Lesson my safe route to school. Safe way to school dangers that you may encounter on the way to school - document

Class hour

"Safe way from school to home and back"

Developed by:

Korolenko T.N.

primary school teacher


Development class hour.

Class: 2 B

The topic is “Safe way from school to home and back.”

Target: to form the ideas of younger schoolchildren about safety traffic.


1) Repeat the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street and road,

2) Learn to choose the safest route from school home and back, learn to develop a route,

3)Development of the ability to work in pairs, development of attention.

Forms of work : conversation, pair work, practical work.

Equipment : multimedia projector, posters “Road Signs”, audio recording “Down the Street, Down the Street” music by T. Shutenko, words by G. Boyko, cards with diagrams for working in pairs.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Motivational moment. Formulating the topic of the lesson.

Look at each other, smile, wish successful work to yourself, your neighbor, and the whole class.

What do we need to be successful in class?

Show by your stance that you are ready to work.

Guys, watch the video and try to formulate the topic of our class hour.

(video “Safe way to school”

http://videoscope.cc/147998-bezopasnyj-put-v-shkolu.html )

What do you think is the topic of our lesson?

Yes, you are right, the theme of our class hour is “Safe way from school to home and back.”

Which learning objectives will you pose for yourself, knowing the topic of the lesson?

Based on the words - helpers, voice them.

(On the slide:

Repeat the rules......

learn to choose......

find out about......)

(Possible answers appear on the slide, which the teacher summarizes

repeat the rules for crossing the road,

learn to choose a safe route from school to home and back)

learn how to make your journey safe...)

II.Work on the topic of the lesson.

How do you understand the meaning of the word - safe?

How else can you say it?

(Prudent, careful, leisurely.)

To find a safe way to school, what do you think you need to know?

That's right, you need to be well oriented on the road, know the rules of the road and avoid danger.

What helpers on the streets of our village help us cross the road with less danger? (pedestrian path, no traffic lights in the village)

Tell us how to properly cross a pedestrian path?

What traffic signs do you see on the way to school? Show them on a poster. What are they talking about"?

Let's play the game "Road Sign"

With the answer, you must also answer where on the way to school you encounter this sign.

I'll get off the bike

If I see this sign,

And I'll walk like a pedestrian

Along with him on the transition

(bicycles are prohibited)

What kind of sign is this? A pedestrian

It has a line crossed out.

What does this mean?

Maybe they are being offended here?

(No Pedestrians)

The highway rustled with tires,

Running cars

But near the school, slow down the gas -

Hanging, drivers, for you

Special sign here "Children"

We are all responsible for them.

And you too at this sign,

Guys, be careful! (children)

Guys, look at the diagram of our village. (slide map-scheme With. Abatskoye)

Tell us about the features of the location of our school?

(entrance is possible from Lenin Street and Sovetskaya Street along footpath, the presence of sidewalks, the place is lit, the traffic is quite intense)

Which streets do you need to cross? Is it easy to do? Why?

Everyone has their own road to school, so familiar, with eyes closed you can walk on it! But it turns out that it is not always safe. Now you have become an adult and your parents have entrusted you to follow it independently.

But remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them to avoid danger.

How should you go to always be safe?

(we walk along the sidewalk, keeping to the right, cross the road along the pedestrian path.._)

Also, guys, I would like to remind you that you cannot call anyone across the road: neither relatives, nor friends, nor acquaintances. This is not only indecent, but can be dangerous, as it encourages you to cross the road, forgetting the rules of the road. If there is no sidewalk, we walk towards the moving traffic. We avoid deserted and poorly lit places along the road. Those traveling home by bus must also follow the rules safe behavior at the stop, when getting off the bus.

Name these rules.


Now you will listen to a song about traffic rules and at the same time do what it is sung about - walk along the sidewalk, cross the street.

(The song “On the street, on the street” is played, music by T. Shutenko, lyrics by G. Boyko.)

Repetition of traffic rules.

- Guys, what is the name of this fairy-tale man?

(on the Buratino slide)

- Pinocchio is getting ready for school. But so that nothing happens to him on the way to school, let's help him. As soon as you hear that Pinocchio is doing something wrong, you immediately clap your hands, i.e., warn.

- So, Pinocchio took the ABC and went to school. All the people were walking along the sidewalk, and the fairy-tale man too. But here's the road. There are still three huge steps to the car, and Buratino decided that he would have time to run across.

