In a dream I dreamed that I was robbed. What to expect if you dreamed that you were robbed? The meaning of the dream that you were robbed

Robbery or theft is always very unpleasant, even if such events happen in a dream. If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed, it’s not very good sign, foreshadowing losses, losses, minor troubles and problems in relationships with loved ones.

What if you dream about your apartment being robbed?

If an apartment is robbed in a dream, serious trouble awaits the sleeper in reality. The meaning of this dream can be interpreted in different ways. Some experts believe that such visions indicate the loss of some material assets V real life. Perhaps one of the family members will lose Good work, will not be able to complete a large project. Also, a dream can be a harbinger of major waste.

For a young single man, such a vision is very symbolic. It indicates that a man spends too much money on women who do not value him at all and view him solely as a sponsor.

Seeing your own apartment being stolen in a dream means quarreling with one of your family members in reality. Most likely, something will change in the relationship between the spouses; they will no longer trust each other. Such a vision can also portend separation or betrayal. The cause of the conflict will be the infidelity of the husband or wife.

A dream about an apartment being robbed should not be taken seriously if such an event actually happened in the recent past to the dreamer himself or someone he knew. In this case, the vision is only a reflection of unpleasant memories.

If the dreamer watched in his nightmare how someone took a very valuable thing out of the apartment, in real life he will have to communicate with not very honest people. Perhaps one of his friends will betray him, which will hurt the sleeper’s pride.

A dream in which the dreamer’s apartment is robbed by one of his friends is considered very unfavorable. Such a vision clearly indicates that the sleeper should be more selective in choosing friends. You don't need to trust everyone you meet with your deepest secrets.

Seeing your own apartment being robbed in a dream and not experiencing any strong emotions means being overly passive in real life. A person should think about his behavior. Perhaps he too often tries to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of his relatives or colleagues.

If the dreamer tries in a dream to find those who robbed his apartment in order to take revenge, most likely he is behaving too aggressively in reality. This prevents him from communicating with colleagues, friends and the opposite sex.

What does it portend?

It is also important what exactly the thieves took away. Ate we're talking about about family jewelry - in real life the dreamer will have to sort out relationships with relatives and even, possibly, fight for an inheritance. If the robbers took the money, you should expect trouble at work.

Seeing your own apartment robbed and without front door, - This bad sign. The vision portends failures, illnesses, and major troubles.

If a person in his dream enters an apartment just at the moment when there are robbers in it and fights them off, this means that in reality he will have to face a series of obstacles, but the dreamer will successfully overcome everything.

If in a dream a person sees his apartment being robbed and many witnesses were present, the nightmare foreshadows condemnation from the public. People will start spreading gossip about his family. Perhaps you should take a closer look at your surroundings. Among your acquaintances there may be ill-wishers, who will become the cause of many troubles and misfortunes.

Seeing your apartment robbed in a dream is a bad sign. But such a nightmare can portend not only material losses, but also family quarrels, troubles, as well as betrayal from very close people or work colleagues.


If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, then the cause of future failures will be your lack of character.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with some business. Of course, you will worry, but in the end you will unexpectedly win. Perhaps you will quarrel with your loved one due to a misunderstanding.

If someone else is accused of theft- you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

If you dream that something minor was stolen from you,- know that God loves you and will help you.

Stealing someone else's property in a dream promises grief. Sometimes such a dream foretells traders a fall in prices for foreign goods

To be caught- luck.

If you steal- to troubles at work.

See how another person steals- to a shameful act for which you will repent.

Steal- loss, tears.

The image of a thief in your dream encourages you to be more careful and conduct your affairs with increased caution.

IN women's dreams unknown men and their type of occupation, As a rule, they indicate different relationships in reality.

For married woman see an unfamiliar male thief in a dream may mean the appearance of a new admirer or entering into a dubious relationship.

Seeing a sneaking thief in a dream- You will be fine at work. Similar dream associated primarily with your professional activity. You will, as it were, get a second wind, although the so-called critical moment will come, when it will seem that just a little more, and you will simply die from tension and fatigue. The thing is that you are going through a difficult period at work. Once you put in the effort, you will reap the fruits of your efforts with pride and pleasure.

Seeing a pickpocket in a dream means that you need to obtain information and this is given to you with great difficulty.

Crime in a dream- symbolizes loss, experience, attempt.

Become the target of a crime- to deprive yourself of something vitally important, to experience fear of people.

Seeing an attempt on one's life- experience unbearable anxiety.

A dream in which you saw a thief sneaking into your house:

· that in reality you made an unforgivable mistake that will cost you dearly;

· there is deception in the house.

If your house was robbed in a dream- soon you will need all your courage and firmness in defending your convictions.

To see in a dream how a thief stole something personal and valuable to you,- means that in reality you are being deceived and your personal well-being is at risk.

A dream in which you are a hostage to a man who lives by stealing, usually to troubles and worries.

If you are being chased by night robbers in a dream- this also portends in reality a complication of relations with your opponents. Such a dream warns you of the necessary caution, especially in relationships with strangers.

If in your dream you yourself were a thief:

·you will finally be able to solve a problem that you have been struggling with for a long time. Exit from difficult situation will be unexpected the right decision one of your friends will suggest you. You are required to have patience and attention to other people's opinions, because it is “from the outside” that you will receive valuable information;

· in the near future you will experience some difficulties with money;

· you are driven by a passion that does not find its fulfillment; something is stopping you. Perhaps you are single and have long dreamed of starting a close relationship with someone. Unfortunately, no changes in my personal life are expected in the near future;

· problems and emotional experiences.

If you are going to steal something- to illness. However, rest assured: you are destined to get better!

Stealing in a public place- to bankruptcy and poverty.

At a friend's place- union.

Steal from yourself- to loss or decline in business.

Participate in the attempt- to aimlessly sacrifice oneself.

