Do-it-yourself kite - types and principle of operation, how to make it from paper, fabric or polyethylene. A kite and a sea of ​​positivity! Hawk kite collect

Trembling, alive, he strives upward, towards freedom and the sun, trying to fly out of his hands and break the leash. How to assemble a kite? After all, that’s what we’re talking about!

Surely you read S. Marshak as a child. In one of his works we're talking about about the life of a schoolchild, an important part of which at that stage was kites. Among the boys, it was considered prestigious not only to make the biggest one, which would last the longest in the air, but also the most durable one: after all, real battles were fought! Whose won't fall to the ground?! In addition to excitement, I also meant practical value structures: twine and other available materials were very expensive. And the guys, naturally, had no idea about the properties of aerodynamics. the slightest idea: everything was done empirically.

Now there are more concepts, but snakes have become rare. Although back in the last century scientists used them for practical purposes: with their help it was possible to carry out meteorological research, raising devices to a height of up to 1000 m. But this is a great way to keep your child busy with a common activity and get closer to him even more! Let's try to revive traditions?

How to assemble a kite at home

First you need to consider: the lighter the structure and the larger its plane, the higher the likelihood that the kite will fly. Therefore, the materials for manufacturing should be light: we will use wooden shingles for the frame, and it can be covered with thin paper or foil. For a larger product you will need canvas, polyethylene film(owners about crazy hands Even an ordinary garbage bag) or thin cardboard can be used. All this is held together with threads/string/thin wire. Want to use thread? Be sure to coat them with glue after finishing work!

Agree, the answer to the question “how to assemble a kite” is not so difficult!

Understanding how to fly a kite is almost as important as knowing how to make one. After all, even little birds are taught to fly by their parents, and they have wings from birth!

Selecting a location

A small kite is quite capable of flying in the corridor, like a paper airplane. It is only important to run with it evenly, at the same speed. Tossed up and... forward! For a big flyer you will need space and a light breeze. Choose a place in advance: it can be the seashore, a wide field or a regular stadium. Eliminate possible obstacles and make sure there are not many people around.
Did you have a support group with you? Let them step aside and keep an eye out: getting hit in the face with a construction is a dubious pleasure, and it is better to preserve the memory of the event not in the form of scars, but in the form of photographs.

Safety precautions

Flying a kite

Remember how surfers catch a wave? Yes and you will need to catch the moment when the flyer begins to rise, drawn by the flow of air masses. Gently straighten the structure and untangle the tail. Throw it up and start running quickly against the wind - this gives you initial speed. A properly glued kite will quickly rise up, gradually unwinding the string. Is that what happened? There is no need to run anymore. Enjoy the result!

Nuance: small child At first it will be difficult to launch on your own. Choose a smaller model. Make sure that he does not get tangled in the string and does not cut his hands with it. The blossoming tail may well whip you in the face - before launching, lay it out on the ground from behind. Ideally, practice in the hallway first.

Did you know?

Skillful Japanese know how to assemble a kite of various configurations. Based on the design hot air balloon, they make strange animals, coat the string with glue, sprinkle it with crushed glass and annually organize real battle shows. The kids of Marshak’s time never dreamed of this! What about your children?

Good day to all!

Just recently I read a review from the author irecommend about a kite from Aliexpress and I really wanted to fly one with my child, since I didn’t have this fun in my childhood. And just a couple of days later we saw retail sales We bought a kite at the Fix Price store in St. Petersburg without hesitation.

I’ll say right away that to fly a kite need wind outside. There’s no point in going out for a walk with him when it’s calm.

In strong, gusty winds, flying kites is not recommended.

Name of product:

    Kite Sport&Fun from the shop Fix Price

size 135 * 65 cm; rope length 30 meters

Price - 99 rubles

Manufacturer country: China

Design options: I saw it in the Fix Price store in St. Petersburg lion, bird, plane And dolphin My daughter liked the lion better.

Compound: Dacron (190T), fiberglass, polypropylene.

