Easter Sunday school lesson for kids. Sunday School - Bible Lessons

Easter competitions and games for children

Easter is one of the most important Orthodox holidays and one of my favorites. I want to spend this day joyfully, lightly, but without fuss, simply, sincerely and at home. Especially when it comes to celebrating Easter in Sunday school. Our script will help create the desired atmosphere and make this day memorable for a long time.

Children come to Sunday school, say hello, and congratulate each other on the bright Easter holiday.
The beginning of the holiday, like the beginning of each lesson, should be in the traditions of a particular school. In honor of Christ’s Resurrection, you can perform the troparion “Christ has risen from the dead.”
The first word to the priest - the rector of the church. He congratulates the children and instructs them short speech.
The head of the Sunday school greets the children and reads A. Maykov’s poem “Christ is Risen.”

Leader: The guys prepared an Easter scene. Let's see it!


Masha - older sister
From the author (girl or boy)
There is a table on the stage and three chairs around it. Masha, Nastya and Egor are sitting at the table. Children are preparing for Easter - they are painting eggs, there is Easter cake on the table.

Reader: On the outskirts of the village there is a low house.
There are carved shutters on it, and there is a light in the window.
Who's in the house? Interesting! Masha, Nastya and Egor.
On the pre-Easter bright evening
Quiet family conversation.

Nastya: Mashenka, why do they paint eggs for Easter?

Masha: When Christ was resurrected, Mary Magdalene came to the ruler Tiberius to tell this news. He did not believe it and said: “just as this white egg cannot turn red, so a person cannot be resurrected.” And immediately the ordinary egg turned red. This is the miracle the Lord showed. Since then, eggs have always been painted for Easter.

Egor: And Tiberius believed it then?

Masha: Of course!

Nastya: This is how it turns out: people need miracles in order to believe... And why then do we paint them not only red?

Masha: Traditions change over the years, nothing can be done. But this is even better: multi-colored, with cheerful pictures and painted patterns, our painted eggs and Easter eggs seem to also rejoice in spring, renewal, and the rebirth of a new life. Because Easter is a time of joy and rejoicing.
Masha cuts off half of the Easter cake, wraps it in a bundle, and puts several eggs in it.

Egor: Who is this for?

Masha: Grandma Lizaveta, who lives on the edge of the village. She is old, she can’t bake Easter cakes or paint eggs. She needs help preparing for the Bright Holiday. Egor, you can take it to her today.

There is a knock on the window. Children look out the window, look at the door

Reader: Suddenly there was a knock on the window
Who came to us at a late hour?
That is a belated pilgrim.
Pilgrim, appearing on the threshold: God bless you all!

A gray-haired old man enters the house.

Pilgrim: Peace to your home! I’m tired, I have no strength, and I still have a long way to go. Please give me some water to drink.

Masha: Of course, grandfather! (Pours water into a mug.) Where are you going?

Pilgrim: To the monastery for the Easter service. Well, I'll go - it's time! Thank you, good children!

Masha: Oh, there’s still a long way to go. Take it! (cuts off half of the remaining Easter cake and gives a few colored eggs)
The pilgrim thanks and leaves.

Egor: Well... I gave him the most beautiful paint! And now only a quarter of the Easter cake remains.

Masha: Are you really sorry? A man comes from afar, is tired, hungry, and we please him in any way we can.

Enters the upper room a little boy Nikita, says hello.

Masha: Hello, Nikita! Something happened? Why are you so sad?

Nikita: And our mother fell ill. I came to ask you for dried raspberries and honey - my mother is coughing a lot.

Nastya: Have you already baked the cake?

Nikita: Yes, whatever! Mom lies down all day, saying that she will get up and bake.

Nastya: Mom can’t get up now! So you won't have a holiday? How is this possible?

(exchanging glances with his older sister, he wraps the remains of the Easter cake in a bundle, Egor puts the remaining colored eggs there, Masha brings jars of honey and raspberries)

Masha: May mom get better soon! We bow to her!

Egor and Nastya: Happy Holidays to your family!

Nikita thanks and leaves.

Masha (looking at the empty table and smiling): Well, now we have nothing to break our fast with!

Nastya: So what? For some reason I don’t feel sorry at all, on the contrary, I’m happy.

Egor: Me too!

Masha (hugs the guys): Well, great then! Doing good to people is the greatest joy.

Reader: The house is quiet and cozy,
And light streams from heaven
Signifying the good news
We are glad:
All together: Christ is Risen!

Supervisor: And now Easter competitions and games await us!

Round dance

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, and choose a leader. To the music, the leader leads a round dance along an arbitrary trajectory: in a circle, diagonally, in a spiral. The more bizarre the path, the more interesting it is. When the leader claps, the leader moves to the end of the round dance, and the next participant begins to lead.


Children stand in a circle. The presenter gives two wooden Easter eggs to two children standing opposite each other. While the music is playing, children pass the eggs around in a circle in different directions - one clockwise, the other counterclockwise. When the music stops, those guys who have eggs in their hands go out into a circle and dance a Russian dance with each other to general applause. The game is repeated several times.

Egg rolling

For this game you will need a rag ball. Painted eggs are laid out on the floor. Children take turns throwing or rolling the ball from a distance of 10-15 steps. If the ball hits the egg, the player takes it for himself.

Egg twisting

Each child holds one Easter egg. Children spin them on the table. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner. The game requires dexterity, ingenuity and dexterity.

Hiding eggs

An Easter egg is placed on the table. The child is blindfolded and taken away from the table, trying to confuse him. The player's task is to find the way to the egg while blindfolded. No one stops or directs him (unless his movement poses a danger). When the child believes that he has already reached the table, he removes the blindfold. Now you need to try to get the egg (after all, it’s not a fact that the child will be next to it), sometimes you need to be inventive.

Happy Holidays!

Children stand in two lines opposite each other. They roll colored eggs towards each other in pairs. If the eggs collide, the couple hugs and congratulates each other on Happy Easter.

Leader: Now it’s time to go to the table! How many beautiful Easter cakes and elegant eggs we have! Please share how you dyed the eggs? (The children talk about the methods adopted in their families, the leader offers other options: with young leaves, woolen threads, using rice and onion peel, using decoupage technique, etc. Many beautiful and simple ways can be found online)

Leader: Well, it's time to set the Easter table!