Commit embezzlement- your good nature will be misused.

To be in a den of villains- misfortune.

Getting caught stealing

A fleeing thief, whom you help escape for some reason,- a sign that you are a very gentle person and tend to find, first of all, something good in everything. This is very good quality, but sometimes it can hurt you. It’s worth taking off your rose-colored glasses and not being so naive. It will be much better if you look at the world more realistically and balancedly, learn to see things as they are.

buy stolen goods- to achieve someone's favor.

To see in a dream how you are offered to buy a stolen item,- a bad sign. Someone will try to take advantage of your personal and intimate.

To suffer from robbers, to be robbed:

· an invitation to participate in something;

· you have already suffered, although you still don’t see why.


loss, dissatisfaction;

· for woman seducers, suitors.

Dreams in which you encounter bandits, robbers or robbers They openly talk about your fears for your physical and material well-being and your distrust of the people around you.

If in a dream you try to resist or escape, and you succeed, then your supply of vitality has not yet been exhausted and big shocks do not threaten you in reality.

But if such dreams are repeated too often, this means that your fears have reached a critical level. In this state, you can unwittingly attract real robbers with your behavior. Try to trust fate more and not be afraid of losses, especially since most losses in this life are either reparable or inevitable anyway.

Women, especially young ones, such dreams may foreshadow a stormy love affair that will jeopardize their well-being.

If you defeated the robbers- expect a strong blow.


· disrespect, scandal, conflict with neighbors;

·punishment, losses, troubles.

Stealing different things in a dream means safety and success in the business you have started.

Getting caught stealing means that you will be hindered in your enterprise, and also means betrayal of our beloved object.

If you dream that you stole something and are being chased, this means that failures in business await you, and your relationships with others will worsen.

If in a dream you yourself are chasing a thief or caught him- this means that in reality you will cope with your enemies.

If you are being chased by robbers in a dream- in reality, expect complications in relations with your opponents. You should be especially careful in relationships with strangers.

They rob you- good deal.

Seeing a thief in a dream or being robbed- a sign of loss and conflict with others. Usually such dreams indicate that someone from your environment is abusing your trust and violating your interests. Perhaps someone is underpaying you or trying to impose an unprofitable contract.

At the same time, if dreams in which you are robbed become intrusive and occur too often, then this is a reflection of your excessive fears of losing your well-being. In this case, you need to learn to take losses more easily, otherwise constant fear will deplete you. nervous system, which can result in many errors and failures.

If the “criminal” is already known to you or is your real lover, then your existing connection may be severed or condemned by people close to you.

If you dreamed that you were robbed:

· in reality you will find out who your ill-wishers are and what their plans are; for a girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of someone’s anger and envy;

· often has a literal meaning, but rather than stealing money or things, they can steal ideas, copyrights, etc.;

·successful deal and relationship.

If you were robbed on a grand scale in a dream, leaving practically nothing, - good dream, it promises you favorable deals, successful contracts.

If your house is robbed in a dream or place of work, then this means that fate will require courage and firmness from you in defending your convictions. Such a dream promises misfortune to careless people.

If you dream that you are a thief and the police are chasing you,- failure in business awaits you, and your relationships with others will worsen.

If you dream that you are a pickpocket,- then you can get information illegally.

If you dreamed that you stole something:

· such a dream can be a warning: you should not take risks in reality, as this can lead to loss or damages;


Getting caught stealing means that we will be hindered in our enterprise, and also means betrayal of our beloved object.

Catch a thief in a dream:

· a sign that you will be able to solve your problems and defend your interests;

·at this stage of life you are able to “move any mountains.” If you do not miss your opportunities, success will await you both in business and in your personal life.

Chase a thief:

family quarrels;

· for women- a fan who will bring a lot of disappointments;

· defeat your enemies.

Caught thief- you should beware of making too hasty decisions, because, although at first glance they seem correct, in fact they will only bring harm. In your position, you need to think about every step, then you will easily achieve success. The more seriously you take the problem you need to solve, the better. It is even possible that in currently you should not be active, but wait: perhaps the situation will resolve itself.

Seeing a thief running away in a dream portends a search for ways out of confusing situations that you cannot find. The solution you just found will constantly elude you.

A dream in which you found an item stolen by a thief,- symbolizes well-being and prosperity created by your personal labor.

If in a dream you see yourself as a detective who finds an item stolen by a thief, this means that in real life you will find what you have been missing. The dream promises prosperity and well-being, which will reward your efforts.

The presence of this word in other interpretations:
* Bus station *

A person who dreamed that he was robbed will remain for a long time with a feeling of anxiety for his safety. To what extent is this concern justified, and what does theft really mean in dreams? Dream books consider dozens of options for theft in a dream and give an appropriate interpretation for each.

Vanga's dream book about theft

Miller's Dream Book: be vigilant

If you have been robbed, it's time to start stubbornly defending your position. It is enough to show cowardice, and misfortunes will fall out of a bag. If in a dream the theft occurred under the cover of darkness, you need to be especially careful with strangers. To catch the robber yourself is to gain the upper hand over your opponents in reality.

Have you emptied your purse - deprived of your prospects?

Oddly enough, the most frequent plot– discover in a dream that someone has stolen a bag. Why does this dream of an absent-minded young lady who constantly loses her keys or her wallet? The modern Combined Dream Book advises her not to look for prophecies: a dream is only a reflection of real concerns.

If a person dreams that he was robbed on the street by stealing keys from a bag or briefcase, in reality ill-wishers will unceremoniously interfere in his life. If you take out your wallet, so far unknown competitors will appear who will be able to harm successful business, if it was a gypsy - to monetary losses, as in other thefts committed by gypsies.

Dream Interpretations warn: discovering in a dream that documents have disappeared from your briefcase means that you will not be able to realize your plans.

