Eastern luxury - growing Turkish carnations from A to Z. Growing carnations from A to Z: planting, care, main pests and diseases

Bearded carnation, also known as Turkish carnation, bloomed in almost every garden a few decades ago. Today it's not the best fashionable flower. Perhaps the decline in popularity is explained by the reputation of a “simple”. Modern sophisticated gardeners strive to outdo each other with their ability to grow exotic orchids or luxurious cascading petunias. And yet, for neophytes with little experience in floriculture, Turkish carnation is a real find. In this article we will tell you about growing Turkish cloves and give a description of the varieties.

Botanical features and varieties

History of the origin of the name clove

The species Dianthus barbatus was cultivated back in the Middle Ages, and its scientific name Turkish carnation received in the 18th century from Carl Linnaeus himself. The great Swedish naturalist took two Greek words - "Di" and "anthus" - and combined them into one. “Di” (Diy) is one of the names of Zeus in Hellenic mythology. "Anthus" means "flower". So, in the blink of an eye, a simple biennial turns into the divine “flower of Zeus.”

However, as a biennial, Turkish carnation is grown only in temperate latitudes. In the south it exhibits the qualities of a perennial, and in the north it exhibits the qualities of an annual. Such plasticity and ability to bloom in any climatic conditions

made the “flower of Zeus” popular not only in Europe, but also on other continents.

In England, Turkish cloves are called "Sweet William". Its flowers are edible and suitable for making liqueurs.

  1. Turkish clove is a herbaceous plant with a knotty stem. The leaf blades are sessile, opposite, lanceolate. The inflorescence is a complex umbrella, up to 10 cm in diameter. The flowers are five-petaled, with a fringed edge, small, of various colors. Thanks to the efforts of Russian and foreign breeders, many varieties of Turkish cloves have been developed today. Some of the most interesting: "Little Willie" Border variety
  2. , only 15-20 cm high. The variability of colors is very large, the inflorescences are dense and do not fall apart. Can be grown as a pot crop. Additional advantages include excellent frost resistance and versatility of use."Noverna the Clown. A hybrid that grows in lush compact bushes, making it look great in flowerpots. Each flower in the inflorescence has its own color. Flowering is long lasting. This hybrid has only two disadvantages: the high cost of seeds and insufficient frost resistance.
  3. "Nigracans". Drought-resistant and frost-resistant Altai variety. Forms thick caps of royal dark cherry color. Interesting feature: As the plant matures, the leaves change color from green to burgundy, and this carnation begins to show off in the flowerbed.
  4. "Undine". A flower of a very rare purple-black color with a white border can be considered an achievement of the breeders of the Poisk agricultural company. Suitable for two-color contrasting mixborders. Does not wither for a long time when cut.
  5. "Dynasty"Noverna the Clown. Hybrid series of terry Turkish carnations. Low (25-30 cm) bushes grow to a habit diameter of 40-50 cm. They look great in flowerpots, are able to bloom in the first year, and are frost-resistant.

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds

Carnation “Nigricans” performs “in the corps de ballet” in the first year of its life, shading other flowers, and in the second year it takes on the main role.

IN Middle lane In Russia, it is customary to sow Turkish cloves immediately open ground. There is no particular point in growing seedlings, since the plant is unpretentious and easily tolerates frost. The big advantage of Turkish carnation is that it does not require attention during the most difficult time for gardeners - in the spring.

This is done simply:

  1. The bed is cleared of plant debris and loosened.
  2. Use a long block to press a groove 1 cm deep and water it well from a watering can.
  3. Seeds are sown in a ditch, covered with soil and watered. The top of the grooves is mulched with peat to prevent the formation of a crust.

Summer sowing of Turkish carnations saves time, sown areas and allows you to admire the flowering already at next year.

Subsequently, you need to keep an eye on the soil moisture. Shoots appear, as a rule, in a week and a half. Turkish carnations are kept in the growing bed until the end of summer. During this time, the seedlings are thinned out twice so that the resulting distance between the seedlings is at least 20 cm. The grown plants are planted in a permanent place in rows or clumps, leaving an interval of 30 to 40 cm between them, depending on the variety.

Tip #1. Potted forms of Turkish cloves can be sown several seeds at a time in a container. As they grow, the excess ones are removed or replanted, leaving one plant in the pot.