Relay race "Easter table"

Children are divided into several teams. Everyone’s task is to quickly and beautifully set their part of the table. This is done in the form of a relay race. The first participant lays out the tablecloth, the second breaks and cleans the egg, the third collects the shells in a paper box, the fourth decorates the table with a vase with birch branches. The tasks can be varied, kids need to be given simpler tasks, older children need to be given more difficult ones.

Leader: The sky is now bottomless...
The bells are ringing.
They call: “Wake up! Wake up!
The good news has arrived!”
And music pours from heaven:
"Christ is risen!"
“Truly risen!” - the heavens rejoice.
Great miracles are coming...

Sunday school students drink tea with Easter cake, and then, together with the leader, go to the church bell tower to see how the belfry works and try to ring the bells.

Lesson 2 “Choosing friends and habits”

Target: To form moral habits in children, which are expressed in a culture of communication and discipline. Teach to show politeness and respect for each other.

1. Show apple and orange(let the children choose one or the other) (make several fruits: orange, apple, grapes, watermelon, peach, pineapple). What have you done now? You have made a choice or a decision. Every day we have to make a decision many times. Sometimes we decide to frown, get angry (demonstrate), but this is not The best decision. If they did something to us, but we didn’t want it at all. We make decisions to be offended and even say, you are no longer my friend. Tell me, we can decide the other way around, for example: always be happy (no matter what happens). If we are offended, we may not be offended and not say that you are not my friend.

2. How do we acquire bad habits?

Ø In the morning we woke up, I need to brush my teeth, but if I don’t, it’ll do.

Ø I scattered my things, and then I’ll put them away.

Ø Mom says go get some bread, but I forgot, I got too busy playing.

Ø Dinner has arrived, the whole family is sitting without bread, who is to blame?

(Draw a heart on the board) Guys! What did I draw for you? Heart? Right. Whose heart is this? Is our. Guys, what kind of spots are these? (Draw spots on the heart). These are our habits, look what a good place they occupy a place in our heart. How can we make sure that good habits are formed in place of bad ones?

3. How do we acquire them? (children say)

Story: “Alyosha’s Habit”

Alyosha had a bad habit; he always forgot something. Mom will send him to the store, tell him what to buy, and he will play and forget. Dad will ask you to wash the car. Alyosha will remember only when dad leaves the garage. Oh, I completely forgot to wash the car. When he came to school, he forgot to take his textbooks. Sometimes he would forget a pen, sometimes a notebook, and once he even forgot his diary. Maybe you want to say that Alyosha had a bad memory. But he didn’t forget to eat. When his friends called him to go out, he did not forget about it. He was dishonest only about things that he didn’t really want to do. One day at school, after the lesson ended, the teacher explained that tomorrow the whole class would go to the circus. Everyone clapped their hands with joy, but after that, children, when will you bring me notes from your parents (permission for us to go). This is very important, the teacher said (there will be no exceptions). The next morning, all the children brought notes, and our Alyosha? As usual, he completely forgot. When the teacher approached him, she asked: “Alyosha, where is your note?”

- Sorry, I forgot again.

- Then I'm sorry, you'll have to stay.

- I'm running, it's not far from here.

- We have time, Alyosha.

Everyone got on the bus, Alyosha couldn’t believe his eyes. We left without him. All the children had smiles on their faces, and Alyosha full eyes tears.

No matter how hard this lesson was, Alyosha needed to learn it. He became more attentive. And the next time the teacher took the children on an excursion again, Alyosha did everything as he was told.

4. (All children are given 2 hearts: black and red)

Assignment: I tell you what children do, and you show me, if a child has a good heart, it is red, if a child has an evil heart, it is black.


v Seryozha was walking, a dog ran up to him. He swung and threw a stone towards him.

v Natasha always listened to her parents and brought joy with her obedience.

v Friends Vitya and Slava decided to do something nice for everyone; an old grandfather lived nearby; for many years he had been bedridden, he could not get up. The guys boiled the potatoes, took some buns and brought them to their grandfather.

v Lena constantly called her friends names and laughed at them

v Alyosha constantly disrupted lessons with his bad behavior.

v Nadya screamed and interrupted the teacher during lessons.

(And now we will change the course of the game. If “yes” - clap once, if “no” - twice.)

ü Do elders need help?

ü Is it possible to offend the weak?

ü Can you help me clean the room?

ü Jump, run and leave everything behind?

ü Should you wash your hands with soap?

ü Can you feed the birds?

ü Put away your toys?

ü Scaring grandfathers with a firecracker?

ü Should I sing a song to mom?

ü Don't shout or make noise?

ü To be clean and tidy?

ü To make everyone happy?

5. Each person is given 2 pieces of paper. The guys write their good habits on one piece of paper, and their bad ones on the other. The bad ones tear apart. Everyone comes out and says good habits.

Topic: "Honesty"

1. Greeting: Guys! If you happened to find a wallet on the sidewalk one day, what would you do? First of all, I guess. Would you like to see if there is money in it? And if so, how much? Of course they are there, so what next? I hear someone say: “I’ll take the money for myself and throw away my wallet.” I hope it's not you. Some of the boys and girls could do this, but not the honest ones. An honest person will never do this; he lives by the golden rule. What is it like? As you want people to do to you, so you will do to them. I must do to others as I would like them to do to me. Therefore, I must quickly find the owner. Have you ever lost your wallet or anything else dear to you. You wanted this item returned to you. For a while, this object seemed to you the most important thing in the world - as in the story I'm going to tell you now.

2. Story: " Lost drachma»

One woman had 10 coins. One day she lost one coin. She really needed the coin. What would you do if you had 10 coins and lost them? You say: “Will 9 coins be enough for me?” (Give out coins)

Oh no, you'd probably be looking for her, wouldn't you? The woman did the same. She was looking for a coin under the bed, between the chairs. She was sweeping every corner of her house and suddenly she noticed something shiny. Was it a lost coin? The woman was so happy that she called her friends and they also rejoiced with her.

3. Phys. minute: Mishutka has a big house, (hands up)

And the bunny is small. (sit down)

So the bear went home, (in a waddle)

And behind him comes the bunny (jumping).

