Ventilation of the steam room from the relaxation room. How to arrange ventilation in a sauna with your own hands? Where to place supply and exhaust openings

Ventilation in the dressing room is a guarantee of healthy rest. The quality of the microclimate in the bathhouse depends on how correctly this type of work is performed. It is impossible to get a healthy spirit and pleasure from relaxation in a room with a musty smell of dampness and mold, so it is important to study all the features of the air exchange arrangement before going to work.

Diagram of the air exchange device in the dressing room

The construction of a bathhouse is not complete without a set of basic premises: a steam room, a washing room, a dressing room, a relaxation room. It is this set that helps you get complete rest and enjoyment from it. In order to save space, the dressing room is often used as a locker room or rest room. Since vacationers will spend the maximum time in this room, the microclimate in it must meet the following requirements:

According to the above list, a direct dependence of the microclimate on heating and ventilation is visible.

Technical requirements for air exchange in the dressing room

When building a bathhouse with your own hands, you may later encounter high humidity, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of rot, mold, and premature destruction of the building. The cause of such troubles may be poor ventilation, lack of or improper insulation of walls, floors, and ceilings.

Air exchange calculation table in different rooms baths

Before the stage of engineering work in the dressing room, a number of features should be taken into account:

There are three types of ventilation used for baths:

  • Forced. It is carried out using electric fans;
  • Natural. Based on the laws of physics, where wind force and atmospheric pressure play a role. The principle of movement of air masses: warm air rises, cooled air sinks to the floor;
  • Combined. A combination of the two previous types. Such a complex will provide short terms optimal microclimate throughout the entire building.

Arrangement of ventilation in the dressing room

When building a bathhouse, you should understand that this is not only a steam room, but also a number of other rooms. Overall, it’s a complex. Therefore, a unified ventilation scheme is laid out at the time of design. To do this, you should consider a number of points:

Depending on the location of the rest room, the hood can be mounted on the wall behind which it is located. Often used forced ventilation, allowing for increased efficiency of air movement.

When doing work on laying ventilation ducts with your own hands, do not forget about their heat and.

An integrated approach to the condensate problem

By purchasing ready-made sauna, you may encounter the problem of condensation in the dressing room. If an inspection of the ventilation system on site shows that everything is normal, you should look at the quality of the “pies” of the walls, floor, and ceiling.

Drawing of the placement of ventilation holes in the dressing room

Possible drafts and additional sources of moisture and cold from outside create problems inside the building. As a result, this method of solving the problem with condensation, like making ventilation in the dressing room, will not help. A whole range of work will be required to eliminate this deficiency.

Floor insulation

Ideal option flooring- tile. It seals all drafts from the underground space and also prevents the penetration of moisture. For greater comfort, you can lay a heated floor system underneath, but this will increase the costs of finishing and operation. Therefore, wooden coverings are most often installed. The correct floor should be installed in the following steps:

Often, part of the heating and ventilation ducts are laid in the underground space. With this scheme, communications are insulated and waterproofed.

Ceiling insulation

Perhaps this is the weakest point in the waiting room. It is this area that is most negatively affected by the effects of steam.

Scheme of ceiling insulation in the dressing room

The warmer the ceiling, the less condensation will accumulate on it. The ideal filler option is expanded clay, which will replace both insulation and vapor barrier. But this is not always technically possible.

Therefore, false ceilings are most popular:

  • The guide bars are filled, a vapor barrier is laid;
  • Insulation is placed between the wooden profiles (mineral wool is recommended) and sewn with a reflector (foil film). The seams between the sheets are taped with metallized tape.

An important point is the ventilation gap between the insulation and the finishing lining of the ceiling.

Wall insulation

It is carried out according to the same principle as ceiling cladding. For is supposed . And the inside is being waterproofed.

Scheme of wall insulation in the dressing room and waterproofing devices

Another important point to save heat and optimize ventilation - these are doors. Size entrance group 1800*800 is recommended for the waiting room.

