Questions for children 9 years old. Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems)

Is your child going to first grade in a couple of months? He is already so mature and independent. Soon he will begin to gnaw on science and absorb knowledge... Many mothers are very worried whether the baby is ready for school, whether it will be difficult for him there. The issue of a child’s readiness for school is very important, since the first impression of school and the subsequent desire or reluctance to attend it, as well as success, depend on readiness. Experts (teachers and psychologists) will help you find out how ready your child is for school. Wherein psychological readiness to school is a very important aspect, so you should not neglect it.

Today we invite you to check the general erudition of your “less than five minutes” student, his general level of thinking, and his horizons. To do this, we offer a list of 35 questions that a 6-year-old child should answer:

  1. What is your name? Your last name? Surname?
  2. How old are you, how old will you be in a year, and in 2 years?
  3. When's your birthday?
  4. How is your mother's name? Full name with surname and patronymic.
  5. What's dad's name? Full name with surname and patronymic.
  6. When is your mom's birthday? (it is enough to name only the month)
  7. When is your dad's birthday? (it is enough to name only the month)
  8. Where do your parents work? By whom?
  9. What country do we live in?
  10. What is the name of the city where you live?
  11. Give me your address phone number mom or dad.
  12. What to do if you suddenly get lost?
  13. What to do if you cut yourself?
  14. How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?
  15. Do you smell gas in the apartment? What to do?
  16. What to do if you offended a friend?
  17. Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?
  18. Why can't we, visitors, feed the animals at the zoo?
  19. What day is today? What will it be like tomorrow? What was it like yesterday?
  20. Name the seasons.
  21. How are squirrels and crows similar and different?
  22. How to call it in one word: pear, rose, nettle, oak?
  23. Why do they lower the barrier before the train leaves?
  24. What time is it now?
  25. When do you go to bed?
  26. What is the name of a baby cow, sheep, or horse?
  27. Why does a car need brakes?
  28. What do a hammer and an ax have in common?
  29. What is the difference between a nail and a bolt? How to distinguish them?
  30. Name 5 domestic and 5 wild animals.
  31. Name 5 cities.
  32. What types of transport do you know?
  33. What is the difference an old man from a young man?
  34. Why play sports?
  35. Why go to school?

It is worth paying attention if the child cannot answer most of these questions. Perhaps he should study some more, or perhaps he does not understand what is being asked, or perhaps he simply does not want to answer... If only a few questions remain without the correct answer, then your 6-year-old has a broad outlook and has a fairly high level of erudition .

The presenter approaches the audience one by one and asks them questions. Players draw pre-prepared answer cards at random and read them out loud. The cards can be placed in a hat, in a beautifully designed box, or on a tray. In this game, a lot depends on the artistry of the participants: sometimes they read out the answer in such a way that it is simply impossible not to laugh.

Questions for the presenter:

  1. Do you often act cheeky?
  2. Do you like to play pranks?
  3. Is it true that you constantly cheat on your homework?
  4. Are you faking the grades in your diary?
  5. Do you often fall in love at first sight?
  6. Do you fall out of bed at night?
  7. Is it true that you like to sing Russian folk songs in the bathroom when you take a shower?
  8. Do you often wake up in the middle of the night to empty the refrigerator?
  9. Do you drink strong alcohol?
  10. It's true that you consider yourself the most beautiful man in the world?
  11. Do you often lie to your parents?
  12. Do you have a habit of flattering your teachers?
  13. Are you skipping classes?
  14. Is it true that you have a habit of kissing everyone?
  15. Do you often dance under the moon?
  16. Do you have a habit of being rude to adults?
  17. Admit it, are you ready (ready) for anything for money?
  18. Do you like to gossip behind your back?
  19. Is it true that you write obscene words on the walls of the school?
  20. Do you like to spin in front of the mirror and admire your reflection?
  21. Do you gloat when your friends get D's?
  22. Is it true that you like to incite your friends to do antisocial acts?
  23. Has it ever happened that you disrupted (disrupted) classes at school?
  24. I was told that you visit a nudist beach. This is true?
  25. Do you often lose your underwear?
  26. Is it true that you throw eggs at passers-by from the window?
  27. Have you ever swung from a chandelier?

Answer cards

  1. Of course, this is just the meaning of my life.
  2. Yes, on Mondays this is sacred to me.
  3. Yeah, especially when you don't feel like cleaning the house.
  4. Yes, especially when you are too lazy to do your homework.
  5. I admit: it’s rare, but it happens.
  6. This is my main talent!
  7. I have had a penchant for this since childhood.
  8. No, but I would really like to.
  9. Yes, but only for company.
  10. Yes, but don't tell my parents about it!
  11. Not anymore.
  12. This is the most enjoyable thing in my life.
  13. Yes, and I even had to suffer from it.
  14. This is the dream of my whole life.
  15. And I won’t tell you under torture!
  16. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.
  17. Of course - I do this all the time.
  18. Certainly! What's wrong with that?
  19. Unless no one sees.
  20. Yes, I have no complexes.
  21. Always with great pleasure!
  22. Yes, but less often than I would like.
  23. Only if they really ask me about it.
  24. Oh yeah! This works great for me!
  25. Damn it! How did you guess this?
  26. Of course, I am capable of anything!
  27. Not especially in daylight, but in the dark - with pleasure.