4. Song: “Here are my ears”

5. Story: “Honest Tolik”

One day, while walking down the street, he noticed a handbag on the sidewalk. He picked it up and looked inside and his mouth opened in surprise. The wallet was stuffed with money. He had never seen so much money in his life. Wow! What did Tolik do with the wallet? First of all, being a smart boy, Tolik told his mother everything. And then they went together to the address that was written on the documents. The woman opened the door, imagine her surprise when she saw that all the money was intact. She was so happy that she immediately took out $25 from her purse and gave it to the boy. She believed that honesty should be rewarded. Then somehow the newspapers found out about it. “Honest Tolik” made headlines. A newspaper photographer came to him, took a picture of him and put the photo on the front page. Thus the whole city learned about his noble deed and everyone was proud of him. Thousands of people read the article and were glad that such an honest boy lived and that his mother taught him to be honest.

6. Honesty is a noble trait and the lessons of the trait and the lessons of honesty must be learned back in early childhood. (age).

7. Game - traffic light. (yes - green, no - red).

1) The teacher gave Andrey a 2 in class because he behaved badly. Andrei decided that so that his mother would not find out about this incident, he needed to tear out the page.

2) Dima and Natasha are brother and sister. Comrade Olya treated Dima to a large apple. He could eat it alone, he would get the whole apple. But he did this: he brought it home and shared it with his sister. +

3) Petya took in kindergarten(at school) a toy. Brought it home. Mom asks: “Where did you get the toy?” “A friend gave it to me.” -

4) In kindergarten (at school) and the teacher’s (teacher’s) wallet disappeared. Who took it? The teacher asked. Everyone was silent. The boy who was sitting in the corner on a small chair quietly said: “This is it, please forgive me, I only now realized that this is very bad.”+

5) Let's draw a kind person.

What is kindness?

1) Greeting: Hello! My name is… . I will teach lessons on kindness. These will be unusual lessons. Do you like to play? We will play with you, do you like to listen to stories? In our lessons you will hear many amazing stories from boys and girls. Do you like to draw? We will draw and make various crafts with you.

2) Story: “About a Good Man”

Quiet! What it is? - one traveler looks around. A stone fell at his feet, he became wary. This place was famous for robbers. “It’s all nothing, it seemed to me,” the traveler reassured himself, “he hoped to reach home by evening. But suddenly people jumped out onto the road with stones and knives in their hands and ordered him to stop. The traveler tried to escape, but they caught up with him, beat him and injured him. The robbers took his clothes and all his belongings and disappeared, leaving him half-dead on the road. And so the beaten, bloodied traveler lay on the road: he was not even able to cry out for help. He lay there for a long time. Suddenly he heard footsteps. He looked closer, it was a man. Oh, of course he will help him, full of hope he waited, but when the man saw the wounded man, he quickly went forward. He realized that the robbers had done this and therefore was afraid to linger here in case the robbers attacked him. The unfortunate man listened to the fading steps of the man, and with them his last hope faded away. He remained lying there in despair. But what is it? Steps again. He heard it clearly, of course, this person will definitely help. The man looked at him carefully. And what do you think he did? He also passed by. The wounded man was left alone again, every minute seemed like an eternity to him. Why does everyone pass by? Guys, am I asking you? Why did everyone pass by? - What is this? Footsteps are heard again. Someone was riding a donkey. No, thought the traveler, he, like them, will pass by. He no longer believed in anything.

- But what a miracle! The man got off the donkey and, full of compassion, approached the wounded man. Oh, unfortunate one. What did they do to you? He gave him water to drink, bandaged his wounds and put him on the donkey. He himself walked the whole way. They drove to the nearest hotel. He looked after him all night. And in the morning he paid for him in advance and instructed the innkeeper to continue to look after him.

3. Questions:

1) Tell me, were the first two people kind people? And why?

2) Guys, close your eyes and let's imagine ourselves in the place of this traveler. Introduced? Only then will we understand how this traveler felt when everyone passed by. What was he thinking?

3) Now let's take the third person. What was he like? Kind? Why did you decide that?

4) Guys, let's figure out how this story ends. (children make up ideas) when these two people meet, will they be happy?

5) And now we will go with you to the land of “good”. Have you heard of such a country? What would you like to see there? (flowers that do not wither, animals that would not eat each other). Tell me what kind of people live in this country (kind, hardworking, etc.). What is missing in this country? (rudeness, deceivers, do not smoke, do not drink). How good it is in the country of “good”. Shells don't explode, people don't die of hunger. We need to go there as soon as possible, but what will we go on? (in a car, or maybe on a plane or a rocket).

6) Song: "Country of Goodness"

7) Guys! Let's think why good people do people like? (show two balloon) Guys! Describe the ball, what is it like? Draw on the board (show deflated). Do you like playing with this ball? Children's horror, right? But my daughter says to me: “Mom, I don’t want to play with such a ball, please inflate it for me” (inflate the second ball). Our life is like this ball. When a person's life is full good deed, this man, as always, has many friends. (show two balls). So which one do you want to play with?

8) Tell me, what kind of friends are there in the land of goodness?

QUALITIES OF A FRIEND: honest, kind, loyal, sympathetic, reliable, responsible.

If you have all these qualities, then you will be like this ball and you will have a lot of friends.

Game: Children who behave well are selected and stand in a circle. The children will all stand together in a circle. (choose a person). You are our friend today. (we say something good to the chosen one). (kind, honest, good friend etc.).

9) What have we learned today?

Purpose of the lesson: To teach children to be kind, have compassion for the weak and bring joy to others with their polite attitude.

A story using a flanograph. Conversation-discussion.

Theme "Don't cheat and don't steal"

Purpose of the lesson: To arouse in children an aversion to theft and lies, to teach them to recognize their guilt. Teach children to admit their actions.

1. Greetings

2. Repetition: Who remembers what we talked about in the last lesson “about friendship” and how we should behave with our friends? What qualities should a person have before he becomes your friend?

3. Guys! How many of you know and can explain “Who is a thief”? (children answer).

Guys, which thief is bigger - the one who stole a postcard or the one who took a wallet with money from someone else's pocket? That's right, both of them are thieves who violated state legislation. "Don't steal."