In the characteristics of the snake there is no detailed description, how to launch it and assemble it, but it is written that shelf-life Unlimited. I laughed at this moment, because even after one launch a hole appeared on the snake (the quality is Chinese and that says it all).

In a rustling transparent bag, the snake is very reminiscent of an umbrella.

And inside is directly canvas kite with tail and frame;

Thread winding spool And the thread itself (rail), in this case fishing line.

The reel is made of cheap plastic, but special cuts are made on it so that the fishing line can be fixed and it will not unwind. It's comfortable!

The fishing line is tied to a special hole on the kite canvas.

And on the other side of the canvas there are special plastic grooves...

Inserted flexible plastic black stick, it also comes included.

The snake is collected. You can run it. This does not require special skills, everything is quite simple.

We go out into the open (into some field).

Convenient when flying a kite 2 people, one initially holds it above his head, and then releases it at a signal, the second person unwinds the fishing line and holds the kite in the sky, catches it and feels the direction of the wind.

There is no need to run with the kite, but my daughter really liked this activity, so she didn’t have it flying for long.

Since the line in the set is 30 meters, the kite can rise quite high in a good wind.

Lion superman in yellow tights caused a storm positive emotions the child, the adults passing by, and my husband and I were also very interested in watching him fly over our heads.

The Chinese believe that floating in the sky the kite carries away all illnesses and misfortunes.


Basic elements of a kite

Frame - depending on the model, may consist of two or more slats. The relative position of which depends on the specific model. Serves for structural rigidity during flight.

Canvases - lightweight fabric, cellophane or paper, which covers the frame of the kite. Thanks to this, we create an obstacle to the wind that creates lifting force. The canvas is positioned in relation to the wind in front of the frame.

Tail - usually made in the form of one or more ribbons and even with bows. Serves not only as decoration, but also to smooth out imperfections during the flight. The tail is not found on all models.

Bridle - for attaching the thread (rail) to the kite. They come in several types, depending on the number of attachment points:

with one - no adjustment required, the tail does all the work

with two or more - there is usually a regulating part (ring) to adjust the angle of attack by the wind.

with a keel - a single piece connected to a canvas of the same material, instead of a bridle with two fastening points. Does not require adjustment; usually the tail is hung for this purpose

Lifeline (thread, rope) - with its help they control flight. It should be light and durable, preferably with the ability to detach from the snake. For this purpose, carbines are installed for the tail, too, by the way.

Reel - for winding thread (rail). Makes it easier to use and reduces the risk of tangling the rope.

Let's consider the possible options:

1. If your kit includes a rod (twig) and a bridle, reel, tail.

Take the frame of the kite, insert the bridle from the front side into the holes on the snake. (for an example, see the picture above) - Turn the kite over and thread the batten into the holes (loops) at the ends of the bridle. - Next, find the special grooves for the kite’s rack. They (the grooves for the rack) should be located along the edges, either top-bottom or left-right. I draw your attention to the fact that the rack should be located on the back side of the kite, i.e. behind the canvas during the flight. - Turn the kite over to face you and tie a thread to the bridle. - If there is also a tail, find a hole at the bottom of the kite and secure the tail.

2. If there is no rail but there is a bridle, a spool of thread, a tail is not a required attribute. - Then we just look for holes on the snake and secure it (the bridle). - Next, we attach the thread to the bridle. The thread fastening to the bridle should be on the front side. - We attach the tail if it goes separately. It may not exist at all.

3. Perhaps the kit will contain only one spool of thread without a bridle but with a rack and a tail. Your keel model is a single piece connected to the main body of the snake. - There should be a hole in the keel for tying a thread, or some other device - a carabiner, etc. For clarity, let's look at an example. in our case, it is necessary to thread the thread into the hole on the keel. Secure the thread by tying a knot. - On the reverse side, turning the kite over, insert the rail. As described above, the rail is inserted into the special. recesses along the edges of the kite (bottom-top, right-left or, if there are two slats, both). - Such models are also equipped with a tail, which also comes separately; attach it too; there should be holes at the bottom for attaching the tail. in our case it is a metal hook and loop.