In the northern regions, where there is no guarantee of normal wintering for Turkish carnation, it is grown as an annual. In this case, you cannot do without seedlings. Read also the article: → "". Seeds are sown in boxes, moistened and covered with glass. At a temperature of +18-20⁰С they germinate quickly.

Young carnations need to be provided additional lighting. You should not count on light from the window: in winter, and even in the north, there is too little light for the development of healthy plants. The Turkish carnation is shade-tolerant, but even it needs from 2000 to 2500 lux. For comparison:

Thus, when growing Turkish carnation seedlings in winter, a good phytolamp is necessary. The second condition is space. Plants need to be thinned out and, at one month of age, planted in separate pots. Bushes are planted in a permanent place in the spring, after the onset of constant positive temperatures, without the threat of return frosts. Before planting, seedlings are hardened off. Turkish carnation grown from seedlings will bloom in the first year.

Vegetative propagation of carnations

If you do not interfere with the Turkish carnation's reproduction by self-sowing, it can grow in one place as long as you like, like a perennial.

Sometimes Turkish cloves are propagated not by seeds, but by cuttings. This method is good if you want to get a plant with exactly the same characteristics as the mother plant. At seed propagation this is not always possible. Flowers grown from collected seeds can produce completely unpredictable colors.

Cuttings are taken from two-year-old vegetative plants in June. In a shaded place, a school with fertile, moist soil is formed. Cuttings are planted in it at an angle of 45⁰ and covered with cut plastic bottles without cover. Cuttings take root in about 3 weeks.

Another way vegetative propagation, suitable for the “flower of Zeus” - layering. In June, the stems of two-year-old carnations are laid on the ground and pressed with a metal bracket. The place of fixation is dug in with moist soil. Rooting in this way occurs in 1.5 months.

Caring for Turkish Carnation

Turkish carnation does not require particularly complex care. The procedures are standard - watering, weeding, fertilizing, pruning.

Event Spring Summer Autumn
Watering As long as the soil is saturated with moisture, additional watering is not required. As the soil dries out. If there is a thick layer of mulch, watering will only be needed during drought. Young plants are watered warm days as needed.
Trimming After flowering is completed.
Weeding As needed. As needed. As needed.
Top dressing Organic fertilizers During the budding phase - 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

During the flowering phase - “Agricola for flowering plants» according to the instructions.

Young plants after transplantation are given phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Tip #2. Turkish cloves do not like waterlogging. In damp soil, it gets fusarium. Watering should be appropriate.

What fertilizers should I use for cloves?

There is no need to be too zealous with the fertilizer of Turkish cloves. However, she will gratefully respond to feeding with modern complexes for flowering plants.

A drug Description
"Fertika Flower" Suitable for everyone garden flowers. Activates budding, prolongs flowering. Apply dry.
"Fertika Autumn" Helps perennials prepare for winter. Apply dry when transplanting cloves to a permanent location.
"Agricola for flowering plants"

One of the best ways beautifully decorate your garden or country cottage area- plant Turkish cloves on it. These delicate inflorescences, collected in corollas, have a surprisingly bright color, which will certainly create a festive atmosphere. If this ornamental plant already grows on your site, but you want to increase its quantity, you can use the cutting method.

Turkish carnations come in white, pink, purple, red and burgundy. There are a lot of varieties, they all differ in the color of the petals, method of cultivation and length of the stems. Growing a flower at home is quite easy; even a novice gardener can cope with this task. Turkish carnations are also excellent for decorating bouquets. She looks great in compositions.

There are two main types:

  • short;
  • Tall.

The short ones reach no more than 12-15 cm in length. And the tall ones can grow up to 60-80 cm in length. It also differs in the color of the petals. They can be white, red, burgundy, purple, and all shades of pink. Most often, there are two-color or three-color. The inflorescence can be either simple, consisting of a small number of petals, or terry and stuffed. As a rule, one flower consists of five petals.

The leaves are light green in color and are located along the entire stem. In addition, they form a basal rosette. Another characteristic feature of this ornamental plant is its pleasant aroma. It is especially strong in white specimens.