4. Story: “How Vova learned “Don’t Steal””

During the summer holidays, Vova and his parents (mom and dad) came to Vova’s aunt. How happy Vova was when he saw his cousin Tanya and brother Sasha. "Hooray! Now we can search together,” Vova exclaimed.

It was prepared for them separate room. Was in the yard Orchard, grapes grew, various vegetables were planted in the beds. Dad warned his son not to touch anything in the garden. Vova came out to look at beautiful garden, garden and suddenly he saw a beautiful carrot there, he wanted to eat it and he tore it out of the garden. Dad had just come to pick up his son from the garden to go to the sea. Vova quickly hid the carrot under his shirt and looked innocently at dad. When dad asked what he was doing here, the boy replied that he was walking and watching. Dad took Vova by the hand and brought him home, pulled the tops and gave mom the stolen carrot. Dad seriously talked to his son: “You violated 2 regulations today.” "Like this?" - Vova asked. 1-don't steal - you stole. 2-don’t deceive 1-you deceived me and didn’t tell me the truth. Only then Vova understood and said: “Forgive me, dad, please,” said Vova. “I forgive you,” said dad, “But you must always learn this rule.” Vova sat down at the table with his friends. Everyone ate delicious food fried potatoes, and in front of Vova, mom put the stolen carrot on a plate. He ate it and thought: “I will never again take what belongs to others and I will never deceive again.”

5. Song: “Here are my ears”

6. Questions:

ü Do you think Vova did the right thing when he didn’t listen to his dad and took it from someone else’s garden without permission?

ü What do you think, did Vova act correctly when his dad asked him what he was doing here? What did he answer? (I look, I walk)

ü Did he answer correctly?

ü What should have been said? What did this story teach you?

ü Now tell me, were the boy’s parents pleased when they found out that their son was deceiving them?

7. Now we are playing a game and I will find out which of you is honest and which is not (blindfold your eyes with a transparent scarf. You will see what lies here (a brooch) You have no right to take it) If you don’t see it, you can take it.

8. Game: Guys, help the butterfly get to the flower. Answers on questions:

ü You and the boy were playing in the sand. He went home. You saw that the car he had just been playing with remained.

ü You behaved badly in kindergarten (school). We came home and my mother asked: “Well, how did you behave today?”

ü You offended your sister, she is crying. Mom asks: “what happened”?

ü In kindergarten (school) you were given a poem to learn. You came home, you want to go for a walk, you are already standing at the door. When suddenly your mother asks: “You don’t need to learn anything”? Say “Yes”, you will stay at home, say “No” - you will go for a walk.

ü You broke a vase. Mom asks: “Who did this”? Your Answer.

ü If you said something dishonestly, what should you do? Apologize? What did we learn in the lesson? (each child comes out and speaks)

I promise to be honest, not to take anything that belongs to others, not to deceive.


Sunday School Script


The long-awaited and long-awaited spring has come to us again; all nature, the whole world of God awakens from sleep. The sun melted the white clothes of winter, and the streams began to gurgle. Pale meadows and fields are already covered with fresh grass, and soon, wherever you look, you will see the first fragrant flowers. The birch groves will turn green, and behind them the dense forests will dress in their wonderful spring attire. And in the forest, a choir of birds that have returned to their native lands will sing their sonorous songs, glorifying God the Creator.

Song "Starlings"(performed by children dressed as starlings):

Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers!

Praise the Lord from heaven!

Death is conquered by Him forever,

Wake up, you too, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,

Violet, bloom again

And send up a fragrant hymn

To the One Whose commandment is love!

Child reader:

The grass is green, the sun is shining,

A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter,

Shout out hello to us from the road quickly!


In Russia, the arrival of spring is especially precious. In the spring we celebrate the great religious holiday- Light Christ's Resurrection, Easter of the Lord. And seven days before Easter we celebrated Palm Sunday, the day on which the Lord Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem along with his disciples. He was solemnly greeted with palm branches in his hands as a king and a miracle worker. But Jesus Christ knew that in Jerusalem He would suffer for the people; will die on the Cross and be resurrected... We don’t have palm trees, and that’s why we come to church with willow branches.

In Rus', as the snow melts, there is silence in nature.

The willow is the first to come to life, artless and tender.

Before Easter, on Sunday, they go to church with a pussy willow,

After the blessing of water, they bring it to be sprinkled.

And with a song of praise, with a shrine in his hands

They pray for blessings with repentance in their hearts.

Child reader 1:

"Willow, willow, our palm tree"

Willow, willow, our palm tree - you look very simple!

But with you we meet the coming Christ to us.

That’s why we give back every year, in the spring, again

To the white willow our tenderness, our affection and love.

Child reader 2:


Boys and girls took candles and willows home.

The lights glow, passers-by cross themselves, and it smells like spring.

A slight breeze, a little rain, a little rain, don’t blow out the fire!

On Palm Sunday tomorrow I will be the first to rise for the holy day!

Child Reader 3:

I woke up and heard spring knocking on the window!

Droplets are rushing from the roof, it’s light and light everywhere!

And it seems - not birds, but angels are flying,

They will tell us that Easter is coming.


The news is that people began to torment God,

Rooks brought us to the north...

The coniferous thickets have darkened,

Quiet streams began to cry...

And other news, worse than the first,

The starlings brought them into the wilderness:

Crucified on the Cross, forgiving everyone,

God, the Savior of our souls, has died.

Why "Savior of our souls"?

Because the Son of God gave his life for all of us. When Jesus Christ was crucified, His disciples took the Savior's body from the Cross and performed the burial ceremony, wrapped His body in a shroud and placed it in a cave. This was on Friday, and on Sunday, the third day after death, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. He conquered death and gave us new life, which will never end.

The Sunday school choir sings.


Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The darkness of the night has disappeared.

The ringing of heaven shines with light, the bells sing.

They sing about the holiday of love, about a miracle of miracles:

The Lord has risen from the bowels of the earth!

Christ, Christ is risen!

Song "Easter Ring"


Holy Easter is a celebration of the victory of love over evil, life over death, it is a celebration of our hope for the general resurrection.