Timely Warnings

The meaning of a dream about an apartment being robbed is interpreted depending on what was lost. If diamonds have disappeared from the house, this predicts a break with your lover and a collapse of hopes. Missing wedding ring- to divorce, other gold jewelry - to a quarrel between spouses.

To dream that some things are stolen from the inside of a car means secret actions against you by the one who stole the car. Why dream of recognizing him in a dream or guessing the identity of the criminal? It is with this person that you should be careful, not to bring him closer to you, not to be frank.

Thanks for robbing me

I dreamed that criminals robbed a wardrobe, took clothes and fur coats out of the house: dream books foretell changes for the better if things were worn. With old things, old problems, old debts and a load of guilt will go away.

If you managed to see the thief, all the troubles will go to this person. Successful, profitable transactions are possible, and a change of apartment to a new one - more comfortable, spacious. When something stolen is returned in a dream, dream books promise that fortune will smile on the dreamer.

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Dream Interpretation - An apartment was robbed

You know, the most dangerous thing is that such a dream can come true, and perhaps not immediately, but after a while, when you completely forget about the dream, things and other things will distract you, and then you remember. This happened to me myself. It seemed that there was nothing to steal, but the very fact of an invasion of your home is terrible and in any case it is a shock. It is better to immediately take measures to protect the house from thieves - this is the first thing, but in general you need to protect not only the house, but first of all yourself (go to psychics) - at the level of the biofield, apparently there is a malfunction, perhaps evil has gotten too close to you. After all, it is known that a person attracts such circumstances - the carrier of which energies he himself is. Troubles have accumulated - send information, clean up your field structures subtle body and live in joy! Then no one will rob or want to do it. Oddly enough, but for the most part everything depends on ourselves - we forget about ourselves, about the main thing - we run in pursuit of money, not noticing how we are losing more, our life quietly floats by.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Why do you dream that a person was robbed? The interpretation of such a vision has several meanings, depending on other details. Often a dream means some kind of loss, disappointment due to the machinations of ill-wishers, their envy, arrogance. Thus, the dream book simply explains a theft experienced in a dream, without indicating what item was stolen, as a sign that someone wants to take credit for the dreamer’s achievements. He will have to correct the situation and prove fraud.

General value

If a house or apartment was robbed in a dream, the situation will be such that the dreamer will need all the courage and determination to defend his convictions.

When someone was robbed at work, and the thieves were gypsies, the sleeper should be careful, since carelessness in serious matters can result in significant losses.

Miller's dream book explains theft in a dream as a signal of a person's indecisiveness and weak character. This trait will cause considerable difficulties.

Why do you dream that a house or apartment was robbed, but the sleeping person saw the thief? Previously made mistakes must be corrected, otherwise big troubles are possible.

Business sphere

Did you dream about how your car was stolen or robbed? There may be business losses ahead that will occur due to the fault of competitors and, unfortunately, this cannot be prevented in any way. So start thinking through new plans and weighing your options.

If your car was robbed in a dream, it means that someone will want to appropriate your idea (in the service, in business). You should not be frank about your ideas while they are at the development stage, even with a well-familiar environment. First make up detailed plan, work out the details, and then go with him to the authorities - then success and recognition are guaranteed to you.

Sometimes the dream book interprets the plot in a dream about car theft positively. Such a vision means: the sleeper will soon change jobs. Moreover, the new place will turn out to be more promising, will provide an opportunity to express oneself in the best way, and strengthen one’s financial situation.


I dreamed: you were robbed, and in the dream it was attributed not to the real culprit, but to a stranger? Miller's dream book warns: you should be careful in your judgments and not make them hastily, since the risk of accusing an innocent person is very high.

Why do you dream that a car was stolen? The dream book indicates: in reality, someone will hinder your endeavors and actively plot intrigues. Therefore, caution must be exercised.


To see in a dream how an apartment or office was robbed means serious trials lie ahead. The dreamer should try not to take a rash step, which could cause great harm. To do this, he will have to make enormous efforts. We must remember the consequences of our actions and act carefully, despite the great desire to succumb to emotions.

Did you dream that gypsies robbed you and took your wallet? Financial difficulties lie ahead. Try to avoid thoughtless spending, as sources of income will decrease.

Why does a girl have a vision of her bag being stolen? The dream book suggests: the person she trusts may let her down. Although this will happen unintentionally, but because of his sloppiness and weak character, still know: you cannot rely on him.

Good value

When a house was robbed in a dream and a person was deprived of property, one should prepare for imminent changes. But the dream book informs: they will be directly opposite to the dreamed vision, that is, favorable for the sleeper. It is possible that you will receive money unexpectedly - they will give you a bonus or return a forgotten debt.

Why do you dream that you were robbed, your bag or other item was taken away, but you managed to find it? The dream book emphasizes: such a plot is very favorable. In reality, good luck, wealth, prosperity awaits you, and they will come very soon.

Dream Interpretation: an apartment was robbed in a dream. Why did you dream that your apartment was robbed?

Robbery or theft is always very unpleasant, even if such events happen in a dream. If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed, this is not a very good sign, foreshadowing losses, minor troubles and problems in relationships with loved ones.

If an apartment is robbed in a dream, serious trouble awaits the sleeper in reality. The meaning of this dream can be interpreted in different ways. Some experts believe that such visions indicate the loss of some material assets in real life. Perhaps one of the family members will lose a good job or will not be able to complete a major project. Also, a dream can be a harbinger of major waste.

For a young single man, such a vision is very symbolic. It indicates that a man spends too much money on women who do not value him at all and view him solely as a sponsor.

Seeing your own apartment being stolen in a dream means quarreling with one of your family members in reality. Most likely, something will change in the relationship between the spouses; they will no longer trust each other. Such a vision can also portend separation or betrayal. The cause of the conflict will be the infidelity of the husband or wife.

