Time to plant peppers in open ground. How to plant peppers in open ground - expert advice

" Pepper

Planting at the correct distance ensures the plant comfortable conditions to get a good harvest. Beginning gardeners plant vegetables under a ruler, while experienced gardeners plant them by eye. Pepper is a capricious crop; you should follow some recommendations for its cultivation. In this review we will look at how to plant seedlings of this vegetable correctly and at what distance.

Pepper seedlings are a fastidious crop, so it is very important not to lose attention important points. By the time of planting in the garden, the seedlings should have 8–10 leaves. Allowed with formed buds; when the pepper blooms, it cannot be replanted. This is due to the fact that during the flowering period it will be difficult for the plant to take root in a new place.

The flowers may fall off, but the seedlings will not be accepted. There are also time periods when you need to start planting and when it is too late. Depending on the region, these times may vary. To land on open beds The average temperature should be 15-18 °C.

You need to wait until the threat of spring frosts has passed, otherwise the plant will develop poorly due to low soil temperatures. The likelihood of developing diseases will increase. Seedlings of bell and bitter peppers are planted at the end of May. In order not to be afraid of night frosts, be sure to cover with film or diaper.

It is better to be late than to hurry; night frosts can destroy the entire future harvest.

Is it possible to plant two hot and sweet peppers per hole?

Gardeners often ask the question, how many peppers to plant in a hole? It is profitable to plant 2-3 pieces; this technique is practiced by many gardeners. Having tried this method once, they usually stop there. The paired method gives good yields. The method of planting in pairs in one hole has many advantages:

  • of the two bushes is more likely that one will survive if the second one is damaged by a mole cricket;
  • paired seedlings hold on tighter, connecting with each other during the growth process, does not require garter;
  • Thus, plants are better pollinated, People used to say “pepper likes to whisper”;

Planting two or three peppers per hole is a great way to grow a rich harvest of fruit, especially in hot climates.

When growing seedlings in pairs, you need to take into account the fact that growing from one root can produce small fruits. If two different varieties grow side by side and mutually pollinate, hybrids may result. Both options have their advantages. Gardeners make decisions based on personal considerations.

Preparatory work for landing

Any plant in the garden requires nutritious soil; it must contain a sufficient amount of humus. How do you know if homemade soil is suitable for your garden and where to plant? You need to take the soil from the garden in your hand. If it is loose and crumbly, it means the plant will be comfortable. Preparatory work provide the following actions:

  1. Necessary loosen the soil well loot, remove grass and trash.
  2. Mark the location of the future garden bed. Measure the required distance between rows.
  3. Water thoroughly trays with seedlings the night before planting, this will make it easier to separate them from the containers.

On loam and acidic soil good harvest will not grow, since the roots need moisture and air.

What to put in the hole

In order for the plant to feed from the root, it is best to put a garden mixture inside each hole. It is prepared from ash, sawdust and organic fertilizer (manure, bird droppings). Manure is taken in autumn. It needs to lie down and freeze several times. If you take fresh fertilizer, it can burn the seedlings. Inside the hole, just add one piece of garden mixture.

Some people simply add ammonium nitrate to the root. Experienced gardeners To scare away the mole cricket from the root, they put broken eggs. In addition to its protective function, the shell nourishes the bushes with calcium. To prevent the roots from rotting, if the soil is not loose, add peat or humus.

Before adding the nutrient mixture to the hole, it needs to be watered. If this is done earlier, the beneficial substances may go deep underground.

Rules for planting seedlings in open ground

  1. Better plant in the late afternoon when the sun goes down. If this is done in the heat, the seedlings will quickly wither and their recovery will be difficult.
  2. It's good if it rains during this period, then the soil will be moist. Vegetable culture It will be easier to adapt.
  3. If the seedlings are grown yourself, before planting, the trays must be taken outside in advance. Let her get used to the open atmosphere.
  4. Peppers should be well watered then they will be easy to remove from the pots.
  5. You need to carefully remove bushes from pots. Planting should be carried out together with the soil, in which she grew up. This will help the plant tolerate stress more easily.
  6. If the seedlings are purchased, you need them store in a cool place. The roots should be wrapped in a wet cloth.
  7. If desired the roots can be treated with a growth enhancer. Stimulants will help you quickly take root and develop properly.

At what distance to plant

The distance between rows should be 50-60 cm for low-growing varieties, and about 70 cm for voluminous pepper bushes. Between bushes 25-30 cm. If planted densely, the plant will not receive the right amount of light. It will be difficult to care for the bushes, and it will be difficult to loosen the soil and fertilize it.

Planting at the correct distance will ensure a good harvest and ease of care.

Conditions for keeping pepper and care features

From the moment of planting, careful care is required; when the bushes take root, it will be easier. If a mole cricket eats up the bushes, you need to fight it. Plant new ones in place of missing bushes. IN further care consists of the following points:

  • the soil should not dry out;
  • provide regular loosening;
  • once every 2 weeks fertilize;
  • water in the morning or in the evening;
  • plant loves sprinkling but not in the heat;
  • if their illnesses are noticed, needs to be treated;
  • carefully pick peppers from the bush, so as not to damage it;
  • large bushes and with an abundance of harvest better to tie it up.

Basic care and maintenance in the garden requires a certain skill that comes with age. Studying useful recommendations Even a novice gardener can grow this crop from seed and reap a good harvest from the garden.

A good result depends on planting seedlings; if everything is done correctly, there will be no problems with growing.