The joy of Sunday flowed in a flood,

Salvation for those near and far in Christ!

The golden sun lit up the distance.

A new song is sung without sadness.

Easter composition "Who built this house?" E. Korolev.

Children read one by one, standing around the globe:

1st child:

That's what wonderful house!

There are many neighbors in it.

But who built it?

Who put order in it?

2nd child:

Who sowed moss and flowers?

Who gave the trees leaves?

3rd child:

Who poured water into the rivers?

Who put the fish in them?

4th child:

Did he send summer to us for spring?

Who, who came up with this?

Who could arrange everything like this? All:

Well, of course it's God.

5th child:

It is impossible to see God.

You can only see things

The ones that do for us

Every day He, every hour.

6th child:

This is why and for what we are grateful to Him.

7th child:

So as not to upset Him,

The soul must be sanctified

Do no harm to anyone

And be obedient to Him.

Child reader:

From the land of distant swallows fly,

They chirp merrily and tell people:

"People, wake up! Spring is coming to you,

And with spring, Easter brings you joy.

Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults!"

“He has risen from the dead! - the whole earth sings. -

And soon He will come to earth again.”

Sing, people: “Our Christ is risen!”

There is salvation for people, and there is hope!”

"Song about Spring" music by G. Fried.

Child reader 1:

S. Yesenin

"Easter Good News"

The dormant bell woke up the fields,

The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.

The blows flew towards the blue skies,

The white moon disappeared behind the river,

A frisky wave ran loudly.

The quiet valley drives away sleep,

Somewhere along the road the ringing fades away.

Child reader 2:

V. Shamonin


It's good to ring the bells in the bell tower,

So that the holiday is more free, so that the soul can sing.

Like angelic singing, this wondrous chime

The bright hymn of Sunday sounded from all sides.

"Easter Bouquet" (dramatization):

Flower child:

We are the flowers from Garden of Eden. We are all equal - a whole bunch!

And we hasten to bow to Christ and bring our fragrant greetings.

The rainbow painted us with color; not sparing all the colors on us,

She has endowed her with such beauty that you cannot take your eyes off us.

We will share beauty, we will decorate people's lives.

We are going to congratulate the Risen God with a bouquet of flowers.

Lily of the valley:

The dark forests glow in the verdant garb,

The sky shines like the sea, the sea like the sky.

And in our garden today I noticed how secretly

A lily of the valley and a snow-white moth shared Christ.


And every stem believes: cold follows salvation.

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Nature praises Sunday!


Hearing the bell ringing and the bell shaking its head,

He tuned in to the big bell and began to swing deftly.

Song "Ding-dong".


White snowdrop, wonderful primrose,

That pearls are scattered throughout the forests,

As a symbol of Sunday and victories,

He warmed up in the sun and calmed down.


And in the fields, wherever you look, there are golden drops of coltsfoot.

First they released the flowers, and hid the leaves until summer.

Bird cherry:

The birches dance in a circle, and the nightingale sings in the forest.

Spring distributes catkins to all poplars, birches, willows,

Yes, and honor to the bird cherry: it’s already dressed up - everyone is amazed. Chamomile:

The naughty sister's eyelashes opened,

Laughing daisies, cheerful girlfriends,

They glorify the miracle of miracles - Jesus Christ has risen!

Poppies are like drops of blood that flowed from the Cross.

Looking among the green grass at the Risen Christ

And they nod their heads and pave the way

To all who follow Christ,

And their heads are decorated with a fire-breathing crown.


Blue forget-me-nots are droplets of heaven.

They also rejoice at the miracle and sing: “Christ is risen!”


The cornflowers are running, hurrying to marvel at Sunday,

And worship the risen Christ right at the feet.


There are many, many daisies, the whole road is strewn,

Everyone nods their heads and glorifies Sunday.


I am a flower, I don’t know what kind. I bloom in spring.

I heard that Christ had risen and brought Him gifts:

Faith, love and patience, obedience and reverence.

Song "Christ is risen!"


Holy Easter is the greatest and brightest holiday for Orthodox Christians. Easter night is as silent and quiet as any other night of the year. Everyone lights candles and waits for the clergy in red vestments, with a cross, icons and church banners to leave the church in order to walk around the temple in a procession of the cross, as if to come to the sealed tomb of the Savior.


Holy night... The temple is filled with lights.

Everyone's prayer ascends to heaven.


The Royal Doors are open before us.

Holy fire shines from the candle...

The circle was again placed in the temple

Colored eggs, Easter cakes.

Everyone is having fun, and the sun is playing,

And we joyfully repeat to each other:

Christ is risen!


"Expensive egg Christ's day"- says the Orthodox Russian people. It is impossible to imagine the Holy Day without a red egg. Why do we paint eggs and give them to each other? Maybe it started because a simple egg reminds us of the resurrection from the dead. A chicken lays an egg and it it looks like a pebble, like something inanimate. And in it there is life - a living chicken that is about to hatch from an egg.

But it’s true best gift in memory of the risen Savior cannot even be imagined. How simple this gift is and how dear!

Easter! Christ is Risen! You listen and cannot stop listening, because neither on earth nor in heaven itself there are brighter and more joyful words!

Musical and literary composition

Children enter the hall one by one, holding Easter eggs-souvenirs and bouquets in their hands.

1st child:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The dark forest has already turned green.

Christ is truly risen! (Gives an egg).

2nd child:

Spring has come - the time for miracles.

The spring gurgles: “Christ is risen!” (Gives an egg).

3rd child:

There are no brighter words in the world:

Truly Christ has risen! (Gives an egg).

4th child:

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the heavens.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! (Gives an egg).

5th child:

To the tune of Easter prayers and to the ringing of bells

Spring is flying towards us from the farthest of midday lands. (Gives a beketik).


Christ is Risen!


Truly risen!


God has risen and death has been defeated!

I sent this victorious news

God-resurrected spring.


Death has been conquered for everyone - for everyone? And we won't die?


We will die in body, but the soul will not die. But the day will come when not only the soul will be alive, but the body will also be resurrected.

Children sit around an adult.


And the first people will be resurrected?


And the first people. They were the first to sin, but the Lord, in His mercy, promised them and all people salvation.


What is salvation from?


