Fun competitions for corporate parties for the New Year with jokes, music and dancing. Music competition guess the melody

Musical competitions at corporate events allow you to identify talents in the workforce, as well as just have fun from the heart. Such competitions cannot leave anyone indifferent, because... music always touches the most delicate strings of the human soul, you want to move to the beat of the tune, hum your favorite melody.

Competition "Heart of a Beauty"

Only men are invited to participate in this competition. First, the leader and participants sing together the first line of the Duke's aria "The Heart of a Beauty." Then each participant must sing the same line, depicting one word with gestures, and the remaining words are sung with their voice. The next participant shows the next word, and he must sing all the remaining words, and so on.

Hint on how to depict words:

“heart” - put your hand to your chest,
“beauty” - draw with your hands the curves of an ideal figure,
“prone” - you can bow,
“treason” - show horns,
“change” - raise your hand as if you were holding a bell and shake it,
“wind” - to hum or blow like the wind,
“May” - depict a participant in the May demonstration, for example, march.

To make it more fun, the game should be played quickly. You can get creative and change the conditions a little. For example, the participants in the game take turns showing one word from a famous song, and the audience must guess the entire line.

Competition “I’ll sing now” or guess the melody of a song

This competition requires the participation of a minimum of six people. Future music lovers should divide into two teams and take turns listening to 10-15 fairly well-known or popular songs today. Moreover, the music will play no more than 15-20 seconds. If one of the teams is late with the answer, the right to guess is transferred to the opponents. For the correct answer, each team is awarded 1 point. Accordingly, the side with the most points wins.

More advanced song lovers are also divided into a pair of teams, they will have a more difficult task than in the previous version. Of course, they won’t have to sing; everything is more complicated here. A member of one of the teams will have to gurgle, whistle or tap a song, the name of which will be learned from the host of the competition. Then everything goes according to clock – the team that delayed the answer transfers the right to vote to its opponents.

Competition “Pass the ball to the music”

This game is good to play while dancing. The dancers pass each other a ball or another round object, for example, an apple, a melon, or whatever they can find. Suddenly the presenter turns off the music, and the one who is holding the object in his hand at that moment must leave the game. The winner is the participant who managed to dance to the end.

Competition "Remember the Song"

The presenter announces a song competition. To participate, you will need several teams, the number of players in each is determined based on the total number of guests - you can split the team into three or four people.

Next, the theme is announced, which must correspond to the songs that the participants will sing. The winner is the team that remembers the most songs on a given topic and sings a small part of them. The team that couldn't remember the song lost. To simplify the task, you can choose not a topic, but a specific word that should be present in the song.

Competition “Continue the Song”

Participants are divided into teams. The presenter starts the song, then stops it at a certain point; the teams must continue the song. The team that continues the most songs the fastest and correctly wins. You can listen to several songs this way.

Competition "Sing a Song"

The presenter turns on a song, the words of which everyone knows, the participants begin to sing, then the presenter turns off the sound, and the participants continue to sing to themselves, when the presenter turns the sound back on, everyone should be at the same place in the song and continue singing it collectively. The host interrupts the song several times. Participants must not make mistakes. Those participants who never make a mistake win. You must try not to laugh throughout the competition, otherwise you can quickly lose your temper and drop out of the game.

Musical Hat Competition

The participants of the competition stand in a circle, music plays, and the participants begin to pass the hat to each other as follows: one participant takes the hat off his head and puts it on the head of his neighbor. At any moment, the presenter can stop the music and then the player who did not have time to pass the hat to the next one leaves the game. The contestant who passed all the tests and was the last one standing is the winner.

“Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced...” It is simply impossible to imagine a banquet without songs and dances, because musical accompaniment is an important part of any celebration. In addition, it is customary to break up the long wedding feast with competitions. In this article we will look at what interesting music competitions there are for weddings.

Why do we need entertainment? The competition program is an important part of any wedding; with its help you can create a fun and relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

Typically, such entertainment is divided into individual and team. Depending on the location, there are two types of music competitions for guests and newlyweds.

  • Table- they are carried out without leaving the table. The purpose of such competitions is to diversify the feast, take a break between toasts, make guests smile and get to know each other.
  • Competitions in the hall. They are distinguished by a significant degree of activity. As a rule, for such competitions you need not just to sing some kind of melody, but also to dance or perform some other action to the music.

Based on the degree of involvement, the following can be distinguished.