A dream about an apartment being robbed should not be taken seriously if such an event actually happened in the recent past to the dreamer himself or someone he knew. In this case, the vision is only a reflection of unpleasant memories.

If the dreamer watched in his nightmare how someone took a very valuable thing out of the apartment, in real life he will have to communicate with not very honest people. Perhaps one of his friends will betray him, which will hurt the sleeper’s pride.

A dream in which the dreamer’s apartment is robbed by one of his friends is considered very unfavorable. Such a vision clearly indicates that the sleeper should be more selective in choosing friends. You don't need to trust everyone you meet with your deepest secrets.

Seeing your own apartment being robbed in a dream and not experiencing any strong emotions means being overly passive in real life. A person should think about his behavior. Perhaps he too often tries to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of his relatives or colleagues.

If the dreamer tries in a dream to find those who robbed his apartment in order to take revenge, most likely he is behaving too aggressively in reality. This prevents him from communicating with colleagues, friends and the opposite sex.

It is also important what exactly the thieves took away. If we are talking about family jewelry, then in real life the dreamer will have to sort things out with relatives and even, possibly, fight for an inheritance. If the robbers took the money, you should expect trouble at work.

Seeing your own apartment robbed and without a front door is a bad sign. The vision portends failures, illnesses, and major troubles.

If a person in his dream enters an apartment just at the moment when there are robbers in it and fights them off, this means that in reality he will have to face a series of obstacles, but the dreamer will successfully overcome everything.

If in a dream a person sees his apartment being robbed and many witnesses were present, the nightmare foreshadows condemnation from the public. People will start spreading gossip about his family. Perhaps you should take a closer look at your surroundings. Among your acquaintances there may be ill-wishers, who will become the cause of many troubles and misfortunes.

Seeing your apartment robbed in a dream is a bad sign. But such a nightmare can foreshadow not only material losses, but also family quarrels, troubles, as well as betrayal from very close people or work colleagues.

Robbery according to the dream book

In real life, anyone can become a victim of thieves and bandits, and in such a situation a person experiences, in addition to material losses, also severe mental shock. It is from this position that the dream book considers what a robbery means in a dream. Usually this action in a dream does not bode well, but first things first.

Basically, the predictions agree on one thing - any theft in a dream means trouble, but main question is where to expect them? To do this, it is important to consider the dream from all sides: where the robbery took place, what feelings you experienced in the dream, who the robbers were - that is, everything that will help the correct interpretation.

According to Miller’s dream book, a robbery in a dream is a sure sign that when making decisions you are guided by other people’s tips, and sometimes you are simply not able to decide on your own important problem, throwing the entire burden of responsibility onto the shoulders of others.

If in a dream you saw a robbery, then the interpretation of dreams can be positive, especially if at the time of the dream everything in your life is not as good as you would like. For example, Hasse’s dream book interprets such a plot as an opportunity to avoid attacks from a stronger person.

According to Tsvetkov’s interpretation of the dream book, seeing a robbery in a dream is a sign of conflict and separation from your soulmate. You should not hope that your partner’s behavior led to a quarrel and separation simply due to misunderstanding. Most likely, you have a rival, who provoked such a quick and decisive departure of your lover.

According to Longo’s dream book, a robbery on the street is interpreted depending on the behavior of the bandit. If he moves silently and behaves very quietly, then you can expect a promotion in the business field. If the robber attacks quickly, then financial losses cannot be avoided in the near future.

But if it was just an attempted robbery, and you managed to successfully escape from the criminal in a dream without losing anything, then the dream book gives brighter prospects. Of course, you will be in danger of some kind of trouble, but it will be quite easy to avoid it by using your communication skills and ingenuity.

What was robbed?

The dream book gives very good interpretation what a young girl dreams of when a house is robbed. This incident means that soon enough she will have no end to her fans, one of whom will turn out to be quite promising and wealthy, and it is with him that she will begin a relationship.

If the dreamer is a successful entrepreneur, then it is quite easy to find out why a bank robbery is dreamed of, the main thing is actor in which he appeared. This picture is interpreted as a prediction of the opening profitable business abroad.

Why do you dream about a store robbery? If the retail space is full of goods, then a comfortable life awaits you, and increased income. The dream book interprets what a car robbery means in a dream as an invasion of your personal space in reality.

Seeing an apartment being robbed in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer’s insecurity and complexes. You should open up to new sensations and acquaintances, stop feeling squeezed, and then all the troubles that are in this moment happen in life will be passed over.

Why did you dream about stealing something?

Sometimes such an unpleasant event as theft comes to us in a dream.

We wake up with an incomprehensible feeling, and are afraid that something similar awaits us in reality.

How does the dream book explain this event? Is theft a good or bad sign sent to us in a dream?

Watch theft

If in a dream your wallet was stolen before your eyes, it means it’s time to think about starting your own family. And the theft of a bag speaks of a strong mutual feeling.

If the criminal managed to escape, then you need to be careful in talking with your superiors. And if the lawbreaker was detained, then you will be given a generous bonus.

  • Stealing a car means communicating with people you like.
  • A thief stole food - for a grand holiday in a cafe or restaurant.
  • A criminal stole money from a passerby - to financial income and stability.
  • Stealing clothes is a long-awaited declaration of love.
  • A suitcase was stolen - to improve your knowledge.

A quarrel with colleagues or problems in business is what you dream of about a theft committed in your friend’s apartment. And a quiet, peaceful life is prophesied by a dream in which a criminal kidnapped a child.

The theft of a wallet, which you learned about from the newspaper, symbolizes overcoming a difficult stage in life. And if a yacht or boat was stolen in a dream, then soon you will be able to do what you love.

If you were robbed

Many people are interested in the question of why they dream of stealing money when you have been robbed. Most often, this happens when you worry about loved ones.

For example, if, when you came home in a dream, you did not find any money or a wallet in your bag, then you are worried about the health of your friends. And to see a thief running away with your money means worrying about the personal life of your best friend.

