Seeing a rose flower in a dream. Tender sympathy, new romance

  • Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood, fire.
  • Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind, heat.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear, anger, joy, thoughtfulness.
  • Organs - spleen, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, gallbladder.
  • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Since ancient times, many peoples considered the rose the queen of flowers and the personification of the beauty and diversity of the world. In folklore and literature different countries And from time to time there are many legends about the origin of red roses: they are red from the blood of a nightingale that was cut on the thorns, or they are red from the blood of a poet who pressed the roses to his heart, or the roses became red because a girl pressed them to her chest to put them on the grave of her loved one. Red roses, in any case, turn out to be a symbol of flesh and blood: a symbol of life, but also a symbol of sadness, since human life is not eternal. White roses are a symbol of aspiration to heaven, a symbol of the immortal human spirit and joy. If most people, despite the difference in tastes, love roses, it means that these flowers give them heavenly and earthly energy. But like all powerful magical objects, roses are not always favorable for everyone and not in all seasons. After all, any gift requires a response: if a bouquet of white roses is a gift symbolizing heavenly energy, this may require some sacrifices in the name of heaven, and on earth roses can easily turn into a crown of thorns. In the interpretation of dreams, personally experienced emotions will mean a lot here. To see/pluck/give roses in a dream - a red rose is the mi energy of the Earth, a white rose is the yang energy of the Sky, adding energy to all systems of the body. In a dream, seeing/smelling/walking among roses with an even, bright feeling - walking among roses in any season or walking among white roses in the fall is beneficial for everyone (see this season’s article White color) Without negative emotions. In autumn this means good energy storage in accordance with the tasks of the season; in other seasons it means obtaining the necessary energy. Seeing white roses with a solemn feeling means preparing for an act that requires spiritual effort and receiving help in a dream. Negative emotions for white roses - the inability to perceive information from Heaven, aversion to red roses - the inability to take the energy of the Earth, which leads to mental illness and illnesses of the spirit, brain and body. Walking in a dream among bright red roses causes excessive delight, has a stimulating effect on the mind and heart and symbolizes a waking situation heated by passions. But for ordinary people, the state of insensitivity to one’s problems is unfavorable: one’s own heart may not be able to bear the stress, those around them may not want to share the unnecessary stress, and the result will be damage to relationships and affairs. IN special cases bright red roses in such a dream mean taking on some responsible and dangerous task that requires sacrifice. Seeing rose bushes dead or torn out in a dream is unfavorable: this is a loss of the energy of Heaven and Earth. The same thing means a dried bouquet in water. If the dreamer definitely knows who gave the bouquet, then the dream means a break in the relationship or direct hostility hidden under the guise of friendship. In a dream, giving/receiving roses as a gift - flowers collected by human hands and some feelings acquire a special symbolic meaning. Roses especially have the ability to absorb and then give away feelings and emotions, so it is not recommended to give roses just like that, and in a dream you don’t just dream of roses, with roses you give away a part of yourself: give/receive red or bright roses as a gift
  • - the ardent earthly feelings of the giver for the one to whom he gives flowers, but it will be difficult to predict whether it will be favorable or not; Giving roses in white or calm tones is a sign of calm, faithful and long friendship;
  • to give white roses to a young woman - to propose; man gives white yang roses to woman
  • - gives himself. What has been said here about white and red roses individually (according to inclination) can apply to any flowers of the corresponding color. From the point of view of Eastern philosophy, a rose is a masculine yang flower, so a man should not give a woman roses: whoever gives a woman roses, she gives only tears in return. In an illness, seeing yourself among roses or being given roses in warm colors means recovery; red or scarlet roses - illness crisis; white roses can symbolize parting with earthly life, which is favorable for the spirit: earthly life was not lived in vain and Heaven looks at it favorably. To see roses blooming in a cemetery - the abundance of energy of the family and the favor of the ancestors will bring good luck. Dead, dried roses in a cemetery - depletion of the energy of the family does not bode well for descendants. Perhaps the burials were done incorrectly.

At all times, the red rose was considered the queen of flowers. She personified beauty and showed the diversity of the world.

There are many legends about the rose flower. The works of world classics also explain why it turned red. The flower turned scarlet from the nightingale's blood spilling on its thorns. She blushed thanks to the poet's heart, which pressed her to his heart. The red rose symbolizes flesh and blood. At the same time, it is a symbol of life and sadness. Roses are loved because they give a person energy.