In this case, the box must be insulated. The door to the steam room is made smaller than the entrance door. Thus, heat loss in both rooms is reduced.


The sharp difference between the steam room and the dressing room is the main reason for the appearance of condensation. That's why experienced craftsmen strive to create the optimal temperature regime in every room. For this purpose, the stove is used as a heat source.

There are several options:

Which method to choose is determined individually.

The full and durable functioning of a bathhouse of any type and size depends not only on the competent construction of the building, its finishing and installation of the stove, but also on the organization of the ventilation system. Further in the material with attached photos and videos we will talk about the types and principles of constructing a hood in various rooms bathhouse built with your own hands.

How does ventilation work in a bathhouse?

Air circulation in the bathhouse, as well as in any other room, occurs according to the laws of physics, so circuit diagram hood is quite simple.

To install it, you need to make two types of holes:

  • inlet;
  • excreting.

Through the supply channels, fresh air penetrates into the room from the street. As a rule, when designing a ventilation system inside a bathhouse, such openings are provided almost right next to the floor, not far from the stove. This is done so that the cold air quickly heats up from the stove and the overall temperature inside the bath does not decrease.

Exhaust openings are designed to allow carbon monoxide and overheated moist air accumulated inside the room to be removed from the room. They are placed slightly below the ceiling level opposite the supply channels so that the air can be freely renewed and does not stagnate inside the bathhouse.

However, you should not make a hole in the ceiling itself for the hood, since in this case the bath will cool very quickly.

We can say that the layout of the inlet and outlet ventilation holes itself is not very difficult. Much more worrying is the need for timely and effective removal accumulation of carbon monoxide in the steam room and simultaneously maintaining the temperature at high values ​​necessary for a comfortable stay in the steam room.

In addition, you need to think about how to make ventilation in the dressing room, shower and rest room so that it is pleasant and not cold to be in them during the respite after the steam room. So you should work out the ventilation scheme in the sauna dressing room in advance if you plan to perform construction work on one's own.

Air exchange methods

Air circulation in the bath can be done in two ways:

  • spontaneously;
  • forcibly.

When deciding how to make ventilation in the dressing room with your own hands, you need to take into account the size of the room itself and its functional features.

Natural ventilation

Natural air movement is achieved due to the difference in temperature and pressure inside and outside the building. When arranging such ventilation in the bathhouse dressing room, you need to correctly place the supply and exhaust windows. It is optimal if cold air comes from below, through a passage located 25-35 cm from the floor in close proximity to the stove. The exhaust hot air will be exhausted through a hood 15-20 cm from the ceiling.

It is worth noting that often this air exchange option is not suitable for steam rooms, since cold air stagnates and accumulates near the floor, and the hottest air near the ceiling. It is quite difficult to create optimal air circulation in this room. naturally, although, if you try very hard and correctly arrange all the elements of the ventilation system, nothing is impossible.

Forced exhaust

You can make the air flows inside the steam room in a Finnish or Russian bath move using mechanisms.

There are two types of forced ventilation systems:

  1. Using electronics. Such a system controls the air temperature, its humidity, and automatically regulates its supply and cleaning. However, the installation of such complex technological installations can be quite expensive and may not fit into the budget.
  2. Combined method The arrangement of the hood assumes that, along with the installation of openings for air supply and exhaust, special fans are installed. They will force air masses to move, while creating a feeling of natural air exchange.

How the type of bathhouse building affects the type of ventilation system

Natural ventilation is best achieved in log cabins for a Russian bath, if during its arrangement all technological requirements were met and the air ducts were installed in the right places.

If the building for a bathhouse is of a frame type, then it is, as a rule, quite airtight. Therefore, in order to ensure better air flow into the steam room and complete ventilation, it is advisable to supply window set the fan to blow.

Brick buildings are completely unable to breathe and do not allow air to pass through. In such a bath, exhaust hood in the dressing room, steam room and relaxation room can only be forced.