4. For models with two slats or more, the assembly principle is similar. Depending on the number of additional rails included. They are inserted into recesses on the snake. Location may vary. How to be perpendicular to each other, intersect, be parallel.

In the summer, children who are not busy studying often start to get bored. They need some truly memorable and vibrant pastime! We suggest flying a kite. Just don't buy it. It's quite easy to make it yourself. We offer 7 ideas different levels difficulties.

Baby snake for the little ones

Can everyone make paper airplanes? So, this “baby snake” is just as easy to make!

You will need:

  • 1 sheet of paper
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Strong thread or fishing line
  • Stapler
  • Hole puncher

Fold the paper in half along the short side. Along the fold at the top, measure two points 6.5 cm (point A) and 9 cm (point B). Take the two corners of your sheet on either side of the fold and pin them together at point A. Punch a hole at point B. Take a long piece of thread or fishing line and pull it through the hole. That's all!

Snake made from a plastic bag

It turns out that if you decide to make a kite while you are already on vacation, then anything is possible. You will most likely have everything you need to make a kite in your luggage.

You will need:

  • 3 plastic T-shirt bags (or garbage bags)
  • 2 thin light sticks (pine slats, straight branches or reed stems)
  • fishing line
  • Scotch
  • Permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Roulette
  • Superglue (preferable, but not required).

Find 2 sticks - a long one 60 cm and a short one 35 cm. Fold them perpendicularly, 15 cm away from the top of the long stick. Secure the cross with tape. Wrap the ends of the sticks with tape and make cuts a centimeter deep in them. Thread the fishing line through these cuts, creating the outline of the kite. Secure the top with tape so that the fishing line does not jump out of the cut. Place the frame of the future kite on the polyethylene and trace it with a marker, adding 1.5 cm on each side to the hem. Cut along the outline. Fold the edges of the film inward around the fishing line and secure them with tape. The "body" of the snake is ready. Let's move on to the bridle. Tie two pieces of fishing line, 25 cm long, to the edges of the short stick. Don’t forget to add an allowance for tying. For reliability, coat all knots with superglue, since it is difficult to make a strong knot on the fishing line. Tie the long side of the bridle to the upper end B (see drawing). After this, tie all three ends of the bridle together at one point and tie the handrail there. Additionally, secure this place with tape. Now make the tail. It is not made for beauty: by changing the number of bows, you can improve the flying qualities of the kite. Cut the bags into pieces 10 cm wide and tie them together to make a rope about 3 meters long. Attach the tail to the lower end of the kite using tape. Now decorate to your heart's content! The kite is completely ready to fly!

Pyramid Serpent

Agree, it looks unusual; you will definitely want to make such a kite at least once in order to catch admiring glances on the beach.

You will need:

  • 24 straws without folds
  • Line/rope
  • Ribbon
  • Fabric or wrapping paper
  • Scissors
  • Thick paper for template
  • Permanent marker

Since the manufacturing process is quite complicated, it is better to use our photo illustrations. But, just in case, we'll add a description. Take 3 straws and thread them through the fishing line. Tie the ends together to form a triangle. Leave a small tip. Add two more straws and tie them to the opposite side of the base. Also leave the tip. You should get a rhombus with a crossbar. Now take another straw and use it to tie the opposite corners of the diamond. The result is a pyramid. Make 3 more of these pyramids. Using a thick piece of cardboard, cut out a diamond shape to use as a template for the wrapping paper. Cut out 4 of these diamonds from wrapping paper and glue them so that the diamond covers 2 sides of the pyramid. Focus on the drawing. Tie all the loose ends together.

Snake - box

Although this form of kite is quite rare now, this design flies very cool, and it is easier to make than it seems.