Why do you dream about these beautiful flowers? What does the dream book say about this? Red roses in dreams do not portend anything bad. On the contrary, such dreams are favorable, because a blooming red rose is associated with youth, love, happiness and beauty.

General meaning of a red rose in a dream

In most cases, when a person sees roses in a dream, his soul is waiting for changes, ardent feelings and passion. Everyone wants to be given new love experiences. IN various dream books one can find a unanimous interpretation of a bright symbol of sensuality. It is worth paying attention to the details in order to correctly interpret the dream and be aware of upcoming events.

An unblown bush of bright red roses dreams of material well-being. Blooming flower buds indicate the justification of family hopes.

Red rose for lovers

Let's look further through the dream book. in a dream of a person in love, they mean a passionate date. There is no need to doubt reciprocity. The feelings of the other half are very strong, it will be very difficult to break them. The dream promises a long relationship.

If a young man gives a blood-colored rose to an unmarried girl in a dream, a tempting offer awaits her, which it will be difficult for her to refuse. Pre-wedding troubles are just around the corner.

A scarlet rose in a dream can be a harbinger of dreams coming true, desires coming true, and positive emotions.

Red rose for a girl

What interesting things can the dream book tell about this? Red roses for unmarried girl can mean many things. Cutting roses means getting married successfully. The darker the rose, the stronger love. Fragrant flowers hint that a joyful event is coming soon. Inhaling the divine aroma is fortunate.

Withered red flowers indicate that the chosen one is not alone.

If in a dream a girl decorates her hair with a red rose, this bad sign. She can be deceived and betrayed by a loved one. A woman’s cherished desires will not come true any time soon.

Dream Interpretation: bouquet of red roses

An armful of beautiful roses is every girl's dream. The appearance of a bouquet of red roses in a dream means that a faithful and loving admirer will soon appear. This is a harbinger marriage soon which will happen in the near future.

What else will the dream book tell you about this? A bouquet of red roses was given to a girl, and when she took the desired bouquet in her hands, she felt pain, being pricked by thorns. This speaks of the insincere feelings of the chosen one. Behind his promises lies a simple temptation. The seer Vanga claims that this is a hint to the girl about the sins of extramarital sex that cannot be hidden.

The family dream book predicts the one who collects a bouquet of flowers. Buying an armful of roses for a man promises disagreement with his beloved.

Let's look further at the dream book. A bouquet of red roses in a dream means reciprocity and sincerity of feelings, and the larger the bouquet, the better. it gives hope of meeting your soulmate in the near future. Married couples can count on passionate intimate life, new emotions and sensations.

Roses in a vase

What else can a vase tell? A dream will tell about insatiable female desires when a girl puts scarlet roses in a vase. Dream books recommend that a woman not commit rash acts. The upcoming date can only ruin her reputation. You should not trust the first man you meet in a fit of passion.

U eastern dream book slightly different interpretation. Such a dream foreshadows family joys and home comfort.

Two red buds in a dream are a symbol of femininity. This is a sign that the end of loneliness has come. A loved one will appear soon. Beautiful and graceful artificial buds in a dream have a bad meaning. The dream warns of upcoming health problems. You need to not despair and take care of yourself.

Giving flowers in a dream

What will the dream book tell us about this? Red roses are given in a dream by people who can play a major role in the dreamer’s life. If you receive a bouquet of flowers in a dream, you should pay attention to the person who gave them. Perhaps you will connect your destiny with this person.

Freud's dream book claims that a woman is very brave if she gives red roses to her chosen one in a dream. Such a girl knows how to give pleasure to a man.

If a young man receives a bouquet of roses in a dream, then in reality he has a secret admirer. The dream also suggests that the end of his bachelor life is near.

What else can the dream book tell? Red roses given in a dream in the spring are a harbinger of happiness. A bouquet presented in dreams in winter brings with it futile expectations.

Interpretation of a dream about roses according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Of great importance in the interpretation of a dream about a red rose are the emotions that a person experienced with it in his dream. It all depends on how you dreamed about it. In general, a red rose represents the energy of the Earth.

