming.

6. The water level is falling.

Cause: if this is not natural evaporation, but a sharp drop in level, then the reason is damage to the film covering the bottom of the pond. It is possible that the damage is caused by the growth of a plant.

Remedy: We look for the place of damage, remove the object or plant that is responsible for the destruction and cover it with film. Repair kits for such work are sold.

7. The pond is overgrown and ugly.

Cause: insufficient care of the reservoir. The plants were not thinned out in a timely manner, the silt was not removed, and dead plants were not removed.

Remedy: Remove leaves, pollen and debris from the pond during the summer, and give it a thorough clean in the fall. Remove all excess plants, silt and dirt. If there are plants that are prone to overgrowth, plant them in old baskets and sink them to the bottom along with the baskets.

11. There is too much duckweed in the pond.

Cause: duckweed is amazing plant fresh water bodies, which grows very quickly.

Remedy: Duckweed must be removed regularly as it interferes with the growth of ornamental aquatic plants. Duckweed – good source vitamins and microelements, so it can be added to pet food or mulch the soil around fruit trees and bushes.

12. The water in the pond becomes cloudy.

Cause: in a new, newly equipped pond, muddy water- This is fine. In a few days it will become transparent. Turbidity in the water in an old pond is caused by a large amount of algae, increased discharge from fish, and food residues.

Remedy: cleaning the reservoir - check the pH level, the operation and cleanliness of the filters, do not overfeed the fish.

13. Is it possible to breed in country pond crayfish?

It is possible, but only if the pond is at least 5 m2. They do not need to be fed, they will feed themselves, and will also help clean the pond. To feel good, they only need to put stones or pieces of ceramic pipes in the water - this will become a shelter for crayfish.

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