Varieties of Turkish cloves

The most common varieties of Turkish cloves are:

  • Diadem - bushes up to 45 cm high with shoots and leaves of dark green color with a red tint and dark red nodes. Dark carmine flowers with a large white eye and serrated edge petals are collected in an inflorescence up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • Scarlet Beauty - bushes 45-50 cm high with dark green leaves and shoots and bright red flowers up to 23 mm in diameter with petals serrated along the edge;
  • Heimatland - bushes up to 50 cm high with shoots and leaves of dark green color with a dark red tint. The flowers are dark red, up to 2 cm in diameter, with an eye and petals deeply serrated along the edge. The inflorescences of this variety are up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Lahskenigin - a variety about 45 cm high with large inflorescences of salmon-pink flowers;
  • Schneebal is a white Turkish carnation up to 40 cm high with green leaves and shoots. Terry flowers with jagged edges of the petals are collected in inflorescences up to 11 cm in diameter;
  • Weiss Risen - bushes up to half a meter high with green leaves and shoots and white flowers up to 25 mm in diameter, collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Kupferrot - bushes up to half a meter high with dark green leaves and shoots and copper-red flowers up to 22 mm in diameter with jagged edges. Inflorescences reach a diameter of 9-10 cm;
  • Egyptian - a variety up to 60 cm high with narrow burgundy leaves and catchy dark burgundy flowers with a white border;
  • Ondine - this variety has purple flowers with a white center and a white border.

Planting Turkish clove seeds

It is important to adhere to the correct sequence and approach each stage with responsibility. You should start by preparing the soil. Growing Turkish cloves involves two methods:

  • seeds are planted directly into the ground in May-June;
  • for seedlings in the period March-April.

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds

There is no particular point in growing Turkish carnation seedlings, since the plant is unpretentious and tolerates frost easily. The big advantage of Turkish carnation is that it does not require attention during the most difficult time for gardeners - in the spring.

It can be sown in summer, at the end of June or beginning of July. At this time, everything else is already growing in full swing, and some things have even been harvested: lettuce, kohlrabi, radishes, spinach, etc. It is in these vacated places that a growing bed for Turkish carnations is set up.

This is done simply:

  1. The bed is cleared of plant debris and loosened.
  2. Use a long block to press a groove 1 cm deep and water it well from a watering can.
  3. Seeds are sown in a ditch, covered with soil and watered. The top of the grooves is mulched with peat to prevent the formation of a crust.

Subsequently, you need to keep an eye on the soil moisture. Shoots appear, as a rule, in a week and a half. Turkish carnations are kept in the growing bed until the end of summer. During this time, the seedlings are thinned out twice so that the resulting distance between the seedlings is at least 20 cm. The grown plants are planted in a permanent place in rows or clumps, leaving an interval of 30 to 40 cm between them, depending on the variety.

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Sowing Turkish cloves

If you decide to grow Turkish cloves in seedlings, then sowing is carried out in March or early April in a substrate previously disinfected with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate is prepared from sand and leaf humus in equal parts. Instead of sand, you can use vermiculite. Boxes or containers that must be washed before use can be used as containers. hot water with soda. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the container, and a wet substrate is placed on top.

Turkish clove seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, placing them at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The crops are covered with loose white paper and kept at a temperature of 16-18 ºC, from time to time moistening the substrate from a spray bottle with water at room temperature.

Features of planting Turkish carnations in open ground

Planting of young plants on a site should be carried out with an interval of five to seven centimeters between individual seedlings. After the plants have grown to one and a half months of age, it is worth removing the cover from them. And in especially intense heat, it is better to get rid of it earlier, but build a fabric canopy over the plantings to shade them in the hottest sun. After all, young Turkish carnation plants can die from excessive heat.

That is why many gardeners recommend planting well-grown seedlings in the garden only in August, when the sun is no longer so hot. Sometimes such manipulations are performed even at the beginning of September. But in this case, the plant does not need to be overly moistened, and if there is a threat of imminent cold weather, it is worth thoroughly insulating the soil around the seedlings with leaves and grass, or with special covering materials.

It is best to grow Turkish cloves in those areas of the garden that are in natural shade and not blown by the wind. This plant feels good near tall perennials.

For the winter, young plants need to be mulched with peat or humus ( optimal thickness mulch - eight to ten centimeters), and also cover with spruce branches. In spring, the shelter should be removed after active growth begins, but shading should be provided.

Turkish carnation is not a very capricious plant that can be easily grown from seeds.