If a person has an aversion to roses in a dream, he cannot receive earthly energy. This becomes the reason mental illness And nervous disorders. An excess of impressions after a walk near a flowerbed with bright red roses in a dream indicates overexcitation and excess passion in real life. It’s very bad when in reality we don’t feel the problems that have fallen on our heads. Close people may also remain aloof from our troubles, which will lead to the collapse of relationships and common affairs. A dream with red roses in some cases means that a person will have a responsible and important task in which he will have to sacrifice himself.

A dream where red roses died or were torn out is considered bad. This indicates a loss of heavenly and earthly energy. A dream with a dried bouquet of flowers carries the same meaning. If the person who presented the bouquet in a dream is known, the relationship with him will soon deteriorate. He's playing a double game. He has bad intentions on his mind instead of friendship.

A dream with presented roses is considered very favorable. This is especially true for roses collected with my own hands. This speaks of the strong feelings of the giver. By giving a bouquet of bright roses in a dream, a person gives away a piece of his soul. This cannot be dreamed without a reason.

A dream in a cemetery speaks of an abundance of ancestral energy. The ancestors are supportive, luck will not leave you. Dreaming of wilted flowers has the opposite meaning. The lack of energy of the kind will cause a lot of trouble. It is worth reconsidering the burial places of deceased relatives. Perhaps there was a mistake made somewhere.

Interpretation of the esoteric dream book

A given rose is a harbinger of trouble and death. By presenting such a gift in a dream, deep down a person wishes trouble for others. Red flowers dream of grief, because of which you will have to shed tears. If a person sniffs cigarettes, then love will be associated with pain. Planted roses are self-created problems. Placed on the grave hints at feelings of guilt.

Gypsies consider a dream with a rose to be very lucky. Blooming speaks of devoted friendship. An open flower - joyful and happy life. A withered rose suggests that you should not neglect your old friend. The red rose is also considered a symbol of satisfaction.

Many people don't give of great importance dreams: you never know what you might dream about! But still, there are much more of those who, upon waking up in the morning, open the dream book first. Dreams can be varied, but in each there are objects and phenomena on the basis of which the meaning of night dreams can be interpreted. This time we will talk about the queen of flowers - the rose.

Why do you dream of roses according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller interprets the rose he saw in a dream as good sign. Especially if a rose blooms and exudes in a dream wonderful aroma. This means that soon some joyful event will certainly happen in life.

And if in this dream you deeply inhale the aroma of these flowers, then joy will not only await you, it will also be “without a hitch”, nothing can overshadow it. An equally good sign is a rose that has not fully opened: it promises wealth and, in general, any material well-being.

But if roses in a dream are dry and withered, or, even worse, their petals fall off, expect trouble: one of your loved ones may become seriously ill.

I dreamed about a rose - what does it mean according to Vanga’s dream book

The rose in Vanga's dream book is also a good sign. But the interpretation of this symbol by the great soothsayer is slightly different. So, if in a dream you inhale the scent of a rose, it means that soon you will be visited by the greatest feeling on earth - love.

And if the roses have withered, especially for roses given by someone, then this means only one thing: the person who presented them is simply deceiving you, he can easily betray you. Vanga also paid Special attention rose thorns: pricked in a dream on a rose thorn - you are trying to hide something, but it is in vain to hide, soon your deception will be revealed.

Rose in a dream according to Freud's dream book

Freud, in his interpretation of the rose in a dream, initially took a different direction: he associates this flower with sexual symbolism. So, for example, he interprets the same prick on a rose thorn as sexual harassment, which will soon await you.

Roses given to you are again sexual interest from the opposite sex. If you present flowers as a gift, this characterizes you as a passionate person who knows a lot about intimate relationships, as well as a keen various kinds sexual games.

Why do you dream of roses according to Morozova’s dream book?

Morozova also connects the rose seen in a dream with joy and love, which are about to cover you completely. A fading rose means illness. Dreaming of an artificial rose means the same thing.

The meaning of this flower also depends on who sees it in a dream: if young people dream of a large number of roses, it means that a happy marriage will soon await them; if a sick person dreams of the same thing, it means death. If the rose in your dream is broken, your plans and hopes will collapse.

Why do you dream of a rose according to Hasse’s dream book

In dreams where roses take place, there lurks deep meaning. In real life, a rose gives a person aesthetic pleasure and causes positive emotions. The same is projected into dreams.

Rose is beauty, harmony, sincerity, joy, love. According to Hasse, a withered rose is sadness, not necessarily illness or death, as in other dream books. It may also indicate fear or severe mental shock.