Features and subtleties of hood design

When starting to design a ventilation system in the dressing room and other rooms of the bathhouse, you should consider all the subtleties and features of the placement of its individual elements.

Therefore, you need to decide how to make an exhaust hood in the dressing room, steam room and relaxation room at the planning stage of building a bathhouse.

The passages themselves, through which air flows from the street will enter the steam room, dressing room, shower and rest room, and exhaust air and accumulations of carbon monoxide and steam will go outside, will need to be completed during the construction of the bathhouse frame. But additional elements in the form of grilles, valves to control the intensity of air supply, as well as fans and other mechanisms, are installed already in the process final finishing baths from the inside.

On how effectively it will work ventilation system in the bathhouse, the following parameters influence:

  • principle of placement of air duct windows;
  • the dimensions of the supply and exhaust openings, which are calculated based on the volume of the room in which they are located, and it does not matter whether it is a shower room, a relaxation room, a dressing room or a steam room.

Calculation of window sizes for ventilation

It is necessary to calculate the size of windows for blowing and blowing air based on the size of a particular bathhouse room, that is, for a steam room, relaxation room, washing room or dressing room, these indicators will be different. At the same time, it is equally important to provide the ability to regulate the size of such a window and, accordingly, the power of air flows, by installing special grilles and valves.

Note that if the ventilation ducts are made too large, it will be quite difficult to maintain the temperature in the room at the optimal level, which in parallel entails unnecessary costs of electricity or fuel. And adjusting the size of the gap in the air duct by which the damper needs to be opened will be quite difficult.

When constructing ventilation in a bathhouse dressing room with your own hands, you should start from the estimated size of the blow-in window of 24 cm 2 by 1 cubic meter premises. But the blowing hole should be made larger to ensure good traction.

It is worth remembering that too much carbon monoxide and humid exhaust air can accumulate in the room, dangerous to human life, if the size of the hood windows is not enough for full circulation of air flows.

The principle of placing holes for the hood

The replacement of air in the room occurs due to the gradual rise of heated air masses up to the ceiling in the direction of the exhaust hole, their removal outside and the entry of a similar volume of cold, fresh, heavy air from the street through the supply window.

It is desirable that the direction of warm air flows coming from the furnace can be controlled. Therefore, it is advisable to place two blow-in holes in the steam room at once. Using valves on them, you can create a directed heat flow, leaving one or another gap in the air ducts.

Organization of a ventilation system in a Russian bath

How effectively a do-it-yourself hood will function in the waiting room, steam room and washing room in a Russian bath depends on the quality and literacy of the project development.

It is very important that the change in air temperature when moving from the steam room to the washing room and dressing room is gradual. In addition, it is equally important that the air at the floor and at head level does not differ too much in temperature.

The number of passages for air inflow and outflow, their size and location in the room directly affect the intensity and uniformity of air circulation inside the building. And additional equipment greatly simplifies this process.

Schemes for arranging a hood for a bath

The main task of ventilation in the relaxation room of the bathhouse, as well as in the dressing room and steam room, is to ensure constant renewal of air, maintain constant temperature and humidity, and remove carbon monoxide to the outside. Since all bath rooms are constantly in contact with high temperatures and humidity, they need regular drying.

However, simply ventilating the steam room and drying the wooden elements is not enough. To prevent wood from accumulating moisture, the bathhouse must have a constant, stable exhaust hood. Then it will last much longer and remain hygienic and clean.

Ventilated floor system

To improve air circulation in the steam room, you can install a ventilated floor.

To organize such a design, a number of conditions will need to be met:

  • air holes must be provided in the foundation of the bathhouse;
  • in the boardwalk you need to leave gaps of 1 cm, sufficient for the passage of air;
  • supply channels are located in parallel walls, having previously protected them with gratings;
  • the finishing coating is laid out above the level of the furnace vent so that it serves as an additional hood;
  • At the end of the bath procedures, all doors in the bathhouse are left open until the floor is completely dry.