  • Stealing your car means misunderstanding at work or gossip.
  • A dream in which a theft occurred in your home means the realization of your plans.
  • Theft of your wallet at work - to new temptations, temptation.
  • Your jewelry was stolen - to a well-paid job.
  • A folder with important documents has disappeared - a sign of decent wages.

If in a dream your bags were stolen at the station, then an honest, sincere person will love you. And if you have lost the keys to your apartment, then soon old friends will come to you.

As the dream book writes, the theft of your pet symbolizes harsh, thoughtless words. A dream in which the theft occurred at a party promises a pleasant pastime in another city.

If you were the criminal

If in a dream you saw how a random passerby was robbed, then in reality you can become a leader in a large team. And stealing a wallet or bag from your own friend is a sign that you deserve a better life.

Stealing a car in a dream means finding a promising job. And to embezzle other people's money means getting a reprimand from your boss.

A dream where theft does not cause you remorse or repentance promises a cloudless future. And if you are sorry and want to return what you stole, then you should work hard to get your boss's approval.

Stealing a watch means missing a loved one. And to appropriate someone else's phone is to prepare a surprise for a brother or sister.

After analyzing your dream, it will not be difficult for you to understand why you dream of theft and what awaits you in the near future.

If you happen to steal something in a dream, this may represent negative actions that you have to hide. good reasons. Such a dream reflects despair and hopelessness, which can prompt desperate measures.

In the case when they were able to return something stolen from you, Felomena’s dream book interprets this as a possible future event that has a positive effect. For example, a successful marriage for a woman.

What (who) was stolen in a dream?

Steal things

I was stolen in my sleep

Moving you to another place against your will in a dream can mean an encroachment on freedom. If you are kidnapped, then your duties will be completed without your personal intervention. And if you yourself stole someone, this means getting rid of responsibility.

I was robbed in a dream. Why is this?


Ksyusha Voropaeva

Thief (according to Miller’s dream book) - If you dreamed that you stole something and now they are chasing you, then be prepared for changes for the worse. A dream in which you are chasing a thief promises victory over your enemies. If you dreamed of a pickpocket, then in reality you will be haunted by minor misfortunes.

For a young woman, a dream in which she was robbed means that she risks causing someone's displeasure and getting into trouble. If she herself steals, then she should pay attention to her behavior, which is not always correct.
Pickpocket (according to Miller's dream book) - A dream about a pickpocket warns you about some enemy who will not leave you alone and will cause you harm.

If a young girl dreams that she was robbed, then in reality she will become the object of someone's envy and anger, due to which she may lose the favor of her friend, unless she keeps their friendship a secret. If she picks someone’s pockets in a dream, she will incur the displeasure of her companion with her indecent behavior.

Dmitry Rymarenko

You will become rich! Good luck to you!


You are underestimated.


changes in life, but you need to be careful in choosing acquaintances

Galina Efremova

something important will fly out of your head at the right moment,
and another person will take advantage of it,
then you will remember that it was your idea
and you will feel robbed.


Or maybe you're just afraid of it?
Well, as an option, there will be indirect losses.

Robbed in a dream


To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of being robbed mean, or what it means to see being robbed in a dream.

Robbed in a dream

Today I dreamed of something that probably seemed disturbing to me. Everything seems to be fine, we are walking with friends, catching a car. I see my girlfriend off and get home. Then it turns out that I take my wallet, laptop and go outside. I go out to the street with the roadway and start typing something in Word. Then a man about 35-40 years old, in a black hat with an unpleasant look, comes up to me and starts a nice conversation with me. Then he tells me to type the text on the computer. I don’t remember the verbatim, but I realized that he was saying hello to either his mother or his favorite teacher and calling his friend a sucker. After this moment he leaves, and for some reason I didn’t leave, but stayed. And after some time he came up again and we went with him to some house. In this house we talked with him again. He told me that he was in prison for 20 years, and after everything he realized life and became a better person. Then I found out. He had a wife, an elderly lady, who died before he served time, and it seems that he no longer has a weak inheritance. And then he starts looking for something in the laptop briefcase, and starts asking me about the disks that are there, etc. Eventually he finds a wallet there. From that moment on, the conversation turned aggressive, and I began to understand that it was getting out of hand. I hit him, but the blow seemed so weak that he didn’t even move. He didn’t beat me, but he made it clear that he was no good. I fell to the floor and wanted to call the police. (for some reason I remembered the address) but didn’t have time. The last thing I remembered was the blow and passing out.

Then, as usual, worries and worries. I don’t know what to say to my brother about the laptop, and I’m worried about the fact that I lost my student card. And then the bell rings, and in reality it seems real to me. It’s as if I’m picking up the phone, but I can’t figure out whether it’s a dream or not. And then I begin to tell the addressee what happened to me, but it turns out to be that person. And the most unclear thing is where did I get my phone from if he stole it. And I called to find out who “Baby” is notebook, but as such I don’t have it in my phone, and I hung up.

After some time, I woke up in a cold sweat.

An apartment was robbed in a dream

I dreamed that a neighbor allegedly helped rob our apartment for money. Went to sleep. I wake up - everything is turned upside down, there is no money (namely money!). Then it turned out that the father did not close the door (he is no longer there, what does he have to do with it?!). And I kept trying to find the robbers.

Robbed in a dream

Good morning! Today I didn’t sleep half the night, I was thinking about what to do: my mother and I are going to buy a dacha, we found a suitable option, my mother looked at it, but the seller is in a very suspicious hurry, allegedly he needs to pay for another plot.

I didn’t look at the dacha myself, but the seller didn’t agree to a second viewing, supposedly he was very busy... And that night I had a dream that I was robbed, although I didn’t understand where and how. A phone and wallet were stolen from a bag, and a bank account was in the wallet. salary card, where all the money is. I'm in a panic, as if I've lost EVERYTHING.