  • Competitions for everyone. Such competitions should dominate the program, because to create the right atmosphere at a wedding, it is necessary that no one gets bored or feels deprived of attention. Monitoring this is one of the responsibilities of the leader. For this reason competitive program is always compiled taking into account the age and interests of the invitees.
  • Be sure to include a couple of competitions in the program for the main heroes of the occasion.
  • , as well as for father-in-law/mother-in-law/father-in-law/mother-in-law. At every wedding there are separate categories of guests who are usually distinguished from others. Usually this is a friend of the groom and a friend of the bride, as well as the parents of the newlyweds. As a rule, the toastmaster includes one competition in the program specifically for them.


Many music competitions can be held without leaving the table.

  • Remember the song. Guests take turns remembering and singing wedding-themed songs. If you delve into your memory, you can remember a lot of such songs. The winner is the participant who sang last and did not repeat the songs of the previous guests.
  • Musical questions. Another team competition in which one team asks a question with a line from a song, and the second team must answer it with a line from another song. For example, the question “I asked the ash tree where my beloved is?” Answer: “Where the maple tree rustles over the river wave.”
  • Musical hat. First you need to “cut” the melodies of popular songs and prepare the hat. The host puts it on the heads of the guests one by one and asks tricky questions, and the hat gives funny musical answers.

For the hall

For these competitions, participants need to get up from the table and go to the presenter.

  • Guess the melody. This popular game and can now be used for holding competitions at weddings. The invitees are divided into two teams; To guess the melody, one participant from each of them is chosen in turn. The team that managed to guess the most songs wins.
  • Congratulations to the young people. Two teams also take part in this competition - each of them is given a sheet of words, and they must, in a short time, come up with a song in which these words will be used, and then perform it.
  • Song competition. Participants of the competition stand in a circle facing each other. One participant sings a verse from any song, the next must immediately sing a verse from another song containing at least one word from the text of the previous participant. Anyone who could not do this or got lost is eliminated from the competition.

For any celebration

Dancing is an integral part of any wedding. Guests can simply dance or take part in a fun musical competition.

  • Dancing on the newspaper. Participants are divided into pairs; each couple dances on a newspaper laid out on the floor. Gradually the task becomes more complicated - the newspaper is folded first 2 times, then 4 times. A team that leaves the “field” is eliminated from the competition.
  • Dances of the peoples of the world. Usually, 2 teams of 3-4 participants each are selected for this competition. They should dance to the music different countries and directions - lezginka, tap dance, gypsy dance with exit, hula, etc. In addition, the presenter gives the dancers additional props– for example, flippers.
  • Dancing on command. The participants are divided into pairs, and the leader commands what they need to do in the dance - for example, connect their right legs, press their backs to their backs, take their left hand right ear partner, etc.

For a themed celebration

IN Lately Thematic celebrations came into fashion - weddings in a certain color or style. If you are planning to hold just such a celebration, at least some of the music competitions should be related to the chosen topic.

Important! When choosing a wedding venue, pay attention Special attention on the size of the hall and the availability of free space for dances and competitions, because some of them may require a significant area. By the way, we have collected the best song competitions.

Show your imagination! For any wedding in retro style, you can hold a competition related to the musical traditions of the chosen era. For a wedding in a certain color - sing or dance to those songs that mention the desired color or objects of this color.

A wedding in nautical style, a pirate wedding, a wedding in the style of “Scarlet Sails” - after all, there are a lot of songs related to the sea. Having decided on the theme, think about how to connect musical accompaniment and music competitions at the wedding with it.

Interesting video: how to entertain guests with dance

For clarity, watch the following video about a music competition at a wedding. A cool option is shown that is suitable for all guests.


Time will pass and guests will forget how many salads and hot dishes were on the menu at your wedding, but they will never forget what emotions they felt that day. Ultimately, this is why newlyweds spend time and money on organizing a wedding banquet instead of just going and signing at the registry office.

The bride and groom want to make a holiday for themselves and give it to others. Good mood– the only thing that matters at any wedding. Interesting and fun music competitions for weddings for guests and newlyweds will help you create the right atmosphere and hold the celebration at the highest level.

The traditional Russian way of having fun: singing your favorite songs in chorus with an accordion (or without it) is still popular, especially among the older generation, but new musical entertainment, games and competitions are being added that bring entertainment programs holidays diversity, warmth and enthusiasm.

The most favorite musical entertainment at the holiday is: karaoke, various adaptations of songs, music quizzes, song re-enactments with tasks, or performance of the text of a famous song in a different style: rap ,folk, musical, etc. If going music company, then the whole scenario can be conceived as a show, let the guests demonstrate their talents all evening - for example, “Become a Star” (you can watch).