You will need:

  • 4 long (60 cm) and 8 short (30 cm) wooden cylindrical slats (bamboo sticks)
  • Dental floss
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Light, windproof fabric or plastic tablecloth
  • Plastic straws with bend
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ribbons
  • Roulette
  • Protractor

If you initially have one long strip, then cut it into 12 parts. Make 2 frames from 4 long and 4 short sticks. Using cut straws, make corner connections. If the straws are too wide, secure them with glue. Cross two rectangles, creating correct angles. Use dental floss to tie the intersections together. On all short sticks, find the middle and mark it with a pencil. Add a drop of hot glue to this place, which will make the structure more rigid. From the remaining 8 short sticks, make 2 cross-shaped structures with clear right angles. Secure with hot glue. Place corner straws on the ends of the crosses. Insert both crosses into the frame, and tie the free end of the straw to the frame. Using scissors, cut the fabric into 20x130 cm strips. Glue the material to the frame. The middle third of the frame will remain uncovered. Attach the tails to 2 opposite corners of one side. Make them 2 meters or more.

Paper bag kite

This kite is ideal for kids - 2 and 3 years old. And most importantly, you don’t need almost anything to make it!

You will need:

  • Brown paper bag (they have these at the checkout counter in Auchan)
  • Marker/stickers for decoration
  • Rope
  • Ice cream stick
  • Ribbons (optional)

Start with decoration! Decorate both sides of the bag. The easiest way is to use markers and stickers. Attach ribbons to the top of the bag. Cut a small hole in the bottom. Attach/glue the string to the popsicle stick. Pass the end of the rope through the hole at the bottom of the bag, with inside. The popsicle stick should stay inside and the rope should come out. Wind the end of the rope onto a reel and give it to the children.

Mini snake

These snakes are easy and quick to make. They are an exact copy of classic paper kites, only small.

You will need:

  • Thick paper (A4)
  • Plastic straws (2 x 1 snake)
  • Rope or fishing line (meter or more)
  • Ribbons
  • Glue stick
  • Universal glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

Take a sheet, draw a line along the long side in the middle, divide it into 3 parts. At the intersection of the long line and the first point from above, draw a perpendicular line. Connect 4 dots to form a diamond. Cut out another diamond shape from colored paper. Glue them together. Take a rope and tie it to the straw at a distance of 2/3 from the top. Cut the second straw into 3 parts (by eye). One third is the future handle of the kite. Add a drop of glue and attach the rope to the handle. Turn the kite over with the white side up, draw a cross on it, connecting the dots from top to bottom and from left to right. Apply glue along the cross and attach straws. Cut the ribbon 50-60 centimeters and make a tail out of it. Insert it into the bottom straw and secure with glue.

transparent snake

We have found the “recipe” for this kite as the best kite in the world. Well, let's see if this is true.

You will need:

  • 1 sheet of parchment paper (36x51cm)
  • 4 thin bamboo sticks: crossed 2 x 60 cm, 1 – 48 cm and 1 – 36 cm.
  • Napkin (2.5 × 12.5 cm)
  • 7 sheets of carbon paper (4x4 cm)
  • 2 sheets corrugated paper(5x250 cm)
  • 20 m nylon rope
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Centimeter
  • Pencil
  • PVA glue
  • Glue stick
  • Toothpick
  • Keychain ring

Fold the sheet in half and then unfold it again. On the other side - in the same way, so that you get an intersection point in the center. Take 1 stick and, bending the paper a little, glue it to the top of the sheet. Glue another stick vertically in the center. Take 2 more sticks and glue them crosswise (as shown in the picture). Additionally glue all the sticks using paper squares. Cut out squares of colored fabric paper and decorate the kite. Make two holes with a toothpick in the middle, left and right of the vertical axis. Cut a piece of rope and attach it to the top left corner. Pull the line to the right corner and pull it like a bow. Tie 2 ropes 50 cm long to the 2 upper corners. Also tie a 40 cm long rope to the center where the toothpick is punctured. Tie all 3 ropes in one place with a strong knot. Place all three ropes on the keychain ring. Also attach a spool of fishing line to the ring. Glue 2 tails to the lower left and right corners of the kite. All! Let's fly!