I think how I will live now. I wanted to call the bank to have the card blocked, but I remembered that the phone was also stolen. Then I see some kind of train and I’m looking for my son in the carriages there, the train is about to start, but I haven’t found my son yet. Then they told me which carriage he was in and I found him. Then I want to go to the toilet, I find a toilet, and there are men standing there, I go into the stall, I want to sit down, but I understand that there are holes and cracks everywhere and I’m in full view.

So I didn’t go to the toilet. Then I woke up, the impression from the dream was unpleasant. What could this be - my fears or some kind of warning? I often have significant dreams that later come true. Please comment and thank you very much in advance.

An apartment was robbed in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear The apartment was robbed. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of an apartment being robbed mean, or what it means in a dream to see an apartment being robbed.

Uninvited guests in a dream

I see my apartment, but it’s bigger. I see guests sleeping everywhere and I’m annoyed that they all arrived so inopportunely all at once. They sleep with me, some on the floor, some even on the furniture. I see mine young man(with whom the relationship has been broken for several months), and I’m angry that he came to visit me not alone, but with a new girl.

I’m annoyed that there is trash on the floor in the apartment and I sweep and clean the floors everywhere. And I also feel a sense of discomfort, because I saw the rumpled bed of my friend and his girlfriend on the floor in my room. I am ashamed that they slept on the floor, that there is no other place and the bed is not fresh, it is all so careless and wrinkled that there is not even a bed. But then they get up and hug and look in the mirror together. And this makes me angry.

Dead animals in a dream

Hello! I dreamed that I was preparing to exchange an apartment, I went to look - they said the apartment was already registered in your name, they showed me the documents. Okay, I think I'll take a look. I went out onto the loggia, and it was huge, rather the roof and even the floor were corrugated metal. Suddenly I see it all strewn with the corpses of animals - even more likely dry mummies. We began to tear them off and throw them off - then we’ll bury them. I raise my head to the balconies above us, and here and there there are corpses hanging. I can still see the cat, which apparently wanted to jump and got caught. The most alarming thing is that today is from Thursday to Friday, and secondly, there is a full moon. Please tell me.

Knife door fear in a dream

I dream that I forgot to close the door. I look, and the door is wide open. I have a feeling that there is someone in the apartment.

I take a knife from the kitchen (in fact, we have such a knife) and start checking every corner in the apartment, if something seems suspicious, I poke it with the knife. For example, she stabbed a made bed with a knife; the blanket lay as if someone was there. Fear and nerves in a dream are indescribably strong. I checked everything, but there was no one there.

Thank you very much. Knife, door, fear!

Blue star in a dream

The dream takes place in a large apartment, the size of an entire floor of a residential building. The apartment consists of a large number of rooms, but not small ones, but large ones with huge windows through which you can see the night stars. And a big blue star flies around the house, watching me and I watch it with interest, only occasionally hiding from it in the rooms. I go into the bedroom and see a cradle with a child, I understand that this is my son. He sleeps hugging car tires. There is peace and tranquility in the soul.

Close the door in a dream

I’m trying to lock the door in the apartment where I used to live with my grandmother, the locks are broken, they either turn or jam. My late grandmother came to the rescue, and only then did we begin to close first one and then the second lock together. As soon as we closed the door (from the side of the apartment), my ex-man, I’m trying to kick him out, but I understand that I’ll have to open all the locks that are difficult to close.

Legs in a dream

I dream that I am in an unknown apartment. The furniture is all old, the apartment is so dilapidated. I'm looking for my cat. Other cats, dirty and thin, pass by in the room. I go out onto the balcony, I feel that it is very cold there, I see my cat there, he is sleeping, and he is somehow dusty. Then I come out from the balcony and a man comes up to me. I don’t know him, he’s getting ready to take a shower and asks me for a towel. His hair is also dusty. I start looking for a towel in my large travel bag. I give it to him. He turns his back to me and what catches my eye is that he has very powerful, pumped up legs. I see this clearly. He goes to the shower (the shower is somewhere in the basement). Then I follow him into the basement, into the shower. There are people standing there, waiting for their turn. I want to pass, they say - where are you going? I answer - I’m not in line, my husband is there in the shower. (why I called him husband is not clear to me). He comes out of the shower, his hair is clean, I look at his handsome face.

Then I see myself on the street, walking along a path, surrounded by trees and greenery. I see him, I start to run away from him (but not out of fear), he catches up with me and grabs my foot, I clearly see that my feet are bare, without shoes.

Someone else's house is like your own in a dream

I'm walking around an unfamiliar house. The premises are large, there are a lot of unnecessary things and there are no doors. Somewhere a faucet is leaking and you can hear the sound of water. The table is huge. But I don't feel comfortable here. Everything is foreign, I don’t like accumulating rubbish over the years, I just throw it away on time. And now the windows are not visible. I'm looking for glasses and a cell phone. Or maybe this is a different era, where there are no mobile phones... Anything can happen. And I didn’t live in villages either.

So this is foreign to me. Someone else's life. But there is a fear somewhere inside that I won’t be stuck here forever with some greedy and greedy man. So a man appears, he shows me something on the floor. I look down, there is a huge underground floor, like a food warehouse. Everything is laid out on shelves. He takes out jars from there and tells me about some marinades. God, why should I? I even stopped fermenting cabbage in my apartment due to the lack of a normal balcony. And he speaks so animatedly. I move away a little from this underground, no, I need to look for my keys to the apartment.

And I walk through this house and look for them. And he walks nearby. But you have to find it, you have to, otherwise you won’t get rid of this trouble. I feel like I’m already miserable just without my keys... And so I lift the edge of the blanket, when as a child I always hid something in my bed, well, of course I see my keys. I joyfully squeeze them in my hand. Well, thank God. And my sleep disappears. You need to look at the sky, as many say, so that you don’t have nightmares and don’t come again. And I look out the window. What a wonderful morning and the sun outside the window. And a ray of sun hits my face.