Children ask a lot of questions. Sometimes they are repeated, and we answer them again and again. And sometimes – let’s be honest – we simply ignore the endless “how” and “why”. By the way, researchers estimate that young children ask more than 300 questions every day. You can't answer everything, right?

The trick is that children's curiosity needs to be encouraged and it turns out that it has good reason: When you answer your child's questions, you help develop his intelligence.

Parenting expert Michelle Borba adds that you should set an example of a well-worded question.

Children need to develop their imaginations, and wanting to know more is a wonderful thing. Let's also show curiosity and support the conversation with counter questions.

What to talk about with your child? Catch 50 cool themes!

1. What do you dream about?

2. What makes you happy?

3. What are your friends interested in?

4. What would you like to do right now?

5. What do you think about when you wake up?

6. Have you ever wanted to change the colors of your usual things?

7. Which character makes you laugh the most?

8. If you were to open a store, what would you sell there?

9. What is your Superhero's name and what power does he have?

10. Imagine that you are now on the beach. What will you do first?

If you could grow something in your garden, what would it be?

12. When do you feel brave?

13 . What fills your heart tenderness?

How do you show you care?

How do you feel when I hug you?

16. If animals could talk, what do you think they would talk about?

17. If you had $100 to give to charity, what would you do?

18. What would your tree house look like?

19. What do you like to do for other people?

20. Did anything amuse you or make you laugh today?

21. If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

If you could draw everything that comes into your head, what kind of drawing would it be?

23. If you were a clothing designer, what would it look like?

Do you like to give gifts and give something to other people? Why?

25. Imagine yourself as a chef and tell me about your restaurant. What food would be on his menu?

26. What will you think about before going to bed today?

27. When do you feel grateful?

What sounds do you like?

29. Where would you like to travel? How will you get there?

If you could build yourself a house or a cave in the forest, what would it look like?

31. If you could ask a wild animal any question, what would you ask it?

32. Imagine that you could spend the whole day on fresh air: what would you do?

33. What makes you stronger?

What invigorates you?

35. If you were a hero computer game, who would it be?

36. How do animals communicate with each other, in your opinion?

What do you love most about wildlife?

38. Let's say you need to take photos all day. What or who will you be filming?

39. What memory makes you happy?

What irritates you?

Describe your best day. Why is he like this and what are you doing?

42. What animal would be a top-notch driver?

43. What makes your friends so amazing?

What makes you so amazing?

Are you coming up with any inventions?

What do you think, teach foreign language- it's fun?

47. What three things would you like to do this summer/autumn/winter/spring?

If you had to come up with a new holiday, what would it be?

What makes a person smart?

If you had friends all over the world, how would you communicate with them?

Don't worry if your child is reluctant to answer questions at first and don't rush him into answering or moving on to the next question too quickly. Such a humorous but confidential conversation will demonstrate to your child that you are sincerely interested in him and are not mechanically asking. By the way, this is also an excellent training for creative thinking for adults.

Quiz for children “Lucky chance”

Scenario of an educational quiz game for younger children school age"Lucky case"

PRESENTER 1: Good afternoon, dear guys!

PRESENTER 2: We are very pleased to welcome you to our hall!

PRESENTER 1: Today we are holding entertaining game"Lucky case". The game is played between teams of girls and boys. And today's competition will be judged by our respected jury.

PRESENTER 2: We invite the participants of both teams to come up to the stage.
Now let's move on to the game. Our game consists of 6 competitions. Before each competition, we will introduce its conditions.

1st competition: “Team calling card”– assessed on a 5-point system. And now we will meet the first team, the girls' team.

The “Team Business Card” competition is taking place

2nd competition: “Question and answer”, serves as a warm-up for the teams. You need to answer very quickly, clearly, for each correct answer the team receives one point.