From sin and death. Love each other, forgive insults, obey your elders - and all this will become a wonderful gift for the great holiday of Easter.

Christ is Risen! He has risen for all who love Him, who believe and know Him! And for those who came to Him in the first hour, and for those who came in the last hour of the day.

Christ is Risen!

1st child:

I've been waiting for Easter all year!

2nd child:

We've been waiting for Easter all year!


On this Feast Day, I want to invite everyone, young and old, to experience the joy that every believing soul feels at the thought of the resurrection of Christ, and to unite our awakened hearts for the single joyful news of the risen Savior.

Song "Blagovest"

Child reader 1:

Tonight the darkness is conquered

A single ray, a breath of light.

The soul is kindled with love for God,

And the Most Pure Mother of God is glorified.

Child reader 2:

Christ is risen! Merry chime

Christ is risen! - Sounds like good news

And the people in the churches glow with hope.

Child Reader 3:

A wonderful moment, events have resurrected,

Nature comes to life before our eyes.

Christ is risen! - Sounds like an immortal song

A story that lives in the hearts.

Child Reader 4:

There is only one beauty in the world -

Not the beauty of the gods of Hellas

And not a dream in love,

Not heavy mountains

And not seas, not waterfalls,

Purity is not the gaze of women.

There is only one Beauty in the world -

Love, sadness, renunciation

And voluntary torment

Christ crucified for us.

Song "God's Temple"

Child reader:

Day of the Orthodox East,

Shine, shine, great day!

Spread your gospel widely

And dress the whole of Russia with them!

But Holy Rus' is the limit

Do not hesitate to call him.

Let it be heard in the world at large,

Let it overflow!

The ringing of bells (recording).


Easter! Golden angels blow trumpets from heaven.

Easter. 04/20/2014.

Script written by Sunday School teacher

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the resort city of Gelendzhik Gros Yu.V.

The Easter troparion sounds

Leading. The long-awaited spring has come to us again. All nature, the whole world of God awakens from sleep. The sun melted the white clothes of winter, and the streams began to gurgle. Pale meadows and fields are covered with fresh grass, and soon, wherever you look, you will see the first fragrant flowers. The birch groves will turn green, and behind them the dense forests will dress in their wonderful spring attire. In Russia, the arrival of spring is especially precious. In the spring we celebrate with you a great church holiday - the bright Resurrection of Christ,

Easter Troparion

1) Christ is risen! The starlings are singing.
And, awakening, the steppes rejoice.
In the snow, murmuring streams run
And with a ringing laugh they quickly tear
Chained in winter.
The dark forest is still thoughtful,
But believing the happiness of awakening,
Wake up! Sing the Sunday song -
Christ is risen!

All: Truly risen!

Song "We're Tired of Winter..."

2) The news flies everywhere:
The messenger angels are trumpeting,
In the heavens they sing of Christ:
He has risen from corruption!
This is not fiction, not a fairy tale,
Main holiday- our Easter!

3) Nature has woken up, everything is breathing with joy,

The days are getting longer and longer.

And the sun walks higher and higher in the sky,

And warmth emanates from the revived fields.

4) Shine brighter, you rays, you warm the land.

Turn green, stems, all flowers bloom.

5) Come back quickly from across the sea, birds!

Fly high in the sky, bring us Spring - Red.

6) Resurrection of Christ! Everyone is full of love and affection.

We have come here now to celebrate Easter.

7) God teaches us to do good deeds for loved ones.

Don't offend anyone, not even a little pussy.

8) The sun is warming stronger, bird songs are heard,

And the leaves turn green: Easter is a day of spring!

9) The ringing of church bells is heard over Russia,

And in the grooves a cheerful stream winds more and more alive.

10) A song began to sound in my heart, Red Easter has come!

A field, a river, a forest whispers: “Rejoice, Christ is risen!”

Today the miracle of miracles pleases and amuses!

Evil and grief have receded - Jesus Christ has risen!

Song “In green attire...”

11) Did you hear the birds singing in the morning? I've never seen so much light!

What bright human faces I saw, I saw!

Rays of light from heaven illuminated our land,

Because the world is not without miracles: Christ has risen!

All: Truly risen!

Leading : All children love fairy tales, because it is in them that real miracles happen. And we invite you to watch a short dramatization based on a Russian folk tale...

Easter scene

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,
They had a pockmarked chicken.
The hen laid an egg,
Not simple ─ golden.
Hey old man, wake up quickly!
Are there wolves at the door?
Why are you making noise, old woman?
Yes, look what I found:
Our pied hen
She laid an egg under a bush.
What's your problem?
After all, the egg is somewhere!
Yes, the egg is not easy,
Oh, look, it's golden.
Gold, really?
You and I got rich!..
Oh, it burns, it blinds the eyes!
Lock him in the chest (a knock is heard on the door).
There's no one at home!

You go lock the bolt
Yes, we should let the dogs go.
Woman (returning):
I'll go to the city on Wednesday
There is a market there on Wednesday.
There are a lot of rich people out there!
I’ll sell them the egg.
I'll buy new things,
There are forty different skirts,
Shawl with blue flowers,
I'll fill the chest to the brim.
Why are you telling tales!
Look, you've found a young lady
Dress up in different trash.
Not if we are rich
I'll build a hut instead
Three-story chambers
And gazebos in the corners.
Punishment with a stupid husband!
What are you, old man, don't be a whim!
We live no worse than others
We don't need floors!
Am I the owner or not?!
(The egg falls and breaks).
Woman (crying):
Oh, the egg rolled,
It rolled and broke.
Calm down, that's enough, woman!
Ryaba will lay eggs for us.
We will color these eggs
And we will give it to children for Easter.

Song "Chik-chirik"

12) Who is so great in this world,
Whose glory is higher than the stars?
Without doubting for a moment,
We say: Christ

Who in the world has no equal?
Who brought light to the world?
Who is the king of kings: One answer!
So who is He? Christ

Who voluntarily went to the cross
And He Himself bore His own cross?
Who was crucified and then resurrected?
Of course Christ

Whose Father is in heaven
Divinely exalted?
Who and today are miracles
Shows us? Christ

13) The holiday of the Lord is Easter!

People were at the Vigil today.