Musical games and competitions from our selection are very diverse: completely new and long-loved, lyrical and funny, table and game.

1. Musical game "Noise Makers".

(to download - click on the file)

6. Musical warm-up.

Remember the KVN “Warm-up” competition, and arrange the same improvisation at the festival, only not from jokes, but from songs. Teams must exchange questions and answers from songs, i.e. one team remembers a question line from songs, the other an affirmative line that matches the meaning. Then they change roles. For example, the question: “Why are you standing there, swaying, thin rowan?”, the answer: “I’m drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home!” Or: “Where are you, Marusya, who are you walking with?” - “...I’m walking along the sleepers, again walking home along the sleepers out of habit.”

You can play until your imagination runs out.

7. Musical compliments.

The program of any holiday, and especially a corporate one, can include a musical exchange of compliments between the male and female half of the room. This is very simple to do: the female team remembers flattering lines from songs about men, and the men, on the contrary, sing excerpts from songs that can be regarded as compliments to the ladies. And one by one they begin to exchange these musical compliments.

As an example of praise to gentlemen, the presenter can recite the following lines from A. Sviridova’s song:

“How good! You can trust a man!

How good! And don’t think about anything!”

Like a song nod to beautiful ladies - a verse from Yu. Antonov’s hit:

“Attention, men! There is no reason to laugh!

Today, women are a match for us in every task,

And we, of our own free will, teach the roles of others,

The winner is the team that names the most musical compliments within ten minutes, although there is no need to count, let friendship win.

This stream of song compliments can be directed in one direction, for example, to women's holiday March 8, arrange musical congratulations- a medley that will consist of excerpts of compliment songs.

8. Song encyclopedia.

For this song rehearsal, you can divide the hall into several teams (depending on the number of guests) and prepare cards in advance with the intended themes of the songs: animals, birds, plants, travel, love, and so on. Each team draws three to five cards. Five to seven minutes are given to think.

Then, by drawing lots for themes, each team presents its musical illustrations, for example, the theme “Stones”: “Give me a moonstone”, “He has a granite pebble in his chest”, “I can do everything, I can do everything - my heart is not a stone.” It is allowed to sing either one line from a song or an entire verse or chorus. The main thing is that it corresponds to the meaning of the task.

For each answer given to the topic - a point. The winners are determined by the amount of points earned.

9. "Orchestra of virtual instruments."

From the guests (10 - 15 people) we create an Orchestra of virtual instruments - everyone draws a card with a written instrument, each of them, of course, has a different one. Participants must depict playing instruments very expressively, so that it is clear who is playing what music.

Then the presenter explains that he will be a conductor, but also play the drum. However, the leading conductor will always “switch” to any other instrument, and the player whose instrument is this moment depicts the presenter, must immediately stop his movements.

In this way, those “musicians” who “missed” the leader’s new movement gradually drop out of the game of the virtual orchestra. The most attentive player wins.

10. Musical ABC.

Pre-holiday bustle, shopping, preparations - all these are attributes of a birthday, or rather preparation for it. And so that the birthday itself does not fly by instantly and unnoticed, so that the guests do not yawn from boredom during philosophical conversations, one more item should be added to the preparations - musical competitions for the birthday.

You can hire a professional from the entertainment industry and completely rely on his taste, then your holiday will be filled with fun and will remain in the memory of your guests for a long time. You can come up with scenarios for birthday contests yourself, but you need to prepare for them very carefully. After all, they are the ones who must amuse the guests and not leave them time to yawn.

So, the birthday music competitions themselves, some of them are perfect for both children and children. Some can be delimited by age; the only thing that is necessary is the presence of a presenter.

Musical knowledge

In this competition, the host asks guests to remember and sing songs in the chosen category, for example, songs that contain any number:

  • First team - Five minutes
  • Second team – Argentina-Jamaica 5:0
  • First team - Where are my seventeen years...
  • Second team - Million Scarlet roses
  • First team – Our tenth airborne battalion

You can participate in the competition either in teams or individually. The winner is the team or player who last remembered and sang a song on a given topic.

Slurred singing

The presenter announces a competition for the best song, but there is a catch: you need to sing with several lollipops in your mouth. All participants take turns trying to reproduce their favorite song, which, understandably, does not work out very well for them. In this competition, two winners are usually announced: the first, whose song was nevertheless recognized, and the second, who made the guests laugh the most with his “incomparable” singing.