But Hasse still gives the right to interpret the meaning of the dreamed rose to the “sleep” himself. He is sure that the feelings you experience in a dream (we are talking about feelings associated with a rose) are projected onto reality.

Roses in a dream according to Meneghetti's dream book

Meneghetti went in a completely different direction in his interpretation of this symbol. Yes, he does not deny that a rose is beauty, splendor, delight. But, according to Meneghetti, all this is only external, feigned. So if you saw a rose in a dream, this may mean that soon you will meet a person who is beautiful on the outside, creating a pleasant impression, but “rotten” on the inside.

Why do you dream of pink, black, yellow roses?

The most popular scarlet roses dream of a dream come true and prosperity in the family.

A bright red rose can also dream of a happy marriage.

A white rose means recovery if a sick person sees it in a dream. If healthy - to spiritual harmony and peace. But if you dream of white roses on which a shadow falls and which seem gray because of this, this, on the contrary, is a sign of illness, and a very serious one at that.

A pink rose is a symbol of material things in dreams; it is a good sign for those who want to get rich.

The yellow rose symbolizes deceit. Seeing a yellow rose in a dream means facing betrayal or betrayal.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses?

A large number of roses at once - bouquets, armfuls - are interpreted in different ways. Rather, their meaning depends on who dreams of bouquets of roses and at what time. If this is a spring bouquet, you will be happy. If the bouquet is given in winter - disappointment, disappointment and vain expectations.

Why else do you dream about a rose?

Also, the meaning of the dream depends on what actions you perform with the participation of roses. So:

  • cut roses.

If a girl cuts roses, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal. But if she collects withered roses, she doesn’t have a lover and may not have one for a long time. Roses you cut in your own garden dream of help, which one of your loved ones will soon need and which you will generously provide.

  • trample roses.

If in a dream you mercilessly destroy beautiful flowers, trample them, you will soon commit an act for which you will be very ashamed.

  • water the roses.

Watering roses in a dream means that in reality you will do everything to preserve your love relationship, and you will succeed very successfully.

  • throw away roses.

In a dream, did you see yourself throwing away a bouquet of roses that were in a vase or given to you? Know that soon you will experience a break in relations with someone close to you.

Almost always, a bouquet of fragrant, delicate, incredibly beautiful roses is a worthy addition to the main gift for a woman, and in real life the sight of these flowers evokes only positive emotions. Why do you dream of a pink bouquet, what secrets do roses hide in a dream? Our dream book will tell you about this.

Why do you dream of a pink bouquet: joy or sadness?

According to predictions women's dream book, to see in a dream roses that bloom, bloom, and exude a pleasant aroma - very good sign for the fairer sex. A happy event awaits them, and there is no doubt about the fidelity of their spouse or lover.

In general, the dream book gives good interpretation a dream where you saw any flowers, and roses especially. The main condition is that they must look good. But if the flower fades, then this is a harbinger of health problems, and a series of not very pleasant events in general.

Also, the lunar dream book promises quite good events if you dreamed of roses. A young girl who sees such a plot will expect a new love if she is in this moment free, or the rekindling of an old passion if her heart is already occupied.

According to Miller's dream book, roses are more often a good prognosis than a bad one. The plot with fragrant flowers is interpreted depending on the details of the dream. Inhaling the aroma of a pink bouquet is a harbinger of pure joy that nothing can overshadow. And if a girl holds armfuls of flowers in a dream, then she will soon be proposed to.

According to the love dream book, seeing roses in a dream is a symbol of good fortune in everything. All endeavors will be successful, and peace and unprecedented harmony will reign in the family. If the flowers are white, then this is a harbinger of a new spiritual connection, which may well develop into love.

Azar's dream book gives a very interesting interpretation of a dream about roses, but only if a young lady dreamed about them. A very successful flirtation awaits her, which may well develop into serious relationship, and even lead to marriage.

According to the dream book of Simon Canaanite, the meaning of a dream where roses were cut from a bush by the dreamer is a harbinger of temptations and the intricacies of fate. The dream book promises a passion for the opposite sex, which can be either mutual or unrequited.

What do roses mean in a dream? French dream book? This is also a good sign, especially for family people. Even if the family’s situation now leaves much to be desired, you can rest assured that in the near future the house will become a full cup filled with comfort and warmth.