The ringing of bells can be heard everywhere,

Happy holiday on our land!

Holidays celebration! believe and praise!

Send your prayer to God in heaven!

An angelic choir sings from heaven:

Christ is Risen! Christ is risen!

Song: "Angels in the sky..."

Leading: At baptism, God gives every Christian a guardian angel who invisibly protects a person throughout his earthly life. He protects him from troubles, misfortunes, warns him from sins. In the beginning, when the world did not yet exist and man was not created, God created the holy angels. They are incorporeal, immortal, sinless. They have one ministry - love for God.

a) Everyone is given a holy Guardian from God;
In joy and in sorrow He is always with us;
White-winged angel, gentle teacher,
Light as a star.
(M. Pozherova)

b) An angel flew across the midnight sky
And he sang a quiet song,
And the month, and the stars, and the clouds in a crowd,
Listen to that holy song.

He sang about the bliss of sinless spirits
Under the bushes of the Gardens of Eden,
He sang about the Great God, and praise
His was not pretend.
(Yu. Lermontov)
Angel :
O God, You are both the life and the Light of all creation,
You are in the bright light of day, in the smile of the night stars,
We look at everything in a fit of emotion
You, Lord, are in everything, everything is the work of Your hands!

c) My Most Bright Angel of the Lord,
You are the keeper of my soul,
My soul, victorious to you,
Be merciful to your servant.

You were sent from heaven for safekeeping,
The Lord has given you this;
Now accept my prayer
And teach me how to live here.
Live, good people!
Live, honest people!
Strive, brave youth,
forward tirelessly!
Blooming land for you,
Heavenly lights for you,
Spring is rosy for you
and the whisper of spring waters...

People are brothers! Arrived
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright Holiday of Sunday,
God of Truth! God of Powers!

Girl: Christ is Risen!
All. Truly Risen!

Leading: Christ is risen! What heavenly, bright joy these words sound and, like the ringing of a bell, echo in every Christian soul.

14) Good on the bell tower
Ring the bells
To make the holiday more relaxing,
So that the soul can sing.

15) Like angelic singing,
This wonderful chime
Bright hymn of Sunday
Sounded from all sides!

Song "Ding-dong"

Victor Afanasyev
16) The birds have arrived,
Joyfully shining:
Bright Week,
Festive flock!
Arrived directly
From the court of the Lord
Escort from the temple
Procession Today.
And we have Easter cake -
Golden crust!
Painted eggs
There's a slide on the tray!
Milk in the jar!
The feast is like in a fairy tale!
Not a speck of dust in the house -
Cleaned up for Easter.
We're good together!
And our lunch is merry:
- Christ is Risen!
All: Truly risen!

Presenter: Since ancient times, people have painted eggs for Easter, baked Easter cakes, and prepared Easter cottage cheese. In villages, swings were always installed. And all the youth games were moved from indoors to fresh air. Let’s play with you too. Join the round dance...

Game "Egg Rolling" (Round Dance)
Presenter about the red egg.

17)Tonight the darkness is defeated
A single ray, a breath of light.
The soul is kindled with love for God,
And the Most Pure Mother of God is glorified.

18) Christ is risen! Merry chime
Bells and voices of spring.
Christ is risen! - Sounds like good news
And the people in the churches glow with hope.
19) A wonderful moment, events have resurrected,
Nature comes to life before our eyes.
Christ is risen! - Sounds like an immortal song
A story that lives in the hearts.
20) There is only one beauty in the world -
Not the beauty of the gods of Hellas
And not a dream in love,
Not heavy mountains
And not seas, not waterfalls,
Purity is not the gaze of women.
There is only one Beauty in the world -
Love, sadness, renunciation
And voluntary torment
Christ crucified for us.
21) Day of the Orthodox East,
Shine, shine, great day!
Spread your gospel widely
And dress the whole of Russia with them!
But Holy Rus' is the limit
Do not hesitate to call him.
Let it be heard in the world at large,
Let it overflow!
22 ) Christ is risen! He, the King of the Worlds,
Lord of mighty kings,
He is all humility, all love,
For a sinful world, holy blood
Shed like a redeeming angel!
Christ is risen! He gave people
The covenant of holy forgiveness,
He gave mercy to the fallen
And for holy beliefs
He ordered him to suffer as he himself suffered!
Christ is risen! He announced
That all people on earth are brothers,
He renewed the world with love,
He forgave his enemies on the cross
And he opened his arms to us!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like angels singing from heaven,
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Let us unite all brotherly hands,
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

The Paschal Troparion sounds.

Easter - Resurrection of the Lord

Matthew 28:1-10

“Come and see!”

Explanation of the topic:

In Matthew, as in the other evangelists, two women come to the tomb: Mary Magdalene and another Mary. Shabbat ends at approximately 6 p.m., the first day of the week begins on Saturday evening, and the fact that two women walk almost at night to the coffin is a rather unusual time to visit the cemetery. Therefore, early Sunday morning may be implied here. But only in Matthew do women experience an earthquake in which the Angel of the Lord rolls away the stone. This place in the text can serve as a defense against attacks by opponents of the first Christian community. After all, the disciples themselves could have ensured that Jesus’ tomb was empty. However, an earthquake in the Bible is a sign of God's manifestation. Only Matthew talks about the guards that Pilate hired to guard the tomb. All that remains in their memory is a short flash of lightning, causing them to lose their composure for a brief moment. They will come to their senses when everything is over.

Both women go to the coffin to look at the coffin and grieve, but there they experience a healing shock: an angel carefully leads them from sadness to bright joy. The angel's message is heard in Matthew: "He is not here - He has risen." But he sends the women to Galilee, back home. What they saw and heard changed them completely. Thus, they become the first and important messengers about the risen Jesus. Also on the way home, they are met by the risen Jesus Himself and confirms the words of the angel.

Note, children's situations:

The text from the Gospel of Matthew is not as familiar as other Easter texts, but the message is the same: Jesus has risen. Miraculous signs are full of theological aspects and are difficult for children to understand. Since here too the mystery remains of how Christ was resurrected, we will not go further than this. We will point to Good Friday and mourning for Jesus. Many children already know these stories, however, it will be good to remember them to express the incredible. “You can’t talk about Easter, it needs to be celebrated,” this is what they write about this holiday, and here we can only agree. Thanks to the fact that everyone can meet on this day, there will be a joint meal, joint communication, this is the only way to embrace the entire festive meaning of the Resurrection of the Lord, the Easter holiday.