Air exchange in the waiting room

Both the dressing room and the relaxation room are not exposed to aggressive influences high temperature and humidity. Therefore, ventilation and air exchange in these rooms is easiest to do. Here, the method of natural ventilation is used, or the installation of additional fans in exhaust openings connected to air ducts in the bathroom, vestibule or steam room.

If desired, you can install electronic ventilators. However, they require an electrical connection and direct access to the street.

Hood in the shower room

Typically, a shower room requires a power-assisted ventilation system to remove accumulated steam and moisture. In this case, the dimensions of the inlet and outlet holes are made the same. The inlet channel begins at a level of 2 m above the ground, and the outlet channel ends above the roof.

Ventilation system in the steam room

One of the main requirements for the ventilation system in the steam room is the absence of drafts. In this case, the room should heat up quickly, and the humidity level should be maintained at the level necessary for bath procedures. In this regard, the principle of location of supply and exhaust openings installed during construction is considered optimal.

The intensity of air flow can be adjusted using valves. At the same time, large size premises requires the installation of additional fans for blowing or blowing.

Right organized ventilation helps improve the quality of bathing procedures and increases the durability of a hygienic building. We will tell you below how to perform inexpensive and reliable ventilation of bath rooms and achieve the necessary air exchange.


Ventilation of a bathhouse is a well-organized exchange of waste and fresh air in premises without compromising their temperature conditions and the safety of the entire building. It helps ensure comfort from staying in the steam room and prevents poisoning of people carbon monoxide and promotes economical consumption of heating oil. The installation of ventilation in a bathhouse requires a responsible approach to this issue and is one of the most difficult stages in the construction of such facilities.

Types of ventilation in the bath

Ventilation is needed not only for a hot steam room, but also for other rooms in the bathhouse - changing rooms, showers and rest rooms. For each of them you can choose an individual type of air exchange.

The three most popular types are:

  • Natural ventilation. It is based on the principle of air circulation due to the difference in its pressure inside and outside the room.
  • Forced ventilation. Its effect is achieved through the use of electrical equipment and devices in homes that pump or extract air.
  • Combined ventilation. Combines the principles of both of the above types.

We will consider further what type of ventilation is most optimal for a bathhouse.

With mechanical, i.e. forced air exchange can create a comfortable environment in any room. However, such ventilation installed in a steam room will subsequently lead to considerable financial costs.

In combined air exchange, the outflow of polluted air occurs using an electric exhaust fan, and fresh air flows naturally through a special channel, usually located in the lower part of the wall of the room. Such a ventilation system has the right to life, but its use in a steam room will entail possible inconveniences, namely:

  1. To regulate the intensity of air exchange, the valve on the exhaust channel will have to be closed periodically. This action creates additional load on the fan, which is undesirable.
  2. If the exhaust ventilation in the sauna is too intense, then in order to maintain a high temperature in the steam room you will have to additionally “feed” the sauna stove. But for quick ventilation and drying of a steam room exhaust fan very useful.
If you look at the problem of ventilation through the eyes of a zealous owner, you will notice that a tool that can and should be used to organize high-quality air exchange is available in any steam room. This is a stove. With its help, air flows can move naturally thanks to the known laws of physics. Heated air is lighter than cold air. Using this truth and a hand-built oven, you can achieve high-quality natural ventilation baths without expensive expenses.

Important: the selected ventilation scheme in the bathhouse must ensure a fivefold exchange of air in one hour, regardless of its type.

How to make ventilation in a bathhouse

Let's consider the organization of natural air exchange in the bathhouse with two options for the location of the furnace firebox: if it is located in a room adjacent to the steam room, and when it is present in the steam room.