(Children clap their hands)

- Guys, why are you warning Pinocchio?

(You cannot cross the road in front of nearby traffic)

– Pinocchio let the cars pass and crossed the road. There was still a lot of time before the start of school, because Pinocchio left the house early. Then he decided to read all the signs that came his way.

- Boy, be careful! Don't count the crows. Walk the right way, said passers-by.

(Children clap)

(You have to walk along the sidewalk right side so as not to disturb people who are coming towards you)

– While Pinocchio was reading the signs, there was little time left before the start of classes.

“We must hurry,” the wooden boy decided.

And there is another road ahead. The traffic light blinked its red eye welcomingly to everyone.

“I’ll cross the road,” Buratino decided. After all, there are no cars.

(Children clap their hands)

(Pinocchio wanted to cross the road at a red traffic light. But you can’t cross like that, even if there are no cars. You have to wait until the light turns green)

- But then the traffic light turned green. All pedestrians, including Buratino, crossed the road. And here comes the school!

- Guys, you helped Pinocchio get to school safely. But something bad could happen. What rules did you want to break? fairy tale hero?

(Cross the street in front of nearby traffic, cross the street at a red traffic light, walk on the sidewalk on the wrong side and interfere with oncoming pedestrians)

– What advice would you give to children like Buratino?

(Learn traffic rules)

Work in pairs.

Students are given schematic representations of situations. Children complete tasks in pairs, remembering traffic rules.

(working with diagrams. The diagrams are presented below)

Street safety rules.

The right way to school.

Slide check (a slide with a diagram opens, children compare)

Clap your hands for those who completed the task correctly. Explain why this path is correct and safe?

  1. Practical work.

1. Drawing up a diagram of a safe path.

We have reviewed the traffic rules and now, using the diagram map, try to develop a safe route from school to home. Let's agree on dangerous places - mark them in red and mark them in green possible way.

Don't forget to mark pedestrian crossings, road signs. Children who use the bus on the way to school must mark the route from the stop on the map.

(Children do it on a piece of paper in a box, the teacher helps)

Who would like to tell us about the route according to their scheme.

2.Practical lesson on the street.

Near our school there is a road along the street. Lenin. Who crosses it every day on their way to school? How do you do this? (children explain)

What signs did you see there?

Now we will go out onto this street, take a closer look at these signs and repeat the rules for crossing the road. We follow the rules of movement in the group, the rules of behavior.

Practical part.

Children and their teacher watch passers-by crossing the streets; if there are violations, we find out what they can lead to.

IY.Total. Lesson reflection.

(continued in class)

Why, guys, did we learn to plan our route from home to school today, how will this be useful to us?

Can I use the developed route when moving from home to school? Why?

If you have completed the learning tasks set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson, raise your yellow pencil. Those who encounter difficulties are given a blue pencil.

(we find out the reasons for the difficulties, a slide with tasks on the screen)

Our lesson is over. Thanks to all.

Schemes for working in pairs


    To form the ideas of younger schoolchildren about road safety.


1) Form ideas about the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street and road.

2) Learn to choose the safest route from school to home and back, learn to develop a route.

3) Develop the ability to work in pairs, develop attention.

Forms of work: conversation, pair work, practical work.

Equipment: multimedia projector, “Road Signs” posters, audio recording “Down the Street, Down the Street” music by T. Shutenko, words by G. Boyko, cards with diagrams for working in pairs.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time. Formulating the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Look at each other, smile, wish successful work to yourself, your neighbor, and the whole class.

Teacher: Guys, watch the video and try to formulate the topic of our class hour.

(video “Safe way to school”).

Teacher: What do you think is the topic of our conversation?

Teacher: Yes, you are right, our topic is “Safe way from school to home and back.”

Teacher: What learning tasks will you set for yourself, knowing the topic of the lesson?

Based on the words - helpers, voice them.

(On the slide:

repeat the rules......

learn to choose......

find out about......)

(Possible answers appear on the slide, which the teacher summarizes

repeat the rules for crossing the road,

learn to choose a safe route from school to home and back)

learn how to make your journey safe...)

II .Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of the word - safe?

Teacher: How can I say it differently?

(Prudent, careful, leisurely.)

Teacher: To find a safe way to school, what do you think you need to know?

Teacher: That's right, you need to be well oriented on the road, know the rules of the road and avoid danger.

Teacher: What helpers on the streets of our city help you cross the road with less danger? (pedestrian path, traffic lights).