If you do not take into account the importance of spacing between rows and plants, it will be impossible to achieve rich harvests. Don't plant too close. Bushes planted densely will stretch upward. Rarely planted peppers, both hot and sweet, are adversely affected by drought. In everything, the planting distances existing among gardeners must be observed.

Russian gardeners grow sweet and bitter peppers mainly in seedlings, as they have a number of advantages. But there are many nuances to this seemingly simple matter. Find out how to properly plant peppers in the ground as seedlings, because the development of plants and, ultimately, the volume of harvest that the vegetable grower will receive depends on this. Learn about the rules for preparing the site, soil and seedlings, as well as how to care for them during the first time after transplantation.

Pepper is a heat-loving crop, so it can be planted in garden beds only after the threat of spring frosts has completely passed and the soil temperature no longer drops below 15 °C. In each region of Russia, such conditions for planting pepper in open ground occur at different times - in May, or even in June.

The age of seedlings that can already be placed in the beds should be approximately 60-65 days. There is no point in keeping it any longer; a 2-month-old pepper outgrows it and begins to sprout its first flowers. When transplanting it into the ground, the plants experience stress and shed the color from which fruits could form. At the same time, the vegetable grower loses part of the harvest, and this is unacceptable. If this happens at the time of planting, you need to cut off all the buds on the seedlings. This will stimulate leaf growth, which will have a beneficial effect on further flower formation and fruiting.

Choosing a growing site

The choice of place for planting pepper seedlings in open ground must be taken responsibly. This culture loves warmth and a lot of light. The volume of the harvest depends on how much solar energy gets on plants. Therefore, sweet peppers need an open, well-lit area. It is better not to plant this crop near buildings, fences and trees, as it will be in the shade, which will certainly affect its growth, development, and productivity.

Wind, especially cold northern wind, and draft are also unacceptable: pepper does not like hypothermia. Therefore, it is worth choosing areas protected from the wind for it, for example, not far from the same residential or outbuildings, fences. In such places, plants will be able to feel under reliable protection.

The soil on the site should be fertile, light, and nutritious. Water should not stagnate in it, but air should penetrate well inside. The acidity of the soil that peppers love is low or neutral.

It is also necessary to pay attention to those crops that grew on the site previously. Acceptable predecessors for peppers are pumpkin vegetables, cabbage, onions, garlic, and root vegetables (except potatoes). You cannot use beds where tomatoes, tobacco, and eggplants were grown before peppers. They pull nutrients from the soil in the same volume as peppers, and besides, they can also suffer from the same diseases. You only need to plant pepper in one area for 1 year, and return it only after 3 or 4 years, following the rules of crop rotation.

If you plan to plant sweet and bitter peppers, then the beds where these varieties will grow should be kept as far apart as possible. This should be done to ensure that their flowers do not cross-pollinate.

Soil preparation

The soil for pepper can be prepared in the fall after the end of the growing season of its predecessors or in early spring. The bed must be carefully dug up, weed roots must be removed, if any, and the soil must be filled with fertilizers: mineral or organic.

The best soil for peppers is cultivated sandy loam and loam, but if there is a different type of soil on the site, then it needs to be improved:

  1. On sand, peat, clay soil and organic matter should be applied in the fall, and mineral fertilizers in the spring (for each m2, 30 g of nitrogen and 40 g of phosphorus-potassium mixtures).
  2. Clays are made easier by adding peat, sawdust or sand.
  3. Acidic soil must be limed during autumn digging or at least half a month before spring work, and fertilized with potassium sulfate and superphosphate before planting.
  4. For every meter of fertile soil, add up to 1 bucket of rotted compost or humus and up to 500 g of wood ash.

In the northern regions, it is recommended to plant peppers on " warm beds", heated by the decomposition of plant residues. To do this, you need to dig a trench at least 0.5 m deep. Place a layer of manure (compost) mixed with straw chaff at its bottom. Sprinkle a layer of fertile soil on top. On the day of planting seedlings, the trench should be shed hot water to start the reheating process. In heated soil, the roots of the pepper will always be warm and will not be damaged, even if it gets colder.

Preparing seedlings

Seedlings are prepared for planting in the ground 1-1.5 weeks before. You can’t immediately move it to the ridges: pampered in the warmth, it may die. Hardening will save the seedlings from this fate. It is carried out like this: in the first days, the pepper is taken out into the fresh air for a couple of hours, and then brought back into the heat. In subsequent days, the hardening time is gradually increased. The seedlings should not stand in direct sunlight, but in a shaded place so that the leaves do not burn.

In addition to hardening, pepper seedlings need to be protected from fungal diseases. To do this, it is treated with fungicides a week before transplantation. A couple of hours before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly. This will make it easy to remove plants from planting containers and not injure the roots.

Planting scheme

The distance at which peppers should be planted will depend on the variety. Information on optimal plant placement is provided on the certified seed package, but there is also a standard layout that can be followed. In a row, plants are placed 40-50 cm apart from each other, and 60-70 cm of space is left between rows. According to this scheme, you can plant bushes of normal height and large-fruited ones.

For low-growing varieties of the crop, the planting scheme for pepper seedlings may be different. They can be placed more densely (30 cm in a row by 40-50 cm in row spacing). This distance is sufficient for varieties with average size fruits Another advantage of close planting is that the pepper leaves can better protect the fruit from sunburn. Its disadvantages: it is difficult to water and loosen, process bushes and collect fruits.