The most sensitive singer (singer)

At the beginning of the competition, a popular song is chosen so that all guests present know the words. Then the presenter notifies everyone that it must be performed by the choir, but with some conditions. At the moment of the leader’s clap, the guests stop singing out loud and sing the song to themselves; after the second clap, everyone begins to sing from the place where they think it is necessary. Someone is bound to lose track after a few claps, but in most cases, after the second clap, almost everyone starts singing different parts of the song.

Dance relay

Naturally, it is impossible to ignore birthday dance competitions, here is one of them. Participants line up in a circle, alternating between women and men. The presenter takes out " magic wand", pinches her between his knees. And under, making dance movements, he passes it on to the next participant, standing face to face and always without using his hands. The one who accepts the baton passes it on and so on. After one circle, you should complicate the task, for example, the method of passing the stick: back to face, back to back, the main thing is that your hands are not involved in the passing process. The positive aspect of this competition is the “great photographs.”

Ode to the birthday boy

All guests should split into teams, the host gives each a sheet of paper. Participants must honor the birthday boy, but with one condition: all words of the song must begin with the same letter. The birthday boy chooses a letter for each team separately. After the allotted time for composition has expired, the teams must take turns performing their songs. The winner is determined by the birthday boy.

All birthday music competitions are good in their own way. Which one to choose for a particular celebration depends on the guests, their age and number. The main thing is that the competitions carry positivity and fun, both for the hero of the occasion and for his guests. And this will allow everyone to remember their childhood, carefree feelings, when everything was like in a fairy tale - after all, a birthday in childhood is associated only with these words.

And finally, watch a fun video of another competition that is suitable for any holiday:

Just a few years ago, they were popular at anniversaries and weddings. active competitions, where guests had to run, jump and even lift weights. Now guests do not want to perform unnecessary movements, they prefer to relax and enjoy the holiday. How then to entertain guests? New music competitions will help you fun company, in which, accompanied by cheerful music, guests will do things that will cause laughter and fun. With such competitions, your holiday will be a great success, and you will get maximum pleasure.

An interesting competition - guess the song.
Yes, many people know this competition, but we invite you to play it a little differently. How? Like this: the host shows a smiley face, and the guests must choose the most suitable song to go with it. This game is based on the example of a game from one popular TV show that airs on Channel One.
Here are emoticons for example and for the competition:

Competition - conductor.
Do you know who a conductor is? This is a man who, by waving his hands, makes the musicians play a beautiful melody. And our conductor will make the guests sing!
The essence of the competition is simple and clear. Guests come out in the amount of 5-9 people. They stand in one line, and opposite them stands the leader, who will be the conductor. Any well-known song without words is turned on, that is, karaoke. And the guests begin to sing it in chorus, while the conductor waves his hands, as if showing who is in charge. As soon as the conductor stops waving his arms, the guests should stop singing. Or rather, they should sing the song to themselves. After all, after a while, the conductor will start waving his arms again, and the guests will have to continue singing.
The conductor's task is to confuse the guests and therefore he needs to change the rhythm of his movements.

Musical competition- question answer.
Teams participate in the competition. Each team has 3-7 participants. The bigger, the better. The game is played according to following rules: The first team sings a line from any song. But not just a line, but a question line. For example, “what have you done, put on a white dress.” And the second team must, after 20-30 seconds, answer the question with a line from another song, for example, “is it my fault that my voice trembled.”
The team's task is to answer funnier questions.
For example:
- why are you standing there swinging, white rowan...
The answer is:
- the wind was blowing from the sea, the wind was blowing from the sea...

Competition - drunken songs.
This competition will really appeal to all guests, especially those who are already tipsy. The task is simple - remember the songs. In which any alcoholic drink is mentioned. For example:
- a glass of vodka on the table...
- if the sea were beer...
And so on. And it’s not easy to remember, but also to sing a song in karaoke.

Music competition - end of the song.
For the competition you need to prepare cards on which the last lines of songs and verses will be written. Exactly the last lines! We divide the guests into teams of 3-4 people and play. Each team takes out one card and reads its ending to the song. Their task is to remember what kind of song it is and sing it from beginning to end. If you can’t sing, then just name the song.

Competition - show a song.
This competition is known to everyone and many have already played it. But, nevertheless, interest in the competition does not disappear. The main thing in the competition is to choose interesting lines from the songs.
And it plays simply. On cards, write lines from the songs you want to show. Guests take out cards and show this song in action. And the guests must guess what is being shown to them.
Examples of songs to show:
- and I recognize my dear one by his gait.
- my grandmother smokes a pipe.
- do not put salt on my wound.
- what did you do, put on a white dress.
- I will move to London.

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