Event plan:

Celebrate Easter:

If your community did not have a worship service on Good Friday, it is worth remembering the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Place a large cross on the altar or in the center of the circle. At first, in silence, everyone can look at the cross. During our service it will turn into a life-giving cross.


Branches with blossoming leaves, flowers, brightly colored stones. 12 tea candles, (according to the number of Christ's disciples), 2 other candles - women, a black scarf, a wooden cross, a gray scarf - a tomb, a thick thread - a path, a large stone, or cut out the stone with which the coffin was closed from cardboard.


We begin our worship in the name of God the Father, Who created us, in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, in the name of the Holy Spirit, Who calls us to rejoice. Amen.

Today we will all rejoice together at the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but also, looking at the cross, we will remember that He bore this cross. He understands us when we are sad, knows our needs, and shares our pain with us.


Jesus, we thank You for bearing Your cross. Thank you for always being there for us when we are sad or suffering. Let us feel that You are always near us, also in this service. Amen.


(Put 12 candles on a black scarf - students, but do not light them yet, in the center of the scarf - put a cross, lay a thread to the coffin - a gray scarf, put a stone next to it, behind it put an unlit candle used in children's services).

Mary Magdalene and Mary spent the night in Jerusalem in the same house. It's still dark, there's not much time left before sunrise. “Maria, are you awake yet?” the other Maria asks quietly. “Yes, I hardly slept last night either,” she answers. “I didn’t sleep either. “I think about Jesus all the time, how terrible it is, Jesus died,” Mary Magdalene says sadly and begins to cry quietly. “Don't remind me of that! They condemned Him as a thief! And the soldiers, under His cross, cast lots for His clothes,” Mary answered angrily.

“Yes, it was terrible, standing near Jesus, knowing that nothing could be done,” said Mary Magdalene and continued to cry. “But I'm glad I didn't run away like so many others. So now at least we know where they buried Jesus.” “You’re right,” Mary Magdalene sobbed. “I remembered that place, in the cemetery, so that we could later find His tomb and could embalm Him.” “What are we waiting for?” Mary Magdalene suddenly asked. “Look, the sun is rising. Now a new day will begin. Let’s go, let’s anoint Jesus with our oils and oils before anyone comes there and drives us out of there.”

(Light the liturgical candle, roll the stone to the side so that the candle can be seen. Place two candles on the thread, the women are on their way to the tomb).

The women set off with their oils. Silently, they walked through the empty streets of Jerusalem, their path leading to the tomb. Each of them was busy with her own thoughts (slowly move two candles along the way to the coffin).

When they were already not far from the tomb, Mary suddenly asked: “Who will roll away the stone from the tomb for us? It is so heavy that it took the strength of several people to close the tomb. We definitely won’t be able to open it together.” “You are right,” agreed Mary Magdalene. “We should have gone to Jesus' friends and got some men to help us,” she added. But they had already approached the coffin, looked in that direction, and could not believe their eyes. “Look,” one whispered to the other, “The tomb is open! Who did...?” They could not even complete their thought yet, while slowly moving towards the hole. “Maria, look, the guards are sleeping. And who is that sitting there on the stone?” (place two candles very close to the stone).

Then the one sitting on the stone addresses them: “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified; He is not here - He has risen, as He said. Come and see the place where the Lord lay. The tomb is empty,” (place a liturgical candle as a symbol of the risen Jesus next to the stone).

“Risen? Is he not here?” they muttered. They had never heard anything like it before. Can the dead come to life again? But slowly hope was instilled in them: if only it were really true that Jesus was alive! That He is no longer dead. And again the same voice: “Go quickly, tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead, and is going before you to Galilee; you will see Him there. Here, I told you." In confusion, they prepared to leave. “If Jesus is alive, then we could meet Him again,” the first thing Mary Magdalene could say after everything she heard. “He must be somewhere here, nearby,” continues the other Mary. “Let’s go quickly!” said Mary Magdalene, “we must tell the others about this.” The women ran back to talk about it further (point two candles on the way back).

They didn’t know whether to rejoice or whether everything that was happening was a dream; it all seems incredible (place a liturgical candle in front of him, on their way). Jesus stood in front of them and said: “Do not be afraid, it is I, rejoice!”, then both women fell to their knees in front of Him. "Do not be afraid; go, tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me,” (light two candles from Jesus’ candle). Then it became clear to both women that they were not dreaming. Jesus approached us. He wants to see us. They quickly set off. “Will they believe us when we say that Jesus is alive?” asked Mary. "I don't know. But we will still go there and tell them what we saw and heard,” answered Mary Magdalene, and knocked on the door. “Who’s there?” she heard Peter’s voice. “It’s us, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, quickly open up! We have something important to tell you! Jesus...” “Shh!”, they heard in response. “Just be careful, because you know how dangerous it is to talk about Jesus now that He is dead,” they heard a voice as the door opened (put the women’s candles on a black scarf).

“So that’s what we’re talking about,” Mary Magdalene began to interrupt. “Jesus did not die. He's alive! “I think you are dreaming about this,” Peter told her, “you yourself told us that you saw that Jesus died.” “Yes, we saw it. But this morning, when we walked with our oils to the tomb and thought about who would roll away the stone for us, we saw that the tomb was already open. We looked inside, it was empty. We assumed the worst, until suddenly we heard the voice of someone sitting on a stone. He asked us why we are looking for the living among the dead. Jesus is not here. We saw this with our own eyes. Then he told us that Jesus was alive, that He was waiting for us in Galilee. And when we went back, Jesus Himself met us and said that we should go to Galilee, where He wants to see us.”

Whether the men believed these two women, we do not know. But hope returned to them, and they went to Galilee, (place branches and flowers next to the cross).

So the women were the first to know that Jesus was alive, and the first to share this good news further.


Decorate the cross with flowers and branches. Death turned into life.


"Our Father".

Blessing: May the all-loving and merciful God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless and protect us. Amen.

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