Plants are transplanted into the garden bed in the morning or evening. 1-2 hours before this, the seedlings are watered abundantly. This way the seedlings tolerate the procedure better and are easier to work with. A wet lump of earth is easier to remove from the container, and it holds the roots tightly. Dry ones often fall off and injure them, then the seedlings take longer to recover and take root.

Planting pepper seedlings in open ground is carried out according to the chosen scheme. Holes are marked and dug in the garden bed. The soil must be moistened. Plants are placed in recesses level with the ground, the free space is sprinkled with fertile soil and lightly compacted.

It is impossible to deepen the pepper below the root collar; it does not send out additional roots like a tomato, so there is no point in this. In addition, being deep in the ground, the stem can rot.

Next, the plantings are irrigated. If possible, immediately mulch the soil with peat or other available material. Full-size seedlings are left as is; overgrown seedlings are immediately tied to supports.

If for some reason the gardener was unable to properly prepare the soil for planting peppers, nutrients can be placed in the hole when planting. Such agricultural technology is not considered correct, but is acceptable in special cases. Depending on what fertilizers are available, the following options are used:

  • any complex drug according to the instructions;
  • humus + ash;
  • humus + potassium sulfate.

When applying this fertilizer, mix it thoroughly with the soil so that it does not burn the roots of the plants. The rest of the landing is carried out as standard.

Caring for plants in the first two weeks after planting

All measures for caring for peppers after planting in the ground consist of watering and loosening the soil after them. In sunny weather, it is necessary to shade young bushes so that they do not get burned under intense rays. You also need to monitor how the plants take root and feel in the beds.

How to prevent hypothermia of planted seedlings

When planting seedlings in open ground, there is always a risk that the plants will not have enough heat, especially at night. In this case, temporary tunnel shelters will help solve the problem of additional heating of plantings. They are installed on the beds after planting or immediately before it. Peppers are planted under a film or agrofibre is used as a covering material.

In the future, depending on the weather, one side of the greenhouse is opened for ventilation during the day. At night it is completely closed. If it's worth warm weather, and the seedlings are already well rooted, shelter is not used. The structures are removed only after the temperature environment will be comfortable for pepper growth. The minimum for it is 15 °C.


When planting plants in open beds, it often happens that some of the seedlings do not take root or die. This happens for various reasons. Among them, the most important are:

  • incorrect deep landing;
  • pests and diseases;
  • weather conditions, heat or cold;
  • planting weak, frail, elongated plants;
  • poor care of unrooted seedlings.

Anyway, experienced gardeners They always grow 5-10% more bushes than they need. Such a reserve is usually enough to replant plants in the beds in the event of their death. Replacement of seedlings is carried out in the same way as usual planting.

Watering and loosening

Proper irrigation of pepper is the key to obtaining rich and bountiful harvest. Its regularity largely depends on climatic conditions in the region, temperature, soil structure. Young plants need moisture constantly, but in small quantities. Overwatering leads to diseases and death of plants. From a lack of water, on the contrary, they dry out and also die.

The first moistening of the soil is carried out when planting plants. Next, do not water the pepper until the soil at the roots dries out. The need for an operation is determined by the condition of the plants and soil. On average, the beds are moistened once every 2-3 days.

For irrigation use warm, settled water. Cold liquid straight from the wells is not suitable for peppers. Plants suffer from thermal stress and do not develop for a long time. Irrigation with tap water is harmful due to the presence of chlorine in it. Peppers do not like this microelement, so they must leave the liquid from the tap. Water the seedlings in the morning or evening at the root. Sprinkling is more risky, but is also acceptable for young plants.

Regular loosening of the soil ensures air penetration to the roots of plants, which has a good effect on their growth and fruiting. But it should be superficial, not deep, otherwise you can do more harm to the pepper than good. Until the seedlings take root well, you need to work with the tool in the bush area carefully. Loosening is necessary after each watering, except the first, however, it can be successfully replaced by mulching with hay, straw, and sawdust.


IN open ground When growing peppers, the first fertilizing is carried out 2 weeks after planting. With good preparation of the beds, stable weather and regular watering, healthy, strong seedlings at first have everything they need to take root in a new place and begin to grow. There are enough nutrients in the soil, and moisture makes them available for consumption. Additional fertilization is not required at this time.

The only thing you can feed peppers after planting is stimulants and growth regulators. These liquid or bulk preparations increase the survival rate of seedlings, improve their adaptation to the garden, and help increase the productivity of adult bushes. These include Humate, Kornevin, Epin, Zircon, etc. The dosages and method of use are described in detail in the instructions for each of them.

Expert opinion

Maria Vlasova


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Preparing pepper seedlings for transplanting into the ground and the procedure itself should not raise questions for the gardener. If everything is done correctly, the plants will take root well, grow stronger and give the gardener a generous harvest.

Pepper is a demanding crop; before you start growing it, you need to study all the nuances of this process. Correct fit and care in the open ground will help you get a rich and healthy harvest of this vegetable.

Basic requirements for cultivation

Pepper is considered a demanding crop, so high-quality fruits can only be harvested if necessary conditions growing. Experienced gardeners enjoy good harvests every year, but beginners face some problems. Even on strong and healthy bushes only a couple of fruits grow low quality, or the ovaries fall off. To get a rich harvest, you should learn the key rules for growing this vegetable.