Flowers of different colors and types

No matter how trivial it may be, noble flowers are Pink colour Most women like them, especially those with romantic and amorous natures. Why do you dream pink roses? This is a designation of a nascent relationship, not deep feelings, not hot passion, but simply light infatuation, flirting. But it is possible that on this basis a person who sees such a plot will be able to build a strong couple.

Cunning and cunning are symbolized by yellow roses. For those who have already found their soulmate, such a dream should be the first sign of possible betrayal. And for free people, the dream book interprets such a plot as gossip, conspiracies and intrigues around the dreamer.

Exotic, original, incredibly beautiful, but at the same time repulsive because of the legend associated with them, blue roses - why do you dream about them? Despite their beauty, they do not bode well for good events. This is a harbinger of cooling of feelings between people in love.

Why do you dream of black roses? The dream book interprets such a picture as not very favorable. In the future, you will have to face the betrayal of a loved one, or you will receive very sad news about him.

The all-consuming passion of two loving hearts is what burgundy roses mean in dreams. The dream book interprets this dream either as the revival of slightly extinguished feelings, or as the appearance in life of a new object of adoration, to whom the dreamer will give all of himself without reserve, and this will be mutual.

Why do you dream of scarlet roses? Scarlet, as rich and intense, symbolizes the fulfillment of a cherished dream, the achievement of a goal that you have been striving for for a long time. Most likely, your desire is related to material well-being, since red or purple is always a harbinger of prosperity.

We associate orange with brightness, sunshine, positivity, and what orange roses mean in dreams will also bring unprecedented joy to the dreamer. He will be praised and exalted, he will bask in the rays of glory, which will very easily come to him.

The dream book’s warning that it is high time to forget old, outdated relationships, love that can no longer be returned, cooled passion, and start life anew - everything will definitely work out - this is what blue roses mean in dreams.

Why do you dream of living roses? The dream book explains that the most important thing is that they exude a pleasant aroma, that their petals are fresh and elastic, and then the person who sees such a picture will experience unprecedented happiness and joy.

The dream book interprets differently what rose bushes mean in dreams. In the first case, a lot depends on the coloring of the buds, and if the flowers on the bush are scarlet, then you can hope for the fulfillment of your cherished desire. If you are married or married, then expect wonderful news about an imminent addition to the family.

Why do you dream about many roses? A young girl who saw a lot of pink bouquets in a dream, and was happy about it, can expect a marriage proposal, to which she will answer: “I agree.”

The rosebud you looked at in your dream is not very good good sign. The dream book promises wasted tears, unjustified sadness and depression. It’s worth taking a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, giving your tense nerves a break, and then everything will fall into place.

Rose petals that you pick from a flower in a dream are a bad omen. With your own hands you are destroying love happiness, driving away the person who really loves and appreciates you.

Also, a sign of sadness and fading feelings are dry roses in a dream. You shouldn’t be sad about past relationships and faded passion, life gives you every chance to meet new love, and the main thing is to grab luck by the tail and not be afraid of new feelings.

Artificial roses in a dream are a signal from the dream book that you simply need to improve the situation in your family, because at the moment everything is built purely on habit, you need to revive your former passion, and hold on to your feelings with all your might - they have a right to exist.

A harbinger of a serious conflict between lovers is a broken rose in a dream. And if the flower is also a little withered, or completely dried out, then it is possible that a quarrel will be followed by separation.

Actions with flowers in a dream

If you were given roses in a dream, then this plot is interpreted by the dream book depending on their number and color. For example, if there is only one flower, then you have one faithful friend in your life who will do anything for you.

In general, what do you dream about given roses - a symbol of friendship and support, and if they scarlet color, then your friendship is particularly strong and mutually supportive. Receiving white roses in a dream means the purity and fidelity of your soulmate. You can completely trust her, she will not deceive.

If a young girl had to give roses in a dream, then in reality she will have conflict situation with the people to whom she gave them. But planting roses in a dream is a foreshadowing of a dream book about the embodiment of romantic fantasies.

A business man who had to buy roses in a dream can confidently expect success in business. If the dreamer is a girl, then this is a prediction from the dream book that there will be stability and mutual understanding in her relationship with the opposite sex.

Three roses that were given to you in a dream means that you are surrounded by faithful and devoted friends who will not betray you under any circumstances. And what two roses mean in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a bad omen. Even number- a symbol of mourning and sadness.