1. Lazy Russian character folk tale. (Emelya)
2. Lighting device, which can be magical. (Lamp)
3. A learned animal that walks around in a chain. (Cat)
4. What they advise you to check without leaving the cash register. (Money)
5. His eyes are big. (Fear)
6. Weapons that the musketeers liked to cross. (Sword)
7. The place where cancer meets the Greek. (River)
8. What the president signs. (Decree)
9. Bone part of Baba Yaga’s torso. (Leg)
10. For which Andersen heroine was the flower permanent place residence. (Thumbelina)

1. What was the name of the girl who was afraid of hot weather more than anything in the world. (Snow Maiden)
2. The first part left of a goat after it was eaten by wolves. (Horns)
3. Bear pacifier. (Paw)
4. Name the cat who always wore black glasses. (Basilio)
5. What was the name of the dog that first flew into space. (Laika)
6. Who loved the thunderstorm in early May. (Tyutchev)
7. Can elephants swim? (Yes)
8. The most unpleasant color for a bull. (Red)
9. Name the most fun circus profession. (Clown)
10. Name the saddest tree. (Weeping willow)

Competition No. 3 “Troubles from a barrel”

The color red is a question from the field of sports.
Green is from the realm of nature.
Blue - from the field of literature
Orange is from the field of music.
Teams take turns pulling problems out of the barrel and answering questions. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

1. In which sports games is the ball used? (Football, basketball, volleyball, etc.)
2. What colors are the Olympic rings? (Green, black, white, red, yellow)
3. What types of martial arts exist (karate, wushu, judo, etc.)
4. What sports equipment used by track and field athletes. (grenade, disc, spear, cannonball)
5. What kind of apparatus do athletes perform at rhythmic gymnastics competitions (ribbon, rope, hoop, ball, mace)

1. Which bird barks (Male partridge)
2. What living creatures leading a nocturnal lifestyle can be seen in daylight only after prolonged rain. (Earthworm)
3. Where do butterflies go in winter? (Most die in the cracks)
4. Which animal sleeps upside down all winter. (Bat)
5. We often use the expression “Where the crayfish spend the winter.” And where do they really spend the winter (In the mud, in burrows)

1. What were the names of famous heroes in Russian epics (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, etc.
2. What fairy tales did A. Volkov write about a magical land where the Wise Scarecrow rules (The Wizard of the Emerald City, The Yellow Fog, The Fire God of the Marrans)
3. What fairy tales in verse did K. Chukovsky write for children? (Crocodile, Moidodyr, etc.)
4. What fairy tales were composed by P.P. Bozhov (Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Malachite Box, etc.)
5. Which fairy tales are written by A.S. Pushkin (Ruslan and Lyudmila, The Tale of the Dead Princess, The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, etc.)

1. What musical tales composed by composer G. Gladkov (Bremen Town Musicians, Blue Puppy, Hottabych)
2. Which one musical instrument combines piano and accordion. (Accordion)
3. What songs of Dmitry Bilan do you know?
4. What substance is used to rub the hair of the bow to obtain a clear and strong sound (Rosin)
5. Name 3 songs about summer.

4th "Fans" competition. Evaluated by 5 points ( funny questions). Fans can give a point to the team they like.

5th competition "Riddles". For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

1. The little blue fur coat has covered the whole world. (Sky)
2. On one finger the bucket is upside down. (Thimble)
3. From gate to gate lies a cloud of gold. (The lights of a sun)
4. The little round one cannot be lifted by the tail. (Clew)
5. The little animal has a hundred silver coins in its back. (Fish)
6. Neither the sea nor the land, ships do not sail, but you cannot walk. (Swamp)
7. The wind moves the hair of the wrapped girls. (Corn)
8. The yellow chicken is sulking in the garden (Zucchini)
9. What they pour into a frying pan and bend it into four. (Pancakes)
10. A violinist lives in a meadow, wears a tailcoat and gallops. (Grasshopper)
11. A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. (Sheep)
12. Natket will weave, sit down and wait for prey. (Spider)

6th competition "Erudite". Now your attention will be offered a word from which you will make small words.

TEACHER. For each word 1 point. Time 1 minute.

The JURY sums it up!

PRESENTER 1: Dear guys, we are very glad that today’s game was so interesting, fun and exciting. You played simply wonderful, you showed yourself to be so talented and erudite.

An entertaining children's quiz for ten-year-olds, compiled in the form of questions and answers.

"Smart Men and Women"

1. Can a crocodile climb a tree?
2. What is the name of the chair on which the king sits?
3. Which road makes everyone limp?
4. Which one optical instrument sits on your nose?
5. When is the day longer: in winter or summer?
6. Is it true that striped zebras can have striped fleas?
7. Which pet found the tractor easier to work with?
8. What can’t a person live without?
9. What was the semolina on the field?
10. What animals does a dog handler work with?
11. What is the name of the eighth month of the year?
12. What kind of person is called a “black sheep”?
13. Can a porcupine shoot its quills at its enemies?
14. Is it true that the capital of France is London?
15. Glass House for fish?
16. Is it possible to hot-air balloon fly into space?
17. What is the name of a baby sheep?
18. What do you do with a plane?
19. How many legs does a bumblebee have - five or seven?
20. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers in the spring?

1. Yes. Young. 2. Throne. 3. Stairs. 4. Glasses. 5. Same. 6. No. 7. Horses. 8. No name. 9. Wheat. 10. With dogs. 11. August. 12. Which is different from others in some way. 13. No. 14. No. Paris. 15. Aquarium. 16. No.17. Lamb. 18. Planing a tree. 19. Six. 20. Birch.

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