Ventilation in a bathhouse with the firebox located in a room adjacent to the steam room

Firebox outlet sauna stove into a relaxation room or dressing room has quite obvious advantages:
  • There is no burning, smoke, dirt or debris from firewood in the steam room.
  • The steam compartment is not cooling open door when servicing the oven.
  • The firebox heats the adjacent room without disturbing the temperature regime of the steam room.
  • There is always a place to store and dry a supply of firewood.
  • Using heat-resistant glass instead of a metal oven door, you can enjoy watching beautiful game tongues of fire, which has a beneficial effect on the psyche.
The connection of the furnace to the firebox in this case is carried out using a combustion tunnel. To do this, an opening is made for it in a common wall with a margin of 3-4 cm in the direction of increase. Such a gap is necessary for the installation of thermal insulation, which protects the wall from strong heating and deformation during thermal expansion of the tunnel. Basalt wool is used as insulation.

Then you need to lay an air duct to bring fresh air into the bathhouse from the street. The air duct is made in the form of a box or pipe, the end of which is equipped with a mesh that prevents insects and small rodents from entering it. The other end of the air duct is introduced to the bottom of the firebox and is located at a distance of several centimeters from metal sheet, attached to the floor and serving as its protection from accidental fire. The ventilation ducts of the furnace and the supply air duct form unified system, connecting the steam room space with the natural flow of fresh air.

Depending on the design of the bathhouse and its interior decoration, such an air duct can be located in the space under the floor or along its surface along the wall. The principle of placement of the exhaust duct is no less important. Its design is equipped with windows equipped with special valves. Air quality, temperature and humidity depend on their location. A good place for a ventilation hood is a distant wall located opposite the stove.

At a distance of 30 cm from the ceiling, you can embed a ventilation valve into the air duct and use it to regulate the intensity of air exchange. Pretty simple, isn't it? But in this case, along with the exhaust air, hot steam will come out. To reduce its outgoing flow and temperature drop, the valve will need to be closed. As a result, the flow of fresh air will decrease, and difficulty breathing will appear. Two valves enclosed in a vertical air duct will help eliminate this unpleasant moment. One of them should be placed on the wall under the ceiling, and the other below under the shelves.

We open the lower valve in the process of taking paired procedures. Fresh air heated by the stove rises to the ceiling. When it encounters an obstacle, it changes direction and ends up on the receiving end of the lower valve. Here, one part of it enters the air duct for exhaust, and the other part of the steam continues to circulate. The resulting vacuum is compensated by the supply ventilation box, supplying a certain volume of fresh air. As a result of the “circulation”, we get healthy air exchange while preserving precious heat in the steam room. If it is necessary to heat the bathhouse, the supply valves are closed, and when ventilating the steam room, they are opened for drying.

When calculating air exchange, it is important to determine the cross-sectional area of ​​the air ducts. The transverse dimensions of supply ventilation ducts are usually taken to be 20% more sizes chimney and by 10% smaller sizes cross sections of exhaust ventilation ducts. The exhaust duct must be connected to a ventilation riser, which is led to the roof of the building and equipped with a diffuser. The height of the riser above the roof determines the traction force in the furnace: the higher, the stronger.

Ventilation in a bathhouse with the firebox located inside the steam room

The operating principle of air exchange with the furnace firebox inside the steam room does not differ much from the previous one. Here, fresh air is also supplied and exhaust air is extracted, and the rules for minimal heat loss through the hood are observed. But the main difference still exists. Namely, the inflow pattern changes clean air. It is complemented by the installation of a supply ventilation channel, which is necessary to maintain the fuel combustion process in the furnace.

In this case, the heating process of the steam room is controlled by two doors located one above the other. When the oven begins to warm up, only the bottom door opens, while the top door is tightly closed. This position prevents the intake of cold air from the street. After the initial heating of the sauna stove with the top door open, part of the steam room air will enter through the hole below, heat up again and exit into the steam room through the door located at the top of the box.

After the steam room has warmed up sufficiently, the bottom door should be closed and the top door should be left open. When the room is subsequently heated, cold air from the supply air duct enters the ventilation ducts of the furnace from below, heats up there and exits through the upper hole into the steam room.

After the air in the steam room has completely warmed up, both doors are closed. The room adjacent to the steam room can be heated by opening the door located on the corresponding wall.