The first mentions of homemade flying kites are found in Chinese chronicles of the 2nd century BC. We invite you to repeat the feat of the ancient Chinese: refuse to buy a kite in a store and make it yourself. And then note it in your chronicle.


1. To make a simple flat kite, you will need two thin slats made of pine, bamboo or Chinese plastic. One is 50 cm, the other is 30. At a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the larger rail, fasten the 30-centimeter one at a right angle crosswise with strong threads (or strong tape). This will be the serpent's cross.

2. We make circular notches at the ends of the slats. Now feel free to connect all the ends of the cross with a thin thread. This will give you a feeling of satisfaction and a square frame of the kite.

3. The covering is made from thin paper, for example, tracing paper. It's great to use a cut-up plastic trash bag. The lighter the material, the easier it will be to send the kite to the skies. Place the frame on a sheet of the selected material, trace it with a pencil, leaving small allowances, and cut out the shape along the contour. Now let's lubricate the frame with glue and stick it to the material.

4. If there is no store advertising on your package, it doesn’t matter. The drawing is the face of a snake. Using a marker, draw on it your favorite politician, the legs of a woman you know, a smiling Freddy Krueger, or just a call to care for environment. Remember, all the neighbors in the area will be able to study what will happen on the kite, and it’s good if this increases their cultural level.

5. Now we make the bridle. One end of the fishing line is attached to point O, stretched to point N and then to point P, fasten at P. (We pulled to point N to determine the length of the bridle). Another thread is fixed at point N. We measure the distance from N to P, add another 10 cm and tie this length to the center of the first thread. It is important that both halves of the long segment are the same, otherwise the kite will fall to one side.

6. The tail of the kite is added to point G. It is customary to make it from a thin cord 3-4 m long; and usually several paper bows are glued to the tail at an equal distance from each other. The tail is needed to improve the aerodynamic qualities of the device.

7. For the lifeline (this is the name of the thread on which the glider holds the kite), a fishing reel with fishing line is suitable. Attach the end of the fishing line to the bridle, and the kite is ready!


The idea of ​​flying a ready-made kite is still in the air.

1. When choosing a place to fly a kite, you should pay attention to open areas. Any nearby wind barriers, trees, stalls, statues of leaders, etc. the wind will be turned away from the true path and give it unnecessary turbulence. Ideal for kites sea ​​coast. But if you have to catch the breeze by jumping on bodies laid out on the beach, you can take a closer look at other spaces. The selected clearing should not be located next to a busy highway (glider pilots often run with their faces raised to the sky and pose a danger near roads) and away from power lines and airfields.

2. After slobbering on your finger, find out the direction of the wind. Hand the kite to your friend, whom you prudently took with you, and stand opposite him, but so that the wind blows at your back. Let the reel with the handrail be in your hands. Take a few steps back while unwinding the line. Please note that your friend should not be typing SMS at this time: the kite should be held with both hands above your head, trying to position it perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

3. Having moved 15-20 m away, shout to your friend: “Let go!” - and jerk the rail towards you. If the wind is decent, the kite will rise up on its own, and you will only have to stand with the reel, joyfully watching its flight. Otherwise, you will have to run a few more meters until the wind catches the kite.

4. If the kite flies only when you run, it means the wind is weak today. Even if it’s a shame to admit it after the marathon you just completed with a lifeline in your hand. In a normally blowing monsoon, the flying structure flutters in height while it is simply held at arm's length. The optimal wind speed for a beginner is 3-6 m/s. At a lower speed, only the lightest structures will be able to rise; at a much higher speed, the kite will be torn from the hands and will only be under the control of a kite specialist.

5. If the handrail pulls too much, you need to unwind the reel a little. Flight when the wind subsides is regulated by pulling the kite towards you. With a successful combination of circumstances, the kite will dangle in the air for several hours, and you will have time to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

6. To finally go home, the snake is pulled to the ground, gradually reeling in the rope. Announce to the children and onlookers gathered around that today you will not start anything else except the engine of your car. Maybe this will help them break up.

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