Falling from a window in a dream

I’m in an unfamiliar courtyard, surrounded by old Stalinist five-story buildings, it’s golden autumn, but the grass is still green... A man attacks me from behind (and I supposedly know him in a dream, but his action is a complete surprise to me) , he throws me to the ground, I start screaming and struggling, hundreds of eyes are looking out of the windows of the houses, but no one is running to help. I manage to break free, I run into the entrance, run into a STRANGER’s apartment, and meet my mother. I tell her what happened and he is just as amazed as I am. Then I see the man who attacked me, standing at the wide open balcony (with a beam without a fence, just a ledge), he says that he regrets what happened and cannot forgive himself for this... And at one moment he takes a step into nowhere and falls down from the balcony. I want to see if he is alive, if he needs help (in my dream I understand that we are on the 5th floor), but then my mother runs up and closes the balcony doors. I run to the kitchen to look out the window... I look out and see that I am on the 16th floor, outside the window familiar look from the apartment, and below on the asphalt lies my beloved man. I realize that it was he who just jumped from the balcony and he has no chance of surviving. It just starts pounding me and tearing me to pieces... And I woke up

Cat in a dream

The other day I had a dream. I'm on old apartment, in an old room, summer, warm, clear sunny day, everything is green, bright and blooming, the Sun shines through the window very brightly and illuminates the whole room, as if it even blinds the eyes a little. And my cat came from somewhere or I found it somewhere, I don’t really understand. As big as Maine Coon cats, very fluffy and beautiful.

He rubs against me, stretches his muzzle to my nose. I don’t understand why I need it, but I stroke it, hold it in my arms, even though it’s heavy, I put my cat (who is temporarily not living with me) on the pillow, but he immediately described it, and this smell is sharp and unpleasant, I I felt it right in my dream, and immediately ran to wash this pillow-mat so that it wouldn’t smell. She moved the cat out onto the balcony and closed the door. Through the window I put another rug for him, my cat’s carrier (I don’t know why I also put it on his balcony, but the question is - Why? I asked myself in a dream), but left it there and closed all the doors from the balcony to the room.

The sun is still as bright and everything seems even greener.

All the colors in the dream are very bright and saturated, things are absolutely the same color as in life - the light green rug, the red carrier, the floor, the wallpaper in the room - everything is exactly the same as it is.

I haven't been to this apartment more than a year, as we moved to another. More precisely, I haven’t lived there permanently for three years, I just came to visit my mother.

A house is destroyed in a dream

I am in a 4-storey administrative building, on the 4th floor. The house is being destroyed, or rather the builders began to dismantle the house from the top floor. I go down a little lower, there is not such devastation here yet, in some places there are still people walking. I go into the toilet and try to close the door, but the lock doesn’t work. I hear someone talking: “As long as the president is here, people won’t leave.” And I kind of see the president that he hasn’t left the building yet despite the emergency condition.

In the next scene I see myself in some apartment where I am collecting my things. And next to me is some kind of boss, who is standing in doorway, looking around the room, says: “We need to expand,” and after he waves his hand, another room appears in the apartment for me.

White worms and a camera in a dream

I am supposedly in my apartment (it doesn’t look like mine). My guest is a former classmate, a neighbor (we are on good terms with her), and some other people. The apartment is very bright, but not cleaned, everything is scattered and lying around. I'm a little uncomfortable in front of people. I’m about to leave, I tell my former classmate that they should prepare something for themselves. I go into the hall, and there the TV is pulled out of the corner, and behind it is everyone old junk, again I think how much has accumulated there! In the corner there is a pile of (obviously, garbage or something) that looks like something between foam and polystyrene foam. All white. And this whole heap is covered in small white worms of different “sorts”. They swarm there. A young girl (I know her in real life) with a camera takes pictures of a bunch of people, even “dives” in there and gets out again. Smiles, pleased. That's all.

Thank you.

Escape from an unpleasant place in a dream

I and my 2 children are waiting for my husband, with whom we agreed to live together in Russia (at the moment we are not in Russia). Every day he postpones his arrival, citing problems at work. Throughout the entire dream the weather was cloudy and oppressive. The children and I are sitting in some old unheated apartment, even one wall is missing. There are broken furniture and torn things all around. A drunk company can be heard behind the wall. And at this moment my husband calls and says that he will not come to us at all and will not live with us. I am in a state of shock, since all my things have already been moved to a new place, I grab the children and run away from this apartment. We are running along the streets of my city that are familiar to me, but all the streets are from different areas, and we can’t get out of them, although we run as fast as we can. On the way we meet different animals, all of them so large, and some voice tells me that until the animals have eaten enough and get out of the way, we can’t drive them away or go around them. At first I saw 4-5 well-fed cows, they brazenly looked at us and chewed. Next we came across a large brown pig with 4-5 piglets, who were greedily eating something. And at the end of the path there is a huge turkey, like an ostrich. All the animals looked at us wildly, but did not harm us. In the dream I was very scared. I was alone with my grief. Something was weighing heavily on my soul. The ringing phone woke me up.

Chase in a dream

Autumn... I was lying in a gazebo in the courtyard of my grandmother's house, it was cool, but I was dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, diligently burying myself in the foliage. A boy came up (in life I don’t know him, but in the dream I knew that I was watching him for a long time and was interested in his person), we talked with him for a long time. During the conversation, I fiddled with his gloves, then pulled his scarf and kissed him... My mother passed by, she mistook him for my boyfriend, called him by name and invited him to the apartment, but we refused...