The process of growing peppers should occur under the following conditions:

  • high-quality planting material;
  • competent site selection and soil preparation;
  • choosing the right time for planting permanent place;
  • providing the culture with the necessary care.

When growing, care should be taken to ensure that the seedlings develop at the correct temperature and are provided with sufficient lighting, moisture and fertilizer.

How to grow seedlings?

Gardeners who do not have a greenhouse begin planting seeds in February. If the deadlines are met in May, the seedlings will be about 90-100 days old. Pepper has a negative attitude towards picking, so the grains should be planted in a peat pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Larger containers are inappropriate, as the roots develop slowly. You can also plant it in a coconut substrate or in soil with a hydrogel that helps maintain moisture.

The soil mixture for peppers should have a loose structure. A composition of two parts of humus, to which 1 part of sand and 1 part of soil is added, is welcome. For every kilogram of such substrate you will need one large spoon of ash.

Must be present in the soil neutral acidity level. Otherwise, liming will be required. You can add a little rotted peat and sand to the loams. Humus and turf soil are added to the peat soil. For sandy land it will take a little sawdust with humus.

For seeds, pre-planting treatment should be carried out, which consists of soaking in water. The future pepper will remain in water for about five hours, temperature regime which is 50 degrees. Then the grains are placed in a moistened cloth for a couple of days. The temperature in the room should reach 20 degrees Celsius. With the help of such measures, the pepper will begin to sprout the next day after planting.

Disinfection of the grains will also be required. To do this, use a manganese solution in which the future pepper is soaked for 30 minutes. After this, rinsing is done in tap water. Many agricultural technicians use special growth stimulants. The product "Epin" has proven itself well.

The sown peppers should be watered and placed on the surface of the container under film or glass. Until the seedlings appear, it is necessary to provide a warm temperature. Lighting does not play an important role, so you can leave future seedlings in the dark. When the seedlings appear on the surface, the daytime temperature should be 26-28 degrees Celsius. For the night, 10-15 degrees is enough.

Excess moisture can cause blackleg (a common disease). However, drying out of the soil mixture is unacceptable. Seedlings should be watered only with warm water, the temperature of which is 30 degrees. If you use cold liquid, the seedlings will become weak and begin to hurt, which can lead to death. Experienced gardeners monitor the air condition in the room. Dryness should not be allowed; for this reason, the seedlings should be sprayed and the room should be ventilated.

To grow good seedlings, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Ensuring a sufficient level of humidity in the room. This is achieved by simple spraying or a special humidifier.
  • The room should be ventilated periodically. You should act carefully so that the seedlings are not damaged by drafts. Some gardeners resort to covering seedlings for the period of ventilation.
  • Auxiliary lighting is created using a phytolamp or fluorescent light bulbs.

The seedlings will need auxiliary light. In February it needs to be illuminated from 7-21 o'clock. Before moving the seedlings into open ground, hardening will be required, carefully acclimating the plants to sunlight, low temperatures and street weather. For this purpose, seedlings are placed outside and the period of stay in new conditions is carefully increased. When hardening, you need to monitor the weather and prevent the pepper from coming into contact with frost and low temperatures.

How and when to plant?

Peppers should grow in light soil. Preparatory activities for the site should be done a year before planting. It will be necessary to add 5 kg of additives of animal origin under the previous plants (this dose is calculated for square meter landings). In the fall, 50 g of phosphates are added and the area is dug deep. In the spring season, ammonium nitrate (40 g) is added to the upper layers of the soil.

Five days before the seedlings are planted in open ground, care should be taken to disinfect the land. The procedure is carried out using a mixture of copper sulfate. For one bucket of water you will need one large spoon of the substance.

Bushes should be replanted for permanent residence in May (end of the month) or mid-June. When planting, the 40x40 pattern must be observed. It is permissible to place seedlings in greenhouses without heating in early April. For tunnel shelters you should wait until late spring.

When planting in holes, you should try to plant the pepper at a depth that is identical to the depth of the location in the seedling container. It is important to plant the plant correctly without damaging the roots. Do not leave the root system open or dig in the root collar. Peppers do not like cold soil, so the beds should be raised 30-60 cm.

Pepper is susceptible to cross-pollination, so When planting several varieties on a site, the seedlings should be located at a large distance from each other. If possible, tall tomatoes, corn or sunflowers should be planted between sweet and other bushes.

Landing rules

Favorable period In order to transplant peppers, it is cloudy weather conditions. At this moment, the young bush will not suffer from the impact sun rays and adapts faster to new territory. Planting is carried out in recesses, the distance between which will depend on the variety used. The distance between low-growing crops should be 40 cm, for tall plants - 60 cm, for bitter ones - 25 cm. If 2 pieces are placed in a hole at once, the planting pattern will be 60x60.

At self-cultivation Before transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, the soil should be well watered. This makes it easier to pull out the earthen clod. Before diving, experienced gardeners spray the seedlings with Strela, which provides protection against aphid attacks.

If the soil is endowed with nutrients, it will be enough to simply water the hole and place the seedling in it. If there is a lack of components, you need to add rotted compost, ash and superphosphates to the hole. After this, you can start watering and planting the plant. On last stage the earth is mulched.

How to care?

In order for pepper to produce enviable harvests, it will need to be properly cared for. It lies in competent agricultural technology, which consists of several stages.

Frost protection

Gardeners living in the central and northern regions often wonder what to do if frost suddenly returns. The question is relevant, because pepper does not tolerate cold weather and can die. Experienced gardeners They study the weather forecast in advance so that frosts are not a surprise to them.