Teacher: Tell me how to cross the pedestrian path correctly?

Teacher: What traffic signs do you see on the way to school? Show them on a poster. What are they talking about"?

Let's play the game "Road Sign".

With the answer, you must also answer where on the way to school you encounter this sign.

I'll get off the bike

If I see this sign,

And I'll walk like a pedestrian

Along with him on the transition

(bicycles are prohibited)

What kind of sign is this? A pedestrian

It has a line crossed out.

What does this mean?

Maybe they are being offended here?

(No Pedestrians)

The highway rustled with tires,

Running cars

But near the school, slow down the gas -

Hanging, drivers, for you

A special sign here is “Children”

We are all responsible for them.

And you too at this sign,

Guys, be careful! (children)

Teacher: Guys, look at the diagram of our city (slide map - diagram of the city of Nizhnevartovsk).

Teacher: Tell us about the features of the location of our school?

(entrance is possible from 60 Let Oktyabrya Street along a pedestrian path, there are sidewalks, the place is lit, the traffic is quite intense).

Teacher: Which streets do you need to cross? Is it easy to do? Why?

Everyone has their own road to school, it’s so familiar, you can walk along it with your eyes closed! But it turns out that it is not always safe. Now you have become an adult and your parents have entrusted you to follow it independently.

But remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them to avoid danger.

Teacher: How should you go to always be safe?

(we walk along the sidewalk, sticking to the right side, cross the road along the pedestrian path).

Teacher: Also, guys, I would like to remind you that you cannot call anyone across the road: neither relatives, nor friends, nor acquaintances. This is not only indecent, but can be dangerous, as it encourages you to cross the road, forgetting the rules of the road. If there is no sidewalk, we walk towards the moving traffic. We avoid deserted and poorly lit places along the road. Those who go home by bus must also follow the rules of safe behavior at the stop and when getting off the bus. Name these rules.


Teacher: Now you will listen to a song about traffic rules and at the same time do what is sung in it - walk along the sidewalk, cross the street.

(The song “On the street, on the street” is played, music by T. Shutenko, lyrics by G. Boyko.)

Repetition of traffic rules.

Teacher: Guys, what is the name of this fairy-tale little man? (on Buratino's slide).

Teacher: Pinocchio is getting ready for school. But so that nothing happens to him on the way to school, let's help him. As soon as you hear that Pinocchio is doing something wrong, you immediately clap your hands, i.e., warn.

Teacher: So, Pinocchio took the ABC and went to school. All the people were walking along the sidewalk, and the fairy-tale man too. But here's the road. There are still three huge steps to the car, and Buratino decided that he would have time to run across. (Children clap their hands).

Teacher: Guys, why are you warning Pinocchio? (You cannot cross the road in front of nearby vehicles.)

Teacher: Pinocchio let the cars pass and crossed the road. There was still a lot of time before the start of school, because Pinocchio left the house early. Then he decided to read all the signs that came his way.

Teacher: Boy, be careful! Don't count the crows. Walk the right way, said passers-by. (Children clap).

(You should walk on the right side of the sidewalk so as not to interfere with people walking towards you).

Teacher: While Pinocchio was reading the signs, there was little time left before the start of classes.

“We must hurry,” the wooden boy decided.

And there is another road ahead. The traffic light blinked its red eye welcomingly to everyone.

“I’ll cross the road,” Buratino decided. After all, there are no cars. (Children clap their hands).

(Pinocchio wanted to cross the road at a red traffic light. But you can’t cross like that, even if there are no cars. You have to wait until the light turns green).

Teacher: But then the traffic light turned green. All pedestrians, including Buratino, crossed the road. And here comes the school!

Teacher: Guys, you helped Pinocchio get to school safely. But something bad could happen. What rules did the fairy-tale hero want to break?

(Cross the street in front of nearby traffic, cross the street at a red traffic light, walk on the sidewalk on the wrong side and interfere with oncoming pedestrians).

Teacher: What would you advise children like Buratino? (Study traffic rules).

Work in pairs.

Students are given schematic representations of situations. Children complete tasks in pairs, remembering traffic rules.

(working with diagrams. The diagrams are presented below)

Street safety rules.

The right way to school.

Slide check (a slide with a diagram opens, children compare)

Clap your hands for those who completed the task correctly. Explain why this path is correct and safe?

    Practical work.

1.Drawing up a safe path diagram .