A video about ventilation in the bathhouse is presented below:

So, the main points proper organization We have studied healthy air exchange in baths. If you really want to, you can do the ventilation in the bathhouse yourself, but you can’t do this without the help of an experienced stove technician. Construction of a furnace is a process that requires thorough knowledge and significant skills. After all, not only the heating of the steam room, but also the efficiency of ventilation, and therefore our health, depends on its quality.

The choice of ventilation scheme depends on the design of the bathhouse (see bathhouse layout), but constituent elements will be the same:

  • ventilation holes in the foundation, which should be taken care of at the initial stage of construction;
  • vents with gratings and gaps in the floor (see);

    holes in the ceiling and walls, the location of which will be determined by the selected scheme;

    ventilation pipes leading to;

    supply and exhaust fans.

Options dislocations ventilation hatches may be different.

Scheme No. 1

The hole for air flow is installed behind the heater (you can read the article about choosing a heater) at a height of 0.5 m, the hood is on the opposite wall at the very bottom in relation to the floor.

Waste products are removed in a forced way. The scheme guarantees uniform heating of the incoming air.

Please note that the efficiency of the stove directly depends on how low the hood is located;

Scheme No. 2

The exhaust and supply openings are located opposite the stove, on the same wall. Entrance - 0.3 m from the floor level, exit - 0.3 m from the ceiling level.

A fan is used to pump air. The scheme is suitable if the bathhouse is equipped with only one external wall and the firebox is located inside the steam room;

Scheme No. 3

The supply vent is behind the stove, at a height of 0.3 m above the floor level. The hood is near the floor, but on the opposite side.

This scheme is popular due to its high-speed operation, which ensures a comfortable stay in the bathhouse;

Scheme No. 4

Ideal for baths with leaking floors. In this case, one supply hole is installed (behind the stove) at a height of 0.2-0.3 m above the floor.

Cold air enters the underground through the cracks and is discharged through the ventilation pipe;

Ventilation system installation technology

Depending on the location of the firebox, the design of the ventilation system takes place in 2 directions.

In the first case, the firebox is located in an adjacent room, in the second - directly in the steam room.

Ventilation of a bathhouse with a firebox inside the steam room

      a podium is built for the stove, allowing ventilation ducts to be installed. The bricks are laid in 3 rows.
      The first row is near the wall, the second is along the edge, the third is between the first and second. When the masonry reaches a height of 24
      cm it is covered with brick. To ensure unhindered air blowing, the last pair of bricks in
      the area where the stove is located is not installed;

      the end is formed;

      the second box, into the end of which the blower oven door is inserted, is completed. Thus, the first box should look under the stove, the second - into the steam room;

      on the wall adjacent to the rest room, at the level of the masonry, two channel holes are made (for doors). Please note that they should not extend to the top of the brick jacket. Then they can be easily opened and closed;

      the stove is placed on a podium and covered with bricks. Do not forget to provide a hole for the fuel channel and a gap (between brickwork and oven), which is filled non-flammable material;

      equip protective screen with two convection valves;

      the hood is installed in a manner similar to that for a bathhouse with a firebox from an adjacent room.

Ventilation of a bathhouse with a firebox from an adjacent room

    the combustion tunnel is lined with bricks with a gap of 1 cm. This is necessary for subsequent laying of basalt wool, which reduces the risk of deformation of the masonry when heated;

    inlet openings can be made in two ways:

    • From the street, a ventilation duct is laid under the floor, which is removed from the pre-furnace sheet that protects the floor from fire. Grids are installed on the channel (inside and outside).

      the second method differs from the first only in that the ventilation duct is carried out using the floor method. Otherwise, there are no differences - take it out of the street, bring it to the firebox sheet and install ventilation grilles.

    diagonally from the supply vents, an exhaust hood is installed on the opposite wall. The ventilation duct is pre-sheathed with clapboard and mounted at a height of 30 cm above the floor level.