Pepper is a plant that reacts painfully to the return of cold weather. The plant's immunity begins to decrease, causing it to become susceptible to disease. If the seedlings were hardened before planting in open ground, the pepper will be able to more easily cope with climatic stress. Fertile soil makes it possible to withstand frosts with less losses, but additional protection will still be required.

The following protection methods are used:

  • sprinkling method and watering;
  • smoking;
  • shelter of bushes.

Sprinkling involves the appearance of a thin ice crust on the bush. She will act as protection. For sprinkling, simply spray the plants with water.

Smoking is considered a rather complicated method, which can only be used in calm weather. Usage this method relevant if the temperature has not dropped below -4 degrees. Smoke piles measuring 1x1.5 m should be located throughout the area. They can consist of firewood and branches (base), straw with leaves (middle) and earth (top layer). The equipped piles are burned every night until the weather becomes warmer.

Covering the bushes involves constructing special tents. They can be created from any available material: boxes, old clothes, plywood and other garbage. Such structures are cleaned every morning. If the cold weather is prolonged, you can use plastic wrap.


Temperature must be controlled. Pepper will feel good at 20-25 degrees. If the thermometer drops below 13 degrees, you will need to create shelter for the seedlings. If you neglect this rule, the bushes will begin to shed their ovaries.


You need to water the pepper bushes with settled water, the temperature of which is 24-26 degrees. Until flowering occurs, you need to moisten the soil once a week. Liquid consumption is 12 liters per square meter. If there is extreme heat, watering is increased up to two times. When flowering and fruiting, seedlings need to be watered three times a week. The dosage is increased to 14 liters per square meter.


The root system of pepper bushes is too delicate, so the plants need periodic loosening. With its help, the roots receive the necessary amount of air.

Features of loosening.

  • The first time it is carried out at a shallow depth (up to 10 cm). You cannot loosen the soil earlier than two weeks after transplanting into open ground.
  • Further procedures should be carried out after each rain and watering to prevent the formation of a hard crust.
  • During flowering, the soil should be hilled up after each loosening.


To make peppers please their owners large fruits, each bush should be shaped. The procedure involves removing excess shoots. All stepsons that are located after the first branching must be removed entirely. They do not provide any benefit and only take nutrients from the plant, interfering with the fruiting process.

Thinning the crown will help each branch receive enough air and light. Thickened bushes are not able to form many ovaries and are distinguished by small fruits. Pruning is carried out every two weeks. In rainy weather, the procedure will need to be done every 10 days. At the same time, you should loosen the soil so as not to disturb the seedlings again.

Pepper has rather fragile shoots, so careless actions can lead to injury to the bush. To prevent damage, experienced gardeners resort to tying tall plants to support posts.

What to feed?

You should start feeding peppers even before transplanting them into open soil. Timely feeding makes it possible to grow high-quality and strong plants with a large number large and healthy fruits. Seedlings need to be fed with nettle infusion. It is easily prepared using one part nettle and ten parts water. The resulting mixture should be infused for two days.

During the entire growing season, plants will need at least three feedings. The first portion will be required 14 days after planting. For it, you can use liquid mullein or chicken droppings.

Flowering bushes should be fed with an herbal mixture. To do this, you can use the foliage of dandelions, woodlice, coltsfoot, nettle and plantain. All of the herbs listed are crushed and mixed with a bucket of liquid mullein and 10 large spoons of ash. Then the mixture is diluted in a container with water (100 l) and left for 10 days. Each seedling will require 1 liter of mixture. Such actions saturate the pepper with nutrients and make it more resistant to negative factors.

For intensively growing seedlings, the following feeding will be required:

  • nitrophoska (250 g);
  • cow manure (5 l);
  • water (100 l).

This solution should be infused for 7 days. One bush requires 1.5 liters of nutrient mixture. After a couple of weeks, you can start the second feeding, which consists of 0.5 buckets of chicken manure, a glass of urea, 1 bucket of mullein. The mixture should be infused in 100 liters of water for a week. For each square meter you will need about 5 liters.

Appearance pepper can tell what substances it lacks:

  • if the leaves turn white, this indicates a lack of nitrogen;
  • curled leaves indicate potassium deficiency;
  • a purple tint indicates a lack of phosphorus.

While growing pepper, you should monitor its condition and alternate organic and mineral types of additives.

Harvest and storage

When harvesting fruits, you should understand that there are two types of maturity:

  • technical;
  • biological.

If you plan to use sweet peppers immediately, assembly should begin when the peppers acquire a rich color. This is biological maturity. For storage and transportation, you need to pick the still green fruits. This phase is called technical.

For spicy varieties the rule works: the redder, the spicier. Connoisseurs of spicy dishes harvest after full ripening. Aroma lovers can pick off the fruits during technical ripeness.

Sweet and hot varieties of peppers belong to the Solanaceae family. Such crops are considered demanding in relation to the place of cultivation, as well as the choice of preceding plants. Pepper is also critical of its neighbors. To get high-quality fruits, you should familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced people, which talks about which vegetables you can grow peppers next to.

Bush beans and legumes are considered the best neighbors for peppers. Pests that attack peppers are frightened by the smell of the legume, so the plants are less likely to be susceptible to various diseases. At the same time, the bushes do not compete for useful components and do not tend to interfere with each other. For legumes, nitrogenous fertilizers are used, which are also needed for peppers.