Teacher: We have repeated the rules of the road and now, using the map diagram, try to develop a diagram of a safe route from school to home. Let's agree on dangerous places - we mark them in red, and we mark the possible path in green.

Teacher: Don’t forget to mark pedestrian crossings and road signs. Children who use the bus on the way to school must mark the route from the stop on the diagram.

(Children do it on a piece of paper in a box, the teacher helps).

Teacher: Who wants to talk about the route according to their scheme.

IY .Result. Lesson reflection.

Teacher: Why, guys, did we learn to draw up our route from home to school today, how will this be useful to us?

Teacher: Can I use the developed route when moving from home to school? Why?

Teacher: If you have completed the learning tasks set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson, raise your yellow pencil. Those who encounter difficulties are given a blue pencil.

(we find out the reasons for the difficulties, a slide with tasks on the screen).

Teacher: Our conversation is over. Thanks to all.

Schemes for working in pairs




Preparing to draw a route sheet from home to school

To start drawing a route, you should be well prepared for this work:

  • Prepare real map. You can get directions using Google Maps, zoom in and print;
  • Take some blank sheets. Drawing a route from home to school is not always done on one sheet of paper; sometimes a draft is needed. For school homework, you can use a notebook sheet or regular A4. If you are drawing a diagram for home use, then it is better to depict the route on whatman paper.
  • Sharpen your pencils and colored pencils. It is recommended to draw with pencils, as they make it very easy to draw small details.

How to draw a route from home to school

If you printed the map from the Internet, then the task is very easy to complete. The first thing to do is to draw the most important or largest street.

Place some important objects on it that your child remembers. It has shopping mall, where a child often buys toys, a house best friend or maybe that's where it's located kindergarten? Record and sign this place.

Draw the house and school in relation to this street. Be sure to write “school” and “home” in large letters. And highlight both places with bright colors.

If you are not drawing a schematic map from home to school, then it is worth highlighting the roadway and sidewalk separately. Draw a traffic light and a crossing where the child crosses this road.

For those who travel by bus or metro, you can mark the safe route to the stop, write its name, indicate the bus number at the stop itself, or draw it. In addition, it is advisable to write down the number of stops the child travels. The further journey should begin from the final stop to the school.

Safe route from home to school

  • If your child has several options for going to school, you should choose the safest one. You should not choose a path where there is heavy traffic or dark deserted streets;
  • Before your child starts going to school on his own, make sure that the child has learned (the green traffic light, which side to bypass public transport, etc.). The route map from home to school should reflect all the dangers that may arise on the child’s path. It can be sharp turns, cars leaving the enterprise, often broken traffic lights, a busy street, any restrictions on visibility, etc.;
  • Use symbols. You can take those that the student already knows, or come up with your own. It is better if the child independently identifies and draws these icons. This will make it easier for him to remember what meaning they carry. Below, under your map, place icons with an explanation of what they mean.

When drawing a route sheet, you need to not only record the entire route and all the important objects that come along the way, but also highlight dangerous areas. Highlight them bright color, signing "danger".

Be sure to follow the route with your child directly on this map after completing your drawing. If such a walk is not yet possible, make paper people and play a role-playing game with your baby.

When drawing a route diagram from home to school, remember that this is first of all a hint for your child, which will ensure his safety, and only then - seemingly routine homework.

Memo to parents when planning a safe route for a student

Dear Parents! Help keep your child alive and healthy on the road.

This difficult task will be made easier by creating family study guides.

Together with your children, draw up a route diagram “Home - School - Home” with a detailed description of the features of each road crossing and places that require increased attention. On the diagram, be sure to indicate “Pedestrian Crossing” road signs, “Zebra” markings on the road, traffic lights and lay out a safe path. Can be useful diagrams other permanent routes of your family (“Home - School of Music", "House - grandma's house", etc.), as well as plans of the surroundings of the house and school with their description.

A common part.

The student’s route “My Safe Route to School” is a document that combines a diagram and description of the recommended route for a child to travel from home to school and back.

The route from home to school is developed jointly by parent + child. Each route developed is discussed with the child, he must be able to explain it.

The purpose of the route “My safe way to school”:

Increase the safety of a child’s movement to and from school;

Teach your child to navigate traffic situations on the way to and from school;

Teach parents who take part in drawing up the “route” to navigate the road environment and avoid typical dangers.

The procedure for developing the route “My safe way to school.”

1). At the beginning, parents and their children walk from home to school and back, outline the safest (recommended) option, and mark more dangerous (not recommended) options.