Caring for Turkish cloves

Carnation unpretentious flower and care is required mainly by young specimens:

  1. Watering. The plant does not like abundant watering. The exception is hot weather. Optimal rate per 1 sq. m 12 liters of water. Overwatering can trigger the development of root rot. Water should not get on the blooming buds. The normal state of the soil is a little wet, a little dry. Adult specimens do not require watering.
  2. Carnation responds well to fertilizing. It is better to use complex mixtures containing potassium. Excess nitrogen supplements can lead to the development of diseases. The first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is needed for a seedling 10 cm high. The second application of fertilizers will be required already at the time of bud setting. The last feeding is the flowering of the bush. All fertilizers must be applied strictly according to the instructions so that the plant does not get burned.
  3. Diseases. Help prevent flower infections preventive measures. Treat young specimens with insecticidal preparations. Sometimes pests called nematodes attack - these are roundworms that can infect any part of the plant. To combat it, use fungicides. Treat plants in the evening. Neighbors are carriers of fungal diseases. It is not advisable to plant bushes with siris, hyacinths, and gladioli. At viral disease the flowers are transplanted to another place, and the infected flowers are destroyed.
  4. Faded buds must be removed to stimulate future flowering.

Since ancient times, the carnation has been considered a symbol of constancy, justice and goodness. Many gardeners willingly grow it in their garden or on the windowsill. This flower captivates the eye with its multi-colored “carpet”. Even indifferent gardeners cannot resist its beauty. It has been grown since the 16th century and is loved for its unpretentiousness and intricate colors of bright flower caps, characterized by abundant and long flowering.

growing from seeds

Carnation is a biennial plant up to 70 cm high. The flowers have very different and complex colors with interesting patterns on patterned petals. The most popular terry varieties. In the first year, only a rosette and leaves appear, and only in the next year do flowers appear. You can plant it as seedlings in early spring, and even better before winter, covered with film. The interval between plants is maintained at 20 cm, but if you want to get a dense “carpet”, then you need to plant them much closer. Seedlings dive in cloudy weather for better development bush. Young carnation seedlings are afraid of frost, so it is worth covering them with mulch, spruce branches or sawdust for the winter; in addition, in this way you will protect the plants from being eaten by rodents. Turkish cloves, growing from seeds of which is not very difficult, is also excellent honey plant, having a subtle sweet aroma. How to care for the plant?


Timely watering and weeding is, perhaps, all that is required for such an extraordinary flower as the Turkish carnation. Growing it is so simple that with

Even beginners in gardening can cope with it. However, as most people prefer sunny places, but will also quite agree to grow in partial shade. She is also unlikely to refuse feeding and fertilizer and will thank you with large flowers collected in dense inflorescences-baskets.


Turkish cloves, the seeds of which ripen in large quantities, moreover, has excellent germination for several years. After the plant has flowered, cut off the umbrella with the seeds and dry them well in warm sunny weather. She can also do this in a way: during flowering, the carnation forms a new leaf rosette which will bloom next year.

Gardeners are very fond of such unpretentious plants as Turkish cloves. Growing from seeds is not at all difficult. All you have to do is not cut off all the flowers, and they themselves will grow into thick greenery next year. Despite this, it is happily grown in flower beds, planted along paths or just under a window, that is, wherever Turkish carnation will grow. Growing from seeds, however, can lead to the fact that it can grow uncontrollably throughout the entire area if the flower heads are not cut off in advance. These plants add a pop of color and blend well with other neighbors. In addition, Turkish carnations make excellent bouquets that retain their freshness for a long time, which, for example, noble roses cannot boast of.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Some peoples considered the flowers of the Turkish carnation to be sacred, others - a symbol of maternal love.

The plant is still considered relevant and occupies an honorable place in the ranking of amateurs and specialists in floriculture. This article will talk about how to grow this bright flower on your site.

Description and characteristics of the plant

The plant got its name because its aroma is reminiscent of the clove tree. There are many varieties of this flower, differing in color and size. Characteristic flowers - many dots and inclusions on them. The peduncle consists of several flowers united into a kind of cap.

Beautiful flowers in a flowerbed.

There are two main types of unusually attractive flowers:

  1. short– reaches a height of up to 20 centimeters.
  2. Tall– reaches a height of up to 80 centimeters.

Plants come in various shades, single and double types. The plant is considered perennial, however, experienced flower growers It is recommended to grow it for two years, replacing old bushes with new ones.

The flower has earned the love of plant growers for the following qualities:

  • cold tolerance;
  • unpretentiousness to growth conditions;
  • simplicity and ease of care;
  • not demanding frequent watering;
  • possibility of growing in the garden, on the balcony and windowsill;
  • ability to reproduce by self-sowing.

Preparatory work

The main method of propagation of this plant is sowing from seeds. Sowing in open garden space or growing seedlings is allowed.