    The area of ​​the supply openings should be equal to the area of ​​the exhaust openings. Otherwise, a draft is formed, reducing the volume of fresh air.

How to regulate the ventilation system

If the firebox is outside the steam room

    after the oven has warmed up, close the exhaust and supply vents;

    when the temperature reaches the planned level, the holes are adjusted using doors (latches);

    if it is necessary to increase the volume of fresh air, open the supply hatches;

    After completing the steam procedures, all existing doors must also be opened.

Steamers often determine the temperature and humidity conditions by eye (read about how to steam properly), this method, of course, cannot be called infallible. The following devices will help you objectively assess the situation:

    thermometer (electric, alcohol, but not mercury). When using an electric thermometer in a steam room
    a thermocouple is installed, and the indicator is displayed in the dressing room;

    hygrometer. Using this device you can set the required humidity regime (dry air or
    very humid).

If the firebox is inside the steam room

    The ventilation ducts are covered only after the furnace has thoroughly warmed up, i.e. during initial warm-up, the lower
    the doors do not close;

    the stove must operate with the top hatches open;

    During the soaring period, only the blower door (on the box) is left open, providing air flow for

    After steaming, the sauna is thoroughly ventilated.
    Steamers often determine the temperature and humidity conditions by eye; this method, of course, cannot be called infallible. The following devices will help you objectively assess the situation:

Ventilation of a bathhouse is important when arranging a steam room, however, in order for it to function as it should, the layout of the air duct and other utility channels must be properly thought out. You also need to select reliable equipment, ranging from dehumidifiers and heating to humidifiers and thermostats.

Having decided to install bath ventilation, you can try to figure out how to do it yourself, but it is much better to turn to professionals who will install the device. exhaust system and the structure of other communications is well known. At the same time, it is not necessary to consider mainly expensive high-tech options - it is enough to limit yourself to basic solutions.

Speaking about how to properly design the ventilation of a bathhouse, you must immediately take into account that the natural flow of fresh air is necessary not only for a comfortable stay, but also to maintain the combustion process, and this, as is known, largely depends on the access of oxygen. Especially for the stove, it is recommended to lay a ventilation duct with an outlet through a steel sheet, designed to protect the floor from fire in case of hot coals from the firebox. The box should be wider than the chimney, about a quarter.

Supply ventilation of the bath

Ventilation equipment is installed, due to which fresh air is forcedly pumped in and subsequently heated; This type of bath ventilation provides complete control over air exchange. Fans are installed in the channels through which air moves, directing the flow in the desired direction. As a result, there is always enough oxygen in the steam room.

Ventilation of a bathhouse with a furnace firebox
from the rest room

Ventilation in washing bath must be created taking into account high humidity. The hole through which the exhaust air escapes must be sufficiently warmed up, otherwise in winter ice may form at its end on the street side. It is extremely difficult to design a good steam room yourself, as this requires experience. It is better to turn to professionals for this purpose. The RusPar company has been designing baths for quite a long time and is ready to fulfill orders of any level of complexity. We will deliver the steam room turnkey strictly within the pre-agreed time frame.

Ventilation of a bathhouse with a firebox
ovens in the steam room

Is ventilation necessary in a log bath?

It is very difficult to answer this question. On the one hand, the air in such a room freely penetrates through the lower rims of the walls, on the other hand, this may not be enough for proper ventilation. Moreover, modern bath designs are often noticeably different from classic designs, so ventilation holes must be present in them. But what should the ventilation of a bathhouse be like, what standards should be taken into account when designing it, especially when you undertake construction with your own hands? If a stove-heater is installed, then you should take into account the peculiarity of its vent: air flows out through it. Plus, floor ventilation is being installed, all the necessary communications are laid through ducts in the bathhouse, fans are installed in certain places, which will turn on if necessary to speed up air exchange. It is important that the room is guaranteed to be free from drafts and condensation does not form.

What should the ventilation of the bathhouse be like if the floor is monolithic?

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