Our idyll was destroyed by two guys who ran into the yard with a traumatic weapon; at first it seemed to us that they were shooting at each other, until one loaded it in my neck. My companion jumped up and started shouting something, but it soon became clear that he had to run away from here. the best option... On the way, I was hit in the leg 2 more times (the area between the knee and thigh and ankle), there were two or three more of these guys standing behind the house, they blocked our path and led us into some kind of basement. The boy was given a good squeeze and pressed against the wall, and as I understood, they were going to rape me...

At some point they got distracted, I grabbed his hand and we ran away. We ran into my grandmother’s entrance, the intercom didn’t work, so we immediately opened the door, but then another surprise awaited us... Instead of stairs, the walls had small ledges, which we successfully climbed (luckily it’s the 2nd floor, and I’m very afraid of heights ) . We went into the apartment, there was no one at home. I saw one of those people in the window and we sat down, hiding behind the windowsill.

I don’t remember how, but we ended up in this basement again... I don’t remember much here. The last thing is that I somehow escape, leaving my companion there...

Finding a door in a dream

My friend and I walked around the apartment and looked for the door. I knew for sure that she was in the apartment, but we couldn’t find her. WE have already entered the same rooms several times. Then I woke up and there was a feeling of anxiety...

Late grandmother in a dream

Two days ago I dreamed about her - as if I was going up to my floor in an apartment, it was dark around, I was tripping over something, badly. I don’t pay attention, I go into the apartment, my grandmother is nowhere to be found. I’m terrified - she couldn’t have gone anywhere on her own! I ran out into the entrance, and she was lying on the steps, lifeless... I tripped over her just before... Then in the dream, I pumped her out with some pills.

And today I dreamed that I was fighting with her, with her alive, so fiercely...

To be honest, these dreams scare me terribly...

Robbed by gypsies

Dream Interpretation Robbed by Gypsies dreamed of why you dreamed about being robbed by gypsies? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see robbed by gypsies in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Gypsies

Seeing gypsies - they will make you a business proposal that will allow you to quickly and easily improve your financial situation. However, you need to be on your guard: your business partners are smart people and can beat you at any moment. Visit a gypsy camp - get to know interesting people, who have many useful connections. You can get good benefits from this acquaintance, but you yourself will have to give something in return. If a gypsy told you fortune in a dream, they will tell you soon important information, and if you use it wisely, things will get better for you.

If you dreamed that gypsies were begging, but you didn’t give them anything, your friends will treat you rudely. Dressing up as a gypsy or a gypsy - you will be able to outsmart your competitors. Hear gypsy songs and see gypsy dances - you will be captivated by new things interesting task. Sing and dance yourself - you will be able to involve people in your business who will bring you good luck.

Imagine what you give to the gypsies good gifts, and in return they give you a horse.

Dream Interpretation - Gypsies

A dream about them invariably foreshadows troubles and material losses. After such a dream, you do not need to lend money to anyone for at least one year. A particularly bad dream is one in which a gypsy (gypsy) woman will try to take your purse or wallet. Talking to them in a dream means that you can do something very stupid, which will result in bad consequences for you and can destroy your happiness and well-being. If in a dream you are surrounded by a crowd of gypsies, then beware of deception or some kind of trick from your enemies or envious people. Gypsy songs and dances in a dream warn you that you should not trust false words and beautiful promises. Buying something from gypsies in a dream is a harbinger of loss due to deception of partners or competitors.

Dream Interpretation - Gypsies

Gypsy or gypsy woman - sure sign that in the near future you will be traveling or traveling.

If you dream that you are a gypsy, a gypsy, your marriage will be happy.

Being among the gypsies is a meeting after separation.

If a gypsy tells your fortune, listen to what she says.

It is important.

Dream Interpretation - Gypsy

Gypsy - Seeing, meeting - a carefree existence. The opportunity to become a rentier or live on funds from renting an apartment. Dancing, singing Ts. - your carelessness and irresponsibility complicates the lives of others. This may lead to conflict. Gypsy camp - you or your loved ones risk falling into a circle of carefree but degenerate people: homeless people, hippies, etc. Communicating with Ts. (guessing, buying, etc.) means financial losses due to carelessness and frivolity.

Dream Interpretation - Gypsy

Gypsy - deception, to be deceived. Gypsy - love. If you dream of gypsies, then beware of any deception" - tea - drinking tea - surprise; satisfaction. Tea in the room - theft.

Dream Interpretation - Gypsies

A dream about a gypsy camp symbolizes the confusion of your intimate life You will need a lot of strength to put your relationships with members of the opposite sex in order.

A woman who dreams that a gypsy is telling fortunes for her will marry too hastily. And if she is already married, she will poison her existence with groundless jealousy.

If you dream that you are buying something from gypsies, it means that in reality you will meet a beautiful, but insidious person, because of whom you will experience a lot of trouble.

A dancing gypsy foretells you a fatal love with a tragic outcome. For a woman, love for a gypsy, experienced in a dream, foreshadows loneliness after the treacherous betrayal of her lover; for a young girl - love for a person whom her parents will not approve of.

Dream Interpretation - Gypsy, gypsy

The appearance of a gypsy or gypsy woman in your dreams symbolizes betrayal in love, and sometimes the birth of a child to someone close to you.

Fortune telling among gypsies for men - to the loss of property and to stupid love, for women - to love with a hasty, unhappy marriage.

Buying something from gypsies means losing money.

Dream Interpretation - Gypsies

A warning about caution, about possible changes in plans.

Seeing gypsies singing means fun and recklessness.

If a gypsy stole your wallet - financial difficulties.

Dream Interpretation - Gypsies

If in a dream you visit a gypsy camp, an offer of special importance awaits you, which will help you understand the true state of your complicated affairs.

If a gypsy tells fortunes to a woman in a dream, this promises a hasty marriage. If she is already married, she will be overly jealous.

If a man is having a conversation with a gypsy woman in a dream, it means that he is likely to lose valuable property.

In a dream, buying something from gypsies means losing money. The dream warns you: you should not attach such great importance material side of life.

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