It is not advisable to plant peppers next to nightshade plant varieties. Tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes cannot grow in the same bed. Such crops should be located at different ends of the site. This is due to the fact that the listed vegetables suffer from identical diseases, so there is a high risk of destruction of the entire crop.

Cannot be placed sweet pepper along with spicy bushes. This is due to the fact that plants are prone to cross-pollination, resulting in a sweet variety with a bitter aftertaste.

To prevent soil depletion, avoid pest attacks and various kinds diseases, plants should be rotated around the site in such a way that they return to their original place no earlier than after three years.

Peppers grow well after cruciferous plants. This suggests that you can combine seedlings with cabbage. You can also disembark after pumpkin crops(zucchini and cucumbers), legumes (soybeans, beans), small seeds (dill, carrots).

You should also familiarize yourself with the basic tips from gardeners, thanks to which you can grow a good harvest.

You need to choose a container for the pepper, the height of which is about 10-12 cm. This is due to the fact that the pepper is planted at a greater depth compared to the tomato.

The choice of variety should be made based on the region in which planting is planned. If in climatic zone If there is a cool or short summer, it is better to pay attention to low-growing varieties or hybrids. If you have a good greenhouse, you can choose any variety.

Pepper loves heat, so it should not be left on the windowsill next to the glass. At the same time, it loves warmth, although it is not prone to stretching, unlike tomatoes. During the opening of the cotyledon leaf at the growth point, the development program is laid. If there is not enough light at this moment, then instead of a fork with the first bud, leaves will form, which will lead to a later ovary and the appearance of fruits.

When a couple of leaves appear on the seedlings, it is advisable to resort to spraying with “Spring Cocktail” or “Healthy Garden” once every 10 days. You will need a couple of grains of product per 1 liter of water. These products have a positive effect on seedlings and nourish them with useful components.

If there is a flowering process, but no ovaries appear on the bushes, it means that the pepper is in uncomfortable conditions. The reason may be high level humidity, elevated temperatures, cold snap. To restore the process, you should use the “Bud” or “Ovary” product. Processing should occur in the first half of the day.

When choosing a permanent place of residence for pepper, you should give preference to sunny areas where there is no wind. If the weather is hot outside, the crop will need shading. It will be useful to mulch the soil with rotted straw, which will maintain the soil moisture level in the required condition.

Pepper is sensitive to daylight hours. Such a plant begins to bear fruit early if daylight hours last less than 12 hours. This quality allows you to get a stable and high yield.

To learn how to plant peppers in open ground, watch the video below.

Sweet bell pepper, despite its name, does not come from Europe. Its homeland is distant Central America. Peppers have been grown in countries with warm climates for a long time. Planting and caring for this heat-loving plant gives excellent results in areas with a more temperate climate. Gardeners boldly take on its cultivation.

Pepper has a very large number of varieties. It is widely used for preparing homemade preserves for the winter and consumed in fresh. Special taste and unique aroma The vegetable has long won love and respect, and in terms of the amount of vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body, pepper surpasses many vegetables and fruits.

In order for the pepper to have time to form a good stem and the fruit ovary to begin to form in time, ready-made seedlings are planted in open ground. For healthy and strong seedlings, first of all, you need to choose the right variety, prepare the seeds and sow them at the right time.

The plant is planted in open ground at the age of 90–100 days. Seeds are sown in the first ten days of February. Pepper seeds have a long germination period, so they are pre-prepared.

At first seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate at room temperature. To speed up germination, you can stratify them. The seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and left in a warm place for two days. To increase the potential of the seeds, they are kept in warm water with the addition of aloe juice.

Pepper loves light soil with good oxygen access to the roots. To two parts of chernozem you can add one part of humus and the same amount of sand. Wood ash is also added at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per kilogram of finished substrate.

After stratification, the seeds are sown in cups or trays at a distance of 2 cm from each other and covered with glass or plastic film For creation greenhouse effect . At a temperature of 22–24 °C, seedlings appear within a week.

Plant seedlings are very responsive to lower temperatures. This can increase the germination time, and the seedlings significantly slow down their growth. The soil must be watered with warm, settled water. It is good to regularly spray the leaves of the plant.

Pepper does not like drafts, so when ventilating the room it is better to remove it from the windowsill. On cloudy days he demands additional lighting. Flaw sunlight may cause yellowing and leaf drop.

Once every two weeks pepper seedlings are fed comprehensive mineral fertilizer. The first time it is fertilized after the first two true leaves appear. To do this, prepare a nutrient solution - 1/2 gram of ammonium nitrate, 1 gram of potassium-containing fertilizers and 3 grams of superphosphate are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

The second and subsequent feedings are made with a double dose of nutrients. The last time to fertilize the seedlings is a few days before planting them in a permanent place.

You can also use organic fertilizers for fertilizing. Before planting in open ground, pepper seedlings are hardened, accustoming them to fresh air and the sun's rays.

Pepper does not tolerate transplantation well and many gardeners try to grow seedlings without planting. But if you pick it up correctly and carefully, this contributes to the development of a more powerful root system.

Planting seedlings in the ground

To plant peppers, choose a plot of the garden that is protected from the wind and has light soil. It is better to decide on the location in the fall, having carefully dug up the allotted area, adding the right amount of fertilizer. To do this, for 1 sq. m. plot use 50 grams of potassium and the same amount of phosphorus-containing fertilizers.