When choosing a safe option, the easiest and safest places for a child to cross streets are chosen. A pedestrian crossing with a traffic light is safer than a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light; a street and areas where inspection of the roadway is not difficult (there are no dense bushes, trees, parked cars, especially large ones) is safer than a street with parked cars and other objects blocking review, etc.

2). Having chosen the child’s movement option, parents plot it on the street layout from home to school. If the route includes a child traveling by bus, etc., the diagram shows the location of the streets near the house (the place where you board the bus) and the location of the streets near the school (the place where you get off the bus and go to school).

Exit the house and first cross the street;

Crossing streets and intersections;

Getting on and off public transport (stop) (if the child uses the bus);

The last crossing across the street and the entrance to the school.

On the “My Safe Path to School” route, the sections are the same, but the exit from the school and the last street crossing and entrance to the house are marked, in addition, areas of increased danger on non-recommended travel options are highlighted to explain what their danger is and why they are not recommended.

4).When leaving the house, the view of the street can often be obstructed by trees and bushes; the child crosses the street in a designated place only after carefully examining it.

You need to cross at a walk; it is unacceptable to run across the street, trying to catch the bus. You need to leave the house in advance so as not to rush. If there may be parked cars on the street obstructing visibility, appropriate warnings are included in the description of crossing the street.

5). If the crossing is not regulated by a traffic light, then in the description of the crossing you talk with the child: when a truck or bus approaches, another car may not be visible behind it! It’s better to let the car through, and after letting it pass, wait until it drives further away. After all, when a car is close, oncoming cars may not be visible behind it.

6). If the street crossing is regulated by a traffic light, you need to sketch: go
You can only go to the green light. If the light is red or yellow, you cannot go, even if there is no car. We must respect the rules just as drivers respect them. When turning to a green light, you must also observe the situation, notice cars that at that moment are preparing to turn right or left, crossing the path of pedestrians.

7). For each street that you have to cross, you discuss with the children, i.e. give a description: the intensity of vehicle traffic, the possibility of vehicles appearing around the corner; objects that interfere with inspection of the street, bushes, trees, parked cars, etc.

8). Have a conversation with your child about the picture “boarding public transport”; when a bus approaches, stand back from the edge of the sidewalk, because the bus may skid, especially in rain, snow or ice. Don't go near the door until the bus stops! At the last moment when the bus departs, if you don’t get on the bus you may get pinched by the doors. The front door is especially dangerous - after being pinched by the doors, you can get run over by the wheels.

9). At exit points public transport(sketching the stop) prepare for the exit in advance. Don't be late when leaving - you might get pinched by the doors. Exit carefully to avoid slipping and falling. If you need to cross the street after getting off public transport, talk to your child: wait until the bus leaves! It is extremely dangerous to get out from behind the bus. Approach the intersection (pedestrian crossing) and carefully inspect the roadway!

10). Before crossing the street where the school is located, you can meet friends and take your mind off the view across the road. While talking: before crossing, carefully inspect the street. Cross the street only at a walk, stop talking!

eleven). At the school exit: crossing only by steps! Most of the incidents occur when children leave school. Therefore, be especially careful!

12).Crossing the street on which the house stands requires special attention and a schematic description. Often children run towards the house, not looking around the street well. There is an opportunity to see relatives or friends, which encourages people to cross the road while running. Don't rush to the house! Walk only at a walk. Look around the street carefully. Be especially careful if there are bushes, trees, or parked cars!

13). When drawing up a route on a sheet of paper, a solid line with an arrow and the number “1” above the line indicates the path from home to school, the path from school to home is indicated in the same way, only the number “2” is placed above the line. A non-recommended (but possible) route of movement is indicated by a dotted line (-----). For each street that a child has to cross, the parent talks and goes all the way along the map - the “My Safe Path to School” diagram on the topics: “Characteristics of the street” (from the point of view of its danger) and “Tips for crossing the street.”

A safe route for a schoolchild to travel “Home-School-Home” is a document that combines a diagram and description of the recommended route for a student to travel from home to school and back. The route is developed by the student with the help of his parents. The purpose of developing the route:

    improve traffic safety to and from school;

    to teach the student the ability to navigate traffic situations on the way to and from school;

    prevent possible dangers.