When to plant: optimal timing

Sowing the seed in the ground can be done in May; April is suitable for sowing seedlings.

Seed treatment before planting

As mentioned earlier, Turkish carnation is a very unpretentious plant that can disperse and take root on its own. Still, to grow strong, good seedlings, it is worth preparing the seeds for planting.

After planting seedlings in open ground.

The seeds need to be kept in a warm solution with the addition of drugs that prevent diseases and stimulate growth, then rinse them with running water, dry them slightly and begin the immediate sowing procedure.

Preparing the soil and container

For sowing, you can use ordinary medium-sized plastic containers. It is worth preparing the land for sowing in advance. You can, of course, buy a ready-made substrate in the store, however, experienced plant growers advise preparing the soil yourself. For this you need to mix peat, turf soil and sand.

Advice! It is advisable to use river sand to prepare the soil for planting.

The prepared soil must be steamed or frozen to get rid of all pests and microbes. Steamed or frozen soil should sit for about a week to restore the necessary balance. Before direct sowing, the prepared soil is placed in a prepared container, compacted a little and lightly moistened with a sprinkler.

How to sow correctly?

The process of sowing Turkish cloves is as follows - the seeds are placed in a small groove made in the soil and lightly sprinkled with earth. After this, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect for the crops by placing the containers in a bag or covering them with a layer of film.

Turkish clove seeds.

The containers are then sent to a room with moderate lighting and a temperature of about 18°C. Crops should be moistened periodically. As soon as the seedlings begin to emerge and surface the ground, the film is removed.

Important! Seedlings do not like straight bright sun rays and excess moisture, so these influences should be avoided as much as possible.

Home care

The seedlings of the described flower do not cause difficulties in care; everything for fast and proper growth should be followed following rules:

  • A room in which the temperature does not exceed 18°C ​​is suitable for seedlings;
  • seedlings love partial shade, it is advisable to observe this condition when growing;
  • as soon as the seedlings have loops (this happens approximately 10 days after sowing), it is worth moving the seedlings to a cooler room (14°C);
  • if necessary, it is worth providing the seedlings with additional lighting;
  • As soon as 5 true leaves appear on the plant, it is worth pinching;
  • Young seedlings need to be hardened off, but this should be done extremely carefully, avoiding exposure to drafts and frosts.

Feeding and watering

Plants do not like abundant and frequent watering; plants flooded with water can get sick or die. Water the seedlings carefully, trying not to splash water on the leaves. The optimal number of waterings per week is two.(additional watering can be carried out when the soil around the future flower dries out). It is better to water small seedlings using a sprayer; grown plants can be watered using a watering can.

Carnation seedlings in cassettes.

Turkish carnation plants do not need frequent feeding, however, this is still sometimes necessary. The fertilization process is carried out both with the help of solutions prepared independently and with the help of purchased preparations. On average, it is worth carrying out the feeding procedure three times per season.

Diving seedlings

You can plant plants in individual pots as soon as the young seedlings have acquired a pair of true leaves. This usually occurs approximately 20 days after sowing. Plan and rules of action when picking:

  1. Prepare pots with soil, while moistening it. For these purposes, the same soil that was used for sowing is suitable.
  2. Carefully separate tender seedlings from the total mass of plants and plant them in a hole in the ground in a pot.
  3. After transplantation, create a greenhouse effect for the transplanted seedlings for a while.

Advice! Diving is best done in the evening or in cloudy weather.

Landing at a permanent place

For permanent place A medium-lit area with fertile soil is suitable for growing carnations. Transplantation can be done as soon as it is warm outside and the seedlings have gained enough strength. This is usually done in late May - early June.

Burgundy carnation inflorescences.

Reference! The plant will delight you with its lush color in the second year of life; this point should be taken into account when choosing a planting site.

Preparing the bushes for winter

Despite the fact that the plant is considered cold-resistant, it needs to be insulated for the winter. To do this, you need to cover the plant with spruce (or other coniferous plant) branches or other material that allows air to pass through. In the spring, as soon as the frosts pass and the snow begins to melt, you need to immediately remove the protection from the plant.

Diseases and pests

Even such an unpretentious plant is sometimes attacked by pests, for example, aphids or mites, which can be combated with the help of store-bought preparations or infusion of potato tops. There are no diseases unique to this plant.

Flower in landscape design

This flower looks organically in any part of the garden and can decorate any flower bed. Flower growers use this plant to create alpine slide, creating intricate and original patterns with the help of plants.