In spring, 40 grams of ammonium nitrate per 1 square meter is added to the soil. m. The holes are prepared at a distance of 30–40 cm. A distance of 40–50 cm is maintained between the rows. If two plants are planted in a hole, the distance between the rows must be increased to 60 cm.

Peppers are planted at the end of May or the first ten days of June. The soil should warm up to +15 °C. For better rooting pepper, it is planted on cool days or in the evening.

pepper plant carefully removed and is planted in a prepared, well-watered hole to such a depth that the top layer of soil reaches the neck of the stem. Very shallow planting will lead to the death of the upper roots or their overheating on hot days, and too deep planting threatens the death of the plant.

Peppers should not be planted in a place where nightshades such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant or peppers previously grew. It is better to plant it in place of onions, cucumbers or cabbage.

Pepper care

The first few days after planting, the pepper looks slightly lethargic, and its growth slows down. But after rooting and acclimatization, the plant forms a powerful stem. At the same time, it needs regular care, which consists of timely watering and weeding the soil around the stem.

Throughout the entire development period, pepper needs regular feeding. At different periods of development, separate methods are used.

Feeding flowering peppers. Place in a large container with water various plants. Young nettle, plantain, woodlice, and dandelion leaves work well. Then add 5–7 kg of mullein, mix well and infuse for 10 days in the shade. The finished infusion is applied under the pepper root in an amount of 1 liter per plant. Feeding can be repeated after 10 days.

Feeding pepper during fruit formation. Fresh chicken manure is added to a container with water in a ratio of 1:10 and 0.5 kg of nitroamophos fertilizer is added. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 10 days. Nutrient mixture Apply at the root of the plant in an amount of 1 liter.

In 2 weeks pepper is fertilized in this way: add 1 part mullein, half a part of fresh chicken droppings and 250 grams of urea to a large container of water (for 10 buckets of water). All ingredients are mixed well and the amount of water is brought to the top edge of the container. After 10 days of tincture, the fertilizer is ready. It is mixed and the bed is watered in the amount of 6 liters per square meter. soil.

Feeding should not be done on dry soil. The soil under the root of the plant should be well moistened. Pepper is very sensitive to soil drying out, so it constantly needs watering.

Signs of mineral deficiency

After the pepper stem reaches a height of 25–30 cm, it the top is pinched. This promotes the development of side shoots. Of these, the first few are left, and the rest are removed.

Remove the central flower, stimulating more abundant flowering and fruit set.

Throughout the entire period, the stem is cleared of excess leaves and shoots. This ensures the crown is ventilated and warmed by the sun's rays.

The stem and leaves of the pepper are very fragile and when planting, you need to install stakes to tie the stem.

Pepper does not tolerate well sweltering heat, you need to think in advance about how to shade the beds. It pollinates well, so different varieties need to be fenced off with tall plants. It is impossible to plant bitter peppers next to bell peppers, since the first one will have bitter fruits after cross-pollination.

Ripe fruits are cut out immediately, this helps further process fruit formation and ripening.

Pepper diseases and methods of control

Blackleg is a soil disease. The first signs appear immediately after germination. Plants can get sick both in a greenhouse and in a box on the windowsill. The stem at the root collar, near the ground itself, darkens, a kind of bend appears, perhaps the appearance of a gray coating. In the final stage, the disease affects the root, the plant falls and withers. Promotes the development of blackleg excessive soil moisture.

To prevent the development of the disease, the following conditions must be observed:

  • To plant pepper seeds, use only treated commercial substrate.
  • Treatment of the greenhouse with a solution of bleach at the rate of 0.2 kg of lime per 10 liters of water.
  • Do not plant weak and lethargic specimens.
  • Do not plant plants close to each other. Dense planting of plants will lead to poor ventilation of the crown. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged.
  • Sharp temperature fluctuations can contribute to the awakening of the disease.

Late blight. Fungal disease to which everyone is exposed upper parts of the stem, including fruits. The first signs of the disease are the appearance brown spots on the stem or leaves, which has a pale border green. In hot weather, the stain dries out, but when the temperature drops and rainy weather the affected plant begins to rot.

Foggy weather and morning dew are especially favorable for the development of late blight.

  • Before sowing, seeds are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
  • When the temperature drops, cover the bushes with film at night to prevent dew from appearing on the stems.
  • Spray the plant with garlic tincture, for the preparation of which garlic leaves (150 g) are poured into 10 liters warm water and keep it for 24 hours.
  • Adult plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1% solution).
  • Avoid adjacent pepper beds to potato or tomato beds.

White rot. Another type of fungal infection of pepper that develops in the root zone. When a stem is damaged, its lower part covered with a white coating. At this time inner part the stem is affected by hard black formations. At the last stage of development, the formation grows, blocking the movement of water and nutrients inside the stem, the new formation becomes soft. Then the elasticity of the stem is lost, it falls and dries out.

Young pepper plants are most susceptible to this disease immediately after planting in the ground.

Ways to prevent the disease:

  • Plant pepper seedlings in well-warmed soil, as the disease progresses more in cold weather.
  • Avoid excessive soil moisture after planting.
  • Timely ridding of the pepper bush from the density of the crown and dying leaves.
  • When the first signs of the disease appear, treat the affected areas with crushed chalk or wood ash.
  • Do not use cold water to water plants.

Growing peppers requires time and a lot of work, but a good harvest will bring satisfaction and material benefits. Self-grown vegetables will significantly expand the family’s diet and replenish the body with vitamins.