Route development procedure

Children, together with their parents, walk from home to school and back and outline the safest (recommended) option and mark more dangerous (not recommended) options. When choosing a safe option, the easiest and safest places for a child to cross streets are selected. A pedestrian crossing with a traffic light is safer than a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light; a street and areas where inspection of the roadway is not difficult (there are no dense bushes, trees, parked cars, especially large ones) is safer than a street with parked cars and other objects blocking review, etc.

Identify high-risk areas that require more detailed description– “Home-School” path:

    leaving the house and crossing the street for the first time;

    crossing streets and intersections;

    the last crossing of the street and the entrance to the school.

If the route includes a student traveling by bus, etc., refer to the diagram, which shows the location of streets near the house (the place where you board the bus) and the location of the streets near the school (the place where you get off the bus and go to school). For each street, which you have to cross, its characteristics are given: the intensity of traffic, the possibility of cars appearing around the bend; objects that interfere with street inspection; bushes, trees, parked cars, etc.

At public transport boarding points, a note is made: when the bus arrives, stand back from the edge of the sidewalk, because the bus may skid, especially in rain, snow or ice. Don't go near the door until the bus stops! At the last moment, when the bus leaves, do not get on the bus - you may get pinched by the doors. The front door is especially dangerous - if it gets pinched by the doors, you can get run over by the wheels!

At exit points from public transport, prepare to exit in advance. Don't be late when leaving - you might get pinched by the doors. Exit carefully to avoid slipping and falling. If you need to cross the street after getting off public transport, wait until the bus leaves! It is extremely dangerous to get out from behind the bus. Before crossing the street where the school is located, you can meet friends and take your mind off the view across the road. Before crossing, carefully inspect the street. Walk only, stop talking, take off your headphones and try not to talk on the phone!

On the “School-Home” path, the sections are the same, but the exit from the school territory and the last street crossing and entrance to the house are determined, areas of increased danger, non-recommended routes of movement are highlighted in order to explain what their danger is and why they are not recommended. Having chosen the student’s movement option, the parents and him or her draw it on a map of the street layout from home to school and from school to home. On the same sheet below you need to write: home number or mobile phone child; last name, first name, patronymic and Contact phone numbers parents. You can indicate the approximate time a child spends traveling from school to home; the names of classmates who go to school along the same route or whom the child meets along the way, the time when the student’s classes end (by day of the week).

How to use the route

After drawing up the route, parents, accompanying their son or daughter to school and back (in the first months of visiting for a first-grader and several times for students of other grades who had previously gone to school on their own), ensure that students practically master the methods safe traffic along the route, their understanding of all the dangers that are indicated in the described route.

While accompanying the child, parents practice the habit of leaving the house in advance, not rushing, crossing the street only in steps, and thoroughly inspecting the road before crossing, even if it is deserted. It is extremely important to ensure that any object that interferes with examining the street is considered by schoolchildren as a signal of danger. .

To avoid injury, a student must:

    Be able to make a timely decision when to run and call for help, and when to simply be on guard.

    Cross the street in the designated place only after carefully inspecting it.

    You need to move step by step. It is unacceptable to run across the road trying to catch the bus.

    You need to leave the house in advance so as not to rush.

    If the crossing is not controlled by a traffic light, watch carefully when a truck or bus approaches. The other car may not be visible from behind him! It is better to let the car pass and, having let it pass, wait until it drives further away. After all, when a car is close, oncoming cars may not be visible behind it.

    When a bus approaches, stand back from the edge of the sidewalk, because the bus may skid, especially in rain, snow or ice. Don't go near the door until the bus stops! At the last moment, when the bus leaves, do not get on the bus - you may get pinched by the doors. The front door is especially dangerous - if it gets pinched by the doors, you can get run over by the wheels!

    At exit points from public transport, prepare to exit in advance. Don't be late when leaving - you might get pinched by the doors. Exit carefully to avoid slipping and falling.

    If you need to cross the street after getting off public transport, wait until the bus leaves.

    When approaching an intersection (pedestrian crossing), carefully inspect the roadway!

    Before crossing, carefully inspect the street.

    Cross the street only at a walk, stop talking (including on the phone), take off your headphones!

    It's good to know your area.

    Do not approach dense bushes, tree stands, or abandoned houses.

    Know all the safe places where you can hide and get help.

    Know that by separating from the group you become more vulnerable.

    Do not attract attention to yourself with provocative behavior or valuables.

    Promptly contact the police in case of incidents or crimes.

    Strictly follow the safe movement route “Home - School - Home”.

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