Withered roses in a dream are the personification of mental loneliness, sad thoughts, the desire to find love and friends. Also, for those who are in love, this is a harbinger of separation or a quarrel with their other half.

Why else do you dream of withered roses? The dream book gives a warning: even if there is stability and mutual understanding in your relationship now, do not rush to relax. Perhaps your loved one is hiding something from you.

From the erotic side, the dream book interprets seeing rose thorns in a dream. The thorn represents the phallus, and if you prick yourself on it, then beware of sexual harassment in real life.

An unmarried girl who had to cut roses in a dream can have no doubt what such a plot means: the dream book promises a wedding celebration or a marriage proposal. If you saw roses in a vase in a dream, then you will soon have stunning success with the opposite sex.

If you dreamed of a bush blooming roses- This is a sign of shared and happy love. If you dreamed of being covered with snow rose bush- a harbinger of separation from a loved one. If you dreamed of a rose bush being uprooted, this means trouble at work. Picking roses in a dream means a wedding. Smelling roses in a dream is a joyful experience. Putting roses in a vase is a new love adventure. If you dreamed of withered roses, you will be left to the mercy of fate. White roses are a sign of peace and love. If you dreamed of red roses - complex and confusing feelings. If you dreamed of cream roses - true friends and interesting acquaintances. If you dreamed of black or yellow roses, it is a harbinger of separation or betrayal. Receiving roses as a gift is a vain expectation of love and affection. Giving roses in a dream means your hopes will be fulfilled. If you dreamed of a rose with fallen petals, it means death is imminent.

Picking roses in a dream means that you have to accept important decision, which could affect your future. It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage. Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or successful and happy marriage. Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear. Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you.

White roses in a dream foretell good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit. Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of treason or betrayal loved one. A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings. Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed. If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you. A rose bush in a dream foretells a happy family life.

Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit. Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your loved one. A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

According to Miller's dream book, roses are more often a good prognosis than a bad one. The plot with fragrant flowers is interpreted depending on the details of the dream. Inhaling the aroma of a pink bouquet is a harbinger of pure joy that nothing can overshadow. And if a girl holds armfuls of flowers in a dream, then she will soon be proposed to.

Almost always, a bouquet of fragrant, delicate, incredibly beautiful roses is a worthy addition to the main gift for a woman, and in real life the sight of these flowers evokes only positive emotions. Why do you dream of a pink bouquet, what secrets do roses hide in a dream? Our dream book will tell you about this.

The all-consuming passion of two loving hearts is what burgundy roses mean in dreams. The dream book interprets this dream either as the revival of slightly extinguished feelings, or as the appearance in life of a new object of adoration, to whom the dreamer will give all of himself without reserve, and this will be mutual.

Artificial roses in a dream are a signal from the dream book that you simply need to improve the situation in your family, because at the moment everything is built purely on habit, you need to revive your former passion, and hold on to your feelings with all your might - they have a right to exist.

According to this dream book, a rose symbolizes secrets. Picking or just seeing roses is a joy. Receiving roses as a gift means wishes come true, and giving roses means lost hopes. To be pricked by a rose's thorns is to suffer from love. Red roses are a symbol of blood and emotional experiences. Rich red rose - passionate hot love. Dry rose - restore feeling to no avail. If the rose falls off, it means the end of a carefree life.

Rose is a symbol of mystery, love, chastity. To be pricked with a thorn is to hide an ugly act from a loved one. Cutting roses in your own garden is a sign that you will always help those in need. If your roses are attacked by pests, it means a person to whom you gave a lot mental strength, will not appreciate your efforts. If the presented roses dry quickly - who insincerely swears love.

Walking among bright red roses excites the mind and heart. Roses symbolize accumulated passion in real life. At the same time, bright red roses can mean taking responsibility for a dangerous or risky business.

A rose is a symbol of mystery. A rose bush is happiness in love / joy / something that has to do with the holy virgin. Seeing and picking roses in general is a sign of joy. Receiving roses as a gift is the fulfillment of desires / what a secret. Giving roses is the death of hopes. O thorns to prick - to suffer / suffering from love, the disease of love. Scarlet rose - love / something connected with your blood / your spiritual strength. Very red rose - ardent love, passion. White rose - separation / danger to the life of a loved one / hermit , monastic lifestyle / whose innocence, purity, chastity / whose soul is on the verge of entering life / the pure soul of the deceased. Yellow rose - fidelity. Blue rose - forget the past, a new life begins. Withered rose - life and health I am in danger / irrevocably joys have flown by / the end of something good. A hoarse rose is the end of a carefree life. To find a withered rose is useless to awaken old feelings.