To get a good harvest, gardeners need to take into account all the intricacies of growing various crops. For example, planting pepper seedlings in open ground requires special preparation. Aftercare is also important.

Landing place

The first thing you need to take care of is the soil. It is important to plant seedlings in suitable place. It should be sheltered from the wind and sufficiently sunny. The plot will not be suitable if sweet peppers, potatoes, eggplants or tomatoes were grown on it last year. Preference should be given to those corners where herbs, pumpkins, cabbage, and cucumbers grew.

It is better to determine where pepper will grow in the future in advance. A year before planting, it is recommended to enrich the soil with organic fertilizers, and autumn period- potassium and phosphorus for digging. In the spring, it is advisable to add ammonium nitrate to the top layer of soil. And a week before planting, the soil must be disinfected. To do this, make a solution: a large spoon of copper sulfate in a bucket of water.

When and how to plant seedlings?

IN middle lane Planting in open ground is usually carried out towards the end of May, when the risk of frost is minimal. The air temperature should be at least 15 degrees. If you plant bell peppers too early, the likelihood of disease will increase. Planting dates for greenhouses are usually May 1-15, for open ground - May 15-31. Care must be correct even after this.

Plants should be planted correctly, maintaining distance. For short varieties, 30-40 cm between holes is enough, for tall varieties it should be more - 60 cm. The beds should be 60 cm from each other. There is one trick: it is not recommended to plant different varieties next to each other. They tend to cross-pollinate; sweet peppers lose their qualities next to bitter ones.

The planting depth is easy to determine: it should be slightly larger than the container in which the seedlings grew. It is best to plant them in the evening so that they have time to gain strength overnight. On cloudy days you can do this earlier.


To really please the harvest, it makes sense to plant peppers, adhering to all the recommendations.

  • Some time before transplanting, the seedlings need to be watered thoroughly. Withered plants take root less well in a new place. You can also treat them with a pest repellent, this treatment will help protect the peppers. You need to carefully remove the sprouts from the containers so as not to damage the earthen ball.
  • Before planting, the hole must be thoroughly filled with water, preferably heated in the sun. When it is absorbed, you should lower the plant into the hole and, holding it with your hand, water it again. It is recommended to pour water onto the walls of the hole: this will prevent damage to the roots. The seedling should not be planted deeply, as this can lead to the appearance of a “black leg”.
  • Then you need to fill the hole, compact the soil a little and mulch with peat.
  • When the seedling grows up, it may become necessary. It makes sense to install a low peg in advance for this purpose.
  • When planting is completed, it is advisable to cover the plants with film. It can be removed after they get stronger and the weather is stable and warm.

Watering and loosening

Even after planting seedlings bell pepper ends, the plant will need care. The timing and quality of the fruit depends on this. One of the most important tasks is timely watering. On cool days it is done every 2-3 days, in hot and dry weather - daily. Each seedling should require about a liter of water. After a week, the pepper should be checked, the sprouts that have not taken root should be removed and replaced with spare ones. After this, watering is done in small portions.

Excessive watering will not benefit the plant. It’s worth focusing on its condition: when it gets dark, it doesn’t have enough water. It is not recommended to allow the leaves to wilt. The exception is that they may seem lethargic on the hottest days.

In order for pollination to occur successfully, care should be taken to attract insects. To do this, you can dissolve in a liter hot water 100 g sugar and 2 g boric acid and spray the plants with the resulting mixture.

It is also worth remembering that bell peppers love loose soil. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that a soil crust does not form; maintenance should include loosening. But in the first days after transplantation it is not worth carrying out. At this time, the root system is strengthened and the pepper grows at a slow pace. We must not allow injury to a plant that is taking root in a new place.

The timing of the first loosening is 10-14 days after the transplant was made. It should be shallow, because the roots of the bell pepper are located close to the surface. Then the procedure must be repeated after each rain or watering, when the ground dries out a little.

Feeding, pruning, pest protection

Fertilizing helps improve the harvest. The first time it is done two weeks after planting. Bird droppings are also used for this along with. When fruits begin to actively form, the need for nutrients rises. The plant needs to be fed again, be it bell pepper or another variety. Next time, fertilizing is needed at the beginning of fruiting.

Care includes pinching, that is, pruning side shoots. Be sure to perform removal on hot, humid days. But if the weather is hot and dry, then there is no need to carry out the procedure - a large number of leaves will help retain moisture in the soil.

During the growing season, care must be taken to shorten shoots that are too long and remove all shoots growing below the main fork. It is advisable to prune at least once every 10 days. It is also worth removing the flower that is on the first fork. This contributes better harvest. It is advisable to carry out all maintenance, which includes loosening, fertilizing and pruning, at the same time.

It makes sense to tie up tall ones. This is done after hilling and mulching with rotted straw.

Care also includes protection from pests. An hour before you start planting the seedlings, the hole must be filled with water. After planting is completed, the plants are sprayed with a sprayer. It is recommended to pollinate peppers with wood ash three times during the summer. This procedure is carried out according to dew. If aphids appear, you need to mix 1.5 liters of whey in a bucket of water and treat the sprouts with the resulting solution.

Growing sweets is not as difficult a task as it might seem. But it is important to correctly follow the basic recommendations and replant the seedlings on time, since this plant requires some attention.

Even if planting in open ground was successful, care must continue. Regular watering and fertilizing will make it possible to get a really good harvest.

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