Useful video

Turkish carnation flowers are deservedly considered universal look colors. They have a magnificent appearance, are easy to care for, and are unpretentious to growing conditions. With their help you can decorate even a small, modest area. Thanks to abundance color range, you can create a spectacular flowerbed from carnations alone.

Growing Turkish carnations from seeds is a topic that worries many novice gardeners. This flower has won hearts with its attractive appearance and unpretentious character.

Very often this plant is used to decorate lawns and flower beds. The variety of species allows anyone's imagination to run wild landscape designer. That is why we decided today to talk about how to grow Turkish cloves from seeds.

General information about Turkish cloves

Many experienced gardeners have been familiar with this flower for a long time, but they know it under a different name - bearded carnation. Why such a strange name? It's all about the shape of the leaves that frame the buds. They have small teeth and resemble a beard.

The carnation came to us from the Mediterranean. On average, a flower can last about two years, which is why it is called a two-year flower.

It is worth noting that in the first year of life the flower produces bright green leaves, and already in the second year you can enjoy a carpet of unimaginable beauty.

As for the color of the buds, the Turkish carnation flower comes in completely different varieties. Some plants have monochromatic petals, while others are varied and variegated.

The color range ranges from plain white to bright red. And, despite the fact that you planted one color, you may end up with a completely different one.

Rules for growing Turkish cloves

Speaking about methods of flower propagation, it is worth noting that carnations are capable of doing this in three types.

They are as follows:

  • Seminal;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

If you decide to use the cuttings option or the option using layering, then this has its advantages. You do not risk getting a different version of the flower, but will receive an exact copy of the mother plant.

When propagated by seeds, you get every time new option colors; moreover, it is the seed method that is used when working with landscape decoration.

When planting a flower in the soil, you need to remember that it is able to grow and develop both in direct sunlight and in the shade. The main thing is to monitor the quality of the land.

The ideal mixture would be humus, sand and peat, which are taken in equal shares. It is also important to determine for yourself when to plant Turkish cloves. You can choose the landing time yourself.

1. End of spring. If you plant a flower during this period, then at the end of summer you will be able to transfer the stronger plants to the place you have chosen as permanent.

2. Late autumn. If you decide to choose this option, remember that the holes where you planted the flower are prohibited from watering, so as not to provoke the process of rotting.

Turkish clove seeds are planted in the ground so that there is at least 15 centimeters between them. The flower's ability to grow widely requires more space for planting.

When planting a plant, maintain the depth at which you plant the seeds; it should not exceed one and a half centimeters. After planting, you need to water the flower well, and if necessary, break through the sprouts so that the planting is not overly dense.

Features of caring for cloves

Growing from seeds, or rather its result, depends on proper care behind the plant. Basically, all care comes down to the fact that you must water the flower correctly.

An important feature is that when Turkish clove seedlings become mature and strong, they grow so that all weeds leave the area.

Speaking about watering, it should be noted that the flower does not like excessive soil moisture. If you make such a mistake, you risk destroying the flower, because it will begin to rot and disappear.

Water the flower, carefully directing the water to the very root. You need to feed three times a season. The first time you need to do this is when the carnation grows to ten centimeters.

It is recommended to take a solution containing nitrophoska and minerals. fertilizers. The second time you need to feed the soil during the formation of buds. This time it is better to use superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Take a tablespoon of the substance and dilute it in ten liters of water. The third feeding should be carried out during the flowering period. This time, take special solutions to strengthen the plants. The dilution method is the same: ten liters per tablespoon of the drug.

Possible problems for the flower

Despite the fact that the flower is considered very resistant and unpretentious plant, there are still some problems that may arise. Carnations can be attacked by aphids or mites.

  • Water – 10 l,
  • dry leaves – 700 grams,
  • tops with leaves - 1 kilogram.

After keeping this mixture for 36 hours in a dark place, put a spoonful of soap there, preferably liquid. You need to spray the flower with this solution twice a day, in the morning and before bed.

After reading the whole this information Regarding carnations, we can safely conclude that the flower is absolutely unpretentious and can be successfully used for decoration purposes.

You can create flower beds with it that cannot be achieved with other plants, although combining with other plants and flowers is also often used.

The flower is capable of self-sowing, so carefully monitor it during the seed ripening period if you do not want uncontrolled planting.

In the end, I would like to add that the beauty of the flower is so bright that this flower has become indispensable when working with landscape decor.

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