If a bouquet of white roses is a gift that symbolizes heavenly energy, it may require some sacrifices in the name of heaven, and on earth the roses can easily turn into a crown of thorns. In the interpretation of dreams, personally experienced emotions mean a lot. To see / pick / give roses in a dream - a red rose is the mi energy of the Earth, a white rose is the yang energy of the Sky, adding energy to all systems of the body. In a dream, seeing / smelling / walking among roses with an equally bright feeling - walking among roses at any time of the year or walking among white roses in the fall is beneficial for everyone (see this season's article White color) in the absence of negative emotions. In autumn this means good energy storage in accordance with the tasks of the season; in other seasons it means obtaining the necessary energy.

To see buds on a bush that have not yet blossomed - such a dream means that your material well-being will be very stable. If you saw a withered rose bush - someone close to you will get sick, other sad events are possible. I dreamed of a luxurious bush of scarlet roses - a sign that great hopes will come true in your family. In a dream, decorating your hair with a red rose bud means that for a girl who is in love, this is a sign of impending deception. You were presented with a bouquet of red roses in the spring - you will be happy;

If you dreamed that you were given roses, it means be careful, because someone really wants you the bitter things of life and death. Cutting it off means there will be tears and grief. Inhaling the aroma - such a dream means that love will become a source of pain for you. To give to someone - you will wish someone misfortune, you will be the source of someone’s grief, so you must, before it’s too late, listen to the voice of your conscience. Plant - you will make problems through your own fault. Putting roses on a grave means you feel guilty before your loved ones.

White roses in a dream modern dream book symbolize a connection with a person, spiritual or physical, and this connection will turn your whole life upside down. Such a connection will help you look at the world with different eyes and make you believe in what previously seemed unattainable.

Rose is magic flower, and like all magical objects, such a flower has feedback. Therefore, when receiving white roses as a gift, you should experience positive emotions, because such a gift may require some kind of sacrifice, that is, on earth, roses can turn into a crown of thorns. So, if you dream of roses, then such a dream should be interpreted depending on what emotions you experienced during the dream.

There are many legends about why roses are red. One of them says that the rose turned red from the blood of a nightingale that was cut on its thorns. Others say that the poet pressed roses to his heart, so his blood turned her red. A very touching story of a girl who clutched roses to her chest in order to place them on the grave of her loved one.

According to an old belief, if you dream of white, slightly wilted roses on Mondays, Fridays and Wednesdays, this is a sign that one of your loved ones will get sick. Also withered roses, but of a different color, symbolize short-lived love, or if you have a loved one, then your relationship will end in the near future.

It's important to know that mutual love waiting for two people who love each other if one of them gives flowers to the other in a dream. But inhaling the wonderful aroma of red roses in a dream is a symbol of the fact that joy will soon come, which no one can overshadow.

A bouquet of roses in a dream portends a lot of good things. In reality, flowers always evoke joy and tenderness, and the same thing happens in a dream. Roses in a dream prophesy that in real life days are coming filled with hot passions and ardent love.

Yellow roses are often considered a harbinger of separation, but such an interpretation has no basis in reality. Quite the contrary, yellow roses are a symbol of friendship and recognition, admiration and respect. Only in combination with other flowers can a yellow rose promise something unpleasant. For example, in a bouquet among roses of other shades or other plants, a yellow rose can warn of a possible betrayal of a loved one - why dream of yellow roses. Tea roses can serve as a beacon of separation.

Cutting roses is the opposite action to the previous one. What has been grown should now be removed to allow something else to sprout. This can be interpreted as the fact that your garden (which can be understood as a house where a person lives with his family, or close relationships with people) needs updating. It is worth reconsidering your relationships with others.

Blue roses are also an unusual shade of flowers. If you see them in a dream or someone gives them to you, then most likely they want to please you and give you something original. On the other hand, blue is the color of the sea, carefree and harmony. A person giving a bouquet of this color can bring the necessary feeling of security and peace into your life.

Are you wondering why you dream of burgundy roses? Roses are purple, dark red in color as a gift - this is a sign of strong love, passion and deep respect. If the color is too dark, close to black, then the relationship with a specific person began to deteriorate and fade.

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